• Published 7th May 2023
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Rosa - awf

A young pony born on Earth goes on an adventure to learn about her origins.

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Chapter 77: Tragedy and Hope

A few - too few! - hours later, Rosa woke up groggy and starving. On the next cot she could hear Sky Light snoring softly. She had been essentially passed out when Rosa had come back after her talk with Luna. The smell hadn't been too bad, but the couple had used one of Sky's blankets to clean up and it was now crumpled in the corner. The pegasus would have to take that to the laundry herself, because Rosa was certainly not touching it. Other than that, there was almost no mess to speak of. Maybe that was because Captain Zephyr had been in a hurry.

Rosa twisted to her back and stretched out all four legs in the air, making her own blanket slip aside. It wasn't too chilly in the tent and the cool air felt good, serving to wake her up and get her circulation going. The movement made her yawn and arch her back, before flopping back down. Then she rolled over and off her cot, shaking her head in a vain attempt to untangle it at least a little. Caramel had given her a brush, but Rosa was starting to see the appeal of those military-style short manes.

She paused for a few more seconds to stretch out her neck and turn her head this way and that, before stepping over to Sky Light and giving her a prod with her muzzle. "Morning!"

Her snoring stopped and the mare opened one eye. "Already?" she asked, then immediately yawned.

It was contagious and Rosa joined in before she could stop herself. "Y-Y- aaah."

The pegasus mare blinked a few times, then gave Rosa a sad little smile. "I hope Zephyr's mission is going well," she said.

"Really?" Rosa exclaimed. "First thought when you wake up is about him?"

"No," Sky countered, "my first thought was: 'Damn, is it morning already?' My second thought was about Zephyr."

Rosa rolled her eyes a little bit, but she was not angry. It was actually cute. "Oh. Well, that's okay then." Giving her another nudge with her nose, Rosa stomped her hooves a little. "Come on. Breakfast."

Sky started moving! The mare stretched out, almost exactly like Rosa had done, except Sky Light added her wings to the routine. Then she yawned again and rolled over. "Okay, fine, fine. I'm coming. There's coffee, right?"

Rosa remembered seeing a bag in the kitchen, but she didn't think she'd seen anyone drink it. "Dunno. I'll ask, just for you, 'kay?" she offered.

It enticed the mare enough to stand up and Rosa immediately grimaced at the state of that pony. Her mane- Rosa decided not to think about it. Then her tail- well, best not to mention it either. Her wings looked like they'd been through a paper shredder. Her fur, in places where it was not sticky, looked somehow tangled and Rosa didn't even know how that was possible. Then there was her face. Now that Rosa looked closely, it seemed as if she had blown her nose in a handkerchief and then wiped it on her muzzle.

Sky Light noticed her staring and blushed. "Yeah, um, Zephyr is... enthusiastic when it comes to kissing."

Except that Rosa was not sure it was saliva, but she wasn't about bring it up, ever. "Shower. Right now!"

The pegasus lowered her ears and looked down at her hooves. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll meet you in the kitchen?"

"I'll try and get a coffee going."

"Thanks, Rosa. You're a lifesaver."

Sky wisely didn't try to give her a hug as Rosa stepped aside and then followed her out of the tent. There weren't too many ponies around, but she still quickened her step.

That mare...

Not to mention: That stallion...

Now that the initial shock had passed, they felt appropriate together. Granted, Rosa didn't know Zephyr that well, but she did know Sky Light and the mare could use some of his discipline. For his part, Rosa guessed Zephyr liked a bit of snark every now and then. She'd heard him laughing at Sky's sarcastic jokes often enough. They also seemed to be enjoying each other... physically. In fact, Rosa was almost a little jealous, even though she tried to bury that thought when it came up.

There was a strange little tingle in her body when she thought about - finally - getting a nice colt like Paolo into her bed. Rosa was really getting curious about what that actually felt like. She knew it was supposed to be extremely pleasurable and if her urgent experiments that time she had gotten into heat were any indication, the real thing would probably blow her mind. Soon, she hoped. First she had to get herself to Equestria, and then she'd have a chance to really live her life.

Shame about Paolo.

On a whim, as Rosa walked to the mess tent, she decided to bring the topic up with Princess Luna. Maybe she'd be able, somehow, to get the colt out of the School and with them to Equestria. He probably wouldn't resist, especially if Rosa swayed her hips a little at him.

She suddenly noticed that her tail was hitching up and forced it modestly back down. No need to become as loose as Sky Light used to be. Rosa could keep her tail under control for a while longer. It was still a good thing there weren't many ponies around who could see her blush, though.

It was already late morning by the time they got out of the mess tent. The delay came from Rosa once again volunteering to help with the dishes and Sky Light insisting she tagged along. The mare had been more of a nuisance than help, but Rosa liked seeing her this engaged and helpful, so she'd let her 'assist'. At least Sky hadn't broken anything, but that was mostly because the dishes were made of metal, rather than porcelain. Otherwise they'd have a larger mess on their hooves. Come to think of it, Rosa would pay good money to see Sky Light trying to do these common household tasks when - if - she really settled down with Zephyr Gale.

"Those damn things are impossible to hold," the klutzy pegasus was complaining as they finally walked outside and into the bustle of the pony camp.

"It's not that bad," Rosa countered. "It just takes practice."

"Hah," was all her friend deigned to comment before changing the subject: "So, what's next?"

Rosa liked having her friend back, even if it was only during Captain Zephyr's mission. Sometimes she missed those easygoing mornings on the street with Sky, when she had led them around the town she knew so well. Just the pair of them against the world. It had truly been a simpler time.

Hopefully they could get something like that back, once they were in Equestria. A simple life, preferably working on a garden somewhere and selling her produce. Almond had told Rosa about how some pony towns had an outdoor market area, where anyone could set up a stall and sell their produce. It... didn't sound half bad, actually.

Right at the moment, however, Sky Light was looking at her quizzically.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about... something," Rosa explained.

Sky was still expecting a proper answer, so Rosa scrambled to think up something interesting. "Well, we could go see Doctor Marley and chat for a bit."

The pegasus didn't seem enthused by the idea. She was not a huge fan of doctors and possibly hated them even more after the facility.

Which reminded Rosa: "Oh, by the way, did they give you any kind of check-up back in that place?"

The answer was 'yes', she could see that immediately from the way Sky lowered her ears, but Rosa still politely waited for her to reply. "If you can call it a checkup..." she said miserably.

"Oh no! What happened?!"

The mare heaved a sigh and slumped a little. "A bunch of stupid tests. Poking me with needles every day, some crazy thing with wires where I had to run on a treadmill, just a whole lot of nonsense human shit, really."

What Sky was describing didn't seem any worse than the tests Rosa had had to go through herself, but she elected not to say that out loud. "I'm sorry. Was it very painful?"

At least Sky Light shook her head. "Not painful, just stupid and pointless."

Rosa didn't really have an answer for that, so she discarded the idea to visit the doctor and looked for something else. "Anyway, we could go and look in on Luna, make sure she's doing okay, you know?"

This perked the pegasus up. Rosa could tell she was just as shocked as her to find out that alicorns were real, but she hadn't had many chances to speak with either Princess. Not the way she was always wrapped up in Zephyr's wings, at least.

"Hmm, actually I have some things to ask her..." Sky Light said tentatively. Her tone of voice suggested that she'd like to go, but for some reason wanted Rosa to convince her some more. It made Rosa roll her eyes.

"Well, let's just drop in for a quick chat. I mean, if she's busy, we'll just say hello and leave, right?"

The pegasus nodded. "Yeah, we don't wanna impose."

Rosa turned toward what she'd gotten to calling 'the command tent', and led her friend there. Hopefully Cadence wouldn't be in. It was not all that far and they were soon standing in front of that flap again, debating internally how to knock. This time Sky Light took matters into her own hooves and just pushed inside. Walking right on her heels, Rosa paused for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the gloom. A familiar voice sounded: "Oh, if it isn't the polite Miss Rosa!"

It was the crystal pony, Mystic Comet, and Rosa gave him a bright smile. "Hello! Um, are Princesses Luna and Cadence in?"

The stallion shook his head. "Princess Cadence is at a strategy meeting with her commanders. Princess Luna is in - you can just enter if you'd like."

It was good news and Rosa's smile widened. "Thank you, Mr. Comet!"

This time she took the lead and walked to the 'door' in the fabric partition. Guessing that Luna must have heard her discussion with the bookkeeper pony, Rosa nudged the cloth aside with her head and looked in. The alicorn in question was lying on her belly on a foldable, iron camp bed. There was a book floating in the air, but the Princess wasn't looking at it.

"Oh. Hello. Is there something I might help you with?" she asked, taking in Rosa and the pegasus right behind her.

Rosa entered fully and held the flap open for Sky Light, who seemed just a tiny bit reluctant. It was probably nerves, since she hadn't spoken with Luna all that much yet, and was probably awed by the sight of that pointy horn.

"No, nothing important, Princess," Rosa replied once they both inside. "We just wanted to come over and talk. Um, is this a bad time? We don't wanna be a nuisance..."

Luna's mouth twitched into a half-smile, before she lowered the book and extended a wing to point at a couple of stools. "Please, sit. Would you like some tea?"

Rosa shook her head and saw Sky Light doing the same. They'd both just come from the mess tent, where they'd had their fill.

That settled, the princess waited for her guests to get comfortable, before asking: "So, is there anything in particular you wished to talk about?"

Now Rosa glanced pointedly at Sky Light, who blushed a little, but kept eye contact with Luna. "A-Actually," the mare said, "I was wondering what would happen to me if- well, if I decided to immigrate."

Rosa's heart swelled at the news, but she managed to keep her expression neutral.

Only a slight pursing of her lips betrayed any kind of surprise at the question as Luna gave the matter some thought. She asked: "I don't think I understand the question - what do you fear might happen to you?"

Sky Light shrugged a little. "I mean, is there some immigration process? Paperwork? I heard when people immigrate to the U.S., they have to pass tests for language and history. I don't know anything about Equestria..."

"Oh, nothing like that, don't worry. There is - as they say - a 'crash course' in Equestrian history and culture, as well as several seminars on Equestria's finance, etiquette, citizenship. Those are all strictly voluntary, of course."

"Oh, that sounds useful!" Rosa added, already wishing to attend them all.

"Does that answer your question?" Luna went on, still looking at Sky Light.

The mare nodded a little, but then stopped. "Well, yeah, kinda. How about jobs? I'm not sure I could do stuff like weather patrol - things like that."

Rather than answering immediately, Luna stood up and walked over to the pegasus, who suddenly looked apprehensive. The princess brought her muzzle very close, then spoke softly: "Only if that is what you wish, Sky Light. For as long as you wish. Else, a stipend will be offered from the Royal Coffers. Equestria will take care of its own."

For some reason, that statement filled Rosa's eyes with tears of pride. She felt obliged to jump in: "I'd like to work with plants. It's my cutie mark and I haven't gotten a chance to, not really. Could I get a job like that somewhere?"

Luna laughed, a very melodic sound, Rosa couldn't help but notice. "I shall personally recommend you to the Canterlot Castle gardening staff."

The promise made Rosa shiver in delight and she couldn't keep her hooves still. Even Sky Light smiled at her eager anticipation. So that was it - Rosa guessed they'd now both decided to go. It was a huge relief, but she also found an unexpected pang of sadness. She'd never get to see her friends again. Bluegrass and Pepper and Velvet. Yes, even Butch, after a fashion. Terry, though Rosa was still a bit intimidated by the quiet man. Mario at the coffee shop. Pavo Basilius and his family. Rosa thought she'd miss them most of all, but then her thoughts slid back to the School. Her roommates, Iskra, sweet Felicity, Valentina and Amethyst.


Maybe, like Luna had said, there would be some kind of peace and she could visit them all, or they her. Maybe, in time, they would be able to join her in Equestria. Rosa opened her mouth to ask the alicorn, but Luna had spotted her expression and flashed her a very reassuring smile, so Rosa opted to keep her concerns to herself for the moment. Sky Light had had enough trouble deciding already, there was no point in piling more uncertainty on top of that.

The Princess was about to explain more, but there was a thump from the other section of the tent and then scurrying hooves. A disheveled, wild-eyed pony almost crashed through the door flap. "Princess L-Luna!" he gasped, somewhat out of breath. "You have to come quick! There's- they've- it's all gone wrong!"

The poor stallion was near tears and Rosa's stomach instantly clenched up into a cold, small ball of terror. She looked at Sky Light and saw that she was just as scared. There was only one thing he could be talking about - Zephyr's mission.

Luna didn't waste time by asking questions. "Show me!" she commanded and the pony gave a nod before running away.

The Princess was gone a moment later, then Sky Light said: "Zephyr! Please let him be alright!" and rushed out after the alicorn.

What else could Rosa do? She jumped from her chair and followed them, trying not to imagine all the horrible things that might have happened to the strange, night time mission.

Even while she was running after Luna and Sky Light, Rosa saw that the ponies in the camp were worried. More than one looked to be near tears and quite a number were very angry. Rosa's belly clenched up tighter with each step, but she pushed forward despite it.

Suddenly they were there. At first all Rosa could see was the blood, dark stains of it against the green of the uniforms. Snow Dove had a particularly vibrant smear of it across her muzzle. There was Dr. Marley, furiously bandaging a pony on the ground while Karsten was holding - Rosa gasped - Almond's leg against a piece of wood.

"Get that splinted!" the doctor was shouting. "Who else is hurt?!"

Sky Light had stopped just at the edge of the spectating crowd but Princess Luna strode purposefully forward. "What happened?!" the alicorn demanded, her voice clear and carrying enough to hush the worried ponies around them.

One of the soldiers stepped forward. "A-Ambush, Princess! It was like they knew when we were coming. They shot at us! They got..."

He couldn't continue and lowered his gaze to the ground, but he didn't have to say any more. Luna was already taking charge. "You!" the princess pointed at random. "Fetch Princess Cadence. You and you, whoever isn't wounded, get them out of here! The rest of you get some stretchers so we can move the injured to the medic tent!"

It was a huge relief and Rosa saw it echoed in the faces around her as ponies moved with new purpose. The ones Luna had pointed out rushed off on their tasks and several others joined the ring around the scene and started pushing the crowd away.

Rosa and Sky Light were being jostled, but they stood their ground, going shoulder to shoulder with the earth pony trying to push them. "Wait!" Sky Light was shouting, "Zephyr is in there! Is he okay? ZEPHYR!"

Luckily the shout caught Luna's attention and Rosa waved frantically when the princess turned her head. "Let them through," she said to the crowd control ponies and they stepped aside to let Rosa and the pegasus pass.

"What hap-happened?!" Rosa gasped out, still unable to take her eyes off Snow Dove and her bloody uniform. The mare came over and threw both hooves and wings around Rosa. "I'm so sorry, Rosa, it happened so fast! There wasn't anything we could do!" She was openly sobbing now and Rosa returned the hug. "It was all I could do to grab the Captain and drag him away, and then we were running back..."

Rosa opened her mouth to ask, trembling all over, but Sky Light's anguished wail answered her question. Neither of them had spotted the shrouded forms on the ground until now. One of the soldiers had pulled the cloth away for Luna to see. Before any of them could react, Sky Light was lying across the unmoving form of the Captain.

"Please no no no, please!" she begged no one in particular. "Zephyr, wake up! Please wake up!"

She was starting to shake the dead stallion and Rosa freed herself from the sobbing Snow Dove. Her friend needed her more.

Both her and Luna reached Sky at about the same time, but Rosa was slightly faster and threw her hooves around the pegasus. "I'm so s-sorry!" Rosa mumbled, knowing that whatever she said wouldn't be enough.

"Why him?!" Sky Light wailed and let her dead lover fall back. Instead, she clutched at Rosa with blood-drenched hooves. Her muzzle pressed against Rosa's barrel and all she could do was just hold the weeping pony in place. She seemed inconsolable, but Rosa didn't blame her. "I knew something would go wrong! I knew it!" Sky Light was saying and Rosa patted her back as gently as she could. "Why him..." the mare demanded, "why did he have to die?!"

Rosa didn't have an answer and neither did Luna. The alicorn was looking at the pair with a sadness Rosa hadn't seen in her eyes before. She laid a wing over Sky's back, but didn't speak.

There was a fresh commotion behind them, but Rosa didn't look. She recognized Cadence's voice, demanding to know what had happened. The pink alicorn wasn't someone Rosa wanted to meet right then, so she was glad that Luna removed her wing and faced the other Princess herself.

"See now what you have wrought?" Luna asked quietly.

Cadence looked at the bodies, then at Sky, who was now wailing wordlessly into Rosa's fur. Rosa kept her gaze steady as her eyes met Cadence's, but the Princess didn't even flinch. Instead, she looked at Luna. "We are at war, Luna. There are sometimes casualties-"

The hoof slap caught Cadence completely by surprise and she lifted up a leg to ward off another blow. It didn't come, despite how furious Luna looked. "This is madness! You're mad!" the princess hissed. "I will not have you disrespect the fallen!"

Ignoring her, Cadence simply walked around the older Princess and sat on her haunches next to Rosa and Sky. She seemed remorseful, so Rosa guessed that was something.

"Listen, Sky Light - I'm sorry it happened this way. You must believe me that I don't want my ponies to die."

Sky finally peeled her muzzle away from Rosa's chest fluff and glared at the alicorn. She struggled to free herself and Rosa let the pegasus go.

"You bitch!" Sky Light said in a broken voice, making some of the ponies around gasp softly. "You sent them out there to die! It's your fault!"

The mare would have kicked the Princess, but Rosa had enough presence of mind to grab her again and restrain her. "No, don't Sky. She's not worth it..."

For a moment Princess Cadence had a crazed look in her eyes and those who saw it shrank back in fear. Rosa didn't know what Cadence was going to do, but she felt it was going to be bad. She opened her mouth to warn Luna, but Cadence's light-blue magic wrapped around Sky Light before Rosa could speak.

"No, wait! She didn't mean-"

Luna took a step forward, but Cadence put her wing in the way. "I'll help," the pink Princess said in a happy, cheerful, almost manic tone, which made Luna hesitate in confusion.

Her horn blazed brighter and the pool of light around Sky Light intensified. It felt like a solid force when Rosa tried to reach her hoof to the surprised pegasus.

"Stop!" Luna pushed past Cadence's wing and stepped in front of the crazy Princess. "Quit it, Cadence. Not even your power can ease this wound! Let her go."

Cadence grinned triumphantly, but she was concentrating hard and didn't answer at first. It only took a few more seconds, then the magic winked out and Rosa rushed forward to grasp Sky Light once more.

The pegasus seemed stunned. "What did you do to me?!" she demanded.

"Luna is right," Cadence answered, her tone once again kind and gentle. "I cannot bring back the dead, nor can I ease the pain they leave behind. My power lies in Love and you loved Zephyr very much."

Sky Light managed a weak nod. Rosa could see she was forcing herself not to look at the Captain, or she would go to pieces all over again.

"You have lain with him not that long ago. I can't bring him back," Cadence went on, "but I can give you something of his..."

"Oh no," Luna whispered, going visibly pale.

Rosa clutched Sky Light closer against herself.

"What?!" the pegasus asked in a trembling whisper.

"I brought your heat on early - it was only a few months away. Then I helped you conceive. It is within my domain, Sky Light. In eleven months you will have Zephyr Gale's daughter."

"WHAT?!" the pegasus shouted and grabbed her belly with her hooves.

Rosa was suddenly horrified by that pink and purple maniac and wanted nothing more to do with her.

"This is insanity, Cadence," Luna said, advancing on the other Princess. "You've gone completely mad!"

"Take it back! Take it back!" Sky begged. "I can't- not like this! I can't!"

Cadence shook her head. "I'm sorry, Sky Light, but life, once begun, is sacred in Equestria. I've ensured the pregnancy will go well and after you've grieved, you will be glad to have at least some part of Zephyr Gale with you."

"That's sick! You're a monster!" Rosa snapped, pointing an accusing hoof.

Luna nodded at Rosa's words, even though kept her glare unwavering on the other Princess. "Rosa is right, Cadence. You've gone beyond reason. I hereby relieve you of command and-"

"Oh no you won't!" the other alicorn shouted and her horn lit up to defend herself.

Luckily Luna was faster. There was a - Rosa could only call it a 'flash' - of darkness. For a moment everything went pitch black, like the dead of night. When light returned to the world, Cadence was on the ground, but they could see that her chest was still moving.

"She will sleep for thirty-six hours," Luna proclaimed calmly. She turned to some of the soldiers, who were looking at the scene with deep unease. "Begin packing up the camp. We return to Equestria today."

Then the Princess pointed out a couple of stallions. "Take Princess Cadence to her tent and place her on a bed. When we're back in Canterlot I will put her before my Sister. Celestia will decide what to do with her."

The orders were given and the ponies went scurrying about their tasks. Luna came to Rosa and Sky Light, who had started sobbing once more.

"I can't be pregnant! I won't be," the mare was saying. "Not again! I'll just fuck it up again! Oh God, Zephyr is dead!"

It seemed too much misery for one pony to hold, and there was not a whole lot Rosa could do except hug her and stroke her back.

Luna sat beside them and sighed. Her ears were lowered. "I'm sorry about this, the both of you. You will be made welcome in Canterlot, I promise. If there's anything else I may do..." Another sigh. "Please ask."

"T-Thank you, P-Princess. I know it wasn't your fault," Rosa told Luna.

"Except it was," the princess said. "I saw that Cadence was unstable. I didn't agree with this mission of hers. I should have relieved her of command right there and then, and taken us all back, but I didn't. For that I'm sorry."

Sky Light was still weeping into Rosa's fur. Rosa didn't know what else to do, but then she got an idea. It had always helped her when she was feeling sad. This was on an entirely different level, of course, but she was willing to try anything at this point.

Softly, hesitantly, Rosa started humming her tune right in Sky Light's ear. Maybe it would remind her of a happier time, back in the city.

She soon finished what little of the melody Rosa knew and started over, when Luna spoke up. "Where did you learn that song, Rosa?"

"I don't know," Rosa told her, "I've just always known it."

The Princess had an intent look on her muzzle. "I have heard that song before. Only a few ponies ever sang it and I knew the mare who first came up with it."


Despite the tragedy, Rosa was intensely curious. That melody had been with her for as long as she could remember, through times both sad and happy. Maybe she'd find out where it had came from.

For a brief moment Luna was undecided and her gaze landed on the sobbing mare Rosa was holding. Her expression softened and her ears splayed, but then Luna shook her head and regained her determination. "I'm sorry to speak of these things at a time like this, but if we are to leave soon, there is little time." Luna closed her eyes for a few moments and took a deep breath before continuing: "Yes, I should have seen it earlier. You have her eyes, Rosa. You have kind eyes." Luna was smiling, but it was bittersweet. Like remembering something nice, tainted by something bad.

Rosa opened her mouth to ask, but Luna went on talking before Rosa could say anything: "You probably have never heard of the Elements of Harmony, correct? There are six ponies with wondrous magic. Five of them live in Equestria, but one was lost on Earth."

Luna looked over at Cadence, who was being loaded on a stretcher by a couple of earth ponies. "In fact, part of the reason we were here was to look for her. I believe she is- or was your mother."

Rosa's heart jumped up into her throat and she hugged Sky Light more tightly against her barrel. "M-M-My m-mother?!"

"Have you ever met your mother?" Luna asked.

Rosa shook her head.

"Do you know if she lives?"

"I think she's alive! Instructor Martha said she was, once when I asked! I think she's somewhere in the School!"

The alicorn looked excited, almost eager. "If that is so, then I propose we get her out."

Rosa was too stunned to completely grasp what Luna was saying. "G-Get her out?"

The Princess leaned down to press her muzzle against Rosa's. "We will speak of it later. See to Sky Light. She will need you, now more than ever." Then the mare stood up and went to leave.

An old question rose up, burning through Rosa's mind. "Wait, Luna! W-Who is my mother?!" you ask.

The Princess turned back and gave her a smile. "Your mother's name, Rosa, is Fluttershy. She is the Element of Kindness and, I am proud to say, one of my closest friends." A bit more quietly, she went on: "Perhaps that is why I was able to reach your dreams after all the others were gone. Yes. Some of her spirit is undoubtedly in you."

The mare kept smiling at Rosa. "You have kind eyes, Rosa. Her eyes."

As her vision blurred, Rosa felt the Princess pat her on the back with a wing. "Don't worry, we will find her and free her, this I promise you." The alicorn let out a breath and repeated: "We will bring Fluttershy home."

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