• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,148 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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140 - Fatherly Advice

Comforting was back at school! She was taking notes and asking questions. She was chatting with her fellow students between classes. She was living the student life, and it was pretty great!

"And that's how Baltimare was founded," explained Rarity. "It was quite a furor, wasn't it? But so many ponies of so many backgrounds and tastes really came together." She brought her hooves together. "Making it a fine display of the power of friendship, dears."

Comforting took fresh notes on that. "Ma'am?" Rarity looked towards her. "Is Baltimare a one tribe or lotsa tribe city?"

"Ooo, excellent question." Rarity's horn glowed as she flipped the black board. "When it was founded..." She slapped the board with a pointer held in her magic. "Earth ponies had the majority. Earth ponies, you see, were the most likely tribe to form cities in the first place. No offense to them, I assure, but they love company, and family, and a big gathering? Right up their alley, as it were. Pegasi came next, and unicorns? Still a minority to this day."

Smolder waved a hand excitedly. "Is Princess Twilight trying to fix that?" murmuring of curiosity rippled through the room.

"Funny thing about that." Rarity brought over a picture of modern day Baltimare. "But that isn't Twilight's responsibility. Princess Celestia is working on it. She would like to see more tribal unity, but without forcing the hoof of anypony involved. It's a slow process... I know, looking at Ponyville, it's easy to assume this is the way it should be, and perhaps it is, but even Ponyville's multi-tribal nature is a new thing. A wonderful thing, I dare say dears, but still new."

The class' discussion elevated with understanding and curiosity, but Rarity waved for things to move on. "We can't expect society to pivot on a bit, much as that would be nice, mmm, yes, but ponies don't work that way, and few other creatures do either." She looked across the room and met eyes with Ocellus. "Changelings are probably changing the fastest, but I bet even they are having difficulties with it, hm?"

Ocellus laughed nervously. "Um... yes. We changelings are still... finding ourselves."

Yona clopped her heavy hooves on her desk. "Change can be challenge for Yak." A communal gasp sounded. Did Yona just admit a fault in yaks? "What? Is true. Yak like tradition. Yak traditions best." She sat proudly. "Change is hard."

Rarity clapped once. "Very good. But, we can be on the side of change. I hope each and every student here will be just that. Let's be the change we want to see, darlings. Now, as we were..." The class continued on with the lesson.

Comforting hopped out of the room, Yona to one side, Ocellus on the other. "Wow, that was a good one."

Yona inclined her head. "What good?"

"That class." She hiked a thumb back at Rarity's classroom. "Good stuff. Change can be hard, but it's worth it!"

"I agree." That wasn't Ocellus, or Yona. "Change is the best." Discord leaned in over Comforting. "They shouldn't be so scared of it."

"Dad!" She swatted at his face, being in front of her and easily swatted at. "I'm at school."

"No you're not."

She wasn't. They were in front of Discord's house. "Dad!" Comforting stomped a foot down. "That wasn't nice."

"I have to warn you." He tapped her on the nose. "I've been busy. Your little stunt, it inspired me."

"Which stunt?"

"You know the one." He drew a square that became a screen, showing Diamond and her mother experiencing the other's day. "That one. I'm working on a little event of my own, for Twilight and her friends. Mostly Twilight. They'll learn so much! And, best part, it'll be fun!"

Comforting frowned with the thought. "What are you going to teach Twilight?"

"The importance of, you know, friendship and teamwork and all that." He rolled a hand as he went along. "It'll be a real challenge! And! And..." He leaned in with the smarmiest grin. "It'll be a return of their greatest hits! Oooo, so much fun." He clenched his hands, shivering with giggles. "When they get through it, they'll feel so good! And Twilight'll be ready for her next, big, step."

"Should I be worried?" Comforting struggled to think of a way his words wouldn't be worrying, and was failing to find an angle. "And how worried should I be?"

"It's already happening. I've been planning this for moons! In fact, you already ran into a little bit of it..."

"Wait, I did? What was that?!" She threw her hands wide. "Dad..."

"Don't tell her..." As if that was much an option. "But I'm pretty sure step one is why ex-harmony ended up ditching her old body. That guy really is... something of a brute when he gets in the mood. Rebellious..." He sighed with a smile. "I remember those days..." He snapped a picture of himself, dressed like a punker with an unamused expression. "I was awful..."

"I am... pretty sure that hurt! You--"

"I didn't do it," cut off Discord. "Not my fault. Sombra took things into his own hooves. A real punk, but off he went. He's not even done with his part yet. You'll be seeing that soon, trust me." Oh, and he looked so proud about it. "Looking forward to seeing how Twilight and the girls get past it. They'll grow so much." He looked as proud as one could be at his part in Twilight's growth.

"I have to warn--" Comforting didn't get far, trapped in a sudden splat of Gakā„¢ļø. "Let me go!"

"Nuh uh!" Discord wagged a finger. "I didn't get in the way of your Chaotic Lesson. You don't mess with mine. Fair's fair. Can't have you hand-delivering spoilers to her."

Comforting groaned at her chaotic father. "Fine..." Talking him out of it felt unlikely. "I won't tell her."

"Promise?" He leaned in closer. "I know you. If you swear, you'll mean it. No ratting it out, and no getting in the way. This is for them to figure out, not you."

Comforting clenched her fists impotently. "Nng... fine..." She sagged. "But I get to tell you I told you so later."

"Yeah yeah." He casually banished her back to school. "That's only if it doesn't go right, but I know it will." With a childish giggle, he got back to his machinations.

Comforting did her best to not let her irritation show as she got through the rest of the day. She had to help! But she had also made a promise...

On the other hand... She reached up to press the mail icon that was floating in her sight when she thought of it.

Hiya, Amity!

Did you see that? I hope you did. Please let me know.

She pressed the send button and leaned back in her seat with a smile. If Amity had seen that, then she wouldn't have to break any rules talking to her about it...

A soft chime alerted her to a reply.

Hello, Friend Comforting,

Things became fuzzy when you were drawn into a place of thick chaos. I heard your father speaking of some design, and he mentioned me? Do you want to share?

With care,

Comforting flopped, face first onto her desk. Amity hadn't heard the important parts... And she wasn't allowed to tell her.


I was just curious...

She pressed send with a lack of energy. So much for that easy way out...

Comforting went to Twilight. She was due for a check-in anyway. "Hey, Professor." She sank into her chair at the school-desk. "I have a question." Twilight brightened. "Um, not about magic." Some of that luster faded, but not all of it. "If you made a promise not to do something, but you're worried it might hurt somepony, what should you do?"

Twilight dropped the chalk she was holding, magic going limp a moment. "That is... a very large question." She stepped towards Comforting, looking her over. "And a fine reminder that you are not the little foal you appear to be at times..." She raised a hoof to her chin. "Not that a foal couldn't have a similar worry, but they probably wouldn't ask their teacher about it. Ahem, sorry..." She sat in front of Comforting's desk, their heads about equal in height. "That is an important question, worth asking."

"What would you do?" prompted Comforting with a hopeful smile.

"Pinkie would melt down. She takes promises very very seriously, and if this is one of her solemn vows... That would be an issue. As for me... That depends." She frowned with renewed thought. "Partially on what pony I made the promise to, I confess. A promise to Celestia and a promise to Missus Cake are not the same... Even if both are lovely ponies who deserve respect in their different ways." She coughed into a hoof awkwardly.

"What if the promise was to your mom or your dad?" Comforting inclined a feathery-ear at Twilight. "What then?"

"That would be difficult..." She tapped her hooves slowly. "You mentioned somepony being hurt. Is this a life or death situation, or a 'I got a flavor of cake I don't like' hurt? I think you understand that a simple 'yes' or 'no' will not suffice for this situation."

"No, it won't." Comforting sagged, but only a little. "Thank you. You're really... Thank you." Her question was being taken seriously, and Comforting could appreciate that. "You're the best. At being a professor that is." She had a lot of best ponies, each best in a different sort of way.

Comforting considered. Would anyone be hurt hurt? If things went the way her father hoped, she imagined not. Discord wasn't big on physical pain as a teaching medium, just uncomfortable situations... "I... guess it's closer to bad flavor of cake?" But it had already resulted in Amity losing her old form, but, to that orderly spirit, that was an inconvenience, not an actual death, or even an actual injury... "Yeah..."

Twilight patted Comforting gently on the shoulder. "Then it sounds like maybe the pony you made this promise to might be planning a prank. So long as nocreature gets hurt... it shouldn't be too bad. Rainbow Dash had quite a spell with that, and she did get a few ponies hurt... We had to bring an end to that. Keep an eye on them, make sure they don't go over that line. But!" She raised a hoof high. "But...If somecreature does, or is about to be, hurt, then I would consider that promise null and void. Better to hurt a feeling than to actually hurt somepony."

"Even if Celestia made you promise?"

Twilight tensed, tail flicking at its tip with agitation. "I would... hope she'd never make me...do that... I... don't know what I'd do." She rose to her hooves. "That would be a very difficult situation." She smiled though. "But I have friends. I would hope they could help if things ever came to that, though let's hope it never does."

"I'd help if I could!" Comforting slipped free to hover in the air. "Promise."

"And I trust that promise." Twilight offered an arm and the two hugged gently. "I'm here to help you with yours, if they get too close to that line."

"The. Best." Comforting twirled in the air. "Oh! Have you seen my house? You have to visit!"

Twilight inclined her head. "You have a house?"

"Right across from mom's." She waved back and forth as if to emphasize how close they were. "I own the land and everything." Still a point of pride for her. "And only one bit of chaosing in it."

Twilight hiked a brow at that. "Dare I ask which bit that is?"

"I... might have made a chaos fridge... It's very cold." She grinned with a wiggle. "Won't hurt anyone, unless they just shove an arm in there and leave it in there."

"A... regular fridge could hurt somepony if they did that..." Twilight shook her head. "I'd love to see this house, and this fridge."

Author's Note:

The plot, it resumes motion, and the end of days is approaching us.

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