• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,175 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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24 - Look What I Can Do

"And... pop!" She waved at Diamond Tiara dramatically as Comforting's spell covered Diamond's mane in soft flowers. There were no stems, just whole petals spreading out in a plentiful offering. "Ta dah!"

Silver clapped with joy at the display. "Nice. Why do some unicorns get all the good stuff?"

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Only some of them, though." She leveled a hoof at Comforting. "Most of them just use their horns as decorations."

Comforting knew little about that, on a societal level... "Earth ponies have talents too?" It came out as a question despite her intentions.

Diamond prodded at Comforting. "We have the 'talent' of knowing we don't have a talent. We're tougher and stronger, but does that matter? Seriously, think about it. What does being either of those thing do for me." She curled both hooves at herself. "You can't be extra fancy with that. You can't talk to ponies better that way. Closer to nature, some say, also useless!"

Both of the fillies were looking at her like she had all the answers. "You are two amazing earth ponies, and ponies period." Comforting sank to her haunches. "I couldn't be either of you, and even trying would make me look really stupid. You have talents and skills and you make them work." She offered a hoof towards Diamond. "I didn't mean to show off."

"Yes, you did." Diamond was smirking at that. "I know I would have if I could. I'm not mad that you're a unicorn. Good for you!"

Comforting put the puzzle bits together that Diamond was more annoyed at herself not being a 'special' pony. "Diamond, you're you, and you happen to be an amazing pony. I want to be your friend. Don't you?" She was looking at Silver.

Silver Spoon jumped as the focus shifted to her. "Oh! Yes! Duh. Like, she's my bestest friend." She threw a hoof over Diamond's back. "And that'll never change!" The two snugged close with a rebounding attitude. "It doesn't even matter. We know we're better."

"Yeah." Diamond stood up with a soft huff. "So, you learned your first spell. Good job. You going to rush out and learn another?"

"No!" Comforting inclined her head. "Memorizing one is a lot of work. But learning how is good. I'll probably only memorize a few and carry the rest with me." Visions of her walking about with an actual spellbook drove Comforting to a giggling fit. "Nothing wrong with that. I can learn the ones I use often enough it sticks."

Silver inclined her head with a new thought. "Well, since we're friends, we can ask you to do spells if we want, right?"

Diamond smirked with extra energy. "You just said the quiet part out loud. Oh, your party is on track. Hope you're ready to ring in that cutie mark." She waved grandly at Comforting's new mark. "Hey, how long do those flowers last? Is that a forever thing?" She glanced up at the flowers in her mane, still there for the time. "Or what?"

"A few minutes." Her horn glowed, not that either of the fillies could see it. "If I put in a lot more power, they could last longer, but that's tiring." Effort in equalled effort out, like most of life. "Thank you. I couldn't plan a party like that." Especially not in pony land, with the ponies. "The crusaders said they were staff and they'd get in?"

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Ha, yeah, technically... Which means they got invited with the rest of staff. You did say staff was invited."

"You make any foal friends?" Silver leaned in closer. "Besides us, I mean. Just need to be sure we invited everypony we're supposed to."

"You're my only foal friends." They were her peers, physical age wise. Which just made her mental age more awkward. "Is it a fun kind of party?"

Silver hiked a brow. "Most parties are. This one's deffos the fun kind. We'll be making it extra fun and making sure everypony there knows you're the star of the show."

"And they should be paying attention to you." Diamond touched rumps with Silver without a prompt. "That's what this is all about, so everyone knows what mark you got and what it means. Speaking of that." Silver sat up tall. "Get your speech ready. Ponies are going to expect you to give one saying what your mark means to you."

Oh no! That hadn't been explained to her before. "Oh... What did you two say?" Her eyes darted between their rumps and the marks emblazoned on them.

Silver turned to display her mark. "My mark, like, talks about my background, but not just, like, that. I was born with a silver spoon right in my mouth." She made a motion of stuffing silverware into her snout. "But it's up to, you know, me, what I do with it. I'm going to be the best pony I can be!"

Diamond waved that away. "Your mark is so indecisive! 'Be the best pony?' Pfft, anypony can and should be trying to do that. Now my mark!" She turned to display her tiara of a mark, then pointed up to her head where an identical tiara rested. "I knew what my destiny was way before I got this. I'm a bossy pony." She crossed her arms. "Now, sure, I had to learn what that meant and I'm still... learning how to be good at it, but I know exactly what I need to do."

Silver rolled her eyes slowly. "And you have friends who are ready to push you back onto better paths when you wander off."

"I do not wander off!" Diamond glared at her friend a moment, but it eased gently away. "I do have friends, though. One who's getting a party!" The two fillies clapped in mutual joy at Comforting's upcoming celebration. "So get to thinking about what that mark means to you. Seriously, you're not escaping without telling them all about it. That's--"

"Like, the point." Silver nodded quickly. "It's all about meeting the new and more mature, you. And we can't do that without knowing who the mature you is."

Comforting nodded at the two of them. "I'll get to thinking about that." She hadn't been planning on a speech, but that was expected, apparently... She wandered away with thoughtful hums and almost ran into another filly not far from her size. "Sorry! I was distracted."

"Golly." Cozy was smiling at her widely. "You look really really distracted." She clapped her hooves together as she reared up, wings carrying her up a few inches. "Can I help?"

Comforting sifted through her memories a moment. Right! She had run into Cozy before. That had not gone especially well... Still... "Hey again. Sorry about last time." She offered a hoof towards the smiling filly. "I was still learning my way around."

"It's no big deal." She met the offered hoof with her own, the two clopping firmly. "I was new once too! I had a freak out and everything." Cozy came back to the ground, both hooves at her cheeks. "I went to the crusaders for help. Have you met them?"

"I did!" Comforting grinned at the thought. "Just recently. I think I'll get to talk to them more soon. Are they nice?" She was pretty sure, but...

"To a fault, gosh!" Cozy waved a hoof wide. "Now, why is it you have good friends, like those two--" She inclined her head back at where Silver and Diamond had been left. "But you also have... questionable friends, like that, yuck, griffon. You know he's planning to take your stuff, right?"

Comforting gasped at the idea. "He wouldn't! If he wanted something I had, he'd just ask." And she'd probably give it up, if it wasn't important, but she didn't say that part out loud. "Have you even met them?"

"Met them long enough to know their group is trouble." Cozy tossed her curled mane. "They get into all kinds of trouble at school. Didn't you notice? Yona's always, gosh, talking about how proud she is of yak this, and yak that, instead of listening to the lessons."

Comforting opened her mouth just for no words to come out. Yeah, that sounded like Yona... "She is a lot smarter than she seems at first glance."

"What's the point if she's not paying attention?" Cozy clapped her hooves as she talked. "And don't even get started about that dragon. She's looking out for herself, and she knows how to be, gosh, violent. That's not the pony way."

"No..." Most ponies she had met were pretty not-violent. "But she's not a pony."

"Which is the problem, right?" Cozy grinned at her fellow equine. "I get you. We're both ponies, and see things the pony way." She patted Comforting on the shoulder. "So stop being a stranger, K?" She danced off without another word, as if completely confident she had gotten her point across.

Comforting was far less certain with a slow tilt. What was up with that pegasus? A bit confused and irritated, she turned to the bridge in the middle of town. It was a nice bridge, ornate and functional. It was just missing one thing she could fix. Comforting glared at the bridge as if it had done something wrong. "Pow!" Saying that was not required. With a glowing horn, she enacted the spell. One thing she was learning was that casting a spell didn't actually have a cap on how fast one went, other than increasing the odds one tripped over themselves and messed it up.

She was annoyed, so it came quickly. The bridge sprouted daisies and lilies, but they were kind of spiky and angry shades instead of natural colors. "Oh..." The flowers were a mirror into her own mental state, in a way. "Calm down..." She trotted up to the bridge and began brushing the angry flowers off of it. "It's not a big deal..." Making the flowers and seeing them was... kind of calming, really. Like holding up a mirror so she could straighten her mane.

"Nice." A unicorn was walking towards her with an easy smile. "Was that your first? I remember my first!" She laughed with a snort. "Wow, I had to shampoo for about a week."

That was Lyra. Comforting knew that pony from memory. "Hey." Wait, Lyra did know magic... "I meant to do flowers, just don't like these flowers." The flowers were already fading, deprived of a root and not given much magic to live on. "Twilight taught me."

"Twilight is the best." Lyra sat in front of the little filly. "Is she teaching you magic? Awesome! I was with her when we learned magic. Ohhhh, we were so cute and dumb." She leaned in at Comforting. "You got the cute part down. Are you just as dumb as we were? No shame! I'm still kinda dumb sometimes. Welcome to life!"

Comforting forgot all about trying ponies. Lyra was a good pony, and she could feel her mood lifting in the short chat. "Sometimes, I think. I've been dumb before!" She had a whole life to be dumb, often. "Nice to meet you, Lyra!" She offered a hoof.

Lyra met it, though an ear was off to the side. "Nice to meet you too, pony I don't know the name of!"

Crap. They hadn't exchanged names. "Dumb!"

"Toldja." Lyra burst into giggles. "Seriously, what's your name?"

"I'm Comforting Shade, or just Comforting, either way." She pointed the way. "I live with Fluttershy, my mom."

Lyra spit-take despite not drinking anything. "Woah! When did she get a special somepony, let alone..." She was eyeing Comforting in a whole new light.

"Not like that!" Comforting giggled at the confusion. "She adopted me. It was very nice of her."

"Now that sounds a bit more Fluttershy to me." Lyra's confusion faded away with a gentle smile. "Hey, kid, you like sweets?" She pointed the way. "My friend, Bon Bon, makes the best sweets. Tell her I said to give you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' bag!"

Author's Note:

Lyra is a good pony, just saying.

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