• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,175 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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167 - Easy Paths

A flashing alert icon appeared in Comforting's field of view. She reached up to tap it, summoning the mail it warned of.

Naughty child,

While my affection for you is large, my displeasure is not inconsiderable. Please come see me. Put Cracked somewhere safe. Do not move Lily.


Comforting blinked at the hovering letters. "What is she mad about?" Was she watching even then? There was a decent odd of it. "Sorry?" But she wasn't sure what she was apologizing for.

Still, a command had been made. "Cracked, we have to go."

Cracked inclined her head left and right. "With Lily?"

"No." Comforting wriggled uncomfortably. "Lily, sorry. Wait for us?"

Lily gave a wry smile. "Waiting is something I have grown much used to. Strange small alpha, I will wait longer still."

Comforting hefted up Cracked as if she were many times smaller and they were gone, slipping sideways back to their home. She put Cracked, dazed, back to the ground. "I'll be back."

"Wait!" Cracked wheeled on Comforting. "What was that? Alpha, please... Tell me. Did I do something wrong? Why did you leave her?"

Comforting cringed back a step. "No! You didn't do anything. Maybe I did? I don't know. Let me go find out, please."

Cracked sat up, calming. "Go. If you must, then you should go. Sorry for standing in your way."

Comforting gently pet one of the legs of her great roomie. "Be right back." And she was gone, whisked away to Amity's tree. "Amity?" she called out. "I'm here."

"I see that." Amity circled around her tree self. She wore the form of young Comforting, expression blank, gaze ten miles distant. "You don't know what you did." She stepped closer on silent little hooves. "I will tell you. Lily was not trapped by a simple ravine. If she were, she would be dead, life claimed by the passage of time. Her people are not that long-lived."

Comforting inclined her head. "But Cracked found her. If she isn't hidden behind a canyon, what is she hidden by?"

"Cracked found her." Amity smiled up at Comforting. "But she didn't know what she found. She smelled Lily, but never actually saw her. She was fooled, but you were making it real, without thought, without pause." Amity cycled her hooves in the air. "You were granting her wish, and stepping over every line. Even Discord would blush at how brazenly you were violating those rules. Perhaps, he is proud, to have such a chaotic child... To undo things without even considering, without even being aware."

Comforting pinned ear and feather tuft back. "But... What about Lily then? How is she trapped?"

"I had forgotten her." Amity let out a distant smile, eyes still so far away in their focus. "She was captured long ago. When her kind used to be a nightmare to ponies, one brave unicorn and his friends stood up to them. They defeated them, one by one." Amity clopped her hooves with slow finality, each ponywolf crushed under the pony defenses. "Ponies earned peace, for a time. It was not a peaceful era... These warriors yet live, against most odds."

Comforting frowned with thought. "So... Lily was trapped in a pony magic prison... Which..." It clicked and Comforting started. "I helped Cracked reach her. We were in my magic."

Amity nodded with a growing smile, her eyes focusing sharply on Comforting. "Now you see. Little chaos spirit, the world is as you make it out to be. There was no ravine, but you did carry Cracked across it. You pierced the barrier that held Lily, thinking it very little. Cracked was baffled by the magic, and never would have made it."

"I cheated."

"You cheated." Amity tapped Comforting gently. "But this can be fixed."

Comforting perked. "It can?! How? Do you even want me to? You sounded kinda upset..."

"Only because you overplayed your hand..." Amity offered a hoof. "Lily is no threat, not to modern ponies. But you cannot be the one to throw off her shackles. You cannot do that. You, watcher, have assembled fine agents. Have you considered using them?"

Comforting clapped her hands with rebounding joy. "Yes, agents, yes... Okay!" She smooched Amity on her little nose. "You are wonderful. Sorry for breaking rules... I'll free her, but not directly. I know some agents that could use a field trip." She rubbed her hands with schemes building. "But first, I have to tell Cracked what's going on. poor thing must be so worried."

Amity raised a hoof. "In part. Our secrets remain our secrets. Tell her what can be told and no more than that. Friend Comforting, I am trusting you with the safety of Equestria."

Comforting took the chance for one last hug. "Alright." She vanished with a loud bubble pop, moisture exploding in a fine mist.

Amity landed on the ground lightly. "Good luck, chaotic harmony. I look forward to seeing how this unfolds."

Comforting arrived back home in a splash, finding Cracked anxiously awaiting her return.

"Alpha! You have returned." Cracked rushed over, sniffing Comforting for any signs of injury or distress. "Are you well? Is everything alright?"

Comforting smiled reassuringly, giving Cracked a pat. "I'm just fine. Sorry for worrying you." She sighed, gathering her thoughts on how to explain. "So, about Lily...it turns out the situation is more complicated than I realized. There's old magic keeping her trapped that I can't undo directly."

Cracked's ears drooped. "Old magic? But you are so powerful, surely you could free her?"

"I wish it were that easy." Comforting took Cracked's large paw. "But this magic was cast long ago for serious reasons. It's not my place to tamper with it alone." She gave Cracked a hopeful smile. "But don't worry - I have a plan to get Lily free, with help from some wise friends. It will just take a little time and cooperation to do it right."

Cracked still seemed confused, but visibly relaxed at Comforting's reassuring confidence. "If you believe your friends can help her, then I trust your judgment, Alpha."

Comforting playfully ruffled Cracked's fur. "Thanks for understanding. I know it's not quite the happy ending you were hoping for yet. But working together, we'll make sure Lily gets treated fairly soon."

Bolstered by Cracked's faith in her, Comforting set off once more, ready to enlist her allies' aid in undoing an unjust imprisonment - the right way that time.

She zipped from one sentence to the next, landing just in front of Yona. Yona recoiled in surprise. "Comfort! Where you come from?" She reached out for the little chaos spirit, patting her. "Not sad to see, just surprise."

"A good surprise, I hope." Comforting spread her arms in an invitation for a hug. "It's time for your first mission."

Yona pressed her snout between those arms, nosing Comforting in a thud of affection. "Mission? What mission?"

Comforting smiled so brightly. "You are one of my agents, so are the others. I--" She pointed to herself. "Am a spirit. We get things done through agents. Chaotic spirits, also like me, sometimes reach our hands in directly, but it's still better when an agent or three is involved. This world is for the creatures that live in it." She pointed at Yona. "Like you. Not like me."

Yona blinked, sitting up slowly. "Oh... Comforting..." She looked overwhelmingly sad. There were no tears, or sniffles, just that her entire demeanor was downturned, as if considering the gravest of news. "Sorry..."

Comforting hopped back a step. "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything."

"You died. When you got in accident. You died. Yona sad for that. Yona sad she didn't notice." She shook her head vigorously. "Not blame Yona. You good at hiding it."

Comforting blinked softly. "Technically? I mean, technically... But I'm still here." She twirled in place. "I died and became a spirit." It was as if she was just noticing that herself. "That's the natural order, yeah. Now I'm haunting Equestria, but I'm a very nice spirit, so don't be scared."

"Yona not scared of friend," she declared. "Don't be sad either. You here now, that what matters."
She set Comforting down and nodded firmly. "Yona ready for mission. What need doing?"

Yona listened closely as Comforting explained the need to help Lily break free of her magical imprisonment.

"Yona ready for mission!" the yak declared when Comforting finished. "What first step?"

Comforting hesitated. "Well, the most important thing is that all of you discuss it together and decide what needs to happen. I can't be the one to actually free Lily."

She met Yona's eyes. "But if the Young Six use their wisdom and harmony, I'm sure you can find an answer. Will you gather the others so I can explain?"

Yona nodded eagerly. "Yona get everyone! Meet back here."

The yak rushed off, and Comforting smiled. She had to place her trust in her friends now, resisting the urge to intervene directly.

Soon Yona returned with the students in tow. Comforting quickly summarized the situation for them.

"So in summary - Lily needs help, but it's not my place to be the one who frees her," she concluded. "I'm leaving that decision in your capable hooves...and claws, and talons."

The students exchanged thoughtful looks.

"We'll need to do some looking around first to understand what magic trapped her and why," Gallus said decisively. "But together, we'll figure something out."

Comforting smiled proudly. She had assembled the right team for this mission. Now it was up to them to uncover the path to true harmony. "I'm counting on you." She gave a sharp clap and casually banished herself back home. "They're on the case," she announced proudly to the anxious Cracked. "Hopefully, soon, we'll have Lily."

Cracked inclined her head. "We need to talk with her. She is from my past. She is from a different time. I had to learn. She will have to learn. Seeing ponies and not eating them is a new idea to her."

Comforting recalled when she first met Cracked, in that dirty building, as a frightening ghost of a thing. "At least she's in one piece..."

Cracked winced at the memory. "Don't remind me of that... This is a kind world. It has changed, a lot, but... In good ways, I think... I will be her mentor. I will show her the goods and bads and, hopefully, we can celebrate these better times, together. But, Alpha, we have a question, between us."

Comforting perked at that. "We do? I'm here. What's on your mind?"

Cracked nodded at her smaller superior. "If we free her, and she grows used to things, do you want her here?" Cracked directed a hoof at their shared house. "It will be cramped. There is not enough room for us all... Where else would she go?"

Comforting blinked as she realized Cracked raised a good point - their current home wasn't built to accommodate multiple large wolf-ponies.

She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, you're right, with three of you it would get pretty cozy in here."

Comforting snapped her fingers. "Ooh, I know! I could use my chaos powers to expand the house. Add some new bedrooms, expand the main areas...I bet I could double the space without it looking too crazy from the outside."

She hesitated. "But I probably shouldn't just warp the house without asking first. We're friends with our neighbors after all."

Comforting smiled at Cracked. "How about this - while we wait for Lily's situation to get resolved, you and I will talk to our pony friends about the idea of expanding. And we'll make sure Lily knows she has a place here with us, if she wants it."

Cracked's tail wagged at the solution. "Yes, Alpha, that is wise. Always better to include the pack in big choices."

She nuzzled Comforting affectionately. "However this unfolds, I am glad to have you guiding us. Your patience and care for all creatures is a shining example to follow."

Comforting blushed at the praise. "Aw, thanks Cracked. Now let's go spread the word about potentially supersizing our home!"

Now, it aught be mentioned, Comforting leaning in close to the page. "I'm not expanding the house from the outside. That'd be silly. But I will doublecheck that I'm not breaking any rules. I don't want Amity cross with me, again. Uh, since I'm here, any other things I'm missing? You all seem to be clever people."

Author's Note:

We haven't had one of these in a while. Comforting has her face pressed against the fourth wall and is eagerly soliciting your advice. I will respond to comments below for her.

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