• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,766 Views, 1,008 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Arrest, Resistance, and Technology

Rarity stared up at Tempest, who was looming in her front door. Rarity could make out at least three other agents clustered on the stoop behind her.

My my, she thought. You are just spoiling for a fight, aren't you?

She summoned up a bright smile and rolled back from the door slightly. “Why, hello, Agent Shadow! And what brings you here today?”

Tempest's cold expression didn't change. “I think you know why we're here, Miss Rarity.”

Rarity's own smile went from open to close lipped. She tilted her head back slightly. “Mother? Could you come out here, please? There's someone here I'd like you to meet.”

Cookie Crumbles appeared from down the hall. “What on earth is going on out – Oh, hello.”

“Ma'am,” said Tempest, reaching into her jacket. She presented her ID and a folded document. “My name is Tempest Shadow. I'm with the Specialized Taskforce Overseeing Remarkable Matters. I have a warrant for your daughter's arrest.”

Cookie's expression darkened. “I see. May I see your warrant?”

Tempest handed the document over. She glanced down at Rarity. “You may keep that for your records. It's a copy.”

Cookie read it over. “I'm not seeing an actual charge here, Agent Shadow.”

“Under STORM's mandate to investigate and contain unusual events and phenomena,” Tempest didn't take her eyes off Rarity. “Your daughter has been labeled a Person of Interest, believed to possess abilities that could be dangerous to herself and the public at large. This warrant allows us to detain her for a reasonable period to determine the nature of her abilities and whether or not they pose a threat to the public.”

“And how long is this 'reasonable period?'” Cookie asked, sharply.

Tempest finally looked up. “It varies from case to case, ma'am. Could be as little as a day, could be as much as a year.”

“That doesn't sound very reasonable to me, Agent Shadow. And I think our attorney may agree with me.”

“That may very well be, ma'am. And you will be provided information for your attorney to talk to your daughter once she has been processed. Until then, I think you'll find their advice woul dbe for you to allow us to take your daughter into custody.”

“You aren't taking her anywhere!” Cookie snapped. “You have been harassing and terrorizing her for the last few days, attempted to kidnap her from the mall, and you expect me to sit idly by and let you and your goons haul her off to God knows where for God knows how long?”

“Ma'am, I understand you're upset about this situation and I sympathize,” said Tempest, her voice still even. “However, for the moment, you really have no choice in the matter. If you interfere with the execution of my duties, I'll be forced to have you arrested for obstruction of justice. And that will delay things even more.”

Rarity reached up and put a hand on her mother's arm. “Mother, please. It's all right. I'll go with them.”

“What?!” shrieked Cookie, looking down at her. Tempest did likewise, her face betraying surprise.

“It seems to be the fastest and easiest way to deal with the issue,” said Rarity. She glanced up at Tempest with a piercing look. “Besides, I'm certain Agent Shadow will operate within the full confines of the law and ensure Mr. Corpus will be able to visit with me as soon as possible. Isn't that right, Agent Shadow?”

Tempest felt her lips tighten, then: “We will do everything we can to expedite matters.”

Cookie looked from Tempest back down to Rarity. She knelt down and put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. “Are you sure about this, honey?”

Rarity nodded. “I'll be fine, Mother. Besides, I'm sure they understand the optics of doing anything untoward to someone in a wheelchair.”

Cookie leaned forward and the two hugged. “You keep your head about you, understand?”

“I always do,” Rarity answered. The two separated and both wiped tears from their eyes. Rarity held up her hands. “Handcuffs are required, I presume?”

Tempest nodded. “Hands behind your back, please.”

Rarity complied and Tempest stepped aside to allow one of the other agents to come in, put on the handcuffs and step behind the wheelchair. Tempest turned to Cookie and handed her a business card.

“She should be processed within the next 24 hours. Your attorney can make arrangements at this number.”

Cookie took the card with a frown. Tempest nodded at her.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Mrs. Crumbles.”

“Don't worry, Mother!” Rarity said brightly as she was wheeled out the door. “Everything will be just fine!”

The door closed and Cookie sat down heavily on the stairs and put her face in her hands.

“I'm surprised you didn't put up more of a fight,” said Tempest. She didn't really expect an answer. The girl was smart enough to know to keep her mouth shut. In fact, Rarity's sunny expression had disappeared the moment the front door to the house closed.

To her surprise, Rarity answered.

“Yes, well, I didn't want to make a scene in the house. Mother tends to get upset when the furniture is in danger.”

Tempest frowned. “What?”

Rarity looked up at her, a devious smile on her face. “I was waiting until we were outside.”

Behind her back, Rarity gestured with a finger, and the crystal she had generated between her hands, shot upward, neatly severing the chain holding the handcuffs together. She thrust out her now-free hands, generating a wall of crystals between her and the agents and shoved as hard as she could. The crystals slammed into the agents, sending them flying.

Tempest crashed to the ground and rolled to her feet. The other agents pulled their sidearms. Rarity swirled her right hand in the air and a crystal barrier surrounded her. Another gesture and it started spinning, expanding outward in a protective shield. One trigger happy agents fired, but the bullet ricocheted off the barrier, causing Tempest to throw herself to the ground.

“CEASE FIRE!” she shouted. She got back to her feet. “This isn't helping things, Miss Rarity!”

“Maybe not,” Rarity replied. “But it's certainly making me feel better!”

With another gesture, the barrier separated into its component crystals and shot out in all directions, causing all the agents to hit the dirt. Two of them got to their feet and began to rush the wheelchair, but Rarity generated another crystal flat on the ground in their path. As soon as they had stepped on it, the crystal sprung upward on one end, throwing the agents into the air like a catapult.

Rarity grinned. Pinkie Pie is really becoming a bad influence on me.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Without looking she generated three small crystals and sent them flying behind her. There was a cry of pain and the trigger happy agent fell to the ground. The crystals had sliced across his cheek, causing it to bleed. He got back up, gesturing with his gun with one hand, the other slapped to his face.

Rarity quickly summoned a dome around herself. The trigger happy agent began shooting, in defiance of Tempest's orders. She gave him a wicked smile.

“I can do this all day, sir!”

Across the yard, Tempest glanced around. While the street was empty now, all the shooting was bound to attract unwanted attention from the neighbors. Time to stop this.

She dashed back to the second sedan the other two agents had come in and popped the trunk. Inside were several long locked cases. The STORM insignia and the words “TOP SECRET” were emblazoned on each one. Tempest opened one case and pulled out a bulky silver weapon that looked like an oversized Nerf assult rifle with a large rectangular bore.

Over the years of its existence, STORM had developed a number of weapons designed to deal with a variety of paranormal situations. However, due to their flashy and sometimes destructive nature, their use was extremely restricted in the field. The Director had authorized Tempest's team to use them only if there were no other options in order to take the girls alive.

Considering her prisoner was currently fending off three armed agents from behind a seemingly impenetrable force dome, Tempest figured she had all the justification she needed. She thumbed a switch on the side of the weapon which began humming in an ominous manner. She raised it to her shoulder and sighted the dome through the scope on the side. An HUD inside the scope provided a targeting reticule and a rising multicolored bar indicating the charge. After a few seconds, the bar was full and the words “FULLY CHARGED” appeared on the display.

Tempest pulled the trigger and a bright blue beam shot from the barrel of the gun. It crashed into the dome, and the crystals instantly dissipated. The three agents dashed forward and grabbed Rarity, two of them grabbing her arms. Rarity struggled, but couldn't break their grip. Crystals formed near the tips of her fingers, but she couldn't get them to move. Tempest walked up to the chair, and blinked.

The geode necklace around Rarity's neck was glowing. The agent looked at the crystals, then back to the necklace. She reached forward, grabbed the geode and pulled.

“NO!” Rarity cried. The thin chain around her neck snapped and Tempest stepped back. Instantly, the crystals disappeared and Rarity let out a howl of despair. She went limp, allowing the agents to handcuff her again and push her chair toward their vehicles.

Tempest looked down at the geode in her hand. It was small, about the size of a quarter, with a stylized diamond carved into it. Tempest put the gun down, leaning it up against her leg. She gripped the geode with one hand and thrust out the other.

Nothing happened.

Tempest frowned and put the necklace in her pocket. She'd bag it for evidence when she got back to the car. She picked up the gun and turned away from the house.


Cookie Crumbles was standing on the front porch, her face red with anger. Tempest turned back and gave her a cold look.

“She resisted arrest. We were forced to take action. I can assure you that she is not injured in any way, Mrs. Crumbles.”


“That is your prerogative, Mrs. Crumbles. In the meantime, have your attorney call that number in 24 hours. Arrangements to see your daughter can be made then.”

Tempest turned away from the irate housewife. She figured Cookie would have more sense than to try to assault a government agent carrying a giant gun of unknown purpose. As she walked away she got her phone out and sent a text to Agents Dust and Sands.

The POIs are wearing “friendship necklaces.” Confiscate them. Immediately.

Tempest returned the gun to the trunk, then went back to her own car. As the agents drove away, she saw Cookie and several of the neighbors converging on the sidewalk behind them. No matter. There had been complaints like this before. They would be sorted out in time.

Tempest allowed herself a small smile. Things had started out rocky, but were proceeding just as planned.

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