• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 2,937 Views, 30 Comments

Equestria Girls Under The Red Hood - BROLY MUI

Red Hood gets sent after an unknown blast from Grodd to another universe which isn’t the past nor the future

  • ...

Peter Rullock’s real identity

There were a lot of thugs in a dark room, as everyone was reuniting.

“They got more of our team Rullock, he’s more terrifying than what they say about him in the news, he’s a monster Rullock, we have to do something!” said a thug.

“Answer dammit!” said the same thug, as Rullock gets a sword and cuts his head very fast.

“Don’t talk to me like that.” said Rullock with a mask, a black jacket, black gloves, black pants and black boots with a lot of blood in his face.

“How many guys have we lost because of him?” asked Rullock.

“Around 40 sir.” said a thug scared of him.

“New plan! Let’s bring the war to him and end of discussion.” said Rullock as 10 ninjas follows.

“Do you think we can kill him sensei?” asked one of the ninjas as they had a black ninja suit, with swords and shurikens.

“Yes we can, I was trained by the best, and I used my skills to teach you 10.” said Rullock.

“And who was your master?” asked another ninja.

“He has so many names, he is the shadow itself, he is death, The Arkham Knight.” said Rullock.

The Fall Formal

Everyone was arriving, as a limousine and a motorcycle arrived, as it was the girls and Jason with a huge bag that he carried where he was hiding all his guns and his suit. As Jason and the girls get out of the car, Twilight was the last to come out of the limousine, as someone calls her.

“Twilight!” screamed Flash as he comes out of his car and runs to her.

"Look, I know you said no about going to the Fall Formal with me, but would you reconsider and at least have one dance?" asked Flash as he blushes.

"I didn't say no... I mean, I did, but... I didn't mean no, to you. I was... well, what I mean is... yes. I'd love to dance with you!" said Twilight as Twilight and Flash link arms, but very stupidly, Flash bumps with a door, as he very gentlemanly, lets Twilight go first.

Meanwhile, Jason was entering the school, he putted some micro cameras around the whole school. He later went to his locker, as he putted his bag, and broke his locker code and putted a new one if someone tries to open his locker.

“Why are you waiting for me?” asked Jason as Rarity was behind him.

“What are you doing darling” asked Rarity.

“Just putting my bag in my locker.” said Jason as he takes out his guitar as Rarity looks at it.

“Brand new, bought it before I arrived in your boutique.

“That’s a cool guitar, wanna come right now to the dance?” asked Rarity.

“Yeah, I’ll come now.” said Jason as Rarity links her arms with Jason, making Jason play cool, but in his head, he wants to kill himself by cutting his head Deadpool style.

When they arrive, the rockers and Jason were on the stage playing some music, as the rest the students were dancing.

Anybody see Sunset Shimmer?” asked Twilight to Rainbow Dash.

"Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide!" said Rainbow as everyone was dancing like complete idiots.

“Maybe...” said Twilight as the music ends and everyone starts to clap, as Jason and Flash fist bump and the whole group walks out stage, as Principal Celestia goes on stage and the lights are focused on her.

"First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown. “ said Celestia very happy as Luna walks with a chest as she shows the crown and Twilight was so afraid that she doesn’t win it.

Jason was waiting as when he goes a put his sunglasses, he looks at the cameras and saw ninjas behind the school.

“Ninjas?” asked Jason as one of the ninjas saw the camera and breaks it.

(Starts music)

Jason escaped the gym, as he was running to his locker to gets his stuff. The ninjas were planting c4 around the left side of the school, the opposite from where the gym is.

“What now sensei?” asked one of the ninjas.

“We wait! I called reinforcements if Red Hood comes.” said Rullock.

“Then why the explosives?” asked another ninja.

“Jason Todd studies in that school, and today is The Fall Formal, we explode the C4’s and we take Jason Todd and kill Red Hood.” said Rullock.

Jason entered the bathroom and closed it with a lock as he started to change clothes, as he putted his armor and his weapons, when hr was about to put his helmet, he detected a lot of C4 around the left side of the school.

“Oh no.” said Jason scared.

Luna gave Celestia a paper with the winner of The Fall Formal.

"The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is..." said Celestia as everything now is intense.

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!” said Celestia as everyone cheered for her as everyone was very happy.

Rullock saw Sunset Shimmer as when he was about to attack, he saw that Sunset had a sledgehammer and she used her hand and saw that her hand went through the statue.

“Do we take her?” asked a ninja.

“No, after all this ends, we’ll take her.” said Rullock.

“Get inside!” said Rullock as five ninjas enter the school from the back.

Twilight was walking to the stage so they can give her the crown.

As Snips and Snails entered the gym.

“Congratulations Twilight.” said Celestia as she putted the crown of Twilight’s head.

(Ends music)

5 ninjas entered the school, as they cut all the lights except the ones in the gym. The ninjas were very alert, as they saw a lot of balls that exploded and were smoke pellets, as the ninjas go back to back.

“You messed with the wrong school, the wrong city, the wrong vigilante.” said a voice as the ninjas didn’t know from where that voice was.

“Now, I‘ll send you five to hell for working for Rullock.” said the voice as it was Red Hood, as the ninjas decided to attack quickly, as Jason takes off a machete, and fights the ninjas.

One of the ninjas tried to cut Jason’s neck, but Jason deflects the sword with his machete and tried to kick the ninja but he dodges, and another ninja from the back of Jason tries to kick him in the head, but Jason ducks and punches him in the nuts, as he takes his sword and cuts the ninjas hands.

Jason looks back and saw the four ninjas were pointing their sword at him as Jason gets in his battle position.

“HAAAAAA!!!” screamed Jason as he runs to the ninjas.

The girls were so happy for Twilight as she very nervous wave at the everyone.

“TWILIGHT HEEEEEEEELP!!!” screamed Spike.

“Spike?” asked Twilight as she saw that Snips and Snails grabbed him and walk away.

“They got Spike!” said Twilight as he runs to Snips and Snails.

Snips and Snails made a turn, but Twilight bumps into a locker, as she looks back and the girls were following her and Twilight smiles. Snips and Snails about to run away, the lockers on their right explode pushing them to the left wall knocking them, as Spike was ok.

“Spike!” screamed Twilight.

“Twilight!” screamed very happy Spike as he gets in Twilight’s hands, as from the wall Red Hood was fighting one ninja, as one of the had his head cut, another one had his neck broken, and another a cut neck, as Red Hood was covered in blood, as he dodge another sword from the last ninja and sticks his machete and a ninjas swords through his stomach killing him.

The girls were terrified about what they’re seeing, is like a horror movie come to real life.

“This ninjas are very well trained, maybe Rullock is a ninja as well.” said Jason as he looks at the girls who were scared from him.

“Ladies!” said Red Hood in a very gentleman way, as the girls just ignore the fact that he became a gentleman.

“Y-y-y-y-y-you just killed him!” said Rainbow shocked.

“You act like if you have never seen a horror movie, kids these days man.” said Red Hood very dissapointed, as he saw in his back, that Snips and Snails got up and ran away.

“After you six because I have work to do.” said Red Hood ad the girls ran like Flash to Snips and Snails.

“Wait a minute, I counted 5, there six left.” said Red Hood as he left the school but went to help the girls.

“If they see me backwards, they try to throw me a shuriken... GENIUUUUUUS!!!” screamed Red Hood as he ran to the girls.

The girls were getting closer to Snips and Snails, but Sunset was waiting for them.

“THAT’S CLOSE ENOUGH!” said Sunset shocking the girls. As Sunset was about to break the portal.

“It seems you brought yourself some friends Twilight.” said Sunset as he looks further back and sees Red Hood.

“The Red Hood?” asked Sunset very shocked.

“Sunset, just call me Red, and second of all, I’m not here to fight you, not because of this Equestria land, Elements of Harmony of all that shit, I’m here because I have ninjas behind me.” said Red Hood as the girls look back and saw ninjas, six of them.

“Finally decided to show up Rullock.” said Red Hood.

“I wanted to start the war tomorrow, but I cannot let you keep killing my men, and you dare call yourself hero, pathetic.” said Rullock.

“I admit myself that I’m not a hero, but I’m not a criminal either.” said Red Hood as Rullock walk in circles as Red Hood follows him in the opposite side.

“You not a criminal? That’s just bullshit, you killing for fun, I thought I was stupid but you just broke the record of stupidness.” said Rullock.

“I have my reasons.” said Red Hood.

“What are those reasons?” asked Rullock.

“Evil cannot be let to live, my master wanted to take out criminals by fear, but what about the ones that aren’t afraid, if they’re not afraid by fear, they’ll be afraid by death, so I kill them without mercy.” said Red Hood.

“That is the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard, still you’re nothing but a criminal.” said Rullock.

“What about you, what’s your reason for killing?” asked Red Hood.

“My parents were killed in front of my eyes, in a circus, the bitch bastard of Tony Zucco.” said Rullock as Red Hood gets shocked after what he said.

“In The Flying Graysons last show.” said Red Hood and Rullock at the same time.

“No...no no no... Dick Grayson?” asked Red Hood shocked.

“The one and only.” said Rullock as he takes off his mask and it was Dick Grayson behind the mask.

“This can’t be, how?” asked Red Hood shocked.

“I was adopted by the Rullocks, they treated me like a dog, I killed them and walked off on my own, I live for 9 years in the streets, robbing food and money to survive, when someone almost tried to kill me, my master saved me, trained me and protected me.” said Dick.

“Who’s your master?” asked Red Hood.

“The Arkham Knight.” said Dick.

“That name sounds from a game title.” said Red Hood.

“Sort of, now bring Jason Todd or you will die without mercy.” said Dick as he smiles.

“You want Jason Todd, you gotta go through me first.” said Red Hood.

“HAHAHAHAHA!!! Through you? That will be easy, I got 5 ninjas plus me, what you got?” asked Dick.

“Me... and two Uzi’s bitch.” said Red Hood as he takes out two Uzi submachine guns and starts to shoot at the ninjas, as the girls get scared and run away, as Twilight saw that her crown fell from her head, as she runs as well as Sunset Shimmer to get the crown.

Jason kills 4 ninjas as Dick and the other ninja were hiding from Red Hood.

“I’M A CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER!!!” screamed Red Hood as he keeps shooting and when his bullets ended, Dick throws two shurikens right in the gun.

“Well then, fist fight it is.” said Red Hood as grabs his machete and one of the ninjas swords.

“Let’s get nuts.” said Red Hood as he fights a ninja and kills him straight and mater fights Dick, as they were pretty equal.

“You really are well trained Grayson.” said Red Hood.

“I say the same to you.” said Dick as they clash swords.

Twilight got the crown but Sunset bumps her and tries to take the crown, and when she was about to take it, Red Hood throws a shuriken hitting the crown and falling from Sunset’s hands and arrives near Spike as he grabs it.

“RUUUUUUUN SPIKE!!!” screamed Red Hood as Spike runs away from Sunset with the crown

“Grab him you fools!!!” screamed Sunset as Snips and Snails follow Spike, but Sunset was faster and pushes Snips and Snails out of the way. Spike tried to enter the school, but the door was shut and Spike couldn’t get in, as Sunset was standing behind him with a scary face.

“SPIIIIKE HIIIIIIGH!!!” screamed Rainbow Dash as Spike throws the crown high enough for Rainbow Dash grab it. Snips hold the crown but Rainbow quickly gets the crown off him, as Snails tries as well but Rainbow pits her hand in Snails face.

“Fluttershy!” screamed Rainbow throwing the crown to Fluttershy as it hits her in the back but grabs it, as she looked in front of her and Sunset, Snips, Snails, Rainbow Dash and Spike chasing her, as she shits herself as AJ uses her lasso and grabs Fluttershy but not the crown, as Snips grabs it but Pinkie grabs it, passes it to Rarity, Rarity to Twilight and accidentally, Twilight to Sunset.

“I’ll take that!” said Sunset.

Meanwhile Jason and Dick were still fighting.

“Spike huh... you know his name, who sre you?” asked Dick.

“I’m the devil, and this is hell!” screamed Jason as he and Dick go fist fight. Jason punches Dick in the face, as Dick grabs Jason and pushes him to the ground, as Dick starts to punch him in the gut and throws him a shuriken to his helmet, but it scratches his helmet.

“Sorry Dick, this is a Titanium Alloy Helmet, shurikens will not work.” said Jason.

“I don’t need to aim your head, I’ll aim straight to your heart!” screamed Dick as he tries to kick Jason as Jason backflips and quickly kicks Dick in the face as he jumps high and throws shurikens to Jason’s armor, but very shocking, he threw them exactly where he wanted to throw them, his shoulders and his left leg.

“YOU COCK!!!” screamed Jason angry as Dick kicks him in the head pushing him a little. When they were about to throw each other a punch, they saw Sunset with the crown.

“This can’t get any worse.” said Jason.

“At last! More power that I could ever imagine.” said Sunset very happy as she puts the crown. Everything was silent.

“I wasted my four days, and this crown is more fake than Damian having a girlfriend. Now thinking of it he has Raven, again! More fake than... huh... oh... easy one, more fake than Bruce rejecting a date. Yeah that’s much better.” said Jason in hid mind, as the crown started to react as there was a big blue light.

“Or I could just take my words back.” said Jason in his mind, as there was a lot of wind, ad everyone hot shocked except Twilight, Jason and Dick.

“So that’s magic.” said Dick.

“Not just any magic, those are The Elements of Harmony, tearing apart, as Sunset isn’t the true wielder of the elements.” said Jason. As everyone started to come out of the school, they were extremely shocked. Sunset was transforming as when she appeared, she was red, taller, scarier and has wings. She was a demon.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” laughed Sunset as everyone got even more scared.

“Where’s Etrigan when you need him.” said Jason in his mind.

Sunset quickly turned Snips and Snails into demons as well, as Snips was blue and Snails was orange, with wings, fangs and lizard tongue.

This is gonna be so cool.” said Snips as the girls got even more scared as Twilight was done with this. Snips and Snails were walking, as Jason shoots Snips and Snails in the head, knocking them down.

“You killed them? They’re kids!” said AJ shocked.

“They’re not dead, I used rubber bullets, it doesn’t kill, but it does hurt, so when they wake up, they will only feel pain.” said Jason as Dick started to attack again to Jason, as he dodges the punch Dick was going to throw, as they kick at the same time, later Jason tries to kick him, as he takes out one of the shurikens Dick threw at him, as Dick backed flip and dodge, making Jason punch him in the face and grab him by the shirt and throw him straight to a wall, cracking it.

Meanwhile, Sunset was enjoying her crown, as he flies to the stair.

"I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along." said Sunset really mad as it took her a long time to get the crown.

"But let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal... to me!!!" screamed Sunset as she uses her magic and breaks the entire door making everyone run very afraid from her as she entered the school. She later uses her magic to control everyone, as she felt that two people ignored the command as she knew who were the one who weren't affected by it.

"Red Hood and that ninja weren't controlled, no matters." said Sunset as she forgot Snips and Snails were knocked down.

"Those two idiots, I have to do everything by myself." said Sunset angry, as she looks back to the girls and flies to them.

"Spoiler alert, I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school, I want Equestria! And with my own little teenage army behind me, I am going to get it!" said Sunset as everyone was behind Sunset, as Twilight saw Flash mind controlled as she quickly blushes, but she quickly get her head in place.

No! You're not!" said Twilight with anger.

"Oh please! What exactly do you think you're going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing!" screamed Sunset as her hair grows length.

"She has us!" said Rainbow Dash as the girls weren't afraid of Sunset anymore, Jason was fighting with Dick, as Dick shows his escrima sticks made of metal, as he his Jason in the head once, but Jason holds it, as he quickly saw the girls, and saw them walking to Sunset instead of running away.

"Those motherfuckers." said Jason happy as he couldn't believe they were this brave.

"HAHAHAHAHA Gee, the gang really is all back together again." said Sunset as she laughs more.

"Now step aside, Twilight has tried to interfered with my plans one too many times already, she has to be done!" said Sunset as she creates a big energy ball and throws it to the girls, as the girls hug each other. Dick was strangling Jason with his sticks as he was in his back, as Jason sees Sunset throw the ball to the girls.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" screamed Jason as he thought that she killed the girls.

"So you do care about the girls Red, you knew them, you cared for them, and now you'll die with them." said Dick, as Jason was letting his rage take on the fight.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" screamed Jason as he was breaking Dick's grip as he grabbed his shirt and threw him to his front, as he kneed Dick in his face, as he makes a frontflip and kicks Dick's left shoulder, dislocating it.

"Grrrrrr!" screamed Dick as he dodge a punch from him, as he quickly locates his shoulder and started to dodge very easily his punches and kicks.

"So that's his weakness, his own anger. He has anger issues, his anger makes his a little stronger, but make him leave himself way more wide open." said Dick as he grabs his punch, and throws him to a wall, as he takes a bow and four arrows, as he shoots one to his left shoulder, one to his right, another to his left knee, and his right.

"What... are... these... made of!?" asked very angry Jason.

"Titanium arrows, very strong and sharp." said Dick as Jason hurts a lot.

"Oh... I forgot, it has poison as well." said Dick.

"Jokes on you, I'm venom proof." said Jason as he saw from where the blast took the girls, as he saw that the girls were still alive, and had a purple pink color around them.

The girls started to hold their hands as Twilight knew exactly what was happening.

"The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it!" said Twilight as her crown was reacting differently.

The girls entered a bright light, they all lost their ears and got replaced with pony ears, they all got longer hair. Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy were the only one with wings but Twilight had the biggest. AJ represents Honesty, Pinkie Pie represents Laughter, Fluttershy represents Kindness, Rarity represents Generosity, Rainbow Dash represents Loyalty and Twilight represents Magic.

"Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: The Magic of Friendship!" said Twilight as the girls get in a heart shape.

"What... is... happening?" asked Sunset as the magic became into a rainbow tornado that took Sunset.

"Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!" said Twilight as they beat Sunset and there's big light. Plus everyone returned back to normal and Snips and Snails return to their normal bodies.

Dick couldn't see anything, but Jason could as he started to move and broke the arrows, tried to stick one in Dick but he backflips and kicks Jason in the back, as he was way to weak to fight.

"Plan B." said Dick as he got the detonator, and exploded the C4's as all the students got knocked out, and every entrance was block, except the one that Sunset Shimmer broke with her magic but anyone couldn’t get up.

Jason keeps trying to punch Dick, but he was way to fast, as for some reason he felt weak and dizzy.

"What did you... do to... me?" asked Jason.

"Look at your neck." said Dick as Jason lost the armor that was in his neck and had a sleeping dart.

"You're getting sloppy Red." said Dick as he pushes Jason to the floor weak.

The girls woke up, and saw that Red Hood was losing the fight.

"Let’s change plans a little.” said Dick as he knew how to get bring Jason Todd to him, he has to kill someone he seems to care, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer was in a crater crying of how she lost and disappointment.

“Hey sweetie.” said Dick as he uses a rope, and holds Sunset Shimmer and pulls her to him, as he holds her, and gets his katana ready to cut his neck.

“Sunset Shimmer!” screamed Twilight as she gets up and flies to Dick.

“Step back, all of you, one step closer and she dies.” said Dick.

“No... let...her go.” said Jason as he tries to get up.

“Not until you bring me Jason.”

“What do you want from him? Is not that he humiliated a thug of yours, is something else.” asked Jason.

“You’re right, and I prefer to keep it to myself, now bring me Jason Todd, or this girl dies alone.” said Dick as the girl more scared is Sunset Shimmer itself, she was even crying.

Jason took a deep breath as he needed to reveal his identity, to save Sunset.

“Jason, would you dare to reveal your identity, to someone to save someone?” asked Batman in Jason’s past.

“Hell no!” said Jason.

“Then to someone you care because he or she’s about to die.” said Batman as Jason stays quiet and thinks.

“Maybe.” said past Jason and the Jason from this timeline.

“Fine, you give me Sunset Shimmer, and I’ll give you Jason Todd.” said Jason.

(Starts music)

“Then do it, I’ll not give you Sunset until he’s here, so bring me Jason, or she’s dead.” said Dick as Jason takes a very deep breath, looks at the girls and later to the moon, as he looks down and takes of his helmet.

“You want Jason Todd, here I am.” said Jason as he was bleeding a little in his face. The girls were absolutely shocked and afraid that they met Red Hood 3 days ago, and he is a total different person with them.

“That can’t be, you cannot be him, THIS IS A LIE!” screamed very sad Twilight.

“I’m sorry, but I’m him, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me from being what I am. Now the deal Grayson, you kill me, and you let Sunset Shimmer and the rest of this school alive.” said Jason a little sad.

“Fine.” said Dick pushing Sunset to Jason, as she falls in Jason’s hands, as she looks at Jason and starts to feel responsible for whatever Dick will do to him.

“I’m sorry Sunset, this is all my fault, you girls go, if Grayson wants something, than he’ll get it.” said Jason sad as Sunset hugs him very unexpectedly, as Jason shocks himself, but he makes Sunset let go of him, puts her on the ground very slowly, and walks to Dick.

(Ends music)

“Do what it must be done.” said Jason as Dick takes of his sword and sticks it in Jason’s chest, making him bleed from his mouth.

“JAASOOON!!!” screamed Twilight as Jason gets on his knees, as Dick pulls his hair back.

“You know what, the deal’s off, I’m gonna kill them right now, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” said Dick as he releases Jason and he falls to the ground.

“We have to run, let’s fly.” said Rainbow, as Dick throws a flash grenade at the girls as they couldn’t see anything.

“My turn.” said Dick walking very slowly to the girls.

Jason started to think about what Bruce would do.

“I had to take him down.” said past Jason hallucinating about his past.

“You shattered his collar bone!” said Bruce very angry.

“He’s a drug-dealing fuck, I didn’t know I had to prop up some pillows before I took him out.” said Jason angry.

“We needed him, he would have talked. But you put him into shock.” said Bruce very angry as Jason realizes what he actually did.

“I’m sorry, it was dumb. But he deserved it.” said Jason walking away.

“I taught you to fight for justice, not vengeance.” said Bruce.

“You did, and it sucks.” said Jason.

“Vengeance will never solve a problem, it will make it worse.” said Bruce.

“And what will justice do? Put down criminals so they later comeback? Because is the right thing to do?” asked Jason angry.

“Because if you kill someone that you hate so much, you’ll just go to a dark path impossible to escape, I want to kill everyone that hurts my friends and family, but by doing that, I’ll go to a dark path that I will never return, I won’t be same.” said Bruce walking to Jason.

“One day you’ll understand why I don’t kill.” said Bruce.

“I understand why Bruce, and now, I’ll use that justice of yours against Dick.” said Jason as he was getting up.

“Why can’t you die?” asked Dick very angry.

“GAAAAAAAAAAH!!! screamed Jason as he takes out the sword he had stuck.

“Because I don’t give up, when I’m a citizen, I’m Jason Todd, but when I wear this, I’m The Red Hood.” said Jason as he runs to attack Dick.

Jason tries to kick Dick, but Dick blocks and punches his face, take his sticks again, and starts to hit Jason with it, as Jason caught one of the sticks and started to use it as his own, as he takes a knife, and cuts Dick’s left cheek a little as he grabs his knife and sticks it in Jason’s abdomen and pushes him to the wall.

“Is this it? Is this what the great Jason Todd has to offer, I’m a little disappointed. When I’m done with you, the girls are next.” said Dick grabbing Jason by the neck as he couldn’t breathe for a long time.

“My name is Red Hood.” said Jason as he grabs Dicks hand and starts to break it, he breaks free and starts to dominate Dick, he punches him in the face, dodges his kick and Jason kicks back, as Dick throws shurikens as Jason grabs them and throws them back, they later clash the escrima sticks as Jason takes out his machete, and sticks it in Dick’s left shoulder, pushes him and grabs the bow and arrow and throws them to his shoulders, knees, and his right hand.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” screamed Dick out of pain as Jason hits him with his handgun, knocking down Dick for good.

(Ends music)

“Is over Grayson... I won.” said Jason as Dick gets up.

“Then kill me... you know you want too.” said Dick.

“DO IT!!!” screamed Dick.

“NOOOOO!!!” screamed Jason back at Dick.

“You know you want me to become the monster I am right now, but you don’t get to choose who I am, the Dick Grayson I know is a kind guy, someone who cares for his friends, someone who inspire the weak to become stronger, a son of a bitch that I call him brother, one of the only people that I would die for, you’re not him, and you’ll never be the Dick Grayson I know, you’ll never be Nightwing.” said Jason as the girls heard everything he said, and saw that he is a bad guy in his outside, but in his inside, he’s just a man who wants to save people from suffering what he suffered when Joker killed him.

“Then what’s your reason for killing, the real reason?” asked Dick with blood in his teeth.

“I kill evil because they I don’t what anyone to suffer, what I suffered with The Joker, you know what it means, to be tortures for days, weeks, die in warehouse, alone, without a way to thank your father for everything, no? Because I do, I died, alone without help, they killed my mother in front of me, they exploded the warehouse I was in, and no matter what, if there’s a Joker in this world, then he will die, I’ll save the people from that monster.” said Jason as the girls got sad, and Dick looked down.

“That’s a good reason, all that you said, is exactly how I wanted to be, I wanted to be a hero, I wanted to save people, I didn’t asked for this, if I had a better life, then thing would have been better.” said Dick.

“Talking from experience.” said Jason.

“I will not kill you, but you will face justice Dick.” said Jason as Dick decides to face justice and leave himself in there.

“So that’s what you have been hidin’, everytime that we ask you about your scars or somethin’ about your past, it reminds you about when you died.” said AJ.

“So you’re a zombie?” asked Rainbow.

“No... not a zombie... I was resurrected.” said Jason.

“Everyone started to get up as they were walking to the exit.

“I have to leave, this school doesn’t need me, they need Red Hood, not Jason Todd.” said Jason a little sad.

“We need you Jason, you helped us with all this, if it wasn’t for you, maybe we could have beaten Sunset Shimmer, but not Peter Rullock, Twilight united us, but you were the reason that we got all together as friends, maybe that symbol means so much more that what it actually means.” said Rainbow Dash.

“And we thank you Jason, for everything.” said Twilight walking to Jason as she quickly hugs Jason, as Jason felt a little happy after what they said.

“Thank you Twilight, to all of you.” said Jason as the girls group hug Jason, as Sunset walks away a little sad.

“Thank you for everything, for showing me not to give up, to finally for someone.” said Jason as he leaves the group hug, grabs Dick and leaves with him as he grappled from roof to roof.

“He is a better man than what he actually thinks.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Of course darling, he’s out hero, our friend.” said Rarity, as Principal Celestia walks to Twilight with the crown and everyone go to Twilight.

“And I believe this belongs to you.” said Celestia as Twilight turns back and kneels in one leg.

"A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her." said Celestia as she puts the crown in Twilight’s head.

"We have all seen that you are capable of just that, I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight." said Celestia as Twilight smiles a little.

“Yes, I do.” said Twilight as she stands up and everyone starts to cheer for Twilight.

"Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?" asked none other than Flash handing his hand to Twilight, as she looked to the moon and still some good 30 minuted minutes left as she wanted to enjoy it.

Twilight and her friends were hugging as she already had to leave, Jason didn’t want to ruin their moment, so he stayed and watch Twilight talk to her friends, as he putted some coms as he had some audio recorder near the portal.

"You'll look out for her, won't you?" asked Twilight.

"Of course we will. Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle." said Rarity.

"I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies." said Twilight as Sunset was in the opening, but Luna was with her, as she gives her a trowel, and Snips and Snails were walking with bricks, and they had the mark of Jason’s bullets in their head.

“We better get going.” said Spike.

"I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much." said Twilight very sad to leave their friends, but she walks to the portal with Spike.

"That crown really does suit you, Princess Twilight." said Spike as Twilight felt normal.

"You know what, Spike I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it." said Twilight.

“And the wings?” asked Spike.

"I've been walking on two legs and picking things up with these! Wings? I’m thrilled that’s all I’ll be dealing in Equestria.” said Twilight as she walks to the portal, the moon goes full and the girls lose their powers, Pinkie runs to the portal, but is closed and she crashes into it.

“Oh, bummer.” said Pinkie a little sad as the girls felt the same.

“What now?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Well, we don’t have school for a whole week, till we recover." said Rarity

“What about Jason?” asked Fluttershy.

“He’ll be fine, he will return to our school, he knows that we need him, and he needs us.” said Rainbow Dash.

Jason was in a building looking at the sky, as a portal opens behind him.

“Ja...son!!!” screamed a male voice as when he enters it was Batman.

“Bruce? Is that you?” asked Jason surprised.

“Yes, Cisco found a way to open a breach to this dimension, are you all right?” asked Bruce.

“I am, in fact, I’ve never been so happy in my life.” said Jason.

“What do you mean?” asked Bruce confused.

“I’ve finally found my place, I want to stay in this dimension, but it doesn’t mean that I will not see you once in a while.” said Jason.

“Are you sure?” asked Bruce.

“Yes, I am.” said Jason.

“Is your choice, if you want to stay, then stay.” said Bruce as he walks away.

“Wait!” said Jason as he walks to Bruce and hugs him, as he didn’t expect that.

“Thanks for everything, for making me the man I’m today... dad.” said Jason.

“Your welcome.” said Bruce happy, as he gives Jason a device so he can meet him, whenever he wants.

“Goodbye Jason.” said Bruce as leaves this dimension.

(Starts music)

He sees Bruce walk away, as he felt fine with that.

The girls were walking home, as they went and decided to sleep in Pinkie’s house.

“Pinkie do you have enough space for the five of us to sleep?” asked Rainbow.

“Of course!” said Pinkie with a smile.

“Girls look.” said Rarity, as they saw a big lightning, and with that, they saw from far away, Jason in a very tall building. The girls decided to walk away but with a smile, Jason was walking to a corner in a very tall building, as he steps in a gargoyle rock, as he puts his right leg in front of the gargoyle’s face, his right hand on top of his right leg, his left leg back, and his left hand down.

(Just imagine this is Jason in the photo)

“What a beautiful city.” said Jason with a smile as he sees the night very beautiful, as he looks at the clouds, and sees a cloud in form of his symbol.

(Ends music)

Author's Note:

The first movie has comed to an end, I killed every moment of my time to finish this piece of art, hope you enjoy it