• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,757 Views, 1,004 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Clearing, Magic, and Exposure

“You just HAD to go chargin' off half-cocked, didn't ya?” Applejack yelled as she gripped her geode. A flash of orange light and her pony ears and tail appeared. Next to her, Rainbow Dash did likewise, ponying up as well.

“We were looking for him, we found him!” she protested. “What more do you want?”

A shadow loomed over them, causing both girls to stare up at Frank, standing on his hind legs, foot long fangs glistening in the moonlight. The massive Ursa held a huge tree trunk over his head and with a deafening roar, hurled it at the two girls.

Applejack grabbed Rainbow and leaped backwards, her magically augmented strength propelling both teenagers away as the trunk crashed to the ground. Applejack straightened her hat and gestured at the monster.

“Not to be killed by a magically crazed bear with a severe overbite, that's what!”

“Applejack! Rainbow!”

The girls looked up to see their friends emerging from the trees. Rarity floated over to them,

“What on EARTH were you two thinking?” she demanded.

Somebody wasn't,” Applejack said, glaring at Dash.

“Argue later,” said Sunset, looking over to Frank, who was lurking back where he had thrown the tree. Yellow eyes glared at them, shining in the dark. “Pony up!”

A few flashes of light later and the girls stood ready to take on their foe.

“Pinkie Pie, contain the area!” Sunset barked. “We need to keep him here.”

“Got it!” Pinkie reached into her hair and produced a bag of assorted candy. She charged up the treats and began hurling them at the trees, where they exploded, causing the trees to start crashing to the ground. Frank looked around in confusion then roared again.

Sunset turned to Rarity. “We need something to hold him.”

Rarity nodded and wheeled forward. She threw out both hands and a wave of crystals flew towards Frank. The bear reared back up and began swiping at the crystals with his forepaws. A few shattered to dust, but Rarity adjusted her gestures and the crystals surrounded Frank and locked into place, trapping him under a large dome. Rarity grit her teeth as Frank began pounding against his prison.

“Can you hold it?” Twilight asked.

“I'm not sure!” Rarity answered. “Whatever we're going to do, we better do it now!”

“Hang on!” Twlight raised her own hands and generated a telekinetic aura around the dome, much like they had done while fighting Firecracker Burst. Twilight glanced back over at Sunset and nodded.

“AJ,” Sunset said. “Gather up the trees and build a fence around this clearing. Something to keep him here if Rarity and Twilight can't hold him. Rainbow, clear the ground!”

“On it!” Rainbow zipped off in a burst of super speed, snatching rocks and roots out of the ground surrounding the small clearing the girls were creating. Applejack followed Pinkie, picking up the fallen trees and stacking them around the clearing. Sunset turned to Fluttershy.

“Do you think you can calm him down?” she asked.

“I can try,” Fluttershy said.

“I'll go with you.”

The two girls walked to the dome. As they approached, Frank's roars turned to low growls and he went back to all fours. Fluttershy gestured to Sunset to stop. She flapped her wings and flew up so she was at Frank's eye level. She put a hand on the dome and smiled as Frank came closer.

“Is that you, Frank?” she asked. Frank growled and chuffed. Fluttershy's geode glowed as it translated.

“Oh, you poor thing,” she cooed. “Don't worry. We can help.”

She turned to her friends. “It is Frank! He's not sure what's happening to him, but he's hurt and confused!”

Sunset nodded. “If we drop the dome, will he stay still long enough for us to help him?”

Fluttershy relayed the question, then called back down. “He says he'll try, but it's hard for him to focus on anything for very long.”

Sunset nodded and called the other girls over. “Rarity, Twilight, when I tell you, drop the shield.”

“Are you sure about this?” Twilight asked. Sunset took a deep breath and let it out.

“Yes,” she said. “If we can deal with this now, things can finally get back to normal.”

Twilight and Rarity exchanged a glance, then slowly charged down their powers. After a moment, Frank stood in the clearing, staring down at the girls. Fluttershy gently stroked the fur on the side of his head.

“It'll be okay,” she soothed. “I promise.”

She looked down at Sunset. “Will it hurt?”

“I... don't know,” Sunset replied. “It didn't actually hurt physically when you all blasted me, but it wasn't fun mentally. But he's not actually evil, just infected with magic. It's a different situation. I'm sorry, Fluttershy, I can't say for sure.”

Fluttershy nodded and turned back to Frank. “We don't know if this will hurt or not, and I'm sorry about that. If it does, just hold on. I promise everything will be okay once we're done, all right?”

Frank looked at her, then at the girls on the ground, who all tried to put on reassuring smiles, but looked more like terrified grimaces. He looked back at Fluttershy and rumbled in his throat.

Fluttershy smiled and flew back to her friends. “He says he'll try.”

“I guess that's the best we can hope for,” said Sunset. She looked at the other girls. “Ready?”

There were nods in the affirmative. The girls joined hands and faced Frank. They closed their eyes and began to concentrate. The geodes around their necks began to glow then shine in the darkness of the woods. Sunset felt the warmth of her friends and the magic they carried flow through her. It suffused her being, gathering strength and power, reflected and multiplied between them.

They felt the link between them strengthen and grow, the magic sparking of the tips of their ears and at the ends of their hair. Any moment now, it would burst forth in a rainbow of love and affection, able to solve almost any problem they--


The commanding voice broke through their euphoria. The link shatters and all seven girls turned to look behind them, where Tempest Shadow stood atop the makeshift barrier, gun in one hand, flashlight in the other. She had a grin of triumph on her face.

“So this is it, huh?” the agent sneered. “I knew you were hiding something.”

She glared down at Rainbow Dash, who was tensing up, and leveled her gun at the athlete. “I wouldn't, Miss Dash, not unless you want somebody here to get hurt.”

Applejack put a hand on Rainbow's shoulder and shook her head. Tempest looked up form the girls and her eyes widened at the sight of Frank. “What is that?”

“None of your business!” Fluttershy yelled, stepping forward. “Leave him alone!”

“Oh, things like that are very much my business... and so are all of you.” Tempest lightly jumped from the fallen tree she was standing on to the ground and walked closer. “Now, I'm going to make a call, and we're all going to wait here quietly until some of my friends show up and then you, me, and that thing over there are going to take a little trip.”

“Over my dead body!” Fluttershy dashed forward and to everyone's surprise, took a wild swing at Tempest. The agent easily blocked the move and pivoted her foot, tripping Fluttershy and sending her to the ground.

Frank, seeing this, roared loudly. Tempest looked up to see the massive magically charged bear stampeding towards her. Fangs glistening with saliva. Angry yellow eyes boring down on her with the promise of nothing but pain in her future.

“Oh, shit,” she said in a small voice.

Sunset was much louder. “SCATTER! RAINBOW, GET HER OUT OF HERE!”

Fluttershy and Twilight took to the air, Twilight grabbing Sunset in her telekinetic field. Rarity generated a crystal big enough for her, Applejack and Pinkie, who jumped on and all three shot into the darkness. Before Tempest could react, she was blinded by a swirl of rainbow colors, and the next thing she knew, she was standing in the cul-de-sac next to the apple farm.

Rainbow glared at the agent. “You just had to ruin the whole thing, didn't you?”

Another flash of rainbow colors and Tempest was alone on the street. She looked down at her hand, still holding the gun. It was trembling with adrenaline and fear. She swallowed hard and gingerly put the gun back in her holster, then slowly walked back down the block to her car.

Once she was inside, she took several deep breaths until her heart began to stop pounding in her chest. When she was sufficiently calm, she pulled out her phone and dialed a number.

“Sir, I have them. Yes, sir, it's those seven girls. I'm not sure of everything they can do, but they definitely have some kind of enhanced abilities. And that's not all, sir. There's a large cryptid in the area as well. I'm not sure what the connection is, but I found the girls with it. It tried to maul me. I think we're going to need a containment team. Level four at least. And one more thing, sir.”

Tempest finally allowed herself to smile. She'd been passive for far too long, now it was time to bring the game fully into her court. “They have people who are sticklers for the rules. We're going to need some arrest warrants.”

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