• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,768 Views, 1,008 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Confrontation, Suspense, and the Truth

“This is ridiculous!” Rarity said, dropping her arms.

The girls had been tearing up the lobby ever since Sunset and Twilight had sneaked upstairs. The place was a shambles. And yet, no STORM agents or soldiers had shown up to deal with them.

“Somethin' ain't right here,” said Applejack.

“I agree,” replied Rarity. “We should have been fending them off like mad almost as soon as we started.”

“Maybe we're just that awesome,” said Rainbow with a grin. “We blocked them off downstairs and they're all too chicken to come up here from outside!”

“Or there's something else going on,” said Fluttershy. She as sitting on the floor, leaning up against Frank, who had curled up in one corner of the room.

“Most likely,” came Sunset's voice. The girls crowded around as she and Twilight emerged from the stairway. “So let's not be stupid about this. Okay?”

A few minutes later the front doors to the building opened and the seven girls and the bear emerged onto the steps leading down toward the parking lot.

Five seconds after that, spotlights blazed to life, freezing the girls in place. Out in front of them wwere several armored vehicles and a plethora of agents and guards. All with weapons trained on them.

And in front of them was the Director, who grinned widely.

“It's been amusing, ladies,” said the Director, “But it's time for you all to be good girls and go back to your cells.”

“Fat chance!” Rainbow snapped.

Stormking laughed. “Look around you! There's two dozen highly trained agents here all with itchy trigger fingers. It's very simple. Fight and they turn you all into a smear on the pavement. Or you can surrender and serve your country.”

“Don't you mean 'serve you?'” Twilight asked, her face hard.

The Director's smile turned into a frown. “What?”

“We found your laptop,” Sunset explained. “You really should have torn off more post-its from the pad you wrote your password on.”

“At least you were smart enough to use random characters,” Twilight added.

“Some very interesting stuff on there,” Sunset continued. “Especially in that second hard drive you have. You have a lot of people who owe you favors, don't you? I wonder what the press and some of the other members of Congress would think if they saw that.”

“Not to mention the long term plans,” Twilight said. “Detention centers, dissident re-education programs, the abolition of term limits, and a whole bunch of other stuff that violates the Constitution.”

“And that's just what we had time to look at,” said Sunset. “We transferred a whole bunch of it to the cloud. Not everything, but we're pretty sure we grabbed enough to keep you occupied with subcommittees and investigations for years.

“Oh, and in case you think you can just kill us and that information will just sit there, we sent the link and the password to several trusted people with explicit instructions.”

“Basically,” said Twilight, “If we don't show up at Canterlot High on Monday morning, they're going to access those files and send them to as many members of Congress and the media as possible. You might have enough time to start running in that case, but either way, everyone will know exactly what you are, Director Stormking.:

Stormking's teeth clenched and his expression turned ugly. “No one will believe you.”

“I think they will,” came a voice. Tempest Shadow came into the spotlights. “Especially after what happened to Glitter Drops and the nurse comes to light.”

Stormking's nostrils flared. “I told you before, you have nothing concerning that!”

“I have Spring Rain. He's currently in one of the detention cells,” Tempest replied. “He's more than eager to save his own skin. And then there's all the missions you sent me on.”

Stormking let out a bark of humorless laughter. “Do you really think you're going to escape unscathed from all this, agent?”

“No, sir,” Tempest said. “But I'm pretty sure that the things Agent Rain and I have to say about you would get us some leniency.”

Stormking snapped his head to the side. “Open fire!” he barked to the troops.

There was silence. Then, Lightning Dust turned and pointed her sidearm at the Director.

“I'm sorry, sir, but I don't think we can do that,” she said.

“I AM IN CHARGE HERE, AGENT!” Stormking bellowed.

“Pursuant to investigation of the charges Agent Shadow is proffering, I'm afraid I have to relieve you of duty, sir,” Lightning Dust responded.

Stormking stared as the rest of the troops trained their weapons on him. Then, faster than anyone expected, he had his own gun out and was swinging it toward Tempest.


The gun fired and Tempest instinctively threw her hands up to cover her face.

Then there was silence, and Tempest opened her eyes. A large crystal shield was in front of her. The bullet had embedded itself halfway through. The crystal disintegrated and the bullet fell to the ground. Tempest turned to see Rarity smiling at her.

“Thank you,” Tempest said, a little stunned.

“Think nothing of it, darling.”

Stormking yelped as he was tackled to the ground by three agents and restrained. Lightning Dust got up and turned to Tempest. “Orders, ma'am?”

Tempest blinked. “What?”

“You're the senior agent on site, ma'am,” said Dust. “So, for now, you're in charge. What should we do?”

Tempest looked from Stormking's hate ridden face to the seven girls who had caused her so much trouble over the past week. They all looked anxious, uncertain if they could trust her. Even the bear seemed unusually contrite. Tempest's gaze narrowed on Sunset Shimmer, who folded her arms and gave her a compassionate look.

“It's your choice, Tempest.”

Tempest took a deep breath, rubbed the bridge of her nose, then turned back to Lightning Dust. “Put him in the cells.”

The troops restraining the now-former Director hauled him to his feet and dragged him off. Stormking spouted obscenities as he was frog-marched back into the building.

“And secure that laptop!” Tempest shouted to them.

“What about them?” Lightning Dust asked, gesturing to the girls.

Tempest looked back at them, then sighed. “Get the bear back to the woods. As for these seven, give them their stuff back and take them home. We'll get their statements later.”

Again, she focused her gaze on Sunset Shimmer.

“It's over,” she promised.

Author's Note:

As mentioned before, I like falling action, so no, we aren't quite done yet.

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