• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,147 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

  • ...

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180 - Diamond Quest

Comforting grabbed Diamond from behind. She had made no sound in the approach. This was a dangerous thing. Diamond lashed out her back hooves with a squeak of startled surprise.

It was only when she whirled about that she saw she had kicked Comforting across the room. "Comfs! Warn a filly... You okay?"

Comforting peeled herself free of the wall with a giggle. "Sorry, my bad." She darted in to hug Diamond from the front. "Heya."

"Hey yourself." She rubbed cheeks with Comforting. "I wasn't expecting you, not that I'm complaining." She pointed. "Homework's done, not that Cheerilee gives a ton, but I even got Mom's extra stuff done. I was about to call Silver, but here you are."

Comforting grinned as she grabbed Diamond's cheeks. "So, we both have the rest of the day to do whatever we want. What do you want to do, my beloved filly?"

Diamond smiled, eyes half-lidding. "I like it when you call me that..." She leaned against one holding hand. "But, alright... Gotta think of something. Are chaos powers on the menu?"

"If you want." Comforting released Diamond from her grip and hopped away. "Why? Did you want to take a swim in the deepest trench?" She squinted with thought. "What is the deepest trench on this planet anyway?"

"I have no idea." Diamond tapped at her chin. "Tempted to go find out... But I don't feel like getting wet today."

Diamond pondered the limitless options offered by her whimsical partner. Part of her itched to explore realms beyond comprehension...but trouble had a way of following cosmic forces.

"Hmm...maybe just some chill quality time instead?" She wound a hoof down and across Comforting's tail casually. "Whattaya say to us sitting by the lake chatting and cloud watching? We can ponder life's mysteries without actually getting involved in them for a change."

Diamond gently booped the hovering chaos spirit on the nose. "Mundane can be nice too sometimes. Besides, I like just being with you, powers or none."

Comforting lit up, touched by the simplicity of that wish. No grand cosmic excursions needed when love powered their adventures. "Cloud shapes and cuddles by the lake sound perfect." She swept Diamond up bridal style. "One express trip to relaxation, coming right up!"

She hopped off one animation frame. The next was by a lake, the evening sun doing its best to slowly set. Comforting set Diamond down on a blanket that hadn't been there before. "And..." She flopped next to Diamond, eyes on the sky above. "Ready!"

Diamond giggled and stretched out. "That was fast. Who needs a cart when you have a chaos ride?" She flopped to the side to smooch Comforting's cheek, then rolled back. "So, how's your day been? I don't ask often, and I should... Do any chaos stuff? Do any not-chaos stuff? Tell!"

"Well..." Comforting ran back through the day in her mind. "Hey, why didn't you come to the party?"

"The one for your dog?" Diamond twitched an ear, but laying on her back, they couldn't face Comforting easily in their squished state. "Pinkie didn't invite me."

Comforting blinked. "What? I... Why not?!"

"Ask her?" Diamond shrugged. "Maybe she thought I wouldn't fit the vibe? Whatever..."

"No..." Comforting rolled over to hug Diamond close. "Pinkie!"

"Yep?" Pinkie came running up. "What's up? Besides me, compared to you two." She poitned at Comforting and Diamond, flopped over, hugging. "Aw, evening hugs can be great!"

Comforting bit back her irritation, not wanting to spoil the gentle mood. But exclusion hurt, especially Diamond.

"Was just wondering why you didn't invite Diamond to Lily's little gathering too," she said, aiming for casual.

Pinkie smacked her forehead. "Omigosh you're so right, I can't believe I spaced on that!" She swept Diamond up in an effusive hug. "I'm super sorry! Wolfpony brain was in high gear and I didn't think."

She squished Diamond gleefully. "But you're absolutely invited to the next shindig! In fact..." Pinkie perked up, struck by inspiration. "We need a duet for Twilight's coronation musical number! You and Comforting HAVE to help me!"

Diamond giggled, Forgiveness easily won. "It's a party plan! But you're not a Wolfpony."

Comforting beamed, crisis averted by that irrepressible bubbly joy. She shot Pinkie a grateful smile. "Thank goodness. Mistakes happen." She casually reclaimed her girlfriend. It was her job to deliver hugs! "What help did you need? We were just enjoying the evening."

They settled down where they started as Pinkie sat next to them. "Well!" Then she blinked. "I did it again! That isn't for a while." She clopped at her head. "I have to stop doing that." She leveled a hoof at Comforting. "I slip when you're around. You're making me even more chaotic than usual."

She leaned in, whispering consiprationally. "And I'm already pretty chaotic."

Comforting reached up and yanked Pinkie down to join them on the blanket. "Sorry, I'm not trying to chaos at you."

"It's okay." Pinkie waved it off like it was a little thing. "But now I'm the one getting in the way. You two can't be all lovey-dovey if you put me between you two." She looked left at Diamond and right at Comforting. "You do want to do the lovey-dovey things, right?"

Diamond smirked at the trapped pink mare. "You are a crazy pony... But so is my girlfriend. So what's the deal, anyway? Are you a chaos spirit too or what?"

"Me?" Pinkie directed a hoof at her own chest. "No! I'm a pony, with a lot of chaos... Oh! You've met Screwball, right?" Both nodded on either side of Pinkie. "Like her, but less loopy up here." She tapped at her head.

Diamond snorted softly at that. "Yeah, that's up for debate... Okay then, you're a pony filled with chaos, but not a spirit." She propped up to see Comforting. "You're a chaos spirit." She flopped down. "And I'm just a filly dating a chaos spirit."

She shook her head with a wry smile. "What even is my life right now? Mom would freak if she knew half of what you can do."

Comforting pulled Diamond down into a nuzzle. "Hopefully one day she'll see I just want to make you happy, no matter how weird our relationship seems."

Pinkie nodded sagely. "We're all a little weird here in Ponyville! But weirdos or not, you two make an adorable couple."

She made kissy faces until Diamond tossed a small pillow Comforting had left there. Laughing, Pinkie bounced away to give them peace once more.

Diamond settled back happily against Comforting. "So, got any wild goose chases or magical missions calling you away this time?" She grinned impishly. "Or can you spare an afternoon for little old me?"

"More of an evening." Comforting looked to where the sun was almost done. "Also... your mom isn't nearly as clueless as you're suggesting."

"Yeah?" Diamond reached up to play with her tiara. "What makes you say that?"

"She knows I made her a filly again that one time." Comforting extended a finger. "She knows I'm a chaos spirit." She extended a single finger. "She also mighta asked that I give you all the favors." Comforting rolled against Diamond, snuggling. "Also, she asked to get a horn."

Diamond recoiled at that. "A horn?! Mom..."

Comforting nosed at Diamond's cheek. "I said no."

"Figured." Diamond raised a brow. "I'd notice if my mom was suddenly a unicorn. I swear, she's so..." Diamond grunted. "She's scared."

"Scared of?" Comforting held Diamond gently.

Diamond pointed up, to the city on the mountain, Canterlot. "That. Unicorns are still the very top of things. She wants in on that social circle. She's an earth pony, and she isn't confident to make that final step as one, and they aren't rolling out the carpet for earth ponies up there, so..."

Diamond snuggled closer under Comforting's chin. "I think their judgement hurts more than she lets on. But she'd never admit it."

Comforting gently stroked her mane. "No wonder she pushes so hard for perfection. That pressure is brutal."

Diamond gazed up at the emerging stars in thought. "I wish she could see herself how we do - strong, beautiful, fiercely devoted..."

She managed a small smile. "Think your chaos could whip up a spell for that?"

Comforting laughed softly. "I'll see what I can do. But inner change starts from within."

Comforting slid in close, warding away the growing chill of the night with her own warm body. "Your mom needs our support. Not chaos, just support. I think... she thinks she's pretty alone." She smooched Diamond's cheek. "Your dad's busy running his business."

"And she is busy chasing after me." Diamond wriggled her nose. "Right?"

"Sorta..." Comforting wobbled a hand in the air. "She thinks she has to fight you, a lot, to get you to see things the way she sees things... I think? She's alone. From her view. I know you're there... What's the last thing you did for her, just because you felt like doing something for her?"

Diamond tapped her hooves softly, trying to summon some event, but none were coming up. "Um... No fair!" She squeezed Comforting like the answers would pop out, but none did. "What would I even do for her?! All she tells me is about growing up to be the pony she has in her mind."

Comforting sniffed gently at Diamond. The filly smelled of gentle perfumes and cleanliness. She was a rich filly and every part of her radiated that. "That's the challenge. Get to know her. Ask what she does. See what her interests are. I bet she has a few hobbies."

"Hobbies?!" Diamond's snout wrinkled. "What kind of hobbies would she have?!"

Comforting booped Diamond playfully on the nose, making the wrinkling worse a moment. "Bet if we sniff out her secret hobby or talent, it could bring you closer and ease her social fears, too. Moms have hidden depths!"

Diamond cracked a reluctant smile. "Alright, oh wise one, we'll try it your way. Operation: Get to Know Mom is a go."

She snuggled into Comforting's embrace as the stars glittered brighter overhead. "But you're helping me navigate this! Last thing I need is more ammunition for her to critique my interests."

Laughing softly, Comforting promised faithfully, "Don't worry, we'll figure her out together." For Diamond, she'd move the stars themselves to brighten her darling's dark clouds of worry.

Comforting flopped to her back, one arm holding Diamond close as they gazed at the stars. "No magic though."

"Ugh, then how do you plan to help?" Diamond buried her face in Comforting's warm fluff.

"Like anycreature else." Comforting rubbed at Diamond's far side. "By talking, looking, and listening. We'll dig and find what's under the first few layers of your mom. It may surprise you, in a good way."

"I hope," Diamond muttered softly. "Comfs? Can we just... shut up a moment and enjoy the night?"

Comforting thought of a few things to say, but they all fizzled. She instead responded by drawing Diamond as close as the could, fingers running through Diamond's fur as they watched the stars slowly turn above them. One shot across the sky in a brilliant streak.

Comforting grabbed it. She drew it close, still glittering and rubbed over it with her fingers, doing.... something.

Diamond blinked at the whole thing. "What?"

"Here." Comforting draped a necklace over Diamond's neck, letting the glittering star jewel dangle there against her chest. "This isn't even half as wonderful at the pony wearing it..."

Diamond colored fiercely. "Comfs!" But she felt over it with both hooves. "I love it... It's our star."

"Our star." Comforting nuzzled in warmly against Diamond's cheek and neck. "Wear it and smile, forever."

An alert appeared in her vision. Mail had arrived. Comforting waved it away. Spirit matters could wait... "I'm glad you like it. It's getting cold. Want to head back?"

"No." Diamond sighed gently, sitting up. "But I will anyway. I should get some sleep. School tomorrow, you know how it works." She shook herself out. "Visit again."

"Gladly." Comforting gathered all the things she had brought into a ball. "Good night, beloved."

Diamond darkened. "Good night..." She frowned, kicking at nothing. "I love you. Why can you say it so easily?!"

Author's Note:

Three of the hardest words sometimes...

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