• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 13,791 Views, 514 Comments

The Anomaly in a Mare's World - Hilord17

Everything is perfect in the mare's world. That is, until a certain stallion arrives and start to mess with it, just by being himself.

  • ...

XIV - Thoughts

"There you are!"

It took Rainbow Dash almost 10 seconds passing through the clouds above the home of the royal sisters, but she finally closed the gap between Aero and her.

The stallion looked at her with a smile of satisfaction.

"I was sure that I had an advantage of at least a minute. Looks like you proved me wrong."

That smile made her feel things she normally doesn't feel. It's been a while since the last time she was happy about a stallion (other than Soarin) showing interest in her.

"What? You thought you could outrun me? Not a chance, hot stuff!" was Rainbow's answer. "Now then... What do you want to see? I have plenty of tricks!"

Aero used one of his front hooves to show the clouds around them.

"The stage is yours. Surprise me."

"Then watch me. You don't want to miss even a second of this."

And with that Rainbow Dash resumed her flight, and just like she suggested, Aero watched her every move. The pegasus didn't waste time and began a series of rather complex movements around the stallion. Aero actually got a little surprised because Rainbow Dash increased her speed even more while avoiding the clouds in the area.

"(Would you look at that. Such precise movements and at the same time she's being aware of her surroundings.)"

*She's moving very fast! She's also very happy that you are looking at her!*

Now, this got the stallion thinking.

"(I've been wondering since we spoke before meeting Fluttershy. Themis... Can you perceive the feelings and emotions of other beings?)"


"(When you tell me that they care about me, or that they are happy, sad or angry.)"

*I guess? It's like a special energy that comes out of them. I don't feel it in everyone. Just them*

"(Maybe it's because I've spend some time with Twilight and her friends. Compared to that, the other mares just think of me as a trophy or a toy.)"

*Why a toy?*

"(Don't worry about that. You mentioned that your father was able to see the future. Is it possible that your whole family have some sort of special ability?)"

*Maybe? I know mom and dad can do stuff. My sister too! That's why we have to find her!*

"(You are right. We have been postponing the search. It's been a busy day. I also have to tell the others about you. It seems that we'll have to wait until tomorrow to begin.)"


Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was still performing complex tricks, while also eyeing Aero.

He was still looking at her, and she was loving every second of it. There is something about being watched by him that she can't put into words but it's making her enjoy this more than usual.

She was also amazed that he is just staying there.


As if it was natural for him, just like breathing.

"(It's like my eyes are deceiving me. I don't really want to admit it but.... He's so cool! But he is from another Equestria, and wants to go back ASAP...)"

And so Rainbow decided...

"(I need to convince him! What if he has no way home? He has to consider that, right? Yeah! He has to! No matter how strong... and cool... and hot... and reliable he is! He will crave company at some point! I wonder... If I discuss this with Spitfire and Soarin...)"

"I'm afraid I underestimated Aero."

The words of Princess Celestia were surprising, to say the least. Twilight and her friends only nodded in understanding, but Shining Armor, Cadance, and Brilliant Orchid were caught off guard.

"Before I begin, I must warn you: What I'm going to tell you now does not leave the throne room. Getting a severe punishment will be the least of your troubles if you do."

"But Princess... What else are we missing?" Brilliant Orchid was a bit nervous. It is one thing to deal with a secret or two in her profession, but secrets among nobles and royalty? It can be unnerving for anypony.

Celestia knew that she has Aero's approval, but it was still very delicate information. It's a good thing she prepared a soundproof spell beforehand.

"Aero is an uncursed stallion, yes. However, he is also... from another Equestria."


"Yup. I kinda did that same face when Twilight told me." said Spike, as he watches the utter disbelief on the faces of Cadance, Shining, and Brilliant Orchid.

"I'm sorry. I think this is not the time for jokes." said Cadance.

"I... don't think Princess Celestia would joke about this." said Brilliant Orchid, doing her best to remain calm. "Not in a situation... like this."

"Brilliant Orchid... is right." said Celestia, although there was a hint of sadness that both Cadance and Twilight managed to notice. They do know her more than the others. "This is not a joke. It's real. Aero is an uncursed stallion because he was born in another Equestria."

"It's true, Cadance." said Twilight. Now this got a reaction from the alicorn of love. "We didn't believe at first, but he is indeed from another Equestria."

"There is something I would like to show you."

Everypony watched as Princess Celestia gathered magical energy around her horn, creating a beautiful golden orb. After a few seconds, the orb became smaller, and detached from Celestia's horn, moving away from her. The orb then started to get bigger, and only stopped when it was as tall as the Princess herself.

"A memory orb?" asked Cadance. "Are we going to see a part of your memories?"

"Not my memories." was Celestia's answer, now focusing on Cadance. "This memory orb spell is an advanced version of the original, and it allows me to watch two or more memories, so long as I have those memories stored as magical energy."

"So that's why..." said Twilight, deep in thought, while the others got curious about her reaction.

"Indeed, my faithful student." continued Celestia. "I asked permission to gather not only a fragment of your memories, but also the memories of the royal guards who saw it all."

"Is this... related to Aero?" asked Cadance.

"Oh... this is going to be good." said Sunset in anticipation.

"I'm curious too." added Gleaming with a smile. "I want to see how he handled it before that happened."

Before Cadance was able to ask anything else, a sudden flash of light took everypony's attention.

And then...

"Who is she?"

"She's destroying the timberwolves! What a powerful mare!"

"Is she from the mage squad?"


"By Celestia..."

"Are my eyes... deceiving me?"

"No... I'm seeing it, too."


"So tall..."

"So strong..."

"It's a stallion!"

"This is from an incident that happened this morning." said Princess Celestia, focusing on the memory orb. "A group of creatures from the Everfree Forest suddenly appeared and started to spread chaos. Thankfully, no one was severely hurt, and the situation was controlled. While the guards and even my faithful student with her friends did a very good job defending Ponyville, Aero proved to be a very valuable ally."

"Near the Everfree Forest? Are you sure?"

"Y-yes! The creatures here are j-just part of the ones they couldn't stop there!"

"I see. Thank you. Don't let your guard down. Make sure there are no more creatures nearby."


"By Celestia... he is just like the ponytales my mother used to read me... A gallant and strong stallion! Can a mare... train a stallion to such degree? Is that even possible?"

Then, the memory orb changed the 'scene'. Now it was showing Aero joining a group of guards that were fighting a few manticores and more timberwolves.

"By the Sun and the stars..." At some point, Cadance was able to say that. Just that. She had a hunch about Aero, but this was more than what she expected.

"Unbelievable..." Shining Armor was watching with a mix of surprise and emotion. "I had a taste of his strength, but... that right there, that's fierce."

"Wait until the end, brother." said Gleaming. "You are going to love it."

"Yeah. Be prepared." added Sunset. Shining kept watching, but Cadance and Brilliant Orchid were wondering one thing...

Prepared for what, exactly?

And then...

"Keep Twilight Sparkle and her friends safe."

It was the moment the cragadile appeared. Even if it's a memory, the Cragadile's roar was still frightening. Princess Celestia was examining everything. Anything that could give her a clue about why these creatures decided to attack Ponyville.

And she did notice one thing so far.

"(What Twilight told me is true. Once he arrived, the creatures changed their focus to him.)" thought the Princess of the Sun.

They saw how the cragadile was trying to intimidate Aero, only to fail.

They saw how Aero moved slowly, but totally focused on the big creature.

They saw-

"What-" Cadance was not prepared for Aero's sudden move. Neither was Shining or Brilliant Orchid. Princess Celestia allowed herself a moment to admire the stallion for a few seconds, and so did Twilight and the rest of her friends. Now that they know about his wind manipulation, they saw the concentrated 'ball of air' that hit the cragadile and made it fall to the ground upside down.

Then, they saw Aero's second hit to the creature's stomach.

And then... the cragadile stopped moving.


Two hits.

A cragadile. A powerful and dangerous creature that's feared not only by ponies, but other species as well... was defeated in two hits.

By a stallion.

"..." both Cadance and Shining were speechless, and slowly changed their focus to Celestia. Brilliant Orchid never stopped looking at the stallion.

"I forgot to mention a crucial fact about Aero." said Princess Celestia with a tender smile. "Our otherworldly guest possess a rare gift."

"I know we were there, but that was so cool!" said Gleaming Shield with glee. "To think we had a practice duel a few hours before that..."

"Physical and mental aptitude, magical prowess, and undoubtedly handsome." added Sunset Shimmer with a coy smile. "I could watch him forever and never get bored."

"I called you, because I wanted to discuss about Aero." said Celestia, focusing on Cadance. "This was supposed to be discrete meeting, while Aero was in Ponyville."

And that's when Cadance understood.

"My sudden visit to Ponyville..." said the Princess of Love, almost like a whisper. Aero had no idea about this, but since they decided to do a surprise visit to Ponyville in order to see Twilight...

"Since you didn't know about Aero, I had to act fast and go to Ponyville. It was obvious that you would encounter him." continued the Princess. "As I said before, I wanted to avoid any kind of misunderstanding between you two, but now Aero suspects that something is going on..."

"Excuse me Princess Celestia, but..." Twilight Sparkle approached her mentor. "By the way you say it, something is going on."

That took everypony's attention.

"Hey everypony!"

A familiar voice filled the room, and a certain cyan pegasus entered the room.

"The guards told me you were here, and I..." Rainbow started to look around, with a mix of curiosity and confusion. "Wait. Where's Aero? I thought he would be here by now!"

This only confused everypony else while exchanging glances at one another.

"I would not worry too much." said Celestia. "He must be wandering around the castle alone. I am sure he took this chance to relax. He has been in the company of a mare since he arrived."

It was true. Starting with Fluttershy yesterday, Aero has been most of the time accompanied by a mare, or multiple mares.

"You have arrived at the perfect time, Rainbow Dash." continued the Princess. "You can tell us what made you think that Aero would be here, and then you can join us! I would like to discuss a certain topic regarding our VIP guest."

"W-well, I was showing him my best tricks up above in the clouds." said the Element of Loyalty, making a small frown which confused the others. "But our time alone was not as good as I hoped. It could've been better."

Princess Celestia had an idea, while looking at the memory orb.

"Rainbow Dash. I would like you to help me with something."

"What's on your mind, big guy?"

"Just a few things."

Rainbow Dash was currently laying on a cloud, and Aero was floating right next to her. After displaying her tricks and abilities, and after the stallion admitted that her skills were no joke, they decided to find a suitable cloud (mostly for Rainbow Dash) to relax for a while.

And Rainbow Dash was not going to waste this chance to get to know him a bit more. They are alone, after all.

"Like what?" asked her. "I'm curious."

"This world. This Equestria." was Aero's answer, while looking at the nearby clouds. "This 'herd system', and how different mares and stallions behave."

"Not to mention that you became famous around Ponyville, and maybe Canterlot, too! You are quite the mare-killer! They aren't ashamed to try their luck in public." said Rainbow in a teasing tone.

"And they talk about me as if I was not there." added Aero, although in slightly bitter tone. "I can understand if they have their... opinions about me, but to have the audacity to talk about sexual 'what ifs' involving me is just unnaceptable."

"You know, any stallion would take your place in a heartbeat. They love attention like that and to be cared for." said Rainbow.

"And by the looks of it, being used as sex toys, too."

"Woah!" Rainbow focused on the stallion, obviously surprised by what he said. "That came out of nowhere."

"Not really." said a slightly dissapointed Aero. "As I said before, they talk about me, even when I can clearly hear them. Most of the time they talk about the things I could do with them in a bed. I'm pretty sure I heard one mare say something about 'size difference', and I keep hearing the word 'Playfilly', whatever that is."

"Playfilly, huh?" teased the mare.

Aero then looked at Rainbow with an unamused expression.

"What do you want me to think of the mares of this Equestria, if most of what they say about me involves sex? Honestly, it would not surprise me if it turns out that stallions are submissive, too. The mares of this Equestria also act as if they are superior when it comes to social standing."

That was a bomb.

And Rainbow Dash was caught completely off guard.

"H-hey! We told you that stallions are cool with us mares taking care of them."

"So you are not denying it?" asked the stallion, changing to a neutral tone.

"They are happy! That's what counts, right? They hate the idea of doing complex activities, and prefer to have peaceful lifestyles. They are grateful that we take care of dangerous activities and important choices."

"Remember when we were stopped by the guards at the castle's entrance yesterday?" asked Aero, getting Rainbow's attention even more. "I was the one coming to request an audience, yet I was not considered at all, and they only focused on Twilight."

"W-well, Twilight is Princess Celestia's student! She is kinda a noble, you know?" countered Rainbow.

"That is true, and there is nothing wrong with that, but they still didn't consider me when we were there." continued Aero. "Even when I explained the purpose of our visit, they willingly ignored me, and even said to Twilight some nonsense about me not being 'her stallion', and about scents."

"Every stallion that's in a herd has the scent of the mares taking care of him." said Rainbow. "That's common knowledge. At least here." that last bit was said because now Rainbow knows Aero's circunstances. "A case like yours is practically impossible."

"Taking care? Is it not supposed to be love? To be with a stallion because they love him?" Aero raised an eyebrow.

"You know that's what I meant!" said Rainbow, a little nervous. "Why you make it sound like something awful?"

"Because in a way, it sounds awful." replied the stallion. "To say you 'take care of a stallion' makes it sound like you talk about a foal, or a pet."

"Stallions are not pets, dude!" now Rainbow was a bit angry with the direction this 'chat' took. "You can ask any stallion in Ponyville, Canterlot, or anywhere else, and all of them will agree that they love the way they live! Remember that as mares, it is our duty to protect them. You may not care about this stuff, but herds are really important, and very intimate. If you join a herd, your bonds and trust become the pillars to being happy. If our stallion has a problem, as mares we took on the job to fix it. If one of us has a problem, we also help each other to overcome any obstacle we might face!"

Aero decided to remain silent for a few seconds before continuing.

"And while I respect that, I still have a problem. Let me ask you a question: If a stallion wanted to request an audience in the Day Court. A stallion that was alone. What would have happened? Be honest."

"Well... if that stallion was alone, they would ask him why he is alone. They would also ask for the mares of his herd, too." said Rainbow Dash. "Leaving their stallion alone is a serious crime."

"Let's assume he says that he is alone, and insists on asking for an audience, because there is an important matter that he needs to discuss."

Aero decided to ask a situation that was very similar to his own. After all, in this Equestria, things could have been very different if he went to the castle alone.

"I don't know if they would guide him to see the Princess, but they would definitely treat him as a guest and keep him happy until his herd is found." was Rainbow's answer.

"So... a stallion can't do anything unless there is at least one mare by his side." said Aero nonchalantly.

"..." Rainbow didn't say anything for a few seconds. "It's best to keep an eye on them. You know why."

"I still remember what those guards said when I insisted: Sweetheart, this is between miss Sparkle and us. Be a good stallion and wait."

Rainbow wanted to say something, but even she cannot deny that mares tend to be bossy and direct with stallions.

"(I just wanted to have a nice chat and get to know him. Why did it turn out like this?)" thought Rainbow, cursing her bad luck.

She's conflicted. She wants to know more about Aero, but he defies everything she knows about stallions.

She needs to change the topic! Or at least talk about something else! Anything! She-

"My apologies. It seems that I've ruined the mood of this 'relaxing time'." said the stallion, surprising Rainbow for a moment. "I should not talk about my complains to you. At least not like this. Again, my apologies."


"Yeah. You kinda ruined the mood. I'll forgive you... on one condition." said Rainbow, smiling a bit.

"Oh? Should I be scared?" asked Aero, obviously teasing.

"Oh, not at all!" said the Element of Loyalty, getting in a good mood again. "Yoy just have to answer some questions. I want to know more about you, hot stuff. You are not scared of some personal questions, are you?"

Aero only smiled in response.

"Fire away."

"I'll ask this one just to be sure: Are you gay?"

"Well, you are not holding back." said the stallion in a good mood. "No, I'm not homosexual. I'm also no stranger to sex, if you were wondering about that as well."

"Oooh~ I see..." Rainbow had a mischievous smile. "And what kinda mare are you into?"

"Not being horny all the time would be a good start." said Aero. "Being respectful would also help."

"You know that while stallions look meek and insecure on the streets, it's another story in a bedroom, right?" asked Rainbow.

"Love and lust can coexist, Rainbow Dash." said Aero, with a serious expression. "Sadly, the mares of this Equestria are more interested in the latter."

"Can you blame them? Look at yourself, hot stuff!" Rainbow dash got up while eyeing the stallion. "You look straight out of a mare's wild fantasy! No wonder some of them think you work at Playfilly."

"There's that word again. What is this 'Playfilly' thing?" asked Aero, a bit curious.

"Entertainment for mares." said Rainbow, once again with a mischievous smile. "The spicy kind."

"Are we talking about exclusive clubs and their 'exclusive services'?"

"W-well, yeah..." Rainbow was not expecting such a direct response. "Waiters, dancers, models, and, you know... cuddlers and..."

"And what?"


"Is it really that hard to say?" asked Aero, teasing the mare a little. "We both know what you are going to say, and it's quite easy: Stallions that may offer more 'intimate services' in exchange for money, or special privileges."

"Y-yeah..." Aero noticed that for a few seconds, Rainbow Dash lost her cool and was blushing moderately. "Is that common in your Equestria?"

"I don't really know, nor do I care." was Aero's answer. "Everypony is free to do what they want to do. However, if one of these clubs were to obstruct my job, then that's another story."

"You really are diligent when it comes to your job, huh?" said Rainbow. "Aren't you a workaholic?"

"Of course. I am Princess Luna's aide, and her personal guard." replied a proud Aero. "It is my duty to be there for her at all times, and to be always ready for her instructions."

"Geez, do you have any time for mares at all?" asked Rainbow in a teasing tone. "You make it sound like you are married to your job!"


Rainbow expected a quick response as always, but after a few seconds of unusual silence, Rainbow realized that something was wrong. For a moment, Aero looked up to the endless sky.

"Between my job as Princess Luna's aide, and my job as the leader of 'Elemental', The amount of free time I have is not too much. You wouldn't be wrong if you say something like that."

Rainbow noticed it.

Something was different.

Aero was calm as always, of course. But as a proud mare, she managed to notice the subtle change on his voice. That was everything she needed to know in order to understand two things.

One: His free time, or the lack of it, is not a topic he likes to talk about.

Two: He said that he is no stranger to sex, so he had a mare before. Combined with his reaction just now...

"(Be it an official relationship or a one night stand... this mare hurt Aero. Maybe this is the reason he is so reserved around us!)"

"Hey..." Rainbow stopped for a moment, getting Aero's attention. "What are your plans for the future?"

"Once this whole situation is over, I'll continue my duties. Why do you ask?"

"What if you stay here for a long time?"

Rainbow's question had the effect she desired, and Aero changed his expression, getting more serious now.

"I already had this discussion with Applejack's parents. I will return to my Equestria."

"But what if you don't?" Rainbow got closer to the stallion. "Have you thought about it?"

Aero sighed before answering.

"Rainbow Dash: How much do you trust Twilight? What about Pinkie Pie? Or Applejack? Rarity and Fluttershy?" asked the stallion. "Do you trust your friends?"

"Of course I trust them! What kind of question is that?" exclaimed Rainbow, almost as if she was a bit angry "What does this have to do wi-"

"Would you trust your life to them?"

"Wha-" Rainbow was unable to answer right away. She then changed her expression, getting more serious. "Yes. I would."

"There you go." said Aero, satisfied with the mare's answer. "I too, trust my Princesses that much. I know they will find me, and bring me back home."

"I see..." Rainbow Dash looked away for a moment, creating another unusual moment of silence. Fortunately, it didn't last for too long. "You have a really strong resolve, hot stuff."

"It is needed when you have to make some... difficult decisions." said Aero, but Rainbow noticed that he didn't take joy saying that. "The unsavory kind."

"What do you-"

"Hey Rainbow! That you?"

A new female voice was heard, and both Aero and Rainbow Dash reacted to it. Rainbow in particular recognized who was calling for her.

"(Crap! It's Spitfire!)" This was bad. If she saw Aero, a unicorn stallion, floating like it was normal, then there is no way she would not freak out.


Soarin is there too! Why here of all places!?

"Aero! Quicky! You have... to..."

But Rainbow stopped talking, seeing as Aero was not there anymore. However, she managed to see something below her.

It was him. He was going back to the ground.

"(Huh... Didn't have to worry. He is definitely sneaky when he wants to.)"

It took a few more seconds, but both Spitfire and Soarin arrived, landing on the same cloud where Rainbow was resting earlier.

"Heya Rainbow! What's up?" asked the Wonderbolt mare. "Did Princess Celestia invite you and your friends again?"

"Yeah. What about you? It's really impressive to see you here, especially with Soarin."

"Well, our sweetie here was feeling a little nervous today, so I'm keeping him company while we practice some maneuvers for the next wonderbolts show. You should join us! You know Princess Celestia doesn't mind when we fly above the castle."

"I would really appreciate it if you join us, Dashie." added Soarin with a sincere smile that caught Rainbow off guard. "There's no better feeling than flying with you two."

"(Seems like they didn't see him.)" thought Rainbow, who didn't waste a second to form a smile on her face.


All the mares and Shining Armor were quiet. They were proccesing what they saw in Rainbow's recent memories regarding Aero.

"I... can't blame him for thinking like this." said Celestia, who was obviously not happy about this. "The mares of Ponyville and Canterlot tend to be... very assertive, compared to other places."

"Let's face it: Most mares don't like to hear 'no' as an answer." added Sunset Shimmer. "It's like their authority is defied."

"What authority?"

The one asking the question was none other than Shining Armor.

"It is an absolute truth that mares have a duty to take care of stallions, yes. However, duty doesn't mean they have authority over a stallion's life and his choices."

"That is true." added Twilight with a serious expression. "While the law favours mares when it comes to mareless stallions, there is no mention of mares having a superior social standing compared to stallions. They are not 'below us', as some despicable mares tend to say."

"We respect them! They hate to be involved in complicated decisions and demanding jobs." said Rainbow Dash. "It's not like we force them to do stuff against their will, you know? They like to be pampered, and we do pamper them!"

"But what if a stallion wants to try something new? countered the former captain. "What if he wants to be a guard? Or try his luck at construction? Politics? Or anything that involves being outside of his home."

"Well... Soarin is a Wonderbolt." said Rainbow. "That's an awesome job, right?"

"I've seen a few of your Wonderbolt shows." now it was Cadance's turn to talk. "Soarin is the sole stallion member, and his performances are always guided by another mare. His tricks are also very simple, compared to what his teammates do, including you, Rainbow Dash."

"Hey! It's a miracle that he can fly that much and follow those tricks, okay?" said the Element of loyalty. "He always gets tired after a show. We can't make him follow the other routines."

"It's no use discussing this right now." said Brilliant Orchid, getting everypony's attention. "Mares have been in charge of complex task and also protecting stallions for centuries. Of course we would think that we have some sort of authority over them. I am afraid to say that Aero is partially right: Sometimes I think of stallions as little foals that needs to be sheltered and protected, because they are frail, and just like us, they have been dealing with this curse for so many years, getting used to their weakness, and their affinity for calm, delicate activities."

Then she looked at Princess Celestia.

"Needless to say, Aero has opened my eyes."

"This will be an interesting topic to discuss with my sister later on, but for now, let's focus on Aero." said Celestia, using her magic to dissipate the memory orb.

"Yeah! What was that about mah parents?" asked Applejack. "From what he said in that memory thingie, they asked him to stay here!"

"Can you blame them?" asked Rainbow. "If my parents introduced a stallion like him to me, I would be grateful to them."

"I did say that any mare would be glad to be with him." added the talent scout. "I would be lying if I said that I'm not interested in him."

"That is a feeling I share."

Silence. An absolute silence that remained in the room for a few seconds.

Everypony looked at the last pony that spoke.

Princess Celestia.

"Why, I'm sure that even my sister shares the same opinion." added the Princess of the day, looking at everypony else. After seeing the collective surprise around her, she chuckled for a moment.

"Since everypony who knows Aero's true worth is here, I can begin this meeting... regarding his future."

*This place is huge! And this is just outside!*

"(Indeed. Anypony who doesn't visit this castle often would surely get lost after a few minutes of exploration.)"

When Aero came down to the ground, he found himself in the middle of the royal garden. Thankfully, he hasn't spotted any royal guard, so he has been enjoying his walk so far. Plus, it gives him a chance to speak with Themis. While he is a total mystery, he's also an interesting being, and judging by his attitude, he is still a child.

"(However, this castle pales in comparison to the Cosmic Realm.)"

*But it's so empty and boring! This place is way better!*

"(Well, at least this place is still beautiful.)" thought the stallion while looking around. "(I still can't get over the fact that this castle is mostly the same as the one from my Equestria.)"

And that's when Aero had an idea.

"(You know, if this castle is a mirror of the one I know, then maybe...)"

*Maybe what?*

"(You'll see in a few seconds.)"

And so, Aero changed his destination. Guided by the knowledge of his Equestria, he passed through flowers, bushes, trees, and exotic animals. His destination was still unknown to Themis, even when after a few minutes, they reached a dead end.

A wall.

*You wanted to see a wall?*

Instead of giving little Themis an answer, Aero activated his magic, and for a few seconds, the silver aura remained around his horn. Finally, a small symbol began to glow in the wall.

A moon.

"(So even this place is here... Most unexpected.)"

Once again, Aero activated his silver magic aura, and in a moment, he disappeared.

And then...

*Woah! What is this? It looks super cool!*

"(This, my dear Themis, is the midnight garden.)"

Technically, they are still in the royal garden, but now they are surrounded by beautiful, yet sturdy walls, and a transparent ceiling that somehow simulates the night sky. However, the biggest difference between the royal garden and this one is...

*This grass is blue! Many of the trees around have blue leaves, too!*

"(It's moonlight grass. It only grows in certain forests of Fillydephia. The trees and bushes that grow around it tend to be blue, too. In some very, very rare cases, instead of blue, the leaves turn white. Those variants are often called 'fullmoon'.)"

*And those flowers! They look like the shiny things from afar!*

"(Those are starblooms. I do not need to explain the name's origin, as the answer is clear to you now. Beautiful, aren't they?)"

*And the tree over there! Is that a fruit?*

"(Oh. Those are nightsweets. It is said that...)"

It was indeed a unique sight for little Themis: The flowers, the trees and bushes, even the grass! Everything is different compared to the main royal garden. It's also curious to him that Aero knows a lot about this place.

*Cool! But why is this place so hidden?*

"(While everypony knows about the royal garden in the castle, not many know about the Princesses' private gardens. In fact, only a few ponies are told how to enter each one. The midnight garden is Princess Luna's private garden, while the dawn garden is Princess Celestia's private garden. I can't say anything regarding the dawn garden because I've never seen it, but Princess Luna has focused on special plants and flowers that don't need the sun in order to survive and grow.)"

*So the sun pony and the moon pony have their own gardens. The moon pony's garden is cool!*

"(You can say that again.)" thought the stallion while smiling. "(As beautiful as the one in my Equestria.)"

And that's when he noticed it. Thanks to the area scan-spell.

"(We got company. It could be somepony with access to the garden... or it might be an intruder.)"

"Stupid Lily! Stupid Mint!"

*An angry intruder?*

"(You are right on the angry part, but I don't think it's an intruder. After all...)"

"Stupid mares! Stupid laws!"

"(He's not that far, but that's definitely the voice of a colt. How did he get here?)"

*Let's find out!*

Using his area-scan spell as a guide, Aero shortened the distance between him and the angry colt. As he got closer, the colt's voice became louder.

"I should not focus on magic? Try more 'safe' activities? How dare they!"

*A tree with white leaves!*

"(A fullmoon tree. It's indeed beautiful, and the colt is there. I can see him now.)"

Aero noticed that out of all the trees around, the fullmoon tree is the biggest in the garden. It's quite a sight, too: Every single leaf is white, almost as if they were shining. Anypony would think the tree is even magical.

"I'll make it my number one priority to learn some cool magic spells! I decide what to learn, not them!"

"Well said, young colt."


Aero's words managed to scare the young stranger, who flinched in response. However, once the colt saw who was coming to him, he got confused, and after a few seconds, it changed to awe.

"So tall..." said the colt. Aero took this chance to examine him: A ginger-colored short mane and tail, with a light blue coat and horn. He seems to be a little taller than Apple Bloom, and is wearing a small amulet around his neck.

"I'll take that as a compliment." replied Aero with a smile. "I have to say, I was prepared to deal with unwanted intruders, or perhaps meet somepony from the castle staff. The last thing that I expected to find here was a lost colt."

"I'm not lost." said the young colt almost immediately. "I came here to relax."

"To relax..." said Aero, repeating the colt's word. "You came to Princess Luna's private garden, a place where you need a special authorization in order to enter, to relax."

"Yeah." replied the young colt, now focusing a bit more on the stallion. "You... are different. Any other stallion would freak out thinking that I need help. Also, stallions always have a bunch of mares at their side, but you are alone!"

"The same can be said about you." said Aero, still smiling. "Like I said, this is a private garden. How did you manage to get here?"

"I'm not telling you anything, stranger." said the young colt, looking at Aero with a bit of suspicion. "I don't even know you. Why should I tell you?"

*He has a point!*

"(Well, this is going to be interesting.)" thought the stallion, while also giving an answer to the colt. "Then I guess I should introduce myself."

Aero then proceeded to do the same thing he did when he introduced himself to the elements of harmony and the Princesses: create a silver-colored magic sword, making it float and with the tip just a few inches from the ground.

"I am known as 'Aero'. It's not my actual name, but a codename given to me. I am a royal guard, and also Princess Luna's aide. I salute you, young colt, for you must be one of the few, if not the only one who can enter this garden at such a young age."

The colt was now definitely surprised, and remained quiet for a few seconds while alternating his eyes between Aero and the magic sword he created.

"Are you really a royal guard?" asked the young colt. "Every stallion that I've seen walking around is either a gardener, a chef, or a butler. Never a guard."

"My circumstances are... unique." said Aero. "But I am indeed a royal guard. Of course, it's up to you to believe it or not."

"Well, you can enter this garden, too..." said the young colt deep in thought. "I guess you're not lying."

"Is the young colt ready to tell me how is he able to enter the midnight garden?"

"I have a name!" said the colt, now in a more playful tone. "I'm Crescent Nova. Nice to meet you."

"There are two ways to enter this garden: One, you are part of the night staff that maintain the place, or two..."

"You earn the right to enter." Crescent Nova finished Aero's words. "Looks like we both earned it."

"(Even that is the same here. Unbelievable...)" thought the stallion, while still focusing on the colt. "So, Crescent Nova... What is your story?"

"Well... I like magic. A lot. Since the day I discovered that magic was a thing I could use, I've been practicing in order to try more and more magic spells in the future, even if pretty much everypony around me think it's dangerous for me to even try." Aero could see the signs of frustration on that last bit. "Seriously: My parents, my friends, even my own teachers warn me about trying even basic magic stuff."

"Considering how this Equestria works, it's not surprising, but at the same time, still disappointing." said Aero, getting the colt's attention even more.

"It's pretty lame, yeah. But Princess Luna was surprised by my dedication to magic, and thanks to her I can go to that famous school founded by Princess Celestia!"

"(He must be talking about Princess Celestia's Royal School of Magic, or 'School for Gifted Unicorns' as Twilight told me.)" thought Aero, remembering a conversation with the Twilight of his Equestria.

"She also gave me this!" Crescent Nova used one of his front hooves to point at the small amulet. "If I concentrate enough magic, this thing teleports me here!"

"An enchanted amulet. Impressive." said Aero with honesty. "Princess Luna must have enchanted that amulet so you can teleport here only using a small portion of your magical energy. However, this raises another question: How do you leave this place?"

"Well, I don't know how she managed to do it, but Princess Luna told me that whenever I want to return home, the amulet will know, and it will teleport me back to my bedroom." said Crescent Nova, with a face that Aero knew it meant that he is still surprised about this.

"(A self-activation spell? That's not something any unicorn could do. I guess the Princess Luna of this Equestria took a liking to enchantments.)" thought the stallion.

"And that's why Princess Luna is best Princess! Ah, but Princess Celestia is still a great Princess, Ok?" said Crescent Nova with the energy and innocence of a child.

"I see now..." Aero walked a few steps away from the colt. "If Princess Luna took a liking to you, then it means that you have a potential that needs to be polished. Now, and in the future."

"She said the same thing!" said Crescent Nova with joy. "You get it too, right?"

"How could I not?" was Aero's reply. "When I was your age, I was already training both my magic and my body. I never missed my training. Not a single day."

"Yeah. I can see that." said the young colt, chuckling for a moment. "Say... You look strong and tough. Can you give me some combat advice for a unicorn like me?"

Aero could see it. The reason why Princess Luna decided to help the young colt. She was able to see his true worth.

And so does he.

"It sure feels refreshing to see a young unicorn like you: A strong spirit with a hunger for knowledge and the desire to be unchained. Free of these ridiculous expectations that mares have of stallions." said Aero, with a brighter smile tham before. These words definitely had an effect on the colt, because his smile widened. "Very well. First, let me see what spells you can do, then we'll work from there."

Crescent Nova, who was now filled with determination, activated his magic, revealing a light blue aura around his horn. He is not going to waste this opportunity to learn from the first stallion that really understands his troubles.

"I'll be in your care!"

Author's Note:

Kept you waiting, huh?

My goodness! It's really been a while since the last chapter. Remember everyone: The story is not dead. There's only irl circumstances that do not allow me to finish a chapter sooner :pinkiehappy:

Of course, my other stories are not dead, too. I've been thinking about them most of the time, to be honest. An unpleasant mixture of writer's block and irl situations led to this 'pseudo-hiatus'

I just hope that this chapter was as good as the others.

As always, if there is any kind of typo, don't hesitate to tell me and I'll try to fix it asap.

See you guys in a next chapter! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 17 )

Happy to see the story back. Looks like Aero has a new protege

Anyone else not get a notification for this? Also glad to see this update. Its awesome!

Check my recent blog posts for explanation, but long story short: When I accidentally published this chapter when it was still unfinished, that's when the notification was send, and that's also the reason it's not in the 'updated' section right now.

I never know what to comment so potato 🥔

I wonder what the others are planning behind his back

So in this chapter we learn that the mares have put their hooves into their mouth when it comes to stallions and their rights. Also as some have mentioned Areo now has a protege.

Whoops, missed the chapter when it dropped.

I like Aero: he's a genuinely competent protagonist who nevertheless has a genuine sense of dignity.

Very good story so far. I like how the RGRE isn’t devolving into clop and tries to maintain a strong narrative. Definitely look forward to the next chapters!! :raritywink:

An enjoyable chapter. Could this young colt be Aero’s counterpart? Waiting on the next chapter with bated breath, or not…(wheezes)👍

i was starting to lose interest but now im fully into this again. for some reason my tracking did not tell me about three separate updates, including this one, until i updated the settings.

I have been inactive a few months but now I'm starting to get into it again.


I do hope that there'll be more soon.

I binged through the story in a couple of hours, and despite this, I am already awaiting whatever twists and turns this story may take. Thank you for the hours of entertainment, dear author!

Hard to believe its been a year now since the last update.

It's been... hard. And complicated.
My last update was on my TCB story, and I'm working on the latest chapter of the Runescape one. After that, I'll update this story :ajsleepy:

If things are hard, then take your time. Many readers here enjoy your story most dearly, it certainly is one of my favourite stories on the site, but health and life come first before all.

At least I can claim that I couldn't enjoy a chapter where the author was unhappy while writing, even if the chapter encompasses everything one would want.

The confrontation that this story has a future is all the words I need to be happy until the eventual release.

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