• Published 7th Sep 2016
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Luna and her Woona - Teyeson Bee

Luna Lovegood finds a mysterious creature called "Woona" in the Hogwarts forest, and Woona has taken quite a liking to her. There's only one thing for Luna to do; be her Mama!

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"Ok, Woona. Try again, and remember; enunciate."

Luna and Woona were sitting at a small table in the common room during free period, a few days after the Hogsmeade trip. Woona was standing on one side of the table, staring intensely at a small box with a lock on the other side. After the talk they had that night, Woona was keeping true to her word; she was working much harder on learning magic. Luna no longer had to worry about her being bored in classes, for Woona's nose was within The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 from beginning of class to end. The filly had since all but mastered the Hovering Charm, as seen at the end of one Charms class, where Woona had hovered Professor Flitwick's hat off his head, spun it around, and placed it comfortably back where it was. Flitwick was really impressed, and even gave Luna five points for Ravenclaw to give to Woona.

"Why, any more learning," Flitwick said as he left, "and Professor Dumbledore might as well induct Woona in as a student!"

Woona's pride was through the enchanted roof at Lunch, as was Luna's. Her little alicorn was growing more and more, both intellectually and, slowly but surely, physically. The previous day, Luna had noticed how much harder it was to just keep Woona perched on her head without straining her neck, so she decided that Woona was at the point where she could just walk beside her. There were still no signs of Woona attempting to fly yet, but Luna knew that it shouldn't be too long now. It seems like time was moving along quite fast for Woona, as it seemed only last week when Luna first found her in that forest, scared and basically a toddler. Now she was learning magic and become much more profound in her vocabulary. But, then again, Luna thought, alicorns do mature rather quickly.

With the Hovering Charm completed, Woona had started working on more than one at a time. She was currently trying out the Unlocking Charm, Alohomora, on the box Luna had conjured up for practice. Woona continued to stare at the box, her tongue sticking out a bit in concentration, and her horn slowly starting to glow its colored aura again.

"A-A-Alohomwa!" Woona yelled as she pointed her horn at the lock on the box.

Nothing happened.

Woona sighed and stuck out her lower lip in a pouting manner. Luna couldn't help but giggle. She may have been maturing in some cases, but she was still a child after all. Of course she wouldn't take failure as well.

"It's alright, Woona," Luna said encouragingly. "Try to pronounce those 'r's. They make all the difference. Come on; Alohomora."

Woona nodded, looked back at the box, her horn started to glow again, she took a deep breath, and...


A small beam of light shot out from Woona's horn, across the table, and hit the box. After a second, there was a small click, signaling the unlocking of a lock. Luna and Woona looked at each other with big smiles.

"Mama! I did it!" Woona said, bouncing up and down excitedly on the table. "Did you see? Did you see me do it?"

"I certainly did!" Luna replied happily as Woona bounced into her arms. "You're getting along so well! At this point, it won't be long before you can try Transfiguration and defensive spells." Woona beamed proudly as she hugged Luna. "If fact, maybe you can show Aunt Hermione what you can do before the Quidditch match tomorrow."

Woona's hooves dropped a little as she looked up at Luna with a confused expression on her face. "What's Qu-qu-quidditch?" she asked, struggling a bit to pronounce it.

"It's a wizard sport," Luna explained, sitting the alicorn on her lap. "There are several players on two teams that fly on brooms and try to get a ball through some hoops to score points." Woona still looked a bit confused, but it wasn't surprising. Trying to understand the full game of Quidditch was difficult for such a young mind. Luna smiled sweetly. "You'll see tomorrow. Uncle Harry, Uncle Ron, and Aunt Ginny are playing in the game."

Woona's eyes widened excitedly. "W-Really?"

"That's right," Luna replied. "So we have to make sure to cheer nice and loud for them, ok?"

The filly sat up straight and sprang to a salute. "I'll be the bestest cheerer for Gw-Gryffindor ever!" Luna's smile widened.

"Wonderful," she said, clapping her hands together. "Now, I have something to wear tomorrow to support the team." She paused and looked at Woona's head, getting a mental picture of what she would need. "I think I can make something for you too. The others will love it!"

The next morning, Luna's plan for Woona was made apparent immediately. Everybody stared as Woona skipped merrily down the hallway toward the Great Hall next to Luna, looking at their headgear. Luna was wearing a hat with a big, lion's head, mane and all, perched on top that she had made the previous year. When prodded with her wand, the lion actually roared. Many students had already seen this one however. What they had not seen yet was Woona's hat, where perched on top was the head of a lion cub, which meowed majestically when she lit her horn. Every time it did this, Woona giggled slightly and loudly said, "GO GRYFFINDOR!" Everyone around them looked with eyes widened, but the two were as happy as could be.

When they entered the Great Hall for breakfast, they spotted the Gryffindor team at their table, wearing their scarlet uniforms. Luna and Woona skipped through the onslaught of sniggers from the Slytherins and "Awws" from the girls to where Harry and Ron were sitting. As they got closer, Luna noticed that Ron was looking very pale, almost like he was ready to throw up. Harry was offering him something to drink.

"What would you like, Ron?" Luna heard him ask as they passed by. "Tea? Coffee? Pumpkin juice?"

"Anything's fine," Ron groaned solemnly.

Luna and Woona passed the team and spotted Hermione sitting by herself, her nose in a book, but her eyes on Ron.

"Good morning," Luna said cheerfully as she sat down. She reached down and picked up Woona, setting her down next to her. Hermione glanced over at Luna and smiled slightly.

"Morning, Luna," she said. She then turned to Woona and patted her head. "Hello, Woona." She then looked back at Ron.

"Good morning, Aunt Hermione," Woona replied happily. She then spotted a platter of fried eggs, and, licking her lips, she whispered, "Wingardium Leviosa." The plate rose slightly into the air, and was brought down right in front of the alicorn, who instantly started chowing down.

This briefly recaptured Hermione's attention again as she looked back at the two, eyebrows raised. "It looks like she's really getting good at beginner's magic," she said to Luna, who was gathering a plate up with toast and sausages.

"Oh yes," Luna replied. "Yesterday, she did the Alohomora charm for the first time, and she's also been trying the Lumos spell.

"That's really good," Hermione said. "She keeps this up, and we'll have to-" she then stopped, and a taken aback expression appeared on her face. "Wait a minute. Did she just say Aunt Hermione?"

Luna chuckled slightly, a little amused of how long it took Hermione to actually notice, and then said, "Yes. Since Neville's the daddy, I told Woona that she could refer to the rest of my friends as her aunts and uncles. I hope you don't mind."

"Mind?" Hermione asked, her expression quickly changing to glee. "Of course I don't mind! I've never been an aunt before! This is such an honor! And I know that Harry, Ron, and Ginny wouldn't mind either." She glanced back at Harry and Ron. "Though I might recommend not adding Ron at the moment. He's been rather unbearable lately, and I-" she then stopped again as her eyes went wide with shock. She seemed to be staring at Harry now, who Luna saw had just passed Ron a goblet of pumpkin juice.

"Did he just-" Hermione gasped under her breath, "He shouldn't- against the rules-" she then stood up with a snap, making both Luna and Woona flinch suddenly. "Not while I have anything to say about it!" And before either could recover from the suddenness, she had stormed over to Harry and Ron and started scolding them for something Luna couldn't hear.

"What was that about, Mama?" Woona asked.

"I don't know," Luna replied. "All I saw was Harry pouring something into Ron's goblet. Probably a tonic or something." The two watched intently as Ron gulped down the goblet, Hermione looking appalled, and then he and Harry left the Great Hall with the rest of the team, leaving Hermione still seething. Luna then turned back to Woona and said, "It's almost time for the match. Hurry and finish eating, and then we can go down to the stadium!"

Woona didn't need telling twice.

The stadium was getting packed by the time Luna and Woona had made it down. The weather was perfect for a day of flying; no clouds, no wind, and all sun. Luna held the filly close to her as she scooted through the crowds of Ravenclaw students as she made her way to her House section, marked with a bronze eagle on a blue shield. She found a good seat right at the front before placing Woona down on her lap. Woona's body bounced up and down excitedly as she looked around the giant field. Her tiny wings flapped happily, tickling Luna's stomach, and an excited smile was spread across her face. Woona lit up her horn and her hat gave a loud, squeaky "meow," to which she the shouted, "GO GRYFFINDOR!" Luna chuckled as she tapped her own hat, which gave a majestic roar.

Pretty soon, 14 players, 7 wearing fiery red robes and the other 7 wearing serpent green, were making their way out onto the pitch from either side of the stadium and meeting in the center. Woona instantly stood up as her tail began to swish back and forth.

"I see Uncle Harry, Mama!" she shouted, pointing down at the Gryffindor players. "And there's Uncle Ron, and there's Aunt Ginny!" She then lit up her horn, another meow sounded, and she shouted, "GO GRYFFINDOR!"

Luna laughed as the two team captains, Harry and Urquhart, shook hands, and all the players mounted their brooms. Madam Hooch, the referee, stood in the center, letting loose the two black bludgers and the golden snitch, which instantly took flight.

"On my whistle," Madam Hooch shouted. "Three, two, one!"

The whistle blew, and the players were off. Ron immediately flew over to the three rings, Harry went upwards, and Ginny and the other two Chasers, Dean Thomas and Demelza Robins, took off with the Quaffle.

"And there they go," came a snide voice that echoed around the stadium. "Well, I think we're all surprised about the team Potter has put together this year. Many would've guessed he would ditch Ron Weasley after his performance last year, but then again, it pays to know the captain."

Both Luna and Woona looked up towards the source of the voice as Slytherins jeered from the other side of the stadium. Surely he wouldn't have been selected as the new Quidditch commentator, thought Luna. But there was no mistaking that blonde hair and upturned nose. The moment Woona noticed him, she wrinkled her own muzzle in disgust.

"Who's the meanie?" she asked, looking imploringly up at Luna.

"That's Zacharias Smith," Luna answered. "He's a member of Dumbledore's Army." And that's all she could say without being tempted to talk about just how much of a wart he was. Woona gave an audible sniff of disapproval towards Smith, then quickly returned to the game.

"And here comes Slytherin's first change to score," Smith commentated, as the Slytherin captain zoomed down the field with the Quaffle under his arm. Woona's eyes widened and Luna felt her starting to tremble with anticipation. "Urquhart flying down the pitch, dodges Thomas, throws the Quaffle, and..." Woona and the other Gryffindors let out a big cheer as Rom caught the Quaffle.

"He saves it," Smith finished, sounding slightly surprised. "Well, I suppose Weasley's bound to get lucky at least once."

Luna shot another annoyed look up towards Smith. Woona, however, had full attention upon the game. Her head whipped back and forth as she watched the players fly left and right across the field, her eyes wide and mouth open with excited awe. When Ginny scored Gryffindor's first goal, both Luna and Woona activated their hats. A mighty roar and loud meow echoed around them, followed by Woona shouting, "GO GRYFFINDOR!" Luna chuckled again. It seemed that Woona had found something else at Hogwarts that she really enjoyed. Even Smith's snide comments about the team didn't distract from how much fun Woona was having watching the game. The only time Woona wasn't watching the players was when she was asking Luna about the other rules of the game. Luna had explained that each goal was 10 points, and it was Ron's job to protect his goals, while Ginny had to score them. When one of the Gryffindor Beaters, Jimmy Peakes, swung his club at an oncoming Bludger, Luna gave a brief explanation on the Beaters' job.

"And what about Uncle Harry?" Woona asked, looking up towards Harry, who was circling high above the pitch.

"He has to catch a tiny, golden ball called the Golden Snitch, which is very fast," Luna answered. "If he gets it, the game ends, and Gryffindor gets another 150 points."

"Wow," Woona whispered loudly, and looked a bit longer at Harry before having her attention diverted by another goal by Ginny. "GO GRYFFINDOR!" she shouted again as her hat meowed, and Luna's roared.

After half an hour, Gryffindor was up 60 - 0, and Woona's excitement was building more and more. She hadn't sat down once, but was standing on Luna's lap, her eyes glued to the field, and her mouth still open. Luna thought humorously that if Woona kept her mouth open any longer, she was going to swallow a bug. Meanwhile, Zacharias Smith had stopped criticizing the Weasleys after Ron's eighth save in a row, and instead turned his attention to the Gryffindor Beaters. Again and again, Gryffindor scored, making Woona cheer, "GO GRYFFINDOR!" every time, and Ron kept saving goals again and again. Pretty soon, the crowd started to sing Weasley is our King, a song created last year by the Slytherins to mock Ron's poor Keeper skills, but had since been rewritten in support of him. Luna couldn't help but noticing, also, that the more excited Woona got, the faster her wings would flap. Luna could actually feel the wind they were generating, which made her giggle.

"Mama!" Woona suddenly shouted as she peered upward. "Look!"

Luna looked up to see the Slytherin Seeker, Harper, starting to dive suddenly.

"And it looks like Harper has seen something," Smith announced. "He's definitely seen something Potter hasn't."

All eyes in the stadium followed Harper's broom as he sped out of the dive and off across the pitch, his hand outstretch, trying to grasp at something. Harry was soon following suit, speeding after Harper as fast as he could. Woona's wings beat faster and faster as rose her head higher to try and get a better look. Now, she was on her hind legs, her front legs resting on the barrier in front of them. Luna turned her gaze towards the two Seekers as well. Harper still had a bit of a lead on Harry. If Harry didn't do something quick, Harper would get the Snitch, and Slytherin would win. Luna's eyes continued to follow their trail, until it was obstructed by Woona wings fluttering in her face. Wind blasted Luna's face, and she looked down for a moment to dodge the gust.

And then she saw that Woona's hooves weren't on her lap at all, but hovering a few inches above!

Luna jerked her head up, eyes wide with shock, and looked at her daughter. Sure enough, her head was now higher than Luna's, as well as many others. Slowly, but surely, Woona continued to rise, her wings fluttering what seemed like a mile a minute. Luna glanced at Woona's face; she hadn't even noticed she was flying. She was so fixated on the game, nothing else seemed to matter to her. Luna couldn't believe it! Her daughter had finally shown signs of flight!

"Woona!" she called out happily. "You're fl-"

But she was cut off by the thunderous cheers and applause that rang throughout the stadium. Luna quickly looked around before spotting Harry, hovering in the center of the pitch, clutching the Golden Snitch in his hand.

"YES!" Woona squealed, and at that moment, her wings stopped at once, and she fell back down onto Luna's lap, as if nothing had happened. Woona had never even noticed it happening. Luna opened her mouth again to tell her daughter what she had done, but was cut off by Woona spinning around and whooping happily.

"GRYFFINDOR WON, MAMA!" she cheered, jumping up and down, as the Gryffindor team met in the middle of the field, and hugged each other, and three-quarters of the stands continued to erupt in celebration. "GRYFFINDOR WON!" She lit her horn, and the cat meowed loudly, audible even over the cheering crowds. "GO GRYFFINDOR!"

Luna looked for a second at her bouncing daughter, then smiled, and tapped her own hat, which roared triumphantly. There would be time, after the euphoria had died down, to tell Woona of her unnoticed feat.