• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 13,792 Views, 514 Comments

The Anomaly in a Mare's World - Hilord17

Everything is perfect in the mare's world. That is, until a certain stallion arrives and start to mess with it, just by being himself.

  • ...

X - Admiration

Author's Note:

Hello, once more! It's been a while.

I hope everyone is ok :twilightsmile:

The two stories that were published (Gielinor's Visitor and Conversion Bureau: El Único) will not be updated until this story (The Anomaly in a Mare's World) is complete. I may update before that if they receive enough attention.

I really have nothing else to say. Any typos will be fixed ASAP and well, I wish all of you a good day/afternoon/night.

"Darling? What is it?" Rarity tried to get Aero's attention, but...

*Mister! You can finally see me!*

"I can also hear you." added Aero, totally focused on the small being. "We finally meet again."

"Aero? Who are you talking to?" asked Rarity, clearly confused. "And why are you looking at the ceiling?"

"It's a bit of a long story. The Princesses know about this." answered Aero, who now looks at Rarity. "But just to be sure... You don't see anything floating near me, do you?"

"I'm afraid not, darling." was her answer. "Do you see something?"

*Yes! Me!*

"(The same foal voice I heard during the memory-scan spell. Sounds like a 'he'.)" thought Aero while answering Rarity's question. "Yes. But it seems that only I can see and hear it."

"I'm not really sure of what is going on..." said Rarity, a bit confused.

"If this was not so sudden, I would explain it. What matters right now is only one thing." said Aero, looking back to the strange being. "Do you want to harm us in any way?"

*What? No! I would never do that!*

"I have many questions to ask you, but if you are harmless, then do you mind following us?" asked the stallion, who then realized something. "Now that I think about it... have you been following me since yesterday?"

*I've been with you since the beginning! And I can't get too far from you!*

"(Can't get too far from me? Why?)" thought Aero while focusing on Rarity. "Sorry for that. It must be very weird to see me talking to something you can't see."

"While I think it is weird, I believe you are telling me the truth, darling. You come from another Equestria after all." was her answer. "And from what I have seen so far, you are not one to lie."

"I appreciate your trust." said Aero. "Now let's keep going. I will inform Twilight and the others about this later."

"If you say so, darling. Just make sure to tell us if something else happens." said Rarity, happy to resume their walking to the 'inspiration room'. "Now, once I get your measures, I'll make you clothes worthy of royalty!"

"I'm glad you are motivated. Just don't make a dress."

"Not to worry. I know for a fact that a dress would just ruin your looks. Don't forget your part of the deal, Darling!"

"Yes. You may examine my cape as much as you need."

*What's a 'measure'?*

"Ah, dear Sunset. It's good to see you."

"Likewise, Princess. I am here to let you know that an official response has arrived from the north."

Sunset Shimmer, who entered the throne room, noticed that there were no other ponies to be found aside from the royal guards. That means Princess Celestia put Day Court on hold.

"Oh! That was rather fast. Do you have the scroll with you?"

"Of course. The message arrived in the middle of our discussion about today's events."

"How's the investigation going?"

"Not much progress has been made, I'm afraid. We gathered all the info we could get from our scouts and mages analyzing for any kind of magic used inside the forest. There's only one thing we can say for certain: The creatures in the deep parts of the forest are moving more than usual."

"Even if it's that little information, it's useful."

"We'll keep an eye on the forest. The best scenario would be to avoid another sudden attack."

"We'll discuss it later. For now... I need to see their answer."

"Of course, Princess." using her magic, Sunset handed the scroll she had with her to Princess Celestia. "May I ask what is this about? This was very sudden."

"You will know very soon." said Celestia, who was now reading the scroll. After a few seconds, a smile was seen on the Princess' face. "And it seems they accepted my invitation."

"(Invitation? Maybe a meeting of some sort? But why them?)" thought Sunset, looking for a possible answer with the information she had. Of course, she made sure to not show this thought to Celestia.

"Please tell the maids and butlers that we need to prepare two rooms on the top floor in the next two hours." said Celestia, in a commanding voice. "It is of utmost importance that those rooms need to be ready as soon as possible."

"Very well, Princess." said Sunset in a respectful manner.

"Once our guests arrive, I'll need you with me at all times. That is all for now, dear Sunset."

Sunset did a short but respectful bow, and then left the throne room.

"Now then..."

Celestia activated her magic, showing her yellow aura. The smile she had earlier was now a bit wider.

"I can't wait to see Luna's reaction."

"This tranquility..."

Aero took a deep breath...

Peace and quiet.

"So relaxing..." he was honestly enjoying this brief moment of freedom. "I may consider living in the outskirts of Ponyville once I get back to my Equestria."

And that's where he was: The outskirts of Ponyville, near the entrance to the Everfree Forest.

*Why did you teleport?*

"Because Spike decided to stay with miss Rarity's little sister, and I don't want to deal with the mares of Ponyville. This is also a shortcut to the next pony I want to see."

Since Aero already knows this area, he can safely use his magic to teleport. Luckily the distance was not that much. Even with all his training and experience in battles, he can't cover big distances like the Princesses or Twilight. In fact, this last teleportation may be his limit when it comes to distance.

Rarity promised to have his clothes ready in a few hours. Aero reassured her that it wasn't necessary to give his clothes a higher priority, but she insisted. He also decided to leave the cape with her. Something she appreciated a lot. It was the happiest he has seen her yet.

*The kind pony lives around here!*

"Yes, little one." answered Aero, chuckling a bit at the small being's cheerful attitude. "It seems that you do remember her."

*Of course! She cares a lot about you!*

"(Well, that came out of nowhere.)" thought Aero, a bit curious about the particular choice of words from the being. "There is one more reason to teleport here: While we walk to Fluttershy's home, you can answer some of my questions."


Without wasting any time, Aero followed the road to Fluttershy's Cottage. He still finds it a bit weird that this little being is so friendly and positive, considering what happened yesterday.

"Do you have a name?"

*Yes! My name is Themis, but mom likes to call me cinnamon roll!*

"(Somehow... I can understand why.)" thought Aero, giving a simple and honest smile.

*You do? Tell me!*

This made the stallion stop for a moment. He didn't say anything. He didn't use his voice. He was thinking. If that's the case...

"(So you can hear my thoughts.)"

*Yes! Loud and clear!*

"(I didn't know that. This makes things easier. From now on, let's talk like this. I will also start referring to you as a male, considering your voice.)"


"(Tell me Themis: What are you? You're definitely not one of the creatures that lives in the Everfree Forest.)"

*I'm not really sure. Mom told me once, but I forgot. Sorry...*

"(Ok. Don't be sad about it. Maybe you'll remember later. How old are you?)"

*I'm nine years old!*

"(So you're still very young. And where are you from?)"

*Well, our home is here! But higher!* Themis looked up, and the tiny tentacle in the upper part of its body was moving a little.

"(You mean the sky?)"

*Way higher!*

"(Way... higher?)"

Aero focused his gaze on the sky. However, he understood the words of little Themis. Not many ponies know about it, but it's a subject that grew in popularity since Luna's return. At least in his Equestria. The Princess of the Night herself offered a detailed description of the Moon that's near the planet. This was very valuable information from a place that no race in Equestria has managed to even explore yet.

And it didn't mean just the moon.

"(You live... in the Cosmic Realm?)"

That is how Princess Luna decided to name it. That immense area up there, way beyond the sky. It may be as big as an entire continent, or even more...

Way more.

Themis tilted his head a little to the side, and for the first time, his expression was showing confusion.

*The what?*

"(How to explain it... Do you live among the stars up there? We ponies can't explore that far yet.)"

*Oh! The shiny things! Yes!*

"(Shiny things you say...)" while he said that in his mind, on the outside he once again chuckled. "(So you do live there. How is it?)"

*It's very quiet sometimes, but the view is amazing! There are lots and lots of shiny things! There are also things that I don't know at all! Both big and small!*

"(Well, considering your young age, I'm sure you will learn about them in the future. Now, I have many more questions about you, but now I need an answer to the most important ones, ok?)"

*Sure! I like talking with you!*

"(As you may know, this is not my Equestria. Since I woke up in the castle inside the Everfree Forest, something was different. Now... Did you bring me to this Equestria?)"

*I... I did*

"(You sound sad again. Sorry for that, but you have to understand. You put me in quite the situation. Why did you bring me here, to this alternate Equestria?)"

*Because... I need help. My sister... my sister is lost*

"(Oh, that's right. You said something about your sister when I lost consciousness. So she is lost. I assume that since you brought me here, you want me to help you find her?)"


"(Why me? It's because I found you? Or is there another reason?)"

Suddenly, Themis started to smile, his confidence returning again.

*My dad told me to find you! He told me you would be in that castle that day!*

"(That day? How did your father know about the Princesses' plans?)"

*That's because dad likes to watch the future! I don't know what that means, but that's how he knew you would be in that old place!*

"(T-the future? How does he-)"

*Is that the house? There are lots of animals!*

"(You are right. It seems that we'll have to continue this later.)"


While the timing was not the best, Aero couldn't deny the words of his little companion. They were just arriving at Fluttershy's Cottage.

"I didn't realize it the first time because I was in a hurry..." as he approached the wooden door of Fluttershy's home, he observed everything around him: the number of flowers, trees, and bushes with small fruits in them, the unique small river near the cottage, and the surprising amount of animals gathering around the area.

Most of the animals consisted of birds of different colors, rabbits, and squirrels. There were a lot of birdhouses in the trees. These trees also had certain holes for the squirrels. On the ground, there were certain spots for the rabbits to use.

"I tend to forget that Fluttershy treats her house as a sanctuary of sorts for wild animals." Aero couldn't help but smile. "I have to say, it's a beautiful sight."

And that's when he felt something in one of his front hooves.

A rabbit.

After getting Aero's attention, the rabbit did a quick back jump. Then for a few seconds, the small fluffy rabbit just stared at him, like waiting for some sort of reaction.

"I wonder... Can you understand me?" asked Aero. "Considering her love for animals, I'm sure that Fluttershy would teach all of you to behave and to try to understand other ponies."

The rabbit seemed to understand, because he smiled a little, and did a quick nod.

"I've come to visit your caretaker, and Element of Kindness, Fluttershy. Is she home?"

Once again, the rabbit did a quick nod, and proceeded to go into one of the many holes around.

"I remember that Twilight once told me about Fluttershy's ability to understand animals. Maybe she can directly speak to them?" wondered the stallion while gently knocking at the door a few times.

After a few seconds, he got a response.

"H-hello? Who's there?"

"Hello Fluttershy. It's Aero. I was wondering if you-"

The door suddenly opened, revealing a slightly flustered Fluttershy. This lasted just for a moment, because as soon as she saw him, her surprise was replaced with a smile of happiness.

"Aero! You came to see me?" asked Fluttershy.

*Yes! He did!*

"I did promise you girls to see each one of you. I already spent some time with Twilight, and Rarity is now busy making me some clothes."

"Oh, that sounds wonderful. Did you have any problems on your way here?"

"Spike accompanied me when I went to see Rarity, and from there I teleported near your home." said Aero. "Honestly, you chose a very good place to live, Fluttershy."

"I'm glad you like the peace and quiet around here." was her gentle response. "Would you like to come in? There's so much I want to show you!"

"Sure. I'll be in your care." said Aero, with an honest smile. He is glad that he can actually 'lower his guard' when he is with Fluttershy.

As for the Element of Kindness...

"(Oh my goodness... I can't get enough of that smile!)"

While both ponies went inside the cottage, the same rabbit that was with Aero earlier, whose name is 'Angel', watched with a smile on his face. After all, seeing her caretaker happy makes him happy.

"I... I knew he was strong, but I didn't expect this!"

"Your reaction is understandable, Twilight Sparkle. However, it is the truth."

"For a moment I wondered why you told me all this, but now..."

Celestia, Luna, Discord, and Twilight Sparkle were taking a break from the investigation. Ever since they managed to make a link to the other Equestria, albeit a very weak one, they have been studying and analyzing it in order to stabilize it. Once they can do that, they will be able to create a 'door', but that alone will require a lot of magical energy.

And right now, Princess Luna requested Twilight's presence in a private room to discuss a certain topic.

"I've always wondered why there weren't any major problems outside of Equestria that required our attention." said Twilight, smiling a little. "His group was protecting us all this time."

"If the Elements of Harmony are a powerful defense against threats inside Equestria, 'Elemental' is our defense from outside threats." said Luna. "They are also our trump card, should the Elements of Harmony fail someday, or if they are stolen."

"But... These 'abilities' you mention. If this is also true, then why haven't they received any kind of recognition? They deserve it."

"For the same reason they do not use them within Equestria." answered Luna. "If their abilities were known, their everyday lives would be at risk. Not only that, but their acquaintances, friends, and families would be in danger as well."

"I didn't think about that..."

"The only exception where they can use their powers in our territory is when there is no other choice." continued the Princess. "When doing missions outside of Equestria, they use special equipment so others don't recognize them."

"But now Aero is stuck in that other Equestria..." Twilight now understand how dire the situation is.

"Without its leader, Elemental is in a very delicate position." most of the time, Princess Luna has a serious attitude, but right now, she's worried, and Twilight noticed it. "I have no doubt about the experience and abilities of the other members, but without their leader here, they can't show their full potential."

With everything she has been told, Twilight knows that Princess Luna wants to ask for a favor involving Aero. She's glad that the Princess of the Night trusts her enough to tell her this sensible information.

"Twilight Sparkle. The reason I told you all this information is that I want you to be part of my rescue team."

"Rescue team? You mean after we manage to create a stable door?"

"Indeed. I have already discussed this with my sister. It is obvious that she cannot come with us. After all, even with Aero's disappearance, our Equestria continues its everyday. She is and will always be needed here."

"With us? You want to travel to the other Equestria, Princess?"

"But of course!" At this point, Twilight is sure that when it comes to Aero, Princess Luna shows her emotions more strongly. "He is my aide, and it's our fault that he ended up disappearing."

"And... who else is coming?"

Just then, there were a few knocks on the other side of the door.

"I do believe they arrived just in time to answer your question."

"Huh. I never thought I would see a friendly bear."

"His name is Harry. Say hello, Harry."

"Wow. He really is bowing. Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm sure you have done your best to keep Fluttershy safe."

Aero is honestly astonished by the number of animals that are both outside and inside Fluttershy's home. He has seen his fair share of animals during his missions outside Equestria, although, rather than common animals, he tends to encounter more dangerous creatures: Bite-acudas in unknown rivers, Bufogrens in forests and swamps, although those are friendly if you take the right approach. He also had to deal with some wild cockatrices, which are extremely dangerous if they ambush you. Now the recent Cragadile is the latest addition to his list.

This time, the number of peaceful animals gathered in one place was enough to make him both surprised and relaxed: Rabbits, squirrels, rats, Harry the bear, many birds, flamencos, ferrets, and there are even fishes in her yard in a somewhat big pond.

"They are all my dear friends." Fluttershy sat on the rug in the center of the living room. "Every time they are hurt, sick, or just want to spend time with others, they come here."

*It's amazing! Every animal here trusts her and even wishes to protect her!*

"(Literally.)" thought Aero, as he watched how a good portion of the animals gathered around her, and a couple of birds landed on her back. Larry was not there, but he was watching her.

"Aero... Can I ask you something?" Fluttershy focused her gaze on the stallion, and so did the animals around her. He nodded quickly, motioning for her to continue. "Am I... a weird mare?"

This did surprise Aero a bit.

"(That's the second thing I hear today that came out of nowhere.)" thought Aero while answering Fluttershy. "I'm afraid you'll have to elaborate a bit more on that."

"Mares need to be strong, reliable and be prepared to do anything for the sake of the stallions. That is what I've been told all the time since I was a little filly." said Fluttershy. "Over the years, I tried to be like that. I always try to help them when they are scared or don't know what to do, but beyond that..."

The shy mare let out a rather loud sigh.

"I've seen mares taking advantage of stallions and ordering them around, make fun of them for how frail they are, or they simply question their intelligence. Sometimes I feel that if I get involved with the stallions too much... I may become just like those mares."

"Sounds to me that you're not satisfied with how things are right now." said Aero. "While I still need to talk to some stallions to get an idea of how they feel, I already have an idea about mares."

The stallion approached Fluttershy.

"We didn't talk too much in my Equestria, but I can tell that both of you aren't different. You are still true to your kind nature." Aero looked at the animals near Fluttershy. "Can I sit down here? It looks comfy."

Fluttershy did a gentle nod and the animals gave him space, allowing him to sit right next to her.

"You are not weird, Fluttershy. I have no right to interfere with how you and everypony else in this Equestria lives, but it's clear that this is not just about 'protecting' stallions. At least not anymore. All the mares around talk about me like some walking trophy..." this time, it was Aero who left out a sigh. "Or a possible source for sexual relief."

"W-w-wha-what?" Fluttershy's face became an instant tomato-red, to the point that Aero got surprised again.

"Sorry. It's not a topic to discuss just like that, but... That's how it feels like. They seem to think that they have this power and authority because they've had special responsibilities for centuries. The stallions take care of the foals, and can only do certain activities and hobbies considered 'safe' because of the curse. Honestly, it feels like a 'master-servant' relationship disguised as a herd, but if the stallions are happy..."

"I'm sorry."

As soon as Aero finished talking, Fluttershy got closer to him, as if she was cuddling him. Aero was aware of this but he knows she means well, so he didn't mind. He also saw her face for just a moment. She looked a bit sad.

"I'm sorry that our society has changed to the point you feel like this. It's not fair for you to be trapped in here. To deal with our society and how they view stallions. You are a wonderful pony, and they don't see it."

*See? She really cares about you!*

"(I... guess you were right.)" thought Aero, who noticed something.

Out of all the mares in this Equestria, only three have been this close to him. The first one is Princess Celestia. The second is Princess Luna. Both alicorns used their wings to hug him and show others that they trust him. Now the third one would be Fluttershy. He could stand up at any moment... but there's a reason he's not doing it.

He is, in every sense of the word, comfy.

He is relaxed. Having Fluttershy so close doesn't make him feel nervous or uncomfortable. He actually likes her warmth, and the animals around her are harmless. However, the most important detail is that Fluttershy is one of the very few ponies of this Equestria that treats him well. The others are the Princesses and Sunset Shimmer, and to a minor degree, the rest of the Elements of Harmony.

"What about me?" asked Aero, getting Fluttershy's attention. "Am I a weird stallion to you?"

"Oh my goodness, not at all!" Fluttershy's answer was quick. "On the contrary... I admire you."

*So do I!*

"It's an honor to be praised by the Element of Kindness herself." said Aero respectfully. "(And also to hear it from you, Themis.)"

"When I first met you and saw you running, I thought you were running away from danger." Fluttershy chuckled for a moment. "How wrong I was."

"We were both confused." admitted Aero. "I'm glad that you stopped me yesterday. At that moment I didn't know I was in another Equestria. If I had gone to Ponyville alone, it would have been a very awkward experience. And a very annoying one."

"And when you told me that you were looking for Twilight, I was afraid that other mares in Ponyville would take advantage of you if they saw you alone."

"While that would be nothing dangerous for me, I'm glad you were with me at that moment." said Aero. "These mares really test my patience."

"It never ceases to amaze me." continued Fluttershy. "You have such a strong body, an amazing magic ability, and you are a royal guard! You are smart, charming, reliable, and despite your serious nature, you care about others."

Aero slowly smiled.

He's not oblivious to the fact that Fluttershy is interested in him. At this point, he has no doubt that all the mares will be interested in him if they ever meet him. The thing is, Fluttershy is being gentle about it. Not overly obsessive like almost all the mares he has seen.

"Aero?" this time Fluttershy's voice was very soft. "Is there a... mare waiting for you? In your Equestria?"

"(How about that? This is the first time a pony from this Equestria ask me this...)"

Fluttershy waited for a few seconds, but no answer came out. She was beginning to worry that maybe it was a sensitive topic for him.

"If you don't wish to talk about it, then it's alright."

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking that you are the first to ask me about this." replied Aero. "Since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you."

Fluttershy gulped, but nonetheless, she was waiting for the answer.

"There was a mare."

There was a small, almost unnoticeable reaction from Fluttershy's body, and Aero felt it. If it was worry, pity, or joy, he'll never know.

"May I ask what happened to... her?"

"She's not dead, nor injured, if that's what you think." was Aero's answer. "We broke up. Well, I broke up with her."

Fluttershy didn't show it, but she was astonished to hear that. She was sure of one thing, though: Whoever this mare was, she is utterly stupid.

"It happened a few years ago. I was still just a royal guard back then." Aero slowly closed his eyes. "I was very busy, both with my job as a guard, and as a member of Elemental. We met in the castle, as she was there to seek guidance from Princess Celestia. We spoke for a bit, and that evolved to a few dates, and that led to being together for a while. I did my best to understand her and be with her, but my two jobs were a priority too. In the end, she got tired of me because I was a 'workaholic', and started meeting with somepony else. Somepony with more free time, and apparently, more bits on his pocket. The icing on the cake? She never told me. I discovered it on my own. As you may imagine... that was not a good day."

"(By Celestia... that's horrible.)" thought the Element of Kindness. If this mare had issues with him working too much, she could have told him about it! Being with somepony else is all about understanding and accepting each other. If you can't even express yourself in front of the pony you love...

Then it's not a true bond.

"...Her loss."


Aero managed to hear that, and really, really wanted to laugh, but the relaxation was too good to interrupt the moment. This is by far the most relaxed he has been since arriving to this Equestria.

"Yeah. Definitely."

Once again, Fluttershy was red as a tomato.

*Oh! You want to sleep? I'll wake you up if anything happens!*

"(That... sound good, actually.)"

"You know... I want to be happy for him, but I can't. Of all the mares, it had to be Fluttershy?"

"It is rare to see you even a bit upset, Discord. Please, keep it up."

The Lord of Chaos Discord, and the Princess of the day Celestia were looking at a very particular scene. This was possible because they were making progress in trying to stabilize the unknown source, and the only link to the other Equestria where Aero was transported.

"It still bothers me that we can't hear anything from the other side." said Discord, with the fingers of his left hand on his chin. "And I want to know what happened before this."

"I have to admit that I'm a bit curious as to what happened earlier that led to this... situation." said Celestia, now focusing on the vision of Aero and that Equestria's Fluttershy. It seems that Luna's aide was in Fluttershy's home, and they were both sitting on the central rug. There were many animals observing them, and by the looks of it, they were discussing in their own language, too.

But the most important detail is that both Aero and Fluttershy were very close, almost as if they were cuddling. Well, it looks more like it's Fluttershy who's trying to make contact with Aero, who is just relaxed, while the shy pegasus is blushing a bit.

"I'm glad Luna is not here to see this." admitted Celestia. "Otherwise, she would be having a tantrum."

"Can't Luna just, I don't know, order him to be her husband or something?" asked the Draconequus. "I'm sure he would accept. Seriously, he has both the power and prestige for it."

"It doesn't work like that, Discord." answered Celestia, who then left out a sigh. "Besides, it's good that Aero is finally getting out of his comfort zone since that incident. At least one step at a time."

"Ah, you mean the thing with his 'ex' who left with that movie actor from Las Pegasus?"

This caught Celestia off-guard.

"How do you know about it?"

"I have my sources~" was his answer. "But you can't deny me that in the end, it was for the best."

He's right. Celestia can't deny that. It's a good thing that she was able to tell that mare a piece of her mind. That was a night to remember.

"You are right. The circumstances were not the best but in the end..."

Celestia focused her gaze on Aero, with a gentle smile on her face.

"It's her loss."

"Don't give your opponent an opening! You already saw what happened to me because I underestimated mine, so you have to be better!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Gleaming Shield, captain of Canterlot's royal guard, was watching one of the many mock battles between the squads and castle staff in the training grounds. Sunset is also there, with a portion of the royal mages, although their training is different, as their focus is on magic.

"Did you notice?" Sunset approached the captain. "Your soldiers are putting an extra-effort. The same is happening with my mage pals."

"Yeah. They are giving their all, and a bit more." was Gleaming's answer, who then smiled. "I wonder what stallion is responsible for this?"

"It was quite the revelation for them. Heck, even for us!" Sunset let out a short sigh. "Just a few hours and I miss him already."

"So do I." admitted Gleaming. "Aside from the fight, we really didn't talk too much. I want to know more about him. He told us a bit about his Equestria, but almost nothing about him."

"Sadly, it will have to wait until we complete the investigation about whatever made that cragadile and the other creatures leave the Everfree Forest." Sunset's expression changed to a neutral one. "I really hope it's nothing..."

Gleaming was about to say something, but she stopped, because something took her attention.

"Gleaming?" Sunset noticed the surprise on her friend's face. As for the captain, she used the magic to take something that was hidden in her armor, and around her neck, tied with a fine blue thread.

A small amulet, that resembles a shield.

A blue shield. The amulet also had a faint glow of the same color.

"Oh! That's a dual amulet!" exclaimed Sunset. "It's not easy to get a pair of those. Especially the sapphire thread. Very hard to craft and enchant."

"Yeah. Twilight helped me big time enchanting both." said Gleaming.

"And since it's glowing, it means that whoever has the other one is getting closer, and its glow will get stronger." said Sunset. "Who has the other one?"

Gleaming stared at the amulet for a few seconds before giving her answer.

"My brother."