• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,627 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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Discord Explains About What?

Chapter 29

Diamond Tiara felt like someone had pounded her hard and fast while sticking her all over with hot pokers. The agonizing pain in her joints and muscles forced her back to the waking world not long after she was brought into the changing room.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stood off to one side watching her warily.

Lily Breeze was whispering something to Scarlet Scribe.

Diamond glared at the pair of them. They had attempted to destroy her life’s ambitions. And yet she was strangely proud of them for that; it proved that she at least knew how to pick competent and ambitious minions. Sighing she realized however that the only remaining allies left to her were the two dim bulbs who could barely maintain proper grammar.

Sitting up she looked down at her still nude body and poked at her side where a particularly nasty bruise was starting to form.

“Are ya alright, Diamond Tiara?” Apple Bloom asked in concern.

“I’ll live.” Diamond smirked slightly and turned so her legs dangled over the edge of the bench she’d been lying on.

Scootaloo glared at her suspiciously. “You’re a lot calmer than you normally are.”

Diamond shook her head. “Why shouldn’t I be? Whatever happened outside took away the withdrawal symptoms I was suffering from.” Pouting she crossed her arms over her chest. “And now my last hope at exposing you is completely ruined.”

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and stepped closer to Diamond Tiara. “Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?”

Diamond glared at Sweetie Belle for several long agonizing moments before deciding to answer the question. “It’s really quite simple. I was ranting enough about it out there it should be pretty obvious. I’m jealous, you look gorgeous, and you don’t even have to try. Guys like Button Mash are lining up to date you and you were able to convert half the student body to naturism with charisma, charm and sheer determination.” Diamond sighed and blew her bang out of her eye. “I can’t even recruit a decent team of minions to serve my goals of running this place the way I’ve always wanted to.”

Scribe stepped forward. “Maybe if you stopped driving us away by shoving us so far outside our comfort zone we decide to defect instead of actually sticking to your ideals…” he trailed off.

Diamond laughed harshly and shot Scribe a knowing look. “You said it yourself, I lost you the moment I chose to use you to get back at Lily because of my jealousy.” Slowly standing up so she didn’t have to crane her neck too far back to stare into his eyes, Diamond moved closer and patted Scribe on the shoulder. “You stayed beside me because you were guilty and I used that like a pro to manipulate you into the perfect position of power. I trusted you, Scribey. Perhaps I just trusted you a little too much and started to take you for granted. I… apologize.”

Scribe blinked in surprise and took a half-step back from Diamond Tiara.

Lily frowned in disbelief and rolled closer to the group.

Apple Bloom stared slack jawed at Diamond Tiara her eyes wide.

“No way!” Scootaloo blurted. “You just acted like a halfway decent human being!”

Diamond Tiara started laughing again, her shoulders rose and fell with her laughter and she swayed slightly using too much energy. “You honestly think I’m like the way I’ve been acting the past several months?”

Scribe shook his head. “Well, to be honest, you haven’t been too dissimilar to your usual attitude.”

Diamond sighed and ran her hand over her face in her growing exhaustion. “Ok. I’ll freely admit that I’ve been really pushing myself to the limits, and in most cases, past the limits of the whole ‘spoiled brat diva’ personality. But I was ground zero of a magical explosion.”

“Huh?” Scootaloo stared at Diamond in confusion.

Sweetie frowned and shook her head. “I second that and raise a what?”

Diamond rolled her eyes. “I was front row center during the Battle of the Bands. When the Dazzlings lost their power a massive expulsion of negative energy was dissipated into the crowd. According to Adagio it was directly responsible for the escalation of the Anon-A-Miss incident.” Jabbing her index finger into Scarlet Scribe’s chest she pouted up at him. “I’m still angry at you for blowing my chance to convince those three to work under me, that entire situation was prime material for setting me up for Fall Formal Queen.”

Scribe pushed Diamond’s hand away and glared down at her. “Well excuse me, princess! It wasn’t entirely my fault that I never delivered your ultimatum to them, a little thing called conscience started to pester me and I was suddenly reminded of what happened last time I did something for you.”

Diamond shrugged and turned to Lily. “We hate one another, and I am directly responsible for your being in that wheelchair. Do you expect me to apologize for my petty vindictive nature and overwhelming jealousy?”

Lily shook her head. “Why bother? It isn’t as if it’ll mean anything.”

Diamond nodded. “I’ve never told anybody this, but I did pay for your medical expenses after the accident.”

“What?” Scribe blurted in shock.

Diamond giggled slightly. “I’m not heartless, Scribey. And it could have led me to having a very lucrative and loyal follower if I proved that despite my shortcomings I still cared for all of you, even if it was only as a means to a potential end. Mother always said I should never discard my employees so callously.”

Lily grit her teeth and resisted the urge to roll over Diamond’s toes.

“You’re a real piece of work, “Scootaloo stated angrily.

Apple Bloom was mulling over everything that was being discussed at the moment and she needed to ask a question. “How did ya figure out we were Anon-A-Miss?”

Scribe chuckled. “My cousin goes to Crystal Prep. I simply used deductive logic and samples of your school reports that Diamond had Snips and Snails steal to match your writing styles and conclude you were the three most responsible for Sunset’s predicament.”

Sweetie shuffled her foot on the floor slightly and averted her eyes. “Ummm. Why did you not try to blackmail us?”

Scribe groaned. “It involves Shady and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter. For one thing I Pinkie Promised never to reveal what happened as long as Shady agreed not to press charges.” Scribe coughed as he realized he was dangerously close to revealing the secret anyway.

Diamond smirked slyly at his discomfort. “This is a side of you I never suspected.”

“Ok, I’m seriously freaked out at how civil we’re being while discussing this,” Scootaloo declared for the benefit of the group. “I don’t have any clue how to handle Diamond Tiara when she’s being so nice and its making me highly uncomfortable.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah kind of agree, this is way too surreal.”

Scribe glanced around at the group and chuckled openly. “That’s only because you don’t spend nearly as much time around Di as I have.”

“We have,” Lily corrected.

“Right.” Scribe nodded curtly and turned to face the CMC directly. “Aside from the past few weeks Diamond can be pretty civil when she’s talking to you. Ranting about her mother notwithstanding.”

Diamond snorted briefly and then her eyes widened. “Mother was supposed to be here tonight to help too!” Rushing over to the locker she’d put her clothes in she flung it open and started pulling them out. “I do not want to see her disappointed face after I admit that I’ve failed. I can only assume Adagio was bested again by the Rainbooms, somehow it drew all the remaining negativity out of me… probably why I’m acting more civil at the moment in mixed company.” She glared pointedly at the CMC.

“Wait!” Sweetie blurted. “All this time, trying to stop us, was because you were hopped up on magic?”

Diamond rolled her eyes. “Of course not! The magic thing was just why I was suffering from so much stress and obsessing too much over failing and being mocked among other things. I still can’t stand how much power you hold over the school, and while I probably have no chance of ever getting your club shut down without relying on mother’s position, I still want to see you fall hard. Especially you!” she snapped as she glared directly at Sweetie Belle.

“It has ta be more than just jealousy over Sweetie’s looks,” Apple Bloom spoke up suddenly. “Ah ain’t buyin’ that ya put us all through this just because Sweetie is more attractive lookin’ than ya.”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo squared her shoulders and prepare to defend her friend’s honor, seeing as Button Mash wasn’t here to do it.

Diamond bit back her usual retort and decided to pick a play from Adagio’s playbook. With a sultry little sway of her hips and a playful smirk she sauntered up to Sweetie Belle, ran her hand through the other girl’s hair and before anyone could so much as think of stopping her she pulled her in for a very passionate looking kiss.

Sweetie put up a powerful struggle, raising both arms up and pushing against Diamond’s chest with her hands. But the power behind the grip was quite tight and she only managed to pull back from the other girl’s lips for a few brief moments in between kisses.

Lily rolled her eyes at the typical Diamond Tiara non-answer. Although she was a bit concerned that Diamond had chosen such an odd way to get some minor satisfaction at toying with her enemies.

Scribe did more than the others. He purposefully stepped up behind Diamond Tiara and grabbed her around the waist intending to separate the two girls before Apple Bloom and Scootaloo started throwing punches.

Diamond shook him off as she finally released Sweetie and shot him a glare. “No touching!”

Scribe instantly let her go at the wild panicked look in her eyes. “Sorry.”

Diamond’s breathing returned to normal and she straightened her top. “Ugh, this was a terrible idea for a disguise. I look so ugly and common.”

“Miss Diamond Tiara, report to the Principal’s office.” Celestia’s voice came over the loudspeaker which most of the students hadn’t believed was connected down here. “Miss Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Mister Scarlet Scribe, please also report to the Principal’s office.”

“Think we have time to get dressed?” Scootaloo wondered.

Scribe felt a cold chill creeping down his back as he realized what this meant. “I didn’t tell her!”

Apple Bloom reached up and patted him gently on the shoulder. “It’s ok, we always knew this plan o’ yers was goin’ to involve Principal Celestia eventually. Ah mean Spoiled Rich is probably gloating about it raht now.”

Diamond Tiara turned to Lily Breeze. “Give me the camera,” she insisted.

Lily rolled backwards out of reach. “No way!”

Diamond turned to Scribe. “Get me the camera, Scribey,” she stated in a no-nonsense tone of voice.

Scribe took a moment to carefully study her face and briefly nodded. Turning he knelt down and the sound of Velcro strips could be heard pulling from beneath Lily’s seat. “I’ll be back to help you after this meeting, maybe Celestia will still let us have one final party since everybody already started preparing so much for it.”

The others watched him horrified as he passed the camera to Diamond Tiara.

“Traitor!” Scootaloo accused.

Diamond Tiara snorted at the comment and proceeded to smash the camera on the floor. For good measure she stomped on the data chip and other components several times ensuring they would never be recoverable again. “Did you honestly think I wanted to show my mother that?” she asked the group before turning around and marching out of the change room.

Apple Bloom blinked in surprise. “Ah honestly did not see that comin’.”

Scribe shrugged. “The only footage on it was us arguing in the nude, and then a massive magical upheaval centering around Diamond Tiara that ended in her climaxing on film. Would you want your parents to see something like that?”

Scootaloo blushed furiously and rapidly shook her head.

“We’d better get going to Celestia’s office.” Scribe started to leave the change room.

“Like this?”

Turning back to Scootaloo he smirked. “Believe me when I say whatever is about to happen it can’t be any worse if we’re wearing clothes or not. Besides, can you just imagine the look on Spoiled Rich’s face when we all walk in there with nothing on?”

Scootaloo turned to her friends and grinned wickedly. “Ok, that’s worth it.”

“Ah don’t know, it kinda goes against the rules of conduct fer naturists.”

Scootaloo didn’t care and decided to follow Scribe’s example.

Apple Bloom turned to the strangely silent Sweetie Belle and noticed the very conflicted expression on her face. “Uh, Sweetie, are ya ok?”

Sweetie’s lips trembled, her left eye twitched rhythmically and her right hand was exploring her lips in intricate detail. “She kissed me.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yeah, just because Adagio was learnin’ her stuff.”

“Teaching her stuff,” Sweetie absently corrected. “She kissed me!”

Apple Bloom frowned. “So, ya already kissed Button Mash before. Just ignore it.”

Sweetie whirled on her feet and stared intently into Apple Bloom’s eyes. “No Apple Bloom, you don’t get it!” Her voice started to raise in pitch and tone as she slowly succumbed to hysterics. “Diamond Tiara, my worst enemy, just kissed me! Like full on, I couldn’t stop her at all, kissed me! And… she did it better than Button. I am angry beyond reason, confused and really wish Button was here right now so I could just fall into his arms and cry a bit. I feel so violated!”

Lily silently rolled up beside Sweetie Belle and gently patted her on the shoulder in a gesture of reassurance. “I think she was trying to prove a point. Whatever happened between her and Adagio looked to be pretty traumatic. Something in your past before you were on opposite sides must have been the same way. Maybe… Maybe Diamond was trying to force that memory back to the surface because she didn’t want to tell you in front of the rest of us.”

“By kissing me!” Sweetie’s voice squeaked as her volume rose another two octaves.

Lily sighed. “It was the last way she could put herself over you. Diamond is ever the opportunist.”

“Come on, before Principal Celestia sends somebody down here ta haul us ta her office,” Apple Bloom encouraged. Gripping her friend’s hand she started leading her out of the room.

Lily watched them go.

Sweetie couldn’t help herself. “She kissed me!”

Lily sighed and glanced down at the remains of the camera. “At least she also kept my secret. I wonder what price she’s going to ask of me now that she knows I possess Equestrian magic.” Fingering her talisman nervously she bit her bottom lip and began to anticipate the worst. Where Diamond Tiara was concerned it helped to be well prepared.

Spoiled Rich paced back and forth as she waited impatiently for the students to arrive. After everything that she had hoped and planned for she had not expected Celestia to postpone the party in favor of airing grievances now. Celestia just proved to be one step ahead of her this time.

Discord sat in a rather officious looking pose with a pair of empty spectacles on his face as he examined a large folder full of paperwork. Occasionally he would pass something to Celestia for her to glance over.

Spoiled was eager to know what that was all about; especially when Celestia signed one or two of the documents and then handed them back to Discord. She had the unsettling feeling that something important was happening in front of her, and she didn’t like this cloak and dagger method of handling things. It smacked too much of how she might handle the situation, which unnerved her even more.

Luna stood in the corner by the windows, she’d closed the curtains for some reason and now had her arms crossed shooting glares at Celestia.

The eight girls that had been prepared to head off to get their party ready were all against the wall next to Ms. Cheerilee wondering what was going on themselves.

Spoiled noted that two of them were practically identical save for dress and hair styles, and one wore a pair of glasses. No doubt these were the infamous Twili she’d heard about. “I demand to know what is going on!” Spoiled finally couldn’t take the silence any more.

“Milky, patience is a virtue,” Discord stated with a friendly smirk.

Spoiled shook her head. “Be that as it may, you are up to something. And why were those other two not invited here?”

Discord shook his head. “My daughter had a mission to undertake and Zecora was sent back to her father because of the mystical experience she was exposed to.”

Spoiled ran a hand over her face and did her best to center herself. “Magic, magic, magic! It’s always about the magic, even before she came here!” Spoiled jabbed a finger in Sunset’s general direction. “Whispers of magic have been on the lips of everybody. I must know why! I must, and why is it that no matter how many records I look into - here and outside Canterlot proper - I never find one solid piece of evidence of a mayoral election… As far back as anyone knows it’s always been Mayor Tirek in charge!”

Pri-Twi fidgeted in clear agitation at that and she turned to Sunset. “The Mayor of Canterlot is Tirek!”

Sunset shrugged. “He’s a pretty decent guy, nothing like the one where we’re from.”

“You could have told me that at least once!” Pri-Twi accused with a snarl. “Our Tirek destroyed my home! Almost crushed the entire Diarchy! Fair warning that there’s a guy like that in a position of power over here is the most courteous thing to expect in that regards.”

Sunset sighed and shook her head. Sci-Twi clasped her hand supportively. “Twilight, it’s not important.”

Discord chortled. “Oh ho, not as important as Spoiled would believe, but Mayor Tirek and I are indeed central to the plot surrounding Canterlot.”

Pri-Twi flinched. “And Discord is the Head of the Board of Regents… I really wish I had some critical need-to-know information before coming here this time.”

Discord smirked and shot Twilight a knowing wink. “Where’d the fun be in that?” Slowly he pulled a thick tome from under the desk and indicated the cover. “We do so enjoy our little pranks after all.”

Pri-Twi’s eyes widened in comical fashion and she started to sputter as she attempted to get words out.

The jacket cover silently laughed at her. “The look on your face is so priceless!” it said.

“That book just talked!” Rainbow Dash twitched nervously.

“Spoilers” The cover said before returning to a boring old image of a Draconequus’ head.

Spoiled Rich stared aghast at Discord as something started to niggle in the back of her mind. Princess Twilight had mentioned a Tirek in her world, which would imply that there were other beings in that world which shared identities in this one. “Have I been played? That is how the commoners refer to it, is it not?”

Rarity bristled at the sleight. “How unbelievably rude, Mrs. Rich,” she stated.

Discord chuckled. “The only one doing the playing around here is Pinkie Pie, mostly party games, but from what I understand she has a mean poker face.”

Pinkie giggled and bobbed her head up and down. “Yep, nobody can beat me at strip poker, Texas hold-em or any other game you’d care to name. I’m the candy queen of the poker scene, roughest, toughest card shark in the wild, wild west.”

Spoiled pointed at Pinkie. “Shut up!”

Celestia frowned. “Mrs. Rich, I will not have you telling my students to be quiet in such a rude and unprofessional manner.” Turning she shot Pinkie a gentle smile. “Could you please calm down, this is a rather important development and some people…” she turned to her sister and glared, “tend to ignore the proper channels when dealing with student club approvals.”

Luna, in a very undignified moment, stuck her tongue out at her older sister.

Discord sighed. “Now girls, I’ve told you before to use your words,” he reminded.

Celestia blushed at being addressed in such a familiar manner in front of her students.

Luna rolled her eyes and turned as the door opened.

Diamond Tiara walked in first, her outfit wasn’t her typical one, however, she’d gotten her jacket out of her locker so she’d be a bit more comfortable.

Scarlet Scribe followed with a smug smirk on his lips, no doubt aimed at Diamond Tiara. He froze when he saw Mister Discord in the room and suddenly turned redder than his namesake.

Apple Bloom dragged Sweetie Belle into the room alongside Scootaloo, all three girls were equally as naked as Scarlet Scribe had been and Sweetie Belle seemed to be extremely upset over something as she kept staring at Diamond Tiara with a frustrated pout on her lips.

“Excellent!” Discord clapped his hands and snapped his fingers. The door slammed shut and a large scroll unfurled in the air in front of the three girls. “As founding members of the Natural Life Acceptance Community, or whatever it was, please sign on the dotted line,” he requested.

“Now see here!” Applejack interrupted. “Ma sister don’t sign nothin’ without readin’ it first, especially if it means she and her friends are gonna be in trouble!”

Rarity nodded in agreement. “Too true. I refuse to allow Sweetie Belle to sign that document until I know precisely what her punishment entails and whether or not it is above board… so to speak.”

Rainbow Dash took a protective step towards Scootaloo. “Ditto.”

Discord sighed. “Girls, believe me there is nothing wrong about that document. It was written out long ago, this is merely a formality to grandfather the club into the approval of the land owner’s rights and privileges to avoid any future issues.”

Everyone in the room stared at Discord in various stages of confusion and disbelief.

“Land owners?” Spoiled was the first to react. “But, Canterlot High is a publicly owned building!”

Discord started chuckling and tugged briefly at his beard. “Oh this is too much. My dear Spoiled, as Head of the School Board isn’t it important that you know everything about Canterlot High’s workings?”

Spoiled frowned briefly. “Well of course, but I fail to see-”

“Precisely!” Discord snapped his fingers again and a very old land title deed appeared in his hand. “To Princess Celestia from Queen Platinum: This title deed to the lands surrounding the Canterlot Provincial Educational Facility renders it and all related construction built upon it annexed to Equestria as the Official Equestrian Embassy. All Rights and Privileges to the aforementioned Educational Facility’s staff shall be amended and diplomatic immunity shall be extended to any and all visitors from the land of Equestria. An establishment will be constructed to further the goals of Educational Decrees passed down in proxy by current Ambassador, one Starswirl the Bearded. As well, a special facility will be constructed in all current and future buildings on the land owned by Equestria to allow any Equestrians and those who wish to experience the lifestyle of Equestria free reign to participate in the Equestrian Culture.

Discord held up a hand to forestall the plethora of questions everyone no doubt had. “Should the facility prove inadequate in size and scope the entire Educational Facility and any future such buildings will be provided for the duration of any Ambassadorial duties concerning Equestrian Culture. Now, would you please tell Starswirl to stop parading around everywhere in the nude and stick to the damn building already…” Discord blinked. “Whoops, I forgot that part was in there.” Chuckling he turned to the silent listeners.

Luna stared at her sister with wide disbelieving eyes. “You mean?”

Celestia nodded mutely.

“I didn’t have to keep it a secret at all! Why didn’t you tell me we were cohorts in an Equestrian Embassy?” Luna demanded of her sister.

Celestia sighed. “I wanted to spare you the burden of knowledge, especially after the incident with the Sirens. The paperwork I had to file for allowing myself to be influenced was a nightmare.”

Pri-Twi took a step forward. “All this time you’ve known about Equestria?”

Celestia smiled. “Considering the fact I allowed Miss Shimmer to attend classes without question when she first appeared here those many years ago how could I not? I’d be a pretty poor Principal indeed if I just let anyone apply for classes without proper paperwork and parental approval.”

Pri-Twi waved her arms around in agitation. “Then the Sirens! They would have been approved as well even if they hadn’t put you under a spell?”

Celestia shook her head. “Starswirl wanted them to be allowed in eventually, but only after they exemplified the true spirit of Harmony.”

“Hold the phone!” Sunset interrupted. “All this time you’ve been aware of everything, and you kept it from us? What was the point of that?”

Discord chuckled again as he removed his fake glasses. “Hers is not the only secret to tell and it is not her place to inform Equestrians who find themselves here as to the true nature of our world order. We have been guardians of this secret for a good many years, and we are not the final say in the matter. He is.” Discord brought out another tome, this one the same one he’d been consulting for a very long time.

Pri-Twi’s eyes shone with the light of eager excitement and discovery. “The lost tome of Starswirl’s hidden prophecies! They’ve been in this world the entire time?”

“Seeing as how they pertain to the safety of my world, I should think their being here was a foregone conclusion,” Discord noted smugly before he willed the book back to its shelf in his home.

Spoiled Rich stood defeated and humbled by the revelations of Mister Discord. She glanced briefly at Diamond Tiara and then steeled herself for what needed to be done. “As my daughter has been actively working against this NLAC for quite some time, what punishment will she face in the eyes of Equestria?”

“Punishment?” Diamond repeated in surprise. “I don’t understand.”

“Of course not,” Spoiled snapped. “While Canterlot High is a public access building it and the lands it rests on are part of an Embassy. As such you have been operating against the Equestrian Ambassador’s wishes for the betterment of the school’s standing… At least if I understand things right. You could be taken through that portal to see their Princess in court for your actions.”

Celestia frowned at that. “I hardly think it needs come to that,” she said.

“What is the punishment?” Spoiled demanded.

Discord sighed. “Well, since Starswirl’s wards haven’t done much to Diamond Tiara at this point I hardly think she’s in any danger of being branded a traitor or something maudlin like that.” Turning to Luna he offered a tiny smirk. “Lulu, as vice-principal of the school it falls to you to handle any punishments. Can you think of something suitable for young Miss Tiara?” he asked with a knowing gleam in his eye.

Luna stayed silent as she considered. Glancing at Mister Scribe who was rapidly shaking his head she came to a conclusion. “Diamond Tiara, you will be given your third strike as editor-in-chief of the student paper. As such you will be removed from power and placed under Mister Scribe and Miss Breeze who shall both assume the duties in lieu of any other suitable candidates.”

Diamond Tiara stared at the vice-principal in shock. “What?”

“Diamond Tiara!” Spoiled snapped. “Take your punishment like a Rich.”

“Yes mother,” Diamond grumbled.

Luna nodded. “Also, for reparations against the NLAC founding members, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom for your attempts to expose their preferred lifestyle choice as a perverted misrepresentation of the facts, I sentence you to one month’s summer detention! To be carried out on these premises twice a week in my office, you will be tasked with writing a detailed report on the naturist lifestyle and how it is not purely for the purposes of exhibitionism or propositioning.” Luna stared at Diamond Tiara impassively, but a slight gleam of disapproval in her eyes showed just how passionate she was about her chosen lifestyle.

Diamond flinched and turned to her mother. “Can they really enforce detention when school isn’t in session?”

Spoiled grimaced, but nodded. “They can. This is an Embassy, not simply a school. There are certain leeways expected because of that. It would appear you won’t be able to join your father and I on our yearly summer trip after all.”

Diamond would have protested further, however she knew a lost cause when she heard one. Silently she flopped into one of the free seats in the office and descended into a gloomy state of despair.

Apple Bloom scratched the back of her head still a little confused. “What does this mean for our club?”

Discord grinned. “Sign the paper and it will be officially legal to hold club meetings for your little social experiment. Approved by Princess Celestia of Equestria and Starswirl’s replacement ambassador, young Miss Twilight Sparkle here.”

Scootaloo grinned. “Awesome!” Grabbing the pen she quickly signed the still hovering document in front of her.

Sweetie Belle took the pen next but hesitated to sign. “Our club has nothing to do with Equestria. We started it to show people what it’s like to be a Naturist, not what the culture of a magical dimension is like.” She fidgeted slightly.

Discord nodded sagely. “Too true. This is merely a legal formality my dear, it doesn’t change what your club stands for or why you set out to create it. Merely allows you to hold club meetings on school grounds without all the legal red tape and ramifications that would entail were it an ordinary school building owned by the State. I mean Miss Cheerilee would more than likely be on her way to jail now if the diplomatic immunity wasn’t a thing.”

“I don’t know, it still feels like a huge contrivance.” Sweetie glanced at her friends briefly.

Celestia offered a warm smile. “Sweetie Belle, Equestria can be a very frustrating busy body at times. It interferes in the daily operations of the school to no end, magic has become a truly overbearing development due in no small part because of the actions of Miss Shimmer and Starswirl before her.” Getting to her feet she rounded the desk and placed a reassuring hand on Sweetie’s shoulder. “Bureaucracy can be just like that. It isn’t some meddling mischief maker.” She glanced at Discord pointedly. “But it can help people, a Naturist Club follows certain bureaucratic rules out there, signing this document makes your club as legal and safe as any of theirs… It just relies on a little bit of extra clout from a foreign dignitary to ensure that everyone can have the type of security and safety they expect while attending school or after school clubs.” Celestia winked.

Sweetie sighed and signed the document. “I guess that makes sense.” She turned and passed the pen to the last remaining founding member of the club.

Apple Bloom accepted the pen and signed it with a flourish.

Princess Twilight – having watched all of this in a daze - blinked as Discord’s earlier comment caught up to her brain. “Wait, what? I can’t be an ambassador! I’ve got important duties in Equestria!”

Discord smirked playfully and indicated Sunset Shimmer. “I do believe you have a proxy in lieu of corpus dilecta, or however that goes. However you will be expected to perform a few minor ambassadorial duties, yearly reports to the designated ruler of this world.”

Pri-Twi’s face fell. “Mayor Tirek,” she said distastefully.

Discord shook his head. “Queen Platinum.”

“Queen!” Nearly everyone in the room shouted in disbelief.

“Since when are we ruled by a queen?” Rainbow Dash demanded with a snort.

Discord tugged at his beard and glanced at a wristwatch which appeared out of nowhere. “Nine hundred and ninety-seven years, seven months twenty-two days and seven hours fifteen minutes ago to be precise.”

Rarity blinked. “I don’t believe it!”

“It’s true,” Celestia spoke up with a sigh. “Our parents were part of the group which first greeted Starswirl the Bearded when he arrived in this dimension through his mirror portal. Every one of the ruling body was gifted some form of talisman which slows the ageing process, we would have told you girls sooner seeing as how so many magical problems crop up, but Starswirl’s prophecies warned against it until just this moment, with two thirds of the Sirens now firmly friends with you, you shall be granted an audience at the Castle of Dreams with Queen Platinum.”

Diamond Tiara glanced up in sudden surprise. “The Castle of Dreams has people in it?”

Spoiled Rich mentally stored all of this information away. She wasn’t entirely sure how it would benefit her, but at least now she had the answer to the puzzle she’d been pursuing since she was a much younger woman.

Pri-Twi was trembling. “Queen Platinum! One of the founders of Equestria, and she’s still alive… How did Starswirl give you magic that could prolong a natural lifespan for such a length of time? How many other founders still serve this version of Platinum? Why did Starswirl even give you magic if this world was never meant to have any?”

Discord shook his head. “All very interesting questions, but I’m afraid I haven’t the time. And neither do you, you have a party to get to.”

Celestia nodded. “As your first official act as Equestria’s new ambassador it falls to you to preside over the NLAC’s party.”

Pinkie broke into a wide grin and bounced up and down. “That’s why we’re holding our very own Princess Twilight Party! Oh, oh, that’s clever! I’m glad my counterpart guessed you’d think of it, girls.”

Discord glanced briefly at the quartet of naked students. “Oh yes. And you should definitely get back down to the designated room… However, if Celestia is amenable to it, perhaps I can arrange to allow for your summer parties to be permissible on the entire school campus.”

Luna blinked. “Have parties for their club in the entire school?”

“Why not? Lot’s more mischief and fun to get up to with full access to the gym, pool, library, classes, etcetera, etcetera.”

Celestia sighed, but gave a brief nod of encouragement. “I see no harm in it. Provided Scorpan can erect a few privacy wards on the premises so people won’t see anything they shouldn’t.”

“Scorpan is here too!” Pri-Twi blurted.

Discord clapped his hands together and got to his feet. “Well! It’s been fun, however I have somewhere to be. Do enjoy your party, and don’t keep Lily out too late,” he warned glancing pointedly at Scarlet Scribe.

Scribe flinched, but quickly nodded. “Sir, yes sir,” he stated.

Pinkie hopped up and down excitedly. “Come on girls, it’s time to P A R T Y, PARTY!” she exclaimed happily tossing handfuls of confetti in the room.

Spoiled brushed some from her shoulder with a frown. “Quite. Come Diamond Tiara… unless you’d prefer to remain and experience a naturism party for some research on your report.”

Diamond Tiara stood stiffly and quietly shook her head. “That will not be necessary or possible, mother.” She glanced briefly at Sweetie Belle and blew her a kiss out of spite. “Have fun with the new ambassador, Sweetie.”

Celestia raised a hand to forestall anyone leaving. “I believe it goes without saying that the rest of the faculty, student body and citizenry of Canterlot need not be told about what was discussed here.”

Spoiled nodded. “You have my word as a Rich.”

Diamond muttered something under her breath before the pair of them left.

Scribe shrugged. “I could care less, but at least now I can help Lily out a bit better since I get how it is that she has Windigo magic.”

“Windigo magic!” Pri-Twi shuddered nervously and her eyes widened in considerable fear.

“Can you stop sounding like a broken record, Twilight,” Sunset requested.

“Cross your heart and hope to fly,” Pinkie told everyone present.

“Stick a cupcake in our eye,” the group chorused as one.

Pinkie nodded and quickly rushed to the door. “Now come on! We’ve got so much to get ready, Scarlet Scribe, you help too and we’ll make you captain of Team Pegasus.”

“No way, Pinkie! I’m captain of Team Pegasus,” Dash complained.

“Ok, ok, he can be captain of Team Gryphon, let’s just go already! Or else the party preparations will be tardy, and Princess Twilight can’t stand tardiness!” Pinkie declared as she dashed out of the room followed closely by the rest of the students.

Celestia stood after they had all gone. She eyed Luna briefly with a sad smile.

“That offer still stands,” Discord reminded gently.

Celestia shook her head. “We’re just not capable of wielding such powers responsibly, Discord. Lulu and I proved that when we almost succumbed to his persuasions.” She briefly touched her earring. “I only accepted this after the fact to ensure the Sirens couldn’t influence me a second time, it is the one that grants immunity to magic and the prolonged lifespan, correct?”
Discord mutely nodded. “I’d never lie about that.”

Luna flinched as forgotten memories surfaced of a sibilant voice and a pealing bell. “Perhaps some of Lily’s friends will prove worthy enough to accept the other gifts Starswirl bestowed upon our family.”

Discord sighed wistfully, but didn’t say anything more as he snapped his fingers and teleported away.

“Must you always paint me as the villain, Lulu?” Celestia asked.

Luna simply nodded. “You aren’t a naturist and you openly mocked my lifestyle in the past to the point where many of our old friends became uncomfortable around me and shunned me. I haven’t spoken to Trixie’s father in years.”

Cheerilee smiled briefly. “Trixie is attending our gatherings,” she reminded. Having been silent for the better part of the hour she was trying to ignore the world shattering information that had been exposed at this point. “Perhaps an opportunity to extend the olive branch.”

Luna sighed. “Perhaps. We’d better get down there to aid in the preparations. ‘Tia…thank you for at least pushing all of this through. I know it can’t be easy for you to allow such a club to continue to exist on school property.”

Celestia smirked playfully and waved a hand towards the door in dismissal. “I may not fully understand the benefits of naturism, or feel comfortable in such a setting, but who am I to deny such a club here of all places?” Smiling wistfully she glanced to the picture of their parents sitting in the corner on top of the filing cabinets. “She wouldn’t have wanted me to, and it certainly isn’t the pony thing to do,” she commented.

Luna stepped forward and gave her sister a hug. Then she and Cheerilee left the room.

Celestia let out one final sigh as she sunk into the seat behind her desk and she began to carefully file the necessary paperwork. “I wonder if my counterpart can lend me the use of some of her aides for all of this paperwork I’m going to need to do from now on?” Shaking her head at the absurdity of the thought the General Secretary of the newly re-established Equestrian Embassy slash local high school facility for the pursuit of higher learning resumed her duties. And strongly wished for a very good cup of tea.

With a flash of familiar magic one appeared. “Don’t say I never do anything for you,” Discord’s disembodied voice whispered from the air.

Celestia laughed and picked up the cup to take a sip.