• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,627 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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Scarlet And The CMC Are Planning What?!

Chapter 9

The Sweet Shoppe was always bustling with activity; mostly from students who attended Canterlot High, although others would come in for some of their world famous deserts. This morning was particularly crowded with far too many ears for the likes of the CMC, but they had agreed to meet up with Scarlet Scribe here. In order to be guaranteed a more private discussion they could always convince him to come someplace else.

Apple Bloom was calm despite how nervous she appeared to be last night. She was sipping a milkshake very casually.

Scootaloo was practically bouncing on the edge of her seat. “Is he going to show or not?”

“I’m sure he will.” Sweetie’s voice squeaked slightly with the obvious nervousness she was feeling about this.

“We should have had Dinky here,” Scootaloo complained as she flopped backwards into her seat and let out a sigh.

“No, we agreed it would just be the three of us,” Apple Bloom reminded. “Besides, Dinky’s got somethin’ else ta do.”

The chime rang out and someone new stepped in. All three girls spun to see who it was. When they saw Scarlet Scribe glancing around for any sign of listeners they let out a sigh.

“Ok, so he came.” Scootaloo frowned slightly. “So now what?”

“Convince him to take this to the clubhouse; it’s so hot today,” Sweetie stated.

Apple Bloom nodded.

“Hold on, time out! Are we really going to invite a member of Diamond’s inner circle to our clubhouse?” Scootaloo demanded angrily.

“We can’t exactly discuss the club out in the open, Scoots,” Apple Bloom reminded in a hushed whisper.

“But the clubhouse is where we can… you know,” Scootaloo reminded, speaking out of the side of her mouth in a half whisper.

“And we still can,” Sweetie Belle stated confidently. “Girls, consider this our next test. Conversing with the enemy in the clubhouse, without any secrets between us.” Smiling, she glanced at her companions expectantly.

Both girls nodded and brought their hands together in the centre of the table. “Compatriots!” they shouted together.

Silver Spoon arrived from the counter with a milkshake in her hand and adjusted her glasses. “Did I miss anything?”

“We have a problem.” Scribe was a bit winded as he moved to sit down with them at the table.

“What? Are Snips and Snails here?” Scootaloo wondered, glancing around the shop in case she could spot them.

“I wish!” Scribe threw his arms up in the air. “Those two I can handle, they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed. No, it’s because of the call I got this morning.” Scribe slouched down in his seat and tried to melt into the folds of the fabric, despite the fact that it was a single piece of material with no discernible folds to speak of.

“So, you got a call,” Scootaloo said with a shrug. “Why’s that a problem?”

Scribe shot a look across the table at the purple-haired girl.

Silver Spoon shook her head and opened her mouth to say something, but Apple Bloom beat her to the punch.

“Ohhhh, ya got a call, call.” Apple Bloom’s eyes shone with understanding.

“What did you tell her?” Silver Spoon asked nervously.

“Oh you know, how I spent last night… doing stuff, learning all about what your club is really about and how my friend and I went home after suffering minor injuries due to having too much unsupervised fun.” Scribe’s tone was snarky as he was not in a good mood.

“You did what?” Scootaloo leapt out of her seat in a very confrontational way.

“I got into a goddamn argument over how being a witness for her still won’t prove to Luna about your club!” Scribe retorted angrily. He too rose to his feet proving just how much taller he was next to Scootaloo. He winced slightly when he moved his shoulder too fast, but still glared across the table at the orange-skinned girl.

Silver Spoon flinched. “She wants you to get some physical evidence.”

Scribe nodded at his friend briefly. “She wants me to help figure out how to smuggle a camera in. I’m supposed to go back next Friday and get her photographic evidence of the club’s activities.”

“Ya can’t do that!” Apple Bloom shouted.

Eyes turned at her outburst and examined the group closely.

“Girls, girls!” Sweetie tried to intervene. “And boy,” she amended at the sudden confused look Scribe shot her. “Let’s, uh, reconvene to discuss all of this… at the place.” She offered a lame smile in an attempt at encouragement.

“What place?” Scribe wondered.

“The clubhouse on ma farm,” Apple Bloom explained as she got to her feet.

“Oh.” Scribe deflated slightly and slouched again. “Does it have AC?”

Sweetie, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom all burst into winning smiles.

“It sure does!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“Ok then, lead on,” Scribe relented as he indicated the door with a free hand.

“Ummm. Me too?” Silver Spoon wondered nervously.

“You do still want to talk to me about Di, don’t you?” Scribe pointed out.

Silver Spoon nodded, gulped down the rest of her milkshake, and let out a gasp as the cold of the ice cream rushed to her head.

“She’s coming,” Sweetie informed. “However the clubhouse has certain rules.”

“What kind of rules?” Silver Spoon asked.

Scootaloo whispered to her in her ear.

Silver Spoon blushed furiously, but agreed to join them.

“Let’s get going.” Sweetie clapped her hands together and led the group to the exit.

Scribe had never been to an apple farm in his life, or any sort of agricultural centre of a rustic nature. The ungodly heat of the summer was extremely powerful today and he was already coated in a thin sheen of sweat as they finally reached the outskirts of Canterlot. It took at least forty minutes or more. He’d lost track when he realized he should have brought a water bottle with him today.

The girls halted near a tree on the property that was huge. It was like something out of a children’s book with a large wooden club house built into the branches of the tree. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were quick up the stairs, but Apple Bloom paused and eyed Scribe with brief concern.

“Could ya wait down here for a few moments?” she requested.

Scribe nodded. “Sure, I guess.”

“Ya can come up now if ya want, Silver Spoon.” Apple Bloom quickly made her way into the club house, and the sounds of an AC starting up could briefly be heard.

Silver Spoon bit her lip nervously. She eyed Scribe for a moment and then decided to head up after Apple Bloom. She paused at the door though. “Ummm. It’s nice to see you again, Scribe.”

“Yeah, you too.” Scribe returned with a weak smile.

Silver Spoon ducked inside leaving the boy alone with his thoughts.

Scribe shucked his shirt almost immediately, it was too hot to keep it on any longer. It was hot enough to the point that one could fry an egg on the sidewalk. That was what some people said, wasn’t it?

“If I didn’t know any better I’d suspect some kind of mystical reason for this almost unbearably unnatural heat,” he muttered to himself.

Draping his shirt over the handlebars of his bike he glanced around at the numerous apple trees nearby; some looked on the verge of being ready for harvest much earlier than was typical. As he wasn’t a farmer himself, he couldn’t be sure. On top of that, a few trees looked a little dry. A nice cool rain shower would be a welcome sight at this point.

“You can come up now, Scribe!”

Scribe thought it was Scootaloo calling for him, but with the loud whirring of the air conditioner he couldn’t be sure. Figuring it wouldn’t matter much he left his shirt with the bike and climbed the stairs to enter the clubhouse.

It was pretty large inside too, with some lovingly carved wooden chairs around an old wooden table in one corner of the room. A few more comfortable chairs had been brought in and there was even a little food preparing area for snacks. There was no plumbing, of course, but there was a small countertop as well as a few cupboards by the window.

And three of the four girls were completely nude, ordinary white robes draped over one arm, and with their clothes in neat little piles on the table. Silver Spoon had taken off her clothing as well, but was not holding any robe as the CMC didn’t have one in her size. Scribe rubbed the back of his neck in slight trepidation at that.

“Does this make you uncomfortable?” Sweetie asked immediately. “’Cause if it does we can have you wait outside while Silver Spoon gets dressed again. We’ll just toss our robes on.”

“No!” Scribe’s response was loud and born more from the desire not to have go back outside in that stifling heat. “I mean, it would seem to be of an appropriate level of comfort for all of us, presuming of course that you practice the naturist lifestyle outside of your little club.”

“You use too many big words,” Scootaloo muttered crossing her arms over her obviously flatter chest.

“Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom chastised her friend.

Sweetie giggled. “I kind of expected a journalist to rely on their words.”

Scribe chuckled. “Yeah, growing up with Sugarcoat, well, you kind of develop a rich vocabulary,” he admitted as he took a free seat close to the AC.

“You’re related to a Crystal Prep Shadowbolt?” Scootaloo demanded with a suspicious glare.

“Why are you at CHS then?” Sweetie wondered with a thoughtful frown.

Scribe sighed. “My grade point average doesn’t meet with Crystal Prep standards.”

The girls shared a brief look of understanding.

"Umm... I’m not too sure about this. Being a naturist is still pretty new to me,” Silver Spoon spoke up. Her cheeks were slightly flushed in embarrassment.

“I could take my clothes off if it’d make you more comfortable, Spoony,” Scribe suggested, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

“But then wouldn’t you be uncomfortable?” Silver Spoon wondered. “You were awfully stressed out last night.”

“It isn’t like you four haven’t seen me already.” Scribe offered a brief smile. He chuckled slightly and kicked his shoes off.

Silver Spoon averted her eyes. “I think I’d prefer it. No way to hide any secrets that way.”

Scribe shrugged, stood up, and stripped off his pants and underwear in quick succession. His mind was so focused on the task at hand that it hadn’t dawned on him that certain older siblings might get the wrong idea about him being the only male invited into a clubhouse full of naked teenage girls. Or the fact that he was acting more and more like a fellow naturist. The ride to the farm had been stifling and drenched his entire body in sweat; his clothes could use a bit of airing out before he went anywhere else in the heat. Practicality called to do the most logical thing.

The CMC shared knowing looks and silently cheered. Perhaps this meeting would go exactly as they hoped and a new ally would be on their side.

“I guess we should get to the real reason you’re here,” Sweetie said excitedly.

Apple Bloom passed him a water bottle from a small cooler in the corner.

Scribe took it gratefully and gulped half the bottle down to relieve his dry throat.

“You can’t allow Diamond Tiara to expose the club!” Scootaloo stated confrontationally. She got out of her seat and tried to intimidate Scribe by moving into his personal space and glaring at him.

Apple Bloom sighed and pulled her out of the way. “That’s not how ya get someone on your side, Scoots.”

Scribe found himself nodding at Apple Bloom’s words.

“Scarlet Scribe,” Sweetie stated drawing attention to her. “We know you were sent to spy on us for Diamond Tiara. We also know you work on the school paper, but… we’d really appreciate it if you could keep the club’s activities private.”

Silver Spoon shook her head. “Girls, you don’t understand.”

Scribe raised his hand to forestall any further words and shook his head briefly, out of frustration more than anything else. He slumped back down into his seat and slowly glanced between the four girls.

“You do realize what kind of delicate situation I’m in. Diamond Tiara has a strict policy when it comes to those under her; if we don’t at least toe the line when she tells us to, we can’t be guaranteed anything will come our way.

“I work for Diamond Tiara, not because I agree with her attitude or policies, but because she lets me do what I want on the school paper practically unsupervised. I type up all of the articles for her and the others - well except for you, Silver Spoon - but Snips and Snails…” Scribe trailed off with a knowing look.

“So wait, does that mean all the articles in the paper are actually your work?” Sweetie wondered in a curious tone.

“No. Some of it was my stuff. Diamond Tiara put her name on it,” Silver Spoon complained.

“She stole your stories?” Apple Bloom blurted. Her eyes narrowed in disgust.

“That’s terrible!” Sweetie exclaimed.

“I didn’t know about it until Vice-Principal Luna mentioned her investigation into the stories.” Scribe ran his hand over his head and down his neck. “Silver Spoon, I… should have realized sooner. Can you forgive me for ignoring what was going on?”

Silver Spoon smiled briefly and moved to pat Scribe on the shoulder. “I would be a pretty terrible friend if I couldn’t forgive something like that.”

“That means if Luna can prove Diamond Tiara was stealing…” Scootaloo started to get excited.

“Plagiarized.” Scribe shook his head. “She’s too smart for that. She erased Silver Spoon’s original source files before submitting them.”

“I suspected as much,” Silver Spoon muttered glumly.

“Couldn’t you retrieve them, or something?” Scootaloo demanded.

“How? I don’t work on Di’s computer; besides, I’m not that gifted with programs. I can troubleshoot stuff when I have to, but retrieving a file that was erased from the hard drive? You’d have better luck asking Microchips to do that.” Scribe shook his head yet again and took another drink of water.

“Then how do we stop Diamond Tiara from exposing us?” Sweetie asked nervously.

“You’re still going to do what she wants?!” Silver Spoon demanded in turn when she saw the look in Scribe’s eyes.

“You know I want to be a journalist for a living. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, and it’s why I need to remain in Diamond Tiara’s good graces. Her mother runs the biggest newspaper in Canterlot, along with everything else she does. Diamond promised me that internship.” Scribe frowned briefly.

“And you trust her?!” Silver Spoon shouted angrily back at him.

“Yes!” Scribe stood back up with clenched fists. “Damnit, Silver Spoon! If she betrayed my trust the way she’s walked over everybody else’s, she’d lose the paper for sure. One strike and that’s it. No more CHS News Club.”

“Wait, what?” Silver Spoon paled briefly at that revelation. “How’d she get the first two strikes?”

“Luna didn’t tell me.” Scribe shook his head. “She tried to convince me to help prove what Di’s been doing. But I can’t risk it.”

“What’s so dang important about an internship?” Apple Bloom shook her head in disgust.

“You weren’t born into money like we were, Apple Bloom,” Silver Spoon stated. “Our social standing is everything to us. Our careers, everything: it’s all connected to what we want and what our parents expect of us.”

Scribe nodded sullenly as he once again took a seat. “Everything rides on expectations. I don’t know about Menks and Buffet Spoon, but Angel Mist, and Aunt Brisque… they have high hopes for me.” Scribe let out a deep affected sigh. “The pressure to succeed and excel. It can drive a person insane if they don’t get used to it.”

“Then, what will you do?” Apple Bloom questioned, a sense of unease in her tone.

Scribe shook his head. “I don’t know!” He paused to take another drink of water and try to calm down. “Couldn’t your club have been about stupid nature walks in the park or something? Anything other than this legal shit-storm you’ve gone and somehow convinced half the school population is a good idea?” he demanded frustratedly.

“Hey! Being a naturist isn’t against the law,” Scootaloo retorted angrily.

“If it’s on private property, but you not only convinced Cheerilee to go ahead with this crazy idea but she’s intermingling with the students. Didn’t any of you think what might happen to her if the school board found out that she was hanging out with her students in the nude?”

The three girls flinched at the venom in Scribe’s words.

“She didn’t seem to be against it when I brought it up with her…” Sweetie observed.

“Ms. Cheerilee is older than all of you and has probably been a naturist for a long time. Also, she might have some kind of out with Vice-Principal Luna if anything really did happen. She’s far too smart to just go ahead with something like this if she got fired over it.” Scribe paused in his ramblings and shook his head.

“But if Di gets what she wants, or if she blabs to her mother because of her weird obsession with gaining power over you three, the school board would have the final word. Not Vice-Principal Luna or Principal Celestia.”

“So what’s the problem?” Scootaloo shrugged. “We take away all phones when everyone comes in, there’s no other way to get pictures. Not after Silver Spoon almost ruined us because Sweetie was working on the school computers.”

“I didn’t expect anybody to be in the school after hours to spy on me,” Sweetie defended with flushed cheeks.

“You’re just lucky it wasn’t Snips or Snails,” Silver Spoon pointed out.

“I wish I knew of some way to get out of this spot,” Scribe admitted with a frustrated sigh.

“Well, why don’t we just force Diamond Tiara to get that third strike?” Scootaloo suggested loudly.

Scribe gasped and clutched briefly at his chest. “Are you trying to ruin my life?”

“Scribe, that was uncalled for!” Silver Spoon scolded light-heartedly.

Apple Bloom sighed dejectedly. “It’s too bad we can’t just get Diamond Tiara fired from her role as editor. If you or Scribe were in charge we could at least keep this private.”

“That sounds too cruel, even for us,” Sweetie said.

“Speak for yourselves,” Scootaloo snapped.

“Scribe, I—” Silver Spoon frowned.

Scarlet Scribe sat rooted to the spot, his eyes wide and shining as wheels turned in his head. Slowly he began to sense the inklings of an idea. A nasty, foul, evil idea. He was trapped in a very ugly place right now and so figured he had nothing truly to lose. Sure he wanted that internship, but not if it meant getting one of his favorite teachers thrown in jail and some nice girls expelled for no good reason. But could they pull it off?

If they had enough help. They already had Luna on their side. Apparently, she fully endorsed the club (unofficially, of course). So, if they simply engineered the downfall of Diamond Tiara everything might not be so bad after all. However, they needed to do it in such a way that Diamond herself was the instrument of her own destruction so she wouldn’t suspect Scarlet Scribe had played a hand in it.

“Uh, Scarlet Scribe?” Apple Bloom waved a hand in front of his face. “Hello?”

Scootaloo stared at him nervously. “Did we break him after all?”

Silver Spoon shook her head. “No, he’s just deep in thought.”

“Well, how do we snap him out of it?” Sweetie wondered nervously.

“I could always sit in his lap.” Scootaloo grinned mischievously.

“Scootaloo, that wouldn’t work!” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes.

“What if—uhmm—one of us kissed him?” Scootaloo licked her lips briefly and eyed the others nervously.

Scribe broke into sudden laughter. “You do realize I can still hear every word, right?”

“Shit.” Scootaloo fidgeted briefly and averted her eyes while her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“Did you solve our problem, Scribey?” Silver Spoon trembled excitedly.

Scribe broke into a very wide smile and he leaned in closer to the others. “Girls, I believe I have the solution to all of our problems. Diamond Tiara wants to expose your club because she wants to achieve power at CHS, correct?”

“It’s not my club, but you’re not wrong, Scribe.” Silver Spoon brushed a hand through her hair and adjusted her glasses. “Diamond Tiara lives for the day when she can become Queen of the Fall Formal and rule Canterlot High.”

“She wants to be like the old Sunset?” Scootaloo asked in surprise.

Silver Spoon shook her head. “No. She wants to be like her mother.”

Scribe scratched his chin thoughtfully. “That makes a disturbing amount of sense,” he admitted.

“That sounds kind of sad,” Apple Bloom spoke up. “She really wants to be just like her ma?”

Silver Spoon nodded. “Spoiled Rich is really powerful. Diamond Tiara needs her approval and to show that she’s ready to take over when her parents are both too old to run their businesses.”

“I should have figured that out,” Scribe said morosely.

“Now I kind of feel sorry for her,” Sweetie muttered. “You said that rich kids are under a lot of pressure. Diamond Tiara must be ready to snap.”

Silver Spoon nodded briefly. “I have a feeling she might already be past that point.”

“Right.” Scribe sighed and finished the last of his water.

“What was your plan exactly?” Apple Bloom asked politely, wanting to get back to the idea Scribe was going to explain to them.

Scribe grinned the type of grin that might have been considered devious if it fully reached his eyes, but he was still obviously somewhat nervous about things and his eyes reflected that. “With your help I believe I can get Diamond to hoist herself on her own petard. She wants photos for Vice-Principal Luna. So we give her photos.

“They will detail exactly what your club does: bowling, meditation, art, arcade games, dancing, everything.” He shot them all a smug smirk. “We’d just have to do one little thing. Keep our clothes on the entire time.”

“Diamond isn’t stupid, Scribe,” Silver Spoon reminded. “She’d check the images before giving them to Luna.”

Scribe chuckled and brought his fingers together in an imitation of someone plotting evilly. “Oh, I know, that’s why the photos we show to Diamond are going to be perfectly legit.”

“What?” Scootaloo leapt to her feet her hands curling into fists. She took a menacing step forward. “If she showed those to her mom we’d be ruined!”

“Calm down, Scoots,” Apple Bloom interjected. “Before ya give Scribe a reason ta take off.” She reached out and pulled her friend back to her seat.

“Scribe, you’re proposing something extremely dangerous,” Silver Spoon said. “After what I did she’s never going to trust someone else with presenting the flash drive.”

Scribe broke down laughing then clutching at his sides in sheer delight. The others stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. Wiping a stray tear from the corner of his eye he straightened up and assumed a more serious expression. “Silver Spoon, you remember that picture I keep on my desk at the office?”

“The one with the Crystal Prep girls?”

“That’s the one. One of those girls, as I said before, just so happens to be my cousin. Sugarcoat is blunt, honest to a fault, and extremely intelligent. One of her projects includes a special program to have images run differently depending on which program you open them up with.

“If we show Diamond the pictures of the club au naturel on my laptop, running the specific program required, but made sure that when Luna looks at them her program shows the images with everyone in their clothes, it would prove that Diamond is trying to pull a fast one and Luna will hit her with strike three.”

Silver Spoon gasped.

The three masterminds of Canterlot High’s first, and currently only, Naturist club all glanced at one another with surprised expressions on their faces. They quickly turned mischievous as they realized what Scribe was implying.

“That sounds positively evil,” Sweetie remarked.

“And it would serve Diamond Tiara right for everything she’s done ta make our lives miserable,” Apple Bloom added.

Silver Spoon shook her head. “I don’t know, Scribey. She was our friend for a long time.”

Scribe smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Silver Spoon, she’s only brought it upon herself. After all, if being related to a student at Crystal Prep has taught me anything over the years. Always know when to keep your friends close, who to trust, and when it’s time to take care of those who would crush your spirit into the dirt. Di’s running a fine line here, and while I would prefer not to get involved, I find myself hip deep in her drama. It’s time to put my resources to good use.”

Silver Spoon sighed briefly. “Ok. I guess since I’m trying to live my life my way instead of just blindly following someone who used me for her own ends, I can get behind this plan. But what do we do exactly?”

“Yeah! Do we make some fake pictures using real props and junk?” Scootaloo added. “And how do we get back into the school to use the Student Union Centre? Not to mention what do we do about all the naturist exclusive stuff we put in there for the club?” she added. “I mean if she saw a dressing room Luna would probably want to know why it’s there.”

“Well, first things first. How many students can you get to pose for these shots?” Scribe asked. “We’ll need at least a few that aren’t obviously friends with you or your sisters.”

“We’ll call Dinky up and see if she can help with that,” Sweetie decided.

“And I bet Pinkie can round up anyone too,” Apple Bloom added.

“Good, now comes the part you’re really not going to like.” Scribe flinched even at the thought of what he was about to reveal.

“What’s that?” Apple Bloom wondered.

“We’re going to have to ask Filthy’s assistant to borrow Spoiled’s copy of the school entrance key so we can get into the building. All the members of the board have it.”

WHAT?” all four girls shouted.

Twilight was freaking out. Sunset watched in curious bemusement while her girlfriend paced back and forth with her phone in her hand. Her eyes were wide and her breath was coming out in short gasps.

“They’ve been spying on me!” Twilight spun on her heel and glared briefly at Sunset with wide-eyed terror. “If they’ve been spying on me does this mean they never really got over the Friendship Games? And what I did?”

Sunset shook her head and reached out to grasp Twilight’s free hand. With a quick squeeze of encouragement she addressed her lover’s stress in the only way she knew how. “Breathe, Twilight. Take a moment and just breathe.”

Twilight brought her free arm up to her chest and took a deep breath. Closing her eyes she exhaled and felt the stress that had been building flow out of her, along with the spent air. It had been a few months since the Friendship Games and she’d been suffering many sleep-disturbed nights because of the nightmares. Nightmares she was still reluctant to discuss even after admitting her feelings towards Sunset at her first naturist club party.

And what had just been revealed through the text messages with Lemon Zest was compounding the issue. The crippling fear that her alter-ego could return, should she experience any further magical events. “How did they even get my number to start texting anyway?” She decided to focus on the one thing that was real and tangible, the question of the sudden communication.

Sunset sighed and began to rub Twilight’s shoulders. The purple-haired girl’s eyes closed involuntarily as the contact between them started to help. “Just another question we’ll have to ask them later.”

“Will you call the others?” Twilight looked out of the corner of her eye to try and catch Sunset with her gaze, though it didn’t quite work.

“I’ll start calling them,” Sunset promised. “Why don’t you go back to your place to take your mind off of this? Weren’t you trying to get a new, safe, magical detector working?”

Twilight smiled and turned around to give Sunset a proper hug. “You’re right. Plus, I can let Spike know it might be longer before I can get home.” Leaning in tighter she pressed her lips to Sunset’s in a hesitant kiss. She and Sunset were still figuring out this whole relationship thing. It had felt rather sudden when she just admitted her feelings, and Twilight wasn’t expecting Sunset to be so open to her.

Sunset grinned and headed over to the closet. “Well, I guess I’d better pick something to wear.”

Twilight’s cheeks flushed after catching herself ogling her girlfriend’s shapely behind. “Ehehehehe, I—umm—almost forgot.” Reaching over, she picked up her skirt and panties to start getting dressed again. “I’m still new to this whole nudist thing.”

“Are you upset by it?” Sunset frowned briefly after selecting a light outfit; she’d felt how hot it was today.

“I wouldn’t be here with you, alone, if I felt that way.” Twilight smiled brightly and approached Sunset to give her another kiss. “My stomach is always full of butterflies when we’re alone. Is that kind of thing considered normal during a relationship?”

Sunset ran her fingers along Twilight’s back. “Mhmm. I think so.”

Twilight shuddered. “I wish I’d gotten to know people in a more social setting sooner.” Adjusting her glasses again, she shook her head. “Well, I’d better finish getting dressed. I’ll meet you at Rarity’s place a little later…” Twilight paused and ran a hand through her hair. “I’d prefer to go together-“

“Don’t even,” Sunset interrupted. “You’ve got to do something to relax before we meet with those Crystal Prep girls. Tinkering with that magic detector should help.”

“I guess. “Twilight shrugged. “It just seems like we shouldn’t be splitting up.”

Sunset finished putting her bra on and shook her head. “We’ll have plenty of time to be together when we start studying for our exams.”

Twilight broke into a happy grin and clapped her hands together. “Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Sunset laughed as she watched Twilight hop about her in a circle.

Twilight blushed when she realized what she must look like. “What? I’ve never had a study buddy before.”

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Sunset’s eyes narrowed so as to become half-lidded. Strutting sensually across the floor, she grabbed Twilight and kissed her passionately, wrestling with her girlfriend's tongue a bit before pulling away. “You're such a dork. But that's one of the many things I love about you. Don't ever change, Twilight.”

“Um, wha?” Twilight’s breath had been taken away after their heated kiss, and she swayed in a brief daze.

Sunset turned around and gave Twilight's rump a firm smack. “Just finish getting dressed so we can deal with this new issue.”

“Eeep!” Twilight bounced away and shot Sunset a brief look with deeply flushed cheeks. She didn’t say a word, but her glasses almost seemed to have fogged up. Leaning towards her clothes, she picked up her bra and finished getting dressed.

Sunset chuckled before picking up her phone and dialing Rarity to begin explaining what she needed of her friends. This Saturday was going to be just one of those days. “It’s about time we confronted those Crystal Prep students anyway; they’ve been avoiding things since the Friendship Games.”