• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,892 Views, 1,396 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Interlude 2: Silver Scroll

Silver Scroll POV:

The room was in silence as the High Mage, Evening Sparkle, performed a battery of magical scans on the strange animal carcass that one of the Night Guard Commanders had brought in.

He had asked for absolute silence from those in the room as he went about his examinations. As the highest ranking Court Mage, his order was not one that was easily ignored. The room watched on with trepidation, awaiting the results. Each pony, already envisioning their next set plans or contingencies based on their own conclusions and what information they think the High Mage will deliver to them soon. Tensions ran high as each party grappled with the enormity of the unknowns that this situation had presented them with.

It was only due to years of practice in professionalism that allowed Silver Scroll to keep still and wear a calm face. It had been a demanding night from her as she tried to handle the fallout from the single worst animal attack that had occurred in years.

She had only heard snippets of what had transpired barely three hours earlier, but it had painted a grim picture in her mind. Some sort of creature had snuck into the town and had managed to ambush and kill at least 4 ponies before it had been interrupted and stopped by a patrolling Night Guard, during its fifth attack.

The abomination was like nothing Silver had ever seen before and she immediately ordered the High Mage to study the creature, as well as asking the Solar Captain to mobilise the Solar Guard and secure the town.

As the only senior aide to Celestia available at this hour, it had fallen to her to instil some semblance of order to the chaotic situation, at least until the Princess arrived. She wasn't trained for this, but spending 16 years as a Royal Secretary had at least given her enough experience to keep calm and do what she could to keep the crisis under control.

Silver Scroll lamented the awful timing of the incident. A flaring up of civil tensions in Cloudsdale had urgently required the Princess's attention and she had quickly departed the previous day. This had left only her and Princess Luna to manage affairs at the castle and with the younger Alicorn nowhere to be found at this hour, only she had the authority to organise any sort of response to the crisis.

'Although some had not wasted the opportunity to try to exert their own power.' Silver thought distastefully as she stared with disdain at one of the more lavishly dressed ponies currently occupying the room.

If she could say anything positive about Council Lord Gold Standard, it would be that he had an excellent nose for opportunity. He had been at the doorstep of the castle less than half an hour after the attack and had promptly inserted himself into the situation by any means that he could manage.

Even though, by all rights, she should have been in charge of the crisis response, Gold Standard had insisted that all information and decision making should be funnelled through him and obfuscated the integrity of her leadership whenever possible. He made full use of Princess Celestia’s absence to seize control of the situation, presumably to take credit for any positive outcome.

As one of the most influential Lords on the Council as well as having many allies within the Equestrian bureaucracy, it was not difficult for him to challenge her authority in the absence of the Solar Princess.

The worst part was that he had likely already concocted whatever scheme he was currently trying to execute, before Princess Luna was even known to be absent. It wouldn’t be the first time that the Council Lord had tried to undercut the younger Princess and position himself as the perceived second most powerful pony in the kingdom.

Silver Scroll seethed at the audacity. As a consummate administrator, Silver did not think very highly of Princess Luna's emotional and sometimes erratic behaviour. Especially her tendency to antagonise foreign representatives and Equestrian nobles, but despite her faults, she was undeniably royalty. Her authority was unimpeachable and the fact that a mere Lord would position himself as an equal or even a superior to one of their rulers was an absolute outrage.

Though as loathsome as he might be and as much as she might want him to get his comeuppance, Silver could do very little about him with her focus consumed by her task to manage the castle. His position as a court power-broker, as well as having a large support base, usually kept him from facing any severe consequences. The mare had half a mind to simply let him try to organise the crisis response by himself and suffer the humiliation of spectacularly failing at a task that he was utterly unqualified to perform. It was only a fleeting temptation however, she would never so blatantly derelict the duties that Princess Celestia had entrusted her with.

Hopefully either Princess would return soon. A dispatch flyer had been sent to Cloudsdale almost as soon as the attack had been brought to her attention. They should have reached the city by now and with good fortune, the Princess is already on route back. She didn't know how much more she could tolerate of Gold Standard.

Silver was roused from her musings by the magical aura fading from the horn of Evening Sparkle.

"And?" Gold Standard interjected, before Silver or anypony else could speak. "What have you discovered, Mage?"

Evening gave a slight irritated frown at the Lord before answering. The Court Mage was canny enough of a political player to realise exactly what Gold Standard was attempting to do by inserting himself into the centre of the proceedings. Though ultimately, he didn't care enough to do anything other than proceed with his report, but with a slight sharpness to his tone.

"The creature is not a manufactured construct. It was not artificially made or created in any way, by anyone. Of that, I can be certain." The High Mage began to explain concisely.

"You cannot mean to tell me that this beast is natural!" Gold Standard scoffed in incredulity at the Mage's assessment. "Normal animals are not made from wood!"

"You doubt my abilities?" The Mage questioned with a deepened frown.

"A fool can see that the creature is not natural." Said the Lord, oblivious to the extraordinarily powerful unicorn's darkening mood.

"I did not say that the creature was natural, merely that it was not purposely created." Evening clarified curtly, not rising to Gold Standard's antagonism.

"You speak in paradoxes, Mage." Interjected the Council Lord. "A creature is either natural or constructed. If you cannot properly analyse the beast, then say so and I will call for a more qualified wizard to do it instead."

The insult to the abilities of arguably the most powerful unicorn alive, went over about as well as expected. Even though ponies were in no way a predatory species, the low growl that emanated from the back of the unicorn's throat would not be out of place coming from a griffon or diamond dog.

Though Evening held occupational professionalism in high regard and usually had the patience of a Kirin Monk, it was obvious to the Secretary that Gold Standard was wearing his tolerance extremely thin.

"Are you implying that the creature has unnatural origins, yet was created by accident or chance?" Commented Silver on the subtext in the Mage's words, before the lord could further antagonise Evening.

As much as the mare would like to see Gold continue to make an enemy of the High Mage, the reason for their meeting was too important to be derailed by warring egos.

The Mage looked relieved that his explanation was not lost on at least some ponies in the room. The change of topic also looked to take the edge of his temper.

"That is correct. Generally, artificially created magical constructs have very structured and rigid magical cores as a byproduct of their creation."
He turned to address Silver directly and with a much softer tone. "The creature before me has a very organic and chaotic structure to their magical core. Much closer in nature to highly magical species such as Breezies."

"Could the creature have migrated from an otherworldly realm, like the Breezies or perhaps be a mutated member of an existing species." Commented Silver, trying to apply what little she could remember from her studies in magical theory.

Evening Sparkle simply shook his head. "Realm travel and biomancy leave very distinct magical auras. Both of which are absent in this case."

Silver frowned in confusion at what the wizard was telling her. Though before she could ask for clarification, Lord Gold Standard interjected.

"So it's not natural, nor created, nor summoned, nor foreign, nor mutated? So either you are wrong or this thing violates the very laws of magic." Said the noble with incredulity. "Unless you mean to tell us that a collection of magical energy spontaneously coalesced, for absolutely no discernable reason, into a giant wooden wolf?"

"That is precisely what I mean to tell you." Said Evening with a grim expression.

Gold Standard opened his mouth as if to retort, but no words came out. He opened and closed his mouth several more times wanting to reply, yet still struggling to digest what the Mage had told him.

"And what sort of magic has the ability to create such a phenomenon?" Silver asked with a rising sensation of dread.

"Chaos magic."

Author's Note:

A bit of a shorter one.

I had a lot of ideas about how to go about this chapter. How it would ties together the Luna and Storm Singer plot threads. The decision that I came to was a meeting over the autopsy of the Timber Wolf. I think that it worked out quite well.

This chapter was supposed to include Celestia’s return, but I had so many new ideas about how to handle that, that I split the chapter once again so that I could focus more on the fallout of her discovery about the chaos magic and Luna’s disappearance in the next chapter.

You can probably already guess who Evening Sparkle is related to. Originally I had named him Evening Nebula, but I thought that he would be more interesting if made him an ancestor to a Canon character, as opposed to just some random unicorn.

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