• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,129 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Size: Love

After the Medical Outpost exploded, Ratchet set course to land back on the ruins to pause and check on Twilight. Much to his despair if not surprise, Twilight stayed huddled in the back seat of the ship, shivering and whimpering. He and Clank both stroked her gently, trying to calm her down and comfort her.

As they tried, Phasta Thinyu pulled up behind them on his newly customized Skyboard. "Yo dudes! Fancy seeing you here. Isn't this, like, a totally sweet skyboard course?"

"If you say so," Ratchet muttered dryly, not turning around. "It's not our concern just now."

"Not your concern?" Phasta asked, surprised. "Well, I know one little lady who-" He froze as he spotted Twilight over Ratchet's shoulder. "Dude...what happened to her?"

"It was unpleasant," Clank replied. "Let us leave it at that."

Phasta frowned in concern. "Well...she seemed to really like getting that shrink ray. Think if I gave her a new gadget, she might cheer up? I got this Polarizer I found a while back. Thought about using it to supe up my board, but this is more important."

"It's worth a shot," Ratchet allowed desperately.

Reaching under his board, Phasta pulled off the Polarizer - which resembled a giant magnet with an attached control panel - and held it out to Twilight. "Here you go," he offered. "Got a new gadget for you. Don't you want to take a look?"

Twilight stirred briefly, examining the Polarizer for a moment, before huddling back up.

"Well, it helped a little?" Phasta whined, almost pleading with the universe for it to be true as he gave the Polarizer to Ratchet. "Let me know if she gets better?"

"Will do," Ratchet promised, hopping back into the ship along with Clank, setting course for Challax, where they knew Luna was headed.

As they came in for landing on Challax, they discovered a seemingly empty world, covered in desert. "Where the heck are they?" Ratchet demanded angrily. "Did they give false coordinates or something?"

"Alternatively," Clank offered, picking up what looked like a very tiny vehicle, "we are too large to see their facility."

"Then let's get small," Ratchet stated firmly, pulling out the shrink ray. "Stay with Twilight, alright?"

"It's better if we both stick together," Clank corrected. He pressed a few buttons on the ship's controls while tweaking his own systems. "There," he said, his voice coming from both him and the ship's comms. "Now we will both be in constant communication with the ship, and it will be as though we are constantly with Twilight."

"Good thinking," Ratchet agreed, getting ready to head to the Technomite city.

Twilight sat quietly in the ship, listening to the communications from Ratchet and Clank. They both kept up a running commentary of what they were doing when they weren't in combat, doing their best to give her something to listen to, but Twilight was only barely able to focus on it. It was enough to keep her from freaking out about them not being there, but not enough to draw her out.

And then there was battle, when all she heard was the sounds of weapons fire, flung objects, and things being smashed by Ratchet's Omniwrench as he yelled at the Technomites, fueled by his rage on her behalf. She shivered a bit each time she heard that. However, it also proved, in its own way, to be the key to her recovery.

"That's it!" Ratchet shouted, the sound of yet another Technomite soldier being smashed against something heavy echoing behind his voice. "Come get some! I'm not unconscious now, am I? I'm not helpless on your table! Can you take me on now, huh? Huh?"

Twilight shivered as she heard the swing of the Omniwrench. But then the combat noise stopped.

"Ratchet, that is enough!" Clank snapped. "Get a hold of yourself!"

"What are you talking about?" Ratchet demanded.

"I understand you are angry," Clank stated calmly. "But you cannot let your anger rule you like this!"

"What?" Ratchet shouted. "Do you think I'm going to just let them get away with what they did to Twilight?"

"Justice is all well and good, but you must not seek vengeance!" Clank snapped back. "For Twilight's sake."

"Where the hell do you get off talking about-"

"You are not the only one who cares so deeply for her!" Clank barked, overriding everything Ratchet was saying and punching deep into Twilight's tormented psyche. "We both have been enraged beyond reason by what the Technomites have done...but I purged that rage on my way to rescue you both, so I could help you keep yours under control. It is all well and good to make sure the Technomites do nothing like this to anyone else, to bring them to justice for their crimes. But if you continue to seek vengeance as you are, then you are a monster no better than they are, and no good at all to Twilight!"

The comms were silent for a time. "But...what they did to her-"

"Yes," Clank replied firmly. "To her. Your concern now must be about what's best for her, just as it was back on Umbris."

More silence. Finally, Ratchet responded. "Thanks, buddy. Sorry about...shouting at you like that-"

"I'd rather you assault me verbally to purge your anger than lose your soul smashing the Technomites."

Ratchet couldn't help but chuckle. "Sure thing, Clank. Thanks."

As Ratchet and Clank continued their way through the facility, Twilight thought about what she'd heard. Clank's words percolated far too easily to things she had heard and read in various fictions. All the tales of friends banding together to raise a child placed in one of their care, whether or not there was any sort of romance between the friends. More often than not in that fiction, there wasn't. She'd always liked those stories...but never thought to apply it to her own situation here.

Her eyes lit up as a startling conclusion filled her mind, pushing her despair back fully, if only for a time. As Ratchet and Clank returned from the Technomite facility and unshrank themselves, Twilight flung herself at Clank, hugging him tightly. "I love you too, Mommy!" she squealed happily, tears in her eyes.

"Mommy?" Clank asked in shock, causing Ratchet to burst into laughter.

"Forgot you left the communications open?" Ratchet joked.

"No, I remembered," Clank corrected, wrapping his arms gently around the weeping filly. "But I certainly did not expect this level of reaction."

"No more did I," Ratchet agreed. "Not gonna argue about it, though." He smiled down at Twilight. "So what do you say, Twi? Up to helping-" He snorted in amusement. "-Mommy and Daddy hunt down the big, bad Luna-bot that tricked us into this?"

"Luna-bot?" Twilight asked, confused.

"It turns out that Luna was in fact a Technomite mobile robotic warship," Clank explained.

Twilight tapped her hoof against her chin. "You mean...I won't face charges if I cave her skull in?"

"Nope!" Ratchet confirmed happily.

"Then let's go smash her!" Twilight shouted eagerly, leaping back into the ship.

"'Mommy and Daddy'?" Clank asked Ratchet quietly.

"She's talking again," Ratchet replied just as quietly. "If I thought it would keep her happy right now, I'd dress you up in a Victorian Gown and switch your voice box to one from a Wagnerian Opera Bot. Heck, if it made her happy right now, I'd adopt Captain Qwark. So if Mommy is what she needs, get used to it."

Clank shrugged his shoulders. "No arguments there. It's fitting though, I suppose. I am the only one of us who can cook at all."

"Hey!" Twilight shouted out. "I'm getting better! I didn't burn the salad last time!"

"No," Ratchet countered playfully, "you turned it into a slime monster that died from drinking the burnt juice."

Laughing, the trio took off for the Dayni Moon, in pursuit of the Luna-bot.

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