• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,101 Views, 855 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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65 - May the Best Pet Win Part Three

As if overnight, their new rodent guest became far more curious about the greater library he resided in. He'd scamper up the books, ascending to the highest points of the shelves for a better look at the ponies browsing for their next reading material.

He'd scale up the wall, just to say hi to what should have been his predator. The great owl would swat at him with their wings, and it was a game between them as the mouse scurried and darted, sometimes avoiding the strikes, and sometimes being lightly buffeted. Whoever won a given round, the two didn't seem to have any lasting anger about it. It was a game, between two animals that seemed to accept each other.

Moon Dancer watched her ward rushing to and fro with a little nod. "He seems to be adjusting nicely."

Spike nodded at the streak of rodent energy. "Sure is. Look at him go." He crouched down to offer a hand and soon had the little mouse perched in it, scaling up his fingers to the palm of his hand. For all the energy the mouse had shown before, he was quite happy to be gently lifted up closer to Spike's face for a little nuzzle. "You still need a name... But I feel like one's on the tip of my tongue."

The mouse, unbothered by such thoughts, scampered up Spike's available face to rest on his crown, perched atop it like a grand castle built just for him.

Moon gave a single snort of a chuckle. "He likes you, and your crown." She let out a little breath. "Good.... Good. I was worried. Owloisicous, and you. Either of you could have been upset..."

"Scamp." Spike reached out an arm and the mouse scurried along him to reach his hand. "That's your name."

Moon angled her head. "Scamp." It was as if she were tasting the word. "I... I think I approve of your choice. Excellent decision, Spike. Hello Scamp." She focused her view onto the mouse named Scamp. "Welcome. Do you like it?"

They couldn't understand the mouse, not the way Fluttershy could, but Scamp hopped from Spike's hand to Moon's close snout. He scrambled up her face to her head and curled up between her ears. "I accept that as a strong voice of approval."

"You two look happy." Twilight emerged from the back at a light trot, a smile on her own face. "Did I miss something?"

Spike pointed to Scamp, napping on Moon. "He has a name now. Say hello to Scamp!"

"Well." Twilight closed for a better look at the top of Moon, where Scamp was curled. "Hello there, Scamp. You be a good boy, no nibbling any books." She didn't sound too worried about it, moving to take her place at the front counter of the library.

Moon moved carefully, lest she allow her passenger to come free. "I feel like I'm already learning a lot. I need to take new notes... and my notebook is upstairs."

"Here you are." Twilight floated over a fresh notebook. "You have a quill?"

With a pop, a quill appeared beside Moon, hovering. "That I have." She sat and got to scribbling with the magically-held quill and notebook. "Thank you. Pony-pet relationships is an excellent adjacent topic for the friendship project. I'm quite happy I took it on."

Spike waved at the rest of his treebrary family. "Heading out! I'll be back later." Both mares waved at him. Neither animal did. He vanished out the front door, headed off for Spike things.

Twilight started gathering books to put away from the return bin. "Where's Spike headed? He looked quite excited."

"If I had to guess." Moon tapped her chin thoughtfully a moment. "Diamond Tiara. His friendship with her has advanced. I'm almost jealous at how easily he seems to have proceeded with that."

"You have a special somepony too," noted Twilight with a little smirk. "Am I not showing it enough?"

Moon colored at being called out. She hurried to Twilight as quickly as she could with her passenger. "That was thoughtless of me." She smooched Twilight's cheek. "You banished my jealousy. I just meant... for me, it was a big production. I didn't know what to do. I'm quite happy to have reached this point, but it was an awkward journey."

"And Spike almost fell into his," finished Twilight. "I understand that. If it helps... He is young, and so is she. Young creatures can form relationships very quickly." She raised a hoof to her chin as a book floated into place. "They can break just as quickly. We should be ready, in case that happens. Spike would surely be upset."

Moon paled at the very idea. "He would..." She felt movement and turned an ear to hear Scamp resuming activity. "Awake, are we?" She walked to his nest and settled. "Here you are."

Scamp dashed down and dipped his little snout into the water tray, slurping up his fill before grabbing a bit of food, a segment of celery he munched eagerly in little nibbles.

Twilight took a moment to help a pony find the book they were searching for. "Moon." Moon looked up at her name. "You're doing quite well."

Moon smiled a little. "While I appreciate the sentiment, what is it I'm doing good with?"

Twilight pointed to the nest and the happpily exploring Scamp in it. "Your care of Scamp seems to be going quite well. You've gained a new friend."

"A new brother." She gently rubbed the top of Scamp, to their delight? It could be hard to tell at times with mice. "I promised your mother I would care for you with all of my ability."

"And you have so far." Twilight sank into place behind the main counter. "When he's fully grown, I'd love to introduce him to the other pets of the town. Perhaps he'll get along with them. He's already used to be around very different creatures. This very library has an owl, a dragon, and ponies, to say nothing of the many ponies who come and go during the day. A new face shouldn't startle him too badly."

Moon nodded, half an eye on Scamp, who had already decided to leave his nest and resume exploring the library in quick dashes. "Mice don't take long to grow... I look forward to that. It only occurs to me that most of the pets selected so far have been predators. The owl, the dog, the cat, the alligator.." She inclined her head. "The alligator has no teeth, making them far less of a threat. Oh! Right." She clopped her hooves together. "Fluttershy has a rabbit. We could start there?"

Twilight wagged a hoof lightly. "He's already met the owl, and they're friends now. Keep an eye on Scamp, but don't underestimate him."

"If I allow harm to come to him." She turned all her attention on Scamp. "I promised I wouldn't. Introductions will be done slowly and carefully."

"But we'll do them." Twilight softly rubbed down Moon's back. "I wonder what pet Rainbow ended up with?"

As if summoned by her mentioning, Rainbow burst through the open door of the library. "Check him out!" She was holding out a tortoise proudly. "His name's Tank and he's the best!"

"Goodness me," Twilight remarked as she lifted the tortoise for inspection. "This is quite the unexpected choice. Dare I ask what prompted you to select this particular reptile as your companion?" She adjusted her glasses as she peered at the tiny turtle. "Fascinating. I admit I am most curious what factors informed your decision."

"--Slow," cut in Moon Dancer. "That isn't what I expected from any pet you'd select, Rainbow."

"Look." Rainbow snatched Tank back from Twilight. "He may not be the fastest thing around, but he has something way more important. He's the loyalest pet out of the bunch. He'll stay by my side, no matter what!" They shared a fond nuzzle, nose to nose. "And he's just so cute, look at him." She twirled Tank to face Twilight, so she could face the tortoises sedate smile. "How do you say no to that face?"

Moon inclined her head. "You two seem to be getting along. Good." Scamp dashed up one of her legs and parked on her back, peering at the new animal curiously. "Oh, good timing." She lifted a hoof to direct to the little mouse. "His name is Scamp. He is what I decided on while you were deciding on your own."

Rainbow zoomed in to look at the tiny mouse. "Ha! Nice! Wow... Look how small he is." She placed Tank right next to Scamp, showing one was larger than the other. "You two be friends. I won't tolerate any friend of mine being a bully to any other friend of mine. That's a rule!"

Tank saluted, as if he understood.

Scamp was darting around Tank, examining the tortoise from all angles with his frantic energy.

Tank went in for a little nuzzle, but Scamp was too fast. Each time he tried, Scamp was somewhere else. Tank made a little noise of frustation.

Scamp darted in and scrambled up Tank's shell to flop on top of it and hug the tortoise from above. Both seemed pleased.

Moon clopped gently a the sight, though she couldn't move much without potentially knocking both pets free. "Their meeting is a success, I feel. Introducing him to other herbivores should not be difficult."

Rainbow reclaimed Tank. Scamp hopping down as the tortoise lifted into Rainbow's grasp. "Only one thing I only kinda regret. He can't fly. I can't take him everywhere I'd go."

The unicorns inclined their heads in opposing directions. Moon lifted a hoof. "A basic--"

"--galdepony device," finished Twilight. The two shared a smile, their thoughts in unison. Twilight continued, "We can make a basic device to match his flying ability to yours, at least basically."

"Don't expect him to perform any of the stunts you manage," continued Moon. "But it'll get him air borne and not left entirely behind as you go."

Rainbow's eyes widened with growing wonder. "You can do that?! Why don't you make yourself wings? Flying is great!" She burst up a few inches with a powerful flap of her wings. "Best thing in the entire world. If you can, why haven't you?"

Twilight gave an emphatic 'eh' of a sound. "No thanks. Wings? Me?" She shook her head at that doubtful future. "I'm perfectly happy on the ground."

Moon curled a hoof to her chin. "I could, but my greater mobility would not assist my studies and projects. What we propose for Tank is a small device."

Twilight bobbed her head. "It'd rest on his back and allow him to lift and move himself. Your flight magic would power it. Oh! You should remove it when you need to be at 100%. Him wearing it during a race or stunt would be a disadvantage for you."

"Huh... neat." She landed and looked back at her spread wings. "If these are powering it, Tank will be super fast! There's no way it wouldn't be." She nosed Tank. "Sound fun? You'll be the fastest little turtle around!"

Moon inclined her head "Tortoise," she corrected with a nod. "Turtles are the ones that swim. Tortoises prefer the land."

Tank was smiling. Happy with the idea? Or just Rainbow's attention. It was hard to tell the difference. Either way, Rainbow was grinning, looking back at the unicorn friends. "So, let's get to it. And if I can help Scamp, let me know. Only fair since you're giving my pet a helping hoof."

Scamp dashed up her to perch on Rainbow's snout, looking at her. "Hello there." Rainbow had to cross her eyes to look at him. "You're fast. I like that. Good pick, Moon."

Moon smiled sedately. "Thank you. Let's both take care of our new pets. I hope all of our pets get along."

"It'll be great!" Rainbow seemed to have not a bit of worry about them all having fun together. "Now about that thingamajig?"

Author's Note:

This was pure adorable, fight me!

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