• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 2,937 Views, 30 Comments

Equestria Girls Under The Red Hood - BROLY MUI

Red Hood gets sent after an unknown blast from Grodd to another universe which isn’t the past nor the future

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The Best and Worst day of my life

Batman and Red Hood were trying to stop Grodd from using his crazy machine from destroying all Gotham City and maybe more than just Gotham.

Batman was wearing his rebirth costume as Red Hood was wearing a brown leather jacket with a black shirt with the red bat logo, some black pants with a belt and a place to put his guns, some black gloves, black boots and his iconic red helmet and it was all bulletproof.

Grodd was about to grab Batman but he ducks and later kicks Grodd in the nuts and grapples to a rock pulling it to him but Grodd grabs it and uses it as a weapon against Batman.

“STOP THE BLAST!!! I’LL HANDLE GRODD!!!” screamed Batman at Red Hood.

“Told you to never give me orders Bats.” said Red Hood as he runs to turn off the blast as Grodd puches Batman to the floor as he puts his feet on Batman.

“It’s over Batman, or should I say... Bruce Wayne.” said Grodd shocking Batman.

“When did you-“

Ah please, I am an intelligent Gorilla and I give you credit for mastering your own mind as I cannot control you, so I investigated every thing about you, blood, body, fighting and more. I made a list of every people of Gotham City that could be the Batman and the only person that the voice, the body, the blood and everything, matches to Bruce Wayne. And I investigated every Robin as well and I know their names, and this Robin that brought going by the name of Red Hood is Jason Peter Todd.” said Gorilla Grodd as Batman grapples to the roof as he is free from Grodd.

“Is over Batman, my experiment is nearly complete and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.” said Grodd as Batman throws at him a freeze blast, freezing Grodd.

“I have escaped from this pathetic... hey what’s going on?” asked Grodd confused.

“I knew my freeze blast couldn’t resist you, so I upgraded it to be stronger, colder and worse for an animal, you’re not going to die but you’re gonna get frost bites after this.” said Batman as Grodd got angry.

“NOOOOOOOO!!!” screamed in anger Grodd.

“Is over Grodd you lost.” said Batman as when he was about to help Jason, his experiment is complete and Jason couldn’t stop it.

“Ah shit.” said Jason as his experiments was acting differently to what Grodd expected it.

“Is complete, MY EXPERIMENT IS FINALLY COMPLETE... SAY GOODBYE TO GOTHAM BRUCE!!!” screamed Grodd as the experiment acted strange.

“What’s going on?” asked Grodd as the experiment exploded and started to create portals to different worlds.

“Bruce, what is this?” asked Jason scared.

“Don’t know, it looks like the multiverse, infinite earths with a whole new world.” said Batman as Arkham Asylum was getting destroyed.

“We have to get out of here!” screamed Batman as Red Hood and Batman started to run away as Grodd starts to laugh after what he was watching. As Batman and Red Hood escape, every exit was getting blocked by the portals.

“Where Flash when you need him.” said Red Hood as they were getting sandwiched.

“ALFRED!!! CALL BARRY!!!” screamed Batman.

“RIGHT ON IT SIR!!!” said Alfred as he calls Flash.

Barry Allen also known as The Flash was having dinner with his wife Iris, his adoptive father and father in law Joe, his friends Caitlin and Cisco, Joe’s wife Cecile, Cisco’s girlfriend Camilla, Wally West, Ralph Dipny and Harry Wells. As Barry was finishing his 4th plate of dinner, his phone ringed.

“Excuse me guys.” said Barry as he goes to a corner to answer the phone.


“Master Allen, Bruce is in danger in Arkham!”

“Hi Alfred, what do you mean Bruce is in danger, what’s going on?” asked Barry.

“Whatever you call Multiverse Master Allen is cracking and Bruce and Jason have no way out, COME FAST!!!” said Alfred sad.

“All right I’ll go right now.” said Barry as he hangs up.

“Babe what’s wrong?” asked Iris to Barry.

“Is Batman, he’s in danger.”

“Cisco, go to the Lab with everyone except Wally, the multiverse is cracking and Batman doesn’t have a way out.” said Barry as Cisco who is the hero Vibe, opens a portal as everyone goes to Star Labs

“Wally lets go.” said Barry as Wally nods and they run to Arkham Asylum as they have their costumes on.

Batman and Red Hood were still trying to get out but the place was way to big and every time the place was getting smaller as they couldn’t escape from anywhere anymore.

“I hope Barry comes.” said Batman as when there was a boulder about to fall in Batman and Red Hood’s head Flash and Kid Flash appeared in slow motion as they see Batman and Red Hood as they run to get them, they succeeded at getting them but the question is, how now will they get out.

(Starts music)

We have to get out of here Barry!” screamed Wally as they both run at the speed of light just to get out of Arkham Asylum, but it seems almost impossible as now every portal was not just opening but sucking everything like a black hole, as it stopped Flash and Kid Flash from moving.

(Stops music)

“I can’t move.” said Barry struggling.

“Me neither.” said Wally as he struggles as well.

“What world is that?” asked Barry.

“CISCO!!! WHAT AM I LOOKING AT?” screamed Barry.

“Oh my god it looks like the portal is getting a lot more stronger it wasn’t sucking anything but now it is, BARRY... WALLY YOU GET OUT OF THERE!!!”

“Cisco we can’t move.”

“At least tell us what earth is that Cisco if we get sucked in.” said Wally ad Cisco changes into Barry’s mask to see at the portal as when he checked, he couldn’t find any data.

“That’s weird it shows that what you’re looking at isn’t another earth but... another dimension far away from our earth.” said Cisco.

“Another reality like Flashpoint?” asked Barry.

“Yeah! But it seems what you’re dealing know is more like magic, and not like Shazam’s magic is more comparable to Zatanna’s and Constantine’s magic.” said Cisco as the portal was getting stronger.

“Dammit can’t hold much longer.” said Jason as he was losing his grip to Wally.

“Don’t let go!” screamed Wally at Jason as he couldn’t anymore.

“Come on, that portal can’t take that long to close!” screamed Jason as he loses his grip to Wally.

“JASON!!!” screamed Batman as Red Hood gets sucked by the portal as it closes with the rest of the portals, as Barry and Wally didn’t expected that, they crashed into a wall as Batman got out of their grip.

“Dammit, Cisco can you try to open a portal to another reality?” asked Batman very angry.

“Of course not, I can open portals to other earths not dimensions Batman.”

“Maybe we should work on making a device so we can open a portal to another dimension Ramon.” said Harry.

How do you plan on doing that genius?” asked Cisco very confused.

“Maybe with Batman’s help and maybe the lanterns help as well.” said Harry.

“I’m starting to hate you so much right now as that is not a bad idea.” said Cisco as they decided to help Cisco and Harry to create a device to open dimensions as Cisco can only see dimensions, not enter and walk freely like if it was another earth.

The other reality

Jason wakes up very slowly as he looks at the sky as he realizes that he is not in his world anymore.

“Where am I? By the looks of it, this isn’t Gotham, but another sunny place just like Metropolis.” said Jason as his helmet wasn’t working as he takes off his helmet revealing a Jason with a scar in his left eye and a little of white hair with red hair.

“Damn, is a little jammed, nothing that Jason the mechanic can do, it seems the sensor is a little damaged as is scanning for some reason a statue down a school named Canterlot High School 10 miles away and is a strong energy whatever is scanning.” said Jason as he was in the grass as he opens his mask but he sees everything ok with no damage.

“That’s weird, the sensor is ok, maybe I should walk to that High School.” said Jason as he gets up but he hides his helmet as his helmet is made by nanotechnology, thanks to Batman, Cyborg and Ray Palmer also known as The Atom.

“And I should hide my guns as well.” said Jason as he hides his gun and starts to walk to a city.

As he walks to the city, it was cleaner, happier and more enjoyable than Gotham and Metropolis.

“I’m not liking a lot the part that this is very happy, if it is very happy, then I can’t work as Red Hood, that’s bad.” said Red Hood as he hears as well a lot of robberies as he was calm once again. As he was looking at the stores, he sees a gunnery store and a big one.

“My lucky day.” said Jason as he walks to the gunnery as he was amazed that this gunnery had more guns than the gunnery’s from Gotham.

“Hello there pal, what do you want?” asked the gunner.

“Hi, can I try some weapons for test?” asked Jason as he could just easily rob it.

“Sure, we have firing range test down stairs, come and look.” said the gunner as Jason follows him downstairs.

As they are downstairs, the gunner shows Jason the firing range test.”

“Niiiiice!” said Jason happily.

“Which weapons do you want to try pal?”

“Do you have a glock 18?”

(Starts music)

Jason starts to use the glock 18 as he shoots and he sees that is a fast gun but he wants something strong as well.

“The glock 18 has a capacity of 17 9mm parabellum rounds, you can have an extended mag that gives you 33 rounds with a rate of fire up to 1,100 - 1,200.” said the gunner as Jason was listening as he loved guns.

Jason now was using an M16A1 which is a very popular gun.

“The M16A1 has a caliber of 5.56 mm which is a very common bullet caliber with a capacity of 30 rounds but I have you an extended mag of 100 rounds with a rate of fire of 950.”

Jason was using now a Mossberg 500 as it is a very strong but not that fast but he's ok.

"This is a Mossberg 500, a very powerful shotgun with a caliber of 12 and 20 gauge,if you want to use it correctly, then use it closely, you can basically blow people with it."

Then as final weapon, he used a double M1911 as that was his favorite gun.

"Well I don't need to explain it to you as I see that you are very well known with that weapon right pal?"

"Yeah." said Jason as he gives the last shot.

(Ends music)

Jason puts his weapons in a counter downstairs, as he saw later dead bodies behind the door.

"What the-" said Jason as he later heard a gun as the gunner was pointing at his head as a lot of thugs appeared out of no where with shotguns.

"Your a fucking dead man kid." said the gunner.

"Pal, are you seriously saying that to a guy with a double M19 in his hand?"

"Yeah we are, so what you're still dead."

"In fact, in the contrary... you guys are dead." said Jason as he puts his helmet and backflips as he starts to shoot at the thugs, as the thugs start to shoot back as Jason hides behind a counter.

“This guys are crazy as hell, bunch of idiots.” said Jason as he takes a deep breath and jumps shooting in the head a lot of the thugs as they’re were only 7 remaining.

“7 left, let’s make it count.” said Jason as he grabs the shotgun and starts to shoot at the thugs, Jason shoots two of them and three he hits them.

“Big boy, he’s gonna kill us all, get a grenade!" said the leader as the other runs to get a grenade, but Jason kills the leader and shoots with his handgun the last thug but in his ass as he could not walk ever again.

"HAAAAAAA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" screamed in pain the last thug as Jason walks to him with a knife scaring him.

"I'm sorry... ok... I'M SORRY!!!" screamed in a lot of pain the thug.

"Shhhhhhh... is ok, I forgive you my friend." said Jason.


"Wait, did I say me, well I do forgive you... but knife doesn't." said Jason as he cuts his neck very violently as he bleeds out.

"You can ask for forgiveness to anyone, but sometimes, forgiveness is not gonna save you." said Jason as he takes all the guns he used with full ammo and attachments to them as he walks out of the store.

"Next stop, Canterlot High School." said Jason as he walks to the school as he wasn't that far away from the school, just some 20 minutes.

When he arrived, he remembered about the plan.

"I forgot to hide my guns from the people." said Jason as he hide all his guns, takes off his mask and hides his Bat Family logo.

"Well my plan might be finish school, get a normal job and have money as of I rob every bank, then later I'll be sent to jail and a lot worse, yep that's my plan, let's start." said Jason as takes a deep breath and enters Canterlot High School very calmed.

"And I forgot, most importantly, why my helmet scanned a weird energy from that statue, that's the main reason I'm here." said Jason as he decides to go first to the Principal so he can signed in the school.

"Wait, now that I started to remember, didn't that group of people were multicolored? Like the rest of the people in this school and city?" asked Jason himself as when he entered the Principal's office, the Principal had a light pink skin almost white and a little bit taller than him.

"Hi, my name is Principal Celestia and welcome to CHS." said Celestia.

"Wait... her name is Celestia? I think I'm on drugs."

"What's your name Mr-"

"Todd... Jason Todd."

"Ok Jason, what are you parents names?"

"Bastard number 1 Willis Todd my dead dad... Sheila Heywood is my mom, bastard number 2 Bruce Wayne my adoptive father and my three adoptive brothers, Richard Grayson or just Dick Grayson, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne."

"Ummmmm... Jason... are you crazy or something?"

"Of course not... why?"

"Is just that... are you sure Bruce Wayne is your adoptive father?"

"Yeah he is, why are you asking."

"Bruce Wayne is dead."

"Dead... wahat do you mean dead?"

"How is that you don't know... he died 20 years ago in an alley with his mother."

"And his father?"

"In jail... he went so crazy that he went on drugs and a lot of alcohol that made him go crazy and went in depression as well, he has killed so many people that he is now in the worst prison... Arkham Asylum."

“I didn’t know that! (If Bruce is dead, what about Dicky and Timmy.)” said Jason as he was shocked.

“And Dick Grayson?”

“He’s living in another country, as they putted in the news that his parents died in the Flying Grayson’s last show.”

“And Tim Drake is the biggest Gangster of all Gotham City.”

“So this is what would have happened if Bruce never adopted us... we would be a completely different person.”

“Forget it... nevermind about my parents, just put the name of Willis Todd and Sheila Heywood.” said Jason as he shows a mad face.

“Well... do you have any skills?” asked Celestia.

“I do and a lot of skills.”

“Like what? asked Celestia.

“I’m basically a martial arts, I know Aikido, Capoeira, Silat, Karate, Ninjutsu, Savate, Krav Maga, Muai Thai and Taekwondo.”

“That’s a lot of fighting styles, but please don’t get in a fight... by the way do you have more skills?”

“I do... I’m basically a hacker, a really good detective, an acrobat and a very good one, I’m very good on stealth as is really rare that someone sees me an I have multilingualism.”

“What languages to you speak?”

“I know, Spanish, German, English with the Australian and British accent, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, French, Danish and a whole lot more.”

“Wow! That’s a lot of languages Jason.” said Celestia very surprised.

“Мне потребовалось много времени, чтобы выучить много языков, но стоит изучать их.” said Jason in Russian as Celestia had no idea what he said.

“I said it took me a long time to learn many languages, but it is worth learning them... I said those exact words but in Russian.” said Jason.

“Wow... you really are impressive Jason, you can maybe teach languages to some of the students.”

“I hate to teach, but it doesn’t sound that bad, to teach some students... can be a little entertaining.” said Jason.

“Well I’m gonna call one of my students so they can show you around this school.

“Is ok Principal Celestia, I don’t need someone to guide me.”

“Is just a favor, plus this place is really big, so it will take you a while to learn.”

“Fine... bring anyone that can teach me around this school.” said Jason.

“Ok.” said Celestia as she turns on the radio.

“Sunset Shimmer... please come to the Principal’s office.” said Celestia.

“I’ll be right back, stay here as Sunset will come like in 2 minutes.” said Celestia as she leaves her office and gives Jason, his paper with his locker and classes.

“Ok.” said Jason happily as directly when she left, he putted his mask to check this office relaxed, as later his helmet went crazy as there was a lot of energy, but not pointing at the statue, but to a crown with a purple star in the front.

“That’s weird, it has the same energy to the statue, and this magic is far different to Constantine’s magic, not even Zatanna’s magic or Doctor Fate’s magic is that weird, what is this crown?” asked Jason as he was about to touch it, he heard footsteps as he takes off his helmet and a girl with a orange skin and red/yellow hair comes to the office.

“You must be Jason Todd... Sunset Shimmer.” said Sunset as she walks to Jason.

“So you’re the one who’s gonna show me around this school.”

“Yep... come on.” said Sunset as Jason follows her.

Sunset was showing Jason around the whole school as Jason was only focused on the crown and the statue.

“Hey, pretty boy... are you ok?” asked Sunset.

“I’m fine (cute boy? The last person to say that to me was Rose Wilson.)” said Jason.

“Well... let’s keep going, we’re finishing the trip.

“Good, I need to leave so I can work with a night job.”

“Night job, on what do you work?” asked Sunset.

“You don’t want to know.” said Jason.

“Well ok... and quick reminder... as I am the princess of the fall formal... I think is better for you to follow my orders.” said Sunset with a smile.

“Girl I like you... but I don’t follow orders, especially from a princess, I am a bad boy and I don’t follow nobody.” said Jason as he leaves Sunset and walks away as it was 5:30.

“Well, is time to work.” said Jason as when he left, Sunset followed him but just when he turns behind the wall, Sunset looks and he disappears out of nowhere.

“Where did he?” asked Sunset confused.

It was 8:00 and Jason was living in a hideous apartment as he looks at the footage of his helmet to see everything about that statue and the crown.

“That magic is different to any I have encountered or saw.” said Jason as he stands up.

“Well forget it... that’s something I’ll work tomorrow.” said Jason as he walks out from the apartment.

Jason was on the roof as he tried a new set of Red Hood costume that they gave him a while ago, a costume that he never decided to put it because Bruce made it and not him, as if he puts it, it will mean that he is even more part of the Bat Family, but he isn’t here anymore and decides to put it.

“Let’s get to work.” said Jason as he jumps from the apartment and grapples to a higher structure.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy this story, I’m not very good making stories of famous characters but one thing that I’m certain that I do know all of DC’s characters especially Red Hood as he is one of my favorite characters anyway hope you have enjoyed it.