• Published 8th Oct 2015
  • 8,287 Views, 943 Comments

Deer Me: Black Snow - The Psychopath

Gregary ends up in the hospital and is put into an artificial coma. Now he's the son of reindeer royalty and overhears something about betrothal for an alliance with a Crystal Kingdom. Good thing it's not him and he isn't in denial.

  • ...

The Truth

The aftermath of the battle was not pretty. Thousands wounded, and even more dead. The captains of the Crystal Kingdom came with ten-thousand soldiers; eighty percent being earth ponies, thirteen being pegasi, and the remaining seven being unicorns. Only about, two-thousand fifty-seven made it out with minor injuries. Five-thousand seven-hundred and three are gravely wounded. the rest are, obviously, dead. The reindeer came with about twenty-thousand troops, but most survived the encounter due to Anglacite's specific tactics and use of spirits, leading to barely a thousand and thirty-three casualties. Grimliss' are already dead, and Effervescence left with her own people long before tallies were counted. The hunters returned to their respective homes and Clyde of Dale returned upon his trips across the world, feeling his job here fulfilled. Anglacite left his losses in the snow, stating that 'What was part of the tundra must return to it. Those bodies are no longer the reindeer that inhabited them'.

Cadance was killed during the 'tantrum' the colossus had and was brought back to the Crystal Kingdom under the sorrow of Shining Armor and the crystal ponies, but the one who felt the pain most of all was Copper. Shining was using magical constructs to replace his powdered limbs which had to be removed. He would get mechanical replacements eventually, but he had one loss which couldn't be repaired. Stelimus took a little time to comfort Copper as best he could, but she was non-receptive to his words, so the deer quietly crept away, rejoining his uncle. It didn't go completely unnoticed, and Shining waited that they were far enough away to intercept them and stomp his intact hoof down.

"Can't you revive her?" Shining pleaded to Grimliss.

The god-king looked away and dryly answered. "No."

"But you control life and death! This is surely not something outside your abilities!"

Grimliss didn't bother lowering his head to look at Shining Armor despite the height difference. "I am what I am BECAUSE I tried to bring back life to the dead. The god who watches the dead for the ponies is not an entity I would want to irritate. I've already annoyed one god of the dead.Your wife is dead, and there's nothing you can do to bring her back, so you best get used to that now or be forever tortured within a prison of your own mind."

"I..." Shining collapsed onto the ground after his constructs faded. "But you commune with the undead all the time. Everypony knows it," he started to tear up.

"Oh? A stallion crying? I thought the 'male' aspect of crying faded out centuries ago."

Stelimus tapped his uncle on his shoulder and pulled him away. "Don't keep adding to his pain."

"Then let me explain to him so he stops getting this idea in his mind." Grimliss turned around and lowered himself to Shining's level. "You are right. I 'commune' with spirits and tend to guide them until they can pass on or until the end times come, but I cannot return life to what lost it. To do so is to incur the wrath of the gods of death, and those are the gods you do NOT want to irritate, as I've mentioned before."

"But...then the Crystal Heart? Why didn't it save her?" Stelimus asked.

"If I understood the intricacies of pony magic, and the functions of that heart, one would say that it is formed from pure, crystallized love, but...love is a fickle thing."

Stelimus lifted his head slightly, showing his fur matted with tears. "What are you trying to say?"

"Love can only protect you from so much, especially from normal creatures. However, the magic, no matter how strong or from what source it comes from, could not save her from the colossus' rage, especially on her own."

"Stelimus, brother, are we leaving?" Anglacite shouted.

"Come, nephew. We need to return you to your home before anything and reassess your position. You might have not done much, but I believe that might change once we reach the capital, otherwise..." Grimliss trailed off.

Stelimus was completely confused. "What are you talking about?"


The prince shrugged it off and followed the entire deer army back to the capital. They were all welcome with cheers and open arms once the screaming doors announced their presence. The wounded were immediately taken away to the various hospitals dotted around the city while the two god-kings who came back denied the need for medical attention. The rest of the city was gathering towards the center where a mighty feast awaited. It was almost identical in appearance to the day Stelimus was taken on the festival shortly after his birth, and his mother and sister were both waiting for their family at the main table closest to the steps leading up to the palace. Yolumay had sneaked towards the capital during the battle and seemed rather proud of herself. Effervescence's corruption appeared to have eteched a permanent smug on her face.

"That was a great battle, wasn't it, Grimliss?!" Anglacite cheered.

The stag narrowed...the smoke serving as his eyelids. "Yes. A great battle."

Anglacite stopped and turned to face his brother. "Is there a problem, brother? You seem to be upset about something."

"Well, the ponies did lose one of their most esteemed rulers, tearing a pony traumatized by a similar form of parental loss into a state of depression that I believe even your own son won't be able to get her out of."

Anglacite rubbed his chin and pretended to think about that event, but brushed it off casually. "The qualms of the pony-song is not part of my to-do list. I have more important things to take care of."

"While that may be true, there are a few things I have been mulling over these past few years since Stelimus' birth."

"Oh? And what would you be thinking of that is so important that you needed to wait that we were in the capital, in front of my people, to talk about it now?"

"What are you doing?" Stelimus whisper-shouted.

"I'm accusing YOU of being the Black Snow!"

Loud gasps resonated all around the three, but Anglacite laughed it off. "Really? The Black Snow corrupted living things in the past, but it didn't corrupt any deer, let alone a god-king."

"Oh, but it can corrupt over time. In fact, I found it bizarre how the colossus left when it was staring at the city those many years past. Even more bizarre was that it arrived at the precise time Stelimus was born."

"Coincidences, of course," Anglacite said dismissively.

"Even MORE bizarre was that it appeared when Stelimus and I were traveling through the tundra to reach the Crystal Kingdom and it was waiting for us in the blizzard and aimed only at Stelimus." Anglacite was about to argue, but was interrupted by Grimliss. "It even appeared fifteen years before Stelimus' planned conception, and wandered around the tundra, passively, ignoring even the deer when they passed by it, then it suddenly became aggressive when it witnessed your son? Even with a direct line of sight presented to it?"

Anglacite frowned and stood tall. "Oh? Then tell me, brother, why would I plan something so long in advance? Why would I kill myself? Why would I try to kill my own son?"

"Because Stelimus was planned as a link between deer and ponies, and you had already discussed this thirty-seven years ago with the white one from the south. The plan then went to the ponies of the north here after their emergence as a full power, but if you had your son killed by the colossus and killed everyone else, then you could have blamed it on the ponies as the tundra would have hidden the proof.

You could have remained in the tundra without worrying about the black snow as it would only target ponies and the southern equines would not have declared war on us."

Anglacite smiled. "So you're saying I would have tried to rid the world of the pony-song to better my own people and sate my anger of their kind?"

"Precisely. You masqueraded the whole thing as a semi-willful endeavor to eventually use the black snow as a weapon to destroy the ponies. This explains everything. You were corrupted by it and became a controller for it, which is why it always knew everything it needed to and why it did what it did, but you didn't take into account a change in your whole plan. The one thing that was the support pillar for it all."

Anglacite looked downwards briefly and seemed to be confused, then he looked up and tilted his head. "Stelimus?"


"What do I have to do with this?" the young deer asked.

Grimliss turned to face his nephew. Stelimus could see his body trembling. "Your personality is the most drastically different of any child my brother has ever conceived. Your sister is the average ideal of the children he has sired, so my brother expected you to end up like him. In fact, he also expected me to remain impassive to you like I was with the others. You were the one thing on which the whole plan depended on, yet you were the one who destroyed the whole plan before it even started."

The reindeer all around were mumbling and most did not want to believe it, but considering they had already heard about the events mentioned, albeit distorted by rumor, but the gist was there, and they were both god-kings. Grimliss was a god-king of the dead, and even the reindeer have heard the saying 'The dead do not lie', but Anglacite was their ruler and guardian...but this sort of thing didn't seem beyond his methodical-yet-simplistic mindset. They all started turning towards King Anglacite. Their eyes were begging for it to all be a lie.

Anglacite snorted. "Fine. I'm the black snow, but it's also me! If I must manipulate everything and destroy the rest to let my people prosper, then I will do that! And I won't let you, nor my 'son' ruin those plans!"

Grimliss and Anglacite crossed antlers, blasting frost and undead mist all over the area and across the deer around. The god-kings were both too exhausted to use their full powers, but the black snow was revealing itself through Anglacite's body. Large patches of fur became pure black as did the ice on his antlers. A black mist started rising from that ice and mixing with the uncorrupted ice's mist in the air. And while they fought, that same voice from before whispered in Stelimus' head.

"Yes. The fear feeds. The horned, frozen soul will spread it and feed, but what will the familiar soul do? Two paths lie ahead, and both will still create fear and feed."

"You may be tired," Stelimus whispered to himself "But I'm not!"

The prince dug deep inside himself and focused to try and summon the monster that protected him in the forest, and with so much more intentional power added into the summoning, the spirit was coming out much stronger for it and was warping the light and colors all around it. Four, gigantic skeletal arms came through a tear and spread it open, allowing the cloaked being to reach out and grab hold of Anglacite.

"STELIMUS, NO!" Grimliss shouted.

Anglacite could not focus, and without his full powers, he could not repel the creature. When he looked at its face, his eyes widened and he stopped struggling. The winds were blowing in literally every conceivable direction, as if reality were being warped by the realm of the dead.

The god-king struggled to look away and gaze at his son's surprised expression. The only thing Anglacite could utter was 'I lost control' and impaled himself with several stalagmites of ice. The undead monster retreated back into the tear and pulled the winds back with it to properly close the portal, leaving silence and the frozen corpse amidst everyone. Grimliss buried his emotions on what just occurred and hurried the situation by pushing Stelimus towards the chair right next to his mother who could only look on in horror. It was best to get a new royal member as fast as possible onto the leading throne to prevent confusion, mass panic, and nobles vying for power.

"Anglacite's son is now your king. I will remain here to counsel him so that he may lead you appropriately."

"And if you don't like it, then make sure to tell me," Yolumay growled after sitting next to her brother.

"This is a new age, deer, and one that will allow you to prosper in a world of progress, rather than stagnation!" Grimliss shouted.

A large portion of reindeer started cheering, but many did not. There was far too much that could be said right now, and everyone needed some time to think and understand. But the cheering...that was just how reindeer culture grew under the rule of Anglacite, and that still left many questions unanswered. Anglacite sending his own son around to become stronger and his moments of passiveness which were unfitting of his current personality were just two questions left unanswered.

"Yes. The path that feeds the most, but will the sand aid the familiar soul in its future? Awaiting for the unraveling of amusement"

When the black snow falls, an icicle melts.

Author's Note:

The next story I'm doing after this one is called Scales of Time.

I hope you'll like it as well. *wipes forehead* Man. This story was long as hell.

Also, don't forget that the characters in this story that didn't have much attention placed upon them will get more attention in the sequel. And hints for what will be in the sequel:A new race (possibry two not yet sure) that will play an integral role in what the black snow is, as well as a brief appearance by Celestia and then *mumblemumble* Princess Cadance! *mumblemumble* new heart! *mumblemumble*OKTOBERFEEEEEEEEEEEEST!

Comments ( 140 )

Hints at a sequel? Nice!

Looks at spoiler content....

Two minutes later...

Da fuck?


nuuuuu! not cadence!

sequel:A new race (possibry two not yet sure) that will play an integral role in what the black snow is,

So it ain't deaded?! Consarn it!

as well as a brief appearance by Celestia

She's gonna be pissed and weirded out.

and then *mumblemumble* Princess Cadance! *mumblemumble* new heart! *mumblemumble*OKTOBERFEEEEEEEEEEEEST!

Copper Heart absorbs/channels Cadance's soul?
Stelimus introduces Oktoberfest to the deer civilization! As a desperate distraction tactic to cover up his terrible bureaucratic skills!

7267399 [youtube=ItuUwrZ21DQ]

The god-king struggled to look away and gaze at his son's surprised expression. The only thing Anglacite could utter was 'I lost control' and impaled himself with several stalagmites of ice.

How is it that seeing Death broke through the mental corruption... Did Anglacite get his own series of visions just as Stelimus?

judging by the author's notes, and thus presuming this to be the end of the story, i can give my critique. *ahem.*

That was pretty awesome!

This story was delightful, depressing, deep, devious, dumbfounding and dearly.... deer-y. Okay, that killed it. :facehoof:

The point is that this story had all the right elements. Along with your bonus points this gets a 13/10 on the :yay:itude meter! I'm looking forward to the sequel!

Last chapter Grimliss told Stelimus to not use the thing he summoned in the forest... But he never did summon the thing during his time with effervescence?

7267509 Would you also like the other story I'm writing while you wait or is it not your cup of arsenic?
7267534 I don't understand. Are you asking if Grimliss ever summoned it around Effervescence or are you asking if Stelimus summoned it?

Stelimus never actively summoned it until Anglacite's death, so Grimliss's warning has no causality.

7267615 It was a warning for future possibilities, like here. Anglacite's sheer rage and obnoxious personality always made him practically immune to self-doubt, but you saw what happened when that thing grabbed him whilst powered up.

7267662 ...It was in the author notes you read...

7267731 i was half-kidding. put up some chapters and we'll see how it scores. :ajsmug:

That's was a rather... quick coup. Though, is it really a coup? It was violent, but it wasn't entirely illegal... Either way, there is gonna be stuff to deal with once the shock wears off.

I didn't realize this exactly finished, stealth update. And something rather abrupt none the less. Though it does leave more than a few threads dangling.

7279716 That's on purpose. :pinkiecrazy:

Just in-case I might've not noticed some of them reserved for the sequel, what threads did you notice weren't sown in?

7280068 Where the being really went, since it wasn't under control at the end. The responses of the other non-soul wedding vow, the nature of how luna and celestia are going to take this, let alone, shining and twilight. Being the nature of villains, until the body is fully ash, is of course anglecite dead? my brains not in the best shape, but these are some immediate ones that come to mind.

7280080 Oh, well I can already answer two of those as they don't constitute spoilers.

I don't do the 'Until the villain is ash' thing. Unless they're a supreme entity, such as a god or eldritch aberration, when they die, they die. I'll also explain, in the sequel, why Anglacite seemed to send Stelimus around everywhere when it would've been more lucrative to keep him at the capital and weak. (Don't forget the characters, like the two royal guards of Stelimus, having more important roles. We'll get to see more of Effervescence:rainbowkiss:.

As for the Black Snow, I never said it was alive, but I did say it wasn't the colossus which was talking to Stelimus.:pinkiehappy:

7284067 The aunt is named Effervescence, and Grimliss is a skeleton. How could he be fat? There's a wide variety of explanations for why he never noticed her wings, but that's for you to find out. :rainbowkiss:

As for that picture you want, you could always try asking Mix-Up.

And you're only four chapters to the end :3.

im just glad that lemon sucking king is dead, and i hope shining does suffer in a way as well, he should have called for help from the sisters, if so he could have cadence next to him. there is no such thing as glory in war, only suffering. where is your pride now shining armour?

Cadance was killed during the 'tantrum' the colossus had and was brought back to the Crystal Kingdom under the sorrow of Shining Armor and the crystal ponies, but the one who felt the pain most of all was Copper.

So she really died... :fluttercry: :raritydespair: :raritycry: :pinkiesad2:

"Come, nephew. We need to return you to your home before anything and reassess your position. You might have not done much, but I believe that might change once we reach the capital, otherwise..." Grimliss trailed off.

So they are just leaving? He can commune with the dead, can't he at least help Shining and Copper to commune with Cadance to make their loss easier?

Also doesn't Stelimus want to comfort Copper? :rainbowhuh:

Also, don't forget that the characters in this story that didn't have much attention placed upon them will get more attention in the sequel.

Glad to hear it. This all happened so extremely fast that it would be quite disappointing if there wasn't a sequel to it. I only hope there will be more of a happy ending next time. This whole thing here ended up in a tragedy after all.

7285973 ...I'm certain I mentioned Stelimus comforting Copper before leaving.


Uh...maybe he has...thick bones?

...That would probably be a hilarious excuse! :rainbowlaugh:

Now that I think about it... Does this saying even exist in English? Or is that just a German saying/excuse for being heavy?


I still didn't find it after reading the last chapter again! :raritydespair: :raritycry:

7286965 Then I'll check and, if it's not there, I'll add it in. There's still the other, new story for you to read if it so pleases you and you feel like reading more.

Also, thanks for reading this. WHAT DID YOU THINK? *thousands of microphones break through the wall and go mere inches away from your face*


Then I'll check and, if it's not there, I'll add it in. There's still the other, new story for you to read if it so pleases you and you feel like reading more.

What other? :rainbowhuh:

Also, thanks for reading this. WHAT DID YOU THINK? *thousands of microphones break through the wall and go mere inches away from your face*

*Fidgets nervously around in front of the microphones*

Um...Hm...I...liked it. I would say that my favorite parts were the ones with Copper and Stelimus. These two were just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute together! :rainbowkiss:

The thing with Cadance was rather unexpected and since you didn't respond to my question why Stelimus and Grimliss didn't let them speak with the ghost of her I'm currently wondering if you are planning something like this for the Sequel.

Only thing I didn't like was...the end. Not because of Cadance's death, more because everything happened so fast. It felt a teensy bit rushed. I mean, they just escaped his Aunt (I'm just going with this until I finally manage to write her name) and then suddenly there came the end with the black snow? Not to mention that Stelimus met his Aunt so shortly after their little dispute. The scene for Cadance's death and the death of the black snow creature seemed in my opinion rather vague. Well vague for Cadance and rather short death scene for the black snow creature. I mean, it just ripped the plant stuff out of itself and then suddenly dissolved. But the later could probably be explained with Anglacite's control over the beast. I found the bit about Anglacite a bit confusing though. Did he corrupt himself with the black snow while fighting it in the battle were his two siblings died? Did he really try to kill his son only to have an excuse to go to war? Pretty much such things. His sister was also a mystery to me. She just seemed to stay out of everything and in the end even accepted him on the throne. Her behavior was rather smug the whole time too. Not sure if that is from the corruption though, since there were hints about it. I guess I just expected her to act more...open and not to walk back home while her brother was risking his life in battle. Especially after he saved her life.

God, this got larger than I planned it to be! Well, at least now you have my complete view on this. :twilightsheepish:

7287297 It's in the author's notes at the bottom of the latest chapter.

Yeah, I felt that it felt kinda rushed, too, but couldn't figure out how to lengthen it without spoiling. The questions you are wondering were purposely left like that, and everyone(the readers here) thought Cadance was going to live because she's an alicorn. HAVING WINGS AND A HORN DOESN'T SAVE YOU FROM ME!

7315380 My proofreader hasn't gotten to those parts yet.

I fixed it a little, though. See if it looks better.


That... is much clearer, yes. Although I'm still not sure what "open" means in this context. A hole in the bottom? Oh! Or open as in not covered in tape.

7315410 I added 'hollowed out and uncovered'. Does that add the finishing touches or is there still more missing?

7315501 D-does that mean it's good? WHAT DOES THAT HIEROGLYPHIC MEAN?!


It meant the description is much clearer now, and that I was tired and going to bed and not very talkative anymore.

7317003 I'll say. You're a moon!

I briefly thought "moon" was a portmanteau of "moron" and "loon".

I feel rather silly.

7338822 Woopsie-doodle-zor.

It's laid. I just checked.

Thanks for finding these.

The way the site has the conversation has it as

"Disagreements and discovering each other's likes and dislikes are what makes most relationships interesting and fun. Some couples stay together simply because they find it invigorating to fight, but not for aggressive reasons. Simply because it's fun and can be destressing." He scratched the back of his head. "It's not the healthiest of lifestyles, which is why calm arguing is better for the more sane."

"But, wouldn't couples be better off if they liked everything each other liked?"

"That depends if they BOTH actually think that, but we both know you don't think that. Nothing can work if you can't be true to yourself, Copper."

"I see..."

"Well, I really really love you, Stelimus. You were the first to actually help me out after...that incident." She looked away.

So the speaker seems to be
Am I making sense?

7343426 Woops. Lemme fix that.

:rainbowhuh:Wait, a young child being betrothed to Crystal Empire Royalty, with Cadence and Shining Armor being characters...?:rainbowderp:


:facehoof:It's Flurry Heart, isn't it...?:facehoof:

7368375 This came out WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before she was a thing.
Plus, I don't do OCxCanon (not that I do romance anyways. This is the second story where it became a core component to the story. I never do romance otherwise). It's a good way to summon ragnarok.

I can't wait for the sequel.

7394177 Well, right now I'm focused on my space magitech novel "Lux Locus". I occasionally come back to my current fanfic story here aboot dragons, so I'll need to finish that first.

I can respect that frankly the only thing I can write is smut and it kills me slowly but they are commissions and I get paid each chapter

7394291 Ugh. I despize porn of any kinds, but at least you're making money from it that you need.

Me? I'm already dead inside! *opens up abdomen to show a hollow, black interior*

Well not of any kind,a portion of me dies inside along with my childhood every time I get a commission but the money is helping me with college so yeah I have not had to take any loans out yet.
*punch through the blank space and rips it out showing its only a poster*

7394332 You discovered my secret. DIABOLICAL!

No it's evile (yes I say evil like that) and diabolical I do have demon in my user.

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