• Published 7th Sep 2016
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Luna and her Woona - Teyeson Bee

Luna Lovegood finds a mysterious creature called "Woona" in the Hogwarts forest, and Woona has taken quite a liking to her. There's only one thing for Luna to do; be her Mama!

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Woona's First Magic

The last days of September faded away, and October crept in. The weather became a lot colder, and the leaves on the great oaks surrounding the castle grounds began to change to their Autumn colors of yellow, orange, and red. The winds also picked up. No longer could Luna nonchalantly keep Woona perched on her head, but cradle the little alicorn against her chest as they crossed the grounds to Herbology at the greenhouses and Care of Magical Creatures at Hagrid's hut. On one particular occasion, Luna had underestimated the power of some fierce Tuesday winds, and poor, little Woona almost got swept away. A quick hovering charm thankfully resolved that, but when Luna returned Woona to her chest, the little one's mane was standing on end.

Apart from the weather and her usual classes, Woona was changing as well. Thanks to nightly grammar lessons before bed, Woona's speech and reading skills had improved wonderfully by mid October. Sure there were a few bigger words that she pronounced incorrectly (she still had trouble with Dumbledore and McGonagall), but she could say complete sentences. It was pretty astonishing how much Woona had grown already. This got Luna thinking however; just how quickly would her adopted daughter be growing up, and when would she reach the peak of maturity for an alicorn? Luna could only assume that Woona's current maturity in human years was about five years old. As for when she would become fully grown, well, they had time to worry about that later. In the meantime, Luna kept the lessons going, while also finding time to do her own homework, for the teachers had once again expressed the importance of the 5th years' O.W.L.s. With all the lessons, homework, practicing, and lessons for Woona, Luna's schedule was becoming very tight. She didn't mind though, for any time spent with her daughter was enough strength for her to press on.

One night, after finishing their lessons, Luna had tucked Woona into bed. Afterward, she returned to the common room to finish that night's homework. Slowly, the candles began to burn out, and other students headed up to bed, until by midnight, Luna was the only one in the room. As she finished Snape's essay about the proper wand movement and full effects of the stunning spell, Stupefy, Luna sat back in her chair, reached into her robe pocket, and pulled out what looked like a gold galleon. She examined it for a minute before sighing heavily and putting it on the table.


Luna turned and saw Woona coming down the spiral staircase from the dormitories, rubbing her eyes tiredly with her blanket draped over her back.

"What is it, sweetie?" Luna asked softly.

"C-can I have a glass of water, please?" Woona asked, stifling a yawn.

"Of course," Luna nodded as she walked over to a small table near the window where a water jug and a few glasses sat. She poured some into one of the glasses, walked over to Woona, and lowered the glass to the alicorn's lips.

"Thank you, Mama," Woona said after she had drained the glass. Luna smiled and returned the glass to the table. She then walked back to Woona and scooped her up in her arms.

"I'm pretty much finished," she said as she rolled up her essay with her free hand. "I think I'll go to bed too." She tucked the parchment into her bag, swung it over her shoulder, and started toward the stairs. She had just reached the bottom step when she realized she had forgotten her galleon. Pulling out her wand, she pointed it at the table and muttered, "Accio galleon." The little gold coin soared through the air as if pulled by an invisible magnet toward Luna, and she caught it and tucked it back into her robe along with her wand.

"What was that, Mama?" Woona asked as they ascended the staircase.

"Oh just a trinket," Luna responded. "A very special trinket."

"Why is it special?" Woona implied further as Luna pushed the dormitory door open. She didn't say anything at first, but sat Woona back on the bed and quickly changed into her pajamas. She then sat herself down on the bed, placed Woona on her lap, and finally answered.

"Well, a year ago, there was this teacher named Professor Umbridge, a truly horrible woman, who was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at that time. However, she was refusing to teach any student defensive magic, so no one was learning anything helpful. Then, one day, Harry, Ron, and Hermione gathered a large group of students together, and we all decided to form a secret organization to learn and practice actual Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was called, 'Dumbledore's Army.'"

"Wow," Woona whispered, her jaw dropped in wonder.

"That's right," Luna continued. "Hermione made us all special coins that would help us communicate in secret, without Umbridge finding out. The coins would glow and reveal the time and date of the next session." Her expression fell a bit as she carried on. "But after we were finally found out, we had to stop meeting. I was hoping that we would start up again this year, but since Umbridge is gone, Harry doesn't see a reason to continue." She sighed heavily. "It's a shame really. It was the first time I felt like I had real friends. I still check my galleon constantly, but it hasn't done anything yet." Luna paused for a second, stuck in those blissful memories of practicing Expelliarmus and Impedimenta with the rest of the DA. The train of thought was interrupted, however, by the loud yawn from Woona.

"Ok," Luna said, coming back to her senses and picking up the alicorn. "Bedtime." She laid Woona down so that her head rested on the pillow and pulled the covers up to her neck. As Luna pulled her hangings closed and crawled under the covers beside Woona, the filly's soft voice broke the silence.

"Could I be in Dubbydore's Awmy?" she asked innocently.

Luna chuckled tiredly. "I don't see why not, but you'd have to learn magic first."

"I could do it!" Woona remarked excitedly. "I would be the bestest, magicalist alicorn ever!"

"You sure would," Luna yawned as she leaned over and kissed her daughter on the forehead. "Goodnight, Woona."

"Goodnight, Mama."

At first, the idea of Woona wanting to be in Dumbledore's Army humored Luna, but after a day of thinking it over, a thought did come to mind; could Woona learn wizard magic? She had definitely shown magical elements before when she apparated into her arms, but that just showed that her magic was different than wizard magic. It actually reminded Luna of House elves; having their own sort of magic that didn't following the usual laws of wizardry. But even then, it was possible for House elves to do wizard magic with the absence of a wand. Maybe alicorns were the same way. In any case, if Woona wanted to learn magic, it couldn't hurt to let her try. The problem was, Luna already had so much on her plate already, so trying to fit in magic lessons seemed almost impossible. If only there was a way to somehow teach Woona without practical demonstrations. Luna thought back to her first year. When she first started out, the teachers would have them read about the spells before actually-

And the answer came to Luna immediately. She had the solution stored in the bottom of her trunk in the dormitory. Without wasting any time, Luna, who was halfway down the staircase to the common room, shot back upstairs and into her room. She pulled her trunk out from under her bed and started to rummage through the bottom. Within seconds, she found it. She still had all four; good! Woona would need them if she advanced. Smiling to herself, Luna ran back down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. She saw Woona sitting on a chair in the corner waiting for her. Luna hastily put the book behind her back and walked up to the filly, who noticed her almost at once.

"Woona," Luna said, trying to contain her excitement, "I have something for you."

"What is it?" Woona asked, her head tilted slightly.

Luna pulled her arm out from behind her back and held out a thick, black book to Woona. On its cover was the title, written in golden letters, The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1. Woona eyed the book curiously as Luna spoke again.

"This book helped me learn all the basic spells from my first year at Hogwarts. I don't really use it anymore, but maybe you could get some use out of it. I mean, you have to start with the basics if you want to learn magic." Instantly, Woona's eyes shot up to meet her mother's, now wide as plates, and an excited smile slowly spread across her face as comprehension dawned on her.

"Weally?!" she asked happily.

"Really," Luna nodded with equal happiness. "You'll have to really study though if you want to learn."

"You just wait, Mama!" Woona said with a confident smile. "I'll start wight now!" She then tried to stand the book up straight, but Luna chuckled and lowered it again.

"How about after breakfast?" she suggested. As if on point, Woona's stomach growled softly.

"Ok," nodded Woona. Luna smiled, put the book in her bag, placed Woona on top of her head, and started down to the Great Hall.

During that morning's Charms class, Woona stayed quiet the entire time with no complaints. Every time Luna checked under her desk, she saw the little alicorn's head hidden behind the propped up Standard Book of Spells Grade 1, not making a single peep. Luna instantly felt a combination of pride that Woona was reading all by herself, and relief that she had found an activity to keep her daughter fully entertained all throughout a class. Feeling at ease with these feelings, Luna put her full attention toward the lesson of the day, Cheering Charms. Woona's deep interest in the book didn't falter through the morning. While Luna and Woona normally played during Luna's free period before Transfiguration, the little one was found on one of the comfy chairs, engulfed in the pages of the spell book. Seeing how she had O.W.L. work to catch up on, Luna's free period was uncharacteristically quiet. An hour later, however, Luna picked up Woona, and started down to Professor McGonagall's class.

That day in Transfiguration, they were starting Vanishing Spells. As Professor McGonagall lectured on, the students started their taking of notes.

"Keep in mind that the larger the target, the harder it is to vanish," said Professor McGonagall sternly at the end of 30 minutes, "so we'll be starting with mice." She indicated a medium-sized, wooden box on her desk, where a distant squeaking could be heard amongst the scribbling of quills on parchment.

When Luna looked down again to write another paragraph, she noticed that the spell book was no longer perched up in its usual reading position, but laying flat on the ground. Curious, Luna peeked under the desk and saw that Woona was no longer reading. In fact, she was staring intently in Professor McGonagall's direction. Woona's eyes were narrowed, and her tongue was sticking out of the side of her mouth, as if she was straining to concentrate on something. Just then, Woona's horn glowed for a split second, and then was extinguished. The harder that Woona concentrated her face, the longer the glow would stay before disappearing.

"Woona?" Luna whispered, her curiosity peaking. "What are you-"

"Wingawdium Leviosa!"

The words spilled in a hushed tone from Woona's mouth, and then, suddenly, Woona's horn glowed again. This time though, it did not disappear. A light blue aura was sparkling around her horn. Luna's eyes widened with realization as she quickly looked up toward Professor McGonagall. To her mixed amazement and horror, she saw the box containing the mice was also glowing with the same, blue aura, and started to slowly, but surely, rise into the air! Other students started to notice as well, and were quietly pointing out the levitating box to their neighbors. Each head leaned slowly to the side, dragging their attention away from Professor McGonagall to the magical display behind her. This went unnoticed by Professor McGonagall, who continued on with her lecture.

"Now, there's a very high chance that this will appear on your O.W.L. examinations, so I strongly recommend that you-"

"Woona," Luna whispered urgently under the desk, "Put the box down this instant please!" Woona looked up and pouted for a second before begrudgingly shutting off her horn. The glow around her horn vanished instantly; as did the glow around the box.

" -once you've all got the hang of vanishing mice, we'll move on to MERLIN'S BEARD!!"

Professor McGonagall jumped back in shock as the box fell and hit the desk with a loud CRASH! The box tipped over as the white mice inside spilled out onto the floor and scattered. Instant pandemonium followed. Girls shrieked and jumped up onto their desks, while boys gasped and raised their feet onto their seats, watching the rodents scurry beneath them. Woona, who wasn't scared of mice, started to chase them around shouting, "I'll get them, Mama!" Luna groaned and pressed a palm to her face.

"Accio mice!"

Professor McGonagall had obviously recovered from her shock, and had her wand pointed outward, her eyes wide and lips pursed. All throughout the room, mice were lifted into the air and flown back towards the desk, where they landed safely in the box. When all the mice were collected, McGonagall turned sharply toward the students, who were slowly returning to their seats. She looked absolutely livid.

"Well?!" she snapped, addressing everyone. "Whose idea of a prank was this, hm?" Come forward, now!"

A minute of silence passed as the students looked uneasily around at each other. Luna sighed and was about to speak up when-

"It was me, Pwofessor McGoggle," Woona said guiltily, her ears drooping slightly. All eyes fell upon the alicorn slowly trotting her way up to the front of Professor McGonagall's desk. Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows, a hint of her anger being replaced with surprise.

"I just wanted to pwactice the Hoverwing Charm from the book Mama gave me," Woona continued. "I didn't mean to interrwupt your lesson and scare evwyone. I'm sowy."

Woona hung her head in shame as everyone just glanced between the filly and their teacher for a minute, wondering what was going to happen. Luna, however, couldn't help but experience a sense of pride in Woona for how maturely she was handling the situation. Apparently, Professor McGonagall felt the same way, for, at last, her expression softened a bit as she addressed Woona.

"Well," she said with a sigh, "I appreciate your honesty, Woona. I'll let you off with a warning today, but no more unwanted magic demonstrations, or I'll have to ban you from my room. Understand?"

Woona nodded. "Yes, Pwofessor."

"Very well," Professor McGonagall said, and Woona quickly returned to under Luna's desk. "And Miss Lovegood," Luna turned toward her, "All younger aged magic practice should be saved for the common room. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," Luna responded.

The rest of the class was free of anymore impromptu alicorn magic, and Woona stayed hidden behind her book. When the bell rang, Luna made to leave with Woona perched, as usual, on her head. She was held back, however, by Professor McGonagall's voice.

"Miss Lovegood!"

Luna turned to face the Transfiguration teacher, who was stacking papers at her desk. She didn't say anything else at first, but as soon as she saw the last of the students leave the room, she called out, "I should let you know that I will be informing the headmaster about this," There was a slight pause before she added, "and Professor Flitwick. I think he would find it quite amazing. You may go."

Luna bowed slightly and left the classroom, sure that she had seen Professor McGonagall smirk at her last statement. As soon as the two of them were around the corner, Luna suddenly felt Woona stand up, and leap off her head. Instinctively, Luna reached out and caught the filly as she looked at her mother with a gleeful smile.

"Did you see that, Mama?!" she asked excitedly. "Did you see my Hoverwing Charm? Did you?"

"I did," Luna replied, trying to hold back her own glee.

"I did magic!" Woona cheered. "Actual, weal magic! Just like you, Mama!"

Unable to hold her true feelings back anymore at these words, Luna smiled widely and pulled Woona into a joyful hug as the two started to laugh. People around them stopped and stared, but the two didn't care.

"You really did, Woona," Luna finally said, breaking the hug to look her daughter in the eyes. "I'm so proud of you!"

Woona beamed, and pressed against Luna again. As Luna held the filly, she reminded herself to keep track of pinnacle moments like these for Woona; to remember them forever. She had the moment they first met, their first day together, and now, Woona's first, controlled magic!

At that moment, Woona looked behind Luna's back and gasped in delight. Noticing this, Luna looked around, and then smiled, to see Neville making his way up the staircase. Feeling nothing but joy and pride for her daughter, Luna sighed with content as she hurried up toward Neville with Woona shouting for his attention.

"Daddy! Guess what I did today!"