• Published 8th Oct 2015
  • 8,293 Views, 943 Comments

Deer Me: Black Snow - The Psychopath

Gregary ends up in the hospital and is put into an artificial coma. Now he's the son of reindeer royalty and overhears something about betrothal for an alliance with a Crystal Kingdom. Good thing it's not him and he isn't in denial.

  • ...

One vs all

A whole tribe of tiny, draconic looking creatures burst out from the tundra behind the guards and assaulted the party with arrows and spear charges. Manimin reared briefly and plunged his forelegs powerfully on two spears, breaking the wooden shafts in one movement. The kobolds were then headbutted far away by the soldier's antlers and back into the snow.

"Alright, Gregary. You were forced to train in combat techniques using spears and swords in this inefficient body." Stelimus pulled a sword out of the sheath on his left shoulder and held it within his magic. If he couldn't use his hands, he would use the frost essence to do so.

Manimin shot three kobolds in the head with his crossbow, then turned towards Stelimus. "Come, Prince. Show us what you have learned so far in terms of spirit magic from that wendigo," Manimin shouted.


Stelimus breathed in and focused spirit energy through his body, making his blue hooves glow faintly with every inhale. Unbeknownst to him, four kobolds were sneaking up onto him from behind while the rest battled. They were eager for reindeer meat, but the tundra had other plans and channeled its will through Clyde. The stallion galloped through the deer soldiers and ran along the wall of an elevation of snow, using it to propel himself into the air and toss his spear through two of the sneaking kobolds. He landed heavily behind Stelimus, grabbing his spear in one foreleg and using his strength to lift the spear up with the kobolds and whacking the remaining two away from the prince, performing a final movement to thrust the spear into the snow and rid it of its extra weights.

"If you take too long to breathe in, you won't get the chance to breathe out," Clyde said. "I don't know how deer magic works, but I'm fairly certain it's something that should be going your body while you move, like a dance, rather than breathing." He bashed the head of one of the recovering kobolds then returned to assist the other soldiers fighting off the swarm.

"Dance? But I hate dancing." Stelimus frowned.

At least he had finished the basic channeling the wendigo taught him. Perhaps it would be necessary to mention that Stelimus, although smarter than the average deer, was lagging behind in terms of spirit essence and frost magic levels in comparison to the rest of his 'class', hence why he was only breathing in and out to prepare himself. He had to compensate, as normal humans don't know how to channel spiritual energy, let alone summon spirits.

The stag stretched his front legs, closed his eyes, then extended his 'essence' through his hooves and into the snow, creating blue veins across the surface of the battle zone. Two of the deer noticed the veins in the ground and their pupils shrunk in response. Some sort of downward draft pressured on everyone around, including Stelimus. It was like gravity had tripled and started pressurizing everyone and crushing them, that is, until several ghostly arms faded into existence. They had risen from the veins and were clutched onto something within everyone's body. The kobolds could not resist it, and whatever the spirit summoning was doing, the arms pulled a white form of the kobolds out of their bodies and into the veins. The bodies collapsed shortly thereafter. The deer, however, were stressing their bodies into not collapsing under the pressure of the spirit essence but were holding firm. A roar caught the attention of the deer and Clyde.

"Oh great. Now there's a saber tyrant!" One of the deer complained.

A few of the surviving kobolds, fleeing, perhaps, towards a tunnel to return to its home, was snatched up by a saber tyrant and scarfed down in one, smooth movement. Its attention wasn't scattered so it looked immediately to the next meal.

"Stand back. I'll deal with this," Clyde proclaimed.

"You can't fight that thing on your own," Manimin said.

The stallion did not listen and dashed towards the beast. He used his shield to block the mouth of the Saber Tyrant and pushed himself out of the way to use his spear arm and stab the beast in the neck. Rearing back from the searing pain, the spear remained locked into the beast's neck and Clyde accidentally let go of his weapon, rendering him 'naked' for his personal fight.

"We need to help him!" Stelimus shouted.

"Nah. Let 'im. The pony-song wants to fight on his own. Let him," one of the soldiers huffed.

The pony rolled around every stomp and snap the tyrant aimed at him, although Clyde forgot about its tail and only had a brief moment to pull up his shield that he was struck hard and into a pile of snow.

"By the way, I'm impressed you can call upon spirit essence of that caliber, but NEVER do that again!" Manimin scolded Stelimus.

The stag was caught off-guard. "Why not?"

"It pulls out the souls of EVERYONE who cannot resist its power, including the user, and I saw you struggle." The sergeant-major bopped the stag on the head. "You're not yet ready for that level yet. Until you can properly anchor your soul, don't do that."

Stelimus rubbed his head. "But the teacher told me it was great to use against groups of en--WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS WHEN HE'S FIGHTING ON HIS OWN?!"

The tyrant turned its gaze back on the soldiers and ran towards them, stomping through the snow like a boulder rolling down a mountain side. Manimin and Stelimus channeled frost essence through their antlers -Stelimus mostly channeled through his hooves- and waved their forehooves through the air, encapsulating the neck of the beast in a giant lock of ice.

Clyde climbed out his new hole and ran towards the tyrant. He clung onto his spear and used it to swing himself on the back of the tyrant's neck where he pulled his spear out and rammed through its head. The stallion wiped his forehead after the deed was finished and the creature's body flopped down, its head still locked in place.

"I would have preferred not to have killed this creature. It was only hunting for food, but in nature, it is often said that the rule is 'Killed or be killed'," Clyde sighed. He used the snow to clean his spear and shield of the blood that had covered them.

Stelimus hurried up towards him with many intentions in mind. "Thank you so much for your help. I will see that you're well accommodated for your efforts." The stag put a hoof to his chin and thought. "Unfortunately, you can't come to the palace because of the king, maybe--"

"I do not wish for eccentricities. A simple domicile within a farmland would be good enough. If the occupants are bothered, then tell them that I am more than willing to help them around their farm."

"Well, we don't exactly have many farm lands."

"In fact, most of those we have are underground so that they stay heated," Manimin interjected.

"I know a place where you can go that shouldn't be much of a bother. She came in some time ago and I gave her a plot of free land in the capital. Ever since then she's been supplying it with food they've never had up here," Stelimus added.

"Then bring me to this farmer. If she is capable of such feats, then her talent and workponyship will be both a sight to behold and a talent that would serve me much in the future!"

Stelimus cringed internally and crunched his eyes after hearing 'pony' in 'workmanship'.

"I can see why 'father' cringes so hard, but he doesn't have to exaggerate."

Back at the castle, Manimin and his guards dispersed into the city to verify everything was going well with the people. The sergeant was confident enough in Stelimus and wasn't as crazy as his god-king when it came to trusting ponies. Walking through the streets, Clyde noticed the adults were looking at the prince with a bad eye, and many started speaking ill behind his back.

"For what reason do these reindeer slander you so?" Clyde asked.

"They think all ponies are bad news. Call you the 'pony-song'."

"Because many of my kind have a tendency to erupt in random musicals?"

"They do?"

Clyde looked sickened and his posture slouched slightly. "Yes. It's rather unfortunate for me that they do such things. Still, this does explain why these ponies seem to slander you more than others." Something popped up in Clyde's mind. "Come to think of it, you mentioned the palace earlier. Are you a noble of some sort?"

"Of a sort..." Stelimus trailed off. "I'm the prince of the folk here. Didn't I already tell you this?"

"If you did, I'm afraid I have forgotten. Still, one would think the general populace to be a LITTLE more lenient to their prince, a po-deer who can have them executed at once for wronging him."

Stelimus chuckled. "Yeah. Execution. I'm old enough to know that such things are pointless acts that tend to enrage the populace when done too much and incorrectly. Plus, they're just being whiny and spouting words. Insults are but sublimation."

Clyde cocked an eyebrow. "Sublimation?"

"When a solid turns immediately into a gas."

"I see. You're quite intelligent for a stag your age."

Stelimus whispered under his breath. "If only you knew." He looked up to see a clear ice dome further away from the two in an open field. "By the way, we're here."

The farm in question, despite being covered by the dome of ice, was not empty. There was a typical, country farmhouse sitting in the middle of the dome, but it and the barn were barely visible. Trees of many different species were covering the whole place. Once inside, it became apparent that the dome was lukewarm when it should be very warm or at least as hot as a normal summer day. Walking through the trees was like walking through a rain forest.

"Hold on. I can't see her yet," Stelimus said.

Once he finally got sight of an alabaster coat, Stelimus brought Clyde with him.

"Hey. Winter Fields."


The mare fell from the plum tree and onto her back. "I hate it when you do that!" She got up and wiped herself off. "As good as it always is to meet you, though, Prince Anglacite."

"I thought I told you to just call me Stelimus. I hate that title."

"You do not like your birth?" Clyde wondered.

"If you knew how my family was, you would be the same."

"I believe that families are a treasure to be cherished."

"Then I'm afraid mine was buried and long forgotten. I got the plastic substitute."

Winter took notice of the armored stallion and analyzed him. "Who is this?"

"Clyde of Dale." The stallion bowed. "I have aided the prince and his guard in battling a threat in the tundra. He promised me that I would receive shelter and nourishment before continuing my way." Winter Fields frowned and pulled on her mane a bit. "I realize that it would be an inconvenience, so I am more than prepared to aid you during every day work until I feel I am fit enough to leave. "

"Well, if you helped Stelimus and he agrees, then I guess I can't say no. He did manage to convince his father to lend me this land for my botanical experiments."

"Thank you." Clyde put a hoof to his breast and bowed. "Unfortunately, I cannot aid you at this moment. I need to rest, but I would be intrigued to know about how you manage to grow plums in a frozen land like this."

While Clyde and Winter discussed how the growing procedures went, Stelimus sneaked out of the dome and went back onto the streets. He really wanted to go to bed. He was simply exhausted, but it seems fate had other plans in store for him. A messenger found Stelimus and handed him a letter held in his mouth. The prince reluctantly grabbed it with frost essence.

"Fucking gross."

"It is from the God-King. He wants to talk to you." The messenger looked upwards pensively and started to recite what she could remember. "He told me to...tell you that he wants you toooooo...meet him in front of the carriage hold." The young doe's eyes sparkled. She was proud of having successfully transmitted her message.

"How old is she? Six? Thank you a lot. You can tell my dad that you did a great job."

The messenger 'squeed' and galloped away as fast as she could. In the mean time, Stelimus could open his letter and purview its contents.

"What does he want NOW?!"

Author's Note:

If you don't tell me what you think, readers, how am I to make the story better for you all? Plus, I love to see debating on what might happen in the future, and I like communicating with my readers.

No. I'm not shipping them. I don't 'ship'...I sink instead! *launches torpedoes*