• Published 7th Sep 2016
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Luna and her Woona - Teyeson Bee

Luna Lovegood finds a mysterious creature called "Woona" in the Hogwarts forest, and Woona has taken quite a liking to her. There's only one thing for Luna to do; be her Mama!

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Woona Wuvs Kitties!

To say that Luna’s classes were exactly the same after Woona joined her would be a bold-faced lie. That was made apparent from her first class with Professor Flitwick, Charms teacher and head of Ravenclaw. As she walked into the Charms classroom, Luna was certain that Flitwick would find Woona quite fascinating. She couldn’t have been more correct. The dwarfish professor had to stand on a stack of books just to see the whole class, and when he saw Luna and took a glance at the smiling creature, he almost fell off his stack.

“Oh-ho!” he squeaked excitedly. “So this is the little privilege Professor McGonagall has told us about!”

“Indeed, Professor,” Luna nodded slightly, making Woona sway. “This is Woona. Woona,” she reached up and scratched Woona’s ear, earning her attention, “this is Professor Flitwick.”

“Fitwit!” Woona cheered.

“Splendid!” Flitwick chortled gleefully. He reached out a stubby hand and patted Woona’s head, resulting in a giggle from her. “Welcome to Charms, Woona!” He then looked down at Luna. “Just be sure she doesn’t disrupt the class, Miss Lovegood.”

“Yessir,” Luna replied with a smile before turning to her seat and sitting down. After lifting Woona down from her head and placing her on the floor next to her, Luna reached into her bag and pulled out some shiny stones she had collected and pulled her necklace off. She then placed them down on the ground in front of Woona, who eyed them curiously.

“Alright, Woona,” Luna said softly, catching the little one’s attention. “I have to pay attention to the class now. These are to keep you entertained.” She pointed to the stones. “You have to keep quiet and behave yourself while Mama learns some magic. Understand?”

After taking a second to process what was said, Woona nodded and softly replied, “Yes, Mama.”

Luna smiled and patted Woona’s head. “That’s a good girl.”

Woona smiled and started playing with the rocks, pushing them around the small, vacant area. Luna sighed happily and leaned back up just in time for Flitwick to take attendance.

Thankfully, Woona was well entertained for the entirety of Charms. While she did, at one point, want some attention from Luna, she was almost instantly satisfied with Luna reaching down and scratching her ears and stroking her mane without taking her own eyes off of Flitwick. After class, Luna praised Woona for her patience by tickling her tummy, sending the filly into a giggle fit.

After Charms was a free period, which gave Luna plenty of time to play with Woona. After taking her up to the Common Room, Luna played a few rounds of hide-and-seek with the little one, which she loved immensely. Whenever Woona would hide, she was all so easy to find, as she would hide almost in plain sight. Then when Luna would find her, she’d lift her up and tickle her some more. The room was filled with the many giggles from both mother and daughter as they played. Some students who were up there as well watched with amusement, and some found themselves laughing along. It was definitely the best free period Luna has had in a while. After some more rounds of hide-and-seek, and more chasing of Cho Chang's cat, it was time for Transfiguration. Luna scooped up the filly, planted her on her head, and made her way down the stairs to the class.

When she entered the Transfiguration classroom, Luna instantly felt a quick sense of deja vu, as she had just been in there last night. That sense disappeared as quickly as it had come as she moved her way to her seat. Up at the front of the room was McGonagall’s desk with its usual stack of papers, ink, and quills atop of it. The only thing that was different was the tabby cat sitting in the corner, its tail casually swinging back and forth. The cat was brown, with black stripes all around its body. The most peculiar stripes were the ones by its eyes, which closely resembled spectacles. Luna ignored it and quickly started to take her seat.


Luna’s eyes grew wide with realization and reached up, but wasn’t fast enough to grab the little one. Everyone in the class watched as Woona dropped from Luna’s head and charged at full speed at the desk toward the cat, who flinched backward a bit. When Woona had gotten to the desk, she quickly climbed up onto a chair and leaned forward, her eyes not leaving the cat. Luna immediately knew what she was planning.

“Woona no!” she called out, but it was too late. With a mighty push of her back legs, Woona went soaring into the air toward the cat, who reeled back and let out a screech. Everyone gasped as Woona made contact with the cat, engulfing it in a tight hug and tackling it off the desk behind the teacher’s chair. Instantly, everyone burst into laughter, all except Luna, whose mouth just opened slightly, as if it say, “Now I’m in trouble.”

Almost instantly, a familiar figure rose up from behind the desk, arms tightly at her side, glasses askew, and a happy alicorn with its front legs still around her neck. The animagus’ face immediately showed that she was not amused. As soon as her eyes shot up to the students, the laughter vanished.

“Miss Lovegood,” McGonagall snapped toward Luna. “Front and center, please.”

Every eye turned to watch as Luna hastily made her way down to the front of the room. All that could be heard was the harsh tapping of McGonagall’s foot.

“Miss Lovegood,” she said, her lips pursed, “when I woke up today, I remember thinking to myself how much work I would have to do, how long would it take for me to teach the Avifors spell to the 2nd Years, and even wondering what the cooks were making for lunch today.” She then reached up and tore Woona away from her neck, making the little one pout playfully. “What I didn’t think, surprisingly, was whether or not I would be tackled off my own desk by a baby alicorn.”

“I’m so sorry, Professor,” Luna said as she was handed Woona who, by this point, had sensed that she had done something wrong. “Woona just really loves cats. She didn’t know any better. She’s still learning.”

McGonagall straightened her glasses. “Be that as it may, I’m beginning to wonder if I should allow this one to stay in my class if she's going to be this rambunctious-”

“She won’t be any trouble!” Luna quickly objected. “I’ll make sure of it. Truly.” Luna then raised Woona to her eye level, her eyebrow furrowing a bit. “That was very impolite, Woona. We don’t tackle teachers off their desk, even if they are a cat. No!” Woona hung her head slightly, her lip trembling.

“Now,” she then held Woona up to meet at McGonagall’s eye level, “say you’re sorry, young filly.”

Woona lifted her head, her lip still trembling and her eyes glistening with some tears, as she looked at McGonagall and said, “Sowy, McGoggle.”

Everyone watched as McGonagall stared at Woona, her eyes almost expressionless, as if she was trying to read the little alicorn. From the way it was looking, Luna wasn’t sure what was going to happen. McGonagall was known for being quite strict, but also fair. Woona’s odds seemed to be 50/50 at this point.

After what seemed like an eternity, McGonagall’s expression, to everyone’s surprise, softened. A sudden wave of relief spread over Luna as she watched McGonagall reach up and gently pat Woona on her head.

“Well, there was no harm done,” she said calmly as she dusted her robes off. “Children will be children after all, even if they are alicorns.” Surprised murmurs surrounded Luna as McGonagall made her way back to her seat and sat down. “Just make sure that she’s well, and quietly, entertained for class, Miss Lovegood.”

“Yes ma’am,” Luna said, bowing slightly, clutching a now smiling Woona to her chest. “Say thank you, Woona.”

“Tank you,” Woona said.

McGonagall paused a moment, a slight blush forming across her cheeks, before answering, “Er...you’re welcome, dear.” More murmurs sounded throughout the room. Even Luna was surprised. Never, as far back as any student had known her, had McGonagall called someone “dear.” McGonagall was always on a strict, business-like basis when addressing someone, and never used pet names. Luna quickly returned to her seat, but as she turned, she couldn’t help but notice what looked like a small smile spread across McGonagall’s face.

When she had finally sat down, McGonagall cleared her throat, stopping all the murmuring, and said, “Alright class, we have a lot of work to do to get you ready for your O.W.Ls.”

Luna’s classes following Transfiguration were not as exciting. They were pretty standard; the teacher was surprised by Woona, they told Luna to keep her under control, and Woona was kept entertained throughout each class. There was a slight surprise for Woona when she met Professor Binns, the History of Magic teacher who just happened to be a ghost, but besides that, her morning classes were just basic.

It wasn’t until Potions when Woona started to get a little fussy, her stomach audibly growling for the whole class to hear. Professor Slughorn didn’t seem to mind though, as he understood that children tended to get hungry much faster than others. It was lucky that the following class was actually lunch. So when Luna entered the Dining Hall and sat down, Woona instantly tried literally diving into the food. Luna was on top of it this time, and quickly grabbed her before she could. She then piled some salad onto her plate and then allowed Woona to dig it, which she did very happily.

After Woona had finished her salad and demanded seconds, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had entered the Hall and took their places beside Luna, who told them of Woona’s experience with McGonagall. Soon, that area of the Hall was filled with the uncontrollable laughter of Harry and Ron. Hermione, on the other hand, wasn’t as amused.

“It’s not funny, guys!” she scolded. “McGonagall could’ve been seriously hurt!”

“Oh come off it, Hermione,” Ron replied, gasping for breath. “McGonagall’s a tough, old cat. She can handle being,” he snorted a bit, “tackled by a baby alicorn. Oh I wish I could've seen it!” Hermione just rolled her eyes and went back to her food. After finally calming down, Ron and Harry did the same. Woona, meanwhile, had finished her second salad and was lying on an empty part of the table near Luna, who began to scratch her belly. Woona sighed of content as the others ate.

“So did McGonagall get mad?” Harry finally asked.

“She started to,” Luna replied as she cut into her potatoes, “but softened up when Woona apologized. It was like her tone changed almost instantly. And then, when Woona said thank you, McGonagall said, and I quote, ‘You’re welcome, dear.’”

It was as if Luna had just said that she wanted to marry Draco Malfoy, because almost instantly, Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked up at her, their eyes wide with the utmost surprise. Ron had even froze his hand in mid bite and allowed his fork to slip from his hand, letting it hit the table with a clank. The three just stared at Luna, seemingly unable to speak.

“She did...what?” Harry asked slowly. “She called Woona, ‘dear’?” Luna nodded, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other, their eyes not changing expressions.

“Never,” Ron started after finally swallowing the large bit of beef lingering in his mouth, “in all my years, have I ever heard McGonagall call anyone a pet name. She doesn’t even like nicknames!”

“It’s definitely odd,” Luna answered casually as she started stroking Woona’s mane again. “It was as if Woona was the cause of that character change. Maybe it was the way she said it, or just how she looked-”

“In any case,” Ron said impressively, “Woona was able to soften McGonagall up, and that takes skill.” He then leaned in toward Luna. “Do you think I can borrow her for Transfigura-OW!” Ron reeled back, rubbing his shoulder. “I was only joking, Hermione.”

Harry and Luna chuckled before finishing their plates. After all the food had disappeared, Hermione got up stretched her arms before saying, “It’s almost time for Potions. We’d better get going.” She then turned to Harry. “I hope you’re not just going to rely on that book, Harry.”

“Don’t be daft, Hermione,” Ron spat. “He’s the top student with that book. I wouldn’t give it up, and neither should he.” Hermione rolled her eyes again and grabbed her bag. Harry and Ron got up as well and reached for their books.

“Oy! Lovegood!”

The four looked around to see Crabbe and Goyle making their way passed them to the entrance. Surprisingly, Malfoy was not with them. This didn’t go unnoticed.

“Where’s Malfoy?” Harry asked.

“We don’t know,” Goyle answered grumpily. “He said he needed to be on his own.”

“Wow! I guess even Malfoy got annoyed with you two dunderheads hanging over his shoulder,” Ron teased.

“Shut it, Weasle King!” Crabbe snapped. He then turned to Luna. “We heard how your little beast brainwashed McGonagall into letting her stay in her class. Don’t think that’s gonna happen again!”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked bluntly.

“Don’t be daft,” Goyle answered indignantly. “Your pet may have won over all the other teachers, but there’s one that won’t have any of it; Professor Snape!”

Crabbe chuckled. “Yeah! As soon as he sees that thing in his class, he’ll be tossing it out for the Whomping Willow!” Woona must’ve understood, because she instantly squeaked with fear and lept into Luna’s lap, clutching her tightly as Crabbe and Goyle walked out of the Hall laughing.

“Don’t let them get to you, Woona,” Hermione said soothingly as she bent over and stroked Woona’s mane. “They’re just big, blithering meanies.”

“Though they do have a point,” Harry said. “If there’s one teacher who won’t want Woona in his class, it’s Snape.”

“It’s alright, guys,” Luna said as she clutched Woona to her chest. “I’m not worried. Dumbledore made it clear to all the teachers about Woona staying with me, and Snape has to live by that.”

“But if Woona makes one disturbance-”

“She won’t.” Luna picked up Woona so that they were staring face to face. “You’ll be good, right Woona?”

“Yes, Mama,” Woona replied.

Luna smiled and kissed the filly on the forehead, making her giggle. "See?" she addressed the others. "Nothing to get worried about."

“Well, we’ll hope for the best,” Harry said. Ron and Hermione nodded in agreement. “Good luck, Luna.” Then, with one last wave goodbye, the three had disappeared through the entrance.

Even though she had said she wasn’t worried, Luna couldn’t help but feel a bit of fear in the pits of her stomach. As much as she hated to admit it, Crabbe and Goyle were right. Snape was not going to stand for any shenanigans in his class. If Woona made one little disturbance, he would throw her out without a second thought. Luna couldn’t imagine how scared Woona would be, not being beside her Mama at all times. No. She wasn’t going to let that happen.

She looked down at the smiling alicorn, hugged her even tighter, and smiled slightly. “Don’t worry, Woona. Things will be turn out alright." Her smile then faded for a second.

"I hope.”