• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,129 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Clank: Rilgar

As they arrived on Planet Rilgar on the outskirts of Blackwater City, Twilight slowly stirred. "W-where are we?" she asked.

"Planet Rilgar," Clank replied easily.

"What?" Twilight asked, shocked. "But what about that ship we were going to explore?"

"You were sound asleep," Ratchet explained. "We were in a hurry, but I didn't want to take you if you needed your sleep."

Twilight frowned, but nodded. "Alright. But we're going to go back sometime so I can look around it, right?"

"That will be impossible," Clank explained. "Ratchet triggered the self destruct."

"Accidentally!" Ratchet hastened to add at Twilight's angry look. "Besides, we're going into Blackwater City! Remember the hoverboard race?"

Twilight bounced out of the canopy eagerly. "Really? But I thought we would only go to the race if we were coming here anyway?"

"That's the best part!" Ratchet encouraged. "Captain Qwark is going to be awarding the grand prize at the race!"

"Then I gotta win!" Twilight said eagerly, pulling out her board and hopping on.

"The city sewers also appear to be infested with some form of violent ameboids," Clank pointed out.

"We'll deal with them later!" Twilight said eagerly. "I wanna race!"

Ratchet rolled his eyes and chuckled indulgently at Twilight's eagerness, before hopping out of the ship to lead the way.

Making their way into the city proved rather simple for the trio. The only new obstacle they encountered were large tanks, which proved easy to deal with. Ratchet would seal the barrel with the field from his Power Gauntlet, and Twilight would use her telekinetic field to rip the top part of the tank free of the treads and then smash it back down, exploding both.

On their first encounter with an Amoeboid, Twilight held her hoof up a good distance away. "Hang on," she said. "I wanna try something." Focusing on the Amoeboid, she laid her hoof on Ratchet's Pyrocitor. Her horn glowing, she analyzed the inner workings of the weapon for a time. "Amoebas are mostly water...something that liquid would need to hold itself together with a careful liquid/solid balance. They like the sewers, so they wouldn't like heat..." Her magic focused at the tip of her horn, then launched out.

As the new spell impacted against the Amoeboid, it burst into flames before drying up and crumbling into dust. "Whoa!" Ratchet shouted in shock.

"Impressive," Clank concurred.

Twilight grinned widely. "I read in Spells of the Unicorn that Unicorn magic was theorized to be able to influence the Four Elements. I'd been wanting to try, but I couldn't find a good basic formula to work from. The Amoeboid made a perfect test subject to contain the spell, and now that I know how to make it work..." Grinning, she turned her head, focused her horn, and launched another fireball at another nearby target.

"Sweet!" Ratchet said eagerly. "Think you could turn that into a gun?"

"Well, it's just based on the Pyrociter ignition sequence...though I suppose a few mods could make it launch balls of flame instead of a stream...I'll work on that after Qwark saves the galaxy from Drek." With that, Twilight hopped back on her board to zip off further along.

Making their way into downtown, they cleared the first street they came to of hostiles before encountering a rather shady character. He glanced around nervously before addressing them. "RYNO for your robot - trade ya," he said slyly.

Before Ratchet or Clank could respond, Twilight immediately stepped forward. "According to the data files I found at the Blargian Tactical Research Station, even after buying the original blueprints for the RYNO from Gadgetron, they were never able to successfully complete the weapon while still meeting safety guidelines. They only made one prototype, which was stolen after the project was cancelled. No attempt to retrieve it was made, as it was deemed as dangerous for the one wielding it as those being fired at, as without proper bracing to maintain a level firing angle, the ammunition could go off in the barrel and cause an explosive backfire." She gave the shady salesman a very direct look. "Now...how did you acquire it, hmm?"

"What are ya, a fed?" he demanded angrily.

"Nope," Twilight countered, glowering at him. "I'm a member of the original design team for the Gadgetron RYNO project. And you have two choices: one, you hand over the RYNO to me for safe and proper disposal of a flawed weapon, or I trigger the ammunition to detonate remotely for safe disposal...also dealing with the criminal who would willfully sell such a dangerous weapon." Her horn glowed. "You have ten seconds."

"Here, take it!" the now terrified salesman said, tossing her the RYNO as he ran for it.

Twilight smiled as she held the RYNO in her telekinesis. "If I see you again, I'm reporting you for selling a Category 3 Weapon without proper license!" Popping open the side panel of the RYNO, she made a few tweaks before closing it. "There we go. All fixed."

"Wait," Ratchet interrupted, "what about-"

"Oh, those all were problems," Twilight agreed, "but after reading those documents, I saw the major flaw they had been making with the design, and I figured out how to fix it. Still needs to be braced level to fire, though." Pulling out some belts, she strapped the RYNO to her back, the barrel positioned just over her head so the rockets it launched wouldn't interfere with her horn or wings. "Seem stable enough?"

"Sure you need that firepower?" Ratchet asked jokingly. Twilight merely stuck out her tongue in response.

Between the RYNO, her new fireball spell, and Ratchet's own arsenal watching her back, Twilight made short work of any hostiles that approached, giggling happily at how effective the RYNO proved to be against large groups. "The only problem is the limited ammo supply...I'll have to figure out how to tweak that..."

"Perhaps you can convert the rockets to energy projectiles and design it to slowly refill its own ammo by absorbing ambient energy?" Clank offered.

Twilight grinned widely. "That just might work! It'd take a bit to redesign it to apply the homing capacity to energy based ammunition - plasma would probably be the most accurate - but the ambient energy restoration would be on the same principle as a lot of my magic, which manipulates ambient energy via the application of magical fields..."

As Twilight trailed off babbling the new specs she would give the RYNO, Clank turned to Ratchet. "Twilight is beginning to frighten me," he said calmly.

"Why? You're the one who made the suggestion."

"I was being facetious."

After skipping over a high security segment of laser grids by Boost Jumping off a magical platform Twilight built in order to walk over the top of the focus pillars, they made it to the central square. There, they spotted a green skinned woman in a skimpy purple outfit. As Twilight stared at her as they approached, she found herself thinking of a spell she had read about for some reason, though she quickly dashed those thoughts away.

"Welcome to the Hovercon Intergalactic Hoverboard Competition!" she greeted them excitedly. "Captain Qwark's giving away a brand new Platinum Zoomerator to the winner of this competition!"

"Eeeeee!" Twilight squealed, zooming circles around the woman on her board. "If I win I get to meet Captain Qwark!" Shooting off a large stack of crates, she did a triple flip through the air before stopping in her usual mad spin on landing.

"Hey, nice moves there, kid!" the woman complimented her.

"Skid taught me how to ride it!" Twilight replied eagerly.

"Wait...you don't mean Skid McMarx?"

"Yup!" Twilight confirmed. "And his agent said if I win this competition, he'll sign me!"

"Well, then we'll just have to see how you do," the woman replied. "You ready to race?"

Twilight kept herself low to her board as the race began, aiming for the first boost tile she saw. She knew that her own lower weight meant that it was harder to build up velocity on the board, since she couldn't get a strong enough forward angle without losing balance entirely. However, maintaining the boosted velocity once she hit the boost panel proved to be incredibly easy. Not only did her low body weight and small size mean she didn't slow down as much, keeping her horn pointed forward cut the air resistance in the same way a plane increased aerodynamics with a pointed nose.

Between that and using her wings for fast turns while maintaining velocity, Twilight had lapped every other racer once - and the one in last twice - by the time she finished her third lap, squeeing in excitement as she braked to claim the victory prize.

Outside the race, however, her face fell as she saw Qwark...on a vidscreen.

"Hi folks, Captain Qwark here!" he announced. "It's my distinct pleasure to introduce this year's Hovercon Intergalactic Champion. Let's give it up for newcomer-"

At this point, the screen cut to a static image of Twilight, and a synthesized voice over stated, "Twilight Sparkle," in an emotionless monotone.

The screen then cut back to the prerecorded message of Qwark's, as he explained exactly what a Model T-15 Platinum Zoomerator was. Twilight ignored the explanation, though. After all, she'd read the memo on it when Gadgetron first produced it, and had already been asked by the company to collaberate with the production of the Model T-20. Accepting the drive unit from the race announcer, she sullenly attached it to her board.

As the message ended, the race announcer kneeled down beside Twilight. "You were really looking forward to meeting him, huh?" she asked sympathetically.

"Yeah..." Twilight admitted sadly.

The woman thought for a time. "Well...I'm not really supposed to mention this, but..." She pointed at a barred gate. "His trailer's on the other side of that gate. He'll be in their for a while, so if you can make your way around-"

"EEEEEE!" Twilight shrieked excitedly, her horn flaring brightly. The gate - and the wall it was braced in - were ripped from their moorings by her telekinetic grip as she raced for the trailer. "Captain Qwark!" she screamed out happily.

The guard in front of the trailer took one look at what approached him - a purple filly with wing and horn, swinging a massive chunk of building about in a glowing field of energy with the RYNO strapped to her back - and immediately ran for it. "I'm not getting paid enough for this shit!" he yelled, leaping into a cab and speeding away.

The race announcer sat down heavily on her rump as she stared after Twilight, Ratchet and Clank already in pursuit of her. "...guess I cheered her up..." she said finally.

Captain Qwark shot to his feet as the door to his trailer burst open. "What the-"

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Twilight screamed happily, slamming into him hard enough to knock him back against the wall as she hugged his massive forearm with all four legs. "Captain Qwark!"

Captain Qwark stared at the tiny filly clinging to his arm, for the first - but not likely to be the last - time in his life, rendered completely speechless.

Twilight then hopped back, pulling her autograph book out. "Can I have your autograph?" she begged.

Qwark grinned happily. "Certainly!" he replied, on more familiar ground now. "Anything in particular you'd like me to write, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight gasped. "You know my name?" She bounced happily. "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!"

"Of course I know your name," Qwark replied. He didn't mention that probably more of the galaxy would know her on sight than him, given how unique her appearance was...not to mention being one of Gadgetron's most valued developers at the age of 6. "I've been expecting you...and your friends, what was it...Ratchet and Spank?"

Twilight giggled. "it's Clank," she absently corrected, her eyes shining as Qwark signed her autograph book. "But wait!" she said as a thought struck her. "If you were expecting us, why were you asleep when I came in?"

Qwark chuckled. "Well...I wasn't expecting you quite so soon, so I took a little siesta. Being a Galactic Hero is exhausting work, after all." He tilted his head. "Say, how did you get here so fast?" He glanced at the time. "The race was only three minutes ago. It should have taken you at least 20 to make it through the sewers to get over here."

Twilight chuckled nervously. "I...took a shortcut." With this distraction, her horn stopped glowing. A loud crash could be heard outside.

"What was that?" Qwark asked, spinning into a combat stance as Ratchet and Clank came inside.

"That was the gate and wall that used to separate this square from the central square where the race sign up is held," Clank explained. "Twilight appears to have dropped it."

"I'll put it back!" Twilight hastened to assure everyone.

Qwark grinned widely. "If you have that kind of power, then maybe you can help me."

"Help you with what?" Ratchet asked as Twilight's eyes lit up in eagerness.

"There's a dastardly plot being hatched to destroy our planets..." Qwark intoned.

"You know?" Twilight asked, shocked. "About how Chairman Drek is taking chunks from other planets to build a new Blargian home world?"

"Indeed," Qwark intoned dramatically. "And I have information regarding the plot that is of supreme importance. And I believe that we, together, can put a stop to this madness...but only if you are ready!"

"We're ready!" Twilight eagerly proclaimed. "How can we prove it to you?"

Grinning, Qwark pulled out an infobot. "This infobot contains coordinates for my secret base on Planet Umbris," he informed them conspiratorially. "It's where I go to train and keep in shape. I've been watching you three, and I have never seen anyone with so much raw heroic potential. But that potential needs to be brought out, tested in the fires of adversity and forged into the steel of ability. If you can clear my training course, then I will know that you are true heroes...and ready to face the truth."

Ratchet was beginning to get star struck at this point himself. "Captain Ratchet, huh? I like the sound of that."

"We won't let you down, sir!" Twilight and Clank respond together, Twilight with considerably more enthusiasm than Clank, even going so far as to salute.

"I know you won't!" Qwark proclaimed, waving as they left to head for their ship. Turning, he headed for his own ship.

However, deep inside his soul, something quivered at having seen the shining hero worship, the idolization, the hope shining in Twilight's eyes. Suddenly, the plans he had made seemed less business, and more personal...and a seed of doubt wormed its way into his invincible pride. And a voice he had long forgotten whispered in his mind. A voice from his past. His own voice, the one that had told him to be a hero before the fame and money of hero work had gone to his head. It whispered a question.

But will I?

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