• Published 8th Oct 2015
  • 8,287 Views, 943 Comments

Deer Me: Black Snow - The Psychopath

Gregary ends up in the hospital and is put into an artificial coma. Now he's the son of reindeer royalty and overhears something about betrothal for an alliance with a Crystal Kingdom. Good thing it's not him and he isn't in denial.

  • ...

To the swamps

It took some time, but Stelimus finally had his things prepared and placed in an inconspicuous carriage of plain wood and pulled by regular looking deer. So, now Stelimus just had to sit on his red couch and wait for the trip. It would be really boring, so, to pass the time, he started to think, and Copper Blossom came to mind. He started to scavenge at his memories. The older they got, the more open she became and the better he could help her.

"Just because they're dead doesn't mean you'll never see them again."

"Why? Because they're 'here' in my heart?" Copper struck her chest angrily. "Everypony says that. I'm tired of it!"

"Maybe, but, if you believe in things like souls, it just means that they lost their corporeal forms."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that they've become spirits and they're certainly watching you and protecting you to the best of their power."

"How would you know?"

"Because deer communicate and work with spirits all the time." Stelimus grinned. "I bet that I could find them in the future when I get better at using spirit essence and ask the spirits where they are. You might get to see them again."



She did seem to calm down since that day, and Stelimus reassured her doubts by performing feats only possible by using spirit essence. Shining did notice that she was unusually clamoring for Stelimus' attention since that day, often wearing dresses, changing her appearance, or crafting statues out of various materials to try and improve herself, and Stelimus somehow noticed EVERY. SINGLE. CHANGE. Shining was used to his wife doing those things and he'd been with her long enough to know, but Stelimus noticed all the subtle changes even with Cadance.

Shining went to check on his daughter in her enormous room. It had changed quite a bit since Stelimus first visited some time ago. It was now filled to the brim with sculptures detailing various characters and environments. Her cutie mark had become associated to sculpting and had the form of a genderless pony made from orange clay. The stallion trekked his way carefully through the valley of clay, his nose scrunching up from the odor of said material mixed with water. He approached his daughter with some concern.

"Hi, Blossom. How are you today?"

"I'm great, dad? Why?"

"Oh, I was just wondering. You just seem to stay cooped up in here for lengthy periods of time."

Blossom turned away from her sculpture briefly and looked at her father. "Well, duh? I like to sculpt. It's not really easy when this mud is being dried constantly by the sun."

"Hm. True. Still, I just wanted to know how you were."

"I'm fine."

There was a long moment of awkwards silence between the two, an occasional scraping of clay being the only sort of ambiance available.

"So..." Shining rubbed his foreleg. "What do you think about Stelimus?"

"I like him."

Shining's eye twitched a bit. "Like him...how?"

Copper giggled. "I like-like him?"

The stallion slowly slid out of the room using his magic and closed the door.


"GAH!" The captain jumped back several...'hooves'. "You startled me, Cadance."

"I noticed. What's wrong?"

"I think she fell in love with Stelimus."

"That's great news!" Cadance cheered quietly.

"No it's not! What if he tries to hurt her? And I don't want the satisfaction of our daughter having fallen for the son of that douche across the tundra."


"I dunno. I heard somepony say it after coming back from Prance."

Cadance shook her head and kissed Shining on his cheek. "You don't need to worry about a thing. We're both here and we'll help her out if anything bad happens, mkay?"

Shining took a deep swallow and nodded. "Okay. If you say so. You know about love better than I do."

The two started to walk away from Copper's door, but a thought went through Cadance's mind, a thought she needed to share. "She wasn't making sculptures of Stelimus, was she? You know, obsessively?"

Stelimus was dropped off in the swamps and onto one muddy pile. The driver told him that Grimliss had sent a guide and that he could be found further along the path through the swamp, provided he went towards the closest high tree. Stelimus was...quite leery and very hesitant on the whole thing.

"Welp, this is definitely swamp-like. Very dark, full of bugs, gross ground. Hell, there's even the creepy trees with their vein-roots and large amounts of weird, twisted plants I've never seen before." Some sort of weird screech that seemed to be a mix between an owl hoot and crow caw played behind the stag. "What is this, Scooby-Doo?" The stag looked up at the sky to see the clouds were shaped like vertically placed, rolling tubes of processed magenta and tyrian purple. "What's really concerning is that weird color and those clouds."

It was difficult walking through the mud as each step had Stelimus sink through a bit, similar in fashion to quick sand. He walked around bushes and thorny plants and even swore that he saw a pony-sized spider lurking around, but, strangely enough, nothing attacked him, not even the bugs.

"Finally. I'm at the tree."

"Stelimus?" a creepy voiced asked.


A deer rose from the mud and stood up before him. She was similar to Grimliss in that she was just a skeleton, although a red, heart-shaped object could be seen beating in her chest, and her eyes were magenta-illuminated. Her body was surrounded by the black mist, though this mist had no proper form and simply coated the deer like a dress.

"Follow me."

Stelimus was far too creeped out to say anything, and the occasional rays of color that would shine down onto the swamp didn't help his problems at all. He was being escorted by an undead. When the deer finally stopped, Stelimus was standing in front of what looked like a large hut made from bones and held together by a plant growing below it and hugging it into a pentagonal form. The small patch of land in front of the hut was surrounded by many dead trees and and plants, giving it an abandoned appearance.

The guide turned around to face Stelimus. "Please be kind to our master," the deer said. "He has been very kind to us."

Her eyes faded briefly and an spirit ball with the identical color to her eyes flew out of the skeleton. The mist faded and the decayed body was slowly engulfed by the swamp. Stelimus started to shake despite himself and couldn't find the courage to move forward, but he didn't have to. A few more balls of light plunged into the ground below him and the swamp started to push Stelimus forward like a surfer on a wave. It was then that the young stag noticed that the area around the hut was densely filled with floating balls of light that varied between the color spectrums of blue, purple, and green. The wave slid Stelimus through the entrance right in front of an awaiting Grimliss.

"Stelimus! So glad you could join me!"


"I see you met my subjects." Grimliss stepped besides his nephew and put a hoof on the entrance to better lean outside. "They often forget that they're now undead so they aren't very accommodating to the living when they meet them."

"Um...Why is there nothing here?"

"There's plenty of stuff in this hut. The problem is that you can't see them. They're phased into the spirit world."

Stelimus snapped out of his confusion."What?!"

Grimliss tapped his muzzle. "Hmmm. I knew he wasn't teaching any of you right."

"What are you talking about?"

"In the tundra, they teach you how to CONTROL spirits. That's not how it works."

"I'm getting real tired of saying 'what'." Stelimus glared at his uncle with a narrow gaze.

"Let me reiterate: My furniture is within the spirit world and, thusly, you cannot see or interact with them. As such, I've learned that the spirit teachings you've been receiving in the tundra are wrong. You should be capable of seeing them and my subjects, but you can't."

"But I learned directly from a wendigo."

Grimliss lift his shoulders and expressed extreme disbelief. "What?! Wendigo aren't good teachers! No wonder you don't know anything! Looks like I'll be teaching you about PROPER spirit essence and how to USE it, rather than control it."

"But...I didn't say anything about controlling it..."

Grimliss adotped a pseudo-snobby expression. "I figured it out on my own." He tapped Stelimus on his nubby antlers. "By the way, my subjects aren't just deer."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Stelimus asked.

A low-rumbling, deafening growl that shook the hut silenced Stelimus right away.

"What the hell was that?!"