• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,627 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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Spoiled Rich Encourages What?!

Chapter 27

Scarlet Scribe felt as though he’d been missing out on some key developments for the past few days. Luna’s detentions as well as his studying and the one exam he’d had to do had conspired to make him lose sight of the goals at hand.

So; here he stood bright and early Friday morning. The morning of the second NLAC party that he would be attending, and he was in the one place he never dreamed he’d be again. This was his first time being here since he picked up the key to get in the school last Saturday.

Diamond Tiara’s home. He felt terrible about this entire thing, but he needed to convince her to tag along so that Luna could spring her trap. And on top of that… well he could deal with that later. Right now he’d better ring the doorbell otherwise he’d be branded a total idiot for just standing in front of the door for twenty minutes thinking about how best to approach Diamond Tiara.

Steeling his resolve he pressed the doorbell. A second later it flew open startling him as he had not expected such a prompt response.

“Good morning.”

Scribe stared up into the imposing visage of Spoiled Rich. He wanted to ask her when she started answering her own doors, but dared not make any such snarky comment in her presence. “Good morning!” he blurted when he realized he’d waited too long to answer her.

Spoiled nodded as if expecting the delay and indicated he should come in. “Diamond is just finishing breakfast.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Rich.”

Smirking she reached down and patted his shoulder. “Such a polite young man, come along then.”

Scribe followed after the woman nervously rubbing his palms against the sides of his pants. He furiously resisted the urge to fidget too badly, but he suddenly felt an overwhelming need to strip down. It was as though the oppressive heat of the rapidly approaching Summer had overtaken the Rich Family Estate and made it into the world’s worst sauna.

Sweat trickled down the back of his neck and he rapidly climbed the stairs to the second floor landing. Which was odd because he could have sworn Diamond Tiara’s dining room was on the first floor.

“Here we are.” Spoiled smiled encouragingly and held a door open for him.

Scribe inclined his head to her. “Thank you.” Stepping inside he was stunned by what he saw.

Diamond Tiara was in the process of eating a quick meal. Several servants rushed back and forth across the massive room, which appeared to be some sort of combination closet and seamstress room. Frantically they tossed clothing to one another and muttered about what would work to compliment Miss Tiara, and Miss Tiara’s complexion looked horrible in that colour, and so on and so forth.

Diamond Tiara also happened to be dressed only in her underwear.

Scribe groaned under his breath. “Every time. Whatever happens this week, it never fails to surprise me that I can’t escape things I wish I could unsee.”

“Scribey!” Diamond dropped her bowl – fortunately the butler caught it before it could hit the floor – and rushed across the room to embrace him. “Tonight is the big night! Our plan will reach fruition and Sweetie Belle will at last be put in her place!” Chortling snootily at her last words Diamond sounded like a bad heiress from a horrible anime dub. Or something.

Scribe nodded. “Uh, right… about tonight.”

Diamond waved her hand and steered him closer to the center of the room so she could continue to get dressed. “Oh don’t worry about that. I have decided, with mother’s persuasive approval, that I shall be overseeing this plan to the last.” She barely flinched when she revealed this particular development, but her eye twitched ever so slightly.

“And a very persuasive argument I made,” Spoiled stated.

Scribe was surprised as he thought she had remained outside.

“Which is why we are working on a proper disguise for my little Diamond.” Spoiled smiled at her daughter and leaned down to squeeze her cheeks. “Isn’t that right my precious little Diamond?”

Diamond looked nauseous, considering the sickly smile on her face, but she happily nodded along with her mother’s enthusiastic words. “Adagio will pay for this humiliation,” she vowed under her breath.

“That’s… um… that’s great,” Scribe stated stumbling over his words as he tried to make sense of what had just been said.

“You don’t sound very enthusiastic,” Spoiled observed.

Scribe flinched. “Oh, you just caught me off guard is all. See, I was trying to figure out how to ask Diamond if she’d care to join us, delicately, knowing how she feels about naturism and all that,” he quickly recovered and put his best charming smile forward to avoid any suspicious looks. Fortunately it worked.

Pulling him into a quick friendly hug Diamond beamed. “See mother? This is why I keep Scribey around, not just because he has a pretty face.”

“Quite.” Spoiled frowned. “You could do so much better than him, Diamond,” she noted conversationally. “He’s not quite up to our level, though I suppose it couldn’t be helped, considering what his mother did for a living and how easily his father abandoned them both.”

Scribe grit his teeth as his smile grew forced and he resisted the urge to say something he would regret in this powerful woman’s presence. Sugarcoat would have used her honesty to tear into that statement. He wanted to still be able to work in this city, moving away would just complicate matters to no end. Even if it meant working for someone as obviously pompous as Spoiled Rich.

“Will the stylist be ready to dye my hair when I get home from school?” Diamond asked smoothly changing the subject.

Spoiled nodded. “It’s all set. Once you and your friends get us that photographic evidence I shall present it to the school board on your behalf.”

Scribe stared at Diamond in surprise. He hadn’t realized she was so willing to trust her mother with the plan.

Diamond’s body was tense as she nodded along with what her mother had said, almost as if she were pulling a con. “And I shall be forced to…strut?”

“You want to oversee this properly, you will be inside that club and you will be naked!” Spoiled ordered. She didn’t mince words and she certainly knew how to get somebody to comply with her wishes.

Diamond sighed dejectedly. “Very well, mother.” She averted her eyes and glared at one of the servants, since she couldn’t glare at her mother. “Adagio insists I go along with it too,” she said to herself, her lips turned up in a sneer of disgust. “Me, forced to walk amongst the peasants, naked!”

Scribe shrugged his shoulders and turned back around. “Well, if that’s all settled. I guess I should tell Lily the good news.”

“Not so fast!” Diamond snapped. Spinning around she marched up to him. “No ogling, no naughty thoughts, no mentioning you-know-what to anybody!” she hissed.

“Your mom can see the tattoo,” Scribe stated bluntly.

“Not the tattoo! The fact that you get to see me completely naked, try and keep up,” Diamond stated. Slapping him in the back of the head she whirled and grabbed a drab little number no one would ever believe she’d wear. “This one! I refuse to be late to school.”

“Good choice, dear, it brings out the colour of your eyes and mutes your complexion.” Spoiled signed off with a patented motherly seal of approval and turned to leave.

Scribe shuddered slightly, but decided he’d done what he’d set out to do – sort of – so he quickly made his exit in anticipation of the plan proceeding expediently to a foregone conclusion.

Spoiled grinned. “Tonight, Mister Discord, I may not yet know all your secrets, but I shall certainly prove at long last that Celestia is not ideally suited to her job.”

Diamond grit her teeth and snatched up her regular clothes for the day so she could finally get dressed. “Adagio better find Zecora fast, if I don’t have to actually go inside I won’t have to get naked in public.”

Filthy Rich slammed the phone down and rubbed the bridge of his nose to stave off a headache. That Gloriosa Daisy was really starting to get on his last nerve, but the idiots he was trying to hire to get everything ready to tear the damn camp down were refusing to agree to any construction contracts; no matter how much money he offered them under the table to just agree. He’d never encountered anyone so principled before.

Spoiled walked into the home office and smiled. “Everything is set. Our little Diamond’s plan will finally let me get rid of Principal Celestia,” she cheered.

“I wasn’t aware you didn’t like Principal Celestia,” Filthy noted in a sour tone.

“Oh I don’t hate her or anything, but she’s been quite vexing while I’ve been trying to unravel the secrets in City Hall.” Spoiled sat down on the edge of Filthy’s desk allowing her skirt to slide up slightly.

Filthy shook his head. “Roadblocks. You have Principal Celestia to deal with and I’m struggling with the most annoying foreman I’ve ever had the misfortune to deal with.”

Spoiled frowned slightly and turned to look at her husband. “Still dealing with Project Everfree problems, oh poor you,” she said adopting a playful smirk.

Filthy blinked. “Spoiled, my dear, are you… feeling well?”

Spoiled draped herself over the desk and giggled. “Filthy, you know how much I love it when a plan comes together.”

Filthy blinked. “Diamond’s plan means that much to you?”

Spoiled sighed. “No! But recently I spoke to Abacus Cinch regarding something she discussed with Mister Discord. I believe I’ve finally cracked that armor around City Hall. If everything goes right with Diamond tonight all of the pieces will finally fall into place.” Smiling happily she reached out and brushed a finger across Filthy’s cheek.

Filthy tensed up slightly. “My dear Spoiled, I am not in the mood for your usual friskiness,” he complained.

“It’s because I’m not young enough!” Spoiled snapped irritably.

Filthy shook his head. “It’s because this damn foreman won’t accept a half a million bribe!” Glaring down at the phone he grit his teeth. “There’s only four more weeks before I can foreclose on that land and I want to tear it down the moment I’ve kicked Miss Daisy out so I can make my spa. Every construction outfit in the city and half outside of the city refuse to accept any ‘tax free’ money to expedite the process. So you’ll forgive me if I’m not in the mood to pretend we are a happy couple right now.”

Spoiled looked surprised at that and climbed off the desk. “You mean even Well-to-Do, your go to Construction crew chief?”

Filthy groaned and slapped his hand to his face, running it down the length of it he let out a non-committal grunt.

Spoiled eyed her husband suspiciously. “What happened?”

“Well-to-Do’s entire construction company was… detained. I have no idea what happened to them, but apparently most of them are unemployed and several were arrested and put in jail all on the orders of…” Filthy flipped through a notepad for a certain page. “Someone called Aspen. Apparently they were attempting to build some sort of amusement park in an area not zoned for it and none of their paperwork was in order, also there was some issues with tax evasion and improper filing of claims. I suppose I’m partially to blame for that, considering my usual method of employing the poor fellow, fortunately my name is not being brought up so we’re perfectly safe in that regards.”

Spoiled nodded and draped herself on the desk again, this time unbuttoning the top of her blouse. “I’m feeling too good to ignore your issues, but if I do that thing you like, could we celebrate my personal victory?” she requested in a business-like tone.

Filthy felt his toes curl. “I do love it when you talk business to me,” he admitted with a quirky smile.

Spoiled giggled – a rather disturbing expression coming from her – and ran her hand through Filthy’s hair. “Oh my, Mister Rich. You’re so big and powerful, how can a poor little secretary like me help you when you know so much more than me,” she cooed in a decidedly different tone of voice.

Filthy stiffened slightly. Then he stiffened a lot more. “Oh what the hell, I’m sure Miss Gloriosa’s little camp will be torn down after I have the legal ownership of the property…” Grinning he slid his hands down and unbuckled his belt. “Now then, Miss Milk, why don’t you close and lock that door and I’ll show you exactly how my secretary can help.”

Spoiled grinned playfully and slid herself off the desk with slow deliberate motions so her bust was pushed up further. She kicked her shoes off as well and wiggled her toes as she quite literally pranced over to the door and firmly shut it. A click announced to the household staff that they were not to be disturbed.

Filthy watched his wife roleplay for his benefit the dutiful secretary, as she lowered herself down behind his desk and took him in her hand he couldn’t help himself. “I too love it when one of your plans comes together.”

Spoiled smirked before she opened her mouth and slid herself down, her tongue making pleasurable motions as she started to suck.

Discord snapped his fingers and the image vanished. “Whoops, forgot to change the channel, my apologies.”

The Great and Powerful Trixie is not so sure she needed to see that side of the Rich’s living arrangements.”

Starlight kept her mouth shut and trembled, if she could she’d probably throw-up in her mouth. But she’d told herself after years of eating those disgusting muffins in Our Town she’d never be sick again, no matter what she saw.

Thorax turned to Discord with a frown. “I could actually feel that through there. It was actually kind of tangy, they may not love each other as much as they used to, but they still know how to lust for each other.”

Discord sighed and snapped his fingers again. “We’re almost to the end of this little show, would you kindly keep your love connoisseur comments to yourself. I want to see the look on that spoiled bitch’s face when my counterpart derails her entire carefully laid out plan.” Grumbling under his breath he retuned frequencies and an image of Adagio popped up in the viewing globe, although it was more hexagonal in shape with a slight cylindrical antennae sticking up.

Adagio paced back and forth in her bedroom deep in thought. Tonight she would finally have her revenge on the Rainbooms for the Battle of the Bands. She had spent months wallowing in misery and disgust with herself before finding the amulet and hatching this brilliant scheme.

Full of anticipatory energy she continued to mull over all the possible avenues that this plan might fail. So far the only thing she’d done that might cause problems was enthrall those three simpletons next door. It hadn’t been the best of ideas, but she had felt the need for some pampering and the pale yellow-skinned Rainboom’s mother was very attentive.

Easy on the eyes too, but she’d been getting release from a far more easily manipulated outlet so she hadn’t taken that hot MILF action for any test rides at the moment. Just a bit of petting and chest fondling in the shower, typical tame stuff compared to what she’d done with precious Di-Di.

It could have alerted the timid songstress next door though. However none of the Rainbooms had come to her house and the spell was still holding – as evidenced by the horny little bugger dangling off the roof while he cleaned the gutters. And Aria said owning mountain climbing harnesses was a terrible idea.

Smirking she waved at the little snot through the window and moved to sit down in front of her vanity. She needed to look her best if she was going to intercept Zecora on her trip back to her parents’ house. Her smirk turned into an honest smile as she picked up the brush and started to tame her tangled mess of wet hair.

Oh whoa, oh whoa I’m going to get what I want. Oh whoa, oh whoa and control all Canterlot. Oh whoa, oh whoa! She will fall and fall hard. Oh whoa, oh whoa! Now that I hold all the cards.”

The party was scheduled to begin roughly around seven or so. Which meant, if they were going to stop Adagio they needed to be ready and at the school slightly earlier than most of the other students.

Sunset and the girls brought their instruments and stored them in the band room, just in case they would need to perform after all. Sonata and Aria had been very eager to help put their sister in her place. Princess Twilight had been surprised when they showed up and demonstrated the curious glowing that both of them had gained.

Rainbow Dash had been extremely suspicious. But there wasn’t time to dwell on that conversation again; they had a siren to deal with and two other sirens possessing magic again somehow wasn’t of major concern. Especially since one of them seemed apathetic towards them and the other was dating Pinkie Pie.

Princess Twilight smirked at the thought of Pinkie and a Siren dating. It was such a Pinkie thing to do, she wondered if her Equestrian friend had any potential love interests. Though it probably wouldn’t matter if she did. Pri-Twi bet it was Cheese Sandwich though if she had to guess anypony.


Pri-Twi blinked and glanced up to find Applejack standing in front of her. “Oh, yes, was I lost in thought again?”

Applejack sighed. “Ya wanted ta go talk ta Principal Celestia about Adagio’s threat.”

Nodding with a slight blush the royal Equestrian quickly reached up to knock on the principal’s door. “I hope she won’t be too surprised to see me again.”

Principal Celestia opened her door with a smile on her lips. Which quickly became a frown of displeasure when she saw who was outside her office. “I presume there is some danger to my school again, Miss Sparkle.”

Pri-Twi laughed nervously. “Is it that obvious?”

Sighing the principal held her door open. “As you don’t actually need to attend classes we can discuss this calmly. Applejack, thank you for bringing her to my office, but please return to class.”

Applejack fidgeted on her feet and offered a curt nod. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Please come in.”

Pri-Twi slipped over the threshold and made her way into the office. Even though she was royalty now and had mostly gotten over her constant need to please Princess Celestia she could still feel unnerved around the figure of authority she represented. Here she was not Celestia’s equal – in point of fact technically she was her superior – however it would be best to not dwell on such thoughts.

Principal Celestia took her customary seat behind her desk. “I take it this is something Sunset and the girls can’t handle alone.”

Twilight nodded. “I’m afraid an old something. It’s my fault, really, I should have tried to track them down after I discovered more information on them beyond the mirror.”

Celestia blinked. “Oh, then Sonata isn’t interested in attending classes once more?”

Twilight fingered her skirt and shook her head. “Oh, it isn’t Sonata! She and Aria, while not entirely firmly under the reformed category are at least neutral or happy to accept life as they now know it.” Twilight shook her head. “No, it’s Adagio. Somehow she’s regained her powers and is intent on disrupting the local naturist club the CMC started.”

Celestia’s mouth hung open in stunned surprise. Her eye twitched slightly and she leaned back in her seat in an attempt to calm herself. Slowly she brought her hands down in her lap and grit her teeth to stave off the sudden urge to shout. “I don’t believe I heard you correctly. Adagio Dazzle wishes to disrupt a what?”

Twilight frowned briefly not understanding the sudden mood shift in the principal. While there had been much discussion concerning the happenings in Canterlot since her last visit one thing had completely slipped the Rainboom’s – and more importantly – Sunset’s mind. Specifically that this Twilight remained unaware that their club was a secret where Principal Celestia was concerned.

Really it wasn’t anybody’s fault. Pinkie was stressed over cake making. Sonata didn’t care. Rarity and Applejack were more concerned with the safety of their sisters. Fluttershy was still upset over her family. Rainbow Dash was barely able to keep herself from rushing up to Adagio and decking her for what she was doing to Fluttershy’s mom and Twilight took for granted their similarities.

Twilight fished around for something in her bag and quickly passed it to Principal Celestia. “The Natural Living Appreciation Club. It sounds quite nice actually, though admittedly I’m still a bit confused over why you humans are so obsessed with remaining clothed. Though I suppose without fur it does get much colder when walking around in winter.” Smiling Twilight folded her hands over her lap and leaned forward. “Adagio seems to think her perfect revenge is to get them all in trouble, and with her powers back it would be quite easy to get the police to crash the party tonight while it’s happening.”

Celestia groaned as she examined the pamphlet. “Luna.”

“Oh yes, we should inform Vice-Principal Luna as well!” Twilight agreed, mistaking what Celestia meant by invoking her sister’s name. “We’ll need both of your help to pass out a new counter-agent to Adagio’s singing. There’s a potion that can negate her effects, in the case of those who have been under her spell before. I’m not sure how, but Sunset and Fluttershy got a lock of her hair and I passed it off to a potion maker I’m acquainted with back in Equestria.” Twilight dove into her bag once again and produced a large sized container with a glowing liquid inside of it. “With your help we should be able to distribute this through lunch to prevent any of the students from being enthralled.”

Celestia’s expression remained neutral; though a very tight-lipped smile had begun to spread across her lips. Shaking her head she placed the pamphlet on her desk. “You misunderstand my comment, Miss Sparkle. And… is this potion of yours entirely safe?” She glanced suddenly at the oddly glowing liquid with a sudden nervous frown.

Twilight nodded. “Perfectly safe. No chance of anybody being poisoned despite the use of henbane.” She smiled proudly as if this were some great accomplishment to be praised.

Celestia blinked. “Dare I ask what other ingredients are in it?” She held up a hand to forestall any response. “That was rhetorical.”

“Of course.” Twilight smiled sheepishly. “So… um, can we get this handed out as part of the lunch program?”

“I shall see what Granny Smith can do,” Celestia promised as she climbed to her feet. “And I shall certainly take this threat of Adagio Dazzle most seriously, but if you would please excuse me. I need to have a chat with my ‘little’ sister.” Glaring at the adjoining doors they rarely used Celestia retrieved the pamphlet.

Twilight frowned briefly, but shrugged. It couldn’t have been that surprising. “I’ll go let Sunset know that Plan A is already in motion. On the off chance Adagio does convince the police to show up we already have a Plan B ready in the music room and Plans C, D and E are well detailed should they be needed.” Smiling pleasantly at the principal she made her exit from the room.

Celestia watched her leave impassively. Then her eyes narrowed and she resumed approaching her sister’s door. “Lulu! We have something important that needs to be discussed!” she informed loudly before flinging the door open and marching in unimpeded.

Discord grinned happily as he picked up the little piece of paper he’d received this week with the necessary signatures. Tonight was the final endgame, the Sirens might not all be ready to accept what Starswirl hoped for them, but two out of three wasn’t bad. And on top of that he would finally get to one-up Spoiled Rich and her little brat of a daughter.

Ok that part was probably petty of him, but so what, he was one thousand and seventy-two years old, give-or-take, he was allowed to find amusement where he could. Senility wasn’t the problem, sheer and utter boredom drove him to pulling this particular job off.

“It will be nice to have someone from Equestria to converse with on a semi-regular basis again that isn’t myself,” he commented with a slight smirk.

“Daddy! I’ve got the car ready!” Screwball called up from downstairs.

Discord grinned and straightened his tie. “Just a moment my dear, there’s one last thing to do to ensure that all of the parties will be present without too many unnecessary interruptions from the local constabulary.” Snapping his fingers he felt the magic tingle through his body and disperse through Canterlot. “And that should do it. I do hope he appreciates this final bit of entertainment.”

Screwball poked her head up from the escalator entrance. “Daddy! Come on, or we’re going to be late!”

Diamond Tiara watched Lily Breeze suspiciously most of the day. There was something off about her, but she didn’t appear to be nervous about attending the party. Not like Diamond. She was terrified, she had to go to a naturist party and she didn’t like it at all. The frustrating part was that Adagio hadn’t been seen for hours and her amulet was not there either. Her skin was itching something fierce and a cold sweat started to break out in the middle of lunch.

She was beginning to feel withdrawal symptoms. She hated being away from the amulet for too long when stress built up. Shaking her head she returned focusing on the exam in front of her. Once she finished this test she could get out of school and find Adagio.

Lily fidgeted constantly with her pendant as she continued to agonize over what she’d done to Scribe. She glanced occasionally towards her friend while he wrote furiously at his exam. And her eyes wandered the room, she really needed to find a way to focus on the damn exam in front of her before they accused her of cheating.

Tonight she had to sneak a camera into the club to trap Diamond and get the third strike. Diamond didn’t know about this of course, but at least she wouldn’t actually have to do much of anything that was illegal. Vice-Principal Luna would stop her from getting any actual footage so she wasn’t worrying about that too much. But she really didn’t like this Windigo angle.

Also she’d need some help to get undressed at the club. And she only knew of one person that would be able to help in that regards. Glaring at Diamond Tiara she bit her lip and picked up her pencil. This was going to be fun, not.

Diamond glanced up and noticed Lily looking away from her. She frowned slightly and finished the final question quickly so she could get out of here. Grinning with relief she got up and headed to the teacher’s desk with her finished paper. Adagio Dazzle would soon be getting a visitor. Her hips swaying seductively she popped her finger in her mouth and let out a soft moan in anticipation of finally being in the presence of the amulet again.

Lily finished a short time later and managed to leave. She was going to find Diamond and see if her former friend had a decent bone left in her body. Diamond’s shrieking from down the hall caught her off guard however and she was quick to see what was happening.

Diamond Tiara was standing in front of her locker with her phone in her hand. She was shouting loudly into the receiver and practically spilling the entire plan to anyone within ear shot. Fortunately the only other person in the hall besides Lily was Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie shot Lily a thumbs up and bounced her way down the hall.

“Mother! I refuse to remain in school!” Diamond shouted into the phone.

Lily frowned. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t care if you want footage of everyone entering the club, I’m not going to-” Diamond was cut off by her mother on the other end.

Lily began to guess what was happening. Spoiled Rich was inserting herself further into the plan and no doubt making last minute changes.

Diamond stomped her foot. “But mother!” she whined.

Lily smirked. She might have been going through a lot emotionally the past few days, but watching Diamond Tiara being put in her place by her mother was always amusing. Maybe a little petty to think that way, but she was the one stuck in a wheelchair because of Diamond’s jealousy. She had the right to find amusement wherever she could.

Diamond screeched loudly and slammed her phone into her open locker with enough force to crack the screen.

Lily flinched at the display of anger.

Ripping off her customary yellow jacket and diamond tiara she shoved those into the locker as well and spun around. “Lily!”


Diamond blew her bang out of her eye and took a few calming breaths to try and settle her nerves. “Change of plans. Mint Julip is coming with my disguise and hair dye, you’re going to help me get ready and then we’re going to hide out in the school paper office until we can go down to the club. Tell Scribe, he can meet us there.”

Lily watched Diamond Tiara storm off with a scowl on her face. “This is going to be real fun.” Sighing she rolled off after Diamond.

Spoiled Rich hung up her phone with a sigh. Diamond had not taken kindly to her ‘suggestion’ that she remain on school property so that they could get all of the participants in the club arriving the moment the party was slated to start. But Spoiled knew that it was a much better idea as it would allow her to keep a list of every student and faculty member so she could alert the School Board and inform the students’ parents.

After all the Student Union Center was capable of housing practically two-hundred people at any one time. And Spoiled wanted to make doubly certain that all participants and perpetrators would get their just desserts. So that she would have more fuel for her ultimate goal in bringing this to Principal Celestia’s attention.

Fixing her top she smiled mischievously as she glanced to where her husband was currently passed out. The pathetic womanizer never did have enough stamina where her needs were concerned. It didn’t help that she’d perhaps gotten a little too carried away, most of the day had been spent on her back, knees or straddling Mr. Rich to celebrate her ultimate goal.

Pursing her lips slightly as she retrieved her dirty bra so she could put it in the laundry she realized that perhaps she was perpetrating the cliché of counting her chickens before they had hatched. There was still a chance that this plan of Diamond’s would not go as intended. Fortunately she had one little change to that plan to make doubly certain that her goals and those of her daughter would play out as desired.

Retrieving the phone she quick-dialed a familiar number.

“Ah, Milky, how interesting you should call me at this moment.”

“Mister Discord,” she said with a smooth smile. “I believe I have some news concerning Canterlot High that would shock and appal you.”

Discord chuckled on the other end. “Oh? Do tell,” he insisted.

Spoiled’s eyes shone with amusement as she laid out her daughter’s entire problem and plan to the one person with more clout than herself. Having him there to verify the truth of the matter would be the proverbial feather in her cap for her. Even if it was a bit risky considering how close Discord viewed Celestia and her sister. This was a risk she was prepared to take however… first, though, she’d better take a shower and get changed. There was a certain odor clinging to her body - not altogether unpleasant, but inappropriate for the coup degras she was about to engineer.

Adagio Dazzle stood off to one side as Zecora climbed off the bus. With a smirk she started to approach the other girl; her hips swayed back and forth and she drew a lot of eyes. Considering she was dressed in her Battle outfit for the poetic justice of it all she was getting exactly what she wanted.

Oh whoa, oh whoa, it’s time to fall for my spell. Oh whoa, oh whoa, I’ve got something to tell.”

Zecora paused mid-step and turned to face the other girl her lips turned up into a radiant smile. Full of joy and laughter she danced up to Adagio. “How good to see you again my friend, pray how can I help you in the end?”

Adagio placed her hand on Zecora’s head and ran it down her cheek. “Zecora, I have a message for your father concerning Canterlot High’s next naturist party. It’s extremely important that you relay this message to him, can I count on you?”

Zecora nodded. “This message shall be delivered I assure, post haste. Tell me what you desire my mistress and perhaps after I may have a taste?” she wondered licking her lips as she stared deeply into Adagio’s eyes.

Adagio blinked in slight surprise. “Hmmm, I think Di-Di might be affecting how my spells ensnare people.” Shrugging she smirked and leaned in to give Zecora a brief kiss on the lips, biting them as she pulled away. “There’s your taste, more can follow later tonight. Now… listen carefully.”