• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,147 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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177 -Did Somecreature Call for a Party?

Pinkie pronked towards Comforting with her great grin growing. "Good thing you have the best party planner in Ponyville right here."

Comforting couldn't help but smile at least half as powerfully in the infectious cheer. "I'd love to have your help."

Pinkie landed and tilted her head. "But?"

"But!" Comforting raised a finger. "The party-getter is shy. Like mom, but worse. They don't get what's going on, and they're used to being by themselves, and they're huge."

Pinkie blinked at that last part. "How huge are we talking?" She raised her hoof a few inches, then even with her head, then even higher than that in a stretch as far as she could go.

Comforting grabbed her hoof and stretched the attached leg upwards as she went up as tall as Lily was when standing up. "This huge."

"Wow... That is kinda big." Pinkie pulled her leg back with the winding noise a retractable tape measure would make. "Okay! I understand. So... Small party?" She put her hooves close together. "Small party for a big creature!"

Spike nodded as he clapped his hands together. "Exactly! She has a pack, uh, with Comforting in charge." He waved at her as she came in for a landing. "So them and maybe the girls?"

Pinkie hiked a brow. "What about you?"

Spike laughed. "Wow, uh, yeah. She knows me."

Pinkie clapped her hooves with an excited clopping noise. "Alright, on the case!"

Without asking for confirmation, she bounced off to plan the party.

Comforting watched her go with amused affection. Pinkie's enthusiasm was a force unto itself.

She turned back to Spike. "Well, she's got this covered I'd say."

Spike chuckled. "Yup, if anypony can plan a party to make a shy giant feel welcome, it's Pinkie Pie."

He tilted his head thoughtfully. "Hopefully having just Pinkie's friends does keep things small like you suggested."

Comforting bounced lightly. "It's sweet of her to be considerate about Lily's anxiety with crowds." Her smile turned impish. "Buuut a few extra guests probably wouldn't be the end of the world if a certain party pony gets carried away..."

She nudged Spike playfully. "Might be better not to remind her though. Surprises can be part of the fun after all!"

Spike rubbed his hands eagerly. "Ooo, maybe she'll have one of her signature pony piñatas!" His excitement dimmed slightly. "Er, hopefully a wolfpony-safe one..."

Comforting brought her hands together with a clap and brought them apart, a huge piñata forming in the space she made. "Since this only has to last a little while, this feels safe." She held up the wolfpony-sized thing. "They'll have fun with this."

Spike peered at the massive thing, brightly colored and rippling with papier-mâché. "Huh... I forget sometimes you can do that. Well, Pinkie's on the case, so I say we leave her to it."

They returned to Comforting's house just to safely tuck the big toy inside to wait for the party.

Spike hiked a thumb at it, hiding in a corner. "Won't it, you know, vanish? The stuff you and Discord makes usually vanishes right?"

Comforting twirled in place. "This is my house. What I put in my house stays until I actually get rid of it. It's my little space. Dad's space works the same."

"Alpha." Cracked spotted, or perhaps sniffed, Comforting's return. "You're back, with Spike." She snuffed at him in loud sniffs. "Welcome."

Spike gently patted the side of Cracked's immense snout. "Hey there. Lily's welcoming party is coming along."

Cracked wandered over towards the new, large, object with her tail wagging. "A curious creation, Alpha. Some form of toy?" At Spike's nod, she sniffed at it eagerly. "Most intriguing smell..."

Spike chuckled. "It's for the party, to celebrate Lily coming here."

"A fine notion!" Cracked's ears perked up. "We must tell Sister the good news."

She bounded over to nose Lily awake from a nap. The white wolf pony blinked groggily as Cracked gushed, tail waving, "Alpha is preparing a celebration, just for you. A welcoming party."

Lily hesitated. "A party...for me? Among ponies?" She shuffled her bad leg uncertainly. "Sister, I lack grace currently to properly greet guests..." She flicked an ear back. "And guests is still a new idea... How do you manage this, Sister?"

Comforting floated gently up to squeeze Lily's shoulder. "Don't you worry about that, not everycreature gets a chance to meet a magnificent, gentle wolfpony like yourself. Just being your wonderful self is the only greeting they need."

Cracked bobbed her head. "The ponies already like us, so long as we don't threaten them with our teeth. They like riding us, or being hugged, or just being friends." She scratched suddenly at an inch, backleg working vigorously. "Mmmf."

She paused then awkwardly. "Sister..."

Lily sat up slowly. "Yes? Is something wrong?"

Cracked waved a hoof back at her paw. "When I itch, I scratch it. When you itch... How can you? Your legs are... Poor sister, have you been suffering this whole time?"

Lily blinked slowly as Cracked posed the question about her inability to easily scratch those hard to reach spots.

"I suppose I have grown accustomed to small irritations..." Lily mused. "My greater focus has been regaining any mobility at all."

Her ears drooped. "Though I confess, an unreachable itch can drive one quite mad."

Cracked whined sympathetically. Then inspiration struck. "Fear not, sister! I shall serve as your scratcher whenever needed. Simply tell me where it itches."

To demonstrate, she angled back towards Lily, wiggling her claws. "Now, does anything trouble you this moment?"

Lily's muzzle curled into a smile. "You are too kind, Cracked." She tilted her neck thoughtfully. "Though now that you mention it, the base of my left ear has been bothering me..."

"Say no more!" Cracked leaned in and diligently began scratching with one of her hind paws, tongue lolling happily.

Lily's eyes drifted closed, tail lightly thumping the floor at the relief. "Mm, yes, right there...you have a special talent for this."

Comforting watched the tender scene, heart melting. "This will be great!" With everything settled, they had but wait for the party.

Pinkie did not keep them waiting long. Just a few days later, she had a nice big space just outside of Ponyville. The decorations were of hanging paper cutouts of happy wolves and ponies caught frolicking and dancing about.

The food consisted of a variety of candies, but also hayburgers and not-hayburgers for the party-goers of all dietary needs.

There was laughter and good cheer as all the creatures were gathered around Lily, happy to see her.

Applejack whistled softly. "Ah thought one big doggy was enough, but ya done an' got two of 'em!"

Lily looked down at the curiously-speaking pony. "I'm sorry?"

"Ain't nothin' to be sorry fer!" Applejack swatted Lily gently, thankfully not on her leg. "Not like ya chose how big ya got. Ya seem like a right nice creature, so welcome to Ponyville."

A chorus of agreement rose from the other girls.

Smolder thrust up a thumb. "You already know we're cool with you." She was with the other Young Six, the predators of them clapping with her words. "Hey, Comfs, where's the--"

Comforting clapped a hand over Smolder, darting just in time to cut her off. "On the way."

Lily blinked at the exchange. "What are you talking about?"

"This." Comforting was gone, her afterimage holding up their hands a moment before vanishing. She whistled from where she was hanging up the oversized toy up at Lily's sitting up height.

Lily peered at the brightly colored object as Comforting hung it up. "What purpose does this large and silly shape serve?"

"You'll see!" Pinkie bounded over holding a stick ceremonially. "It's time for a super special wolfpony tradition - the piñata game!"

She passed the stick to Lily who eyed it dubiously. "I whack it with this? Why?"

"To get the goodies inside! Candy, toys, surprises..." Pinkie grinned eagerly. "Go ahead, give it your best swing!"

Still uncertain, Lily grabbed the stick in her jaws and reached up with it and batting weakly at the dangling piñata. It barely swayed.

Cracked nudged her supportively. "You can hit harder, sister! Like tackling troublesome prey."

Heartened, Lily reared up and delivered a mighty overhead blow. The piñata exploded in a shower of sweets and celebration, everyone cheering.

Pinkie burst into giggles. "Silly! You were supposed to use the stick. No matter!" She wasn't one to be that upset about a game that resulted in fun, even if played wrong. "You knocked out a lot of the goodies, but I still see more. Pass the stick!"

Lily blinked slowly. "What a strange game..." She dropped the stick from her mouth, letting it clatter to the ground. "Who is next?"

Gallus grabbed the stick. "I'm taking a whack!" He flew up with a sneer. "You're going down!"

Silverstream intercepted him, tackling him. The two tumbled in the air until Gallus emerged with a blindfold on. "What's the deal?!"

Silver giggled. "Silly. You're not supposed to be able to see it. That's too easy."

Lily flicked an ear back. "Did I do it wrong?"

Cracked nudged gently against Lily. "You did not. They are being kind. You already have a harder time. Gallus does not. He will wear that. You..."

"Can't walk," finished Lily with a sigh. "I see. That makes sense... I don't like it, but it makes sense. Go, Little Hunter. Strike true and well."

She perked at a curious noise. "What is... that?" Her words trailed as a large object wheeled into the clearing, dragged by a burly earth pony.

The smith nodded at Comforting. "Here you go. And there she is." He looked at Lily curiously. "She's just as big as you said."

Comforting clapped with giddy joy. "I hope you're ready, Lily." She zipped to the pony. "This is a party for her. Want to join? You'll get to see her trying it on."

"Sure?" He noticed a wrapped candy by his hoof and kicked it up to snap in his mouth, wrapper and all. "Mmm, not bad..."

Lily stared in bewilderment as the large contraption on wheels was dragged over. "What is this strange device?"

Comforting fluttered with excitement. "It's your very own mobility cart! The blacksmith custom built it to your size."

She grabbed one of Lily's paws eagerly. "This is going to let you get around again while your legs heal!"

Comprehension lit up Lily's face. She turned to the burly pony with sincere gratitude. "You crafted this wondrous gift...I cannot thank you enough."

He shrugged amiably. "All in a day's work ma'am. Now let's get you saddled up!"

With Comforting's help, Lily was carefully positioned into the harness as her friends looked on eagerly. The blacksmith secured straps and showed her how to use front legs to propel herself. "Just pull yerself, and trust your back end will keep up with you."

"It'll take some practice but soon you'll be zipping all over!" He gave Lily an encouraging pat and stepped back. "Give it a try!"

Trembling slightly, Lily began rolling herself forward. The wheels creaked, moving slowly at first. Then her confidence grew. Her strokes quickened into a smooth glide as a delighted smile spread across her muzzle.

Lily threw back her head with a vibrant howl. Cracked and Spike whooped excitedy. The rest were quick to join in cheering Lily on as she circled around the clearing, joyfully moving with returned mobility. "Sister, Alpha, look! Look, I'm moving!"

Fluttershy patted Comforting on the back. "It's always such a treat, to see anycritter, big or small, so happy to have such a disability fixed..."

"It really is." Doctor Fauna, who had been there but quietly. "She's taking to it just as quickly as I'd hoped. Her front legs are just as strong as I thought they'd be. She should be fine."

With a sudden crash, Lily toppled over with a yelp of surprised pain.

Cracked was on her in an instant, helping her get upright.

Rather than crying, Lily was laughing. "I got too bold, Sister. This will take some getting used to... But I'm moving." She got right back to pulling herself. "I am not a cripple. I am not useless!"

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