• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 2,942 Views, 30 Comments

Equestria Girls Under The Red Hood - BROLY MUI

Red Hood gets sent after an unknown blast from Grodd to another universe which isn’t the past nor the future

  • ...

Friendship corrupted

Twilight and Spike were walking in the hallway, as they hear a low voice around the hallways.

“Oh... I’m really sorry, I just founded it and I thought I should give it to her, I didn’t know you had dropped it.” said a low voice as when Twilight and Spike peaked up, it was Sunset Shimmer talking really strong at Fluttershy.

“Well I did and I was about to get it before you swopped in and ruined everything, you shouldn’t pick up things that don’t belong to you.” said Sunset making Fluttershy cover herself with a little of her hair.

“It... really doesn’t belong to you either.” said Fluttershy with her low voice as Sunset gets mad and slaps the locker in front of Fluttershy.

“EXCUUUUUSE MEEEEE!?” screamed Sunset scaring a lot Fluttershy.

“N-n-n-nothing.” said Fluttershy very scared as she falls to the floor.

“That’s what I thought, is as good as mine and you know it, you really are pathetic, it’s no wonder why your best friends are all straight animals.” said Sunset Shimmer as Twilight gets angry and Spike gets very angry as well.

“How dare you speak to her that way!” said Twilight as she steps up.

“What did you say!?” asked angry Sunset Shimmer as she looks backs, later she feels that someone is grabbing her shoulder.

“She said that how dare you speak to the kid like that you moron.” said none other than Jason.

“Look who’s back, I thought I told you to follow my orders.” said Sunset as Jason pushes Sunset to a locker.

“And I thought that I told YOU that I don’t follow some damn orders from the Princess of the Moron Formal.” said Jason as he let’s go of Sunset as she walks away.

“You should know your place Jason.” said Sunset as she scares one of the students, making him to hide in a locker, as Jason looks at her and shows her the middle finger. He walks to help Fluttershy.

“Are you ok?” asked Jason.

“Y-y-yeah, thanks to the both of you, for standing up for me against Sunset Shimmer.” said Fluttershy as Twilight and Spike hear what she said she realizes that she just met Human Sunset Shimmer.

“Have you heard of her?” asked Fluttershy.

“Sort of.” said Twilight.

“I don’t think I have seen you around before, did you just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?” asked Fluttershy.

“Um... yes another... school... my name is Twilight.” said Twilight as she made some weird movements with her hands.

“I’m Fluttershy.” said Fluttershy walking away a little from Twilight.

“Sorry what was that?” asked Twilight.

Is Fluttershy!!!” said Fluttershy even lower.

“It sounds like you’re saying Fluttershy, but how can that...?” said Twilight as Jason starts to think that by the way Twilight just said Fluttershy and reacted when Fluttershy said the name Sunset Shimmer, it seems she has something to do with them or just know them. Fluttershy looked down at Spike and reacted very happy.

“OH MY GOODNESS!” screamed Fluttershy as he runs directly to Spike as Twilight almost falls.

“Who’s this sweet little guy?” asked Fluttershy with a lot of happiness.

“That’s Spike... my... uh... dog.” said Twilight trying to hide the truth.

“Oh he’a so cute!” said Fluttershy very happy as she grabs Spike’s face, as she drops him, he gives Spike a dog cookie, as when Spike eats it, as he likes it.

"Oh, wouldn't you just give anything to know what they're really thinking?" asked Fluttershy as she loved animals.

“He usually-“ said Twilight as Jason covers her mouth as Twilight realizes what she was about to say.

“What did you say?” asked Fluttershy.

“Oh nothing hehe.” said Twilight as she felt really stupid.

“Jason told me that the Principal had a crown, a golden crown with a purple star in it, do you know something about it?” asked Twilight.

“Well... yes.” said Fluttershy.

“Yesterday, as I was about to leave school very sad because nobody wanted to participate in my animal shelters, I walked out of school as I saw a crown near the statue of the Wondercults, I didn’t know how it got there so I gave it to Principal Celestia.

“Principal Celestia? She’s the Principal or the ruler of this school?” asked Twilight

“You could say that.” said Fluttershy.

“There is something with Twilight, she doesn’t react normal, more like if... she has heard those name or met those certain people... like doppelgängers.” said Jason in his mind as he starts to suspect more about Twilight.

“Right if you want to go to the Principal’s office, is right behind you, third door on your left.” said Jason to Twilight.

“Thanks to the both of you.” said Twilight as Fluttershy stops them.

“Oh wait!” said Fluttershy as Twilight and Spike look at her behind the wall.

“You’re not really supposed to have pets in school grounds, might wanna tuck him into your backpack.” said Fluttershy as all of her animals start to come out of her backpack.

“You really are one animal lover.” said Jason.

“Hehe I am, I love animals!” said Fluttershy really happy.

“By the way, why do you bring them?” asked Jason.

“Is just that they just feel so lonely when I’m in school.” said Fluttershy.

“Oh... ok, thank you!” said Twilight as Spike wasn’t happy with that choice, as the ring bells.

“Oh no! We’re late for class!” said Fluttershy as Jason was in the same class that she was, as Fluttershy swing very unrealistic her backpack as the animals get in there as Jason and Fluttershy run to class, as it was History class ( I don’t know if they were going to History Class, is just that before lunch, I take in school History or Art Class but let’s just keep going with the story kids, this story is PG with no gore or blood or curse words)

As Twilight knocks the door of Principal Celestia, she lets her in, as Twilight pushes the door with her head.

“Uh...Ugh...Phew...” said Twilight as Principal Celestia looks at her and makes a face of (are you going to say anything?)

“My name’s Twilight Sparkle, I’m new here and... well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown yesterday at night and gave it to you.” said Twilight.

“Yes!” said Celestia as she stands up and walks to the drawer.

"I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up in the front lawn." said Celestia as he puts the file in the drawer.

"Were you interested in running for Princess of the Fall Formal this year?" asked Celestia.

"Uh, no... not exactly... the truth is... well, the truth is I... you see, the crown is actually... Princess of the Fall Formal?" asked Twilight as Celestia marks Twilight in the calendar when is the Formal.

"It's Canterlot High's big fall dance." said Celestia.

"Like the Grand Galloping Gala!" said Twilight happy.

"The Grand Galloping Gala?" asked Celestia.

"Oh... uh... it was a big deal at my old school." said Twilight.

"And was there a princess?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, but she wasn't exactly a student." said Twilight as Celestia shows the last winners of the crown and the last 3 winners was Sunset Shimmer.

"Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them, she receives the crown at the Fall Formal." said Celestia as Twilight starts to think, she takes her bag and leaves asking one last question to Celestia.

"Hmm... You asked me if I was interested in running for Princess. Can anybody run?" asked Twilight.

"Yes! You just need to need the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot. Was there anything else?" asked Celestia.

"Um... Nope! That was it!" said Twilight.

"Well if you need anything else, my door is always open." said Celestia as she closes her door and Spike pops his head out.

"Twilight, why didn't ya just tell her the crown was yours and ask for it back? asked Spike.

"Oh, I was going to, but imagine if one of them showed up in Equestria saying they came from a place filled with tall, fleshy, bipedal creatures with these?" asked Twilight as she starts to move her hands like a lunatic.

"We'd they were crazy!" said Twilight as a nerd kid called Micro Chips, looks at her and walks away after what he's seeing, he says in his mind (FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT!)

"Hmm, you make a good point, but we can trust that Jason Todd guy." said Spike.

"How?" asked Twilight.

"He knows that you're a pony, he's detective as well, so maybe he can be a good help to get you're crown back." said Spike.

"Or I just need to become The Princess of the Fall Formal, so I can have my crown and leave from this world!" screamed Twilight very happy.

"Oh yeah, and how exactly do you plan on doing that?" asked Spike.

"I HAVE NO IDEA!" said Twilight as he thinks that his idea is better, but he might be just putting Jason at risk. As the bell rang, everyone was getting out of their classes and the halls were full.

It was lunch time, as Fluttershy as getting her food, Twilight was behind her and Jason was behind Twilight. (What a coincidence)

"I know we've just met, but I was wondering if you two might be able to help me with something?" asked Twilight.

"Of course." said Twilight.

"Well... I can try." said Jason as the three take a bowl of fruit.

"I've decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal and-" said Twilight as Fluttershy gasped as she gets very shocked and drops her bowl of fruit in Twilight's shirt and Jason luckily dodges some pieces of fruit and drops.

"OH! Oh gosh! Sorry!" said Fluttershy as she takes every napkin and starts to clean Twilight.

"It's just, oh, running for Fall Formla Princess is a really bad idea!" said Fluttershy.

"Why?" asked Twilight.

"Because Sunset Shimmer, you know, sort of a bacon hair girl, most popular and dickhead number one of all Canterlot High, yeah that girl, she wants to be Princess of the Fall Formal and when she wants something, she gets it, you just need to blink once and you’ll see that she has what she wants." said Jason as Granny Smith puts some apples in Fluttershy, Twilight and Jason's food trays.

"She'll make life awful for anyone who stands in her way, just ask the girl who ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling." said Fluttershy.

"So basically she just menace everyone that gets in her way?" asked Jason.

"Yes." said Fluttershy.

"Well that confirms she's nothing but a big mothertrucker." said Jason.

"But I have to try, I can't let Sunset Shimmer just rule the entire school."

"Well if you want to win, you need to convince everyone to vote for you." said Jason.

"Like who?"

The Athletes, The Fashionistas, The Dramas, The Eco-Kids, The Techies, The Rockers..." said Fluttershy.

"Why is everypony-" said Twilight as Spike smacked her head.

"Uh, everybody... separated this way?" asked Twilight.

"Maybe it was different at your old school, but in CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind. One thing they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule the school until we graduate." said Fluttershy as she starts to eat.

"Has anyone tried to stop her?" asked Jason.

"Yeah, and everytime that we try to stop her, it fails." said Fluttershy.

"So she's not the Princess of the Fall Formal, more like the Queen, as basically she's gonna rule this entire school." said Jason.

"Not if I can help it!" said Twilight as she grabs the apple with her mouth, as Fluttershy and Jason look at her confused.

"I like your attitude." said Jason as he starts to eat really fast, he has 3 trays of food, as he has a very high metabolism and as he basically has a well 8 pack toned body, he eats a lot.

"You really eat a lot, by the way hehe... where do I find the head of the party commitee?"

"In the gym." said Fluttershy.

"And where's the gym?" asked Twilight.

"Is complicated so I can't explain it to you." said Fluttershy as she doesn't want to go to Pinkie Pie anymore.

"I'll take you." said Jason.

"Thanks!" said Twilight happily.

Jason and Twilight enter the gym, which is covered with streamers, balloons and a lot more.

"Well this is the gym, but I don't see the head of the Fall-" said Jason as he heard a loud voice.

"INCOMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!" screamed a girl as there was a lot of streamers falling from the sky, as Twilight and Spike were covered in confetti and streamers, Jason luckily dodge every streamers as there was a little of confetti in him but he didn't have streamers around him, as Jason saw Twilight and Spike covered in streamers, Jason rips the streamers where they are.

"Thanks." said Twilight as they look back and see Pinkie Pie taking a balloon from her clothes as Jason gets a little shocked.

"I'm pretty sure people cannot take a balloon from their own clothes, if she can do that, I can take my red bat logo and use it as a big batarang or something else." said Jason in his mind.

"Hi my name's Twilight Sparkle and... Pinkie Pie?" asked Twilight as Pinkie's balloon releases all the air it had inside and blew her mouth away almost her entire face.

"Are you psychic?" asked Pinkie as she grabs Twilight and pushes her almost to the ground.

"Uh, no, I don't think sooooo... unless of course is something you can do here." said Twilight as Pinkie drops her.

"It seems Twilight knows her as well." said Jason in his mind.

"Eh. Not usually." said Pinkie as she grabs a yellow balloon and started to blow it up.

"Fluttershy said this is were I'd find the head of The Fall Formal planning committee." said Twilight as Pinkie stops to blow the balloon and ties it.

"Fluttershy huh? Don't let the whole shy think fool you, she can be a real meanie." said Pinkie mad.

"You two aren't friends?" asked Twilight as Pinkie ignores the question.

"Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot huh? Dance is day after tomorrow." said Pinkie.

"I'm brand new here." said Twilight.

"OOOH! I thought you didn't look familiar." said Pinkie as she starts to check on Twilight.

"Though, now that I'm really looking at you... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?" asked Pinkie as she points as Spike as Spike is biting a balloon.
"Uh... Maybe." said Twilight as Pinkie takes a sigh up paper list in a clipboard out of her hair.

"Thought so. Anywho! Just need to fill this out and you're officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown." said Pinkie as Twilight reads at the paper, and Pinkie takes a pen out of her hair, and they look at each other smiling.

Twilight was about to hold the pen with her mouth as Jason was behind Pinkie, and with emotions tells her to stop, as Twilight looks at Jason, as Jason makes an emotion of grabbing the pen with her hand, as Twilight understands, grabs the pen and signs the papers.

"WOW! You really have a bad handwriting, it's like you've never held a pen before." said Pinkie really shocked.

"Ahehe... Is it?" asked Twilight as she smiles very nervously.

The gym door opens as they see a girl in the shadows with a case of juice.

"Somebody order a dozen cases of Fizzy Apple Cider?" said the girl in the shadows.

Oh! Oh! Me,me-me-me, me, yeah, ha-ha, me." said Pinkie very happy as she runs to the girl which was Applejack, as Twilight gets shocked at seeing her.

"Can ya bring the rest?" asked AJ (Applejack for short) to her older brother Big Mac.

"Eeyup!" said Big Mac as he carries four cases. As she takes one of the cases that Big Mac have, she looks at Jason and Twilight.

"Hey... I know you two!" said Applejack.

"You do?" asked Twilight and Jason.

"Sure, you're the new girl and new boy who gave Sunset Shimmer the what for today, still shocked after what you did back there in dodgeball Jason." said AJ.

"Well, for some reason I practiced Karate, Ninjutsu, Kickboxing and a lot more." said Jason.

"Just to play dodgeball?" asked AJ.

"Not really, dodgeball is because I decided to play, the main reason... I think is better for me to leave it secret." said Jason.

"Suit yourself." said AJ as she drinks a fizzy apple cider.

"Hey Pinkie! Can you throw me one of those Apple Ciders?" asked Jason.

"Of course!" said Pinkie as he throws one at Jason but accidently a little bit high, as Jason jumps to a table and jumps again, catching the juice.

"Ups sorry hehehehehehe." said Pinkie.

"Don't throw it that high next time." said Jason as he opens the Apple Cider with his thumb and starts to drink it.

"Even though I'm not a fruit fan, this juice is really good." said Jason.

"Of course it is, is made with real apples, is natural apple cider." said AJ.

"Oh I forgot, Twilight Sparkle is gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal." said Pinkie making AJ spit the juice she had in her mouth.

"I'd think twice about that. Oh sure, she'll probably approach you all friendly like..." said AJ as she sees Pinkie Pie, floating with a red heart balloon. She gets a marker and starts drawing Sunset Shimmer's face and puts a needle as Pinkie gets a yellow balloon, AJ draws Twilight's face.

"I sure am lookin' forward to this friendly competition." said AJ as she mimicked Sunset.

"That's so good to hear!” said AJ as she mimicked Twilight.

“Then, here comes the backstabbing.” said AJ as she pops with the red heart balloon, the yellow balloon.

About the only girl in this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash." said AJ.

"Rainbow Dash?" asked Twilight.

"She's the captain of like, every team at Canterlot High." said Pinkie as she jumps in a very big and unrealistic yellow balloon as the balloon explodes.

"She's also the captain of sayin' she's gonna do somethin' for ya, and then turnin' around and not even botherin' of show up." said AJ mad.

"Thanks for the advice Applejack, but this something I really need to do." said Twilight.

"Huh, suit yourself. Heeeey, how'd you know my name was Applejack?" asked AJ.

"Um, I uh... heheh... didn't you say?" asked Twilight very nervous.

"Nnnope." said Big Mac.

"She didn't." said Jason.

"Well, it sure was meeting you both, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around." said Twilight as she runs off with Spike.

"So there's an Applejack in her world... another doppelgänger." said Jason in his mind.

"That one's tryin' to hide a secret, but I am totally on to her." said Pinkie to AJ as she leans to her ear.

"She's psychic!" said Pinkie really low in her ear.

"Uh huh... if you say so." said AJ.

"I'm pretty sure she's not psychic." said Jason at her ear.

""Yeah she is, and I'll give you proof." said Pinkie.

"I'm pretty sure you will just give me a cupcake as proof." said Jason as he crosses his arms.

"Maybe..." said Pinkie as she smiles a lot.

As the doors of the gym open, Sunset was with 2 more kids: Snips and Snails.

"This looks TERRIBLE!!!" said very angry Sunset as she, Snips and Snails walk in.

"Ok, is the third time I run into her, in the fourth time, I swear to god I'll knock her out very badly." said Jason really mad in his mind.

"There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons." said Sunset really angry as she pops with one finger a purple and a pink balloon.

“Yeah streamers!” said Snips as he rips in half a pink streamer.

“And fewer balloons!” said Snails as he tries to pop a yellow balloon, but he fell to the floor for being weak.

"Fizzy Apple Cider? Ugh! This is my coronation, not a hoedown." said Sunset as she grabs a Fizzy Apple Cider.

"Well now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around." said AJ as Sunset runs to AJ really mad.

"Oh, is that so? You country folk really aren't that bright, must be why the other students say such awful things about you." said Sunset as she mocks AJ, puts her hat down in her face as AJ gets really mad making a hole in her hat.

"Enough Sunset!" said Jason.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it Mr Bad Boy.com?" asked Sunset mocking Jason.

"Yeah, what are you-" said Snips as he points and touches Jason with his fingers, making Jason grabs his finger and almost dislocated.

"OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW! LET ME GO LET ME GO! PLEAAAAAAAASE!" screamed in pain Snips as Jason let's go of him.

"Be happy that I almost dislocated your finger, and I'm not scared of dislocating your 10 fingers." said Jason scaring Snips.

"That goes for you too Sunset, make a stupid move and I'll make an even more stupid move by not dislocating but breaking your fingers and much worse." said Jason as he is actually saying that to scare her and he did not even try to dislocate Snips finger.

"Like if you can, and even if you can, when I become princess as nobody will compete against me, you make that move and they'll expel you from this school." said Sunset with a mocking voice.

"Not this time, the new girl just signed up!" said Pinkie as she gives Sunset the sign up paper.

"WHAT?" asked very angry Sunset.

"I know! Her handwriting is really bad." said Pinkie.

"Where is this Twilight Sparkle?" asked very and very angry Sunset, as she looks back and looks that Jason, Pinkie and AJ were confused.

Heheh...I'm looking foward to meeting the competition." said Sunset as Jason, Pinkie and AJ look at each other. As Sunset leaves with Snips and Snails, Jason was absolutely sure that is not Twilight what she wants, but something else.

"You really can give Sunset the what for today, even I got scared." said AJ to Jason.

"Well, I was threatening her, I wasn't going to break her fingers and Snips fingers are fine, I just putted pressure in a certain part of his fingers, making him feel the pressure of a dislocated finger." said Jason.

"And how did you know that?" asked AJ.

"Because... of my father, my master, his greatest failure." said Jason as he looks down.

"It seems your hidin' somethin' from us Jason, what is it?" asked AJ.

"Is nothing, you don't have to worry about me, plus is 3pm, I should get leaving." said Jason as he walks away from the gym, AJ knows that when she asked that, something really bad entered his mind.


"No Pinkie, HE'S NOT PSYCHIC!"said AJ as she knew she was going to say that.

Twilight was once again in the halls, crowded as always,as she walks to dark place in the hall with broken lockers, with lights blinking.

"Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier, shoulda known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown, and her little dog too." said none other than Sunset Shimmer right behind her.

"IT'S MY CROWN!" said angry Twilight.

"Whatever, this is just a minor setback for me, you don't know the first about this place, and I already rule it." said Sunset as Jason was about to go home, as he heard Sunset and Twilight talk, as he gets in a corner and puts his sunglasses, to hear better what they're saying.

"If that's so, why do you need my crown? You went to an awful lot of trouble to switch it with the one that belongs here." asked Twilight.

"Pop quiz: what happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world?" asked Sunset as Twilight didn't know what to say.

"And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student? Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria? Bit embarrassing that you were the best she could do." said Sunset as she mocks big time Twilight as Spike pops out of the bag and barks to Sunset.

"Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your mutt, hate for him to be... taken away from you."

"Is that a threat?" asked very mad Spike to Sunset.

"Oh, of course not!" said Sunset as Spike barks again and starts to growl,but Sunset puts a finger in her face.

"But I'd cut down on the chatter if I were you. Don't want everyone to know you don't belong here, now would you? You wanna be a princess here? Please, you don't know the first thing about fitting in." said Sunset as she walks mocking Twilight, as Jason hides from her.

"Sunset wants the crown, the one I saw yesterday, plus she said Princess Celestia and what the hell are the Elements of Harmony?" asked Jason to himself in his mind as he decided to spy a little in Sunset as he followed her and puts up the hood he has and a black bandana in his mouth.

As Jason follows Sunset, he gets blocked by a lot of students that were exiting some class rooms. Jason tried to keep following her, but he lost track of her.

“Dammit, where did she go?” asked Jason to himself.

Sunset was walking to the gym, as he met with Snips and Snails, as they were covered in streamers.

"I want you to follow her, bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me." said Sunset as she takes all the streamers in Snips and Snails, as they were turning like a tornado, as Sunset puts them in position.

“You got it Sunset Shimmer!” said Snips as he salutes with Snails.

"When the crown and its power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world. Not that she would've been much safer if she'd stayed in Equestria." said Sunset talking to herself in anger.

“Yeah... in Equestria.” said Snips behind Sunset as Snails laughs a little.

“What are you still doing here? GO!” screamed Sunset as Snips and Snails bump each other and later start to run.

Twilight saw a vending machine with snacks as she was very hungry, she tried to get some peanut butter crackers by first opening the glass, second by pushing it and third, by becoming aggressive, getting in all four and about to break the glass. As a girl walks behind her.

"Excuse me." said the girl as it was none than The Great, Idiotic and Powerful Trixie.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie!...Needs some peanut butter crackers." said Trixie as she gets in front of Twilight and gets the snacks by inserting a coin.

“Voilà!” said Trixie as she walks away.

"Sunset Shimmer is right, I don't know the first thing about this place. If I'm gonna really fit in and win votes, we need to do some research." said Twilight as she walks to Narnia.

“Research? asked Spike.

“This place has a school, it must also have a... LIBRARY!” said Twilight very happy as runs directly to the Library. But Snips and Snails followed Twilight to the library.

"Got your phone?" asked Snips as he takes his phone out and starts to record.

"Got yours?" asked Snails as they start to laugh very evil as they enter the library very silently. Twilight sat in the computer but she had no idea what to do.

"So I just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here?" asked Twilight as Cheerilee was putting some books in the bookshelves as she heard Twilight and putted a mad and annoyed face, but she breaths in and out and puts a fake smile.

"That's right!" said Cheerilee as Twilight was grabbing the monitor, as Cheerilee puts it down and Twilight turns on the monitor.

"Maybe this place does have magic!" said Twilight as Cheerilee walks away, as Snips and Snails were behind the cart with books as they wanted to be stealthy.

As there is some very hardcore music that nobody likes that annoys Cheerilee. It was three girls who putted that music: Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle as Cheerilee turns down the speakers.

"Uh, girls, what are you doing?" asked Cheerilee.

"We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten." said Sweetie Belle as Applebloom turns up again the speaker.

"No... just... NO! The school computers are for research purposes only!" said Cheerilee as she walks away with the speaker.

"It's just as well, y'all, some of the comments about our song were really awful. 'Epic fail'...'Funniest thing I've ever seen'!?" asked Applebloom

"Funniest thing they've seen, huh?" asked Sweetie Belle as the three of them run from the Library.

"Uh, I don't know that that's what you should take from..." said Twilight as she was learning to use a computer, as Snips and Snails record Twilight use the computer really bad, later she had some books as they fell down and grabbed it with her mouth and finally, jumping from a jumpscare with the printer.

Jason already took the driver's license and finished everything, so he decided to buy a motorcycle, a BMW S1000RR.

As Jason bought the motorcycle, which it cost 17,000 dollars without tax, he went and bought a helmet as he couldn't use his Red Hood helmet for this.

Well, I got my helmet, is almost 6pm, I should get home, and get changing, I think I'm going for a little walk, I can maybe take the day off, even though, crime doesn’t sleep, I can act if something goes wrong but also have a relaxing night here." said Jason as he gets in his bike and drives to the city.

Twilight was reading a book as Spike was under a table. As it was almost night, they announced something down the school’s radio.

“The library will be closing in five minutes!”

"I hadn't even thought about where we're gonna sleep tonight!" said Twilight as Spike comes out from under the table.

“Way ahead of you.” said Spike, as Twilight follows him.

“It’s a little... dusty, but it seems that nobody comes up here.” said Spike as he found a bed made of books, which he showed to Twilight.

“It’s perfect Spike!” said Twilight very proud as she scratches Spike’s ear.

"So, how did your research go?" asked Spike as Twilight rubs his belly.

"I found this book, it's called a yearbook. It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school." said Twilight as she opens the book and turns the page as she recognizes the freshman girls in the photo.

"Look. That's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I'm gonna bet the girl on the far right is Rarity." said Twilight as Spike was looking at the photos and when Twilight says the name Rarity, he goes nuts.

"There's a Rarity here?" asked very happily Spike as he takes the yearbook from Twilight.

"Uh... I mean, interesting photo." said Spike as Twilight looked at him with a smile, as Spike gives Twilight the book back.

It's interesting because they look like they're friends." said Twilight.

"They do look like our friends, but I thought we'd figured that out already." said Spike to Twilight.

"No, I mean... they look like they're friends with each other. But it doesn't seem like they're friends now." said Twilight a little sad.

"Not so much." said Spike.

"I just can't help but get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer had something to do with it." said Twilight as she gets comfortable as Spike puts her the blanket.

"I wouldn't put it past her. But she wanted your crown 'cause she's planning on doing something even worse! If you're gonna stop her, you have to focus on making friends here. Can't worry about why these girls aren't friends anymore, including Jason." said Spike as he gets to sleep.

"You're right Spike. haa... eye on the prize." said Twilight as she gets to sleep.

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was finishing to eat as they gave her the check, pays and leave.

"I have to work harder against Twilight, if she does something stupid, I should at least get ready." said Sunset in her mind as she walks down the streets.

"I should buy a sledgehammer, if she does get the crown, she doesn't come back to-" said Sunset as someone pulls her down the alley.

"Give me everything you got right now!" said a thug as he takes a 1911 pistol.

"I don't have anything, no money, no nothing, please don't hurt me.

"I know you're lying. NOW GIVE ME YOUR SHIT!!!" said very angry the thug as he grabs Sunset.

"Jason was walking down the streets as well, hearing some music.

(Hearing this music)

"Shit, I forgot my mask, forget it." said Jason as he walks to the alley.

"Last chance, GIVE ME YOUR SH-" as the thug was about to shoot her, he heard a voice.

"Hey you! Yeah you, I'm pretty sure that's not how you treat a lady!" said Jason as Sunset looks behind the thug as she sees Jason.

"Jason?" asked Sunset to herself as why is he doing this.

"Who the hell are you?" asked the thug.

Me? I'm just a kid with the balls of ripping your ass!" said Jason as the thug starts to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You're a funny one, but you deserve death." said the thug as he puts his gun in Jason's head, as when he's about to shoot, Jason grabs the gun and pulls it up, as the thug was about to punch Jason, but he blocks and punches him in the face, later kicks him in his nuts and later grabs him and throws him to a wall, making a little bit of damage as the wall cracked.

"Is that all you got?" asked Jason, as the thug was about to shoot Jason, but he realized that he didn't have ammo.

"Looking for this?" asked Jason on purpose as he shows the thug, the gun magazine.

"When did you?" asked the thug as Jason throws the magazine to his forehead knocking him and leaving him bleed from is forehead, as he couldn't kill him because Sunset was in the floor looking at the fight.

"Thanks Jason." said Sunset as Jason walks away ignoring her.

"You're welcome." said Jason as he stops and later quickly walks away, leaving Sunset in the shadow

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, is just a lot of school work that pisses me off a lot, but I'm still trying to publish this as fast as I can.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this episode.