• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 13,761 Views, 514 Comments

The Anomaly in a Mare's World - Hilord17

Everything is perfect in the mare's world. That is, until a certain stallion arrives and start to mess with it, just by being himself.

  • ...

IX - Desire

Author's Note:

Hello, fellow readers and/or writers!

It's been a while. I honestly hate when the more chapters you make, the longer it takes to finish them. Sadly, it's not because I'm lazy. It's literally because my 'free time' is short. There's a lot of stuff to do IRL. I'm pretty sure some of you may be even busier than me.

Enough about that. I just want to say: Here's the next chapter!

I hope you enjoy it. I also want to thank all of you. Those who follow my story, those that just found out about it and are giving it a try, and even those who maybe don't read it anymore for whatever reason.

Just the fact that you took a bit of your own time to read this is enough for me to be proud of.

Like always, I apologize if something is not written correctly. A slight disadvantage for not being a native English speaker.

"There are more?"

"Yes. There are many dragon tribes. The one in the Dragon Lands is one of the strongest tribes, but not the only one."

"Have you encountered them during your missions?"

"Yes, but only a few of them. Do you know about the wyvern tribe?"

"Wyvern tribe? Never heard of them."

"It's not surprising, considering that most ponies don't know about dragons in general. With two legs and big wings, they excel at flying, and they are undoubtedly one of the fastest dragon tribes."

"What other dragon tribes do you know?"

"Well, I remember that..."

Spike was very happy right now.

Since his arrival at Ponyville with Twilight, he has been surrounded by mares. There are very few stallions, and every time he tried to speak with them, they didn't want to. The only ponies he has been able to speak and talk to were Twilight and her friends because most mares of Ponyville refuse to talk to him or straight out ignore him.

At some point, Spike just gave up. Aside from attending some of Twilight and her friends' activities, he stays in the library helping in any way he can. The only other ponies he is on good terms with are the self-proclaimed 'Cutie Mark Cursaders'.

And now he finally has a chance to talk with somepony else.

And not just anypony, for he is a hero in his eyes.

For him, it came as a big surprise when Aero appeared near the Everfree Forest to fight the manticores. He never saw a stallion do activities that required a certain amount of physical strength. Twilight told him that the main activities of the stallions in Ponyville are raising their foals, and taking care of their homes.

"Frost dragon tribe? They really breathe ice?"

"And that's just the beginning. Adult frost dragons can shape the form of the ice they create with their breath. If a frost dragon is fighting during a hail or a blizzard, they become invincible."

Twilight was in awe.

While Spike and Aero were talking at the table near the bookshelves she was organizing, It began to dawn on her that she underestimated him. She thought that his knowledge would not be so different from a stallion working in Canterlot. After all, their Equestrias couldn't be that different. She thought the main differences would only be about the mares, stallions, and their current society.

She was wrong.

Even with all the books she has, both in Canterlot and Ponyville (A few of them being a generous gift from Princess Celestia), her knowledge about dragons is very limited, if near-inexistent. She always felt bad when Spike asked her about the topic and she couldn't give him a proper answer.

But Aero? In just a few minutes he was able to provide such answers. Even if it's information of another Equestria, the fact that Spike is enjoying the conversation is enough to prove that he succeeded where she failed.

But she's not jealous. Far from it, actually.

After all, she is also learning.

She originally wanted to talk with Aero about his life in his Equestria, but Spike beat her to it. In fact... Spike looks happier than ever, and she can't blame him. None of the stallions in Ponyville want to speak or even be with him. He lacks male friends.

But... the more she looks at them, the more she thinks Spike considers Aero a role model.

"I can't believe there are so many different tribes in your Equestria!" Spike was so into the conversation that he didn't notice the two mares that entered the library, and Twilight getting slightly annoyed by their timing. She is the owner after all. "I've never seen another dragon. Not even in pictures!"

"They're not very friendly overall." said Aero. "But there are a few worthy of mention. One of them would be Ember. She lives in the Dragon Lands, and she's the daughter of the Dragon Lord."

"Hello! Are you looking for a certain..."

Twilight stopped talking because the two mares ignored her and went directly to the male duo. Needless to say, this made her a little angry because she knows what's going to happen. She expected this to happen sooner or later.

"Hello Aero!" Both the stallion and dragon heard one of the two mares "We were wondering if you would like to accompany us to the park. We want to know a bit more about you."

"(Just like that? Not even an introduction?)" Aero was a bit worried. Twilight told him that this would happen at some point since the library is open to everypony, but this was too soon. Not even half an hour since they arrived after the Princess' announcement.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I have plans for today. I'll be quite busy." Aero's answer was both neutral and respectful.

"But... you aren't doing anything." said the other mare, trying to remain cordial. Aero saw her annoyed expression for just a moment before smiling again. "Surely you have better things to do than stay in a library and read books?"

"Believe me when I say that I have my reasons for staying here. I am not wasting my time if that is what you imply."

It is true. There's a reason he chose Twilight and her library as his first visit.

And that reason is knowledge. Information about this Equestria's current traditions and customs. It's not that he's interested in knowing about it, but Princess Celestia advised him to at least know the basics, in order to avoid misunderstandings that can be prevented.

"C'mon! It's a beautiful day outside and-"

"I don't mean to intrude, but... He already said that he'll be busy today." the mare was interrupted by Spike, who tried to be respectful. "You can't just force him to go with you."

"No one is talking to you, little dragon."

! ! !

This took Aero by surprise. That was borderline rude. Especially considering that Twilight is there too.

"Hey! That was totally unnecessary." Of course, Twilight wouldn't stay silent after that. "If you didn't come here looking for a book, then I must ask you to leave."

"Can you bring us 'Your Colt and You' by Calm Joy the White?"

Twilight knows they are just buying time, but as long as they ask for a book, she has a job to do. She started looking for it, without losing sight of them.

"You know, I was talking with Spike until you two interrupted us." This time, Aero's voice came with a hint of anger. "The answer is still no."

"Here is your book."

Using her magic, Twilight offered the book to the mares. She didn't care about the stern glare she was giving to them. Spike opted to remain quiet.

"Come on Sparkle! Can't you lend him to us for a bit?" asked the mare that received the book. "We promise to take good care of him."

"(So they try with Twilight now. How pathetic, and even worse is the fact that they think they need Twilight's 'approval' first.)"

"So now I'm an object..." This time, Aero's voice was calm. way too calm. Twilight had a slight deja vu from yesterday. "This is the last time I say it: No."

"You heard Princess Celestia during the announcement." Twilight got next to Aero, managing to gently touch his fur. "You can't force him to join a herd."

"It's such a waste if you ask me..." said the other mare. "Just look at him! He's perfect. Can you imagine those strong hooves-"

"Then it's a good thing nopony asked you." Aero's voice was still 'calm'. "And if there are more mares outside with the same idea as you, tell them to give up."


Without wasting any second, the female duo abandoned the library. Seconds later, a series of groans were heard outside. Mostly mares. Aero then looked at Twilight.

"I'm sorry about this, Twilight. If I had known they would be like that in front of Spike..."

"It's not your fault, Aero." Twilight answered almost immediately. "Mares tend to be pushy when it comes to stallions."

"These two days have been proof enough." said Aero, who then looked at the young dragon. "I'll take a guess and say that was because you are a dragon and not a pony."

"Probably." said Spike nonchalantly. "Don't worry about it. I've seen mares doing way more stupid things when it comes to 'catch a stallion'."

"I'm starting to believe that they are capable of kidnapping a stallion. How do they deal with this?"

"Well, they generally accept invitations, since they like to be around mares." Twilight explained with a smile on her face. "As you have experienced just now, mares tend to be very assertive, and stallions tend to be quiet and a bit shy, so they are a bit hesitant at first but after a few dates they relax and long for the company of a mare. At this point, the alpha-mare may ask the stallion to join their herd."

"Not to mention that you look like the ultimate catch, dude." added Spike. "Applejack always has a hard time dealing with the mares trying to invite his brother Big Mac to their herds. He may be a stallion of few words, but he looks strong like you."

"But he's cursed, right?" said Aero. "So rather than being strong, it's more about attractiveness."


Twilight felt a little bad because she couldn't deny that. It may be a mare's duty to protect and care about stallions, but... the more desirable a stallion is, the more the mares will try to make them join their herds. Especially in a place like Ponyville.

"Alright. Enough about that. I suppose you want to know a bit more about me?"

"I do! But you are talking with Spike now..."

Aero was aware that Twilight was listening to everything earlier, and it was obvious that she had many questions and would not waste her chance.

"That doesn't mean I can't speak with both of you at the same time."

"O-oh! Are you sure? I think Spike wants to know more about dragons." For a moment, Twilight focused on her little assistant.

"Nah, it's ok Twilight." Spike reassured her immediately. "Come here and join us!"

"Well, thank you." Now it was Twilight's turn to approach the table and sit with them. "I hope you don't mind Aero, but I have a list with all the questions I want you to answer." she activated her magic, and true to her word, a scroll appeared at her side.

"Feels more like an interview, so it's ok. You can help me later with this Equestria's basic customs when it comes to mares and stallions." was the stallion's answer. "So... What do you want to know?"

"I couldn't see him this close before..."


"I would invite him, but he would say no right away."

"We need to be patient. Do you know anything about him?"

"I wonder if he likes homemade cooking..."

"Amber and Fresh weren't able to convince him..."

"There's a rumor that he's a senior worker at Playfilly..."

"It's really hard to concentrate with him around..."

"Maybe if we pay him enough bits? You know..."

"Ugh. If only he was alone..."


"Wow. Twilight was not lying when she said the stares would be intense." Spike was looking around. There were many mares looking at them. Thanks to Twilight's guidance, he knows that most of them have the 'bedroom' eyes.

"Sadly, it's true." said Aero. Not surprised at all, considering this sight is not new to him.

"They like to whisper a lot, too..." said the little dragon. "It's honestly a bit creepy."

"You don't have to think too much to know what they're talking about." Aero knew all too well.

"You know, this is kinda weird. You are like a famous pony now. Like, every mare wants to talk to you and be with you, but you are not comfortable with it. I don't blame you, though."

It's been a bit of a busy day for Aero. He had a duel with Gleaming Shield first thing in the morning, and later he is teleported to Ponyville so he can help with the sudden invasion of the wild creatures of the Everfree Forest. He was honest when he said he wanted to know more about Twilight and her friends. Sadly, the attitude of the mares of Ponyville is making this a bit harder. In fact, it's worse than yesterday. Now it looks like they could pounce on him at any moment.

After a rather relaxing talk with Twilight, Aero decided to visit Rarity next. He's glad that he asked Spike to come with him. It's not that he can't deal with the mares alone, but with Spike accompanying him, at least they are behaving.

"Anyways, don't focus on them. Can you tell me a bit more about Rarity's work?" Twilight asked him a lot of questions regarding his Equestria, so he didn't have any time to ask about her friends.

"Oh, that right! She didn't tell you." Spike came back to his cheerful self. "She makes very beautiful clothes! She's a fahion... something."


"Yeah, that. And she's very good. She has made a lot of dresses for Twilight and the others."

"(Twilight did mention 'Rarity's Boutique' a couple of times before meeting the Princesses.)" thought Aero. "(She must be the owner. I haven't seen any other clothing store so far, so her business must be going very well.)"

"There! You can see it, can you?." Spike was now pointing at a very particular building. Since he was in a hurry last time, Aero didn't see it, but it was a rather big building.

As they were getting closer to Rarity's workplace, Aero noticed a poster in the outer wall of one of the houses near him. It was a very simple poster: Some words and the picture of a stallion winking. However, what was written on it made him stop for a moment.

[ Don't ask me, I'm just a Stallion! ]

The weird thing is, the 'o' in 'stallion' was replaced with a male symbol, but the symbol was upside down.

"What? They put this again?" Spike grabbed the left side of the poster and tore it off in one swift move. "Twilight says this poster is kinda offensive to stallions, and this is the third time I see it."

"It's a not-so-subtle way to say that stallions are dumb." said Aero. "If this poster keeps appearing in Ponyville, you should tell Twilight to speak with Mayor Mare."

"Yeah. Will do." said Spike, crumpling up the poster and tossing it to a nearby trash can. "You know, I've been trying to speak with other stallions. Needless to say, they don't want to."

"And the mares?"

"They kinda ignore me too. Not surprising considering what happened in the library."

"(So Spike speaks only with Twilight and her friends? No male friendships? Poor guy.)" thought Aero, who now smiled at the little dragon. "You're doing great, Spike. Stand strong and don't let these mares bother you."

"Thanks for your kindness, Aero." said Spike in response, giving an honest smile. "Not only you are the first stallion to talk to me, but also a great pony overall. Stay awesome."

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at Rarity's place. Aero saw the big sign right next to the building:

[Carousel Boutique: Where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.]

"For a clothing shop, this is rather impressive." said Aero. "It feels like it was taken directly from Canterlot."

"I know, right? That's Rarity for you. She likes to bring the 'noble feeling of Canterlot' all around her, and she does a good job at it.'"

"It helps that the building looks like a real carousel." Aero added. "The decor is on point. Bright colors that stand out from the general green colors around."

Both males didn't waste any second and went inside. The bell above the door rang immediately, but they were more focused on the fact that the they could rest from stares.


Rarity's voice was heard from a small distance. Possibly one of the many rooms inside. While waiting for her, Aero looked around: There were dresses everywhere. In the walls, the many, many displays, and the many tables distributed in the main room. There were also many pony mannequins using different clothes, and a good amount of mirrors in the walls. He noticed that most of the clothes were dresses, and only very few were some kind of stallion formal clothing, like the ones used by butlers.

"Aero! It is a pleasure to have you in my boutique!" the Element of Generosity came from one of the other rooms, and happily approached him. "And hello to you too, Spike."

"Hello miss Rarity."

"Hi there!"

"Did you have any problems on the way?" Rarity showed her concern for a moment. "Don't hesitate to tell us about it, darling."

"Well, it's not like I can avoid the stares, but it's really bothersome when mares talk about me like I'm not hearing them." said Aero, feeling a bit annoyed. "It's really... worrying to hear some of their thoughts."

"My word! Has it really been like this since your arrival?" Aero was a bit surprised to see the concern on Rarity's face. "I know it's our duty, but there's a time and place to approach stallions."

"I kid you not Rarity. Every mare outside was giving Aero the 'bedroom' eyes." said Spike, getting the fashionista's attention. "It was really weird."

"That is also unacceptable!" At the moment, Aero is placing Rarity in the 'mares to trust' list. "I cannot deny that we like to show our trust and wishes to the stallions, but the whole point of it is to show them that we can protect them so they can be happy."

"Well, it seems they are more interested in what I can do in bed." Aero then looked at Spike. "I'm sorry you have to hear stuff like this, little buddy."

"Don't sweat it. This kind of... thing, is not anything that Twilight hasn't taught me already." Spike was rather calm about it. "I've seen a lot since coming to Ponyville. Besides, it doesn't really distract me or anything. I just find it gross."

"(This world is crazy enough that Twilight has to teach Spike about the basics of sexuality...)" Once again, Aero is conflicted about this world. He is still not sure to consider this Equestria 'safe' yet.

"Well, now you are here darling." Rarity reassured both. "And what perfect timing! I was wondering if you could help me with a little idea that I got when I met you in Canterlot."

"Aww... I wanted to see him again."

"Wait. He's not in the castle anymore?"

"It's a shame. Seeing him in the morning was such a treat!"

"It's confusing, though. He acts like a mare. He is also stronger than any other stallion..."

"Yeah. It's hard to guess how should we approach him."

"Not only that, he gives this feeling... I can't really explain it..."

"He makes me flustered just by looking at him!"

"Yeah! Like that! It's like he has the presence of a mare and I feel... like a stallion."

"No way!"

"Actually... I feel that too."

"It's like I feel vulnerable! It's so weird!"

"But it's not a bad feeling, you know?"

"W-what are you saying? We are mares! Strong and reliable mares!"

"But have you ever wondered how a stallion feels when we approach them? I think I sorta feel like that when I see him."

"Snap out of it! There's no way that's possible."

"Are you sure about that? I know it's weird but..."

The actions of Aero left an impression on the royal guard, to the point that even his absence is noticed and discussed. What's more, an entire unexpected topic arose. Something no mare dared to talk about in centuries.

And Celestia, who was on her way to the throne room, was loving every second of it.

"It comes as a surprise to hear all this talk about Aero. As time went on, the mares forgot about their old feelings and attitude. Becoming the pillars of society led them to forget certain things about the stallions of old. Truly a shame." the Princess was looking around, hearing the gossip of her guards and butlers. "What do you think, Gleaming?"

"Even after meeting him... I'm not sure of what to say, Princess." was the captain's answer. "Not to mention that this has been a very busy day."

"How was it?" asked Celestia, feeling a bit curious. "Fighting an uncursed stallion from another Equestria?"

"To be completely honest Princess... It was amazing."

This answer managed to stop Celestia for a second.

"Oh? It seems I was wrong. I thought you would feel a bit ashamed of losing to a stallion."

"But he is not your everyday stallion, Princess. He is not helpless. He is not frail. As far as I know, he has no fear when he fights." said Gleaming Shield. Celestia could hear the anticipation in the captain's voice. "He taught me so much in that duel: To not waste my magic energy if it's not going to work. To think on the best move and adapt to the enemy. How to properly use my barrier, and I could go on, but the point is that he has been my biggest challenge yet. And of course, I failed miserably because I was not prepared."

"With the exception of Nightmare Moon, Equestria has been a peaceful land for many years." said the Princess. "Once I knew about Aero's origin, I was sure that most mares would not be a challenge for him if it comes down to a fight, but now it's clear that even in his Equestria, he is a fearsome opponent."

"He did imply that his teammates have special abilities, too. I wonder if they are as strong as him..." said Gleaming, now being her turn to get curious about the other members of 'Elemental'.

"I'm sure they are strong, but something tells me Aero is the strongest." answered Celestia. "Everything I have seen so far is proof enough. Maybe the other members have more dangerous abilities, but Aero has shown complete control over his, and if you add both his physical and magical strength, along with his combat experience..."

That's when Gleaming noticed it.

Princess Celestia was smiling.


It was not the same motherly kind of smile she shows everypony during day court and when traveling to other places of Equestria. This was different. Her whole face was showing something else.

Excitement. It looked like she was enjoying herself.

"Ah... this may be a bit troublesome." said Celestia, although it was almost like a whisper.

"Princess? What do you mean with-"

Gleaming Shield didn't finish her question, because she saw something else. Something far more intriguing.

Princess Celestia. The all-mighty 'Mare of the Sun', and undoubtedly one of the most powerful mares of Equestria along with her sister... was blushing, and her wings were slightly up.

"I have never been so interested in a stallion as I am now."

! ! !

Gleaming Shield, along with the very few mares that managed to hear what the Princess just said, were astonished. It is well known by the castle staff that both Princesses have never shown any sign of being interested in starting a herd with a stallion. Both of them have their own reasons: Princess Celestia is a caring mare that always supports other herds and never pursues a relationship because if she were to pick a stallion, he would need to adapt to politics, public opinion, and a ton of other important roles. With the current condition of stallions, it is impossible for one to even survive this kind of life. As for Princess Luna, once she saw with her own eyes the current behavior of stallions in general, she felt pity for them, and a bit of anger because, in her own words, 'stallions have changed for the worse'.

The area in which Princess Celestia and Gleaming Shield were speaking, became silent for many seconds.

"(I can't believe it...)" Gleaming Shield did her best to not show any more surprise on her face. "(Is this really happening?)"

The other mares slowly returned to their duties, doing their best to not look surprised or nervous. This was a huge reveal. Princess Celestia for the first time in centuries, or maybe even more, has shown interest in a stallion.

"Princess... What you are suggesting is-"

"I know." Celestia interrupted the captain. "But I think that doesn't stop me from expressing myself. There is nothing wrong with that."

"We promised to help him." said Gleaming, more serious than ever. "We can't just break his trust."

"Gleaming Shield." Celestia's voice was calm, but the captain knew that what she said just now, she could have said it in a better way. "We will help him. Considering his situation, I admire his will and resolution. He also decided to help us despite the mare's treatment since his arrival."

Celestia began to walk again, and Gleaming Shield immediately followed.

"But Princess... What are you going to do?"

It took a few seconds before the captain got her answer.

"A meeting."

"My measures?" said Aero, who then put two and two together. "You want to make clothes based on my size?"

"Yes, darling. This may be my only chance to make stallion clothing of your... size." that last remark from Rarity was said in an almost soothing voice. "I can't miss this opportunity."

"Yeah. You are huge!" added Spike, raising his hands. "You're as tall as Princess Celestia. I'm pretty sure it's hard to find clothes of your size."

"Well..." Aero never gave it much thought. He does have one or two pieces of clothing for special occasions, but that's it.

"Please darling, give me a chance. You are already gorgeous, but think about what you could do with the right clothes!"

"If it helps you acquire experience... Very well, I'll let you take my measures. Let me think about the payment since I didn't bring any bits with me."

"Oh please! There's no need for any sort of payment." Rarity immediately refused. "But, if you really want to pay... then maybe you could let me examine your cape? It may look simple, but you can't fool me! I know that cape has something special. I can feel it!"

"(Did she... see it?)" wondered Aero, who then smiled. "You guessed it. There is something special in this cape. Since you were able to notice it, I'll lend you my cape for a while."

"Rarity. Is Sweetie Belle here?" asked Spike. "I've seen you take measures a few times and well... it's kinda boring for me to watch."

"I'm sorry Spike. I tend to forget that you aren't exactly a fan of staying still." apologized Rarity, then she looked at the stairs leading to the upper floor. "I believe Sweetie Belle mentioned something about making a list of activities to do in order to obtain her cutie mark. She is in her room right now. Why don't you pay her a visit? I'm sure she will be happy to see you."

"Got it." the little dragon started to walk to the stairs. "See you later, Aero!"

"See you later, brave little dragon."

And with that, Spike went upstairs to Sweetie Belle's room.

Rarity was about to speak and invite Aero to another room to take his measures, but she stopped when she saw him looking in the same direction that Spike went. His smile was gone.

"Is there something wrong, darling?"

"Spike... is a dragon with a strong will." said Aero, but with a bit of melancholy. "Did you know that none of the stallions in Ponyville have spoken to him? Not even a hello?"

"I've ... heard a bit about it from Twilight." said Rarity, obviously not happy about that.

"That also applies to the other mares of this town." added Aero. "To be able to keep moving forward as a baby dragon in a place full of ponies that deliberately avoid him..."

"I'm glad that somepony else cares about little Spikey." said Rarity, although in a low voice, with a particular mixture of both sadness and hope. "Despite your serious nature, your concern for the welfare of others is worthy of admiration."

"I know it should not be necessary to say this, but just in case..." Aero started to smile again. Rarity got drawn to that smile of his for a second. "Spike possesses an outstanding potential. Most ponies can't see it now because he is a baby dragon, but give him a couple of decades, and I assure you that he will be directly assisting the Princesses in Canterlot."

"Oh, I know he has a bright future, darling."

"But he is still a diamond in the rough. His future still depends on what kind of education you give him now as a baby dragon." said Aero, looking at Rarity. "The Spike from my Equestria is doing great, but I worry for the Spike of this one."

Rarity put one of her front hooves on her chest, looking at the stallion with eyes that showed determination.

"I'll let Twilight know you said that, darling. I'm sure she will be delighted. I also promise to let the girls know how important Spike will be for our future."

"It's good to know that even in this weird Equestria the Elements of Harmony remain true." said Aero, who then started to walk. "Now, I assume you have a room where you take measures?"

"That would be correct, darling." now it was Rarity's turn to start walking, getting ahead of Aero. "Follow me."

Aero started following Rarity to the same room where she was before he and Spike arrived. Just when they were getting near the door, Aero passed right next to one of the mirrors in the wall.

That's when he saw it.

! ! !

It took his attention immediately.

There was something just above him like it was floating.

It was purple, with an oval shape and four small tentacles, with round yellow eyes and an almost cartoonish yellow smile, like if it was drawn.

And... it was waving with one of the small tentacles.

"It's you!"