• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 2,937 Views, 30 Comments

Equestria Girls Under The Red Hood - BROLY MUI

Red Hood gets sent after an unknown blast from Grodd to another universe which isn’t the past nor the future

  • ...

Canterlot’s new vigilante

There was in Canterlot one of the biggest gang group called The Sex Money Murda, as the leader of that group is Peter Rullock with a lot of gang members, like 200 gangsters more as 30 of them were now robbing from a rich person, as they were in the top floor robbing Diamond, Gold and a lot more. The guy to who they were robbing was Filthy Rich.

“We know you got more money in that damn vault right there, whats the fucking code?” asked very aggressively one of the thugs.

“I’ll never tell you!” said Filthy Rich very mad.

“If you don’t fucking tell I swear to you that you’re little family will meet Mr AK-47 and they will like it.” said the thug.

“You wouldn’t.” said Filthy Rich getting a little scared.

“Bring on the big money boys!” screamed the thug as they bring his wife Spoiled Rich and his daughter Diamond Tiara.

“Spoiled Rich... Diamond Tiara?” asked Filthy Rich as he started to cry as well the Spoiled Rich and Diamond Taira started to cry a lot as well.

“Dad?” asked Diamond Tiara as she started to cry a lot more.

“Please don’t hurt them!”

“You got three seconds or I’ll turn your daughters head into a melon.”

“Please don’t!” said Filthy Rich as he was crying.


“Don’t do it.”


“Please I beg of you.”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaand...3.” said the thug as he was about to shoot Diamond Tiara in the head as the lights explode one by one.

“What happened to the lights?” asked another thug.

“What the hell?” asked another thug as he looked at the floor and saw something.

“A Shuriken?” asked the thug as he later sees a shuriken flying as it goes to his neck as he spilled a lot of blood.

“Johnny!” screamed the other thug as the thug with the shuriken falls down.

“What’s going on?” asked another thug.

“HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” screamed the thug as he was being pulled to the shadow as they here a bone crack, as he is pushed back to the light with his neck broken.

“Dammit!” screamed another thug as he starts to fire to the shadow, as when he stops, he gets shot in the head with the 9 more of the group.

“What’s going on?” asked the thug leader very scared as he looks back and sees a man with a black armored suit and a red bat symbol as it was Red Hood who did all this.

“Hi! said Red Hood as he kicks in the nuts the leader and throws him from the top floor as Jason didn’t know there was a pool down there.

“What the hell?” asked another thug as there was only 18 left.

“Well... let’s make this a quick death... ok?” said Red Hood as he takes his M16 and starts shooting at the thugs. He kills 10 of them as the other eight hide behind the kitchen.

“This guy is far crazier than Mr Rullock.” said one of the thugs.

“Well... at least he doesn’t know we’re-“ said one of the thugs as he gets shot in the head with a shotgun.

“Holy shit.” said another thug as he gets shotted in the head as well.

“Ruuuuuuuuuuun!!!” screamed the thug as he gets shot as well with the rest as he just let one of them live as he shot him in his legs.

“HAAAAAAAAAAAAA DAMMIT!!!” screamed in pain the thug.

“Does it hurt my good buddy?”

“What do you think!!!” said in anger and pain the thug as Jason grabs him by the neck and pulls him to the same window that he threw one of the thugs.

“Time to join your... look at that, I threw your friend to a pool and he’s still alive... for now.” said Jason as the thug get scared.

“What do you mean for now?”

“Well... say to your friend that The Red Hood is now the vigilante of Canterlot.” said Red Hood.

“Well... have a good trip to hell.” said Jason as he throws the thug through the window.

“I almost forgot.” said Jason as he takes a grenade out and drops it directly to the pool with the two thugs as it explodes before even touching the water.

“Serves you right you criminals scum.” said Jason as he walks away, as Filthy Rich and his family were even more scared from him.

“Only this time... I’ll take the elevator.” said Jason as he uses the elevator to go to the lobby. As he walks out from the apartment, he sees a hand in the entrance.

“Ew... a hand.” said Jason as he throws the hand to the exploded pool.

Later at a street filled with TV, they broadcast what happened in Filthy Rich’s home.

“Breaking news... Filthy Rich is saved with the rest of his family from the gang The Sex Money Murda but the savior killed the criminals like if it was just a game, let’s see what Filthy Rich says shall we.”

“Thanks Donna, now Filthy Rich, you are luckily saved from what we people call a vigilante, do you think he’s a hero or a crazy man killing for fun?” asked the reporter.

“Don’t know, this guy appeared out of nowhere from the shadows, he killed those people in front of me and my family, we don’t know if he’s a hero or a crazy guy, all we know is his name... The Red Hood.” said Filthy Rich very scared.

“Well... it seems I’m famous now... that’s exactly what I didn’t wanted to be, as now they’ll call me a criminal, well nevermind that, is almost 3:30, I should get some sleep.” said Jason as he returns to the apartment.

When he goes to the apartment, he takes out his helmet, but not his clothes as he falls down asleep in the floor with his m19 in his hands.

(Starts music)

I was 7:40 as Jason finally wakes up from the floor, as he is still a little tired, he takes off his Red Hood clothes and puts some casual clothes which were more motorcycle clothes as if motorcycle boots, jacket, gloves and pants.

“Well, time to leave, but first some breakfast.” said Jason as he remembers that Bruce gave him a credit card with a million dollars, let’s hope that it works in this world.

“Well, let’s see where I can eat.” said Jason as he finally saw a bunch of restaurants

(Ends music)

He went and walked to a one of the restaurant to order breakfast.

“Hi kid... tell me your order please.” asked the cashier.

“Hi I want a sandwich with ham, american and swiss cheese, three eggs and bacon and for to drink then water.”

“Ok it will be 5.49$” said the cashier as Jason pays up, as a thug comes to the restaurant as he shows a revolver on the cashiers face as everyone gets in a wall including Jason.

“Money now punk.” said the thug.

“I don’t have money ok... I swear!” said the cashier as the thug loads the revolver.

“Ok ok ok I’ll give it to you right now.” said the cashier in fear as he takes the money.

“Excuse me!” said Jason.

“Can you rob after they give me my breakfast!” said Jason as the thug points a gun in his head.

“You think this is a game?”

“Yeah... it is.” said Jason as the thug was about to shoot his head, as the thug realized that he forgot to reload his revolver.

“You are one stupid and brute criminal.” said Jason as he punches in the face, the criminal as he gets knocked out and everyone gets shocked and starts to cheer at Jason.

“Well is my breakfast ready?” asked Jason as the cashier was speechless.

“Thanks.” said Jason as he walks out of the restaurant as the cashier just took the weapon and called 911.

Jason was walking and eating at the same time, it was 7:50 and classes starts at 8:10, he was eating the sandwich like if he hasn’t eaten for weeks. When he arrived, he saw a girl with pink hair and yellow skin giving some invitations of animal shelters.

“Hmm... well I’m not a really big fan of animals, but I don’t want her to be sad, I think I’ll volunteer.” said Jason in his mind as he walks to the girl.

“Is this to volunteer for an animal shelter?” asked Jason.

“Y-yes.” said the girl very scared of because of how he looks, but he seems like a nice guy.

“Well, I’m not a really big fan of animals, but maybe you can help change my mind.” said Jason as he helps the girl to get up as the girl gives Jason the paper.

“5:00 pm, I think I’ll be there, thanks uhhh... what’s your name kid.” asked Jason.


“Can you speak louder!”

Is Fluttershy.” said Fluttershy really low.

“Well... thanks for the paper Fluttershy.” said Jason shocking a lot Fluttershy as how did he heard her... “By the way, my names Jason Todd.” said Jason as he walks to the school.

“This was a little awkward, but I don’t want her to be sad.” said Json to himself as he goes to his first class which was Language class which it could entertain him for a while as well as gym class and physics class which for him it was the worst. The bell ringed and was time for Languages class.

Jason was bored but he hopes that this can entertain him for a while, as he already knows every class of this school.

“Good morning everyone, we’re going to make a challenge, is to talk in one single language for the whole class and the people who talk for the whole class, will get a 50 points in this class that almost all of you doesn’t dominate.” said the teacher as Jason actually knew almost all the languages.

“Ok, the language we will talk is... Italian.” said the teacher as half of the students didn’t knew Italian.

“Let’s start in 3... 2... 1!” said the teacher as now they had to talk Italian as the teacher putted cameras to see if anyone fails or successfully do this challenge.

“Ricorda solo parlare italiano (remember to only talk Italian)” said the teacher as everyone started to talk Italian as Jason was now a little even more bored as he already knew how to talk Italian.

“Signor Todd, devi parlare italiano con qualcuno se vuoi quei 50 punti (Mr. Todd, you need to speak Italian with someone if you want those 50 points)” said the teacher.

“Domino già la lingua italiana (I already dominate the Italian language)” said Jason as the teacher decided to test Jason.

“Ok dimmi come ti chiami e quando sei nato (Ok tell me your name and when you were born)” said the teacher too see if Jason really knows Italian.

“Mi chiamo Jason Peter Todd e sono nato il 16 agosto (My name is Jason Peter Todd and I was born on August 16th)” said Jason in Italian as the bell ringed and class finished.

“Well tomorrow I’ll tell you who got the 50 points, have a nice day.” said the teacher as everyone left.

“Well, I have 10 minutes till they start gym class, so I’ll get something from the vending machine.” said Jason to himself as he runs to get something to drink like a bottle of water.

“Well time to go to gym.” said Jason to himself as he runs to gym class.

When he arrives, the teacher starts to explain what they’re going to do which is going to be dodgeball.

“Ok you know the rules of dodgeball, so go to your lockers and get changed as I will assigned the the teams of 6.” said the coach as everyone starts to get changed.

“Ok the team of the right side will be: Jason Todd, Flash Sentry, Bulk Biceps, Rarity, Sadalwood and Fluttershy. For the left side is: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Teddy, Brawly Beats and Curly Winds, the others will go tomorrow so get ready.” said the coach as the right team were sort of disappointed as Fluttershy and Rarity weren’t that good at pointing and they didn’t know what Jason could do, compared yo the right side as Rainbow is a good athlete, Applejack doesn’t have a lot of accuracy but she was strong, Pinkie does not have accuracy but she was crazy enough to hit someone, Teddy is a strong one as well, Brawly Beats will not do much and Curly Winds is another athlete.

And GOOOOOOO!!!” screamed the coach as everyone runs to get a ball as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Flash Sentry, Pinkie Pie, Curly Winds and Teddy got a ball, Flash was the first to get eliminated, later Sadalwood got eliminated with Teddy, later they hitted Bulk Biceps, as the left side remained with Rarity, Fluttershy and Jason, compared to the rest, they had Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, Curly Wind and Brawly Beats. They were about to hit Jason but he dodge easily, as there was a lot of balls around him as he finally decided to act.

“Dammit, here we go.” said Jason to himself as grabbed two balls and threw them at an intense speed hitting Pinkie and Curly Winds. Rainbow and Applejack decided to throw at him at the same direction, but Jason grabbed two balls again and ran and dodge both balls by making a front flip and threw the balls, hitting Applejack and Brawly Beats, as Rainbow was shocked that one person eliminated almost the entire group.

“You’re the only one left.” said Jason with a cocky voice as Rainbow Dash takes it too serious.

“Well then, come at me right now!” screamed Rainbow as Rarity and Fluttershy that were seeing Jason dominate the whole game by himself, they were surprised like the rest of the kids.

As Jason throws a ball to Rainbow, she dodges it but not with ease as she got to a backflip to dodge as Jason threw another one that she couldn’t dodge as it hits her in the face.

“Well uhhhhhh... the left side is the winner!” screamed the coach as the left team made a victory scream as they all run to Jason very shocked.

“How did you do that bro?” asked Sadalwood.

“Practice Eco kid, a six of hellish months practice.” said Jason as he puts his hands on his pockets and walks away as class was over really fast.

I was basically physics class but Jason was putting his things on his locker, as Rainbow Dash was looking for him to ask him that those reflexes and aim isn’t just luck, but practice, as he sees a locker opened and saw Jason’s feet.

“What do you want Rainbow Dash.” said Jason as she asked herself how did he see her or heard her.

“I was about to ask, how did you do all that, no one can have such reflexes or aim?”

“I said that I trained for six months and later for 5 years.”

“For five years, like when you were on 5th grade you started to train?”

“Umm... yeah (I’m actually 20 years old and I started training at the age of 12 and later after my death when I was 13 straight to 18 years old)”

“Well is time to go to physics class so I think you should come to sit with-“ said Rainbow Dash when she turned to walk to the physics class room, she turned back and Jason was gone.

“The athletes...” said Rainbow as how did she not heard Jason walk away.

“I hate physics so I hope the let me cut at least that class and see if I can change that class for another one, is better for me.” said Jason to himself as he puts some sunglasses and sees that the statue is now releasing a lot of energy.

“That’s weird, yesterday the statue didn’t had all of this energy... this magic... I should take a look.” said Jason as he runs outside.

Wondercults Statue


“Uh Twilight!”

“Spike? Your not supposed to... Spike... are you a dog?” asked the girl as her pet Spike is a purple dog with green hair.

“I think so. But I have no idea what you are!” said Spike as the girl looked at her hands and starts to scream very loud. She covers her mouth to stop screaming as she looks at her fingers as she moves it, later moves her hands and later moves them like a maniac as Spike scratches his ear. She later stretches her fingers, moves her 10 fingers and checks her feets as she starts to breath very heavily.

“Twilight, you have to keep it together!” said Spike as Twilight stops breathing heavily and breaths very calmed.

“What... does the rest of me look like?” asked Twilight as she gets on all fours.

“Um... like you, only not you, your muzzle’s really small.” said Spike.

“My muzzle?” asked Twilight as she starts to touch her nose and starts to overreact as Spike puts his paws in her mouth.

“Are you going to scream again?” asked Spike as Twilight said no with her expression, as they look eye to eye as Twilight looks back to see, cars, buildings, a street and a lot more.

“Where are we!?” asked Spike as they saw at the building in front of Twilight and behind Spike as there was someone with some sunglasses, motorcycle clothes and red hair with a little of white in the front, which was none other than Jason.

“What the hell?” asked Jason to himself as he saw a dog helping a girl to get up.

“I hope that sandwich I ate didn’t had drugs.” said Jason as he enhanced the sunglasses, audio hearing, as he heard two voices, a girl and a boy’s voice.

“We need to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there. I suggest-“ said Twilight as she saw Jason walking to the both of them.

“Get behind me Spike.” said Twilight as Spike gets behind Twilight as Jason walks to them.

“Did you two just come out of that portal?” asked Jason.

“Um... no hehe, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” said Twilight.

“Don’t play a fool out of me, I just heard your dog talk.” said Jason as he shows a mad face.

“My dog doesn’t talk.” said Twilight as Jason knew he talked but didn’t wanted to push the conversation, as he saw Twilight’s clothes and saw a symbol.

“Wait... that symbol.” said Jason as he gets on his knees and looks closer making Twilight get blushed a lot.

“What are you-“

“That symbol is identical to the crown I saw yesterday.” said Jason as Spike and Twilight heard what he said.

“A crown?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah, I was trying to figure it out the connection between the crown and the statue, as it seems that they have the same connection as they come from the same world... your world.” said Jason.

“Well, do you know were it is?” asked Twilight.

“In the Principal’s office.” said Jason.

“Great, please lead me there um... now thinking of it, I don’t know you’re name.”

“Is Jason Todd, Twilight Sparkle.” said Jason shocking Twilight and Spike.

“How did you?”

“Please, I heard your name was Twilight, everyone basically have names that matches their look and like you have like a sparkly star in your clothes, I figured that your last name was Sparkle.” said Jason.

“He is a smart one Twilight.” said Spike in her ear.

“And I can hear you talk as well... Spike!” said Jason as he couldn’t hide that he could talk anymore.

“Oh crap... you’re not surprised that you are seeing a talking dog?” asked Spike.

“Of course not, I have saw talking gorillas, a talking croc, aliens and parallel universes.” said Jason.

“Well... let’s go to the to the principals office.” said Twilight as when Jason was about to run with them, he looked at Twilight as he saw Twilight run in all fours like an animal, making Jason blush of embarrassment of how stupid that looked, he was about to laugh so hard bit he decided to not laugh.

“Um... Twilight, what are you doing?” asked Jason.

“Running... what else am I doing!” said Twilight as Spike points at someone to as Twilight looks how she is supposed to walk.

“I think that is how you’re supposed to-“ said Spike as Twilight gets on her feet’s as she makes Spike jump but Jason grabs him, as Twilight cleans herself in front of an adult and a dog, embarrassing Jason and Spike.

“Why did she walk like a pony?” asked Jason as Spike couldn’t hold his mouth.

“BECAUSE SHE’S A PONY!!!” screamed Spike as he covered his mouth as Twilight heard him, but Jason was not that surprised.

“SPIKE!!!” screamed Twilight in anger.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” said Spike as he gets a little scared.

“I’m still not that surprised, plus I’m sort of a detective so I was going to figure it out one day or another, you just made my day easier Spike.” said Jason as he puts Spike down and helps Twilight to get up.

“WOOOOOOAH!” screamed Twilight as she had to hold to Jason a lot as she couldn’t walk alone.

“Thanks for the help Jason.” said Twilight very happy.

“Your welcome, let’s just get you to the stairs and teach you how to walk humanly.” said Jason.

“Yeah, I don’t want to be like this as long as I have to.” said Twilight as they reached the stairs.

“Hey but look in the bright side, you don’t have does pesky wings to worry about anymore.” said Spike as Twilight looks at Spike mad.

“Wings? So you’re a pegasus?” asked Jason as Twilight blushes a little.

“No... I’m not a pegasus.” said Twilight.

“Well try to open the door.” said Jason as Twilight waved her head and tries to open the door by smashing her head into the door, but it didn’t opened.

“Hmm...” said Twilight as she tried to use her magic but surprise surprise, she doesn’t have her horn.

“Huh... my magic, it isn’t working.” said Twilight.

“Makes sense, you don’t exactly have your horn.” said Spike.

“What?” screamed Twilight as she grabs her hair.

“So she’s more like an Alicorn, freaky.” said Jason to himself as he shows Twilight, how to open a door.

“Oh... hehe I just needed to use this... things I have.” said Twilight as she smiles.

“They’re called hands Twilight.” said Jason.

“We really need to get you a mirror Twilight.” said Spike as they follow Jason to the school.

“Well, I have to go to class, I’ll meet with you two later.” said Jason as he leaves Twilight and Spike. Twilight and Spike check the trophy’s in the trophy collection.

“What do you think Spike, other artifacts she’s stolen from Equestria?” asked Twilight as she could finally see what she really is.

“Huh? What am I?” asked Twilight as she sees on the reflection as she checks her hair, teeth and hip.

As the bell rang, everyone started to go to their classes and the hall was crowded as Twilight and Spike couldn’t get past it as it took them a lot to get to the other side, as when she was about to come out to the lockers, her feet got stuck as when when she got it out, she rolled backwards crashing into Flash Sentry.

“Whoa... are you ok?” asked Flash Sentry as he closes his locker and gives his hand to Twilight as Twilight slowly accepts it and nods him as Flash walks away as Twilight looks at him.

“I don’t think this is a castle.” said Spike.

Author's Note:

This chapter will be kind of off as I didn’t know what do to with Jason so sorry for it.