• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,129 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Commando: Yeedil, Damosel, Yeedil

Twilight had been fretting for quite some time, how long she wasn't sure, about that last concern. Ratchet was supposed to retrieve Mr. Fuzzy-Biter. Mr. Fuzzy-Biter was here, but no sign of Ratchet. Also, she hadn't heard back from Ratchet or Clank despite many attempts to communicate with them. From her speculation, she had come to three viable conclusions from available data.

One, that wasn't the original biological experiment Fizzwidget had brought back, but a duplicate. This possibility was discounted as Fizzwidget - whatever his motivations - would not have hired anyone to retrieve the original if he had a backup copy. There would be no point to that, as far as Twilight could tell. Admittedly, she was only 7, so there might be motivations she wouldn't understand, but it didn't seem likely.

The second possibility was that Ratchet had returned Mr. Fuzzy-Biter, and then chosen not to return for Twilight. This was discounted by now because, even if Ratchet had taken time to indulge in a more adult form of female companionship before coming for her - her reading had indicated that adolescent males of any species could become easily distracted in that regard, and the thief was a mature female by Twilight's reckoning - he would have come for her by now. The only way that wouldn't be the case is if Ratchet and Clank were both secretly evil, and she didn't think that was possible. ...at least, she didn't want to think it was possible.

The third possibility was that Fizzwidget was evil, and had deliberately prevented Ratchet's return and was keeping Twilight isolated for his own nefarious purposes. Twilight at first found this possibility easy enough to believe, with how readily Abrecrombie butchered Galactic Standard. She couldn't figure out what his game plan was, though, as nothing in what he did seemed to make sense for any long term goal. If his goals involved using Twilight against her will, why was she kept in such comfort? If it required her cooperation, why hadn't he spent any length of time trying to talk to her? Beyond that, she had trouble thinking of Fizzwidget as any sort of tactical genius.

Whatever the actual reasoning behind what was going on, she needed to find out what was going on with Ratchet. To that end, she cuddled up tight to Woona once more, she feigned sleep as she focused her magic through her Pilot's Helmet and into her Omniwrench. It was a magically created duplicate of the one Ratchet wielded, so logic indicating that projecting herself into hers should result in projecting out of his. At least, if her understanding of magical theory was as accurate as she hoped. As long as she didn't come out backwards...

Twilight's ethereal body popped out in a bustling metropolis of a planet, surrounded by swarms of duplicates of Mr. Fuzzy-Biter. All were calmly playing with children - robotic or otherwise - and nuzzling up to Ratchet and Clank. The only time they seemed to show aggressive behavior was when robots brought out weapons or weaponized vehicles, at which point the fuzzy balls revealed their teeth and tore the weapons to shreds, but left the robots and vehicles intact before proceeding to nuzzle them.

"This is...weird," Ratchet was saying, staring around. "Angela said that she hadn't fixed the errors in the Protopet's genetic code yet."

Angela? Twilight wondered silently. I wonder who that is.

"Perhaps she progressed further than she thought before we retrieved it from her," Clank offered.

Oh! Angela must be the thief, and a scientist who worked on Mr. Fuzzy-Biter! Twilight mused happily. An even better match for Daddy than I thought! She paused in her musings. But why's Clank here?

As Ratchet and Clank progressed through the city, Twilight noticed Ratchet had modified his Omniwrench. Two new modules were attached to it. One was attached to the base, manipulating the mass of the wrench to add weight to the swing without making it heavier. The other was attached to the head, sharpening the outside of the wrench head to blade sharpness. I want those, she purred eagerly, already speculating how she might tweak them to be even more efficient.

"Either way, we need to get back to Angela and get the coordinates for Yeedil," Ratchet pointed out. "Twilight's there somewhere, and I don't believe for a minute after all this that she's actually in a Child Care center. 'Communications Blackout for the mission' my eye! Who knows what Fizzwidget's been doing to her!"

Twilight gasped. So that was why she hadn't heard back from Ratchet! Fizzwidget was deliberately keeping them from communicating. He was evil!

Still, this wasn't enough to go on. Even if she knew Fizzwidget was evil, it didn't clear the path enough for her to break out. She'd have to wait for Ratchet and Clank to get to Yeedil, since she couldn't get off planet without a ship.

Well, she doubted it would take that long. She could tell Ratchet was angry, and she actually felt a bit sorry for anyone who got in his way now. She turned to dive back into his Omniwrench.

"You think she's going to be okay?" Ratchet worried.

"I am certain she will be," Clank assured him. "I imagine she's making things hectic for Fizzwidget if she's discovered his deception."

Coming back out through her own Omniwrench to float over her body, she thought about what Clank had said. How could she make things hectic for Fizzwidget without putting herself in any additional danger? She decided to consult Mr. Fuzzy-Biter, since she wanted to save him, too.

Floating out to where he was in his cage, she found he wasn't presently being forced to produce more of himself, so she touched his mind. "How are you doing?" she asked in concern.

He smiled back at her, shrugging non-existent shoulders. She felt similar reactions from many other minds.

She gasped in shock. "You're linked to all your copies?" When he nodded in reply, she grinned widely. "I have an idea. Can you open a broadcast for me?"

At that moment, her mind was nearly overwhelmed as she felt the touch of millions upon millions of minds. All were simple and similar enough to handle, but the sheer volume of thought was overwhelming. They all fell silent, awaiting her instruction.

She presented Fizzwidget to them as she'd encountered him, the one who had carried Mr. Fuzzy-Biter into his cage. "Evil," she said, keeping it simple.

She felt a wave of agreement from the amassed minds.

She then offered her image of Ratchet and Clank. "Good." This was accepted easily. "Save us. Help them!"

This was responded to with a battle cry, and she felt hundreds of 'Protpets' on other worlds turning their attention to hostiles - robotic and biological - that were targeting Ratchet and Clank.

Smiling, she presented what she'd seen of the Megacorp base here on Yeedil. "Make chaos. Make path-"

A sudden explosion rocked her out of her astral projection and back into her body. Glancing around, she saw a slightly singed Protopet glancing at her through a nearby air vent. As soon as it saw she was still moving, it grinned, winked at her, then rushed back off into the facility. She heard a great many explosions, more curse words than she knew the meaning of, alarms, and the sounds of running feet.

"When did they become organized?" one scientist was shouting as he rushed down the hall.

Twilight smiled. It seemed things were under control now. Letting out a yawn, she curled up for a real nap to conserve her strength, and preserve plausible deniability.

Sometime later, she felt something nudging her awake. Turning, she saw a Protopet nuzzling against her and tapping her wrench with one little foot. It didn't take her long to realize he was telling her that Ratchet and Clank had arrived, and it was time to get a move on. Smiling, she gathered everything - including Woona - into the pocket dimension she'd created in her saddlebags to store her extra weaponry before following him into the airducts.

Following her guide, she managed to get through the air ducts to a lab entrance just in time to see Mister Fizzwidget blast the fembot that Clank had been flirting with back on Veldin. Ratchet, Clank, and a felinoid woman she didn't recognize stared in shock. Given body shape and proportions, Twilight presumed this was the thief, whom Ratchet had referred to as Angela.

"What the?" Ratchet demanded in shock.

"You dare!" Clank snapped angrily.

"Mr. Fizzwidget?" Angela demanded.

Mr. Fizzwidget then unzipped a body suit disguise, revealing Captain Qwark, who laughed maniacally.

"...well, that raises more questions than it answers," Clank said into the sudden silence.

"Alright," Angela snarled, "just what the it was censored in the game, too is going on?"

In the air duct, Twilight giggled. I like her already, she thought silently.

"Allow me to explain," Qwark proclaimed proudly. "I'm about to save the galaxy from the Protopets, and you are about to become public enemy numbers one, two, and three!" He pointed dramatically at Angela, Ratchet, and Clank. "I can't believe my plan has gone so perfectly! I don't know why the Protopets only attacked armed targets once they started being cloned, but the footage I've captured of their coordinated battles here are almost too perfect for my purposes!"

Twilight winced. Shit! she thought silently. I helped Qwark? But what's his plan, anyway?

"Guards!" Qwark barked out. "Seize them!"

As the guards grabbed hold of the trio, Ratchet struggled the most. "Where's Twilight? What have you done with her? What does she have to do with your plans?"

Qwark laughed. "Don't you get it Ratchet? This - all of this - has all been about Twilight!" Four gasps - though one unheard - greeted this statement. "And you gave me the idea, Ratchet." Grinning widely, Qwark pulled out a recorder and pushed play. Ratchet's voice was heard plainly.

"...a sudden super hero family probably would have brought in even better press than a lone superhero..."

Qwark stopped the tape. "Your idea, Ratchet. And you're right. My comeback will be so much better, more believable, and all the sweeter...with Twilight at my side."

"What?" Ratchet demanded angrily as Twilight gasped in shock. "What makes you think Twilight would ever pick you over me? I'm her Father! And a hero like her!"

"She may believe that now," Qwark replied with a grin. "But your own words will condemn you in her eyes." He manipulated the recorder to play two other quotes of Ratchet's.

"-I didn't care about the fate of the galaxy-"

"-she's just an obsessive, idealistic six year old-"

Turning off the recorder, Qwark grinned again. "How much would her faith in you be shaken, Ratchet?" Qwark asked. "How much more after I rescue her from Megacorp...especially when she finds paperwork showing that you sold her to Fizzwidget, and of 'Fizzwidget's plans to mass produce clones of her?"

"What?" Ratchet demanded in shock. "I would never-"

"You didn't really read all the paperwork you signed in amongst that 'non-disclosure agreement' regarding retrieving the Protopet, did you?" Qwark responded snidely. "I hired a real good lawyer to go over those to make sure she'd believe it. Between that and you not responding to the dozens of letters she sent you both-"

"I was under a communications blackout!" Ratchet countered hotly.

"I received no messages!" Clank added angrily.

Qwark grinned. "She doesn't know that." He then gestured to the guards. "Take them to the prepared area!" he proclaimed, swiping a gadget from Angela as they were dragged away.

At first Twilight wanted to go after them, but noticed something odd about Qwark. Once Ratchet and the others were gone, he didn't look pleased with himself. In point of fact, he looked...ashamed.

"It's the only way," he muttered under his breath. "It's the only way..." He turned to walk away, and Twilight followed him.

Before heading to where the guards had dragged Ratchet and the others off to, he went to a backroom of Fizzwidget's office that had been redecorated. The room was covered with tons of pictures taken of Captain Qwark at various points in his heroic career. At first, Twilight couldn't understand Qwark's sorrow in this room, until she looked at the oldest pictures.

As far back in Qwark's life as she could see...he was always alone. No one was in the pictures with him. Only the most recent was different. A picture of her from her first press conference after saving Solana had been cut from the original picture and pasted onto a picture of Qwark at a press conference. In the original picture, she had been half hiding behind Ratchet. Now, it looked like she was hiding behind Qwark.

"The only way..." he repeated to himself. "The only way you'll accept me...the only way I won't be alone anymore..." Nodding firmly to himself, he turned to head after his guardbots.

Confused, uncertain, but angry, Twilight followed, trying to decide what she would do.

Twilight had kept up with Qwark via the air ducts, and saw him making his speech to Bogon Galaxy via camera of how he was the hero. She wasn't really paying attention to much of it, since she saw Mr. Fuzzy-Biter standing in front of the camera.

When she heard him talking about using the Helix-o-Morph to render every Protopet in the galaxy harmless, she realized it was supposed to mess with Mr. Fuzzy-Biter's brain chemistry, probably what she'd already done to reduce that hormone production. But I already fixed that! she gasped silently. What'll it do to him now?

As he moved to press the button, Twilight screamed out, "No!" and teleported between him and Mr. Fuzzy-Biter. The energy from the device hit her and sent her flying back.

"Twilight!" four voices yelled in shock and concern.

Twilight glanced up at them all, pain flaring through her body as the energy coursed through her magic violently. "I...I already...fixed him..." she gasped out. She suddenly screamed in pain.

Her magic flared. Her shadow sprang from the floor to wrap around her before bulging off of her.

...a shape began to emerge...

To be continued...

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