• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,157 Views, 856 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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7 - A New Path


Twilight looked back from the window she had thrown open. "The library opens early in the morning, and only one pony does that." She trotted for the stairs. "Breakfast is ready downstairs."

"Did she say breakfast?" Spike hopped out of his smaller bed, wide awake and jogging to keep up. "You are a mare of many talents, my dear."

Twilight's ear twitched softly. That was an odd way for a little boy, dragon or not, to address her. "I had a chance to ask Celestia. Since I am housing you and Moondancer, she gave me a mild stipend to cover the costs, not that I would have turned either of you away." She raised a hoof to her chest, ambling along despite it. "Still, it helps, and it means I got a perfect treat for a young dragon."

Moondancer followed down after them, looking thoughtful. "Gem flakes?"

"Gem flakes!" repeated Twilight, gesturing to a little bottle that waited to sprinkle the flakes. "Now, everypony, let's eat up and get ready to face the day.

Moondancer slid up into her chair as Spike reached for the bottle and got to sprinkling his scrambled eggs liberally. "Twilight, thank you. Your usual routine must be sorely impacted by, well, me." She put a hoof to her chest. "I have taken far more favors than I gave, and I apologize. How can I make it up to you?"

Twilight inclined her head left and right, a smile on her face. "Silly Moondancer, I want you here, but since you bring it up..." She tapped at her chin. "I'd like you to pick one of the friends you just saved Equestria with and really get to know them." She snapped at a fork that glowed with her magic, eating her own breakfast. "They're all worth being friends with, lovely ponies, just like you, or me." She looked to Spike. "Or Spike."

Spike let out a dreamy sigh. He was worth being a friend with. His crush said so!

Twilight saw the emotions on his face, considering it a moment. "Spike, you remember my best friend, besides you two, don't you?"

"Hm?" He sat up sharply, not expecting the question. "Oh, uh... Applejack?"

"That's her." Twilight gentle smiled. "And she is now the element of honesty. She always was an honest and straightforward pony. How she felt, she told you. I can always trust her..." Twilight met his eyes. "I want to trust you too, Spike. And that means if you feel something... you should share it."

"Oh, er..." He began scratching behind his head, his cheeks burning hot as he squirmed in his seat, struggling with his feelings. "Even if they're embarrassing?"

"It's alright to want to talk about it privately," she assured. "But you should share it. About the only time you wouldn't is if it hurt the other pony." She shook her head softly. "I doubt anything you feel would be mean to me, Spike."

"Never!" he exclaimed in a squeak, looking horrified of the very idea.

Moon Dancer glanced between Spike and Twilight, missing what was going on. "I will try your unicorn friend, Rarity," she decided. "I don't mean to be tribist... but I will confess, I have little grasp on the ways of earth ponies or pegasi. Rarity may not be as ardent of a spellcaster as us, but she can cast spells, and... I'll give it an honest try."

Twilight's face erupted in a great smile. "That sounds wonderful! She's probably at her boutique right now. Go on over and say hello. This will make an excellent report to Celestia."

"Ah, yes. You've done me another favor." She tapped her chin as she slid to her hooves. "I do need to keep her updated. I promised. Thank you, Twilight. With your assistance, I feel confident I can get through this challenge."

Twilight hopped down to exchange a warm hug with her friend, then turned back to Spike as Moondancer trotted off. "We're alone now. Go ahead. I promise I won't laugh. I promise I won't be angry, as long as you're honest."

Spike rubbed one arm with the opposing hand. "Well, you see... Look, you're a very smart pony."

"Thank you." She smiled at the compliment. "Moondancer is also very clever, and you have your face buried in a book almost as often."

"Comics," he admitted with a blush. "Um... You're... Mmm.... This..."

She set a hoof on his small shoulder. "Spike, when you look at me, what do you see?"

"I..." He worried his fingers together with increasing nervousness. "I see a... an enchanting mare, who I... like a lot."

"Oh, Spike..." The truth of the matter was out there, though she had a feeling 'like' was not the proper term. "Spike, I like you a lot too... but not in precisely the same way." She slid a hoof past his head, arm hooking to hug him. "I will always love you, as a brother, not... that way."

"O-oh..." He slumped in her grasp, his little heart bursting.

"Spike, this isn't a... Spike, you are a wonderful dragon." She backed a step. "You will find a pony, or another dragon? Somecreature that you connect with." She brought her hooves together with a soft clop. "And I will be there to cheer you on."

"I'm being friendzoned..."

"Where did you learn that word?" Twilight arched a brow. "I will need to talk to Moondancer about what kind of comics she's letting you read, but you are not being that. You are not just a friend, Spike. You are family." She coughed into a hoof softly. "And family does not do... that kind of thing with family."

"Look, um..." He grabbed his tail, worrying it instead. "Um... thanks... You asked me to... be honest... and you were too... I'm... I..."

"You need time," she finished for him. "And that's alright. I will be here, to talk, whenever you feel ready. I don't want to lose you, Spike."

Her gentle smile was a painful balm, soothing and stinging at the same time. "I gotta go. Be back... later." And he dashed off, away from the source of his pain.

Moondancer trotted along towards the boutique. It was easy to spot in the small town. "Hey."

She looked to the left. An earth pony. She remembered them... who... Ah... "Bon Bon."

Bon Bon waved Moondancer closer. "Lyra said you were going to head right back home, but here you are. Couldn't get enough of the Ponyville charm?"

Moondancer inclined her head. "I would like to ask you a question, may I?"

Bon Bon blinked at that. "Well, I asked you one, only fair, but you have to answer mine first." She stuck out her tongue a little. "Fair's fair."

"That is very reasonable." An exchange of favors. Had she already found a friend? What great news! "Ponyville is very different from Canterlot. I am still adjusting to it, but I have a good support network that enables this transition. She also has a stocked library."

"Oh ho! A book worm, hmm? No wonder you're having fun at Twilight's." Bon Bon laughed in a kind way, a smile on her face. "Now, what's your question? Lay it on me. I can handle it."

"Very well." That pony, Bon Bon, was honoring the exchange of favors. A point in her favor. Perhaps she could be friends, even with an earth pony. Speaking of that... "My exposure to earth ponies is limited. You have had exposure to Lyra, so I hope you can inform me of the differences between unicorn and earth pony perspectives, so I can have a better understanding."

Bon Bon looked like she had just seen a strange new species. "Wow, hon... Did you never leave Canterlot? You poor thing." She raised a hoof to her chest. "But you've come out and admitted it, and you're looking to improve. I can respect that!" She cleared her throat as she waved a hoof out over the town. "Let's start with the basics. We're all ponies! We have four hooves, we have snouts." She booped herself for emphasis. "We each have mane styles we prefer and that goes for tails." She wagged her tail as she mentioned it. "Most of us prefer an entirely vegetarian diet." She leaned in closer, eyebrows waggling. "I like a little slice once in a while, don't tell Lyra. She'd freak out."

Moondancer arched a brow. "Do you?" She sat and tapped her hooves thoughtfully, considering. "Mmm... One of the ponies that insisted on physical activities also favored a modest portion of animal protein in their diet. Perhaps there's a correlation? Do you prefer physical activities?"

Bon Bon considered her life as a secret agent, jumping out of windows and hopping over things to get at monsters. "Well, sometimes... You may be onto something there." She swatted Moondancer on the shoulder. "Clever mare. You're a book worm, so... you do not eat meat, if you're right?"

"I do not," agreed Moondancer, looking satisfied. "This is insufficient data to draw a conclusion, but enough to form a working hypothesis and attempt further research. Thank you." She inclined her head in thought. "I will need a survey..."

"I can try asking around," proposed Bon Bon. "There are plenty of ponies in town, and I know some of them keep the meat stalls open. I'll get back to you with what I find out."

Another favor being given?! She felt sure she was falling behind in the exchange. "Thank you. Why are you being so generous?" Ah ha! "Are you friends with Rarity?"

Bon Bon inclined her head. "As much as anypony else around here. She's a nice enough mare, a bit into clothes, but we all have our obsession, don't we?" She pointed at Moondancer. "I hear you like books, for instance."

"I do like books," admitted Moondancer, struggling to put the pieces together. "I owe you."

"What are friends for? I've kept you long enough." She advanced on Moondancer, startled as she was, and casually hugged as if they were friends for far longer than a few minutes. "You have a great day, alright?"

"You too," weakly allowed Moondancer, watching Bon Bon trot away, looking so happy. "I owe her a favor..." But she was not hurrying to collect. Friendship. "Friendship." Moondancer nodded, confidence beginning to return. She turned back towards the carousel and hurried towards it. She had another friend to make. She wouldn't let Twilight, of all ponies, down.

"You're looking like a cat what let the mouse get away." Applejack gently kicked the door shut behind herself, entering the library. "What's on yer mind?"

"Oh, Applejack!" Twilight brightened at the spotting of one of her dear friends. "You here to find a book, or are you looking for me?"

"You, sugarcube." Applejack sat on the other side of the counter Twilight had been stationed at. "Where are yer friends?" She looked around, not seeing Moondancer or Spike. "They gettin' inta trouble?"

"I would hope not." Twilight let out a little sigh. "You remember Spike, right? Little dragon?" She raised a hoof about Spike height off the floor.

"Reckon ah do." She nodded firmly. "Cute little fella, mite bit worried 'fer Moondancer?"

"He is both of those things..." She drew quiet a moment. "And... I hurt his feelings."

Applejack inclined her head. "That don't sound like you none at all. What happened? Tell it to me straight and we'll figure it through."

"I knew I could count on you." She set a hoof on Applejack's shoulder gently before drawing it back. "Poor little guy, he..." She tapped her hooves, hesitating. "You have to promise to keep this quiet. I didn't promise him to secrecy, but this is still--"

"--Ah get it." Applejack inclined her hat over her eyes. "Ah'll only open mah mouth if there's somethin' worth comin' out of it. So what happened with 'em?"

"He's still... a very young dragon. According to Moondancer." She suddenly smiled. "You have to give it to her, she really read up on dragons! She figured out Spike is basically an older child, but still a child, roughly..." She wobbled a hoof uncertaintly. "Maybe a few years before puberty?"

"Alright, ah get it." She nodded softly, frowning a little. "But ah don't get how that's an issue none?"

"He fell in love with his foalsitter," she sighed loudly.

Applejack peered at Twilight evenly for a long quiet moment. "Ain't... you his--"

"--Yes I am!" She threw her hooves wide. "Exactly the problem... So... I told him."

"Ya didn't!"

"I did." She sank miserably. "I didn't want him getting hurt if I kept stringing him along, so I just... said it, that I... like him very much, love even, but not... that kind of love."

"Ah can see that..." She considered a moment. "Look, yer still friends. Just give 'em a moment to think it through, and don't make it awkward none." She nodded with renewed confidence. "Yer still family. Shoot, ya done told me so much 'bout the little guy, he almost feels like one ah mine."

One could almost imagine the light bulb flaring into being over her head. "That's it!"

"What's it?" Twilight peered at her friend, confused but hopeful that a good idea was coming. "Do share."

"Give him t' me. Er, us. He just needs a good helpin' of Apple Hospitality and we'll get his head on right in no time at all." She stood up tall, looking all the more confident. "We'll get him past his heartache."

Twilight looked uncertain at first, but it began to lift. "Your mother's done a nice job with you two."

Applejack blinked rapidly. "Pardon?"

"She raised you and Big Mac," expanded Twilight, spreading her hooves. "I feel certain she can give just the right words to help Spike feel better."

"Ah bet she could." Applejack accepted the confidence in her mother's ability. "Want me to go find the little fella and bring 'em over?"

Twilight pointed past Applejack, to the door she had come through. "The sooner the better. I'll tell Moondancer what happened. Oof, this is not my best foalsitting session." She applied a hoof to her face. "But I have a friend to help me through. Thanks."

"Yer quite welcome." They shared a gentle hug of understanding and Applejack sped off to find where Spike had gone off to.

Moondancer clopped twice on the door. "Come in," sang a voice from inside, a familiar one.

"Good morning, Rarity," greeted Moondancer as she stepped inside. "I would like to begin by apologizing."

Rarity inclined her head at her guest. "We haven't even begun the day, darling. Whatever could you be apologizing for?"

"I was... trying to finish an assignment." She turned a hoof on herself. "I thought Celestia had abandoned me, and if I didn't act, quickly, all of Equestria was in danger. It only seemed... logical... that I put that above all other priorities, and I may have performed an act of impropriety or two." She inclined her head at Rarity. "Do you understand?"

"I think I do, dear, but I'm afraid I don't think you do." She pointed to a spot beside her sewing machine, which was still humming away, working under her magic. "You're saying sorry, and that is a wonderful thing, but I don't think you grasp what you actually did wrong."

Moondancer settled in the pointed at spot. "I took the first opportunity to leave your presence, trying to adhere to a schedule I had set for myself." She brought up her hooves and tapped them together. "That was... rude."

"Yes it was." Rarity's horn stopped glowing, the machine slowing to a stop. "You never even said what you actually thought of it."

Moondancer stepped from one hoof to the next. "I... see... Is it too... late to try now?"

Rarity swiveled entirely to face Moondancer. "Are you attempting to placate me, darling?"

Moondancer admitted her desires, raising a hoof, "My assignment is to properly understand the mechanics of friendship... I... fear I do not. I understand the one friend I have, but little outside that." She suddenly perked. "I'm afraid I may have made another on the way here."

"That's hardly something to be afraid of," practically sang Rarity, a little smile on her face. "Dear, that's wonderful news. Still, it sounds like you've been given quite a task considering how... ill informed you are on the topic."

"This is not the first time," stated Moondancer with sudden conviction. "When I was entrusted with Spike's guardianship, I was entirely ignorant on the topic of dragons, but, with proper research and diligence, I overcame it. I will do the same here." She brought down a hoof with a loud clop.

"Dear, darling... Please don't begin heavy researching friendship, kindly."

Moondancer blinked blankly at the shut down. "But that is how I learn. Books have all the answers."

"Books have a lot of answers, it's true." Her horn glowed, drawing over a few ponyquinns in dresses closer. "But other ponies also have answers, often not the same ones. It's only by comparing and contrasting that you can get a full picture of the thing, dear." She gestured at the ponyquinns. "Now, if you actually want to try on a dress or two, I'd be delighted to help."

Moondancer considered them quietly a moment. "I would prefer a dress that is easy to put on and easy to take off and doesn't get in the way of my motions."

Rarity's brows went up. "How specific. I love it!" She brought her hooves together in quite the glad clop. "I can tell you're telling me the truth, and I do appreciate the truth when it comes to fashion. Something simple, not too many frills, yes... Just something that slips right over you and slips right off again when you're done. That sound about right?"

"That is exactly right," she admitted as if surprised her intent was understood so easily. "Do you have a dress like that?"

"You just stand up." She made an upward gesture of a hoof. "Perfect, stand like that." Measuring tape zipped over, glowing, and began to quickly take all of Moondancer's measurements. "I'll have the perfect thing for you. Not today, mind. Artistic pieces do not spring from the air at a moment's notice, dear."

"Of course." She did her best to remain still as the tape went just about everywhere to get her each measurement. "I have worn a dress before."

Rarity cocked a brow. "You didn't seem the sort that would wear a dress, to be forthright, darling. In what situation would you wear a dress?"

Moondancer huffed. "I am the student of Princess Celestia. She holds a variety of functions and I am expected to dress appropriately." She pointed at herself. "I will admit, I usually wore whatever she gave me, but I did wear them."

"Oh, I do see... That does make sense." She seemed to hum softly in thought as she looked to a clipboard with a lot of numbers on it. "Well, that's good. I won't have to go over some things then. That must have been... quite the thing. I don't fear admitting I'm just a little jealous. Oh, to live the high life, to rub shoulders with royalty." She fluttered her lashes at Moondancer. "You were... are... the student of Princess Celestia, are you not? How exciting that must be!"

"I find it to be very intellectually satisfying." Moondancer smiled just a crack. "She must have faith in me."

"Hm?" Rarity inclined her head. "What makes you say that, specifically, dear?"

"This is the first time she gave me such a long task so far away from her direct supervision." Moondancer nodded slowly. "This is clearly a sign of her increased faith in my ability. I will not let her down."

"That's the spirit." Rarity bumped into Moondancer from the side. "Now, dear, I have to ask you to be off. I have dresses to make." She winked at Moondancer dramatically. "One of them may be yours," she sang.

"Understood." Moondancer began for the door. "Thank you. Today's conversation was... better." She inclined her head as she went. "I am still new at this process. Please tell me if I make a mistake."

"Now that, darling, I will gladly do." She sat and clapped her hooves together. "I'm already feeling better about you. You go on and have a wonderful day. I can't wait to see how you look when I'm done." With a giddy little giggle of creative desire, she got back to sewing busilly.

Pear Butter looked down at the little reptile that occupied her living room. "Hello there. Spike, was it?"

"Yes, ma'am." Spike awkwardly shuffled in place. "Um, sorry... to be in the way."

"You put that thought right out yer head." She gently bonked the dragon on the head. "You wanna help me make dinner?"

Spike blinked softly. "Oh, I know how to cook."

"Well ain't that great?" She started towards the kitchen. "Then you'll be really at home, hm? How did someone so young, from a city, learn that?"

Spike hurried to catch up with her, getting right into the swing of things with grabbing things, mixing things, and soon the kitchen was busy with the labors that would create dinner. "Moondancer is a really smart pony, but she isn't that good at, uh... self care?"

"I can imagine." Pear Butter gently nudged Spike. "Two cups of milk, if you'd please?" She watched him pour it out and nodded. "Your fingers make you a natural at this. The family's in for a real treat tonight." She got to shaking vigorously at a whisk in a bowl. "You will enjoy it with us, I trust?"

"Huh? I mean... I should..."

"If you're worried, Moondancer and Twilight know you're here." She set the bowl down and reached to place a hoof on Spike's shoulders. "For tonight, yer an Apple, so enjoy it. Ah hear yer becomin' a real stallion."

"W-what?!" His cheeks lit up bright red.

"Now, ah ain't one of those, even if I raised one. Still, figure, ah'll let a stallion tell a stallion how it works."

Spike squirmed with suddenly spiking dismay. "I mean... you don't have to..."

"Big Mac!" she bellowed as she poured out the bowl into a baking tray. "Get in here!" With the rapid approach of clopping hooves, Big Mac rushed into the room. "There ya are. Ah need a favor." She inclined her head towards Spike. "Little fella here had his first crush, and his first heartbreak. Could you...?"

Big Mac's eyes widened with understanding. "Yeah sure." He offered a hoof towards Spike. "C'mere. Ah don't think we met proper?"

"Oh, uh... I'm Spike." He gestured at himself. "Spike, brother of Moondancer." He waved off in what was the proper direction. "And... I messed up today." He groaned piteously. "And now the mare I loved probably never wants to talk to me ever again!"

"Now I doubt that's true none." He put an arm around Spike and began leading him away from Pear Butter and the kitchen. "Why don't you tell me how it happened from the start like?"

"Well, you see..." And Spike told the tale of the most wonderful librarian he'd ever known, and how he had been found out, and promptly shot right down. "She asked me just so she could tell me no... Am I ugly? I mean, I have to be. I'm not even a pony." He rang his hands together, head hanging heavily. "She musta been..."

"Now ya stop that right there." He gently thumped Spike on the shoulder. "Twilight ain't like that. What'd she say?"

"Say? Uh... she... said she loved me, but not... that way?" He huffed gently. "But she's not my sister, that's Moondancer."

"Still, it's how she sees ya." Big Mac inclined his head softly. "Somepony came an' told me that Applejack actually weren't a sister none, wouldn't mean I'd consider datin' her. She's still mah sister. It means yer important to her, real important."

"Real important..." Spike did not look entirely convinced, but it was nice having company at least.

Author's Note:

And now we set off on new paths. This chapter has no direct episode it analogues too, and that's alright, hm? We have so much to explore, if you're still with me, reading along.

Any aspect you're eager to dive into?

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