• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 13,764 Views, 514 Comments

The Anomaly in a Mare's World - Hilord17

Everything is perfect in the mare's world. That is, until a certain stallion arrives and start to mess with it, just by being himself.

  • ...

XIII - Uneasiness

Author's Note:

Hello there!
It's good to be back! :twilightsmile:

And man, it took a while.
I don't think I can apologize enough for this lack of updates. That's life, I guess. (I mean everything that happens IRL and that obviously has higher priority than writing.) I also get conflicted with trying to update as often as possible (you know, so people don't think the story is dead.)

In short, All I can say at this point is that I'll try my best.

This chapter has been written over time. Like every day I wrote a little, and even then, I think people will find one or even many typos. I hate when that happens but as always, gonna git gud and fix them asap.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Cadance, Shining and Celestia noticed that Aero was looking at them, then he started to look around. His odd behaviour didn't go unnoticed.

"Is something wrong, Aero?" asked Celestia.

"Seeing the absurdity of this situation, I was checking if Princess Luna would appear as well, but it seems that she is sleeping in Canterlot. That's good."

For at least two seconds, nopony spoke. The only sounds came from the murmurs outside the 'VIP area'. Aero took advantage of this silence and used his magic to help Pinkie with the lemon pie, placing it on the table.

"Thankies~" said the cheery earth pony, and in a very quick move, gave Aero a little peck on his left cheek. This caught everypony off guard. Even Princess Celestia and Aero. Of course, Twilight and the rest of her friends wanted to say something. Actually, they wanted to say many things.

As for Aero, he quickly recovered and then looked at the party mare, smiling a bit.

"Looks like I underestimated you."

Pinkie's answer was just a wink, then she moved to accompany her friends. Aero knew there was no ill intention from that. She just 'seized' the moment.

And that's when Princess Celestia couldn't help but chuckle. Shining Armor, Cadance, and Brilliant Orchid were once again surprised.

After all, Princess Celestia was chuckling at the expense of a stallion.

"There is never a dull moment with you." said Celestia with a warm smile.

"Believe me Princess when I say it's not on purpose." said Aero nonchalantly.

Just by seeing this very short interaction between Celestia and Aero, the three newcomers were able to gather some important information.

The first is that Princess Celestia and Aero already knew each other. The second is that while most stallions would rather avoid eye contact, or even being in the same room with the Princess due to the sheer pressure, Aero is not scared or nervous to look at her. In fact, it almost felt like Celestia was talking to a friend. If that is already surprising, there is also the fact that Aero didn't bow, and yet Princess Celestia was not bothered by it.

"Well, now I can see why the mares of Ponyville have been... agitated." said Cadance, who didn't miss the chance to inspect Aero from head to hoof. "And that jacket? It looks amazing on you."

"If I didn't know you, I would have thought you were a model." added Gleaming. "You look good."

"You can thank Rarity for that." said Twilight, while Rarity did a quick wink.

Aero stood up and approached Celestia's group, getting just in front of Shining Armor and Cadance. It was then that both rulers of the Crystal Empire saw how imposing he was.

"I am Aero, but you already know that. It is nice to meet you." the big stallion did a polite bow before continuing. "I already know why Brilliant Orchid is here, and Princess Celestia can visit Twilight from time to time, but to see the rulers of Crystal Empire here is a surprise."

"This is our first time meeting, Aero. You may already know who we are, but that doesn't mean we have to ignore manners." said Shining's wife. "Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I have to say, you give the impression of a responsible pony, Aero. I like that." said Twilight's brother. "Shining Armor. Former captain of the royal guard, and now Prince of the Crystal Empire. Nice to meet you."

Aero then looked at Gleaming Shield, and she smiled at him in return.

"It's been a few hours, captain. If you need any help investigating the Everfree Forest, don't hesitate to ask me."

"Thank you, Aero. I'll let you know if we need an extra pair of hooves."

"Now then." Aero smiled a bit. "What's the occasion?"

"I called them." the answer came from Celestia, who then focused on Cadance and Shining. "But the idea was to reunite in Canterlot. I wanted to avoid any sort of misunderstanding between Aero and you two, but this time the chances played against me."

"Because we wanted to stop and say hi to Twilight." said Cadance. "To be fair, we didn't know about Aero at all."

"We just knew about his existence once we got out of the train." added Shining.

"Now that's interesting." said Aero in a neutral tone, and both Celestia and Cadance noticed this. "Since all of you are here, why don't you join us? It would be nice to have a good meal without having to worry about everypony outside."

Of course, that was partially a lie. Aero still has that area-scan spell active. But more than that, he is trying to see how Cadance and Shining behave around him. Sadly, this is not his Equestria, and those two are not the friends he knows. There is also the fact that Celestia felt the need to come here and explain to Cadance about him to 'avoid misunderstandings'. Why? Twilight should be able to explain to both of them about him.

Maybe Princess Celestia called the two rulers of the Crystal Empire to talk about his real problem.

But why hide it from him?

As for Cadence, she didn't show it in her expression, but she was already investigating Aero. If everypony else was filling the room with surprise, slight arousal, and admiration, then he was a mystery. There are very small traces of doubt coming from him, and something else. Something hidden. They may joke about him being a model, or that he is Playfilly's secret star...

But she knows that he is not just a pretty colt.

"Well, it would be a shame to not spend some time with you now that we are here." was Celestia's answer. "You should join us, Brilliant Orchid, and before you say no out of courtesy, please consider: When are you going to get another chance to accompany a stallion like Aero?"

"..." Orchid wanted to say something, but everypony in the room knew she had no way out of that one.

"Just say yes already!"

"Why are you even hesitating?"

"I'll gladly take your place if you don't want to! He is worth it."

"All of you, be quiet! I can't believe We'll have to prepare a soundproof spell just because you mares lack decency!"

"You are just saying that because you haven't seen him."

"Yeah! I bet you would love his-"

"Alright that's enough."

And then... nothing. Seems like the guards used a soundproof spell.

"Well, I can't say no after that." said Brilliant Orchid, letting out a sigh of defeat.

The entire group had a taste of Pinkie Pie's culinary skills. All of them agreed that she knows how to make a delicious lemon pie. Even Aero had nothing but compliments for her, and she was so happy to hear it that she nearly starts jumping out of pure joy. After that, they decided to chat for a while, and this gave the rulers of the Crystal Empire a chance to talk about their life and their subjects. Now they were talking about a stallion that was mistreated by his mares.

"It took a while, but we finally found a herd that really cares about him." said Cadance in a happy tone. "And those despicable mares from his previous herd? They are getting their punishment as we speak. How could they exploit him like that? He was so heartbroken, Celestia. I'm happy that he is happy now."

"Even to this day, there are still mares who abuse their status and 'duty' to get what they want." said Celestia in a serious tone. "They cannot grasp the situation we have been dealing with for centuries."

"Sometimes it's true love, and sometimes it's just lust and power. Can you believe some mares in our castle still tease me, trying, without results might I add, to get my attention? They really want Cadance to form a herd."

"In their dreams." said Cadance in a playful tone. "There is only one mare that qualifies for that, and it's back home."

"Oh. Are you talking about Pristine Lilly?" asked the Princess of the Sun.

"How is she doing?" asked Gleaming Shield, looking at his brother. "I'm guessing her skills have only improved since she left to be your personal guard."

"Definitely." was Shining's answer. "She is the quiet but kind type of mare when she is not fighting or training. It's quite the surprise for anypony who doesn't know her."

"I'm sure she would be a good rival for you, Aero."

The words of Gleaming Shield didn't go unnoticed by the three newcomers.

"Is her fighting style similar to yours?" asked Aero.

"She is a pegasus, so her fighting style and mine are different." was Gleaming's answer.

"Wait a second." Cadance focused on Aero. "What did you say? You fighting Gleaming Shield?"

"And I'm proud to say that I lost fair and square." added the captain.

"I was going to tell you about this." said Celestia, without losing her beautiful smile. "Aero is, at the moment, one of a kind."

"Indeed. Any clever mare can guess that just by looking at him." said Brilliant Orchid, finally joining the conversation. "It is already difficult to find a stallion brave enough to be alone and without the company of a mare for a while. Finding a stallion with a body that appeals to mares and stands out from the rest is even more difficult. Finding a stallion with both of these qualities is nearly impossible."

Now she focused on Aero.

"It is no exaggeration to say that Aero is without a doubt a miracle among stallions."

"Oh, but it's more than that." said Celestia, who suddenly got serious. "What I'm going to tell you, is considered 'sensitive information', and nopony outside of Ponyville has to know. Do I make myself clear?"

The three of them gently nodded. It's the first time they see Princess Celestia exert such pressure.

"If you understand the consequences of leaking this information, then I can tell you now." said Princess Celestia, with a radiant smile as if nothing happened. "Aero is an uncursed stallion."



Several seconds passed, and nopony spoke. Cadance, Shining Armor, and Brilliant Orchid slowly focused on Aero, who was enjoying another bite of lemon pie while Pinkie Pie was watching him, happy that her creation was approved.

"He is not... cursed?" Brilliant Orchid was the first to react. "Is that really true?"

"It's the truth." said Twilight. "We didn't believe it at first, but Aero is without a doubt an uncursed stallion."

"Everypony in Ponyville knows it, too." added Aero, getting the group's attention. "There was an announcement a few hours ago."

"As I said before, he defeated me fair and square." said Gleaming Shield. "Both his physical and magical abilities are worthy of praise."

"Are my sister's words true? Are you able to use the entirety of your physical strength and your magic?" asked Shining, who is now very curious about Aero.

"Indeed. It's not a lie." was Aero's answer.

"Due to the curse, all stallions are born naturally weaker, and they are way more sensitive to pain and injuries." said Cadance. "Are you absolutely sure this doesn't apply to you?"

"Yes. I mean it." said Aero. "Twilight Sparkle and her friends have seen me fight. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna too. Captain Gleaming Shield knows my abilities firsthoof."

"Yeah. He is super strong!" said Pinkie. "It feels a bit weird that he doesn't need a mare's care all the time, but he makes you feel happy and safe!"

"I agree with Pinkie. It is a different experience." added Rarity. "I know that taking care of stallions is our duty, but somehow, being with Aero makes you feel at ease. Definitely a breath of fresh air."

"And he is very knowledgeable." said Twilight. "He has learned way more spells than the average stallion, and he has visited many different places."

"Yeah! He even knows about dragons!" added Spike. "I learned a lot with him."

"He certainly has the spirit of an Apple." said Applejack. "This fella is strong enough to kick an apple tree like one of us!"

"And even when he is so strong, he has a very gentle soul, and a good heart." said Fluttershy, while looking at Aero with a very charming smile.

"I was about to say something about him, but everypony beat me to it." said Rainbow Dash with a cocky smile. "I have nothing but compliments to him, and none of them are exaggerated. He is the complete package. Heck, I think he's the premium one."

There was a brief silence. The kind of silence where you are still processing the words you just heard.

"This... goes way beyond what I was expecting." said Brilliant Orchid, who was still very surprised. "Any mare would be happy to be with him. I dare say that mares would gladly fight each other just for his attention."

"No kidding." said Cadance, who once again was checking on Aero. "I'm sure you already had a bit of trouble not only in Ponyville, but everywhere."

"You have no idea." said Aero nonchalantly.

"(Oh, I think I do.)" thought the Alicorn of love, changing her focus to Twilight and her friends. Something was bothering her since the group gathered. She knows that Aero is the reason there are strong traces of lust all around Ponyville. Even Twilight and her friends have it, but at least their traces are very small compared to the rest.

However, now she can feel something else from the group.

And that includes Princess Celestia.

She already knew of the admiration they feel for Aero, but among all the lust around them, there were small traces of care, concern, uncertainty, interest, hope...

And last but not least...

Love. True, pure love.

Normally, Cadance would know who this trace of love belongs to, but with so much lust around, and with everypony so close to each other, she can't identify it. At least not right now. If they were not in Ponyville...

Suddenly, Shining Armor stood up.

"If it's alright with you, there is a favor I would like to ask you, Aero."

"Shining?" Cadance was the first to react, and Aero noticed the change in her expression. "You want to try it now? Aunty doesn't know about it yet."

"Know about what?" asked a curious Celestia.

"A surprise." was Shining's answer. "But I admit that it would be easier if Aero decides to help us."

"That depends on what I need to do." said Aero.

"I need a training partner." said the brother of Twilight, surprising her sisters and Twilight's friends. "Cadance and I want to test a few things. I just need somepony to help me with my shield spells."

"(How about that?)" thought Aero. "(I didn't expect him to say anything related to combat, considering how this Equestria works.)"

And so, he decided.

"Sure. Why not?"

"Then..." Shining Armor looked at Princess Celestia. "We need to go to Canterlot for this. Doing this in public would freak out the mares."

"That is true." said Princess Celestia, getting curious about Shining's 'test'. "Unfortunately, we cannot simply teleport. Your guards from the Crystal Empire are here, too. We have no choice but to ride a train to Canterlot."

"Do I need to go too?" asked Brilliant Orchid with honest curiosity.

"Yes. There are still some topics we would like to discuss with you, Brilliant Orchid." was Celestia's answer.

"Very well. It's not like my superiors can yell at me for this."

*This is a very interesting group!*

"(Not what I expected to happen while visiting Pinkie Pie, but I'm not complaining.)" thought Aero. "(The lemon pie was delicious, and this is getting interesting.)"

"It's like... I feel bad for him, but I also want to laugh." said the Lord of Chaos. Quite bluntly, and making an effort to not laugh.

"Discord..." Luna was not happy.

"Sorry Luna, but your aide is in... quite the situation, depending on what he thinks of it." said Discord. "I'm surprised he hasn't, you know, taken advantage of this."

"Discord!" Luna was definitely not happy.

"Now, now... I was praising him, you know?" said the draconequus, defending himself.

"I was wondering why every mare tried to be near him, and also about the lack of stallions." said Celestia, deep in thought. "We must hurry."

"You know he can hold his own, right? I'd love to bring him back right now, but this energy hasn't been very cooperative with us." said Discord.

After hearing Aero's wishes and feelings about Luna, the group was once again working in Celestia's room. Twilight is the only one absent. She is currently resting in one of the guest rooms. Celestia noticed that her former student has been pushing herself lately, and while getting Aero back is of utmost importance, she is not going to risk Twilight's health.

Now they have more information thanks to Aero's conversations with Applejack's parents, and his recent experience before, and after visiting Sugarcube Corner.

"So this is what we have so far..." said Discord, with a sudden serious attitude, and wearing glasses that he made appear just to read a piece of paper he was holding. "Aero is in a different Equestria that was cursed by some old enemy. This curse affected the birthrate of males, as well as their physical and magical strength, and as a result, stallions are now very few and very valuable to mares." said Discord, still with a serious tone. "No wonder they want to be closer to him. Even more surprising that they haven't tried to lock him up or something." aaand back to normal.

"It seems that the other Equestria has a herd system. I'm sure that one stallion must be with multiple mares to maximize the possibilities of giving birth to a male foal." added Celestia.

"It is also clear that mares have a bigger role in society compared to stallions." said Luna, who was now looking at the vision of the other Equestria, where Aero and the group were going to Ponyville's train station. "I was also wondering why Aero's expression was uncomfortable most of the time. Now I know."

"Ah yes. Every mare wants to taste him." said Discord jokingly. "If mares have a bigger role, then are the stallions submissive or something? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case."

"If we take Aero's discussions until now as a reference, then it's very likely." said Celestia. "They are very protective when it comes to stallions, but aside from their 'role in society', it sounds like they are irrelevant for everything else."

"Yes. I am worried about this as well." added Luna. "As if their only purpose is to breed, take care of their foals, and be safe at all times. Nothing else. To think those... harlots look at Aero with such repulsive intentions..."

Both Celestia and Discord were a bit surprised by Luna's choice of words, but then again, it's about Aero, so they let it slide.

"You know, this also raises another question..." said Discord, looking at both sisters with pure curiosity, but his main focus is on Luna. "What if they don't want to give him back?"

Both sisters tensed a little.

"They are dealing with a curse that not only makes stallions weak but also makes it hard for a male to be born." said Discord, getting closer to the sisters. "A curse that has been afflicting their Equestria for centuries. There's no doubt that they are desperate for a solution. Anything. I'm honestly confused as to why the Discord of that Equestria hasn't done anything yet."

"Maybe Aero explained his situation to the other me and the other Luna." said Celestia. "Otherwise, they would not be so friendly and cooperative with him."

"That, or maybe they want to win him over." suggested Discord in a mischievous voice. "We can't rule out the possibility that the sisters from that Equestria are interested in him."

They had no way to deny it.

It is a possibility.

"And considering they are literally you two, I think they would prioritize the future of their land and their subjects over Aero's situation, even if they end up betraying his trust."

"I really hate to say this... but Discord is right." said Celestia, surprising her sister. "It's what I would do. At the very least, I would try to make him understand why we need him. But I worry about Aero's reaction."

"Why?" asked Luna, honestly a bit surprised by her sister's words. "It all depends on their actions. My aide will only resort to violence if he is left with no other choice. They are also aware of his abilities. They are us, sister. They will be careful."

"You are going there once we figure out how to open a 'door' to their world, right?" asked the draconequus, looking at the Princess of the Night. "I'll go too."

"You want to go?" Celestia was surprised.

"Any extra help is appreciated." said Luna. "But I am curious as to why you want to come with me."

"Well, aside from the fact that I have a chance to spread a bit of chaos and not be punished for it... I like that aide of yours. Reminds me that you two keep everything peaceful within Equestria, and his team does the same but outside. Dear Fluttershy can live a happy life because of that."

"I should have known that it was because of your concern regarding the Element of Kindness." said Luna with a smile, happy that Discord is now a force of good.

"Well, it's also because I don't think you'll be able to fight Celestia."

Discord's words caught both sisters off guard.

"I know you could fight the other Luna, but even if the other Celestia is not the one you know and love, I don't think it's a good idea for you to fight her. Bad memories, after all."

"Discord..." Celestia is certainly surprised. It is very, very unusual to see this side of Discord. He is not much of a 'feelings guy' as he says, but to think that he worries about her sister to that extent...

"So... Who else is coming?" asked Discord with a hint of curiosity.

"Twilight Sparkle, the other members of 'Elemental', and myself." was Luna's answer. "Do you... really think the other me and her sister would fight?"

"I don't know, but with how valuable Aero is to them... maybe they'll consider it."

The answer came from Celestia, who was walking towards the vision.

"Aero placed his trust in us. He believes that we will find him, and I will not let him down."

"So you fought my sister here?"

"That's right. We had quite the audience, too."

"I'll have to ask her the details later."

Twice in a row. Seems like Aero's day is still far from over, despite the many hours that have passed since the last time he was in the training grounds inside the great castle of Canterlot. This time, however, it's just a practice session involving unicorn spells. Of course, he took off his new jacket. He can't do proper training with that on. Celestia was kind enough to keep it, or rather, use a very advance 'personal storage' spell to keep it clean until they finish.

"I must admit I'm impressed." said Aero. "Are you sure Cadance is ok with this?"

"It's almost unthinkable for a mare to give her stallion a bit of freedom." said Shining. "However, let's just say that I'm a special case. Not as special as you, though."

"(Just wait until Princess Celestia tells you the other reason I'm considered special.)" thought Aero, who then looked at a certain pony who was with them. "I know this is just a training session, but..."

"Don't worry handsome. I know." was Sunset's answer. "If anything happens, I'll contact Princess Celestia right away."

Sunset was the only mare watching them. Princess Celestia ordered every guard that was using the training grounds to patrol the city, and the guards of the Crystal Empire stayed with Cadance. Sunset herself said that she is the best pony for the job, while Princess Celestia and the rest of the other group enjoy some free time in the castle. Not that she would complain about that. After all, to see Aero is always a treat.

"Can I ask you something?" Aero felt that it was the perfect opportunity to ask. "Am I right to assume that you are cursed?"

"Sadly, you are right."

"And you are a former captain of the royal guard."

"Yes. I'm sure you are wondering how that happened." said Shining, getting Aero's attention. "There is no denying that as a stallion I'm weaker than the average mare. However, that didn't stop me from being interested in combat and defensive spells. My parents were always worried about me, telling me that I should focus on other safer hobbies, but that also didn't stop me. Of course, my sisters helped me a lot, and that's how one day while I was visiting the castle, Gleaming took me to these training grounds. If my strength was not enough, then I had to use my mind as well."

And that's when Aero understood.

"You became an instructor."

"Princess Celestia saw my potential as an instructor. While I was watching the mares practice, she approached me and asked me a few questions regarding the practice itself."

"We used to study together when we had a chance." added Sunset. "Fighting stances, magical precision, survival scenarios, combat instincts... he is the best combat instructor the royal guard has ever had. At first, they thought of him as a fool for doing a mare's job, and I was furious. At least they apologized to him as the weeks went by."

"I'm glad to hear that you followed your ideals and goals." said Aero. "So... how do you want to do this?"

"I'll start with full barrier spell." said Shining. "I want you to strike me your best magical attack."

"Shining wait." said Sunset. Aero noticed that she was genuinely worried. "I know you are able to generate partial barriers, but never a full barrier."

"Hey, it's been months since the last time we saw each other." said the Prince of the Crystal Empire. "I've been practicing, you know?"

Now Shining focused on Aero.

"Don't you dare hold back."

Aero could only smile.

"(I was worried for a moment, but it seems that this Shining armor and the one from my Equestria share the same spirit.)"

"And insult you? Not happening."

"Good. It's nice to see another stallion with guts." said Shining, activating his unicorn magic. "And I'm serious. I've asked several stallions to practice with me, but they start trembling with fear at the implication of getting hurt."

*There is pure energy flowing through his body! I didn't notice it before!*

"(Pure energy? Are you talking about his magic?)" thought Aero.

*This is different! It's mixed with his magical energy! This is very cool!*

"(I guess this has to do with what Shining Armor said earlier about trying something.)"

"First a duel with the captain, and now two stallions practicing combat. I think I've seen it all." said Sunset. "Remember cuties... this is just practice."

"Well, what doesn't kill you..." said Aero, activating his magic and creating a silver sphere of magic on his horn that was slowly getting bigger.

"Makes you stronger!" said Shining, creating a full barrier around his body. Aero noticed that instead of pink, the aura of his magic was light blue.

"By Celestia you weren't kidding." Sunset was surprised by both stallions. Shining Armor must be the first stallion in centuries to perform a full barrier spell, and the ever-growing magic sphere of Aero is now even bigger than the ones he used to strike Gleaming Shield.

"Bring it!" exclaimed the former captain.

"Remember Shining: I'm not holding back." said Aero, and a second later, he shot his magic projectile. He was actually holding back a bit, but he definitely used more magic energy than usual, as he is interested in the abilities of this Shining Armor.

As the silver projectile collided with the light blue barrier, a powerful sound resounded throughout the area. Many birds that were on the roof flew away scared.

"..." Sunset was in awe. No matter how many times she sees it, Aero's magical abilities are a sight to behold, and she never gets tired of it.


"Glad to see you were telling the truth." said Shining.

"Well... this is unexpected." said Aero, with a smile of satisfaction.

"Shining! Your barrier..." Sunset didn't notice at first because she focused on Aero's projectile, but now she saw it.

Shining's barrier was not destroyed. There is no doubt that Aero's magic is powerful enough to partially destroy a barrier. He even left a crack on Gleaming Shield's barrier when they fought.

But Shining's barrier was intact.

Shining Armor. A cursed stallion with limited physical and magical abilities not only managed to create a full barrier, but also managed to maintain it without a single scratch after Aero's powerful attack.

"(I haven't fought with any stallion from this Equestria before, but this definitely proves that Shining Armor did something involving that other energy.)" thought Aero.

*I wonder where he obtained it? It's so pure and positive!*

"All right. Let's keep going." Shining was activating his magic again.

"Are you sure? asked Sunset, worried again. "Both of you did something unbelievable just now. I understand how much of a feat that was, but you must not force yourself."

"I feel great!" said Shining, moving his body a bit to reassure Sunset. Then he looked at Aero. "How about you?"

"I can do this all day." was Aero's answer.

And so they started to practice a bit more. They tried some partial barrier spells and also short-distance teleport. Sunset watched all of this with a smile on her face. Any other mare in her place would be freaking out and interrupting both stallions every five seconds just to check on them.

Of course. She was also communicating with Princess Celestia thanks to their magic signal. While the trio was in the castle's training grounds, Celestia and the rest were in the royal gardens. A few butlers arranged a comfortable spot with chairs and a table for the group to relax and enjoy. The crystal guards were around the garden, looking out for anything suspicious.

~(I see. This is certainly unexpected. Thank you Sunset.)~

"Is everything ok, Princess?" asked Twilight. "I know Sunset is with them, but..."

"How are they doing?" added Gleaming, who was also worried about her brother.

"I just got word from her. Everything is fine. Trust me." said Celestia.

"Did she tell you that Shining is doing cool stuff?" asked Cadance, like she already knew the answer.

"So you know..." said Celestia in response. This got everypony's attention.

"Yeah. We wanted to surprise you." said Cadance. "These last months have been very active, to say the least."

"Cadance? What are you talking about?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah. What do you mean with cool stuff?" added Rainbow Dash. "That's the kind of stuff I'm into."

"Normally, I would not talk about it because it's a secret, known only by Shining, Pristine, and I." said Cadance, getting a bit more serious. "However, since you guys told us about Aero, I believe it's fair that I share our secret as well."

It is not easy to surprise Princess Celestia, but now she is definitely curious.

"Is it ok for me to be here?" asked Brilliant Orchid, who was genuinely worried. "I know I was invited, but to hear such delicate information..."

"If you promise to keep this little chat a secret, then I don't mind." said Cadance. "And I know you are a mare of your word."

"I have a feeling that by this point I know too much, so I have no choice but to stay." said the talent scout, with a small sense of defeat.

"I'm sorry, but we keep it a secret for a reason." said Cadance. "We discovered an interesting situation. It started as a rumor, but once we investigated a bit, we realized that it was true."

"Cadance. You know we can help you anytime. Please don't do anything risky." said Celestia in a worried tone.

"As far as we know, it's not dangerous." replied the Princess of Love. "Rather, I think we may call it a blessing, or even a turning point. We still need more information."

"More information? Are you running some kind of experiment?" asked a very curious Twilight.

"It involves the Crystal Heart."

"I assume that it's an object from the Crystal Empire." said Rarity. "I'm afraid I don't know anything about it."

Twilight's friends had similar thoughts, judging by their faces. Brilliant Orchid kept a neutral expression.

"As the name suggests, it's a heart-shaped crystal that has special properties." said Twilight, getting the attention of her friends. "I've seen it a few times in the past while visiting Cadance and my brother."

"The Crystal Heart is what protects everypony in the Crystal Empire." said Cadance. This got everypony's attention even more. "And its energy is fueled by the spirit and hope of everypony."

"This energy gives the Crystal Heart the ability to create a very powerful barrier around the whole territory. Not even Queen Umbra was able to destroy it." added Celestia.

"But what does that have to do with that rumor you mentioned?" asked Gleaming.

After a few discrete tests, we discovered... that stallions feel more at ease when they are near the Crystal heart. We've heard that some stallions claim that they feel healthier and even stronger." said Cadance. A few gasps were heard, and even Celestia was a bit surprised to hear about this. "Of course, their mares didn't think too much about it and consider it a 'happy moment' for their stallions, but our results tell us that they are not lying."

"So the Crystal Heart is providing stallions its energy? Is it safe? Or is it harming them on the inside?" asked Twilight. "After all, magic is something we do not mess with."

"We have been investigating this for months, and no stallions have been reported sick or hurt." answered Cadance with a smile. "We are still waiting in case of a long-term side effect, but... this could change everything."

"Indeed." said Celestia, who knew very well the implications of Cadance's words. "And it was a wise decision to keep it a secret."

"How many tests have you run?" asked Twilight, more curious than ever.

"A few stallions offered to help. Of course, we didn't tell anything regarding the Crystal Heart to their mares, and the stallions received a generous payment both for their cooperation and silence."

"What if their mares ask them about it?" asked Gleaming Shield. "You know they can pressure them to talk."

"They can try." answered Cadance with a cocky smile. "Our dear volunteers are very aware of what happens if they reveal anything regarding our tests. Besides, they can come to me anytime and denounce their mares for harassment."

"And I am right to assume that Shining Armor is also a test subject?" asked Celestia.

"Oh, Auntie... Shining is no longer a test subject." was Cadance's answer. "He fully embraced the Crystal's energy."

"Cadance. What are you talking about?" Twilight was now worried. But the Princess of Love simply smiled at her.

"We tried something a bit different with Shining. Let's just say that we managed to take a bit of the Crystal Heart's energy... and gave it to him."

A new round of gasps was heard.

"No wonder Sunset is in awe." said Celestia, closing her eyes for a moment but keeping her radiant smile. "Both Aero and Shining are showing quite the display of abilities, and it looks like they are enjoying it."

"Now I'm a bit curious about Aero's abilities in combat." said Cadance. "Let's go check on them, shall we?"

"Not bad, but I know you can be faster than that!"

"How can you be so fast?"

"Knowing that won't help you avoid an injury! Focus on the battle!"

"I'm not done yet!"

Right now, it was impossible to keep track of both stallions. Their training session increased in difficulty to the point of agreeing to a supervised battle, where the first one to hit the rival with his hoof or with magic would win. Sunset Shimmer only agreed because she knows when to intervene. However, she didn't expect to witness such a masterful 'practice session'.

The battle started several minutes ago, yet none of the two has been able to hit its rival! What's even more surprising is that both Aero and Shining Armor have been performing many short-distance teleport spells in order to evade the attacks and to strike. They are also performing these teleports very fast. Sunset knows better than anypony that this is very difficult to do. It requires a lot of focus, and you also need to know your surroundings. Otherwise, the spell would be useless.

Aero took some distance and started to fire many magic projectiles while running, but Shining Armor created a light blue magic wall that repelled all of them. Aero quickly teleported, appearing right next to him, but Shining also teleported, creating distance once again.

"Not yet!" shouted Twilight's brother, activating the magic around his horn. However, Aero noticed that Shining's breathing was a bit unstable. They have been fighting for a while.

"I believe we can call it a draw." said Aero, starting to relax. "I think you are starting to reach your limit. No need to overdo it."

After a few seconds, Shining decided to follow Aero's advice and began to calm down.

"Besides, we still managed to gather a few spectators." said Aero, doing a little motion with his head to the side. When Shining focused his vision there, he saw his sisters and the rest of their group. Out of everypony, Cadance and Brilliant Orchid were the most surprised. Not that the others weren't, because they have been watching their practice for a while. When they arrived, they decided to not interrupt the stallion duo.

"Oh. I didn't notice." said Shining, a bit surprised. "How long have you been watching?"

"For a few minutes." the one who answered was Sunset. "You two were busy trying to claim a hit on your opponent."

"I am not ashamed to admit we got a bit carried away." said Aero with a tiny smile on his face. "And it was fun, too. A good practice overall."

"Yeah! If I had to describe it... I'd say it was thrilling!" added Shining, still a bit tired, but he didn't care. "The kind of training Lilly would approve and even enjoy."

"Oh my!" Cadance had a mischievous smile on her face. "You call her 'Lilly' now?"

"W-well... It's not like we aren't friends." said Shining, as if he was defending himself. "But you have to admit that this was something else!"

"Well, you are right about that." Cadance approached her husband with half-lidded eyes. "I have to say, I'm loving this new side of yours. You were quite fierce there."

"I... could get used to this." said Shining, as both rulers nuzzled each other. "If you don't mind, of course."

"(Lovebirds even here.)" thought Aero, while walking to the group. "(At least some things never change.)"

~I think it's very cute! Their mutual love is very powerful!~

"(Mutual love, huh?)"

Cadance then focused on Aero, with a radiant smile.

"And you too, Aero! I can tell you stopped the fight because Shining was getting tired, but you are not!"

"I guess I can't compete against an uncursed stallion's stamina." added Shining, almost as if he was a bit disappointed.

"Don't underestimate yourself, Shining." said Aero, getting his attention. "This training session was enough to confirm that you have true strength, will, and combat experience. You are a skilled warrior and a Prince that must be respected. Don't you ever forget that."

"Thanks dude." said Shining with honest happiness. "It's good to hear a stallion say it for a change."

"Now, since you are here Princess Celestia..." Aero focused on the Princess of the Day. "I think this is a good opportunity for you to speak with them about my other circumstances. After all, that's the reason you called them here. Right?"

While Cadane, Shining, and Brilliant Orchid were a bit confused by Aero's words, Celestia and the rest of the group certainly understood.

Especially Celestia, who was calm on the outside, but a bit worried on the inside. The way Aero was smiling told her everything.

He saw through her.

He knew something was up, and that's the reason Cadance and Shining Armor were called.

"But we know now." said Cadance, still confused. "That you are an uncursed stallion."

"Aero... are you sure about this?" asked Celestia. This only confused the three ponies even more.

"Yes. They are bound to know sooner or later." was his answer. "Besides, this gives me a good opportunity to be with Rainbow Dash for a while."

The whole group was caught off guard because they never expected that kind of answer from somepony like Aero. Especially Rainbow Dash herself. Naturally, she immediately smiled, as if she was receiving some kind of gift. As for the rest of the group...

"W-why do you want to be with Rainbow?" asked an incredulous Twilight.

"Yes, darling! That is quite the bold statement." added Rarity, almost in a teasing tone. Sunset and Gleaming Shield were very interested in hearing the reason, too.

Aero stared at the six friends for a few seconds, with a bit of confusion on his face.

"I believe it's only fair. Since Princess Celestia's speech a few hours ago, I've spent some time with all of you. Except for Rainbow Dash." said Aero.

"Oh. Right. Sorry..." said a now apologetic Twilight. He is right. Since the speech, he has been spending some time with all of them around ponyville. Cadance and Shining's visit happened while he went to Sugarcube Corner, no doubt to visit Pinkie.

"It's hard to believe." said Applejack, being honest as always. "You certainly have some energy to spare, sugarcube."

"(I did have a little break while visiting Fluttershy.)" thought Aero, now focusing on Rainbow Dash. "(But this day is not over yet, and anything that keeps me away from the noisy mares of this Equestria is welcome.)"

*They all seem to show interest in you. It's super cool! Other ponies really like to hang out with you!*

"(It's not always like this, you know?)" thought Aero, who noticed that Themis is talking less than before. "(I do speak with many ponies during work, but...)"

"Aaaaaw yeah!" Rainbow Dash started to fly around the stallion for a moment, then stopped. "I was waiting for this, big colt!"

"I'm sorry, I still don't get it." said Cadance, still confused.

"What's this all about?" added Shining, now both rulers of the Crystal Empire looking at Princess Celestia.

"Very well. Since I have Aero's approval, I believe we should talk about this in the throne room." was Celestia's answer.

Before anypony was able to say something, the Princess of the Sun activated her magic, performing a quick teleport spell for the whole group, except for Rainbow Dash. Now the multicolored pegasus and the royal guard were alone.

"So... What's your plan, hot stuff?" asked the Element of Loyalty, not wasting a single moment to show him the best smile she could show. She also focused on showing her chest and wings.

"It's simple." said Aero, looking to the sky. "This is the best opportunity I have to show my ability to you. The clouds around the castle are enchanted, so nopony from outside will be able to see us."

"So you know about enchanted clouds, huh?" said Rainbow, rather impressed. In theory, that's not information everypony knows, but since the Wonderbolts are associated with the Equestrian military, Rainbow Dash found out about the enchanted clouds that the royal guard use both for protection in the air, and for combat training. There's even a special division in the Wonderbolts team that practices with these clouds.

"Most of the royal guard knows about it. Or at least that's what I hope. It would be an embarrassment if that wasn´t the case." said Aero, smiling a little. "So... you claimed to be the best flyer in Equestria. You don't mind proving it, don't you?"

Rainbow could only smile after hearing Aero's words. Words that no stallion, not even Soarin, would ever say to her. Most of the challenges or 'accusations' come from mares. Coworkers or fellow pegasi that enjoy the art of flying.

And so, the Element of Loyalty raised one of her front hooves, pointing to the sky.

"After you, buddy."

Just as she said those words, the wind around them started to move in a weird way. The Rainbow Dash from yesterday would try to figure out what was happening, but now, she knows that it's because of Aero. The wind is moving around him. She knew what was coming. She wanted to see it!

And so, without warning, Aero jumped really high, and the gust of wind that followed was strong enough to move the bushes, flowers, and even the training equipment that was around.

"Whoa..." Rainbow was speechless. Aero just jumped. That's all he did, but even now she can see how the unicorn is vanishing as he enters the clouds up there. And if she doesn't follow him now, she may not catch up.

But that's the thing.

She enjoys even looking at the stallion. How could she not? He's as big as the Princesses, he has some damm good muscles, and his attitude is unique. Nothing like the average stallion. He doesn't recoil or show signs of being afraid of many things like the stallions do. He doesn't actively seek the company of a mare. He can be alone, and what's more, it's the mares around him that actively seek to be with him.

But right now, that doesn't matter.

This was a challenge. He wants to see the best flyer in Equestria. He wants to witness her abilities. He wants proof. And that is something she just can't ignore. No matter how handsome and strong he is...

Preparing her body for a moment, Rainbow Dash flew upwards, following Aero and also disappearing amidst the clouds.

"(You better watch out, dude! I'll make sure to rock your world!)"