• Published 8th Oct 2015
  • 8,287 Views, 943 Comments

Deer Me: Black Snow - The Psychopath

Gregary ends up in the hospital and is put into an artificial coma. Now he's the son of reindeer royalty and overhears something about betrothal for an alliance with a Crystal Kingdom. Good thing it's not him and he isn't in denial.

  • ...

It Stares of Yellow

When the group finished their discussions and left the room, Grimliss intercepted his nephew and stared him down aggressively. It was the first time Stelimus ever felt an icy grip coming from his uncle and closing around his spine. He was quite displeased.

"I see you summoned that creature, Stelimus, judging by your aunt's uncharacteristic behavior." Grimliss frowned.

"What thing? The giant skeleton thingy when I had to escape with my sister?"

"Yes. It tends to...wrench out the hidden emotions of individuals it doesn't kill and can amplify emotions felt by the target at the time of the attack. I would suggest you refrain from summoning that creature again, Stelimus." Grimliss walked down the corridor, accompanied by his guards, and did not turn back to finish his suggestion. "It would be better for all of us."

"Why? It helped me!"

"Because the world of the dead is far bigger and allows more expansive possibilities than that of the living. Ancient beings no longer allowed to walk the world reside within, and you summoned one of the most ancient of those beings. While it might have helped you this time, that might not happen afterwards." Stelimus was going to try and ask for more information, but Grimliss stopped him. "I won't explain more. In some cases, ignorance is bliss."

That was the last Stelimus saw of his uncle before the encounter. Messengers were sent out to the Deer Capital and the around the Crystal Empire to prepare the hunting parties. Clyde was quick to answer the call and left alone for the tundran wastes and leaving what should have been his companions far behind him. Stelimus and Copper remained in the stag's room; his sister having longs since left. Even when a few specks of black snow tapped against the glass of the windows, the two did not move. They were statues formed from trees having just rooted themselves into the bed and refused to move, regardless of what nature bellowed at them. And, like trees, they could not sleep.

The night seemed to echo quietly with the stomps of the colossus and the muffled roars of beasts in the distance. The wind somehow dragged their voices to the tower and through its walls. Whatever comfort Stelimus had was the occasional shout of Clyde that also glided upon the air followed by a death wail of whatever beast he had hunted. Anglacite burst through the door of his son's room as soon as the dawning head of the sun started creeping up from the horizon.

"It is time, son. Grab the pony-song and follow me to our army."

Stelimus said nothing, nor did Copper. In fact, the whole tower was vibrating with the frantic galloping of the soldiers and guards. Everyone the couple could see had either an expression of terror on their faces or simple nervousness. The only one that didn't was Anglacite. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself. He was almost bouncing with a trot and his head bobbed almost unnoticeable side to side while an enormous grin grew on his face the longer he moved forward. He took in a deep breathe and exhaled in laughter.

"Ahhhh. I have been awaiting this moment for centuries, now. I can't wait to see that creature get destroyed in vengeance of your dead aunt and uncle." He slammed his son on the back. Somehow, Anglacite's strike went through the armor and hit the poor stag hard. "This will surely make you understand the true value of being a reindeer, Stelimus, and I will be so proud of you when you get through this. If we're lucky, the pony will also die and you will be able to wed a reindeer, curing us of this potential filth sired into our tree and preventing the pony-song from becoming uselessly angry," he thought to himself.

Stelimus only nodded slowly in response, but he felt a cold breeze wash over him.

"Do not worry, my son. There is nothing to fret over. All will be fine, and we will both be off for the better of it," Anglacite spoke gently. Even his expression became all the more softer and caring, even for a moment. Yet, it reverted back to his usual, superior-toned expression.

"What the hell was that?" Stelimus wondered.

The tundra was still very dark, and the sounds of snow crunching below everyone's hooves was practically inaudible in comparison to the roars and screams painting the tundra's very atmosphere. Finally, Stelimus and Copper arrived atop a hill with Anglacite and got to view thousands of deer as well as catapults and trebuchets abound. They were war machines, yes, but Stelimus couldn't help but feel disappointed...that is, until he saw what Grimliss and Effervescence had flanking the main deer army while their own was far away. Gigantic, humanoid skeletons wrapped in shadow and a six-legged beast with a cannon-like mouth stomped around, eager to fight. Effervescence, meanwhile, had her own colossus made up of swirling leaves of autumn with golden leaves serving as eyes. Several wooden creatures of varying appearances ran around the potential battlefield and buried themselves into the snow.

While Stelimus tried to get a better view of his aunt and uncle further away, Copper tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to something sitting between the reindeer nearby. It was comprised of the three 'floors' of five crystals pointing outwards diagonally but connected to a small, ice-blue orb floating atop a square podium. It was an enormous monstrosity easily the length and width of four ponies and the height of eight. The rings of ice crystal slowly rotated around the core but made no other sound apart from that.

"What in the world is that thing?" Copper wondered aloud.

"I don't know," Stelimus spoke with a crackling voice.

He looked off in the distance to see the pony army now walking over the ridge of snow surrounding the battlefield. Pegasi were flying in the air, some holding platforms where multiple unicorns stood, while the earth ponies and unicorns below pushed catapults, ballista, and trebuchets, as well as some hidden under a large, gray cloth. It was even bigger than the contraption made from ice the deer had. The only thing Stelimus could make out were giant wheels of wood surround by metallic plates that had been bolted onto them. The wheels, for comparisons sake, were twice the size of the unicorns struggling to pull what they were attached to.

"Hey, Copper." Stelimus attracted the attention of the pony. "It's your parents."

Copper whined, something Stelimus couldn't help but find cute despite the situation. "I hope they'll be alright."

"They'll be alright. Don't worry about...it..."

Stelimus' sentence was interrupted by him bouncing up and down at the sound of thudding. The Tundra was being filled and covered with a violent, straining wall of black snow. Everyone readied themselves, with the three god-kings standing in front of their respective armies. Shining Armor was shouting inspirational words to his troops while he galloped along their lines and Cadance remained next to the giant, hidden machine, supposedly waiting for the opportune moment to use it. Stelimus couldn't help but think of William Wallace when seeing Shining armor. He could almost see him wearing a kilt and wearing the paint on his face. He even had the colors for it, too.

"There can be only oooooooooone!" he thought to himself and chuckled.

Two, enormous yellow eyes illuminated through the smog like fog lights. The wind intensified with a noise akin to a tornado, and then nothing happened. Everyone stared the colossus down, and it did the same with them, but in a more literal sense. Monsters poured out from behind the wall and swarmed towards the armies while machines started letting their ammo loose, then the giant jolted its gaze towards Stelimus who felt his heart seize up momentarily. It was not a feeling he wanted to relive.

"The familiar soul stands before the construct of the one. Obey since before. The outcome is not important, only the fear that arises from it. If the familiar soul survives, then perhaps it will meet the worshipers. It cannot speak, for it has no mind and is linked to the one of old. The familiar soul knows who it is and has lived with it for a long time, but it is not that which it thinks at this moment."

Stelimus clutched at his chest piece when he saw a wide, warped smile grow from the creature's left leg and rise all the way to the upper right of its head. The edges curled enough for him to realize it was a smile.

"Pleasure derived from fear and paranoia. Feed. Believe. Worship. Obey and spread."

Author's Note:

As mentioned in this blog, Mix-Up finished the cover art for this story and its quality exceeded all my expectations. That blog contains a gallery of progress as well as the links to his DA and front page. Pleasink to be of the reads.