• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,100 Views, 855 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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52 - Sisterhooves Social - Part One

"Ugh." Diamond kicked a small doll across the room. "I hate it," she grunted with all the force she had in her. "It's like they made it just to kick me out."

"Made what?" Spike was watching his girlfriend with care and confusion. "Can I help?"

"I doubt it." She folded her arms with a terrible pout. "You are not a sister."

"Come again?" He raised a brow. "Nope, not one of those." He patted himself down, as if to be absolutely sure of that. "What do you need a sister for?"

"They're having this again." Diamond slapped down a paper advertising the Sisterhooves Social, a larger and smaller pony smiling at one another. "To join, you have to be a big sister, or a little sister. I'm neither because I have no big sister."

"And no little sister, I get that... I wouldn't get to join, not being either kind of sister either, right? So... what is it?" Spike shrugged at the paper that didn't immediately say. "Is it, like... what?"

"It's a contest." Diamond went towards her desk with a huff. "Running and teamwork and stuff. It's stupid... but I hate being excluded, and that happens every year. My parents aren't rushing to give me a sister, and that's probably for the best." She mused a moment on the idea of having a sister, taking up space and attention. "Probably for the best..."

Spike shrugged, though his expression was one of thought, not dismissal. "What if a sister that wasn't yours took up the job?"

Diamond blinked at this idea. "But... Huh..." She sank to her haunches. "I don't think they have a specific rule about that... You have a spare sister?"

"You met her!" Spike pointed off. "Moon Dancer's a great sister! We could ask her."

Diamond nodded slowly and silently, musing it over. "Do you... think she'd say yes? And is she any good at those games?"

"If she decides it's part of her assignment, she'll make herself good at it." Spike waggled his brows with hidden meanings. "Let me talk to her."

"You are the best." She grabbed Spike up in a firm hug. "Thank you."

He was left, blushing, but pleased. "I'm on the case!" He dashed from the room to find his sister/mom.

She was easy to locate, being in the library, reading next to Twilight. The latter was being a librarian, helping ponies get their books and such. Spike rushed up to them both. "Hey."

Moon looked up. "Spike. You... How are you?"

"Just fine, but..." He pointed off where he had run in from. "It's about Diamond. Tiara. Do you know about the Sisterhooves Social?"

Twilight perked, suddenly a part of the conversation. "Hm? What about it? A yearly tradition in the town."

Moon angled an ear towards Twilight. "Can you tell me what it's about?" She refocused on Spike. "And why is Diamond Tiara interested in it?"

"She needs help." Spike pointed at Moon. "And you're the answer, and you get a chance to be part of a big thing you never were before. Think of the research."

Moon perked at that. "You have my attention." Big research, hm... "Twilight? If you would?"

Twilight floated over a book and set it down. "The origin of the holiday! Now..." She began going over it in minute detail a moment before she caught herself. "But I'm going into the weeds. In the end, it's for two ponies, sisters usually, but sisters by bond are also acceptable, to compete in various contests to show their solidarity, and have a good time. The winner gets a trophy, but everypony has a good time, which is the main goal."

Moon tapped at her chin. "I have some experience with being a sister, but not with being Diamond Tiara's sister. Is this acceptable?"

Spike shrugged widely. "Is there a big difference?"

Moon tapped at her dragon brother's chest. "She's a filly. You're a dragon, to begin. Speaking of which, this is a perfectly acceptable time to bring this up." She sank to her haunches. "I apologize for not doing so earlier. Are we siblings or are you my ward?"

"Y....yes?" Spike pointed at her. "You're not even the first sibling that had their sibling as a ward. What do you think Applejack is?"

Moon blinked softly. "She is a sibling... But she is Apple Bloom's guardian." She was reasoning it out. "But their relationship, between them, is clearly that of siblings. She is Apple Bloom's older sister." She inclined her head the other way. "They have a mother."

Spike wagged a finger. "Welcome to being an older sibling, which you are. Older sibs are guardians of their younger siblings. Just the way it works."

Moon rubbed at the side of her head with a grunt, her glasses almost falling free. "Then I... am your sister?"

"Yep!" Spike fired double thumbs ups. "We both know you didn't lay me. You're a super close relation, older, but not that much older. Sibling, yep!"

Moon floated her glasses free to polish in a moment of loss of clarity. Moon revealed her difficulty with sight as she said "I... see... How long have you known this?"

"About since I learned that ponies don't come from eggs, which was a while ago." He hiked a thumb backwards. "But I didn't want to hurt you, so I just kinda went along with you. I figured there'd be a good time, you know?"

Moon sat up with a strained laugh. "All this time, I was the one being deluded... Spike, sorry. In the future, if you see me holding onto some bit of misconception, I allow, no, encourage you to free me from that state. I will return the favor, as expected of an older sister."

"So, about Diamond?"

Moon perked. "Ah, yes. Well... I am a big sister, we have identified. She is not a little sister. Is this legal?" She turned the hoof on Spike. "It would be less out of place to take you. I am your sister."

"But I'm not a girl." Spike held up his hands. "Besides, Diamond's the one that wants to go. And I already know you love me." He hopped forward to hug her warmly. "Goes both ways."

Moon smiled at the embrace, curling an arm to return it. "Well... I'll consult with the judges to ensure this isn't breaking a rule. If they agree, I see little harm in it."

Twilight inclined her head, still there, though she had been quiet. "Actually..."

Moon jerked up, remembering that Twilight was there. "Do you know something about this?"

Twilight brought a book over with her magic, the manual of the Siterhooves Social. "I have the rules here. Any two ponies that feel a sister connection are welcome to attend. This is typically two sisters, but a brother and a sister can take part, as well as those who accept the bond of sisterhood via other means, such as adoption, marriage, or simply agreeing that was the role they were comfortable with." She tapped at the book. "So you and Spike or you and Diamond would not, in theory, break the rule. Diamond would need to accept that you are taking on that role."

Spike clapped his hands together with a big smile. "You don't even have to pretend."

"I don't?" Moon paced past Spike. "She is not my sister. Did I get a genealogical record wrong?"

"No." He waved that notion away and scrambled up on her back to ride her as she walked about nervously. "But! She is romantically involved with your brother." He hiked a thumb at himself, that draconic brother. "So..."

Twilight smiled at that. "True. If you two accept that, a sister-sister bond could result. I've heard such bonds can even endure the event of the romantic one later fading, at times."

Spike grimaced at that notion. "Hey! I don't want... that..."

Moon looked over her shoulder. "She was speaking theoretically. Alright. Get Diamond and bring her here. We have to discuss this."

"Righto!" He slid to the ground and dashed out the door, slapping it shut behind himself as he fled, his giggles fading away with the distance.

Twilight nodded at his departed form. "He's having fun with this, even if he isn't attending. Perhaps, next year, you should take him. You two have a strong sibling bond."

Moon colored faintly. "But he is not a sister... I don't want to embarrass him."

"Only if he wants," Twilight agreed gently. "But he won't want to if you don't want to. He doesn't like making you uncomfortable if he can avoid it."

"Point..." Moon put those bits of action together, getting a clearer picture of her brother. "Point... This year will be a test run. Perhaps I will enjoy it, or not, and we can act accordingly next year."

"Excellent. Now..." Twilight got back to sorting books and putting them away.

Spike threw open the door some time later, but he wasn't the first one in. Diamond came in at a steady walk. "She said it was alright?"

"Hello." Moon nodded at the filly. "They informed me you had need of an older sister. Your relationship with Spike entitles us to establish a sisterhood." She waved between herself and Diamond. "If this is acceptable?"

Diamond's eyes widened with sparkles. "Wow... You did say yes then. Um, yeah. I want to go to the Sisterhooves Social, and I want to win."

Moon inclined her head. "I can't assure that. I will make every attempt to compete properly. Before we proceed, we have to enter an accord."

Twilight bonked Moon on the way past. "Don't phrase it like that!"

Moon rubbed the spot she had been bapped. "We have to become sisters. Only sisters, by blood or otherwise, may compete."

Diamond shook her head. "Well, I don't have any others to compete for the role..." She circled about Moon, looking her over. "I guess it's alright by me?" She snorted softly. "I'm the one that wants to go."

Moon offered a hoof. "Then let us proceed, with sisterly unity."

Diamond met the hoof with a clop. "Alright! So... On the fitness scale, where would you put yourself?"

Moon inclined her head. "Being a financially entitled filly, I imagine you are not that far ahead of me."

Diamond colored sharply. "W-what?" Called out, just like that. "I see how it is... Hmmph. I'll have a test track put together and we'll run it together. I'll leave you in the dust."

"That seems unlikely." Moon tapped her chin. "But if we are sisters, I would inquire how your studies are proceeding."

"Huh?" Diamond took a step back. "It's just... so we can enter the stupid race."

"Either we are sisters, or we are not." Moon closed in. "How are your studies proceeding?"

"Fine..." Diamond kicked at the ground impotently. "Um... I'm with Spike." She pointed over at where he was snickering. "He'd tell you if something huge happened."

"He probably would." Moon considered him. "But he is my brother. You are my sister. Perhaps, in the future, in-law? This is another family I am joining. I should meet your parents. Do their schedules allow for this to happen today?"

Diamond waved her hooves wildly. "Woah! Hold your horses. They're busy ponies. I can... ask, I guess. Why do you want to talk to them?"

"I have multiple reasons." Moon pointed to Spike. "For one, you're the girlfriend of my brother. Speaking to them isn't an unusual request. For another, you are becoming my sister. I should communicate with your parents because of our recent family connection. If You and Spike become family, we will be even more connected. I should meet them, at least."

Twilight shrugged as she slid a book into place with her magic. "That seems logical. I've already met them before, but I can come with you, if you'd like."

Moon moved to tap her side against Twilight's. "Thank you. I will take your offer."

Author's Note:

Sisterhood forever! Or at least for a specific day.

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