• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,129 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Deadlocked: Isolation

Back in her containment suite, Twilight discovered that it was rather sparse. There was a bed for her in the lab section, which would also allow her to upgrade battle bots if she had any. There was also Mission Control, where the silent automaton that had worked on her armor sent messages to her via her visor. Last but not least were the two space bus docks, one for the Battledome and one for other planet bases. In the center was an interface to let her view her scores, not that she really cared. A brief view of it informed her of a few of her future opponents. She saw a lot of hero names, and a few names in yellow that, according to the interface, were the Exterminators.

Max Force

The names didn't mean anything to her, but she was sure they would before too long. She also noticed there was an automated weapons kiosk, complete with weapons, weapon mods, armor, and Omniwrench mods...all things that she could buy with the bolts she earned in the arena to make her more efficient in the arena...so she could get more bolts in the arena easier, to buy more stuff from the kiosk, to make her a more efficient gladiator...

There would never be an end.

She was rather unsurprised as a summons to the Battledome interrupted her musings. Sighing, she went to the transport to the arena.

As she reached the Battledome, a green skinned announcer with either antennae or horns in a blue suit began a speech about the previous combatants. "And it looks like Team Dark Star is making a huge success in the Dreadzone so far, not that such a streak can last long with the lineup we've got. Then again, a new contender always shakes things up a little." The camera zoomed out to show his red headed fembot cohost as well. The green alien then pulled out a piece of paper. "Next up we have...um, let me see here...Twilight Sparkle? Huh, never heard of her. Well, she's probably just intermission material folks, but don't worry! We have Black Tornado and Star Seeker coming up later, so stay tuned to Dreadzone!"

At that point, Twilight stepped into the arena, her head hanging with her helmet off.

"So...this is Twilight?" the green skinned alien asked. "She's tiny!"

"She's adorable!" the red headed fembot squealed.

"Someone had to say it, Juanita," the green skinned alien replied. "But I don't think she's going to be up to much."

"Don't be like that, Dallas," Juanita replied. "You never know with the cute ones."

Twilight sighed sadly. Not only did no one even know who she was...even being cute wasn't enough to get help. She was all on her own...all alone...

Her helmet snapped on before anyone could see any tears.

Twilight fought her way through the challenge presented to her, not letting herself take too much damage, but lacking the spark to make her really shine. She probably didn't look very good, but she didn't really care about that. When she reached the shielded turret, she simply ducked behind cover, levitated her Magma Cannon to behind it - where the shields didn't cover - and blasted away. She just...didn't care.

After that, she returned to her containment suite, sighing as she slumped into the bed. It wasn't even all that comfortable, a second rate mattress that felt like it had been stuffed with rocks, and a pillow that was practically flat. Not even a blanket.

Looking around, she saw no books. The computers didn't access any information networks beyond Vox Media. There was nothing to do except...fight. That was all she could do. Keep fighting.

No one would care if she won. No one would care if she died in battle. No one who cared about her back in Solana would know how or why she died. They might never even know. And...and she might never see Ratchet again.

Before long, the interplanetary transport arrived, plainly indicating she was to go to a new world to fight some more for the entertainment of the masses. Sighing, sniffling away her tears, she made her way to the transport, and selected the world that had been made available. Reading the instructions, she wasn't surprised to discover that any attempt to tamper with the controls would make it explode. There was no way out.

As Twilight came in to see a rather lovely world with gold skies, red land, and purple seas, Dallas began announcing the details. "It's a beautiful summer day on Attica Seven, Juanita, as we kick off a brand new season of Dreadzone's Second League! As you all know, the introduction of a second league was meant to balance Ace Hardlight's excessive success and give a few other competitors a chance to shine...before being ripped to shreds!"

"That's right, Dallas," Juanita replied. "The second league uses different worlds as combat stages, a different set of Exterminators, and the champion of each league gets to challenge Ace Hardlight! ...of course, if anyone actually manages to beat Hardlight, the champion of the leagues get to fight each other."

They were both silent for a time before bursting into laughter. "Like that could ever happen!" Dallas joked. "The Vox construction team have turned this world - once an idealistic vacation spot - into a deadly disaster course filled with pitfalls, laser traps, deadly mutated animals, and the chemically reanimated corpses of everyone who's ever been killed here, including previous heroes!"

"Well then, Dallas, let's see how little Twilight fares against the zombie hordes!" Juanita breathed eagerly.

Twilight stared around at the scenery that was so peaceful, her helmet off as she stared blankly at the beauty that disguised the deadly nature of the course. As her sorrow built up, she felt a pounding headache build just behind her horn. As the mutated animals and zombified former heroes began to rise and converge on her, she couldn't take it any more. She was surrounded by enemies trying to kill her, the announcers slandered her character as some kind of joke, and she was all alone for the first time since she was in quarantine in Bogon, and she'd hated that. She hated being alone...

Leaning her head back, she released all her magic at once as she shouted, "I WANT MY DADDY!!!"

The magic exploded out of her. The land tore upward as though ripped apart by a massive storm. Clouds swirled into miniature tornadoes that tore the Dreadzone structures apart as the seas boiled and parted. The creatures and zombies alternately vaporized or crystallized as magic blasted over them, the entire course tearing itself apart in a single massive blast.

As her magic left her completely, Twilight fell to the circle of untouched ground she sat on and burst into tears, curling up into a tight ball as she wept, the whole thing recorded by flying cameras that just happened to be in the right place at the right time to not be completely obliterated.

Up in the announcer box, Dallas swallowed convulsively. "Umm...Juanita?"

"Your spare trousers are in the back room," the fembot replied without taking her eyes off the devastation.


Gleeman Vox stared at the destruction caused by Twilight's outburst, practically salivating. "Glorious!" he breathed eagerly. "The ratings are going to skyrocket over that time bomb! I can hardly wait to see what the feedback is. I know how much the fans love carnage!"

"Uh...sir?" a robot said over the intercom. "You might want to take a look at this..."

"What is it?" Vox demanded angrily. "You know how I feel about interruptions when I'm scheming!"

"Well, sir...it's the latest focus group surveys regarding the new contestants...from the viewers..."

Vox groaned. "Customers!" he growled. "If I didn't need their bolts, I wouldn't put up with them...what is it?"

"Well...Twilight Sparkle has immediately become a fan favorite, but...the fans want to see her happy."

"Happy?" Vox bellowed. "Who cares about if the contestants are happy? They're supposed to be fighting to the death! When did this become a holo-drama?"

"Well, it's just..." The robot swallowed convulsively despite the absence of an esophagus. "There's already a petition on Space-Change, and...if her emotional situation isn't addressed by her next appearance...89 million viewers are going to boycott everything to do with Vox Media."

Gleeman blinked in shock. "89 million...how much of our viewership is that?"

"About...74%, sir. We'd go bankrupt within a month."

Gleeman Vox stared down at the figures being presented to him. "...so throw her a couple of scrap bots off the disposal line. She'll cling to anything if she's in this state. But I'm not putting her on Team Dark Star. I set up the whole second league just for that end game! I'm not throwing that out!"

"I might have a suggestion," a voice called from the corner of the office.

Vox rolled his eyes. "When did you grow a brain, champ?"

A chuckle greeted him. "Leave it to me, boss. I know just what to do here..."

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