• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 13,762 Views, 514 Comments

The Anomaly in a Mare's World - Hilord17

Everything is perfect in the mare's world. That is, until a certain stallion arrives and start to mess with it, just by being himself.

  • ...

XII - Unpredictable

"Oh? You're coming with me?"

"Eeyup! I finished my job today so ah was thinking of going with you. You're going to see Pinkie, right?"

Aero and Applejack were at the main entrance of Sweet Apple Acres. He already said goodbye to Applejack's parents and the rest of the family. Applejack insisted on escorting him to the entrance. Obviously, it was because she planned on being with him for a while longer.

"And what were you talking about with mah parents?"

"So you wish to know?"

"It's about Applejack. The one from my Equestria."

For a moment, both parents got worried because Aero was serious.

"Did something happen to her?" asked Pear Butter a bit concerned.

"No. Worry not. The Applejack from my Equestria is doing great. Working on the farm with her family and sometimes having adventures with her friends."

"That sounds wonderful!" said Bright Macintosh.

"Yes. She's a strong mare." said Aero, who didn't say anything else for a few seconds. Then...

"I'll get straight to the point: In my Equestria, you two are dead."

Aero waited a few seconds to hear their reactions. Surprisingly, both Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter didn't say anything, so he decided to continue.

"The reason I knew Pear Butter's name beforehand is because somepony else told me. That 'somepony' goes by the name of 'Grand Pear'."

"M-my father? He's... alive?"

"(So in this Equestria... Grand Pear is the one dead.)" thought Aero while continuing. "It was just a coincidence that we met. I was in Vanhoover due to my job, and I found him while taking a small break. He was impressed with how strong I looked despite being a unicorn and asked as a joke if I had been working with the Apple family. That's how we had a little chat, leading to him telling me about a feud between the Apples and the Pears."

"Feud? Never heard of that." said Bright Macintosh. "Both families were on good terms with each other, and then the Pears decided to expand their business in Vanhoover."

"I stayed because I decided to spend my life with my hun." added Pear Butter.

"Not surprising. Different Equestrias, different events." said Aero. "Well, thanks to that conversation, I heard your name and your husband's name. He even knew about Applejack."

"He was always caring, despite his serious nature." said Pear Butter with a very gentle tone.

"So... Did the Applejack from your Equestria grow up without us?" asked a very serious Bright Macintosh.

"Honestly, I don't know. Grand Pear had pictures of a filly that now I know it's Applejack. I assume you were a few years with her, and her siblings."

"Big Mac... Apple Bloom..." both parents didn't hide their sadness. Even if they were from another Equestria, it was their family.

"Which leads to this favor I want to ask." said Luna's aide. "Normally, this wouldn't be possible, but since this whole 'other Equestria' event happened, maybe I can take a bit of advantage of it."

"Let's hear it." said Butter Pear, getting interested in what the unicorn has planned.

"Well then, I was thinking of..."

Aero focused on Applejack.

"We were talking about you. They tried to convince me of something but I refused." said Aero with a smirk. Technically it was not a lie.

"Ah know what you're talking about. Sorry about that." said Applejack, a bit flustered. "They mean well, but even if you are a good partner..."

"(So she can blush like that.)" thought Aero.

*Of course! She also cares about you!*

"Don't worry about it, Applejack. They understand now. Trust me." said Aero. "And please, let me be honest here: There is no doubt that you and your friends are beautiful. Each one of you has its own charm. However... I'm sure there are ponies worried about me back in my Equestria. That's not going to change, no matter how much time I stay here."

"Ah know..." said the Element of Honesty. "We're being selfish, but at least we can enjoy your company while you're here, right?"

"As long as you girls don't do anything crazy, I'm not against that." was Aero's answer.

"That was a bad choice of words, sugarcube. Especially if we're going to see Pinkie." said Applejack, getting Aero's attention. "The best word to describe her is 'random'. Seriously, I'm not joking."

"I see. Then it's going to be randomness versus might." replied Aero, who started to walk.

"Now this is something I have to see." said Applejack, following him towards Ponyville.

"Oh my! He's here!"

"Ugghh... now Applejack is with him..."

"What if she... you know?"

"She did it?"

"Nah. I don't smell her scent on him."

"So he hasn't been claimed yet."

"I don't get it. Many of us want to be with him. He would be so happy and his life would be easier and safer."

"Not to mention we would take care of his needs anytime he asks for it. It's a total win for him."

"Wow... they really don't have a filter today." said a disappointed Aero. "Let's just hope they behave."

"Ah have to say... even I'm surprised." admitted Applejack. "It's the first time they are so... blunt about it."

But this time, it was not just the mares talking around them. Among the many females, Aero managed to see a few stallions who were talking too. This was new.

"So he is the one..."

"He looks strong and tough..."

"No wonder the mares are glorifying him."

"But is that necessary? To try and get the attention of all the mares?"

"So true. He is acting like an attention whorse with all that seriousness and rejecting every mare."

"What if he works at Playfilly and knows how to get rid of scents? He is a unicorn after all."

"(Are they... jealous of me? Seriously? And I keep hearing this 'Playfilly' thing...)"

*They really are jealous! They are also being mean, though*

"(Let them be. My conversation with Applejack's parents was enough. I don't think I will achieve much talking to other stallions now.)"

"Sounds like the stallions are not happy." said Applejack in a teasing tone, noticing the not-so-happy faces. "You have the mares dancing around you, sugarcube."

"I'm just... walking." said Aero, who by now is a bit more used to the stares, but it still annoys him. "Even when they were told about me, they still have those eyes like they are looking at their prey..."

"Can't blame them though." said Applejack. "A stallion of your caliber is something we've never seen before."

Aero can't deny that his body is quite unusual, considering that he is a unicorn. It's the result of many years of physical training. When he just started, he felt the difference in stamina between unicorns and the rest of ponies. Thanks to his father's encouragement and his own efforts, he managed to adapt, and even improve.

"Still... it would be nice if the mares were not thinking about sex the whole day."

Aero kept walking, but then he noticed that Applejack was not following him. When he looked at her, he noticed that she, along with many mares around her were surprised. Probably by what he said.


"Is that... what you think of us?" asked a still very surprised Applejack.

"Not from you, nor your friends if that's what you are worried about." said Aero. "Of course, this also includes Sunset Shimmer, Gleaming Shield and the Princesses. The rest though..."

He took a second before continuing.

"They talk about me as if I can't listen. Everything they talk about me has to do with my body, how they would like me in their beds, and always trying to know if a mare has 'claimed' me. Is that what it means to be in a herd?"

"N-no! Of course not!" exclaimed Applejack. The other mares were blushing but their faces were also showing a mix of surprise and nervousness.

"Are you sure? Because that's how it feels to me." said Aero nonchalantly. "Find a stallion, try to get his attention with flirting and inviting him to a herd, and if he accepts..."

"So what? Flirting and proving our worth to a stallion is our duty now."

The voice came from a mare that was near them, and obviously got their attention.

"Aero, right?" asked the mare. "Don't you think you are being selfish?"

"Let me guess: Because I'm not choosing a mare or a number of mares to form a herd."

"It's clear that the Elements of Harmony did something because they have been hogging you all this time, and you seem to like them." said the mare.

"Hey! We haven't done anything to him." said Applejack, a bit angry by that accusation.

"Applejack and her friends tried to help me when I first arrived here." added Aero. "Even if they also had thoughts like yours, at least they were respectful enough to prioritize helping me."

"We could have helped you too!" exclaimed the mare.

"Oh, really? Help me how, exactly?" asked Aero, smiling a bit. "To safely walk slower so I don't trip? To feel safe with your presence because I'm scared of everything outside of my house? To follow your advice because for some reason mares are always right?"

"Wh-" the mare wanted to say something, but Aero interrupted her.

"And let's not forget that at the time, none of you knew that I was an 'uncursed'. Even with my size, I'm pretty sure most of you thought of me as a 'weak and scared' stallion that should be protected, pampered and integrated to a herd."

For a few seconds, nopony spoke. Some of them wanted to, but felt that their voices were not coming out. Needless to say, Applejack and everypony around knew there was tension in the air.

Finally, the mare slowly advanced towards Aero and Applejack.

"That's because we know what's best for you."

Aero stopped smiling, and also approached the mare until he was in front of her.

"Nah. I think you just like to be in charge a bit too much."

Absolute silence.

Even some of the guards who were patrolling stopped walking. This was a situation nopony would have predicted. In fact, this is probably the first time that something like this ever happens.

"(Ah can't believe it!)" thought Applejack. While the rest was speechless, she was fascinated. As expected of a royal guard. He doesn't fool around. For her, it's so refreshing to see a stallion that can challenge a mare.

A stallion without fear.

"I've earned the right to refuse invitations to join herds." said Aero. "I was raised in a place where both mares and stallions pull their weight."

"But you are not there. You are in Ponyville now." said the mare, smiling a bit. "Just like we mares have a duty, you stallions need to do your part. Remember that this is for the sake of Equestria. It's in the law."

"You know it was Princess Celestia who gave me the privilege of declining the invitations... Right?"

"Yes, but... What if we request an audience? Explain to the Princess that for the sake of Ponyville, you should join a herd and behave like a stallion should."

The other mares were quick to react.

"Yes! We can do that!"

"If it's for the sake of Ponyville..."

"She knows what's best for everypony."

"Let's go to Twilight's library! She can send a letter to the Princess!"

"Aero! You don't have to listen to these fools." said Applejack, approaching the stallion. She was actually a bit worried for him. If this escalates further...

But then she noticed his expression.

He was calm.

"Go ahead. Try it. I'm sure that Twilight won't do it. Even if you go to Mayor Mare to create a formal request, she won't do it."

"Why are you so sure?" asked the mare who was talking with Aero.

"Because both are smart enough to avoid the embarrassment." answered Aero. "Or did you forget Princess Celestia's warning? If they send the audience request, everypony who has access to the letter will know that I'm an 'uncursed', and this information will spread fast. Princess Celestia wants to avoid this at all cost."



"Oh, and by the way..."

And that's when the mare in front of Aero, as well as the other mares around, including Applejack, felt something.

Like the air itself was a bit heavier.

"This whole thing just now... Should I consider it a threat?"

And heavier...

"W-what?" the mare almost didn't respond.

"You heard me." continued Aero.

An invisible pressure.

"A simple 'yes' or 'no' will do, you know?"


And just like that, the pressure vanished.

"Good to know. It would have been very bad if it really was a threat." said Aero, as if nothing serious happened earlier. In fact, he resumed his walking.

"Applejack. Let's go." said the stallion, looking back to the Apple mare.

She didn't respond and instead moved to reach him.

"(What was that?)" thought Applejack. "(It was almost as if it was hard to breathe! How does he do that everytime he looks that serious?)"

Suddenly, Applejack had a new question.

"(What if it's not only the eyes? What if he does something else?)"

While she was pondering these questions, Aero had thoughts of his own.

"(I wonder if Applejack figured it out?)"

*About what?*

"(I'm sure many felt really uncomfortable for a moment back there. Including her.)"

*You mean the thing you did with your power?*

"(So you figured it out, huh?)"

It has happened many times. Ponies would feel uncomfortable or even weak when Aero focuses on them, but the truth is that Aero's 'pressure' is not something he does with his eyes. It's actually thanks to his 'ability' that he can do that. Something he figured out after being in the royal guard for a year. Thanks to his daily training, both physical and magical, he started to understand his wind manipulation, one step at a time. That's how he discovered he could alter the 'air' around him in a unique way. He doesn't move it. Instead, he 'removes' a portion of it.

The more he practiced, the more he mastered this particular aspect of his ability. Now, he can remove the air in specific areas at will, while being cautious so he doesn't suffer the effects too.

Princess Luna, who was curious about this, explained to him that depending on the amount of air removed, he could make others feel something akin to standing at the top of a mountain, where the air has the same effect. The higher you go, the harder it is to breathe.

*It's super cool!*

"(Thank you. It took me a while to learn and master it.)"

*Hey! The happy pony lives in that house made of candy?*

Aero can't blame him. Even from afar, Sugarcube Corner looks like a house made of candy. It must be quite the experience for all the young fillies and colts the first time they see it. Probably for the adults too.

"(Indeed. Let's just hope for a peaceful visit like the others.)"

While Aero and Applejack were heading to Sugarcube Corner, at the distance, not far from there, a unicorn mare who was wearing a formal suit, and was eating at a restaurant, managed to get a glimpse of the tall stallion.

She smiled.

"I found one."

"Oh my gosh it's him!"

"He is so tall and muscular! I wish I could touch him..."

"I wish he could touch me. I wouldn't mind at all."

"He can explore my body any day~"

"Careful, now. You have a stallion of your own."

"Still no scent..."

"No gifts either..."

"I thought Applejack could get him but..."

"I've been wondering... What if he is, you know... Inexperienced?"

"You mean..."

Maybe if we were to show him..."

Aero was not surprised anymore. It did happen outside, so it was obvious that it would happen again inside Ponyville's bakery.

"These mares have quite the imagination." said Aero, not amused at all.

"They are... quite intense today." added Applejack, who was a bit on the defensive because it's true. It's not uncommon that when certain mares fancy the same stallion, they can go a bit overboard on the methods to 'woo' him.

For a moment, they remained in silence, until Aero started to look around.

"I assume you didn't know about this, either." said the stallion.

"Nope. Ah knew about reservations, but this is a first."

They were in Sugarcube Corner, a Bakery that also worked as a place for private parties and social events. This time, Pinkie Pie's home and workplace is bursting with clients, mostly because of Aero.

And he, along with Applejack were in a rather big round table in one of the corners. A bit away from the other tables and with a lot of space around. The table itself was of better quality compared to the rest in the place, and there were even curtains for privacy. Sadly, Aero could still hear the mare's gossip even when he was not visible.

"So... A VIP table." said Aero. "There are pineapple-flavored candies and pineapple juice, too. I have to admit that she is dedicated."

"Yeah. Ah remember how she was writing about your favorite sweet flavors." added Applejack. "When it comes to parties and sweets, she is really good."

"Aero! Applejack!"

The curtains were moved for a moment, and Pinkie Pie entered the 'VIP area'. She didn't enter alone, because some trays that contained food and sweets were floating with magic.

A purple aura.

"Thanks for helping me, Twilight!" said Pinkie, looking back at her friend. "I'm so happy that you accepted my invitation!"

"And miss this little party? No way!" replied a cheerful Twilight.

"Little party?" asked Applejack, raising one of her eyebrows.

"I was wondering why there were more seats." added Aero, looking at the empty chairs.

"That's right!" said Pinkie Pie, suddenly appearing right next to Aero. "At first I wanted to make you a 'Welcome to Equestria' party with everypony in ponyville invited, and I wanted to invite my friends first, but when I told Twilight about this, she said that the mares of Ponyville have been mean to you and that you wouldn't enjoy a party with them around."

"Yes. That is true." said Aero. "I still don't trust them."

"Which is why I decided to change the big party into a private reunion only for those who really know you!"

The list was not large, so...

"Does that mean Spike, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are coming?"

"Everypony is on their way here." replied Twilight, putting the trays in the table. "I wanted Sunset Shimmer and my sister to be here too, but they are busy in Canterlot."

"They are still investigating the Everfree Forest..." said Aero to himself. "I should let them know that I'm willing to help them if they require a pair of extra hooves."

"I can send a letter to the Princess if you want." said Twilight.

"I would appreciate it." said the stallion.


That was definitely Rarity's voice, and it came from the other side of the curtains. Soon enough, she passed through them. She was holding a purple box with her magic.

"Rarity! Just in time." said Pinkie, who was already right next to her. While this is normal for Twilight and her friends, Aero had different thoughts...

"(How did she do that? My area-scan spell didn't detect her moving at all! And she was right next to me!)"

*Why are you so surprised? Is it very hard to do that?*

"(If she was a talented soldier and a unicorn it would not be that surprising, but she is an earth pony, and as far as I know she doesn't have any combat experience or even training.)"


"Hey Aero!"

Another figure passed through the curtains, revealing to be Spike. Aero managed to see a couple of mare guards on the other side. It seems that they were 'protecting' him from the other mares in the building. He's actually grateful for this.

"I didn't notice the guards." said Aero. He felt their presences but he thought they were mares trying to peek.

"They were waiting for you!" said Pinkie. "And now that you are here, they'll make sure that only those invited may pass."

"For a moment I thought they wouldn't let me in." said a relieved Spike, who then focused on Aero. "On the way here we heard that something big happened and unsurprisingly, it was about you."

"It's probably about what happened on our way here." said Applejack. "A mare stopped Aero and tried to convince him to 'fulfill his duties as a stallion'."

"Needless to say, she failed." added Aero.

"Well, forget about that, darling." said Rarity while getting close to Aero. "Now, I have something for you."

This took everyone's attention.


The doors of the throne room opened rather quickly, having an aura of magic around it. Less than a second later, a certain mare entered to room, running as fast as possible. This, of course, alerted Princess Celestia, who was simply relaxing, waiting for the guests to arrive.

"Captain Gleaming? What is it?" asked the Princess. Since there were a few guards around her, she had to maintain her 'Princess etiquette'.

"We have a problem." said the captain. "It's about Aero."

The sole mention of his name made the guards around gasp.

"What happened?"

"Is he okay?"

"He is not hurt, isn't he?"

Princess Celestia had to admit that it was cute to see their guards worry so much about him, even when he has proven himself to be capable. In this society, the instinct to protect a stallion is carved in the minds of every mare.

"He's ok, but this problem might expose his 'condition'."

As soon as she finished talking, Gleaming Shield approached the Princess and proceeded to show her glowing amulet. Celestia remained calm.

"Did Sunset tell you about the visit?"

"Only after I told her about my brother's link with the other amulet." replied Gleaming.

"You don't have to worry." said Celestia. "I'm glad Aero is in Ponyville, because he is one of the topics to discuss in this next meeting, and-"

"But that's the thing!" said Gleaming, interrupting her Princess. "My brother just sent me a magic message through the amulet. He told me they are stopping at Ponyville for a surprise visit because they want to see Twilight, and that they were reaching the station!"

Now this got her attention.

"Guards." Celestia started to move towards Gleaming Shield. "Tell everypony in the castle that there is an emergency and I'm needed in Ponyville. Day Court is closed until I return."

All the guards nodded, and proceeded to leave the throne room. When the two mares were alone, Celestia's expression changed, and didn't hesitate to show her concern.

"This was obviously Cadance's idea. Twilight and Shining Armor don't see each other regularly, so I don't blame her for doing this... but to do it today..."

Celestia activated her magic, her horn already glowing.

"We'll go to Ponyville."

"Heya guys! Sorry we're late but... wait, what's going on?"

"Umm... Girls? Did something happen while we were not here?"

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were the last two ponies to arrive at Sugarcube Corner. What was waiting for them upon entering the building was not exactly what they expected.

Pinkie Pie told them about the 'VIP table' and the curtains that were going to separate them from the rest of the mares inside, so it really was an odd sight when they saw her friends outside the 'VIP zone'. The other mares were looking at the curtains, but it was obvious that they were interested in Aero, who was on the other side.

"Rainbow! Fluttershy! You made it!" was Pinkie's happy reply.

"Yeah, but I'm still a bit confused as to what's going on..." said Rainbow Dash.

"There is nothing to worry about, darling." said Rarity. "We are just giving Aero some privacy."

"Umm... Why?" asked a very confused Fluttershy.

But before anypony was able to give an answer to her question, the curtains were moved with a silver magic aura.

"I can't believe you managed to work with enchanted materials, Rarity. Not every unicorn can do it."

Normally, Rarity would accept Aero's praise and feel proud about it, and even tell him that it was a pleasure to work for him.

But right now she was speechless.

All the elements were speechless, and Spike whistled in admiration. Even the guards and the nearby mares stopped talking and were now looking at the stallion.

"I guess I have to ask: How do I look?"

Aero knew there was no need to ask that question. He was just having a bit of fun. Every mare that was able to see him had her mouth slightly open, and all of them had a very noticeable blush decorating their faces.

Even the mare wearing the business suit, who just entered Sugarcube Corner, was unable to hide her blush. She was, however, more composed than the rest.

"(By Celestia... 'beautiful' would be an understatement.)" thought Rarity, still amazed. "(At the very least, 'alluring' would be a good word to start with.)"

For a moment, Aero wondered if it really was that much of a change. Instead of his usual cape, he was wearing two new clothes, courtesy of Rarity: A custom red t-shirt, since clothes of his size are not sold in Ponyville, and a rather stylish jacket that looks both comfy and of high quality. The neck area is the only part where the color is a mix of black and grey, while the rest is red. While he is grateful for these two gifts, he still doesn't understand how these clothes are enough to surprise the mares even more.

But it was Rarity who made those. A mare whose career revolves around fashion.

"Oh là là~" Pinkie was the first one to react, getting near Aero. "Is stealing hearts your second job, Aero?"

"No kidding..." Rainbow was trying to finish her sentence, but she was having trouble. "He looks like... one of those models from Rarity's magazines. Heck, he looks better!"

"I... I have to admit, those clothes suit you." said Twilight, trying her best to not look flustered. "A lot."

"Well of course, darling!" said Rarity, happy with the result and proud of her work. "A custom crimson t-shirt, and a jacket worthy of a noble of Canterlot. I decided to mix two shades of red on it: 'Merlot' and 'Sangria'. I dare say this is my 'Magnum Opus'!"

"Gotta agree with Rarity this time. She really outdid herself." said Applejack, while inspecting Aero from head to hoof.

Aero noticed that Fluttershy was simply looking at him, surprised as everypony else. However, she was blushing way more compared to the rest of the mares in the place.

And speaking of the other mares...

"Oh gosh he looks so hot!"

"Did rarity make those? That jacket looks like a 'Pegaso' limited!"

"Could it be? Is he a model, too?"

"Maybe that's why he keeps his distance..."

"We need to be worthy? Models are very picky when it comes to mares."

"No wonder he spends his time with Twilight and her friends..."

"It hurts me to not be able to be with him..."

"He sure has the looks, but by Celestia, I wish he had more clothes to wear..."

"He can fill an entire photo calendar by himself~"

"I bet you that if Photo Finish knew this stallion, she wouldn't waste a second and get those pictures."

"Oh my! Imagine the possibilities..."

"I don't care how long it takes, I'm not giving up on him."

"And what will you achieve by stalking? You need to wait for the right moment. He can't be with the elements forever... Right?"

"Just the thought of him in front of me gets me a bit excited. That size difference is just... divine."

"(Nope. Not surprised anymore.)" thought Aero, but the disappointment was still there.

*The things they say are really weird!*

"(Don't try to understand them. It's not worth it.)"


"Let's get back to our table." said Aero, opening the curtains again with his magic and smiling a bit. "There can't be a celebration if we don't even start it."

"Now that's more like it!" said Pinkie, and the group returned to the VIP table.

As soon as the curtains closed...

"I'm curious about what you said earlier." Twilight got near the stallion and activated her magic. "There is indeed magic in the jacket, but... How? Enchantments are rare in Equestria."

"As I said before, I'm impressed that Rarity was able to do it." said Aero, looking at the Element of Generosity. "Even if I gave her the right material to work with."

"What did you give her?"

"His cape." the answer came from Rarity, getting the attention from Twilight.

"I assume you had to use all of it?" asked Aero.

"I'm afraid so, darling." was Rarity's answer. "But I believe you knew that already, don't you?"

"Considering the t-shirt and the jacket, it was worth it." Aero then focused on Twilight. "My cape had a special material on it: Dragonstone dust."

"Dragonstone dust?" Twilight tilted her head for a moment. "It's the first time I hear about it."

"Me too." added Spike. "And judging by the name, it sounds like a gemstone!"

"That's because dragonstone is a gemstone." continued the stallion. "And it's only found in the Dragon Lands. That alone makes it a rare gemstone in Equestria."

"Well that explains why I haven't heard of it." said Twilight. "Our knowledge about dragons is very limited."

"And I've never been there." said Spike.

"Dragonstone is one of the few gemstones that are compatible with our magic." said Rarity, getting the attention of her friends. "And is very expensive, not to mention that dragonstone needs to be transformed into dust in order to use it to enchant clothes, and that is no easy task."

"Wait. How do you know? Did Aero tell you?" asked Twilight. The rest of the group didn't understand much, but it was an interesting topic.

"There was no need for Aero's knowledge, darling. A few months ago, I had the honor of working for Fleur de Lis. One of Canterlot's true nobles. She brought me a lovely dress and a very small box containing dragonstone dust. Everything I know about it is because of her. She wanted to surprise her stallion."

"And what kind of spell did she ask for?" asked a curious Aero.

"The kind of spell I can't mention here." said Rarity with a smirk.

"Oooooh~ Spicy!" said Pinkie, starting to giggle. The rest of her friends blushed again, and Aero sighed in disappointment.

"Wait. What happened to the magic in the cape? It disappeared?" asked Spike, and the rest of the group was still curious.

"Normally, that is the case." answered Rarity. "When an enchanted material gets detached, the spell on it disappears." she then looked at Aero. "But this time... nothing happened. The magic remained there. Honestly, I was ready to contact Aero and talk about enchanting the dust again, but..."

"I'm not surprised." said Aero with a smile. "It was Princess Luna who enchanted the cape, and she did a wonderful job."

"My goodness! It is already difficult to find a unicorn willing to do the process of enchanting an object or clothes." said Rarity, very surprised. "If Princess Luna imbued the dragonstone dust, then it's no wonder the magic is still there! It is alicorn magic after all."

"So what spell was in your cape?" asked Rainbow Dash, a bit eager to know. "A combat spell? An emergency shield? Tell us!"

"Actually, there are three spells." said Aero, and that was something that took everyone by surprise. "An 'eternal clean' spell, a 'locator' spell, and a 'crisis teleport' spell."

"So... the first spell will keep the jacket clean forever, right?" asked Spike. "That's kinda amazing!"

"And the locator spell emits a magical signal that will let a pony, or a group of ponies find where the jacket is, but this only works if the owner activates the spell first." added Twilight. "The other ponies also need an object to receive the magic signal so they can trace it."

"The crisis teleport spell is a bit special. Princess Luna created it." said Aero. "If for any reason I pass out due to exhaustion or because of a wound, the spell will immediately teleport me back to Canterlot. Princess Luna will know when the spell is used."

"All of that sounds amazing!" said Applejack. "Didn't even know you could put magic in clothes!"

"Enchantments are rare." said Twilight. "The only places where you could ask a unicorn for this service, are manehattan and Canterlot. Most of the time it's for enchanting clothes, but the royal guard may create magic tools or weapons from time to time. It's just that the process itself is very tiring, so they don't do it often. Also, like Rarity said about the dragonstone dust, it's a very expensive service."

"And not every material is as good as the dragonstone dust." added Rarity. "To be honest, I was a bit nervous at first. It felt like I was making a new tiara for Princess Celestia!"

"And that's why I'll say it once again: You did a wonderful job, Rarity." said Aero, giving the mare a good and honest smile. "Part of the reason that the magic didn't disappear is that you did a proper extraction of the dust. Thank you very much."

"Oh, darling believe me. The pleasure was mine." answered Rarity with a flirtatious smile. "And let me tell you, seeing you wear my creations feels me with joy."

"All right, enough about the clothes. I'm starting to get hungry, and the food on the table looks tasty." said Aero, returning to his seat. The others did the same.

"YES! Finally! I've been waiting for this!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, showing her excitement both in her voice and in her body, as she was even shaking a bit. "Aero is finally going to taste my sweets!"

"(Once again... interesting choice of words.)" thought Aero.

"It will be just a moment. A few minutes at most."

"I'm sorry, but everypony needed is already inside, so you can't go in."

"Could you at least ask the group if they can spare a few minutes of their time to hear me?"


"(Is there a discussion outside?)" Aero knows there are two guards on the other side of the curtains, but his area-scan spell is detecting three beings. Somepony else is definitely talking to them.

"Oh! The Lemon pie must be ready! I'll be here in juuuust a moment~" Pinkie moved almost as if she was dancing, and got out of the VIP zone, going to the kitchen. A few seconds later...

"Excuse me." One of the guards appeared, and the group focused on the mare from the local guard. "There is a mare outside that wishes to speak to all of you. I can at least tell you that she is not a citizen of Ponyville. Not with that suit of hers." added the guard, a bit confused about this fact.

"All of us? Even Aero?" asked Rarity. The guard nodded in response. Before anypony else was able to say anything...

"Did she tell you where she comes from?"

The voice of Aero took everyone's attention, but the guard decided to go back with her partner and the other mare. After a few seconds, she once again approached the group.

"She says she is from Applewood."

"Applewood!?" Rarity was the first to react, but soon, other voices from outside the curtains were heard.

"That's so far away!"

"She comes for him! I'm sure of it!"

"Don't jump to conclusions yet."

"Please, she comes from Applewood. That alone is enough to know what she wants."

"Applewood..." Aero hasn't been there, but he does know that many actors and models live there. It is also one of the few places where he hasn't been before. Every famous pony that has visited the Princesses work there.

"But why all of us?" asked Applejack.

"Doesn't matter." said Aero. "The distance between Ponyville and Applewood is by no means short. I think the least we could do is hear what this mare has to say."

"If you say so..." said Rainbow Dash, a bit worried. "Let's just hope this mare behaves."

"Like you yesterday?" asked Aero in a teasing tone. Twilight and Fluttershy let out a small chuckle.

"T-that doesn't count!" was the quick reply of the Element of loyalty.

Having their approval, the guard returned to her partner, and another mare approached the group. They all noticed that she was a unicorn, and she was indeed wearing a grey business suit. Her brown mane was carefully groomed, and her cream-colored coat was well kept.

Upon seeing her, Twilight and her friends had to admit that the mare had good looks. Enough to charm many stallions. Rarity also knew that her suit was by no means a cheap one.

Aero focused on the mare for a moment. She had a delightful smile that would incite anypony to try to establish a friendly conversation with her. But something about her eyes was different. While most mares in Ponyville and Canterlot look at him with hungry eyes, she gives a different impression. Like she found what she was looking for.

"My apologies for interrupting your reunion. I know this is sudden, but I think this is the only chance I'll have to talk to everypony." said the mare. "My name is Brilliant Orchid."

"Brilliant Orchid!" Rarity was the first one to react. "You are a famous talent scout in Applewood! Many of the precious models and singers from your homeplace and Manehattan were recruited by you."

"Very good. Since you know who I am, I can get straight to the point." said Brilliant Orchid. "To be honest I am not working right now. Until a few days ago I was in Las Pegasus and currently, I'm traveling to Fillydelphia. Ponyville is one of the optional stops for a break, and I arrived just an hour ago to have a nice and delicious lunch in one of the nearby restaurants."

She then focused on Aero.

"And that's when I saw something. Something amazing. Something wonderful. Something that I didn't expect to find in my free time, but a chance like this... It would be a crime to ignore it."

And now she looks at everyone.

"Which is why I want to speak to all of you, his herd mates, regarding the possibility for this wonderful stallion to work as a supermodel."


"It may sound exaggerated, I know, but my instinct has never failed me. He has the potential. To think he was hidden here in Ponyville..."

The Elements of harmony and Spike were shocked to say the least. Aero didn't say anything. Not because he didn't hear it because he did, and finds it ridiculous.

He didn't say anything because something else got his attention.

His area-scan spell gave him new information.

"I know that giving your stallion a bit more 'freedom' might be worrying, but I assure you that the benefits from the job make up for it tenfold, especially in his case. I have no doubt that all the prestigious brands would fight each other for him."

"W-w-wait! I-I know it looks like it, b-but..." Twilight was having a hard time getting her words out. The rest of her friends was also having trouble to even say something. That statement made their imagination run wild for a moment. Spike was surprised because Rarity speaks about models from time to time, and they have pretty much an easy and relaxed lifestyle. They basically live in luxury.

"Twilight, if I may..."

Aero's voice made Twilight react, but so did everyone else, because this time it had a stronger tone.

"My! What a powerful voice." said Brilliant Orchid with interest.

"I'm sorry Aero. I know you don't like this kind of-"

"Something is happening outside."

Aero's interruption made Twilight stop, and the rest of the group got curious. While Brilliant Orchid was talking, Aero's area-scan spell detected a group that was gathering outside Sugarcube Corner. There were at least ten more ponies now, and it was odd that they were moving but not entering the building.

"What do you mean?" asked Rainbow Dash. "You can't just say 'something' is happening and leave it at that!"

"There are many ponies outside Sugarcube Corner." replied Aero. "But I don't know why they don't enter. They have been moving for a few minutes."

"Maybe it's a group of friends?" asked Applejack. "This place gets crowded sometimes."

"It can't be something bad." said Rarity. "The Ponyville local guard constantly patrols this area. If it was something bad, we would already know."

"You do have point." said Aero, thinking about the possibilities. "So why-"

"Huh? More guards? why?"

"Wait. They are not from the Ponyville local guard. Who are these mares?"

"They are all purple and yellow. The armor kinda looks like the guards from Canterlot but..."

"It's a different color... Hey! What's going on?"

"My apologies, citizen of Ponyville. We are just securing the place."

"Why? Who is coming?"

"(It's true. The group is moving.)" thought Aero. "(So they are guards, but not from Ponyville, nor Canterlot. Are they private guards? But who are they guarding?)"

"The area outside is checked, ma'am!"

"The kitchen is also checked. There was a... weird pony there, but she's not a threat."

"And what about over there, past the curtains ma'am?"

"There is no need. The local guard is already there. You don't suggest that they are hiding a suspicious pony there, do you?"

"I don't think so ma'am, but-"

"Then stop worrying over nothing! Now go and tell the main group that it is safe."

"That soldier was in the right saying they should check here too." said Aero, a bit more serious. "It is alright to be cautious when you are protecting somepony."

"All right! I want everypony in position!"

Aero was constantly getting information thanks to the area-scan spell. A second, smaller group was approaching. Three ponies.

"Attention! They're here!"

A few seconds later, a series of gasps were heard, and some ponies moved. Then, it got noisy.

"Did any of you expect a visit from any famous pony or any celebrity?" asked Brilliant Orchid, with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.

"Not...that we know of." said Rarity, confused as the rest of her friends.

"Maybe it is a famous pony that just wants to eat here." said Fluttershy, not sure if it was the case, but it was a possibility. "Maybe it's a pony who really likes sweets and-"

"Announcing the rulers of the Crystal Empire: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor!"


Aero has no way to stop the incoming headache.

"My brother? And Cadance!?" For obvious reasons, Twilight was the first one to react. "I haven't seen them since the wedding!"

"Oh, what a wonderful wedding that was." added Rarity. "It was really a perfect day."

"Prince Shining Armor is your brother?" now it was Brilliant Orchid's turn to be surprised. It took Aero a second to remember that before becoming an alicorn, Twilight was not known outside of Ponyville, Canterlot, and the Crystal Empire.

"We are sorry for interrupting you, but we were told that my sister is here."

"(That is definitely Shining Armor. I can't believe they are here...)" thought Aero, still a bit confused about this.

"Twilight! I've come to say hi~"

"(There's no mistake. That was Princess Cadance.)" Aero is a bit wary now, since he doesn't know how this Cadance will behave.

As soon as she heard her brother and former babysitter, Twilight activated her magic and teleported, reappearing just outside the curtains and between the two guards.

"BBBFF! Cadance!"

"There you are, Twilly." both Shining and Cadance approached her. "You look good, little sis."

Twilight and her brother procedeed to share a happy hug for a few seconds, while the other mares around were surprised to know that Shining Armor and her are family.

"It's good to see you again, big brother." said Twilight with a smile. "How have you been?"

"Believe me, despite his duties as a prince, Shining is having a good time." said Cadance, who then gently touched her husband's muzzle with her own. "I'm making sure of that."

Twilight approached Cadance and started their unique greeting, which of course confused everypony around.

"You know, there's something I've been wondering since we arrived." said Shining with genuine curiosity.

"What is it?" asked her sister.

"Who is this 'Aero' that we keep hearing about?"

"Oh. Right..." it was just now that Twilight's senses fully returned, remembering that Cadance and her brother don't know about Aero, and of course, about his origin.

"I'm really surprised." added Cadance. "When we arrived, many ponies, especially mares, were talking about this 'Aero'. How delightful it was to look at him, how they wanted to be near him and even touch him. Even when our guards made the other ponies gossip, I still heard conversations about him."

Cadance then got closer to Twilight, so other ponies don't hear her.

"I can also feel strong traces of lust and arousal every time this 'Aero' is mentioned. Who is this stallion? It's like almost every mare in Ponyville want a piece of him."

"Well... You may understand once you meet him." replied Twilight. "I mean, There's no denying that he's handsome, and even if my friends may try to hide it, they are interested in him."

Both Cadance and Shining looked at each other for a moment, surprised that Twilight was also showing signs of interest in this stallion.

"And you?" asked Shining, almost in a teasing tone, but while he expected her sister to be a bit flustered and deny it...

"I... well, a bit. Like I said, you will understand once you meet him." was Twilight's answer. She even was blushing a bit.

"Man, now I want to meet him. A stallion capable of making my sis say such things?" said Shining, honestly happy for her sister.

"But I guess that can wait. We came here to see you!" said Cadance. "We were on our way to Canterlot because auntie invited us. It seems that she wants to discuss something with us, but we wanted to stop here first because it's the perfect chance to catch up."

"That's great! But... there's something you should know first." said Twilight, who started to get a little nervous. There is a problem after all. She needs to explain Aero's situation, and this would be easier if-

"It seems that we are still on time."

A new voice was heard. One that everypony in the building knows. Princess Celestia passed through the front door, along with Gleaming Shield, who reacted immediately.



Both brother and sister hugged with happiness, and the amulets they were both using were glowing with a strong blue light. Gleaming then also hugged Cadance, while Princess Celestia was approaching them. At the same time, everypony, including the guards, bowed without hesitation.

"Auntie!" now it was Cadance's turn to hug Celestia, while Shining did a respectful bow.

"Dear Cadance, I'm glad to see you happy and healthy." Celestia then focused on Twilight's brother. "It has been a while, Shining Armor. It seems that the Empire has made you an even better stallion."

"You honor me with your kind words, Princess." replied Shining. "Please forgive my rudeness, but what are you doing here? We wanted to surprise Twilly. Maybe we had the same idea?"

"Actually, I told the Princess about your surprise visit." said Gleaming. "I'm sorry. I had to."

"Gleaming Shield is right." added Celestia. "Under normal circumstances, there would be no need to come here. However, this time we do have a unique situation." Celestia then looked at her student.

"We heard from a few ponies that Aero is here with you and your friends." this made Cadance and Shining react. "Is that true?"

"Yes, Princess." was Twilight's quick reply. "Pinkie prepared a private reunion for us to celebrate his arrival to Ponyville, and for his help in today's incident."

"Incident? Did something happen?" asked Shining.

"We will explain later." said Celestia, who then focused on the 'VIP zone'. "Is he there?"

"Yes, but there is a... second situation." said Twilight, getting the attention from Celestia, Gleaming Shield, and the rulers of the Crystal Empire. "There's also a mare that wants to recruit Aero to be a... supermodel. Her name is Brilliant Orchid."

"Brilliant Orchid?"

"If I remember correctly, she is a talent scout from Applewood." said Celestia, still a bit surprised by this new information. "What is she doing here?"

"She was on her way to Fillydelphia. She stopped here to take a break and... she saw Aero." Twilight was starting to get a little nervous, but now that Celestia is here, maybe she can fix this. "It would be easier if you follow me."

They quickly followed Twilight to the 'VIP zone', and the guards didn't hesitate to open the curtains. When they entered, they saw a very surprised Brilliant Orchid who then bowed without hesitation, Twilight's friends who were already bowing, and the stallion that caught their interest, Aero.

The first thing Aero did when he saw Celestia's group was a sigh of relief. He was now focusing on Shining Armor.

"Thank Luna. He's not wearing a dress."

"W-what?" Shining Armor was definitely confused right now. Just then, the curtains were opened again.

"And here it is! The ultimate le-hey! It's Princess Celestia! And Princess Cadance! And Twilight's brother!" she said all of this while holding a very big Lemon Pie with only one of her hooves. She was of course wearing a cute glove for hygienic purposes.

She then looked at the mare in the suit.

"And who are you?" Pinkie is still holding the lemon pie.

"Brilliant Orchid. Talent Scout. A pleasure." she didn't hesitate to show her professionalism, even in this situation.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie. Party Planner Extraordinaire. Likewise." Pinkie's voice and attitude changed to mimic Brilliant Orchid. This caught everypony except Princess Celestia off guard. And she was still holding the big lemon pie. It was not even moving.

"(Just how strong is she to keep that perfect balance?)" thought Aero.

*She must be very strong!*

Pinkie then focused on Aero, and her usual smile and attitude returned as if nothing happened.

"Wow! Talk about surprises! Just what happened while I was gone?"

"Well... it seems that randomness won." replied Aero, almost like he was admitting defeat. Applejack couldn't help but chuckle for a moment.

Author's Note:

Hey! It's been a while. Hope you guys are ok, wherever you are.

Man, this took quite some time. Mostly because I was playing Leagues III in Oldschool Runescape :rainbowlaugh:

Just to be clear, every time I used 'everyone' instead of 'everypony' is because spike is there, and every time there is a non-pony species along with ponies, I use that.

Also. 'Whorse' I got it from another story that surprisingly it's not related to RGRE.

That being said, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm sure you guys will still find many typos that somehow I didn't see before. Anyways, if you see them, let me know so I can fix them.

I'm also thinking of adding one more chapter to the other two stories (Gielinor's Visitor and TCB: El único), but it's still just a thought.

I wish you the best on your day/night!