• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,627 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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Lemon And Scribe Are Going On Their First What?!

Chapter 20

The entire school day passed without incident. Scarlet Scribe had been racking his brain the entire day to find a suitable first date for Lemon Zest and himself, but had drawn a complete blank. Now, as he approached Luna’s office for his detention, he let out a dejected sigh. It was looking more and more like he was doomed to fail in the art of woo, to wit, wooing was hard… especially for a naturist.

Luna was once more dressed only in a robe. This was to avoid any awkward questions in case someone on the faculty had to speak with her. Spending time alone in her office practicing her chosen lifestyle with a male student studying for exams at the table was probably a bit on the scandalous side. Ok, it was very much on the scandalous side.

“Scarlet Scribe, do I detect a hint of melancholy in that sigh?” Luna glanced up with a concerned expression.

“It has nothing to do with Diamond Tiara, ma’am.” Scribe dropped his books onto the table with a loud clatter and slumped into the seat. “Lemon Zest and I have started a relationship and she wants to go out on a date tonight, but I can’t think of anything to do aside from letting her spend time at my place because there isn’t much naturists can do... outside of private areas.”

Luna smiled suddenly at this and leaned back in her seat. “Are you aware of the types of resorts and clubs in the area outside of the school’s?”

Scribe blinked in surprise. “Ummm, to be honest, no. I’ve been avoiding looking that up just in case Diamond shows up while I’m ‘researching’.”

Luna nodded briefly. “Of course. Well, if you’re interested, there is a place I could recommend for a night out on the town.” she trailed off suddenly and climbed out of her seat; striding across the room to her filing cabinet she pulled open one of the drawers and removed a pamphlet. “I toyed with the notion of introducing Celestia to this place, but even I would not be so cruel as to do that to my sister. Even if she does need to stop being so close-minded about my personal lifestyle choices.” Luna’s tone grew slightly bitter.

Scribe nervously cleared his throat. “What place?”

Luna passed the pamphlet over.

Scribe studied it briefly and then his eyes widened. The image on the front was a fancy looking restaurant with high ceilings, delicate crystalline chandeliers hanging down and elaborately carved marble pillars filled with Neo-Classical Gryphonian artwork. Written in elegant flowing script on the top was the name Gustave’s Grande Palais.

Luna smiled as she watched Scribe’s reaction.

“Are they-?”

“Oh yes, it’s exactly what it looks like.” Luna nodded and pointed to the address. “Ordinarily, you need to book your time at least a week in advance. However I have dined quite regularly there and Gustave and I have become quite good friends. I can loan you the use of my private table for the night, if you promise to behave.”

Scribe stared at the elegant tables loaded with impressive food from across the sea. All of the diners were sitting on towels draped over their seats, completely naked, as they laughed and enjoyed a good meal. The staff were wearing protective articles, such as aprons and gloves to prevent contamination, but other than that they wore as little as the diners.

Licking his lips briefly he glanced up at Luna. “Lemon and I would be honored to take you up on that offer. Uh, just how many tables are at this establishment?”

Luna waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “Oh, no need to worry about exposure. It’s a cozy establishment with strict rules for guests. This is for people who enjoy expressing themselves out of the home. I’ll notify Gustave that you’ll be attending, shall we say seven o’clock?”

Scribe nodded as he pulled out his cell to text Lemon. “Sounds perfect.”

“Great.” Luna returned to her desk and picked up the receiver to dial the number.

Sonata was currently standing outside the Vice-Principal’s office nervously bouncing on the balls of her feet. She’d agreed to meet up with Pinkie Pie to ask the scary evil not Nightmare lady if she could come back to classes. It wasn’t the ideal situation, but she couldn’t just hang around Pinkie’s house while she was in school. Plus her sisters were starting to scare her.

Pinkie smiled as she danced into view tapping away with her drumsticks while she walked. “When I was a little…”

Sonata turned at the sound of her voice and smiled. “Hey, girlfriend!”

“Hi, Sonata.” Pinkie giggled and hopped quickly across the hall to her.

Sonata tilted her head slightly in curiosity. “Is she really not going to turn into a giant alicorn of death and bite my head off?”

Pinkie smirked. “Sonata, I’m pretty sure alicorns are only native to Equestria. Besides, I’ve known Luna since grade school, she used to teach before taking the job here, she’s really very nice.”

Sonata shifted nervously on the balls of her feet. “Yeah, all I know is that the younger sister was always moody and pretty goth.”

Pinkie sighed. “Ok, we’re just going in there to ask a question. She won’t bite.”

“But she might force me to repair something, like she did with Sunset, and I’m not good with manual labor,” Sonata said while she fidgeted.

Pinkie shook her head. “Sonata, you and your sisters didn’t actually break anything when you tried to take over.”

Sonata blinked. “Oh right, score one for the Dazzlings.” Steeling herself she quickly knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”

Pinkie popped the door open enough to poke her head in. “Hey, VPL, it’s me, Pinkie Pie! And my new friend with benefits wanted to ask a question.”

Luna’s brow quirked at the odd comment. Sonata giggled from behind the door. Scribe, seated in a chair with only a pair of shorts and some socks on nervously fidgeted with his textbook trying to ignore the sudden interruption.

“I don’t know why your friend would need to speak with me after hours, Pinkie.” Luna noted calmly.

Sonata poked her head in from behind Pinkie. “Hi, scary Nightmare lady, I-”

Luna rose sharply to her feet and indicated the pair should enter. “Miss Dusk.”

Sonata gulped nervously, she fidgeted with the hem of her skirt as she and Pinkie entered the room.

Pinkie’s eyes darted between them and she took a deep breath. “Please don’t yell at Sonata, or try to expel her for missing all of her classes since the Battle of the Bands! She’s really, really, really sorry, but she was kind of in a slump and didn’t really think it was important because she’s totally over a thousand years old and kind of not really interested in learning things, but she needs something to do and wants to come back and try to be a model student and, I guess, we can give her a second chance after Sunset and Twilight can’t we?” Pinkie’s tone was pleading, not to mention rapid-fire, resulting in a torrent of words that made everything difficult to follow.

Luna sighed and strode slowly around the desk. “Please shut the door.”

Sonata quickly spun around and slammed the door shut.

“I think she meant gently, ‘Nata,” Pinkie said with a wince.

Sonata’s face flushed. “Totes my fault.”

Luna sighed once again and reached up to rub the bridge of her nose. “If I understand your long speech properly, Miss Pie, Sonata Dusk desires to return to Canterlot High.”

Both girls nodded mutely.

“You have missed over six months of school since the Battle of the Bands.” Luna folded her arms over her chest and shook her head. “I don’t believe it would be fair to allow her to return.”

“Oh, I guess that’s ok,” Sonata said.

Pinkie’s hair deflated slightly, as it often did when she was feeling down. “But she needs a place to go during the day, my sisters refuse to let her stay at the house anymore. Can’t we make an exception?”

Luna shook her head. “I am afraid not.”

Sonata blew her bang out of her eyes and nodded. “Yeah, I guess since we kind of just vanished off the face of this miserable mud ball it’d be kind of hard. I probably missed loads of assignments.” Turning to Pinkie she gave her a quick hug. “It’s ok, I’ll just hang out at the park or something. I mean I’ve dealt with truancy officers before.”

Pinkie rushed over to give her a tight hug. “I’m sorry, Sonata!” Her eyes started to tear up.

Luna shook her head and let out a third sigh. “Miss Dusk, while I cannot allow you to simply resume classes like nothing happened, that is not to say I would be against your return to this establishment.”

Pinkie perked up instantly, her hair re-inflating like the balloons she favored for her jewelry.

Sonata eyed the vice-principal cautiously. “What’s the catch?”

“You will be in this office to take necessary placement exams for next year. This way you can remain on school property, and avoid being considered absent, and when next September rolls around you shall be better prepared to re-join your classes.” Luna offered a brief smile. “My sister and I should have insisted on placement exams the first time you and your fellow Sirens enrolled, however I can see why that would have been difficult at the time.”

“Yeah, we totally mind-whammied you and that stuck up notw hite-horse lady.” Sonata giggled briefly before she realized nobody else thought that was funny. “Ummm, but I’m way over the whole mind-control for evil purposes thing.”

Luna’s gaze narrowed slightly. “Indeed.”

Pinkie cheered and threw a handful of confetti into the air, where she got it from nobody could really say.

Scribe brushed some of it out his hair. “Do you always need to celebrate with confetti?”

“How can you not?” Pinkie exclaimed proudly.

Sonata nodded in agreement. “Confetti is the best!”

Luna smiled secretively, before she could say anything about them cleaning up the mess though Scribe’s phone rang.

Scribe blinked. “Um, hello?”

Luna frowned slightly. “Did I not remind you to deactivate that during detention, Mister Scribe?”

Scribe flinched. “Uh, sorry, I texted Lemon about the dinner date thing and kind of forgot to switch it back off.” Listening to the speaker on the other end he shook his head. “No, Lemon, I’m not in trouble. I’ll pick you up around six-thirty so we can get to the restaurant. Right, love you too.” He hung up with a happy little smile.

Pinkie giggled.

Luna sighed wistfully, she missed the days when she could enjoy a date with someone.

Sonata however seemed to be completely rooted to the spot, her mouth open wide and her eyes unblinking. “You’re going on your first date!” she realized.

Scribe turned to the siren with a confused expression. “How did you-”

Sonata suddenly spun to face Pinkie. “We need to go on our first date!”

Pinkie blinked. “We’ve been out together before, ‘Nata.”

Sonata shook her head. “Those totally don’t count! We need to go on our first official date, as a couple, but ‘Dagi might see us if we go someplace she goes to for dinner or junk.” Whirling, she rushed forward and grasped Scribe’s hand in hers. “Can we tag along on your first date? You said a restaurant, I love restaurants, especially ones that ‘Dagi doesn’t go to.”

Scribe tried to catch up with the siren’s train of thought.

Pinkie frowned. “Sonata, it isn’t nice to butt in on other people’s first dates.”

Luna opened her mouth to say something.

Sonata beat her to it and cut her off before she even had the chance. “Double Dates! ‘Ria and ‘Dagi used to do it all the time, one time they were even triple dating, three guys at once. The noises coming out of ‘Dagi’s room that night made my body really heat up. It was hard to ignore the passionate screams of the guys, and ‘Ria usually didn’t like sharing.”

Nobody knew how to react after that was said.

“I think I should-”

“Sonata, maybe it’d be better to discuss this-”

“Please, Scribey!” Sonata exclaimed. “We don’t even have to do anything like that afterwards. I mean, I’m not interested in how you and Lemon express your sex life... I just want to get in on the first date action with Pinkie. I want to treat her right after everything she’s done for me.” Sonata’s eyes were pleading and extremely close, she was hovering within Scribe’s personal space and her hair was slightly distracting.

Pinkie smiled fondly at the reason for Sonata’s sudden desire, even if it was a little inappropriate to barge in on somebody else’s date plans, it was pretty considerate the way she wanted to treat her.

Scribe wasn’t sure if he could trust himself to say anything, so with slow and deliberate motions he found himself nodding.

Luna eyed the boy in surprise.

“Yes! Our first date is a double date with Scarlet Scribe and Lemon Zest!” Sonata pumped her fist in the air excitedly as she twirled around. “Pinkie, we’re going to dress real elegant, it’s going to be totally off the chain!”

Pinkie flinched. “Um, Sonata, we don’t say ‘off the chain’ anymore.”

Scribe rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Ummm, about that dressing elegant part.” Sighing he held up the pamphlet for the restaurant.

Pinkie’s eyes bugged out. “They have places like that?”

Sonata let out a delighted squee and grabbed the pamphlet. “Even better, I wonder if they have private rooms.” Grabbing the pamphlet, she spun around and skipped towards the door, she took Pinkie’s hand as she passed and managed to drag her off.

Luna stared at the door briefly wondering to herself what to make of all that. “Why, precisely, did you agree to that Mister Scribe?”

Scribe sat at the table slowly processing everything that had just happened, it wasn’t as if it had been the usual Pinkie or Sonata antics, but it had seemed rather random. Shaking his head briefly he let out a sigh. “Never could resist anyone with lengthy hair, she may not be as well-endowed as her sister in that regards, but it was all bouncy and silky looking.” Scribe’s cheeks flushed. “I just hope Lemon won’t be upset.”

Luna smiled briefly and returned to her seat. “I’d best let Gustave know there will be two more for dinner tonight.” Eyeing Scribe briefly she frowned thoughtfully. “Perhaps I should accompany you as well, to serve as a chaperone. Miss Dusk seems a tad... excitable.”

Scribe blanched at the thought of seeing Luna completely nude while simultaneously trying to enjoy a romantic dinner with Lemon. There was no doubt in his mind that she had a rockin' hot body, but it would also be an excruciatingly awkward experience.

Luna laughed suddenly. “Even I’m not so cruel! I’ll just make sure Gustave knows to keep a close eye on your table in case things start getting out of hand.”

“Thank you, Luna,” Scribe stated. “I’d better finish up this homework before something else goes wrong.”

Sunset groaned as she dropped the magic detecting device on her kitchen table and rubbed the bridge of her nose. For the past day or so, she’d been taking time to try and figure out what Twilight had found. But as usual, magic was just so hard to quantify in this place.

Twilight glanced up from her books. “Is everything ok?”

“No it’s not!” Sunset cursed. “After my attempts at figuring out how magic works here I should have known this wouldn’t be easy, but I hoped I’d be able to figure it out. I have no idea what you detected, and that concerns me.”

Twilight offered a half-hearted smile and put her book down. “I’m sure we’ll be able to figure this out together.”

Sunset shook her head. “It’d help if we could find the source of it again, but with the sheer power of Harmony my friends and I generate. We just can’t seem to separate the data to track it.”

Twilight nodded in agreement.

Sunset smirked slightly and reached across the table to give Twilight’s hand a squeeze.

Twilight’s cheeks flushed briefly and her eyes darted around the room unable to focus on anything in particular. “Ummm. Are there any other sources of magic we should be concerned about, maybe?” she suggested.

“The Dazzlings you mean?” Sunset shook her head. “If they had magic again your detector would go off whenever Sonata’s around.”

“You could try asking Twilight, er, Princess Twilight, if she might be able to help.”

Sunset blinked in surprise at the suggestion. Grinning briefly she got up and went to fetch her journal. “I doubt she’d have much of an idea, but it’s possible she might recognize the Thaumatic signature from Equestria, or at least what creature might have a similar signature.”

Twilight twirled a lock of hair with a nervous kind of smile. “Should we… tell her?”

Sunset frowned briefly. “About us you mean? I already mentioned it in an earlier message, she didn’t seem to be upset about it.”

Twilight blinked. “Really?” Her tone was full of surprise.

Sunset laughed, turning around she approached her girlfriend and leaned down to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Twilight, just because the two of you look alike doesn’t mean you’re the same person. She’d never feel awkward about us being together.That I can promise, so you shouldn’t either.”

Twilight sighed with a happy little smile spreading across her face. “I guess I have been a little nervous about it.” Readjusting her glasses she turned back to her book.

Sunset smirked impishly and leaned down to nibble Twilight’s ear briefly.

Twilight squeaked in surprise. “Sunset!” Her cheeks burned brightly.

Sunset laughed again and turned around to fetch her journal and her link with Equestria, her hips swaying sensually as she walked away.

Twilight felt her stomach flutter with delight and nervous tension before the Midnight in her started to laugh darkly in her ear. Twilight let out a startled cry and nervously glanced around until her eyes fell on the mirror. Briefly, an overlay of Midnight Sparkle’s face covered up her reflection and she buried her head back into her book.

Can’t ignore me forever.”

Twilight shook her head frustratedly. “You are a figment of my imagination! A remnant of nightmares that have been plaguing me for weeks since the Friendship Games. You! Are not. Real!”

You continue to spout those scientific rationalisations, Twilight. Meanwhile, when you’re ready to let me have some fun with our new plaything I’ll be floating around your sub-conscious.” Midnight’s image vanished from the mirror.

Twilight would have broken down crying again if Sunset hadn’t returned just then. “Oh! Sunset, um, can we finish this later?”

Sunset eyed Twilight confused. “Finish this? Er, ok, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled and gathered her books up. Then she started getting dressed again. “Keep the detector to show Princess Twilight, if she can make it here to actually see the wavelength and stuff. I’m just going… to go home and, um… try to get some sleep.”

Sunset sighed, but didn’t say anything as she watched Twilight leave. Sooner or later she’d have to ask her why she was having so much trouble sleeping. She looked terrible the past few days, more so than before. Flipping open the journal and reaching for a pen, she began to send a message to Equestria’s Twilight.

Lemon Zest’s stomach fluttered with tiny flapping wings as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet while waiting for Scribe. This was their first official date night, and she was so looking forward to it. Everybody might say they were taking this way too fast, but she didn’t care. She hadn’t had a decent boyfriend since her break-up with that one jerk back in Freshman year.

She liked hanging out with Scribe too every time they had movie afternoon, or just did stuff together as a group. This was going to be great. She had decided to dress up, even if they did wind up taking off their clothes later, and not for the usual reason couples stripped for. Although, a rousing game of strip poker might be fun.

Blinking she stared in surprise as a limo pulled up to the side of her house. “What?”

Scribe stuck his head out. “I borrowed Sunny’s driver for the evening,” he explained nervously.

“Sunny has a driver?”

Scribe chuckled. “We’re social elite, Lemon. Ok, so maybe the Zest family isn’t as well off as the Rich family or anything like that, but we can still afford personal drivers. Plus I’m not eligible to even try for at least another year, according to mom.” Scribe rolled his eyes at that last part and hopped out to pull the door open for her.

“Hey, Lemon Zest!” Pinkie greeted from inside.

Lemon quirked her brow, the question not needed.

Scribe sighed. “I promised a double-date with Pinkie and Sonata because… well, you try saying no to Sonata Dusk!”

Sonata grinned happily as she popped into view. “Nobody can deny the awesome cute powers of Sonata Dusk! Reformed Siren of Equestria.” Giggling Sonata fell back into her seat.

Pinkie appeared nervous as she fidgeted in her seat. “I’m totally sorry if we ruined your first date, Lemon.”

Lemon waved her hand briefly in dismissal, chuckling she climbed into the back seat and settled down. “Hey, the more the merrier, besides with you here I know we’ll have a blast.”

Pinkie perked up with a smile and giggled. “Wait until you see where we’re going.”

“Weren’t we just heading out to dinner?”

Scribe rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Not just dinner, and the place we’re going is, kind of special. Luna loaned us the use of her personal dining table at this swanky place… actually it was a little too convenient, I didn’t think the vice-principal would take such an interest in the dating habits of her students.” Scribe frowned briefly at the thought before shaking his head.

“It was probably just her way of saying sorry for sticking you with detention all week,” Pinkie suggested.

“She’s a lot nicer than the scary moon horse,” Sonata agreed. “But she’s still scary.”

Lemon smirked at that, but chose not to comment. She glanced at Scribe. “So, where are we going?”

Scribe chuckled nervously. “Ah… Gustave’s Grande Palais.”

Lemon frowned briefly. “Sounds fancy, the food better be good.”

Pinkie nodded. “Rarity loves fancy places, but I don’t think she’d ever be caught dead there.” Shooting Scribe a wink she grunted when Sonata suddenly hopped into her lap forcing the air out of her lungs.

“This is going to be the best double-date ever!” Sonata nuzzled Pinkie’s neck. “Then we can have some fun times after, right?”

Scribe’s cheeks burned. “Well, actually no, there’s somewhere else we’re going after dinner.”


Pinkie blinked. “You didn’t mention that, Scribey.”

Scribe laughed slightly and smiled at the trio of girls. “I saw the ad in the paper after I got home. When we’re done with dinner we get to enjoy an awesome show. Sapphire Shores has a free concert in Canterlot Park.”

“No way!”

Sonata rubbed her ears trying to get rid of the ringing from Pinkie’s yell.

Lemon couldn’t believe it either. “She’s a famous diva, what’s she doing holding a free concert in Canterlot?”

Scribe shrugged. “Not sure, honestly. All I know is what the ad said, apparently her agent Chrysalis organized the whole thing to attract unsigned talent from Canterlot’s locals. Sapphire will sing a few songs and then call up some local talent to give them the chance to perform with her. If they’re good enough Chrysalis might just sign them on.”

Lemon’s face split with a wide grin. “Totally awesome! I can’t wait to see who gets picked up, think any of the students from CHS will be there with their bands?”

Pinkie shook her head. “Doubt it, otherwise Dashie would have forced us to get ready to perform.”

Sonata sat smiling goofily in Pinkie’s lap. “I always liked watching new talents get discovered. This is totes going to rock, glad I convinced Scribey to let us tag along.”

Scribe groaned. “Ok, seriously, can anybody not related to me just stop using Scribey? It’s kind of weird hearing it from you guys. Lemon and the others can use it because they’re friends, you two are not yet fully in the friends category. More like acquaintances.”

“We’re not friends?” Pinkie gasped as her hair started to slowly deflate.

Scribe flinched. “No, I mean yes, I mean… until Friday we didn’t really talk much, so, I’m not comfortable calling you two friends yet. Ok?”

Pinkie instantly perked up and shot the young man a huge grin. “Yay! Now I get to make a brand new friend.”

Scribe retreated from the bubbling fount of energy with a siren in her lap. “Why do I feel like I just stepped into a minefield?”

Lemon giggled and hesitantly kissed him on the cheek. “Didn’t you say it best, Friendship is Magic.”

Scribe shook his head with a groan. “This is because I had to research Princess Twilight for you, therefore I blame you for what happens tonight.”

“This is going to be so much fun!” Pinkie declared loudly. “Now to find a new nickname for you… hmmm, Scar? No that sounds too much like it should be the name of a vicious evil lion. Letty? Nope, too silly.”

“How about Scry, because he was totally like a spy and it’s kind of like that.” Sonata beamed at her girlfriend.

Pinkie shook her head. “Nope, might confuse some people. I wonder what Shady calls him?”

“Who’s Shady?”

“The blind girl who enjoys verbally assaulting people who get under her skin.” Scribe flinched slightly after admitting that. “I remember she totally chewed me out during the Anon-A-Miss incident.”

“Anon-A-Miss?” Lemon repeated confused.

Pinkie’s hair deflated. “It happened after the Battle of the Bands during Hearthswarming. The girls aren’t proud of it.”

Scribe nodded. “I know. Diamond was in love with what was happening that week. We figured out the CMC were behind it and then things got humiliating. That’s when I ran into Shady, it was this whole big thing. Di wanted to blackmail the girls into working for her, or something like that, I sort of blocked the entire mess from my memory.”

Lemon snickered. “You got beat-up by a blind girl?”

Scribe shook his head. “Not exactly. Can we drop this now?”

Pinkie giggled. “Since we’re just pulling up to Gustave’s place, you got it!”

Scribe sighed in relief; he really didn’t want to remember what happened that day. Or explain to Lemon what the confrontation with Shady had been like, it had been totally embarrassing in hindsight. Besides, it was time to experience his first ever dinner date in the nude. “Boy, this should be fun.”

“I know right!” Pinkie hopped out of the car and tugged Sonata towards the front entrance.

Gustave Le Grave ran a unique dining experience in the city of Canterlot. When he first came to the city he had attempted to compete with the regular dining establishments. However, he soon learned that his rich dishes and cooking skills just couldn’t attract as many customers as he preferred.

He had been prepared to head back to his home nation of Gryphonia before he’d hit up on a new and exciting idea. While attending one of his usual stress relieving sessions at the Aloe Twins Spa, he had overheard a pair of clients complaining that they could never eat out naturally as they preferred.

This got the wheels turning in Gustave’s head; and he soon concocted a brand new idea. Gustave’s Grand Palais, a fine dining establishment that catered to the needs of the cities growing Naturalist community. He prided himself on offering a secure, health conscious restaurant for naturists. They could dine completely in the buff, without threat of being accosted by outsiders.

Two very burly gentlemen stood on guard outside at all hours of the day and night, allowing only those inside that had reserved their dining arrangements earlier. No cameras of any sort were allowed, cutting down on the number of pervert complaints from the female clientele. Male guests had an occasional incident, but it wasn’t as pronounced as those that attempted to expose and embarrass the female guests.

The windows were single-sided glass, allowing the guests to observe the exterior sights while preventing any unruly sorts from looking in and peeping on the guests. They were also quite thick to prevent damage from roughhousing drunks.

Gustave himself kept busy in the kitchen and interacting with the guests. In keeping with health regulations he was always covered up with an apron, and the kitchen was very meticulously cleaned to maintain a proper sterile environment to prevent contamination of the food.

His servers had to adhere to strict cleanliness protocols and the towels provided for guests to sit on needed to be washed after every guest left their table. Gustave would not be accused of causing health issues due to certain truths about the human body many preferred not to think about in such a dining area.

As added security for his guests, each table was sequestered behind elegantly carved wooden walls. This was to add more to the atmosphere of the restaurant, but also prevented people from feeling discomfort with eyes watching them, should they be new to the dining in the nude experience.

The changing area in the back allowed for the clients to place their clothing in secure lockers, and also had several shower stalls for a quick rinse and decontamination should they feel the desire to. Most guests preferred the cleanliness of the establishment and tended to wash themselves thoroughly before coming out.

This was in keeping with regulations of course, though Gustave did not enforce the issue with every guest. Most of the older more experienced clientele knew enough about these sorts of establishments to follow the rules of proper etiquette. For those new to the world of naturism it was enough that they had the option should they choose it.

Gustave smiled widely as he watched the four young people enter the establishment. These must have been Luna’s guests for the evening. Ordinarily he wouldn’t have allowed someone else to use a VIP reserve table, but Luna was one of the two from the Spa who had inspired him to this profitable endeavour. As such he allowed for this, just once, as it was short notice and the youngsters had not been made aware of his establishment yet.

“Welcome, welcome, Bonjour!” Gustave approached the quartet with a large smile. “Welcome to ze Grand Palais, I am Gustave, the head chef and owner. Ladies, you will find a changing area down that hallway and to your left, young sir, same directions, but you must go right. Mademoiselle De Lis will escort you to your table when you are ready.”

“De Lis?” One of the girls glanced around in surprise.

An older woman approached wearing only an apron. She offered a brief smile. “Oui, I am Genevieve De Lis, I shall be your server for the evening.”

“Any relation to Fleur De Lis?”

Genevieve’s eyes shone with mirth. “Oui, oui, she is, how you say, ma petite cousine.”


“Her little cousin,” the blue-skinned girl explained. “Come on! The sooner we get out of our clothes the sooner we can check out this awesome food!” Grabbing the pink-haired girl by the arm she rushed off towards the changing area. “It smells so good!”

The lone male nodded briefly and turned to the remaining girl. “Ummm… So, yeah, we’re eating in a naturist restaurant. That’s not… I mean…”

The girl laughed and leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, her closest hand running over his chest while she did it. His cheeks burned at the close contact. “I knew I could get you out of your comfort zone just a little bit,” she teased, shooting him a wink she walked off slowly after the others, adding a bouncy sway to her hips.

The boy watched her go with his mouth hanging open.

Gustave chuckled. “Ah, young love.” Slapping the boy across the shoulders he laughed louder and more boisterously as the boy’s cheeks suddenly burned in embarrassment at having been caught. “Come, ma jeune homme, let us get you comfortable. I guarantee that you have never tasted such fine food as what I have in store for Luna’s personal guests.”

The young man allowed himself to be led to the changing room without a word.

Spoiled Rich frowned as she once again reached a dead end regarding the Board of Regents. Her continued investigation into the secrets she knew were being hidden from her was leading nowhere. Fortunately her little Diamond was getting along fine in her plans to put an end to that illegal naturist club on school campus.

But if she were honest with herself she couldn’t care less about the petty issues Canterlot High wes facing, she would prefer to solve the issue of her personal quest. Rubbing the bridge of her nose she glanced up at the sound of a hard wrapping on her door.

“Please, come in.” Spoiled quickly took the files in front of her on the desk and slid them into the drawer.

A very familiar woman opened the door and strode brusquely into her office. “Miss Rich, I am a very busy woman, I trust that this meeting will be concise and to the point.”

Spoiled grinned broadly. “Abacus, take a seat.”

Dean Abacus Cinch curled her lip slightly in distaste, but slid into the seat across from Spoiled’s desk. Straightening her skirt with one hand, she indicated that Spoiled should get on with the reason for calling her.

Spoiled removed a small folder from a second drawer on her desk. “Abacus, I understand Mister Discord paid you a little visit recently concerning your complaints about Canterlot High’s…. situation.”

Abacus curled her lip in disgust. “As you are the head of Canterlot High’s Board, I fail to see why you would care about my meetings with Discord?”

Spoiled smirked and slid the folder across the desk.

Abacus glanced briefly at it. Her eyes widened suddenly as she realized what was in the file.

Spoiled’s eyes shone with hidden delight, she had her, and she knew it. “Now then, Abacus, shall we discuss what you and Discord decided upon?”

Abacus sighed. “If we must.”