• Published 1st Sep 2014
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The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Power

Having heard all that the holo-diary had to offer them, the group climbed into the transport cannon to be launched to the WASP. As they rose up, at first it seemed like everything was going well, until they noticed they were getting a much closer view of the waterspout than anticipated. As the waterspout approached ever closer, the group started to scream, and Twilight desperately wrapped herself in a protective bubble to keep her wings from becoming waterlogged. As they entered the water, they found themselves instead in a tower of air, being blasted upward surrounded by water until they reached the outer reaches of the WASP.

"That was...different," Twilight muttered as she dispelled her shield.

"Again!" Qwark called out eagerly.

"No!" Nefarious and Alister snapped together.

"Let's just shut down the platform already," Twilight grumbled irritably.

"From the specs I've got, we need to destroy three charging stations to do that," Nefarious spoke up. "Should be easy enough to find."

"Oh?" Alister demanded irritably. "And how's that?"

"We blast anything we aren't standing on," Nefarious translated. "If it breaks, it was either the charging stations, or an obstacle to said stations."

"Sounds like a workable strategy," Qwark agreed readily.

"I like it!" Twilight crowed happily, priming her weapons.

"...I will never understand heroism," Alister grumbled to himself.

Despite Alister's frustrations, the strategy proved quite effective, as they were able to fight their way through the waves of Minion Robots of various types rather easily, moving anything that couldn't be destroyed out of their way and destroying anything breakable. The only concern proved to be giant fans that attempted to blow them off the platforms, which Twilight dealt with by bending a single blade of each fan out of alignment when they were off, causing the fans to tear themselves apart and fall to the ocean below when they reactivated.

The charging stations turned out to be rather large and easy to destroy. The massive wind power turbines could be broken by shattering the points holding them in place with a thrown melee weapon after exposing them with the Glob Lobbers, causing the stations to drop to the ocean below in pieces.

With the second station destroyed, a new minion robot type arrived, this one large and yellow and equipped with a pair of large, gun barrel shaped missile launchers. As the group unleashed their arsenal upon it, it countered with a barrage of bullet shaped missiles that were surprisingly easy to evade. As a result, it didn't take long for the bot to be destroyed.

The path from the second charging station to the third proved to be a challenging sequence of fan tunnels that had to be carefully maneuvered with well timed launches to throw switches to destroy the fans blocking the path. With the four of them working together, it proved quite effective, even though Twilight was forced to hang back or risk losing her feathers should the fans reactivate before they could destroy it.

With the path cleared, they reached the third charging station and destroyed it. "So...now what?" Qwark asked as the entire WASP began to shake as the fans keeping it in flight began to fail.

"There should be some sort of escape craft in the primary station!" Twilight called out, pointing to the center of the WASP. "There always is!"

"Let's hope it's big enough for all four of us," Alister grumbled worriedly as he raced ahead with the group.

"I can cling to the outside if necessary," Qwark offered helpfully.

"Good idea!" Nefarious offered quietly. "You can fight off anything that tries to grab the pod." Much louder, he added, "And I won't have to put up with your inane blather on the way down!"

Twilight turned her head to glare at him.

"What?" Nefarious asked innocently.

"I think you said the quiet part loud and the loud part quietly," Alister pointed out.

"No I didn't," Nefarious countered. "I definitely wanted to shout that second part."

Twilight promptly face-hoofed.

The craft, as it turned out, was a giant raft that they could all ride on top of, which dropped slowly towards the ocean below as the station fell apart. "Looks like it was big enough for us after all," Alister offered in a more relaxed tone.

"You still don't get to talk!" Nefarious snapped at Qwark.

"But I like talking!" Qwark whined pathetically.

"We've noticed!" Nefarious growled as Twilight giggled.

"You two are funny!" Twilight joked happily.

Before long, the raft exited the tube, causing it to fall much faster and more erratically, forcing everyone to struggle to aim themselves so they could safely land on the raft when it finally reached the ocean. Once it did, they found themselves in a sectioned off area of the waters, a winding path lined with buoys laid out for them. Four Power Plungers at - for lack of a better term - the 'corners' of the circular raft opened up. When activated with a Vac-U, the Plungers activated fans that would push the raft in each of the four directions, allowing them to steer the raft along the laid out path.

"Well, this will hopefully be a more relaxing aspect of the trip," Qwark noted. "If nothing else, we won't have to do as much walking. Or running. Or crazy stunts." He rubbed his chin. "Huh. A more boring part too, then."

"We can always liven it up ourselves," Twilight offered.

"And how do you intend to do that?" Nefarious asked curiously.

Grinning widely, Twilight tossed an eyepatch at everyone. "Put these on!"

Curious, they all did as instructed. "And?" Alister inquired.

Grinning, Twilight donned the pirate outfit she got from Captain Slag with a quick spell. "Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!" she called out.

Grinning, Qwark was the first to sing out, with Nefarious and Alister shortly joining in afterwards.

"Yar har, fiddle-dee-dee
Being a pirate is alright with me!
Do what you want cause a pirate is free!
You are a pirate!"

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