• Published 7th Sep 2016
  • 4,459 Views, 218 Comments

Luna and her Woona - Teyeson Bee

Luna Lovegood finds a mysterious creature called "Woona" in the Hogwarts forest, and Woona has taken quite a liking to her. There's only one thing for Luna to do; be her Mama!

  • ...

At Hagrid's Hut

"Hagrid?" Harry called as he knocked on the front door of Hagrid's hut. "Are you there? It's Harry!"

"Jus' a minute!" Hagrid's gruff voice called from inside.

As the four stood there waiting, Woona was looking around wildly at the area surrounding the hut, clearly amazed by the size of everything. Luna giggled as Woona whipped her head in all directions, her face being tickled by Woona's mane brushing it as she turned. Obviously, Woona hadn't seen anything outside the forest. Pretty soon, the door opened, and out stepped Hagrid with his big stature and bushy beard and hair.

"'Ello, all!" he greeted kindly. "What are you lot doin' here?"

"We need your help, Hagrid," Harry responded. "Luna found this creature in the forest, and we thought you could help us with it." Ron and Hermione nodded and stepped aside so Hagrid could see. As soon as Hagrid looked at Woona, his eyes went wide and opened his mouth in surprise. Woona, however, squealed at the sight of the giant of a man and covered her eyes again, quaking with fear. Luna quickly started to stroke her mane again, calming her down a bit.

"Don't worry, Woona," Luna said softly. "This is Hagrid. He's nice too." At the reassuring words, Woona lowered her hooves and looked up at Hagrid's amazed face. Hagrid slowly walked up to her and knelt down.

"Well I'll be," Hagrid gasped. Woona looked right into his eyes, still with the hint of caution. Hagrid smiled sweetly. "'Ello there, little one," he said as he reached out a plump finger towards Woona. At first, Woona flinched back towards Luna, but then eyed the finger curiously. Then, Hagrid reached forward more and poked softly against Woona's belly. Woona's attitude changed immediately as she giggled. Hagrid smiled even wider and poked her again. Another giggle escaped the creature as she squirmed to try and escape the ticklish torture. The others watched on with growing smiles.

After a few more seconds, Woona, still giggling, reached up with her hooves and took Hagrid's finger between them. "Haggid!" she said cheerfully.

Hagrid's smile widened in amazement. "That's right!" he said as Woona played with his finger. "Aren't you a knowledgeable, little tyke!"

"Hagrid," Hermione started, "we were hoping you could tell us what she is."

Hagrid stood back up while keeping his finger down at Woona, who was now sucking on it happily. "Don' know," he said. "Never seen a creature like this before. At first I thought it was a baby unicorn, but they can' talk." He looked back down at Woona and smiled again. "She really is somethin' though. You said you found her in the forest?"

"Yeah," Ron nodded. "She was all alone in a bush. Looked scared out of her wits."

"And there was no sight of bigger ones around?" Hagrid asked.

All four shook their heads. Hagrid sighed and patted Woona's head, his hand almost engulfing it entirely. "Poor little thing. Probably got separated from its parents, or maybe worse." The others looked down at the happy creature again with sad expressions. Hagrid had a point. Woona may have just lost her parents in a tragic accident, or some wild animal killed them. Either way, it was sad to even think about it.

"Hagrid," Hermione continued, trying to perk up, "since Woona probably wouldn't be allowed up at the school, do you think you could take care of her? After all, you are the best candidate for the job. Who else to take care of a magical creature than the Care of Magical Creatures teacher?" Harry and Ron nodded while Luna just smiled. Hagrid looked back down at Woona, who looked back at him with a big, adorable smile on her face. He then glanced from Luna to the others, who wore pleading faces. After looking back at Woona, Hagrid smiled.

"Well o' course I'll help," he said gleefully. "I'm always willin' to help out a creature in need. I'm sure I can find stuff for her to eat, a spot for her to sleep. She'll be fine!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione's faces lit up.

"Thank you, Hagrid," Harry said. "That helps us a great deal."

"Hear that, Luna?" Hermione asked, walking up to Luna. "Woona will be safe with Hagrid. You don't have to worry about it." But Luna didn't respond. She didn't even move. She just stood there, looking down at the happy alicorn, who was looking back at her with those big eyes. The expression on Luna's face was almost...grim. It almost looked like she didn't want to hear that news. Hermione, noticing this, looked back at the others with a concerned expression. She turned back and said softly, "Luna?"

"W-what?" Luna asked, shaking her head slightly and returning to the present.

"Hagrid will take Woona off your hands," Hermione repeated. "You won't have to worry about her."

Luna looked up at Hagrid, who was smiling softly and holding out his hands to take Woona.

"Oh," she said, sounding almost sorrowfully. "Right." She then raised Woona to meet her at eye level. Woona giggled at the sensation of rising and took Luna's head between her hooves. Luna smiled as she leaned in and nuzzled Woona's muzzle against her nose. When she leaned back, it seemed that a tear had trickled down Luna's cheek, though she was still smiling. Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other with concern.

"I'll come and visit you, ok?" Luna said, her voice cracking a bit. Woona's smile faded as she looked at Luna curiously. "Now you be good for Mr. Hagrid." Then, after another few seconds of just looking at her, Luna handed Woona over to Hagrid, who cradled her in his gigantic arms.

Woona instantly started to whimper. Eyes still locked on Luna, Woona started to reach for her, her eyes filling with tears. Luna turned back as she felt her eyes start to water as well. Hermione quickly placed a comforting hand on Luna's shoulder.

"We better get back up to the castle," Ron said. The others nodded and started to walk back up the path to the school, Hermione's hand still on Luna's shoulder. Luna looked back to see Woona still whimpering and stretching her front legs out, trying to reach for her. Luna gave a loud sniff and turned back around, wiping her eyes.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound that made the others jump. It almost sounded like someone shooting a blast of magic through their wand. The second it went off, they heard Hagrid behind them, gasping loudly. They were about to turn around as ask what had happened, when another blast sounded and Luna looked down to see Woona had returned to her arms, clutching at her chest, and still whimpering. Everyone's eyes widened surprisingly.

"Did Woona just...apparate?" Harry asked, astonished.

"Th-th-that's impossible!" Hermione stuttered. "Nothing can apparate or disapparate within the castle grounds!"

Everyone turned back around to see Hagrid running up to them, looking just as surprised as they were. They then looked back at Woona, who had calmed down and was nuzzling her head under Luna's chin.

"Don' know what happened!" Hagrid said, eyes still wide with shock. "I was about to walk back into me hut, when I noticed Woona's horn startin' to glow. Before I could figure it out, she had vanished!" He then pointed to Woona. "In any case, it seems that she wants to stick with you, Luna."

Luna looked back down at Woona, who wrapped her front legs around as far as they could go in a hug and rested her head on Luna's chest, sighing with content. Luna's face broke into another smile. If Woona didn't want to go back into the forest, and if she didn't want to stay at Hagrid's, then there was only one logical thing to do.

"I'll have to take care of her then," Luna announced. She turned to the others, who all wore surprised looks, mostly for her decision. Hermione was about to protest, but Luna spoke first. "I'm going to go see Professor Dumbledore. I'm going to ask him if I can be Woona's caretaker until further notice."

"And if he can't allow it?" Ron asked. Luna paused for a moment, glancing back at Woona, who was now humming happily and chewing on Luna's hair.

"One step at a time," Luna said. "All I know is that this little one chose me. She needs me, and I'll do anything it takes to make sure that I'm there for her." The tone in her voice was one that the others haven't heard from her before. Normally, Luna sounded laid-back, almost completely mellow all the time, but now? Now she sounded determined. Almost like this was a mission that she needed to do, and she wouldn't back down for anything or anyone.

After a brief pause, Hermione spoke again. At first, everyone thought that she was just going to protest again, but surprisingly, she said softly, "Do you want us to go with you?"

"No, no," Luna replied, waving her hand. "I need to do this alone. I'll see the rest of you later." She waved goodbye to the others, and started up the path towards the school again, looking more determined than ever. Maybe she didn't understand where Woona came from, or why the two connected so well, but one thing was for sure; Woona needed Luna, and Luna was planning on doing everything to make sure that she was there for Woona. As she hurried along towards the long bridge, Woona swayed from side to side in her arms, giggling at the ride. Luna smiled.

"Don't worry, Woona," she said strongly. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise!"