• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,627 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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The Crystal Prep Shadowbolts Are What?!

Chapter 2

The group left the theater in a whirl. The movie they’d seen was somewhat forgettable. The ending, however, was something that blew the collective minds of everyone. Despite how differently they reacted to it.

Indigo Zap was bouncing on the heels of her feet as she walked backwards ahead of the group. “That was the most brilliant twist he’s ever made!” she proclaimed loudly.

Sugarcoat shook her head. “Hmph! The whole thing was predictable and obvious from the third minute in."

“I think the music could have been better,” Lemon spoke up briefly before removing her headphones from her pocket and putting them back on.

“There w-was so much blood…” Sunny Flare’s complexion was a little paler than usual. “Why do we even go to see these graphic bits of trash?” she wondered absently.

Scribe shuddered briefly and did his best to keep up a brave face. He was a man. As such, he was supposed to enjoy movies that full of sex, violence and gore. But the movie they’d just seen? He had to bring his hand up to cover his mouth just to avoid throwing up at the memory of what he’d seen.

“The way the hero just reached into his enemy’s chest and tore out his heart, then ate it!” Sour Sweet grinned sadistically as she brought up the rear. “Best movie ever! Well, except that the heroine’s tits were obviously fake and the guy she was with had a stunt double for the close ups during the sex scene.”

She grimaced then turned to face Scribe. “Are you ready for a new wardrobe?”

Scribe blanched at the earlier comment and then shook his head.

Sugarcoat indicated vaguely to the left with her hand. “Go blow chunks in the men’s room before we go anywhere. I don’t want you damaging any of the merchandise.”

Scribe nodded and quickly dashed off.

“Aren’t these movies a little intense for your cousin, Sugarcoat?” Indigo wondered as she watched him vanish into the washroom.

“They toughen him up for life in the real world.” Sugarcoat smiled mischievously. “Also, I may have kept the rating a secret from him before we got here.”

“That was twisted and cruel.” Sour stomped a foot. “I so wanted to be the one to do it first!”

The group could hear Scribe as he threw up the popcorn he’d been so interested in getting.

“He’s in a bit deep with this Diamond Tiara girl,” Sunny Flare noted.

“Yeah!” Indigo made a fist and slapped it into the palm of her other hand. “Do you think we should take her down a peg?”

Sour hopped up and down excitedly. “I’d totally love to kick her in the teeth, and spit in her eye; we’re the only ones allowed to use and abuse little Scribey.”

Sugarcoat frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “Sour, that’s a bit… extreme. Scribe is my cousin, and since he’s at CHS he’s also been a wonderful source of information on Twilight’s progress now that she’s changed schools. The Shadowbolts take care of their own, in spite of their obvious betrayal and abandonment of our core values.”

“Friendship isn’t all bad,” Sour reminded. “It’s how you know who you can trust and who you need to push down a flight of stairs when exams start,” she added. There was an almost sadistic gleam in her eyes.

“Did you skip your medication again today?” Sunny demanded.

Sour pouted slightly. “Eh, so what if I did?”

“Take your damn pill!” Sunny ordered.

Sour sighed, but moved over to the water fountain.

Sunny watched her carefully to make sure she was actually taking her medication and not faking it. “I hate being so forceful with her, but sometimes she can be so…”

“Childish?” Indigo suggested.

“I was going to say stubborn,” Sunny noted, “but your description works just as well.”

“She’s been getting better since the Friendship Games,” Sugarcoat observed. “You’ve only had to make her take those pills twice.”

“Right then,” Sunny clapped her hands together. “Back to the problem at hand. Scribe is our favorite little spy, not even Twilight knows about him being your cousin, Sug. What do we do about this little task he’s supposed to accomplish?”

“We could crash the party too and find out if we need to intervene,” Indigo suggested.

“I’m sure the CHS students will gladly welcome us with open arms when we show up,” Sugarcoat eyed the others expectantly.

“Yeah, we are kind of obvious,” Indigo muttered.

“I don’t suppose anyone here knows who could go with him and make sure he doesn’t get into any serious trouble?” Sour suggested as she rejoined the group. “It’s not like I’d know anybody outside of our group because of my condition and all that!”

“All we know are fellow Crystal Prep students,” Sunny observed.

“I might know somebody.”

Everyone turned to Lemon Zest, who they had forgotten was still standing there since she’d resumed listening to her music.

Sunny blinked. “You… know somebody?”

“I have friends beside you guys, you know!” Lemon chastised.

“Are they trustworthy and able to blend in at CHS?” Sunny wondered.

Lemon smirked and tapped at her phone briefly. “She’s so inconspicuous you won’t believe it when you meet her,” she declared happily.

Scribe finally came out of the restroom looking a bit paler than before, but obviously feeling much better. “So… uh, do we really need to go clothes shopping?”

“Do you want to get into a party without being recognized?” Sugarcoat asked bluntly.

Resigned to his fate, Scribe deflated dejectedly.

“I’ll just go see about getting our aperone-chay for Ibe-scray,” Lemon told the others before she literally danced out of the theatre.

“Where’s she going?” Scribe asked nervously.

“That’s not important,” Sunny draped an arm over the younger teen’s shoulder and steered him towards the exit. It looked extremely odd as, even though he was younger, he was still taller than most of the Crystal Prep girls.

“Stick with us and when we’re done, not even your stuffy little boss Diamond Tiara, will be able to recognize you.”

Lemon Zest was a party girl through and through. She enjoyed living it up and couldn’t get enough of her tunes. It was often a source of great frustration for her as she’d lost more headphones to the instructors at Crystal Prep than anyone else in the history of the school. It was like a record, or something, and she was actually pretty proud of it. If you’re going to excel at Crystal Prep there were worse things to be known for.

Because of this, she occasionally hung out in separate circles from the other Shadowbolts, and the underground party scene was a huge sub-culture in Canterlot. People from every district would attend, and on one such occasion she’d made a new ‘friend’ so to speak.

She wasn’t sure which school the girl attended, but she was big on parties and had an unnerving knack of being in the last place you’d expect her to be. She could blend in like a super-spy, which meant that she could potentially help Scribe sneak into his uninvited little soiree.

The trick to finding the party ninja, as Lemon had heard her referred to on several occasions, was finding someone in the vicinity with a rumor for a good time. Fortunately, Lemon had spotted a fellow party girl not long after leaving the movie. So, wiggling along to the beat on her headphones as she walked she flagged the girl down in typical party scene lingo.

S’up?” Lemon broke into a smile.

Zest.” Her contact returned with a slight curl of her lips.

C’mon. You don’t gotta be that way, Aria,” Lemon signed. It wasn’t easy talking in sign language; Lemon preferred it while listening to tunes, though, as it helped when she didn’t want to interrupt her music. Aria and her sisters tended to avoid using their voices; despite the fact they were still perfectly capable of speech.

Rumors still persisted that some sort of horrible accident befell them, which was why they tended to only appear in certain areas of the city and were often in a foul mood. Lemon could care less. They were pretty chill, and had a definite appreciation of good tunes and good times.

Have you seen the Party Ninja today?” Lemon asked.

Aria’s eyes rose slightly. “You want Z?”

I need her help to crash some kind of new club at Canterlot High.”

Aria flinched at the mention of the school, but her eyes darkened slightly and she gave a devious smirk. “Dagi might know, I’ll text her.” Bringing out her cell she quickly started tapping away with thumb and forefinger.

Lemon grooved to the beat while she waited, not for the first time wondering privately at the pain Aria and her sibs showed whenever CHS was mentioned. But it really wasn’t any of her business; so long as they could help her find the PN in time for the big bash crash it would be all copasetic. Something about Aria and her sisters nagged the back of her brain, but she just chalked it up to déjà vu or something and chose to ignore it as well.

Aria appeared surprised at the answer on her phone when the chime went off; her eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion and anger, but she quickly let Lemon know what was happening. “Dagi is with her right now, she’ll be here shortly. She wants to know more about this club and what’s going on.”

Lemon nodded in response and led an impromptu dance off out of the way of other customers and over to a bench. Aria did enjoy a good challenge after all.

After a half hour, and many odd looks from customers going about their business before heading home to make dinner, the familiar poof of fiery orange hair belonging to Adagio Dazzle and the unassuming plain white and black do favored by the one known as Z appeared. Drawing up to the both of them, Adagio sneered briefly at Aria, who was in the middle of a complicated dance move expressing the embroiling rage of the tempestuous sea.

Knock it off you two! Now, what’s all this about some club at CHS? And why do you want to crash it?”

Lemon blinked at the rapid-fire motions of Adagio’s hands and tried to catch the question she was asking, but it wasn’t easy. Signalling her to slow down, she had Adagio repeat the question at a more manageable pace to interpret. Her eyes shone with mirth once she understood.

Sugarcoat’s baby cousin got himself in deep with the head of the CHS school paper; she wants him to find out what this club deal is all about. According to him, the club is this huge mystery. There are a few rumors floating around, but nobody is certain what’s going down. She wants dirt, and Scribey got the short end of the stick.”

Does he know who runs the club?” Adagio wondered.

Lemon shrugged. “Some group calling themselves the CMC, never heard of 'em.”

Adagio’s expression grew thoughtful.

“You want my help to get him in,” the Party Ninja said, her voice breaking the silence amongst the others. “That way, he won’t cause a fuss from within.”

Lemon didn’t reply at first to the question, as she still had her headphones on. Aria tapped her foot impatiently and her hand snapped out to grab them. “Hey!” Lemon glanced over to the PN. “Oh, whoops, you asked a question?”

PN nodded. “You wish my aid in this quest; I trust that this is not a jest. Why is my aid, then, what you seek? A student won’t turn head or cheek.”

Lemon sighed; she forgot the PN’s odd way of rhyming everything she spoke. “Far as I know, it’s invite only. They know where and when it usually happens, but without an invite they don’t know which door it is.”

PN frowned deeply in thought, her blue eyes shining with possibilities. “Your challenge is one I must commend; this is a rare request from a friend. When is the next club gathering due? Should I look for a new outfit too?”

Lemon frowned briefly and tapped her lips with a finger. “Huh, don’t think Scribe mentioned that… We could join the others in the clothes store section of the mall; they were looking for an outfit for him to wear that was different from his usual getup.”

Adagio shook her head. “I’ve got to go find Sonata before she gets in trouble again.”

Aria smirked. “When is she ever not in trouble?”

Adagio shot a glare at her sister, but said nothing and quickly marched off.

“Lead the way, Lemon Zest,” PN stated, “of this party scene, all he can attest I’d like to glean.”

Scarlet Scribe had never before felt like a piece of meat. He preferred to shop for all his outfits at the Rich Discount Emporium where everything was half-off; standing in the middle of a chic men’s club store wasn’t exactly within his comfort zone. Especially when most of the girls he knew personally were tossing things at him left, right and centre.

“For the last time, I am not wearing anything black!” Scribe shouted from the dressing room. “Red and black is the most cliché colour combination out there, and just because I’ve got red skin does not mean I enjoy embodying the cliché.”

“As opposed to your usual attire of red and green,” Sunny noted from the other side of the dressing room door.

“I happen to like green, I look good in it.” Scribe’s defense was weak at best and he knew it, but he stood behind his words and returned the black top to the top of the door.

“You’re a walking Christmas advertisement,” Sugarcoat deadpanned.

“Blue, Green, Purple, Yellow or heck even Pink, but no black!” Scribe snapped, beginning to lose his patience.

“Someone’s getting a bit grumpy,” Sour noted. “It isn’t as if we’re not doing him a huge favor by getting him an outfit that will help him sneak into a super-secret party, so he can get the lowdown on what it’s all about for his girlfriend.”

Sticking his head out of the door he glared sourly at Sour Sweet. “Don’t make me pull the silent card; I can just clam up on everything happening at CHS to your ex-teammate.”

Indigo Zap started to approach the door, intending to do something. It wasn’t clear what, but something...

Sugarcoat beat her there, though, and pushed herself into the room with him. “Stop antagonizing us because of how uncomfortable this makes you feel and try this outfit on,” she commanded passing him a new ensemble to try.

Scribe shook his head. “Fine, fine, but get out of here before the management kicks us out for breaking the rules.”

“We’re family, and I have seen you without your clothes on before.”

“That was when we were kids, plus they don’t know we’re family. We don’t have much of a resemblance.” Scribe held the door open so she could leave.

“Our mothers were twins,” she stated before leaving the room.

“Genetics indicate we are family by blood, your dad looks nothing like my dad, so naturally we didn’t inherit anything that could make us resemble the other.” Scribe examined the outfit he’d been presented with. It didn’t seem to look too out of place for him, a mixture of fiery orange and dark yellow for the shirt with a sort of autumn leaf shaped pattern.

The pants were golden yellow. He wasn’t too sure on the colours. It was hard to find something that didn’t blend naturally into his red skin, even if it was more of a cherry red compared to the flame colours these invoked.

Shrugging his shoulders he slipped off his pants and quickly changed. The pants fit a little snugly around the crotch, but not uncomfortably so. Still, it might be safer to go with a size higher for them. First though, he had to pass the test. Dreading what would come next he steeled himself and slipped out of the change room.

“Hmmm.” Sunny marched over and began to circle him, eyeing him up and down.

Indigo and Sour scrutinized him with matching expressions of dull interest.

Sugarcoat nodded briefly and turned around. “One size up for the pants.”

“I don’t know… tight pants are kind of in these days,” Indigo stated.

“Only if you’re into the grunge look,” Sunny shot back. “Seriously though, let me finish!”

Silence fell over the group as Sunny Flare once more circled her target.

Scribe wanted to fidget, but if he moved an inch he’d simply be there longer, and get chastised for it. So he did his best to centre himself and empty his mind. He did not have an itch on his scalp, he did not need to shift his feet, he was not about to hear those two little words he already had nightmares about.

“I like the shirt, it’s perfect, Sugarcoat! Get a different colour when you upsize the pants, too much yellow!”

Scribe blinked in shock. “You a-actually like the shirt?” Filled with a sense of wonder and joy the teen was about to sigh in relief. Then he spotted Lemon Zest entering the store with two people he didn’t know.

The girl on her right had the most outrageous looking hairdo he’d ever seen; it was either black streaked with white or white streaked with black, but it was done up in a crazy Mohawk. She had exotic-looking dark skin and was totally drop dead gorgeous.

The girl on her left however was—words couldn’t begin to describe her. All he knew was he wanted to stand close to her and touch that miraculous head of impossibly long hair done up in the twin ponytails. Hair was his one weakness, a fascination with it from his younger days when he would chew on Sugarcoat’s hair, or his mom’s, who kept it pretty long as part of her job.

Blinking a few times Scribe suddenly noticed that everything was a bit quieter than he remembered. He was standing, somehow, next to the girl with the really long hair, one silken smooth ponytail in his hands, his face dangerously close to it.

“Gah!” He leapt back in sudden nervous fright. “I didn’t mean it! I’m sorry; I’m sorry, bad Scribe!” Rushing back to the safety of the change rooms he dashed inside and quickly shut the door.

“What was that all about?” Indigo wondered. “I’ve never seen Scribey act so…”

“Creeper perv!” Sour offered helpfully stashing her phone back into her purse unnoticed.

“Out of it,” Indigo finished with a glare aimed at her bipolar friend.

Happens to me a lot,” Aria signed with a silent chuckle.

Sugarcoat came back with a larger size of pants in a different colour, a dark blue that matched the streak in her cousin’s hair. She took one look at Aria and noted the fact that Scribe was now hiding in the change room and let out a sigh.

“My cousin developed a slight mental deficiency in his youth when it comes to women with extremely long hair; he can’t stop touching it, inhaling the scent of it, and wanting to style it. It actually calms him down a lot, but usually he manages to control his urges in public. I suspect the outfit selection process has frazzled his brain a bit.”

Aria shrugged it off. “At least Dagi wasn’t here, one look at her hair and he’d have been in a coma for a week.”

“Why are you waving your hands around so much?” Sour demanded. “Are you like some kind of flighty weirdo?”

“She talks through sign language, Sour.” Sunny explained.

Aria’s expression softened slightly, but she continued to grit her teeth in frustration at being called a weirdo.

“Ooohhhhhh.” Sour turned back to Aria. “I don’t know your freaky hand language. I’m just going to go over there and ignore the rest of the conversation now.” She skipped off to the women’s department store across the way.

Sunny wanted to smack herself in the forehead at Sour’s rudeness. “Indigo, would you be a dear?”

“Yeah, yeah, but we’d better hurry up, my folks expect me home for dinner on time you know,” she reminded before heading off to make sure Sour didn’t get arrested by Mall Security again for saying something to someone she shouldn’t.

“Seriously? You were the one who was twelve minutes and eight seconds late to the movie!” Scribe called out from the dressing room.

Indigo made a rude gesture in his general direction and headed off to keep tabs on Sour.

“So, which one is going to sneak him into the party at CHS?” Sunny wondered as she turned to Lemon and her guests. “Because if it’s her, he’s going to have a big problem controlling those urges.”

“I do not have urges!” Scribe exclaimed as he took the new pants to try on.

“You are a red-blooded, teenage male. Your hormone levels are more than likely higher than most of us here. I believe only Indigo and Lemon might have a more active libido than you.” Sugarcoat’s cold and informal tone did nothing to assuage her cousin.

“I am not that… bad!” Lemon defended. “Also, what do hormones have to do with his strange hair fetish?”

“It is so not a fetish!” Scribe marched out of the room in the new pants and froze on the spot when he caught sight of Aria again. Closing his eyes he took a very deep breath and let it all out, he so did not have time to deal with this right now.

Aria smirked at his discomfort and secretly snapped a photo, she was so going to share this kid’s issues with Adagio and Sonata, and it’d make them all feel a little better after that.

“So, who is it, Lemon?” Sunny repeated.

“She’s Aria Blaze. She does like to party, but the one who can get into any place, any time, is the PN herself right here, Zecora.” Lemon smirked as she indicated the dark skinned teen next to her.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintances, I’m sure. To crave hair is strange, but I can see the allure,” Zecora greeted before approaching Scarlet Scribe. “So that my actions are not considered rash, might I ask what party I’m about to crash?”

Scribe blinked as he processed what the girl in front of him was saying, as well as the unique ensemble she was dressed in. Her top was loosely fitted around her waist, and tight against her ample looking bosom.

The theme from her hair carried over, resembling a zebra-like pattern of black on white, or was it white on black? Her skirt was a dark umber colour, breaking up the theme a tad, yet her shoes were white with black markings.

“Oh right, the party!” Scribe blurted. “Thing is we’re not entirely sure what to expect. All we know is that somehow the CMC got permission to hold their club in what was going to be the Student Union Room. It has a bowling alley and stuff, and is somewhere in the basement.

“We don’t know the exact entrance, but if we follow the others I’m sure we can find it without any issues. As for when, it’s usually on Friday nights. We couldn’t figure out why or how they got special permission to hold them that late. Cheerilee is the faculty associate, and she’s pretty tight with Vice Principal Luna.”

“Time out!” Lemon blurted. “CHS has a bowling alley on campus?”

Scribe nodded mutely.

“I think I want to hit up this party scene,” Lemon said with a big grin.

“And if Twilight or anyone else happens to recognize you?” Sunny interjected.

“I can totally blend in at any party,” Lemon bragged, arms folded across her chest. “Besides, it sounds like fun.”

“Well…” Sunny Flare trailed off suddenly in thought.

“Hey, wait, but I thought…” Scribe cut himself off and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“A group is more difficult, please don’t think I’m mean. I just wish to be cautious regarding this party scene.” Zecora glanced at the group expectantly.

Sunny nodded. “Right. Still, I think Scribe needs at least one more familiar face there to help him get in. Lemon Zest, you can go as well, but I expect your ‘Party Ninja’ to be able to make you totally unrecognizable to anybody at CHS.”

“Score!” Lemon pumped her fist into the air and did a little dance.

“This is not going to end well,” Sugarcoat declared.

“Umm… are these pants ok?” Scribe smiled sheepishly as he practically vibrated in place, being so close to Aria it almost physically hurt.

“If you keep fidgeting you’ll wrinkle them!” Sunny snapped. “Stand still, and try not to think about hair!”

Scribe bit his bottom lip and let out an actual whimper.

Taking pity on her cousin Sugarcoat moved to stand next to him and draped one of her own lengthy sections of hair over one shoulder.

Scribe let out a relieved sigh and managed to stop fidgeting long enough for another round of ‘the test’.

“What does his mom do that left him so fixated on long hair?” Lemon wondered in confusion. “Is she a stylist or something?”

“Aunt Angel Mist specialized in exotic dancing when she was younger,” Sugarcoat stated bluntly. “Her speciality involved wrapping herself up with her hair and wearing it in place of actual clothing to remove. Her stage name was Radiant Locks.”

Scribe felt his face getting hotter when his cousin just blurted out what his mom used to do for a living; she instructed dancing classes now at a very prestigious academy.

That doesn’t explain much,” Aria pointed out.

“Her hair was strong enough to carry him when he was younger, like a papoose.” Sugarcoat broke into a devious smile. “We have pictures if you wanna see.”

“Oh come on!” Scribe exclaimed in frustration.

Everyone broke out into peals of laughter and Sunny Flare indicated he was good to go, perhaps taking pity on the younger teen.

Aria met back up with Adagio and Sonata not long after the Crystal Prep girls and their younger male tag-along had departed. She wasn’t sure what to make of this new club at CHS that everyone seemed so fascinated by, but she definitely wasn’t the least bit curious, nope, she was going to remain far away from the place of her downfall. Nothing would make her break that vow, not even some stupid club.

Adagio, however, had that thoughtful look in her eyes. She took up her imperious, ‘I’m still the diva and in charge’, stance and indicated that she wanted to know everything.

Aria would have sighed if she dared to risk letting anything escape from her lips. “Those bratty little sisters of the Rainbooms are in charge of this club. The kid didn’t know much more than rumors, and didn’t seem in the mood to explain what those rumors were about.”

What are we talking about?” Sonata wondered. “And does it involve tacos?”

CHS.” Adagio signed back.

Sonata’s face fell a little. “Couldn’t we just-”

NO!” Adagio stomped her foot for emphasis that she was not having this conversation again.

But we got served a daily meal every day at lunch!” Sonata argued.

I don’t care!” Adagio’s expression darkened. “Because of those Rainbooms we’re stuck signing instead of singing, and I am not a fan of losing my beautiful voice.”

And whose fault was that?” Aria demanded angrily. “It isn’t like we couldn’t talk if we wanted to.”

Adagio’s expression darkened.

Aria visibly flinched back, expecting a strike from her former band leader.

If we’re not going back, then why do we care about some stupid naturist club anyway?” Sonata wondered, confused.

Because it could be a way to achieve some leverage and…” Adagio froze mid-motion. “Wait a minute, did you say naturist club?”

Aria’s eyes widened in genuine surprise.

Sonata nodded mutely.

You mean those places where everybody just tosses off their clothes and gets in touch with nature and stuff?”

Sonata nodded again. “Duh.”

Sonata, dear, how do you know what this club is about if we haven’t been back to Canterlot High since the battle of the bands?” It was hard to tell, but if Adagio were literally speaking it probably would have been in a fake sincere tone.

Occasionally, I might have wound up talking to that pink Rainboom.” Sonata flinched slightly after revealing that. “She’s always trying to cheer me up and she kind of blabs non-stop even when I do try and tell her to get lost.”

Are you telling us that she just randomly decided to tell you about this club one day?” Adagio shook her head. “I find that rather difficult to believe.”

Sonata shook her head. “She tried to get me to come to the party she was making all this yummy food for. And maaaaybe, kinda, sorta let slip what the party was for.” Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest as she smiled nervously at her two sisters. The truth of the matter was much more than she’d revealed, but she wasn’t ready to admit to that just yet.

Adagio slowly turned her back on the others.

Aria knew that look, she’d seen it a hundred times before. It was Adagio’s personal ‘I’m formulating a plan’ look, and it didn’t spell anything good for her. Sonata looked like she was actually trembling in fear and her eyes did something funny that looked out of place on her. They started to get shiny.

“Girls, I have a plan.”

Aria blinked in utter shock.

Sonata collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut and slumped down into the nearest food court seat.

“Adagio, you… spoke.” Aria’s voice was alien to her, it sounded raw from disuse. A distinct tightness gripped her throat, as if someone was strangling her. She didn’t like the way she sounded, but if Adagio was using her voice again it meant something big.

Adagio laughed, and to her it felt good again to let her voice out, even for this brief moment. “Indeed I did, Aria. Now, listen up! Because I’m only going to say this once. So, the both of you had better pay attention.”

Sonata whimpered a little, but leaned forward to hear what Adagio had to say.

Aria sighed for the first time in a long time and rolled her eyes. “Whatever it is, it’s not going to work. I don’t even know what possible plan you could have cooked up that would help us.”

“Revenge is a plan that always works!” Adagio snapped. “CHS is a public building, on public property, which means that little club is totally against the law. I should know, I spent enough time getting in trouble over the years for public nudity.”

Sonata nodded. “That’s true, ‘Dagi. But why do we gotta crash a stupid club? The Rainbooms aren’t even in charge of it!”

“I don’t want to just crash their little party,” Adagio informed coolly. “I want to destroy it.”

“Ehhh… that seems kind of petty, if you ask me.” Aria folded her arms over her chest and shook her head.

“Well, I didn’t ask you!” Adagio snapped. “Here’s what we’re going to do…”

Sonata sighed and flopped over the table in front of her. “Why couldn’t we just have gone for tacos?” she muttered under her breath.