• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,758 Views, 1,004 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Octavia, Muffins, and ???

“What can you tell me about the Battle of the Bands, Miss Melody?” Tempest asked the girl sitting opposite her.

Octavia, sitting up straight and proper, with her hands folded on the table, replied “Only that classical music is still frowned upon by most of my peers. And the administration, it seems.”

“So you didn't see anything at the Canterlot Bowl that night?”

“I didn't say that. I was there as a show of support.”

“You had friends participating in the show?”

“No. Vinyl Scratch is a very good friend of mine. She was trying out some new laser effects for the Rainbooms and I wanted to be there to see them. I may not care all that much for electronic music, but her effects are amazing.”

“And what did you think of the efffects?”

Octavia straightened her bow tie. “Impressive as always, but I don't know about mixing sea monsters with unicorns.”

Tempest nodded. “I understand there were some problems during the preliminary rounds of the contest?”

“We all got a little carried away,” Octavia admitted. “Myself included. A lot of harsh words were said that day.”

“Oh?” Tempest looked at Octavia expectantly. “What sort of harsh words?”

Octavia swallowed, her tie suddenly feeling constrictive. “Well, there was some interference with the one of the Rainbooms' performances, and well, Sunset Shimmer tried to help. I'm afraid we all assumed she was the one causing the problems. I...”

The cellist trailed off. Tempest leaned forward.

“You what, Miss Melody?”

Octavia swallowed again. “I... cried out that I knew she was still trouble.”


Octavia bit her lip, but remained silent. She glanced over at Luna, who was looking at her with concern. Luna quickly interjected herself into the conversation.

“Sunset Shimmer used to be something of a problem student,” she explained. “She was attempting to turn herself around at the time of the Battle of the Bands.”

“I see,” Tempest leaned back. “Let's talk about the Friendship Games.”

Octavia visibly relaxed. “I don't really have much to tell. I was just a spectator.”

“Can you tell me what you saw when the Wondercolt statue was destroyed?”

“Not much, I'm afraid.” Octavia was more relaxed now, speaking easily. “I was sitting with the other students, ready for the final event, when there was a whistlign sound and a series of explosions. I got down on the ground and when it was all over, the statue was destroyed. I heard it was a prank by the Crystal Prep students that went wrong.”

Tempest said nothing. She only looked at the girl for a long while. “Let's go back a bit. Were you attending the Fall Formal last year?”

“Yes, I was. Is this about the gas leak?”

Tempest blinked, caught off guard. “Gas leak?”

“The one which caused the damage to the front of the school and tore up the front lawn,” said Octavia. “We all heard it in the gym. We're lucky no one got hurt.”

“Yeeeesssss,” Tempest drawled. She cleared her throat. “I understand someone fell into the hole made by the explosion?”

“I believe so.”

“Do you know who it was?”

Once again, Octavia stiffened, glancing at Luna again. Tempest pretended not to notice, interested in who would speak next.

“I think it was... Sunset Shimmer,” Octavia finally answered.

“I see.” Tempest closed the file that was in front of her. “I think that will be all for now, Miss Melody. Thank you for your time.”

“You can head back to class now, Octavia,” said Luna, giving the girl a reassuring smile.

“Thank you, Vice-Principal Luna.”

Octavia got up and left the conference room. As soon as she left the office, she got out her phone and sent a text.

“Oh boy,” Pinkie sighed. She was in art class. The students were sketching, sitting in groups at half a dozen tables around the room. Pinkie showed her phone to Sunset, who was sitting next to her. “Octavia just talked to Agent Shadow. She had to talk about you”

Sunset quickly glanced at the message and sighed. “It can't be helped. I'll just have to deal with it when it's my turn.”

Pinkie leaned over and hugged her friend. “It's so unfair. You don't deserve this.”

“Maybe not,” Sunset agreed. “But it's still my responsibility.”

“OUR responsibility,” Pinkie corrected, smiling and pulling Sunset closer.

Sunset smiled in return. “Right. Our responsibility.”

Tempest Shadow had many flaws, but prejudice against the disabled wasn't one of them. However, she still felt her eyes trying to cross in sympathy with the gray girl who sat across from her. Muffins smiled brightly, her gold eyes turning inward and off center.

“So, there was this big explosion, and the next thing I knew, the Wondercolt was just gone! Some CPA kids apparently were trying to prank us, but it went wrong somehow. I don't know how.”

“Did the Crystal Prep students confess?” Tempest asked.

“I guess so?” Muffins' voice had an uncertain edge to it. “I mean, we didn't really find out what happened until a few days later, when Principal Celestia told us all.”

“How did that happen?” Tempest asked.

Muffins blinked. “What?”

“I mean, was there an assembly? Was it over the intercom? How did Principal Celestia let the students know what had happened to the statue?”

“Oh, I see! It was over the intercom during morning announcements.”

Tempest made an affirmative noise and jotted down a note. “You participated in the Battle of the Bands correct?”

“Yeah, but I didn't make it very far. Saw music is kind of an acquired taste.”

Now it was Tempest's turn to blink. “Saw music?”

“I play the saw!” Muffins said, brightly. “My grandpa taught me. It's fun.”

“Uh... huh. So you were there during the preliminary rounds?”


“What can you tell me about the Rainbooms performance Sunset Shimmer interrupted. Do you know why she did it?”

“Well, we all thought she was jealous since she was friends with them but she wasn't in the band and wanted to mess things up for them. She was kind of... well... a meanie up until last year. But it turned out it was a bunch of other bands trying to mess them up. Sunset was trying to stop it, but she wound up accidentally trashing the Rainbooms performance.”

“Wait. She was friends with the Rainbooms, but they didn't ask her to be in the band?”

“Yeah,” Muffins confirmed. “I don't know why. I guess they worked it out though, because Sunset sang with them in the finals.”

“Did she?” Tempest asked, an interested note in her voice. “Anything else unusual happen during the finals?”

“Just the light show they did. It was awesome!”

“Let me ask you this. Who were the Rainbooms competing against in the finals?”

Muffins blinked.“Um...” She paused for a moment. “I think it was Trixie's band.”


“Trixie Lulamoon,” Luna supplied. “She was the runner up in the competition.”

Tempest jotted down another note. “Did you attend the Fall Formal last year?”

Muffins shook her head. “I had to work that night.”

Tempest put down her pen. “All right. I think that's everything I need, Miss Muffins. Thank you for your time.”

“No problem!” Muffins got up and left the conference room.

“The net appears to be closing,” said Rarity to Applejack while looking at her phone. The two of them were in the library. They had study hall this period. “Muffins just talked to Agent Shadow. She told her we were up against Trixie in the Battle of the Bands finals. She also showed an interest in Sunset.”

“Damn, that ain't good,” said Applejack. She looked around the library. “Wasn't Trixie in here somewheres?”

“Good idea.” Rarity placed her arms in her canes. “We'd better make sure we're all on the same page about what supposedly happened at the finals.”

She began to stand up, but one of her canes wasn't firmly planted on the ground and slipped out from under her. Rarity let out a yelp as she started to fall. Applejack's arm shot out and she managed to catch the fashionista before she fell.

“You okay?” she asked, her eyes wide with concern.

Rarity blushed. “Yes, thank you, darling. It's good to know I can always depend on you.”

Applejack blushed in response and helped Rarity upright. “'Tweren't nothin'.”

“Your modesty is just one of the things I adore about you, darling.”

The two of them looked at each other for a moment, before Applejack blinked and straightened her hat.

“I think I saw Trixie head upstairs when we came in.”

“Yes, of course,” Rarity said. The two headed for the elevator in the corner of the library, their cheeks red.

Tempest blinked as the conference room door closed. She looked at the empty chair across from her, then at Luna. “Who just left?”

“I...” Luna looked around in confusion. “I'm not entirely sure. I know you talked to one of the students, but I can't seem to remember who. How strange.”

Tempest frowned and looked down at her notepad. There were several notes written down in her own handwriting, so clearly she had been talking to someone. She just couldn't remember any details about the student who had just left.

She scanned the notes and an eyebrow raised at the one at the bottom of the list.

Battle of the Bands finals: Rainbooms vs. Trixie... or Rainbooms vs. DAZZLINGS?

“Agent Shadow?”

“Hm?” Tempest jerked her head up, Luna's voice interrupting her train of thought. She quickly flipped the notepad closed. “Yes, what is it?”

“I just noticed it's almost time for lunch,” Luna replied. “Would you like to take a break and resume your questioning afterwards?”

“Yes,” Tempest said after some thought. “Yes, I would. And after lunch, I think I'm ready to talk to Trixie and the Rainbooms.”

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