• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,895 Views, 1,396 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Valley Dale (part 5)

"If I may ask, why did you decide to do your Mage trails?" The young filly enquired with the same expression of mild interest that the previous questions had been asked with. "I thought that the College of Sorcery's traditions would have died out by now?"

Yet, the thinly veiled eagerness in the tone of her latest question indicated that she was trying to overtly push the conversation where she wanted it to go. The filly was finally losing patience with Luna’s deflection.

'Oh, how very direct of her. No more subtlety then?' Luna thought in her mind.

The meal that she was sharing with Windy had been a lot more interesting than Luna thought it would have been. The filly clearly wanted to ask her something but was trying to get more of a feel for the alicorn before hoof.

It was a more cautious variation of the same brand politicking that her mother had tried and returned a similar level of success. She just wasn't skilled enough of a politician to pull one over on the seasoned ruler. Though her possible motive still eluded Luna. It probably wasn't anything malicious, but it intrigued the alicorn nonetheless as she tried to puzzle out the mind of the young pegasus, similar to what Windy herself was currently trying to do to her.

The filly reminded Luna of her sister in a way. Trying to play her cards close to her chest and never saying what was truly on her mind. It was very reminiscent of how Celestia used to behave when they were younger. Always trying to understand the mind of who she was talking to, figuring out the exact right thing to say and the exact right question to ask to get what she wanted.

Luna looked down at the fork that she held in her hoof. Turning it over in her grasp as she pondered on how to answer Windy's question. She could just distract and deflect as she had done up until now, but she felt sad at seeing this filly try to build walls around herself. She regretted not trying to form a closer emotional relationship with her sister and instead allowed her to regress into her own mental fortress surrounded by impenetrable walls of masks and manipulation.

She didn't delude herself into thinking that she could radically alter the trajectory of Windy's life with only the day or two that she would spend in Valley Dale, but would it kill her to engage with the filly on a closer emotional level?

Luna wouldn't tell the Windy the whole truth of course, but perhaps she could offer something more substantial about herself and in turn, get the filly to open up more and figure out why she was so guarded about her motivations.

With her decision made, the disguised alicorn adopted a more serious expression, placed her knife and fork down neatly in the centre of the plate of her mostly finished vegetable pie, and then used her magic to move the plate to the edge of the table on her right. The invisible flash of her horn marked the creation of a sound-dampening spell that manifested around their table.

The filly, who had been carefully watching Luna, interpreted this as a sign that the small talk and roundaboutisms were over and a more earnest conversation was about to take place. Windy's expression grew equally serious but tinged with a nervousness and trepidation that she wasn't able to completely hide.

"I was miserable with my life at home, feeling like nothing that I did mattered anymore. I wanted a change, a chance to go out and do tangible good in the Equestria. Doing everything I can to make the world a better place."

It felt a bit wrong to have such a mature and personal discussion with such a young pony, who was probably still a teenager, but if Windy wanted a more mature discussion, then Luna would give her one. Let's see her digest that.

The filly leaned forward in her chair, eager at the sudden inroads that Luna had just offered, but there was an undercurrent in her expression for internal conflict and deeper contemplation at the alicorn's words. Something about what Luna just said seemed to strike a deeper chord within the pegasus.

'How interesting.'

She was searching for something in this conversation and some part of Luna’s answer took her a step closer to finding it.

"You left your family behind?" Windy asked in a tone that approached breathlessness. She didn't bother disguising her interest in the conversation with a facade anymore. She was too invested.

"My sister and I had grown apart for many years. Until one day, I woke up and realised that each of us would be happier if we lived our lives separately." Luna replied candidly. Her decision sounded so much more noble after being twisted into a technical half-truth.

She obviously couldn't tell Windy that she was a failed ruler who grew to be so despised by the citizens, nobility and even her own family that it became impossible for her to effectively govern. Eventually deciding to cut her losses and run in the middle of the night.

It was probably the correct decision in hindsight, but it didn't sound very heroic when laid out so bluntly.

"Was it worth it to leave your family behind?" Windy asked with unmasked intrigue. Luna's face fell at the question. She should have expected it. It was a logical follow-up question, but the cracks in her own mask formed as the question that had so heavily weighed on her mind was spoken out loud and she wasn't prepared to hear it.

'That was the question, wasn't it?'

'Was it worth it?'

It was something that she had asked herself nearly every waking hour for the past three days. Her logic and reason lead her to the same conclusion every time. That there was no other option. However, that didn't stop a suffocating blanket of regret from descending on her. Whether that was regret at her choice or regret that she had allowed her relationship with Celestia to deteriorate so badly, she wasn't sure.

"I don't know," Luna gave the only honest answer she could give. "I think so, but I don't know."

If Windy's expression looked like she was experiencing inner turmoil before, now it looked more like an open civil war waged in her mind. Her ears pressed against her skull, her eyes shut and her teeth clenched.

'Is that what she was looking for?'

Is that what she wanted from this conversation? The answers to her own burning questions. Heard from the mouth of somepony who had already done what she wanted to do.

Luna hoped that she was wrong about Windy's motivations. She hoped that she misinterpreted every single clue and that her read on the filly was completely off because she did not know if she was emotionally prepared to handle the next words that were likely to come from the mouth of the young pegasus.

As Windy looked to form a resolution in her mind, she opened her eyes, which now only held determination and looked intently at Luna.

"Will you take me as your apprentice?"

The former princess did not know whether to laugh or cry at the situation. The cruel poetry of it all. Her mind was inadvertently drawn back to a memory that she lived through so long ago.

The small, dark blue filly looked up at the strange, grey-coated stallion that stood before her. His blue, star-embroidered cloak fluttered in the wind.

She stood weakly on her hooves, barely able to carry herself any further after weeks of starvation spent in the wilderness. Her similarly emaciated older sister stood next to her and beheld the stallion with eyes full of caution and calculation. Yet the eyes of the small, blue filly held nothing but boldness and steely determination as she spoke to the unicorn in a firm voice that belied her thin, trembling frame.

"Will you take us as your apprentices?"

It was almost too poetic to be possible that she would find herself on the opposite end of the exact same conversation that she had so very long ago. With a filly that seemed to embody both the best and worst aspects of Luna and her sister.

'Was it Fate or Destiny?'

That her life would come full circle in such a way. Did that mean that she should accept? Carry on the unbroken cycle of mentor and apprentice?

'Was that enough justification though?'

To tear a young filly away from her home and expose her to the worst that the world had to offer for no better reason than because Windy wanted adventure or was spiteful to her family.

Yet, would Luna’s discouragement be enough to keep her shackled to this town if she was determined to leave? Windy held potential, Luna could feel that, but she wasn't yet strong enough to face the world by herself, not nearly. Perhaps the safest place for her to be would be by Luna’s side.

She could teach Windy. Use her vast experience to help the filly avoid the same mistakes that had ruined Luna’s family. But, what right did the former ruler have to try to live vicariously through this filly and shape her into some sort of alternative version of her own younger self that had made better decisions?

Countless arguments and counter-arguments churned in her mind, like a violent maelstrom. She held a flat and unfazed exterior expression, but her thoughts threatened to consume her.

Yet, as each argument was whittled down to nothing in her mind. She arrived at the only logical conclusion. The only response that she could possibly give to the young pegasus.

As Luna’s eyes met with those of Windy's, she could see that a mixture of excitement and dread had bled into her expression of resolve and determination. The longer that Luna silently contemplated her answer, the greater the filly's anxiety grew until she was openly shifting from side to side in her chair and fidgeted with her wings.

Luna opened her mouth and prepared to give an answer that would forever shape the life of the young pegasus.


The simple answer rocked the filly, who leaned back as if she had been struck.

"What! Why not?" Windy demanded loudly, as she stood up from her seat, her hooves tightly clasped on the edge of the table. Her wings flared. The filly's facade now completely forgotten.

It was obvious how much this potential opportunity meant to the pegasus. Luna hated to shoot her down, but there was no other option. She had embarked on this journey to charge headlong straight into the teeth of the most terrible dangers of this world. She would not endanger the filly's life in such a way.

"How old are you, Windy?" Luna asked in a soft voice. A genuinely remorseful expression on her face.

The pegasus looked taken back at the question but soon responded.

"I'm sixteen years old," she answered heatedly. "But, that doesn't matter! I've been training all my life for this. I'm more than ready." Windy declared with a fiery look of determination.

'She really is both the best and the worst aspects of my sister and I.' Luna mused. Remembering the incendiary arguments that she used to have with Starswirl.

Sixteen was far older than the age that Luna had begun her apprenticeship, but the circumstances were not the same. Windy was not a starving orphan that she had found in the forest. She had a home. A family. Wind Chill might not have been the most attentive mother, but from what little she had spoken of her daughter to Luna on their tour. It was easy to see that she cared about Wind Scale.

Perhaps it was hypocritical of Luna to espouse the virtues of staying connected with family, but she refused to believe that Windy and her mother had burned the bridges between them so thoroughly that fleeing was the only option left available.

"You have family here Wind Scale," Luna tried to reason in a calm tone.

"And? So what?" The filly shot back. "You left your own family behind. And besides, I wouldn't be alone. I'll be travelling with you."

The alicorn grits her teeth at that. Why could this filly not understand how fortunate she was? The mayor might not be a perfect mother, but she was far better than no family or family that did not give a shit about you.

"I would be a poor substitute for a guardian, Windy. A mentor is not the same as a mother." Affirmed Luna in what she hoped was a de-escalatory tone.

"I was cared for by a team of nannies, so I wouldn't know what it's like to be raised by a mother." Windy seethed.

"You were still raised by ponies that cared for you. You don't know what it's like to be alone," Luna said, losing patience. Her own voice began to rise in volume. "To live your life without love or affection. Without family that cares and supports you. That isolation and detachment has broken ponies stronger than you. You have no idea what you're asking for!"

That appeared to be the exact wrong thing to say though as Windy sneered at the words.

"I am alone!" Windy seethed with a long-built that never had a chance to boil over until now. "My mother would rather spend her every waking moment mingling with her snooty, rich friends and figuring out new and innovative ways to grovel before nobles that don't give a damn about her than spend time with me!"

Luna recognised pent-up anger when she saw it. How long had this been bubbling up inside of her? The alicorn chose to let go of her own charged emotions, remain silent and let the filly continue to rage. She couldn’t take her away from this town, but at the very least she could lend an ear for Windy to vent her frustrations against. Hoping that it would grant her some level of catharsis and perhaps then she could be reasoned with.

"Everypony in this town would rather beg for scraps at the noble's table than try to do something about it. No pony sees it except for me. They are so content in their own little world that they don't see how far under the hoof of the Old Towns they are!" Windy carried on her rant gathering momentum as it drifted further and further away from the conversation topic as she aired out her grievances.

'Had she ever told anypony how she truly felt before?'

If her mentality was anything like Celestia’s, then probably not. Luna looked sadly at the filly in front of her that was still continuing to rant. This was probably the most honest conversation that she has had with anypony since she was a foal. The dams that held back her emotions and desires had been broken down in trying to convince Luna to take her as an apprentice and now it all spewed forth.

"And the worst part is that I can't do anything about it! Even if I became mayor, there is nothing that I could change. There is no justice. It's NOT FAIR!" Windy's voice cracked as she shouted the last line. Tears of frustration welled in her eyes as she lost control of her emotions.

'Fairness and justice. Is that what this was about?'

Is that what her Talent Mark represented? A set of balanced scales wrapped in a whirlwind. The pursuit of justice in an inherently unjust world.

'What a truly unfortunate Talent Mark to be burdened with if that is indeed the case.'

The need to make fair a society that can not be made fair. That not even an alicorn could make fair. It would explain her anger and frustration, as well as why she would wish to join Luna on her Trials.

Did that make Luna a hypocrite? To think of Windy's supposed destiny as impossibly doomed, when she herself was currently embarking on a quest to wage a one-mare war on all evil in this world.

The pegasus in question was currently slumped over with her head resting on the table atop her folded forelegs, crying. Her anger had burnt out leaving her with nothing, but miserable exhaustion. Not being able to express herself for so long had evidently resulted in emotional volatility.

Luna had underestimated how much this opportunity to travel with her had meant to Windy. This wasn't just a naive young mare trying to live out a fairy tale fantasy. She had pinned her hopes and dreams of fulfilling her destiny on Luna and the alicorn had so ruthlessly crushed those aspirations under her hoof without even realising how important this was to the filly.

The former princess gazed mournfully at the young pegasus as she tried to figure out a way to resolve the current predicament. She remained firm in her resolve to not endanger the filly's life by bringing Windy with her on her travels, but surely there had to be something that she could offer the filly.

She racked her brain to come up with an answer. Until suddenly a rather elegant solution began to form in her mind.

Luna leaned over and laid a comforting hoof on Windy's shoulder. An easy feat with her enormous height.

"What if I told you that there was a way for you to one day become my apprentice?" Luna said in a quiet, soothing voice.

Windy's head snapped up at the offer. A spark of anger briefly warred in her eyes, as if she wanted to renew their argument, but her hope and curiosity quickly smothered that spark as she awaited for Luna to continue with undisguised interest.

"Tomorrow I will teach you the fundamental techniques of advanced pegasus magic. If you can master them by the time I return to Valley Dale in two years, when you are an adult, and you still wish to travel with me, then I will accept you as my apprentice." Luna pitched the offer that she had crafted.

It wasn't perfect, but it solved multiple problems. It would give Windy time to repair relations with her mother, as well as time to truly weigh her options and consider if an apprenticeship under her was really what she wanted. It would test her commitment to practice every day and learn by trial and error to master what Luna taught her.

The alicorn would also be far more comfortable in taking on an adult as her student, who had spent multiple years contemplating Luna’s offer.

The filly desperately searched the former princess's face for any signs of deception. Almost unwilling to believe the offer laid before her.

"Do you promise to come back?" Windy asked in an almost pleading tone.

"I promise."

Author's Note:

And there it is. So fucking close to a 1000 likes! Please I just need 8 more!

I trimmed the conversation between Windy and Luna quite a bit. Most of that was just general back and forth where Luna brings up other arguments such as the potential dangers of their journey, Windy's inexperience and whether Windy had any right to demand that Luna take her. It was very repetitive of Luna bringing up a concern, then Windy dismissing it or saying that she is determined to prove herself regardless. There was also a part where Windy outright tells Luna the meaning of her Cutie Mark, but that section didn't flow well and I thought that it would be better if Luna just figured it out.

The idea of a pegasus becoming the student of a unicorn isn't an especially unusual one. There is a lot that a pegasus can do with their innate magic, but that is a topic that we will go over in greater detail when we get to the chapter when Luna trains Windy.

So it's obvious if you read my blog post that I've chosen to break up the chapter. I might even break it up again. One chapter for the magic show, one for Windy's training and maybe one for the farewell. Though, the training and farewell might be merged into one. I'll see how long those chapters come out to be.

Some of you might be a bit disappointed that Windy isn't joining Luna right away, but as they say, "No plan survives first contact with the enemy" and there are a lot of ways that circumstances can change.

Big thanks to my beta-readers:

I love reading your comments and hearing your opinions. As well as interacting with you guys. Leave your thoughts down below.