• Published 7th Sep 2016
  • 4,459 Views, 218 Comments

Luna and her Woona - Teyeson Bee

Luna Lovegood finds a mysterious creature called "Woona" in the Hogwarts forest, and Woona has taken quite a liking to her. There's only one thing for Luna to do; be her Mama!

  • ...

Trip to Hogsmeade

"Mama! Mama!"

Luna woke with a start, sat up, and looked around. Within seconds, she found Woona, who was jumping excitedly on the end table by the window.

"What is it, Woona?" she asked groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"Out at Mr. Hagwid's house!" the alicorn announced, pointing out the window. "There awe big, owange things gwowing next to it! What awe they, Mama?"

Luna smiled serenely and swung her legs to the side as she got up. "Those are pumpkins, Woona. Hagrid's probably preparing them for Halloween." The holiday was only a few weeks away, and Hagrid always grew pumpkins as large as carriages for the holiday feast that would happen that day. Woona looked back out the window and continued to gape, mouth half-open, as Luna dressed. After pulling on her coat, she joined her daughter at the table and looked out the window.

It was impressive that Woona could see anything at all. The snowstorm outside was so thick, it was almost like looking at a white wall. Through the gale, Luna spotted the patches of orange that were the pumpkins, and a big, brown mound bending over them that was obviously Hagrid.

"Hey, Luna!"

Luna and Woona turned around and saw Padma Patil as she walked by pulling on her winter cloak. Luna smiled and waved, and Woona copied almost immediately.

"Remember; Hogsmeade trip today!" she said, grabbing her scarf. "Though I don't know if many people would want to go in this weather. See you." And she was gone down the stairs.

The Hogsmeade trip. How could Luna have forgotten? Then again, finding and taking care of a baby alicorn, along with studying for her O.W.L.s would be enough to drive things like that from one's mind. Would it be prudent to go to the village, even with everything going on? It's not like she was behind on any of her assignments, but then again, it was dreadful weather outside. On the other hand, Woona hadn't seen Hogsmeade yet, and Luna was certain that she would love it, especially when she got a glimpse of Honeydukes. It could be a wonderful mother/daughter outing opportunity. Yes, it would be fun for both of them, and the thought of seeing the little filly's eyes light up at the village was enough to cement the decision.

"What's Hogsmeade, Mama?" Woona asked curiously.

"It's a village," Luna responded as she started to gather her gloves and scarf. "Several times a year, students get the take trips down to Hogsmeade and explore the shops. There's a joke shop called Zonko's, The Three Broomsticks pub with foaming mugs of hot Butterbeer, Dervish and Bang's Wizarding Supplies," With every thing Luna listed off, Woona's eyes grew wider with awe, "and, of course, Honeydukes Sweets, the biggest candy shop around!"

All it took were the words "biggest" and "candy" for Woona to start bouncing up and down with excitement, her eyes still as wide as dinner plates. Luna, who was expecting nothing less, chuckled amusingly.

"Awe we gonna go?" Woona asked giddily, "Huh? Huh? Huh? Awe we? I wanna go! Please, Mama? Pretty, pretty please?"

"Don't worry, sweetie!" Luna said loudly over Woona's continuous pleas. "Well go after breakfast."

"Yay!" Woona cheered happily as she was picked up and placed on Luna's head. All the way down to the Great Hall, Woona was rocking back and forth with excitement, humming an unknown tune, happy as a lark. She only calmed down a bit when they entered the Hall and was sat down on the bench next to Luna, who gave her a bit of toast. She had just sat down and pulled a plate of fried eggs toward her, when a familiar face greeted her from behind.

"Hey, Luna. Woona."


Luna looked around in time to see Woona jump off the bench right into Neville's arms and hug him tightly. Neville blushed as he always did when Woona called him "Daddy."

"Are you two going to Hogsmeade?" Neville asked as he stroked Woona's mane.

"Yes," Luna nodded. "It's going to be quite a trip though." She looked up at the enchanted ceiling above which showed the weather outside. It was completely white and snowy.

"I know," Neville said. "I was actually kind of surprised that they were still having the trips." He placed Woona back on the bench beside Luna. "You know, because of all the extra security precautions they have been taking."

Luna took a swig of orange juice and shrugged. "It'll be fun anyway. It's Woona's first time after all."

"Yeah!" Woona chimed in, bouncing slightly. "We're gonna see Honeyducks!"

"Honeydukes," Luna corrected, chuckling again. Just then, as she looked up at Neville, an idea came to her. "Neville, would you like to join us in the village? It could be like a little 'family outing' for the three of us!"

Woona's ears perked up and she looked towards Neville as well, her tail now wagging with anticipation. Neville blushed again, but smiled all the same and nodded. Luna's smile widened.

"Splendid!" she clapped happily. "We'll meet you by the entrance hall after breakfast."

20 minutes later, after bundling Woona inside her coat, Luna and Neville were making their way down the sloping lawn toward the village of Hogsmeade, battling against the heavy winds and snow. The two of them were still laughing about Mr. Filch, who had been prodding students with a secrecy sensor. When he poked at Luna, Woona popped her head out of the coat and said happily, "Hi, Mr. Filth." From the shade of red his face had gotten, it almost looked like his head was turning into a giant tomato. The road to the village was full of students, all facing their own fight against the bitter winds that whipped everyone's faces. Luna and Neville held their hands up in front of them, trying to block most of it out, and Luna felt Woona shivering from within the confines of the coat. Luna patted the lumpy bit which was the alicorn comfortingly, and had to shout when she said, "Don't worry, Woona! We're almost there!"

When they got into Hogsmeade, they looked around. It was not a festive sight. What was normally a happy-looking setting, with the assorted shops and people looking inviting, was replaced with a much more grim picture. All around, residents and shoppers were just keeping to themselves, not wanting to talk to anyone, it might've been mostly because of the weather, if it wasn't for the fact that several shops were boarded up, including, Luna's heart gave a little pang, Zonko's Joke Shop. Luna knew why everyone was acting like this. It was the same in Diagon Alley when she had gone to buy her school things. It still didn't make her feel any better. She looked around some more, and it wasn't until Neville tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to Honeydukes, which was mercifully open, and the two fought their way into the warm, sweet-smelling air of the shop.

As soon as Luna had unwrapped her scarf and bit and pulled Woona out into the open, the little alicorn's eyes went as wide as wagon wheels, her jaw dropped, and she whipped her head around, looking at all the store had to offer. Luna and Neville glanced at each other and sniggered.

"Welcome to Honeydukes, Woona," Luna said, placing the filly on her head. It was too crowded to try and keep track of her on the floor. Even still, Luna could feel Woona squirming excitedly.

"CANDY!!!" Woona suddenly shouted, and lunged her body forward as if to dive from Luna's head. Luna, however, was ready this time. She quickly grabbed the filly before she even left the crown. As she held the child close to her body, Woona continued to struggle against her bonds, reaching both hooves out towards the countless dishes, barrels, and cabinets of Chocolate Frogs, Fizzing Whizbees, Jelly Slugs, and so much more. The crowd around them chuckled merrily as they watched the sugar-mad Woona trying to escape Luna's grasp.

Luna smiled at Neville again and said, "Where should we start?"

After taking another glance at Woona, Neville replied, "I'm guessing with everything in the store." The two laughed and headed off toward the fudge counter.

After filling their pockets with as many sweets as they could carry, and realizing that it was going to be a very hyper evening for Woona, Luna stuffed the alicorn back into her jacket, and she and Neville travelled out into the gale yet again. Seeing how Zonko's was no longer opened for the time being, the most logical place to go would be the Three Broomsticks. Luna pointed toward the pub, Neville nodded in agreement, and the two bowed their heads against the wind lashing at their scarfs.

Once the front door of the Three Broomsticks slammed shut, Luna and Neville sighed with relief at the sudden warmth. The place was, as it always was on a Hogsmeade trip, packed with students amongst the onslaught of bar-goers. Luna unzipped her jacket a bit, and Woona's head instantly popped out and looked around excitedly. Up at the bar, the curvy barmaid, Madame Rosmerta, was serving several tankards of various drinks to some warlocks. Over in a corner, Luna saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione deep in conversation, all with mugs of Butterbeer in front of them. Luna looked down and chuckled as she watched Woona's head whip left and right, taking in everything.

"Come on," Neville said, pointing to an empty table a few paces from the door. Luna nodded, and she followed Neville between the crowds and plopped down in their seats with contemptuous sighs. Luna then unzipped her jacket further, pulled out the now squirming alicorn, and sat on the table. As Woona trotted back and forth on the table, looking at everything she could, several students smiled and waved at her. Grinning broadly, she waved right back.

"I'll get the drinks," Neville said as he got up and headed for the bar. Now that Luna had a moment to look around, she noticed that Woona was getting more attention than just the students. Several full-grown witches at a table nearby pointed at Woona, mumbling to themselves. One shabby-looking wizard was craning his neck to see over the crowd, his eyes wide and mouth open. Even Rosmerta was temporarily distracted when Neville pointed out their table. She was so distracted in fact, that she accidentally overfilled the Butterbeer she was pouring, slopping it onto the counter. Blushing furiously, she gave Neville two foaming mugs and started to hastily wipe up the spill.

"Oh you're going to love this, Woona," Luna said when Neville returned and put a mug down in front of the filly. Woona's curiosity overtook her, and she sniffed near the top of the mug. She seemed to like the smell, for a small smile spread across her face. Luna smiled too and tipped the mug a bit as Woona put both hooves on the sides of the mug and pulled the brim down towards her mouth. She watched the drink leaned closer to the rim and put her lips to it as the contents ran out into her mouth. Slowly, as she slurped, Woona's eyes widened with delight and soft, content hum escaped her. After a few seconds, Luna pulled the mug away, leaving a foam mustache plastered on the happy filly's upper lip.

"Yummy!" Woona cheered, smacking her lips.

"Glad you like it," Luna replied before taking a sip herself. For a while, Luna and Neville talked about all of their current endeavors at the school. Luna went on about her continuing O.W.L. preparations and what she hopes to do after leaving Hogwarts (she was thinking of a Magizoologist), and Neville told of his ever-increasing herbology talents, and lamented about his ambition to become an Auror like his father (he didn't secure an O.W.L. in Transfiguration). Woona happily retold the story of her first magic, it was the third time she told it, and how she was trying to get the Color-Changing charm she found in Standard Book of Spells Grade 1. Neville and Luna laughed as Woona said how she "wanted to put some color in Malfoy's life." All in all, it was a fun bit of "family" togetherness for all of them. The three continued to talk and laugh and drink for several more minutes, until Woona turned her attention towards Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who were just heading out. She waved at the three as they disappeared into the storm. Neville watched them leave and suddenly sighed heavily.

"It's a real shame Harry didn't start up Dumbledore's Army again this year," he mumbled. "I was really looking forward to it." He then dug into his pants pocket, and pulled out a galleon, similar to the one Luna owned. Woona gasped at the sight of it.

"You're in Dubbydore's Army too, Daddy?" Woona asked enthusiastically.

"Yes," Neville responded with a nod. He twiddled the coin between his fingers and smiled reminiscently. "It was because of them that made me, I don't know, feel a little more bolder in my abilities. I felt...like I was making my parents proud. I probably wouldn't have been able to pass my Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. if it wasn't for the D.A. Harry said that I improved greatly because of it, and I was even able to hold my own back at the Minis-" He cut off and looked at Luna, who gave an empathetic look. "Well, it was great." Luna reached out and placed her hand on his.

"I miss it too, Neville," she said comfortingly. Possibly sensing that her Daddy was hurting, Woona trotted over the Neville and hugged him tightly. Neville's smile widened as he hugged her back. After a minute, the two broke apart, and Luna saw Neville quickly wipe his eyes and look around.

"We might as well leave now," he said, trying to hide his voice cracking. "Nothing much else to do with most of the shops closed and being in this storm."

"Quite right," Luna agreed, turning to Woona. "Come, Woona! You can try some of those new sweets when we get back up to the castle." The filly wasted no time in charging excitedly into Luna's arms and being put back into her jacket. Luna wrapped her scarf around her neck, Neville grabbed his hat, and the two left the warm setting of the pub behind them, and back into the stormy gale before them.

They had only taken a few paces outside, however, when a cry echoed around them; a horrible, high-pitched shriek that gave Luna a chill down her spine that had nothing to do with the cold. It was a cry that was the unmistakable sound of someone being terribly hurt. Whatever it was, the sound was coming from the path that led back to the school. With one worried glance at Neville, the two shot off in that direction, running as fast as their legs could carry them. Luna's eyes stung as she tried to see in front of her, trying to catch a glimpse of the source, but still she ran. The two rounded a corner, looked up, and saw the cause of the commotion.

Three figures were crouched around another figure lying on the ground. It was screaming at the top of their lungs, and writhing like an injured worm. As Luna got closer, she saw that the three figures were Ron, Hermione, and another Gryffindor girl to whom Luna had never met who was crying over the still screaming body of-

Luna gasped. It was Katie Bell; a 7th-year Gryffindor who played Chaser for the Quidditch team. She looked pale, her eyes were bulging, and her scream was painful. More people quickly started to gather around, trying to see what was going on. Luna and Neville could only stand and watch in horror at the scene.

"What's wong, Mama?"

Not wanting her daughter to see such a scary sight, Luna moved to zip up her jacket even more, but too late. Woona's head popped up and looked down at Katie Bell. Although she couldn't see the alicorn's face, Luna could feel her start to tremble from within the jacket.

"Get back!" shouted a booming voice. "Lemme see her!"

Everyone looked up to see Hagrid, followed closely by Harry, pushing through the crowd. The people quickly dispersed slightly as Hagrid stooped down to the still screaming Katie.

"Something's happened to her!" the Gryffindor girl sobbed. "I don't know what!"

Without another word, Hagrid scooped Katie up into his massive arms, and rushed through the herds of students back towards the castle. When Katie's cries finally died away, Luna peeled away from the spot where she was laying, and looked concernedly at Neville, who wore a similar expression. No doubt they were both asking the same thing; what could've caused Katie to act like that. The answer came to them almost immediately. An answer that sent a small chill up Luna's spine.

A curse.

"You're Leanne, right?" Luna heard Hermione ask as she put a comforting hand on the sobbing girl's shoulder. Leanne nodded. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Leanne responded through her tears. "Katie said she was going to the loo in the Three Broomsticks. When she came out, she was carrying that!" She pointed down towards the ground, and Luna saw a small, opal necklace sitting on brown wrapping paper. When Ron reached down to take it, he was stopped by Harry's sudden outburst.

"Don't touch it! I've seen that before in Borgin and Burkes! It's a cursed necklace!" Ron quickly recoiled his hand.

Hermione went back to talking to Leanne, but Luna wasn't paying attention. She didn't even seem to notice that most of the crowd had dispersed. It didn't seem to matter at the moment. Someone had given Katie a cursed necklace. If that's what happened when Katie just touched it, Luna shuddered to wonder what would've happened if she would've put it on. Though that raised another question; who would want to hurt Katie Bell? Or maybe it wasn't meant for her. If it was hers, she would've opened it when she got it. Maybe she was just asked to deliver it, but to whom? Just the thought of a cursed necklace being sent out to hurt someone at the school scared Luna.


Luna was snapped back to the present as she felt a soft hand on her shoulder. She looked up into Neville's concerned face, and the two just stared for a second, both still scared and confused as to what had happened.

"Let's get out of here," Neville said reassuringly. Hearing his words seemed to wake Luna's senses as well, and she nodded. The two were just about to continue forward when-


Luna started a bit. She had completely forgotten about the alicorn in her jacket. She leaned her head forward and saw that Woona's eyes were still glued to the spot where Katie had lain. Now that her senses had returned, Luna also noticed that Woona was still trembling. And then, when Woona turned to look at her, Luna's eyes widened to see some tears forming in the filly's big, turquoise eyes. When she spoke again, her voice cracked slightly.

"Why w-would somebody do that to her, Mama? Who would hurt her like that?"

That fact that Woona also seemed to realize that this was no accident almost scared Luna. As she looked down into the filly's watery eyes, an onslaught of worries that only a parent could have rushed through her mind. What should she say? What could she say? Should she tell her not to worry? Should she just say it really was an accident? Luna was so caught up in her own little world, taking care of Woona and showing her the great things around Hogwarts, that she didn't even consider telling her about the impending dangers out in the world. It took something like this to remind her of that. But would Woona be ready to know what's out there? Would she be able to handle it, and at such a young age? Would it scare her? For the first time since she started her parenthood, Luna was nervous to tell the truth to Woona.

No, a stern voice suddenly boomed inside Luna, she has to know, to prepare her. She was going to find out sooner or later anyways. It was best to tell her now and help her understand. One thing was for sure, Luna had to keep a level head for her daughter. She took a deep breath, and looked down at Woona again.

"Come on," she said softly. "Let's go warm up at the castle. We'll talk there."

Luna then zipped up her jacket, and she and Neville continued their trek back to the school, all the while wondering what she was going to say. It was time for Woona to know the full story of what was really out there.