• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,768 Views, 1,008 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Mysteries, Deals, and the Past

Tempest pushed the accelerator closer to the floor, swerving in and out of traffic. Her brain running at a thousand miles an hour. She glanced down at her phone.

Dropsy, you still there?”

A faint voice, wheezing came out of the tiny speaker. “T-Tempest... hurry. … after...” A violent cough cut the voice off. Tempest felt her teeth grit at the audible liquid sound that came with it.

Just hang on, Dropsy,” she said. “I'm almost back to base.”

No!” Glitter Drops' voice took on a sharp edge. “I'm not there. The river. South. Three miles or so.”

Three miles south. Got it. Just hang on.”

Hurry,” Glitter's voice had weakened again. “Not sure where – NO!”

Tempest nearly lost control of the car as the familiar cracking sound of a gun firing repeatedly came through the speaker, followed by the hollow beep that indicated the call had been dropped. She swerved back onto the road, blared the horn and made her way to the river.

She skidded into the gravel offshoot that served as parking for people planning to fish or raft down the river. This time of night it should have been empty, but there were several STORM vehicles parked in the lot, along with a couple of police cars and an ambulance.

Tempest bolted out of the car, flashed her ID to the two cops standing at the path entrance, and made her way to the river's edge. She could see lights up ahead and she began moving faster. Soon, she found herself at the scene and screamed.

Glitter Drops was lying on her back in a twisted position. Blood soaked her shirt and jacket. Two EMTs were attending her. Tempest pushed her way through the other STORM agents on the scene.

Dropsy!” she cried. “Dropsy! Can you hear me?!”

Ma'am,” began one of the EMTs. “We need you to --”

Shut the fuck up!” Tempest snarled. She looked back down at her partner. “Come on, Dropsy, wake up!”

There was a groan and Glitter's eyes opened slightly. “Tempest?”

Tempest let out a sigh of relief. “Dropsy! What happened?”

Mistake,” Glitter gasped. “Such a bad... bad mistake...”

No,” Tempest said soothingly. “You never make mistakes.”

Glitter shook her head. “No. Not me.”

Tempest frowned in confusion. “I don't understand. What happened?”

She head the sound of someone walking up behind her. Glitter's eyes widened. Her hand came up and she grabbed Tempest's lapel, pulling her closer.

Listen...” she hissed. “Don't let this... harden you. Not everything is a threat.”

What?” Tempest asked. “What do you mean?”

Step back, agent,” came a stern voice. Tempest turned and looked up to see the Director standing over them. “Let the EMTs do their job.”

Tempest hesitated for a minute, then training took over. “Yes, sir.”

She stood up and walked a few feet away as the EMTs got back to work. The Director consulted with them for a moment, then walked back to her.

Sir, what happened? She called me at home and said there was a security breach?”

“Not your concern, Agent Shadow,” said the Director, glaring down at her.

Sir, with all due respect, she's my partner and I--”

Not anymore, she's not,” the Director said coldly. “There was a security breach. A POI you brought in managed to escape and Agent Drops stupidly allowed herself to be taken hostage.”

A POI we brought in?” Tempest blinked. “Which one?”

That nurse from Whinnyapolis. You know, the one I told you should have been neutralized on the scene?”

We followed procedure, sir,” Tempest kept her voice level, even though she could feel the heat coloring her face. “She may have know where the other three were --”

Which also couldhave been avoided if you did your jobs, agent!” Stormking huffed through his nostrils. He took a deep breath, and his face calmed. “Well, either way, there's not much we can do now. Go home, Agent Shadow. There'll be questions aplenty tomorrow for everyone involved, I'm sure.”

Sir, with your permission, I'd like to go with Drops – er – Agent Drops to the hospital. She doesn't have any family here and –“

I said go home, agent!” Stormking snapped. “If there's any change, I'll leave word that you should be contacted. Satisfied?”

Yes, sir, thank you.” Tempest turned away when a thought struck her. “Sir?”

What is it, agent?”

What happened to the POI who escaped?”

The Director waved his hand absently. “Out there somewhere. We have search teams looking for her now. Don't worry about it, Tempest. We'll find her.”

Tempest nodded. She opened her mouth to speak again, but the Director cut her off.

For the last time, go home. We have plenty of people out there looking for her. She'll turn up. She's a civilian who got lucky, not some of the usual crap we deal with on a regular basis. You're dismissed, Agent Shadow.”

Tempest nodded and began making her way back to the car, frustrated and angry.

It was four in the morning when her phone rang. Tempest bolted out of the light doze she was in and fumbled for it.


Tempetht? It'h Grubber.”

Tempest stifled a groan. “What do you want, Grubber?”

The Director told me to call. He thought it would be better coming from me.”

Tempest's eyes widened and her heart started thumping in her chest. “What would be better coming from you? What happened?”

We jutht heard from the hothpital. Glitter didn't make it.”

A lump formed in Tempest's throat. She tried to talk but could only emit a hoarse squeak. She swallowed heavily and managed to get the words out. “She's dead?”

Yeah. Died from her woundth. They tried everything but after a while she jutht... gave up. I'm tho thorry, Tempetht.”

Tempest sniffled and tried to get herself under control. “Have they figured out what happened to her? Did the POI shoot her?”

Thorry. Above my pay grade. The Director thaid he'th handling the cathe himthelf. Maybe he can tell you.”

Tempest nodded. “Okay. Right. Thanks, Grubber.”

Are you okay, Tempetht? Do you need anything?”

What I need only one person can give me.”

Well, if there'th anything – “

Good night, Grubber.”

The next morning, Tempest barged into the Director's office, much to the dismay of his assistant. The bearded man glanced at her then at the flummoxed secretary.

It's all right, Posey. I'll deal with this.”

Yes, Director Stormking.” Posey left the office, leaving Tempest standing rigid in front of the Director's desk. He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

Something I can help you with, agent?”

Tempest kept her gaze staring straight ahead. “I was told you're handling Agent Drops' death personally, sir. I would like to offer my assistance in any way that I can.”

Would you, now?” The Director's expression became more genial. “I suppose you'd like all the details that I have?”

If I'm going to be of use to you, sir, it would be beneficial for me to have all the information.”

The Director stood up and walked aroudn the desk. Tempest kept still, eyes forward, as she'd been trained in the Air Force. The Director's voice came from behind her.


Tempest's jaw tightened and she fought to keep her disbelief from turning into a shout. “Sir, I'm one of the most qualified agents you have. I was Agent Drops' partner. I'm more than capable of keeping my emotions under control.”

I'm sure you are,” the Director's voice oozed. “But I'm not entirely convinced you weren't involved somehow, Agent Shadow. You see, I've already found a few things. Interesting things. Frightening things. Things which indicate that, maybe, some of my loyal agents aren't so loyal after all. I mean, it seems highly unlikely and untrained civilian could managed to escape incarceration and take an experienced field agent hostage, much less get out of the detainment facility. Don't you agree?”

I suppose so, sir.”

Which means she had help. And I'm not entirely sure who I should trust here, agent. Not with this case. Not when one of our own went down in such suspicious circumstances.”

Yes, sir.” The lump was back in Tempest's throat. She forced it down again.

So, if you really want to know what happened, Agent Shadow, I'm going to need some proof of your dedication. Of your devotion to STORM. Of your... loyalty, if you follow me.”

Tempest took a deep breath. “I am fully committed to STORM and its ideals, sir. And I will do anything you request until I've gained your trust and convinced you of my commitment.”

She tensed as she felt the Director's hand on one of her shoulder and his weight pressing down on it.

We have a deal then,” the smooth voice whispered in her ear. “Get me what I need, and I'll give you what you want.”

“Miss Shimmer?”

Sunset blinked as Tempest's voice broke through the visions. She looked up sharply to see the STORM agent and Luna looking at her oddly.

“Are you all right, Miss Shimmer?” Tempest asked. Suspicion was clearly etched on her face.

“Yes, sorry,” Sunset said quickly. “I just skipped out there for a second.”

“Are you sure?” The agent's skeptical glare was piercing.

“Yes, I'm fine. Thank you.” Sunset leaned around Tempest so she was in sight of Luna. “I'll see you tomorrow for that committee meeting, Vice-Principal Luna.”

Luna didn't miss a beat. “8:30. Don't be late, Sunset.”

Sunset nodded to both women, then left the conference room. Tempest stared at the door for a few seconds before Luna cleared her throat.

“Is that everything, Agent Shadow?” she asked.

Tempest looked back at the administrator, then began gathering her notes. “Yes, I think so. Thank you for your cooperation, Vice-Principal.”

Luna gave her a genuine smile. “Always happy to help.”

As Tempest placed the files and papers back in the shoulder bag she had brought, her mind went back to Sunset Shimmer. Something had happened when she shook hads with the girl. It was only a couple of seconds, but she seemed to freeze in place.

And that flash of light, she thought. What was that all about?

Sunset exited the school and made her way toward the plinth. Most of the students had left, and she knew her friends had their own plans for the afternoon. Sunset reached into her pocket to see if there had been any messages from Capper, when the sound of a car horn caught her attention.

A red sports car with gold racing stripes was parked at the curb. The windows were tinted, so she couldn't see inside. The horn honked again and the passenger side window rolled down. Sunset walked over and cautiously dipped her head to look.

“Capper?” she said, eyes widening. “What the hell are you doing here?!”

“Get in the car, Sunset.” Capper's voice was flat. His expression unreadable. He was wearing a pair of designer sunglasses that hid his eyes.

“Not a chance. Not until you tell me --”

“It's about that little death trap you sent my people into last night. Caelano wants to see you. Get in the damn car.”

Sunset's mouth snapped shut and she opened the door. No sooner had she gotten in and closed it, than Capper floored the accelerator and the car sped off, the force throwing Sunset into the back of the passenger seat.

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