• Published 7th May 2023
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Rosa - awf

A young pony born on Earth goes on an adventure to learn about her origins.

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Chapter 82: Triumphant Return

Having to leave Lillian in the office had been sad, but there was no real choice. The girl had a cup of hot cocoa, which was an amazing find by Valentina. Rosa figured Lillian probably wouldn't get too bored while she waited for the police. They had called 911 and simply told them that Lillian Boone was at the Pony School and to come quick. The lady on the other end of the line had promised that cop cars and an ambulance would be there in five minutes. That meant the mares only had time for a very quick hug and goodbye with the girl, before filing down the hall to the basement.

As they had promised, Luna and Fluttershy were waiting for them next to the weird, dark hole in space that was the Bore. As usual, Rosa couldn't see through it, but she had done this a few times and knew she would just walk through it without feeling anything.

Fluttershy rushed forward to hug her as soon as Rosa entered the room, while her other friends milled about, some watching the scene with a sweet little smiles, others staring at the Bore in apprehension.

"It is perfectly safe," Luna assured them, having noticed their unease.

"Yeah, I've been through several times, there's really nothing to it," Rosa confirmed, even though her voice was a little bit muffled by pegasus fluff.

The Princess focused her gaze on Rosa. "You have succeeded? The girl will go home?"

"Yes, the police are on their way. We should go."

Reminding them made her roommates move. It helped that Starlight Glimmer led them through the Bore by example. When they saw the unicorn just walk through, the rest of the group followed without hesitation. Everyone except Paolo. He stopped next to Rosa and watched her mother with curiosity.

"Um, h-hi!" he squeaked when she looked at him. "Nice to m-meet you!"

Fluttershy released Rosa from the hug and gave the colt a friendly smile. "Hello! What's your name? I'm Fluttershy."


"Oh, that's a beautiful name! Just like the city in- um, S-South America?" Fluttershy guessed, but she didn't sound too certain.

A faint glimmer of memory from Mrs. Isaac's Geography class stirred in Rosa's mind. "It's in Brazil, I think."

Weird how she had never connected 'Paolo' with 'Sao Paulo'. Maybe whichever human had decided the colt's name was a fan, or had recently come back from a foreign vacation, or maybe even originally came from around there.

In any case, all this talk was making Paolo blush a little, which Rosa found very cute, and went to give him a quick nuzzle. "I also think it's a nice name," she whispered to him.

"I think we should go now," Fluttershy said, seeing Luna's impatient, worried expression. Rosa noticed it too and agreed.

Her mother took the lead and Rosa walked right behind her, with the colt by her side. Every other step her flank brushed against Paolo's, but Rosa didn't mind in the slightest. It was so good to know he was there.

Fluttershy didn't hesitate at the Bore and Rosa didn't stop either. Paolo faltered for a moment, but Rosa smiled at him encouragingly as she vanished through, and he hurried to follow.

They emerged into the resistance camp, but it had been completely transformed. All the tents were gone and the place looked deserted. There were a few guards standing around, and Rosa could see some of the humans attached to the camp who had opted to follow them into Equestria. A few, Rosa knew, had chosen to stay on Earth and Luna had sent them where they wanted to go. She couldn't spot the griffin and assumed he must be out on some kind of patrol, or on guard.

Most of the camp's populace, especially the supporting personnel, and all of their equipment had been sent to Equestria earlier in the day. Some structures and materials were deemed not worthwhile and remained, such as the mostly rotten floor of the shower building. Their dead had also been taken through to be buried in their home soil.

The older ponies they'd saved from the school were standing in a huddle nearby, looking around in wonder. Rosa saw a few of them whispering to one another, but none of them approached Luna when the last group came through. Even without the remnants of structures there were very clear signs everywhere that a camp had been in this place for a while, but that didn't matter. Even if the humans found it, there was nothing they could do to follow. Starlight and Luna had been very sure that Bores could only be opened by alicorns. Even if the humans had a compliant unicorn hidden away somewhere, they wouldn't be able to get to Equestria.

It took Rosa a few seconds to adjust to the darkness once she was through. There was a torch burning nearby, but it was nowhere near as bright as the room in the School's basement. She rejoined her roommates and gave out a few nuzzles, while behind them Luna emerged from the circular opening and closed it behind herself. Only then did Rosa breathe a sigh of relief.

They had made it. All of them. Most importantly, she now had her mother with her, and Paolo. If it weren't for Sky Light's tragedy, it would have been the happiest day of her life.

Speaking of which, the mare was coming over with a big, relieved smile on her muzzle. Rosa waved at her, but Sky Light just walked right up and gave her a tight hug. "I'm so relieved you made it, Rosa!" she said.

"Okay, listen everypony," Luna said in a louder voice, interrupting Rosa and Sky Light's reunion. "I will rest for a minute, then I am opening a Bore to Equestria. That will take about ten minutes. We're leaving Earth."

There was a cheer, mostly from the guard ponies, but Starlight joined in, and after a moment so did Paolo.

A Bore needed a Beacon, Rosa had learned that. Luckily, there was a permanent Beacon installed at someplace called 'Canterlot', which Luna could use to get home at any time. She had told Rosa that before the mission. She had also said that the Beacon would be shut off once all four alicorns were back in Equestria. It made sense - the humans were clever and may yet find a way to get there, so it wouldn't be a good idea to help them when it was not necessary, however unlikely the eventuality.

"So," Rosa said, unsure what to do for the next few minutes. "I guess I should make introductions?" She waved to get her roommates' attention. "Everyone, this is Fluttershy. My m-mother..." Unfortunately Rosa was still unable to quite believe it, or say it and keep her eyes dry.

Fluttershy noticed immediately and draped a wing around her, even as Sky Light laid a reassuring hoof on Rosa's leg.

"H-Hi! Nice to meet you!" Iskra replied. Following her example, the other girls said something similar.

"I think I know all of you," Fluttershy explained. "Martha showed me some pictures when she told me about Morning Dew. Um..." The pegasus scrunched her muzzle up in thought, then ventured: "Iskra, right? And um, Felicity, and Valentina and Amethyst? Maribelle was the one who got her cutie mark." After a short pause, she added: "Oh, and Paolo, of course." Fluttershy looked down and her ears splayed out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you out."

The ponies seemed a bit stunned, but all Rosa could feel was pride. "I don't know you, though," her mother went on, looking at Sky Light.

"Oh, this is Sky Light. She's a friend- actually, best friend. Without her I probably wouldn't have survived on the streets."

The compliment was making the old mare blush a bit and she tried to wave it away, but Fluttershy just gripped her around the midriff. "Thank you for keeping my Morning Dew safe!"

"Wait, what?" Sky sputtered. "Morning Dew?! That's what I was calling her- well, when I remembered to. She said that's what her name means!"

Rosa chuckled a little to herself, but Fluttershy was faster to explain: "Oh, of course! That's what I named my filly and Martha was nice enough to keep it, even if she did translate it."

A thought occurred and she gaped in shock. "Iskra is also a word in Instructor Martha's language! Did she name her, too?"

Fluttershy looked a bit sad, but nodded. "Yes, but that wasn't a translation. Sorry. As far as I know, you're the only one who weren't taken away... immediately. The only one with a... pony name."

Her ears went flat and Rosa's shoulders sagged a little. For a moment she had hoped that Iskra was perhaps her half-sister, or at least the daughter of one of the other mares from the School. Well, she might still be, or perhaps one of her other roommates could be. That would be very nice, even if the chances were exceedingly slim. None of the older mares seemed to have recognized any of her friends.

"That's alright," Amethyst volunteered. "I kinda like my name. I don't mind that a human came up with it."

The other girls chirped their agreement and even Paolo shrugged a little. He wouldn't care whatever she called him, Rosa felt.

Speaking of the colt, Sky Light was circling him and giving him a very appraising look. "Very nice," the mare commented, prodding his rump with a hoof and making the poor guy jump in surprise. "Nice, firm flank. Well toned."

Before Paolo could scamper away, Sky expertly grabbed one of his wings and pulled it up. Paolo snapped it back with a squeak a second later, but Sky Light still smiled to herself in approval. "Good flight muscles. You really got yourself a good one, Rosa. I mean, Dew."

Both Rosa and Paolo blushed heavily and couldn't quite meet each other's eyes. Unfortunately, Sky didn't seem to notice their embarrassment. She probably wouldn't have stopped even if she did see it, thought. "Well worth waiting for, yeah! I'd have some of that myself, if I wasn't..." She sat back on her haunches and put her hooves over her belly with something between a sad sigh and a sob.

Rosa forgot her embarrassment and rushed over to grip her around the barrel. "It's okay, it's okay! I'm not leaving you. I'm sticking around until your daughter is born, okay? Probably even after that. Paolo will wait."

Sky Light blinked in confusion. "Wait? Why would he wait?"

The colt also spoke up, as if in Rosa's defense: "I don't mind waiting, Mrs- uh, Mrs. Light."

Sky shook her head. "Don't be stupid, you two can- be together. I'll be fine."

"No, Sky. I promised I'll help you through this and I will. I'll wait."

The other mare rolled her eyes and let out a very exasperated sigh. "Okay, but you guys can still see each other. You're not going to watch me twenty-four seven, are you? Because I'll hoof you in the face if you try to do that! I'm not an invalid!"

That sounded very different from the broken-down, crying Sky Light of a few hours ago, back in the tent, but Rosa didn't point it out. "I'll... see. My promise to you is the more important thing, Sky. Maybe Paolo and me can, um, date."

"'Atta girl!"

Rosa looked over to the colt and he gave her a hopeful nod. "I'd l-like that," he confirmed, but then hurriedly added: "I wouldn't mind waiting. I really like you, Rosa. I can wait."

It looked like would be a complicated relationship, especially now that Rosa had her mother back as well, but she would manage somehow. Thinking of Fluttershy made her look at what she thought about it all. She seemed happy enough, watching Rosa and Sky and Paolo, smiling.

"Uh, M-Mom?" Rosa said, the word still feeling incredibly weird. "You'll stay with us, right? I just found you, I wanna catch up."

"Aw," Fluttershy said and came to give Rosa an incredibly reassuring nuzzle. "Don't worry, I'm not letting my filly go that easily. I used to have a cottage in Ponyville, but I don't think that's still there. I guess we'll find someplace else to live."

"No need," Luna suddenly interjected. They hadn't even realized she was listening, but since she was standing only a few paces away Rosa guessed she couldn't help overhearing. Everyone looked at the Princess and she explained: "Equestria will take care of its own. The crown will provide you all places to live. I will personally ensure that you three, Sky Light and Rosa and Fluttershy, remain together."

Luna gave this some thought, then clarified: "In the same house, if at all possible. I cannot promise the same for the rest of your friends, but they, too, will not be very far, trust me."

That was one worry taken care of and it did make Rosa feel a bit more optimistic about the future. She noticed that Luna hadn't proposed to put her and Paolo in the same house, which was probably for the best. If they lived together, she might neglect her promise to Sky Light. Maybe it was best to only see him often, but not all the time. Rosa glanced at Paolo, but he hadn't caught the omission. Then she looked at the Princess, who had seen her gaze, and responded wordlessly with a slight nod and a half-smile. Luna's years and years of wisdom really showed, Rosa thought.

It was not going to be easy to integrate into a whole new culture, but with Fluttershy by her side and Sky Light to take care of and Paolo to look forward to, Rosa could handle it. She allowed herself to feel optimistic.

The mission, even though it had been touch and go for a while there, had been a success. She wished she could have gotten more ponies out - all of them, in fact - but Rosa had her roommates and her mother, which was enough for now.

"I will begin. Everypony, gather up. We're going home," Luna announced and her horn lit up. A few more minutes and they would leave Earth. Rosa was suddenly very grateful for Fluttershy's wing around her.

She emerged from the Bore into a brightly lit courtyard. After the gloomy forest it was quite a shock and Rosa had to shield her eyes. She couldn't see a lot, but it felt like there were some reflectors pointed right at the spot before the hole. The others, who had gone before Rosa, were milling about in confusion, also blinded in the sudden light. Rosa had to push Sky Light's rump out of the way to make some room so that Luna and Fluttershy could come through. Just in time, too. Had she delayed a second longer, the Princess would have trod on her.

"Ugh, what's with the light show?" Luna asked, voice tinged with slight annoyance. She had told them to expect a welcome, but apparently she hadn't meant this.


Rosa heard the cry from the side and peered in that direction. Luckily her eyes were getting adjusted to the brightness and she could make out a group of ponies. In the front was a purple unicorn, her color quite similar to Rosa, except a bit lighter. At her side another unicorn, this one white with a lovely set of purple curls. On the other side she could spot two earth ponies - a pink one with a mane that reminded Rosa strongly of cotton candy, and an orange one with a cowboy hat. That last seemed completely ludicrous. Rosa had never seen a pony with a hat before, so she couldn't help but stare for a moment.

Floating right above the group was a blue - no, cyan - pegasus. The group of five seemed to be together and the cry for Fluttershy had come from one of them. Maybe those were the Elements of Harmony Luna had told her about? Fluttershy's friends? They sure looked happy enough.

Rosa didn't have time for further speculation, because the Bore closed behind her and another voice rang out: "It makes my heart sing to have you back, Sister."

Now that was a royal voice. There was no mistaking it, even though Rosa had never met her, the impossibly tall, unbelievably beautiful white alicorn had to be Celestia.

Luna also cried out: "Sister!" and rushed forward so they could embrace. Rosa didn't pay them much attention because a pink and cyan blur nearly toppled her as the two ponies practically tackled Fluttershy. Her other friends weren't quite as fast, but Rosa still stepped aside to make room.

"It's been so long!" the lavender unicorn exclaimed as she passes Rosa.

Unicorn? Rosa did a double take when she spotted her wings, neatly folded at her sides. She was also an alicorn, Rosa just hadn't seen it until she was nearer. From up close, she could see that the new alicorn was a bit taller than her friends, but not as tall as Luna, or even Cadence.

There was no time to speculate further, because all five mares ended up in a big pile right on top of Fluttershy. For a moment Rosa was worried they'd suffocate her, but she heard her mother's relieved giggling. All six of them started talking at once. Not so much to say anything, but just to talk and make each other know they were there.

"Oh my gosh, I never thought we'd see you again..."

"What happened? You have to tell us everything!"

"... have you back, darling!"

"Spike wanted to come too, but Flurry Heart needed..."

And in the middle of all that, just the sound of Fluttershy, laughing in relief.

It was a happy reunion and Rosa just watched, when a wing draped around her back. She glanced that way and saw Sky Light, grinning.


"It's cute."


"They look like they'll be a while. Wanna go find something to eat?"

Rosa couldn't believe Sky was thinking about food at a time like this, but then her stomach reminded her that she also hadn't had anything solid since early afternoon. Looking around for someone to ask, Rosa saw that the two Princesses were whispering something to each other, apparently oblivious to the world. No help there.

Starlight Glimmer was sitting next to Fluttershy's happy reunion, muzzle split into an almost disbelieving grin at the antics of the others. They were her friends, too, Rosa remembered. Starlight had told her about them once. No doubt they'd want to welcome her back as well, as soon as they were done with Fluttershy. Around the courtyard, which was what the place looked like, there were a few solid-looking guards in beautiful, polished gold armor. A few of them were smiling faintly, but most of them were presenting a facade of stoic professionalism.

On the other side of the two sisters Rosa saw the ponies she'd rescued being led away. Iskra and Valentina were already going, but Amethyst and Felicity were looking at her uncertainly. Rosa waved at them. "Um, it looks like I'll be a while. Maybe you should go with the others? I'll find you in the morning, I promise!"

It was not a nice thing to do, especially since it had been Rosa who had talked them into coming to Equestria, but she felt they'd be safe in this place and she expected she'd have her hooves completely full with everything.

That solved one problem, but it still didn't get Sky Light any closer to a meal. Rosa was forced to admit defeat, so she turned back to the mare and let her ears fold down. "Sorry, I don't know who to ask!"

Sky was about to reply, but Celestia spoke up. "Before you all go, please allow me to welcome you back to Equestria. Those of you-" here she looked pointedly at Rosa and Sky Light, "-who have been born on Earth, I bid you welcome to our fair land."

It really did sound like she meant it. With her ruling Equestria, it should be a pretty good place to live, Rosa guessed. There was more, though.

"Please, all of you, come this way. You will be given rooms in the Castle for a few days, until something more... permanent can be found."

"Can we also get some dinner?" Sky Light asked, her voice ringing out loudly across the silent courtyard. Rosa nearly slapped her muzzle with a hoof at her unthinking rashness. She hoped Celestia wouldn't get annoyed at the clear lack of etiquette.

On the contrary, it seemed the Princess found the question amusing. "Oh, where are my manners," she asked rhetorically, then looked around for someone. "Captain, please go down to the kitchens and have something simple delivered to our guests' rooms. Some of the staff should still be there. Tell them it is a personal request of mine."

One of the armored pegasi rushed off and Celestia looked back at Sky Light. "If there's anything else," the Princess offered, "please just ask. You are guests here, and you will be afforded every courtesy."

Rosa didn't see if Sky Light had any other requests, because in that moment Fluttershy took her foreleg and turned Rosa around. She was smiling and all of her friends were staring at Rosa with various expressions of incredulity, interest or expectation. The combined attention made her blush and lower her eyes and ears.

"Girls, this is Morning Dew, my first daughter."

Their reactions were... varied. The cyan pegasus just shrugged a little to herself, giving Rosa a somewhat bemused smile. The pink one was staring at her like Rosa had just sprouted two heads. The alicorn seemed shocked speechless. The orange one gave Rosa another appraising gaze, then nodded at her politely.

The white unicorn was the first one to speak. She approached and peered very closely at Rosa's face. "Oh my, she has your eyes, Fluttershy. And such a beautiful mane! I could do wonders with black!"

Ice broken, they all giggled and the orange one in the cowboy hat spoke up: "Welcome to Equestria, Mornin' Dew. Ah'm sure y'all will like it 'ere."

"Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, I gotta throw you a welcome party! Are you really Fluttershy's daughter?! How old are you? Were you also a prisoner on Earth? Was it boring? It must have been boring! I have to throw you all the birthday parties you missed!"

It looked as if the pink mare was... vibrating in place?! She seemed a bit blurry and puts Rosa in mind of nothing so much as a rocket about to take off.

She didn't even stop talking to take a breath! "Quick, what's your favorite flavor of cake? And your second favorite! And you third favorite! And your fourth favorite! And-"

Luckily, the lavender alicorn grabbed her friend and plugged her muzzle with a well-placed hoof. It felt like she had had to do that a lot over the years. "Don't mind Pinkie, she gets like this sometimes," she excused her over-excited friend.

There was a choked-off sound behind Rosa and she remembered that Sky Light was standing right there. She had seen it all and now she was trying to keep from laughing. Luckily, the mares - her mother's friends - didn't seem to mind. Even better, Fluttershy came over to sit right beside Rosa. This freed her hooves for a very welcome hug.

Everything was so new, so strange, but she knew exactly what to do and where to go. Even though Rosa had only known her for a few hours, she felt safer, more confident with her there.

"Come on, the girls have a room in the castle, you can stay with us," Fluttershy invited.

Rosa remembered her other friends. "Um, w-what about Sky Light and Paolo? I promised I'd stay near them."

"Hmm, the room next to ours is free, they can take that," the purple alicorn said.

Fluttershy nodded to that. "Good idea, Twilight. Are you sure Princess Celestia won't mind?"

Twilight - that was the alicorn's name - shook her head. "Princess Celestia, no. I'm more worried about what Iron Tail will say, but I'll go down tomorrow morning and explain. I'm sure it will be fine."

"Who's Iron Tail?" Rosa asked.

The white unicorn answered her, while the cyan pegasus and the cowboy-hat-pony started walking off. "Iron Tail runs Canterlot Castle, dear. Yes, Princess Celestia is in charge, but it's Mrs. Iron Tail, the Housekeeper, who has the last word when it comes to the Castle. Trust me, you don't want to cross her."

It sounded ominous and Rosa shrank back in worry.

"Don't frighten the poor girl, Rarity," Twilight chided gently. "Iron Tail isn't as bad as all that! You should have met her mother, Steel Gaze. She's retired now, but she was the Housekeeper when I was a filly. Now that was a mare you didn't wanna cross!"

All of them giggled a little and started moving. Rosa looked around to make sure Paolo and Sky Light were following, then fell in step next to Fluttershy. It all sounded like a big, confusing world, with many things she would have to learn. It was a daunting prospect, but Rosa was determined to somehow fit in.

She didn't really have a choice. Sky Light and her daughter needed her to fit in.

"Okay, so it's been almost twenty years," Twilight said. "We've got a lot of catching up to do, Fluttershy. I almost can't believe you're here!"

"Yeah, me neither," Rosa's mother replied, looking around wistfully. "Has it really been that long?"

The Princess heaved a sigh and Rosa noticed her ears droop. "I blamed myself for the longest time, you know? I kept thinking: what if I'd been faster? What if I figured out how to make Bores sooner? What if we went to rescue you before the war started in earnest? We should have brought you home instead of trying to use the Elements!"

"It wasn't your fault!" Fluttershy said, her voice full of concern for her friend. "Nopony could have known we'd get separated! Besides not even Discord could find a way to Earth, remember? You told me!"

"I can't help it. I keep thinking about what-ifs!"

"None of us knew what to do," Pinkie added sadly.

Fluttershy paused so she could hug each of them in turn. "I never blamed any of you! Besides, I'm back now, and so is Morning Dew!"

Suddenly, she looked sad, almost on the verge of tears. "I'm back..." she whispered.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked, stopping so she could peer more closely at Fluttershy's face.

Rarity also stepped in, giving Rosa's mother a hug. "Come on, you can tell us, darling!"

"It's just-" Fluttershy began miserably, then looked up at Rosa. "I had two more foals after Morning Dew, and one before her, and they're still on Earth! I l-left them behind..."

Everyone was silent for a while, not sure what to say to that. Eventually Rosa decided to speak up, repeating what Luna had told her: "Um, Princess Luna said that Princess Celestia will get them back. Everyone from the School. Now that she knows- well, when we tell her what's been happening, she'll get them all back."

"Hmm," Twilight said, a little doubtfully until Rarity gave her a surreptitious kick on the hind leg. "Oh, I mean, sure! Yeah, Princess Celestia is the best diplomat you can imagine. If anypony can get them back, it's her!"

"Certainly!" Rarity added, satisfied with the result. "We'll talk about it in the morning and I'm sure we'll find a solution! You'll see! Now that we're back together, nothing can stop us!"

It seemed to be working and Fluttershy even managed a small smile. "I j-just have to believe I'll see them again..."

"Of course you will, silly!" Pinkie replied happily. "And when they're back, I'll throw them all the birthday parties they missed!"

That got them all laughing and Rosa couldn't help but join in. It was hard to stay pessimistic with these mares.

"Come on, let's get you some dinner and then bed. We'll talk some more after that, okay?" Twilight proposed.

"Damn right!" Sky Light added beside Rosa. They all seemed to notice her for the first time.

Twilight frowned for a moment, then remembered: "Sky Light, right? Um, welcome to Equestria."

"Applejack already said that!" Pinkie hissed, trying to whisper but ending up loud enough for everyone to hear.

Again, no one knew what exactly to say.

"So, let's get to our rooms," Rarity suggested.

There was a whoosh and two sets of thuds as Princess Luna landed nearby. "Ah, it is good I found all of you together," she exclaimed. "Twilight Sparkle, Rosa and Sky Light - my sister asks all of you to join us in the Grand Hall after breakfast tomorrow. She wishes to hear your stories."

"Of course, Princess," Twilight replied smoothly.

"Yeah, of course!" Rosa added, needlessly.

Sky Light just nodded.

"Um, what about me?" Paolo asked, a bit awed to be speaking to an actual alicorn, but still managing to keep his voice somewhat steady.

"You come too," Luna said. "We will have to decide how to proceed, now that Cadence is-"

The Princess caught herself and shook her head, but not before Twilight asked plaintively: "Is auntie Cadence really going to prison? I'm sure she didn't mean to-"

"Not now, Twilight," Luna said wearily. "We'll discuss that tomorrow."



It was definitely a command and Twilight knew it too. Her ears folded down and she lowered her head. "Okay. I understand, Princess."

Rosa guessed there was a hierarchy between the alicorns, too. Twilight was taking orders from Luna and Rosa wouldn't be surprised if they both obeyed Celestia.

"I will see you at breakfast," Luna repeated. Then, without waiting for a reply, she leaped into the air, flapped her wings, and soared away.

No one spoke as Twilight started walking again, leading the way to a large door. Rosa looked back at the brightly-lit courtyard, but all the ponies had dispersed except for a few guards.

Suddenly, all she wanted to do was sleep. She didn't even want dinner. It could wait until she woke up. Things would make more sense in the morning. Rosa couldn't hold back a yawn.

Fluttershy noticed it and stepped closer to her side. "Come on, let's get you to bed," she said quietly. All Rosa could do was nod and smile.

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