• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 2,938 Views, 30 Comments

Equestria Girls Under The Red Hood - BROLY MUI

Red Hood gets sent after an unknown blast from Grodd to another universe which isn’t the past nor the future

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It was December 23, 3:00pm as the girls and Jason were leaving Sugarcube Corner, they decided to go to Pinkie’s house, until it was 6:00pm that they were going to celebrate Christmas in AJ’s house with her family, everyone was excited.

“Ok, let’s make an Christmas Exchange.” said AJ as the girls were happy about the idea, as Jason wasn’t that excited.

“We have a lot of papers, with our names, let’s take one.” said Rainbow as the girls and Jason took one.

“Ok, now let’s buy a present to the person you chose.

AJ->Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash->Jason
Jason->Sunset Shimmer
Sunset Shimmer->Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie->Fluttershy

Let’s start with Applejack to see what she will buy to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash would like somethin’ like, a new soccer ball, or some sports clothes.” said AJ as she goes to a sports store.

“What she would like?” asked AJ to herself as she looks everywhere, then, she saw the Wondercult’s original shirt.

“She would definitely like that. It costs... 30$!!! said AJ very shocked, as she luckily has 35 dollars.

“Well, whatever to make her happy.” said AJ as she takes the shirt.

Now with Rainbow Dash

“What can I buy to Jason, everything he likes is violent, like guns, swords, ninja weapons, all that. But I remembered that he said once that he loved literature, just like Twilight, a book nerd. There must be a library.” said Rainbow looking everywhere, as she didn’t see a library anywhere.

“There must be one, cmon.” said Rainbow as she looks at the map of the mall. She luckily saw a library.

“BINGO!!! There it is.” said Rainbow as she runs to the library.

“Ok, what literature would he like?” asked Jason.

“How about this one, Odyssey. He maybe would love that, is history, and even though this is not literarute, this is a poem and he said also that he loves to read.” said Rainbow as she grabs it, luckily, there’s a discount of 60% and pays 27$.

Now we’re with Jason.

He was walking during all the mall, as he didn’t know what to give Sunset.

“What to give her? Something that she likes to do?” asked Jason.

“Well, she does like to play a lot with electronics, like her phone. And I remember that she wanted to have the newest console, The Gamestation 5, it does cost a little too much like 500$, but she’s got no one to buy it for her. Plus it has some good games, like Man Do Well: The City of Darkness or Funknite, I still don’t know why people love that game. Or the new game Called for Cancer... I mean... Called for Duty: Ancient Warfare.” said Jason as he saw a Gamestop.

“That’s my stop.” said Jason as he runs to gamestop to buy Sunset her gift.

He sees the Gamestation 5 as he grabs it, but there were people who wanted it, as he took the last one.

“Give me the console now kid!” said a father.

“Give it to me!” said another father.

“Don’t play idiot, that console is mine!” said a mother.

“Yours?” asked the two fathers.

“Yeah, I have been looking for this console for almost 3 hours.” said the mother.

“So what, I have been looking for it for 5 days.” said the first father.

“And I have been looking for it for over a month!” said the second father as Jason walks by with some games and pays it.

“Pay it fast, before they notice.” said Jason as he pays it and walks away very fast.

“THE CONSOLE IS MINE!!!” screamed the mother.

“NO IS MINE!!!” screamed the both fathers, as the cashier stops the fight.

“Stop the three of you, look in front of you!” said the cashier as the three parents saw that Jason was gone.

“When did he...?” asked shocked the first father.

“A few minutes ago you idiots.” said the cashier as the parents look down.

Now with Sunset Shimmer.

“I have a pretty good idea what can I buy to Pinkie. I’ll buy her a party cannon.” said Sunset as she goes to party city.

She walks to Party City, as she finds the party cannon she always wanted.

“Bingo!” said Sunset as she grabs it, but she finds out that she doesn’t have enough money to get that.

“Oh no, what do I do now? I don’t have money anymore, only 4 dollars.” said Sunset disappointed, as she needs to call someone except Pinkie to help her, and she obviously calls Jason.

“Jason?” asked Sunset if Jason took the call.

“I’m here, what’s wrong?” asked Jason with Sunset’s gift.

“Can you please come, so you can help me buy something.” said Sunset.

“I’ll come right away.” said Jason as he hangs up the call.

“Ok where do I hide this present? Wait a minute, I can buy a big bag pack to put this.” said Jason as he quickly buys a bag back, and hides her present.

“All right, let’s go.” said Jason as he runs to Party City.

Jason arrives and saw Sunset with a party cannon.

“Let me guess, you are Pinkie’s Secret Santa.” said Jason as Sunset nods.

“How much does this cost?” asked Jason.

“It says 36$.” said Sunset to Jason.

“I thought it was a lot more expensive. Fine I’ll pay it for you.” said Jason as he grabs the party cannon and pays it.

“Now fine a place to hide it, ad Pinkie is a very difficult person to hide secrets, right now, she might even be listening to us.” said Jason as Sunset walks away to her house to hide it.

Now with Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie had a pretty good idea what to buy to Fluttershy.

“Oooooooooh that’s what I will buy her... a camera!” said Pinkie with a very big smile. She walks jumps to a store that sell camera’s and all that.

“Hi there miss, what would you like to buy?” asked the cashier.

“Hi! Do you sell pink cameras not so expensive?” asked Pinkie.

“Like this one?” asked the cashier as he points to the camera.

“Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! Like that one! How much does it cost?” asked Pinkie.

“15$, we have a discount of 50% so yeah, wish to buy it?” asked the cashier.

“Yes!” said Pinkie as she pays and walks with Fluttershy’s new camera.

“She will love it!!!” said Pinkie with a big smile.

Now last with Fluttershy.

She is going to buy AJ a new rope, the one she had broke.

“Ohhhhhh I hope they have a rope around here, I don’t want to disappoint Applejack.” said Fluttershy as she goes to a store that sell cowboy ropes and luckily, they costed only 10 dollars.

“Ohh, Applejack will like that.” said Fluttershy as she grabs the rope and buys it.

The girls and Jason leave to their houses, to prepare their presents, Jason was about to leave the mall, as he bumps with a man with white hair and a eye patch.

“Oh... hehe... sorry mister, didn’t see you.” said Jason helping the citizen.

“Is ok kid, is that present for a kid of yours?” asked the man.

“Oh this... no... is for a friend, dude I’m 20 years old, names Jason by the way, what’s yours?” asked Jason.

“Is Slade Wilson.” said Slade as Jason acted normal, but in his mind, he was terrified.

“W-wait, that’s Slade? I’m about to shit myself, he’s one of Bruce toughest foes, not even Ra’s Al Ghul can defeat him, Bruce barely defeated him, please don’t be Deathstroke.” said in his mind.

“Nice to meet you Slade.” said Jason shaking hands.

“I snell fear inside that kid, like if he knows me, like if he knows who I really am. The heartbeat of Jason is very fast, like scared.” said Slade in his mind.

“So, are you going to buy Christmas things, right?” asked Jason.

“Yeah, with who are you going to pass Christmas?” asked Slade.

“With my friends. How about you?” asked Jason.

“Me? With my wife Adeline.” said Slade.

“A husband heh... are you a father?” asked Jason.

“I was... my younger son Jericho... died 5 years ago, and my daughter Rose, kidnapped 3 months ago.” said Slade.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you bro, have you tried to find evidence to find at least your daughter?” asked Jason.

“Nothing! Nothing at all. But I’m still trying to find her, and I won’t stop.” said Slade.

“Well, at least you care for her, keep looking for her, one day you will find her.” said Jason.

“Thanks for the enthusiasm, but I have to leave. It was nice meeting you!!!” said Slade as he walks away.

“You too!!!” said Jason as he realized 10 minutes later, that he was bleeding a little by his hand.

“Papercut?” asked Jason. As Slade cut a little his hand, so he can later analyze it.

December 24

It was Christmas Eve, the girls and Jason decided to find themselves in Sugarcube Corner, to talk a little and later leave to get ready.

“So everyone got their presents?” asked AJ with a smile as the group nods.

“All right everyone, party’s at 6:00pm, so let’s get ready for Christmas Eve. said AJ as they all leave, to get ready for Christmas Eve.

The girls were wearing some Christmas clothes.

Sunset, Rarity and AJ were wearing that shirt with a jacket, normal jeans and they’re normal shoes.

Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy were wearing that shirt with a jacket, normal jeans and they’re normal shoes.

Jason on the other hand, he was going very differently.

He was wearing a black biker jacket with a hoodie, jeans, snow gloves and snow boots.

He also brought in silent his two M19 and his helmet, if something goes wrong, but he doesn’t want to put that mask yet.

“Time to go.” said Jason as his motorcycle might not run in the snow, so he will go in the roofs.

Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack was alone in her home, as Applebloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith are going to celebrate Christmas with the Pears.

The first to arrive was Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Later Jason, later Rarity and finally Sunset and Fluttershy.

The group were in a circle, as Jason was very annoyed.

“Now let’s start with the exchange. I go first.” said AJ as she gives Rainbow her gift, a shirt of the first Wondercult’s team shirt.

“No way, how’d you get it?” asked Rainbow.

“Luckily I found it and I knew you would like it so I bought it.” said AJ a Rainbow hugs out of happiness.

“Thanks AJ, now this one is to Jason.” said Rainbow as Jason looked confused, he opens it and grabs it.

“A book?” asked Jason.

“History book, is a story.” said Rainbow.

“It has been a long time since I read a story, maybe I can enjoy this, while I train, I can read this story, thanks Rainbow.” said Jason as he hugs Rainbow.

“This is a very big one and a expensive one, but is worth it, and is for... you,” said Jason as he gives Sunset her present as she was confused as what did he bought her that is so big.

“Open it.” said Jason as Sunset opens it and she and the rest of the group is left shocked.

“You b-b-bought me this?” asked Sunset with tears, even when she couldn’t buy this.

“I knew you like videogames, so I decided to buy you this, and some few games. So what do you think?” asked Jason as Sunset couldn’t believe he bought this.

“I am speechless.” said Sunset as Jason makes a magic trick and shows her two games for her.

“One thing Bruce taught me, is a little of magic.” said Jason as he knees to Sunset giving her the games, she even started to cry, as she hugs very tight Jason.

“Thank you so much.” said Sunset with tears as the girls d’aaaaawed as they made Jason and Sunset blush.

“Y-your welcome... it was the only thing I knew to buy you Sunset.” said Jason as Sunset stopped hugging him, as she stops crying, she wipes her tears as Jason walks away to check something.

“Give me a minute, this cute little bad boy deserves a beer.” said Jason as he brought a beer.

“Joyeux Noël à tous!” said Jason as no one understood what he said.

“Is Merry Christmas in french.” said Jason as everyone had an apple cider as they clash drinks and start to drink it.

“That’s what I needed to get better, Sunset is your turn to give your present.” said Jason as Sunset gives Pinkie her party cannon.

“Here you go Pinkie, a party cannon.” said Sunset as Pinkie jumps out of excitment, and hugs Sunset.

“Thank you thank you thank you Sunset hahaaaaaaa, let’s get a party started!!!” screamed Pinkie as Jason stops her.

“Let’s better wait that you give your present as well as Fluttershy.” said Jason as she sits down and gives Fluttershy her present.

“Here you go!” said Pinkie as she gave Fluttershy a camera.

“Ohh... is beautiful, thank you Pinkie Pie.” said Fluttershy as she hugs Pinkie.

And finally, Fluttershy gives AJ a new rope.

“A new rope!? Thank you so much Fluttershy, my other rope broke, thank you.” said AJ very happy.

“Now you can do it Pinkie.” said Jason as Pinkie starts the real party.

Everyone start to have a good time, playing board games, jokes and everything. Jason was outside in the door, seated drinking a beer very chilled, as Sunset walks to him.

“What are you doing outside?” asked Sunset.

“Nothing is just that... it has been so long that I’ve celebrated Christmas, that I don’t actually know what to do right now.” said Jason as Sunset sits down with him.

“So you did liked your present right?” asked Jason.

“I did, I never thought that someone would buy me such a gift, even though I have been a very bad person with everyone. But you were the person I was the most worried that you wouldn’t accept my forgiveness.” said Sunset.

“I don’t accept forgiveness or mercy, but I accepted yours because you reminded me of my younger self, and I knew that you didn’t meant to do this, I knew that you had a bright future, not a dark one like the one I had.” said Jason.

“So you accepted because you knew I wasn’t really bad?” asked Sunset.

“Exactly, but I bought you that gift, because no one could buy you that gift, not even yourself, so I bought it, even if it cost 500$.” said Jason as Sunset felt happy, as she puts her head in Jason’s shoulder. Jason wasn’t comfortable, but he didn’t wanted her to feel bad, so instead he smiled a little, to make her feel nice, until he heard something.

“What’s that?” asked Jason as Sunset was confused.

“What’s what?” asked Sunset as Jason looked very far in the tracks, and saw cars coming to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Get inside!” said Jason as Sunset didn’t know what was happening.

“GET INSIDE NOW!!!” screamed Jason as Sunset runs inside.

“What are those cars?” asked Jason as he puts his glasses, night vision and see that those cars were from a group of thugs called The Omegas.

“Cool, they’re called The Omegas, what’s next, the d sucking clan?” asked Jason mad as he runs inside.

“Hide anywhere that you think is ok, NOW!!!” screamed Jason as the girls hide, as Jason grapples to the roof and hides in there, he puts his mask, but not his guns, as the girls were here and didn’t want to leave blood so one of them could feel responsible.

(Starts music)

Five cars with 5 people inside got out, so Jason has to fight 25 thugs, they got out and revealed a minigun.

“Whoever is this house, you will meet my friend Minigun!” said the leader as he starts to fire it, scaring the girls a lot, Sunset and Rainbow were in the bathroom, as the bullets were closer to them.

They got inside, 10 stayed outside and the other 15 ran inside.

“Helloooooo, is someone here, this Santa fucking Claus ready to deliver a very cool and deadly present!” said the leader as the thugs start to check everywhere. When someone was about to open the bathroom, Jason grappled someone by the leg right to the roof.

“HAAAAAAAA!!!” screamed the thug, as everyone looked to where he screamed.

“Where is he?” asked another thug, as his body fell down, with his arm completely broken. The thugs look up, and Jason falls in them, he grabs two thugs crashing head and knocking them. Later kicks someone in the gut and later kicks him again in the face. The thugs were shooting at Jason, but they missed every bullet, as he throws a shuriken to the gun, and explodes in his face, knocking him. Later a thug grabs a grenade and throws it to Jason, just for Jason kick it back, into his mouth, as explodes and kills him and two more from outside.

“GOAAAAAAAL!!!” screamed Jason as he punched one thug later another one and another one and the other grabs him by the neck and throws him to the roof and falls very badly, leaving that one in a coma.
Jason saw another one with a knife and runs to him, just for him to grab the knife, and stick it in his leg and grabbing it as he throws him to two more knocking them.

“10 more.” said Jason as he runs to another thug as he tried to kick Jason in the face, but he grabs him and throws him to the ground, breaking his leg knocking him. Another thug grabs Jason from the back, just so Jason throws him with his back to two more. One punches Jason in the head, but his helmet is very strong as he grabs him by the neck and headbutts him. Later he punches another one, but someone stick his knife in his gut, as Jason rages, punches two thugs with force, breaking they’re jaw, grabs someone by the neck, puts him in the ground and kicks him so hard, making break a wall of AJ’s house, and the other, he grabs him and sticks his knife in his shoulder, and later sticks it a lot more and later punches him to the ground almost killing him.

(Ends music)

Jason wasn’t tired at all, as he grabs someone by the neck and pushes him to a wall. The girls come out very slowly as they saw Jason interrogating someone.

“Who sent you here?” asked Jason.

“We’ll never tell.” said the thug, as Jason made him grab his pistol and shoot him in the shoulder.

“Answer... me.” said Jason pointing it into his head.

“Ok... ok... it was Hugo Strange!” said the thug, as Jason saw a sticker and took it off, as it said Tiger Guards.

“Where is he?” asked Jason as the thug eats something, as it was a drug so he can kill himself.

“Dammit.” said Jason as they’re are swats coming to AJ’s house.

“Shit!” said Jason as he grapples to the roof, and tries to escape.

“There he is, get him!!!” screamed a swat as they start to chase Jason.

Jason grapples to a roof, so he can escape a lot easier from the swats and the cops, but there was a helicopter following him.

“Oh come on, a helicopter as well.” said Jason very angry.

“You can’t escape, stay down Red Hood.” said a cop on the helicopter.

“Over my dead body.” said Jason as he runs to a warehouse, as some cops and swats enter that warehouse.

They enter the warehouse, as they had M16 5 swats and 7 cops had some 1911 and X16.

(Starts music)

The cops and swats were looking for him, as he didn’t make any sound, it was scaring them a little and stressing them.

Until Jason acted first, coming from the shadows, grabbing a swats M16 and shooting all swats in the chest, but they luckily, had bulletproof vests, as it was just to push them a little, as he later hits one of the swats in the head with the M16 and breaking his helmet with a punch knocking him.

The swats and the cops started to shoot at Jason, but he dodge every bullet, as he threw a flashbang and blinded everyone. Jason took his M19 with rubber bullets, knocking all cops. As for the swats, he kicked one in the face, as it just pushed him, just for a swat grab him in the back, and another swat start punching Jason in the chest, as Jason grabbed the swat’s punch with one hand, and with the other push him so he can take the swat who is grabbing him and throw him right to the ground knocking him.

Another swat tries to punch him, but Jason dodges, and breaks his mask, just so he can knock him and throw him to the swat who tried to punch him earlier knocking him as well and for the last swat, he grabbed both his punches, and later knees him in the head, takes off his mask and punches him knocking him.

A lot of swats come as Jason sees no way on defeating people with miniguns, a lot more better armor and all that, his only way to live is if he just runs, he goes through the warehouse’s wooden wall and starts to run again, as he looks back and they even have martial arts following Jason.

“Ok, last thing I need is a Bane following.” said Jason as he didn’t want to kill anyone, so he just keep running. The cops from the helicopter started to shoot at Jason.

He was running, as the two martial arts catch up to Jason, just because he wanted to fight them, so they could just get out of his way.

The martial arts try to hit Jason, but he blocks and dodges, just so he can jump and kick them both in the face knocking them and Jason getting back up and starts to run away from them, when he was about to grapple to another taller building, someone shoot him with a sniper, in his arm, and later again his other arm, as he fell into a building.

“W-who did that?” asked Jason as he gets up and he was inside the building, when he looked closer, he saw a rocket flying to his building.

“SHIT!!!” screamed Jason as when he started to run away from the rocket, he jumped but the explosion caught him, pushing him to the ocean.

“He’s down for the count.” said the sniper.

“Good job Lawton, he’s not gonna survive all that, he didn’t needed to die, but he chose death over being arrested.” said a swat leader.

(Ends music)

The girls went to their houses, as everyone was very worried about Jason, where could he be.

Sunset arrived in her apartment, as she saw blood steps in her kitchen, blood in the window and in the living room, as she got scared. She still had her console, but she dropped it slowly, as she gets a knife and when she peeks, she saw Jason bleeding.

“Oh my god!” said Sunset as he was in the wall.

“You need help!” said Sunset shocked.

“No... not help... just help me get this bullets out of my shoulders... so I can heal... a little bit... faster.” said Jason as Sunset gets her med kit.

“Ok, what do you need me to do?” asked Sunset.

“Tie my hands anywhere... because... your gonna push two sniper bullets... out of my shoulders.” said Jason.

“M-me... how?” asked Sunset.

“Tie my hands... and later start punching my shoulders.” said Jason as Sunset ties one hand to her refrigerator and another one, to a door. He started to bite something so he didn’t bite anybody.

“Ready?” asked Sunset as Jason nods. Sunset starts to punch Jason’s left shoulder as it hurts him. She punched him 4 times, as the bullet was almost off his body. Later punches 6 times his shoulder, but the bullet won’t come out.

“Get ready.” said Sunset.

“Ready for what?” asked Jason as he looked back and she had a bat.

“You son of a... OW OW OOOOOOOW COCK MOTHERFUCKER OOOOW!!!” screamed in pain as Jason broke the rope which was holding the refrigerator, as the bullet came out.

Oh my gooooooooood!!!” screamed Jason relieved as he laid on the floor very relieved.

Sunset got the bandages and walks to Jason.

“Let me put the bandages.” said Sunset.

“I can do that myself... but thanks for the offer.” said Jason as he grabs the bandages and takes his jacket and shirt off, revealing his scars, his body was like a 30% scar, because Joker and the training before returning to Gotham.

Sunset didn’t want to look, but she peeked a little and saw Jason’s scars and very big ones as she looked back.

Jason stopped putting the bandages as Sunset came out as she looked Jason putting on his shirt but not his jacket.

“So what are you going to do?” asked Sunset.

“Go home I guess, but maybe later as my shoulders are completely injured, and that injury will heal like in 3 weeks.” said Jason.

“So you’ll be staying here?” asked Sunset.

“I guess, but I’ll sleep in the couch.” said Jason.

“Well then... Merry Christmas, is already 12:00AM.” said Sunset.

“Merry Christmas to you too, tomorrow I’ll help you with your Gamestation... so yeah Merry Christmas and goodnight.” said Jason as he goes to sleep.

“Goodnight Jason.” said Sunset as she walks to her bedroom.

During The Fall Formal

In a fast food, everyone was arguing as only three girls weren’t, as they were singing and releasing green aura mist thanks to some red magical gems. Those three girls were: Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

"Ugh. That was barely worth the effort, Adagio. I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal." said Aria tired and angry.

"The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here." said Adagio.

"Ugh! I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place!" said Aria even more angry.

“Really? I love it here!” said Adagio with a smile very sarcastically.

"For realsies? Because I think this place is the worst." said Sonata making Aria even angrier.

"I think you're the worst, Sonata." said Aria mad.

“Oh, yeah? Well I think you’re-“ said Sonata acting all woman.

"Ergh! I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more bearable.” said Adagio as from the restaurant, they felt Sunset Shimmer’s transformation and saw as well the gun fires. Adagio ran outside as the others just walked outside, as they later saw Twilight’s Magic of Friendship rainbow thingy fly up, as Adagio quickly recognized that.

“Did you feel that?” asked Adagio shocked and quickly took a big smile.

“Do you know what it is?” asked Adagio as the rest of the girls started to think.

“It’s Equestrian Magic.” said Adagio grabbing Aria by her jacket.

"But this world doesn't have Equestrian magic." said Aria taking Adagio’s hands of her.

"It does now. And we're going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic little world adore us!" said Adagio with a very big smile.

Author's Note:

Finally we’re going to Rainbow Rocks and is going to be a little different to the first movies and the filler episodes so yeah I hope you enjoyed that episode guys