• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,101 Views, 855 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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76 - Dragonshine

"No. No. No! Mmm." Diamond Tiara rendered judgment on each article of clothing Spike was willing to try on, and Spike had the patience to go through the whole collection of outfits. "How about you wear...this?" She lifted a white shirt and matching bowtie. "Perfect!"

"Really?" Spike put a claw to his chest, snickering. He turned left and right, showing off his newly form. "Looking good." He shot her double finger guns with a smile. "What are we dressing up for specifically?"

Diamond beamed at the sight of him. "My dad invited some of his old friends out to our house. He's throwing a party. I asked them to invite their kids. We have to look amazing."

Spike rubbed behind his head. "Oh, that makes sense." But the thought hit him. "Old friends, you said. Are they, you know, rich like your dad, or?"

"Most of them are, yeah." Diamond glanced to the side. "I figured if we wanted to meet people our age, who knew how to have a good time, well, they were the best choice."

Spike pushed one line of clothes away, putting the rack where it belong. "Figured your dad was about the only really rich pony in town. Are they from farther away?"

Diamond raised a hoof, looking ready to respond, but words failed her. "You have a point." She tapped at her chin. "I never really pried too much into my dad's friends, I just assumed they were like him, or they wouldn't be friends."

Spike grabbed the second rack to pull it along to its proper hiding place. "Not sure that's how that works." He hiked a thumb at himself, then pointed at Diamond. "Take us! We're, you know, special somecreatures and we have a lot of differences."

"Differences!" Diamond jumped at that, suddenly finding her energy. "You know, Spike, you're right. I guess we should look for ponies with more differences." She snickered into a hoof. "For what should we be looking, you know, in ponies?"

Spike sighed at that. "I thought it'd be obvious, but I guess it's not." He grabbed the last rack. "It's not about looking, specifically, for differences." Returning with all the racks put away, he threw an arm over Diamond, drawing her close. "Take Twilight and Moon Dancer! They're friends, past friends, and super similar, and that's okay too. But they're both friends with Rainbow, who's pretty different."

"Yes, I can see it." Diamond squished into Spike. "This isn't about making more friends." She frowned sharply. "Wait, I mean it isn't about different friends, or same friends." She prodded Spike in the side. "Your mom's rubbing off on you in the worst ways!"

Spike colored at that, but held to Diamond. "She's more of my big sister, sheesh. Um, anyway, yeah, she does write a lot of friendship notes. It's kinda funny."

"Funny?" Diamond released Spike and led the way to the door of her room. "Tell me about it while I show you off?"

Spike fell into step, walking alongside Diamond as she exited. "She started, and is still pretty clueless on what makes friendship tick, in here." He tapped his chest as they wound through the hallways of Diamond's house. "But studying? She loves that, so she's making tons of notes on this thing, friendship, from the outside, mostly. It's interesting to read, but I know she's trying really hard, and she is learning."

"How'd she learn about friendship if she couldn't figure it out on her own?" Diamond shrugged at Spike as the duo paused at an intersection, turning to go to the front foyer and the door awaiting them. "I don't get it. That doesn't seem fair."

"She couldn't." Spike laughed softly. "And it wasn't. It was a really messy year." He gestured about the fancy entrance hall. "But she stuck to it. It's still messy, but she's smiling, uh, as much as she tends to smile." He grabbed for the door, just to find it opening a moment before he could reach it.

Randolph was on the other side, head dipped towards them. "Have a pleasant outing, ma'am, sir." He motioned for them to step through, and closed it gently behind them.

Spike bobbed his head. "Always in the right place." He waved on the way past.

"It's kind of creepy, but I love it." Diamond trotted out onto the front lawn. "He does his job well. Now, who to show you off to first, hm. Silver Spoon? That feels like going for the low-hanging fruit."

"Let's say 'somepony random.'" Spike winked at Diamond. "But someone you like, that seems reasonable." He nodded as the duo headed for the path to the street. "And by the way, thanks for going along with this whole make-friends plan."

She bumped her hip against him from the side. "I can't become a mover and a shaker, Spike, unless I make friends. That isn't your plan. You're just, hm, changing which friends I consider." She fluttered her lashes at Spike. "You do that a lot. I didn't think I'd end up with a dragon for a boyfriend, and here we are."

"That's my trick." Spike flexed for her. "Friendship and dragons are all sorts of surprises." He stepped out into the public view, smiling. It was a lovely day to be a dragon. "It's a good plan. You're good at following plans, aren't you?"

Diamond scowled briefly as she looked around the town. "Only when I like them. So, master of friendship, if similar isn't it and differences aren't it, how do you know which ponies you'll hit it off with or not?"

"I don't." Spike grinned at the surprise of his response. "You don't. That's part of friendship." He spun on a heel, gesturing with both claws. "See, I think one of the reasons that Twilight and her friends get along so well is they all took the time to learn what they like about each other. It's, ah, uh, attitude thing."

"Attitude, huh." Diamond pointed suddenly at a pony resting on a bench and sped towards the mare with a bright smile. "Lyra, isn't it?"

Lyra gave an awkward smile as the two approached. "Uh, yeah, hi there. Weren't you doing the bullying thing?" Her eyes swept from the outraged filly to Spike. "Hey, Spike. What's the haps?"

Spike waved a little, keeping close to Diamond. "That wasn't very nice."

"Sorry." Lyra reconsidered Diamond. "Well, if you two are hanging out, things must have improved. What's up?" She looked between the two.

Diamond turned to face Spike with a grin. "What's up? Spike has a new outfit! Doesn't he look handsome?" She jabbed a hoof at Lyra. "I think he does, but what do you think?"

Lyra shifted in place, glancing away. "I mean, I guess?" She folded her arms, hoof bobbing. "I'm no expert on dragon fashion or whatever, but yeah, lookin' slick, Spike. How's it feel?"

Spike rocked in place with a proud smile. "Feeling good! Uh, hey, since we're here, who's your best friend?"

Lyra's eyes widened suddenly. "Wow! Out of nowhere, calling me out like that." She burst into musical laughter, flopping forward to the ground with a clop of her hooves. "But an easy one. Bon Bon's my #1 friend by a mile." She sat up, wiping a tear from her eye. "Hoo! Wow, Spike, I needed that. You know, you're a real cool kid."

"And you are?" Spike pointed at Lyra.

Lyra blinked at that. "Woah, just nonstop with the deep thoughts today. I am a musician." With a twinkle of her horn, she summoned her Lyre to play above her. "I'm your sister's classmate, or was, technically. Good times." She turned her eyes on Diamond. "Anyhow, I'd love to stick around, but I was just heading out to pick up some things from the store, and, you know, I can tell this is one of those conversation traps."

Diamond let her go, instead turning on Spike. "She liked it. Good. Operation DragonShine is off to a fabulous start."

Spike fired a thumbs up, which turned into a bump of his fist against her hoof. "If you want to show more ponies, why not there?" He pointed to the town square, where other ponies could be seen going about their daily business.

"There? Well, sure! Let's go!" She grabbed his claw and tugged him along. "That'll be fun! Just keep your eyes peeled for a pony I'd like. There has to be someone else here I'll hit it off with."

Spike blinked at that. "I thought we were—" He trailed off, deciding that wasn't an argument worth having.

The square offered a wide array of ponies. He pointed to Mayor Mare. "Want a distinguished view?"

Diamond wobbled a hoof. "Well, sure. She does wear more clothes on the usual than most ponies." She led Spike over to where Mayor Mare was looking over what seemed to be the foundation of a future building.

Mayor Mare, looking over blueprints, spotted them and smiled. "Good afternoon, Spike. It's wonderful to see you doing so well, and with a new style. Do you need something, or can I help you two with anything?"

Diamond blinked with amazement. "You actually beat us to it." She nudged Spike forward. "I just got him a new outfit."

Mayor Mare nodded, though her attention was sliding back towards the building. "It's very nice."

Spike nudged Diamond. "Thanks for the feedback. I'll vote for you next time!"

Mayor Mare started at that. "Oh, yes, thank you." She flashed a bright smile at Spike. "Speaking of that, ensuring the rules are being followed properly is part of how I can make sure the town's ponies are safe inside public buildings."

Diamond brushed her hair back with a hoof. "Ah, that explains that." She leaned over to Spike. "A real mayor for you, eh? Probably doesn't have any free time to hang out."

Mayor Mare sighed gently, though still smiling. "A mayor's job is never truly done. You two go on and enjoy yourselves." She waved them off, focusing back on the structure. "Come back when you need something!"

Spike waved to her as the pair departed. "That was quick."

"Boring." Diamond shivered. "I can cross mayor off my list of future jobs."

Spike perked at that. "Oh? What do you think your future job will be then?"

Diamond rolled a hoof as they walked. "Something where I'm in charge, duh."

Spike raised a lone finger, only to let it fall slowly. He didn't dare to voice his thoughts on that one. "Oh, hey." He pointed. "The fruit stalls are open."

"The what now?" Diamond squinted at the stands, then broke into a laugh. "I know that one! It's so cute and it sells stuff. Wait, is there a stall that only sells vegetables?"

Spike pointed the way. "Carrot Top's offering her namesake carrots. Want one?"

"A treat from my special somedragon? How do I say no." She smooched his cheek, giggling as she trotted towards the carrot stand.

Carrot Top, wearing a green apron covered in pink flowers, was sitting patiently, just watching her cart full of produce. A few apples sat in a corner, but otherwise, it was all carrots. She smiled brightly on seeing Diamond and Spike approaching. "Hello there, you two. What brings you by?"

Spike grabbed the edge of the stall and pulled himself up to be at Carrot Top's level. "Can I get two, please?" He fished out a few coins and slapped them down.

Carrot Top accepted one coin and pushed the others back. "Just one, lucky you, sale." She pointed to the sign that made that clear with a buy one, get one free offer. She grabbed two carrots by their green leaves and set them on the counter. "Here you go. Nice an' fresh."

"Thank you kindly." Spike passed a carrot over to Diamond. "And how have you been, Ms. Carrot?"

Carrot Top smirked at that. "Makin' a living, Mr. Spike." She reached out to ruffle the top of the dragon. "You are the cutest dragon ever."

Spike fell from the stall in surprise. "W-what?"

Diamond stepped over him defensively. "He's my cute dragon."

Carrot Top raised her hooves defensively. "Easy there, just complimenting. Nice suit, by the way."

Diamond exhaled slowly. "Right. Thanks." She glared daggers at the stall as she took her carrot and stomped off, leaving Spike in the dirt.

Spike picked himself up, dusting off his shirt. "Thanks!" He chomped his carrot in half, rushing off to catch up with Diamond.

Author's Note:

Possibly a fine one shot? Not sure if we need more parts, but feel free to weigh in below.

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