• Published 8th Oct 2015
  • 8,287 Views, 943 Comments

Deer Me: Black Snow - The Psychopath

Gregary ends up in the hospital and is put into an artificial coma. Now he's the son of reindeer royalty and overhears something about betrothal for an alliance with a Crystal Kingdom. Good thing it's not him and he isn't in denial.

  • ...

You again

Author's Note:

Sorry I didn't update after the last chapter. I wanted a break.

Gregary was disgusted and refused to move. He could see through the rotted holes of the yemrin that his uncle has even provided him with two dracolich escorts. They weren't better off in the rotting department, although one of them was almost entirely a skeleton.

"At least the view below is nice..."

It was true, however. Vast swaths of plains and little trees dotted the landscape below. A few strings of clouds would hover in front of is sight every now and then, but they gave the painting before him a softer look, silvery-golden light, and created shading on the ground. A cool breeze accompanied by the warm light of the sun struck Stelimus occasionally through the...holes, and they were the only thing he was capable of physically liking in this situation. Some enormous cities could be seen far away, although one of them had an assortment of towers that converged to a centralized platform with a dome on it. Further sometimes one could see a lake here and there as well as flying creatures that would steer clear the second they saw the three undead beasts. There were even a few mountains, but no mountain ridges. It was strange, but not as strange as what Stelimus spotted nestled into the sides of one of the geological towers.

"That's stupid. What kind of idiot builds a castle INTO the wall of a mountain? I'm no architect, but I fathom that it would take an insane amount of maintenance to keep that thing from sliding off, let alone the mountain wall not crumbling down," Stelimus thought aloud.

His thoughts and admiration of the landscape were broken when one of the dracoliches roared at something for no apparent reason, then it was swatted clear out of the sky by some sort of gigantic, green tendril.

"Oh God, what now?! And we're so high in the sky! What the hell could've swiped that...dragon thing clear awa-woah!"

The yemrin rolled to the right, making Stelimus bounce around in its throat sac. Whatever was going on, he could hear roaring and the sounds of flames burning something. Outside, the escort and transport were being attacked by a gigantic forest down below. This forest stretched as far as the eye could see...meaning it was very big. Some trees were reaching the height that even the yemrin was at, and that was several thousand feet in the air! The green tentacle Stelimus had spotted was, in fact, a vine coming from said forest, but that wasn't the only thing occurring. Thorns and yellow flowers in the shape of balls were launching from the forest as well. The flowers themselves were exploding in the air, releasing a nasty, explosive. The other dracolich didn't take kindly to this aggressiveness and swooped down towards the forest, belching a toxic, purple miasma that burned away at a long strip of plant life. Another vine swung out from one of the tall trees and struck at the yemrin who was barely fazed. It was here that several more attacks occurred, but Stelimus was too busy bouncing up and down and rolling all around.

There was more turbulence until a final, super thump tossed Stelimus out of the yemrin and...onto extremely grassy grounds. Looking around, he realized he was in a forest and the yemrin was immobile on the ground...at least, its head was. The rest was elsewhere, which was quite disgusting. The forest was in a sorry state, too. Purple flames were burning away at a few stripes here and there and other places look completely charred. With one more turn of his head, Stelimus came face-to-face with Effervescence who was standing between two tall bushes.

"Hello, nephew." She waved cheerfully.

Stelimus looked at her, then looked ahead, then turned around. "I prefer the corpse."

A root erupted from the ground, pushing up the part Stelimus was standing on and carrying him back to his aunt, who kept smiling as if attempting to enamor him with her 'beauty'.

"You're going to kill me because of those things, aren't you?"

"Of course not! Besides, it will all grow back to be beautiful!" She twirled around at that last sentence."And I'd rather avoid having a Life-Death war with Grimliss. Weirdo."She pulled on Stelimus' foreleg and walked into the forest. "Let's reach the humble little village I live in, shall we?"

Effervescence looked behind herself and gave a dazzling smile while Fireflies literally sprung out of the nearby trees to illuminate her face. Stelimus grimaced, causing her to show a rather...angry expression.

"You're not enamored?"

"I'm not sure I can be enamored by someone who wears so much make-up she could supply the city of Toronto for a year by not decorating herself for a day."

"What? Are you a...'late bloomer'?" she teased.

"I sure hope so. The day I'm 'enamored' by you would be the day I'd kill myself. Plus, we're related. That would be weird."

"...True, but do you really want to raise my ire in my own domain?"

"Pretty sure you formulated that sentence incorrectly."

Effervescence vocally groaned in anger. "Why are you always so rude to me? You always give the cold shoulder to your father and you're buddy-buddy with your uncle. Why can't we have that relationship?"

The two broke into some sort of tribal village with blooming vines entangling the trees, wooden huts built into said trees, and several normal looking deer and ponies looking at Effervescence and immediately abandoning their duties to rush to her and praise her with gifts, which she ignored. She instead preferred walking towards a giant throne with a tall and wide back made from twisted branches whose edges were encompassed in golden petals. Its arm-rests were made from white flowers, the like of which Stelimus had never seen. The whole thing was at least twice Effervescence's size and was resting on a pile of green leaves and ivy, but there were no steps. Instead, there was an angled mount of dirt leading up to the seat, which was quite suspicious.

"Hmmm. She's trying to act all 'delicate' and 'innocent', her subjects fawn over her, and there's no steps leading to her throne, which means--"

Stelimus' thoughts were right. Quite a few ponies and deer dashed forward so Effervescence go step on them to reach her throne.

"Of course. The cliché 'stepping stone' trope. You want to know why I don't want to be 'nice' to you?" Stelimus ripped his foreleg out of his aunt's before she stepped on the first deer and stared her directly into her smiling eyes. "Because you're a manipulative demon that amuses itself in its appearance and uses that in said manipulative throes. Until you learn that you aren't that greatest thing since corned cheese, then shall I consent to according you some kindness."

She didn't actually seem to care and simply wooshed her mane to the side of her head and elegantly trotted to her throne where he laid down.

"Heh. Your sister is through those weeping willows if you want to see her," she said. "Then we can talk about what to do with you here." She passed a hoof through her mane dramatically, and many of the males there seemed to drool in adoration.

It was clear she was openly accepting Stelimus' aggressions and trying to turn them against him. She thought she was safe because she was batting on home base, but there are several ways to hurt a batter when you're the one pitching without letting them get one hit, but now wasn't the time. The young prince left through the annoying, droopy branches and walked along the darkening path. It was one of the places that had been charred by a dracolich, and Stelimus knew that his uncle wasn't going to like the loss of three of his residents.

Much to the prince's astonishment, while he walked along the charred pathway, bio-luminescent mushrooms were plopping up out of the ground and the burnt trees. Most of them were blue in color, but an occasional red or green would sprout up as well. The atmosphere felt like it was tightening up around Gregary's soul, but he pushed forward. The further he went, the tighter the atmosphere became and the more he wanted to turn back. At the end of the pathway was a burnt tree still burning with bright purple flames. It and many other trees had toppled over, completely blocking the pathway to Stelimus' sister. Mustering his spirit essence, Stelimus fazed himself into the world of spirits, allowing him to happily trot through the bark, although he noticed a rather distinguished lack of spirits around. It reminded Stelimus of something the giant, undead deer told him.

"Some might think that having no spirits around is a good thing; that they've all passed on. This isn't a good thing, however. Not all spirits come from the living. There's always a beginning, and without a beginning, there is no end. No change. No evolution. No regulating."

The stag took a deep breath of death energies and exhaled them all out, allowing him to shift back into the living world. The bleak whiteness of the spirits wasn't very enjoyable and didn't really let him see anything but the souls of the living, but he did see one. That of his sister. She was lying down in a patch of rich moss under a few rocks piled into some sort of uneven hut. The place was, frankly, calm and tranquil. There was even a tiny pond in front of her stone hut from which a few cat tails grew and luminescent bugs fluttered around. One of the cat tails' 'fur' was spread outwards like a pine cone and emitting a varying dose of white and orange lights. Stelimus slowly approached his sister in an attempt to wake her up, although using a cat tail might be the more logical of solutions, given her predictable by-the-book attempts at killing him in the past. She most likely had a knife and knew he was coming and just WAITING for that opportune moment. And so, the stag reached out to grab one of the tails when he noticed it was thinner then it should have been. He reluctantly looked away from his sister to realize, in abject horror, that he was holding the antenna of a giant, flat beetle.


His sister awoke in a start and the beetle, terrified, flew away as fast as it could.

"Stelimus?" Yolumay asked.

Her voice was extremely loud but still had its tropical tang of angry.

"Yes. Are you going to try to kill me now or should I schedule an appointment for two-thirty p.m. on the seventh?"

The doe stepped out, very slowly, into the light of the cat tails, showing that she was in terrible condition. Her fur was starting to turn a pale green and spreading from her body to her appendages, her antlers had grown quite a bit and a vine could be seen here and there. To make matters worse, she looked absolutely exhausted and had black bags under her eyes, but she was still angry.

"Oh. 'Thank God' she's still angry as before. I don't know what I would do if even her personality changed just a smidge,"Stelimus internally mocked.

Yolumay somehow nearly fall over but righted herself back up with what was evidently an extreme amount of effort."I need...help, brother..." she begged.

"Ohhhh boyyyy. That's not a good sign."

"As much as people hate it, death regulates life, and without it, life can't continue or evolve. Death can't regulate itself and will forever be an end to life, but if life has no end, and death cannot regulate it and help it progress and evolve, well, there are things that even we do not want to share despite our age."