• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,917 Views, 1,398 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Interlude 7: Rain Shadow

Rain Shadow POV:

Even though it had been hours since she had awoken, the pegasus mare felt as though she was still suffering a nightmare, borne from the darkest recesses of her mind.

It had taken hours for her to digest what she had been told and even longer to begin to process her grief and misery.

Not everything was known about what exactly had transpired last night, but the information that had been drip-fed down to her was enough to shake her world.

Their raiding party had been mauled. Dozens of venerable warriors were dead. Her brother was dead. Her Lord was a heartbeat away from death. Her wing was crippled, possibly permanently. And they had left almost empty-hooved, with nothing to show for their losses.

The raid had gone worse than any previous raid in the history of Las Pegasus.

Now, standing in the royal wing of the Las Pegasus Infirmary and staring at the mangled body of Reverberating Infamy, it truly hit home how catastrophically wrong everything had gone.

The Overlord was barely kept alive. His vaunted, golden armour had partially melted and grafted itself onto his flesh. Encasing him in a golden tomb that reminded Rain Shadow of the sarcophaguses that they had looted from Maregypt years ago. Lines and lattices of glowing, magical enchantments hummed as they crisscrossed the warped and malformed plates of armour. The healing and life support enchantments were almost certainly the only things that were keeping him alive, or so one of their enslaved unicorns had theorised.

A rubber tube had been shoved down her Lord's throat and connected to a device in the corner of the room that the mare could only describe as looking similar to a set of blacksmith bellows. A nurse stood next to the machine twirled her wings in a steady rhythm and cast spells with her pegasus magic. Causing the flexible leather bag of the ‘bellows’ to inflate and deflate. Feeding pure oxygen into the lungs of Reverberating Infamy and hopefully alleviating some of the strain on the overburdened enchantments.

At least they had managed to swiftly retrieve their sovereign from the battlefield. Others, like Thunder Hoof and her brother, were not so lucky. Rain’s body almost physically shook with rage and as her imagination ran amok with visions of the filthy mud ponies of Valley Dale tossing her brother's body in a mass grave or on a pyre. No ceremony, no prayers to the Sky Goddess, no dignity.

So consumed was Rain by her internal strife, that she didn't even notice the stallion that had just entered the room and walked up alongside her. He laid a comforting wing across her back, careful to avoid touching the shattered shoulder joint of her wing and the cotton sling that held the limp appendage.

After snapping back to reality, she took notice of the familiar newcomer and addressed the stallion by way of a question.

“What did they say?” Rain asked Swift Cyclone, the elderly warrior who had once occupied her position in the Overlord's cadre and had thereafter been her unofficial mentor since his retirement.

“The Interim Leadership Council has elected Crimson Feather as Regent Overlord until either Infamy recovers, or the young princess reaches her majority.” Swift replied in a tired voice.

Rain shook her head in disbelief at that, almost snarling. “Our moment of greatest weakness and they choose the fucking quartermaster to lead us? He has never lifted a blade in his life.” She barked incredulously.

Swift sighed at her remark. “So much was lost in the raid last night that it will take us months, if not years to recover. The council has decided that we need somepony who is competent at counting costs and coins to guide us through a needed period of financial austerity and recovery. You should know enough about politics to understand that this is the way of things.”

Rain, not appreciating being lectured about politics and economics as though she were a foal, stepped forward and out of Swift's embrace. She was in no mood to suffer being talked down to.

The elder stallion recognised the mare's grief-fueled temper and opted to drop to the topic. He stepped forward as well to stand alongside her but refrained from wing-hugging her again.

Knowing that she would be unappreciative of consoling words or small talk and would prefer to focus on the task ahead of her, Swift remarked at the situation at hoof.
“It's almost impossible to believe that one mare could have inflicted such damage. That armour once belonged to Commander Hurricane. It was supposed to be invincible.”

Rain didn't have an immediate reply to that. Simply staring at her fallen leader, as if lost in thought. “Do we know who she was?” She eventually asked in a quiet, dangerous voice.

Swift Cyclone mulled the question over in his mind for a moment, debating how likely the answer was to further sour his apprentice's mood. Eventually, he decided to tread the path of honesty and merely nodded. “We interrogated one of the very few slaves that we managed to collect from Valley Dale before retreating. Apparently, the unicorn was a powerful Legacy Mage known as Starry Night. She had briefly stopped by the town and was likely still in the area when we struck.” Her mentor explained. “Bad luck, it seems…” he trailed off with a sigh.

“Or the Wind bitch lured the Mage there to fight her battles.” Rain sneered.

“Perhaps,” Swift conceded but with a tone that indicated that he wasn't completely convinced by the conspiracy. “However, the unicorn reportedly started her rampage on the outskirts of the town, and only an hour after we arrived. It's more likely that she was in the nearby countryside and noticed the commotion.”

“Did she suffer as she died?” Rain quietly seethed. Although, she was on the edge of tears. Her mind continually replayed the scene of her brother being cut to pieces by the psychotic unicorn in a swarm of blades and steel. She tried so desperately to reach him, to take him away and save him. Yet, her back suddenly exploded with pain and she knew nothing more.

“She was shot point-blank in the chest with a Quellium Arrow. I don't know how she managed to scrape together enough magic for a final blow against our Lord, but her death would have been an agonising one regardless.” Swift consoled but he wasn't sure how much comfort his protégé would take from his words.

Rain closed her eyes and shook her head. “We should go back and burn that pathetic shit-hole of a town to the ground!” Her tone was wrathful but Swift was familiar enough with loss and grief that he recognised the hurt and sorrow.

“We've already hit Valley Dale twice. Fillydelphia and Everfree cannot ignore this. Even with the Mage dead, the town is probably swarming with guards. The incident might have even caught the eye of the Princesses themselves. We can not go back. Do not allow your grief to cloud your better judgement.” Swift gently chided. He knew better than anypony how sorrow could make one irrational.

“Our mission isn't complete, we still need to retrieve the artefact for our client.” Rain retorted but it was a weak argument and she knew it.

“Fuck the client.” Swift snapped. It was the first time that he had raised his voice throughout the conversation. “I don't care what promises he made. It was a bad deal and we are cutting our losses.” He said with a tone of finality.

Instead of replying with a fiery retort as she normally would, Rain seemed to deflate. With Starry Night dead and no obvious remaining focus for her wrath, the anger and indignation which had propelled her the last few hours, seemingly burnt out.

Bowing her head in defeat, she didn't react as Swift nuzzled the side of her neck in comfort.

“What do we do now?” Rain asked in a quiet, almost lost voice.

“We go south.” The elderly warrior answered simply.

The mare was confused by the answer. “We are already above the Southern Plains. There is nothing to the south except for the vast jungles.”

“Further south. Beyond the jungles.”

“Zebrica?” Rain asked incredulously.

Swift gestured with a wing towards the comatose Overlord. “We've tried to get some of our unicorn slaves to cast healing spells but the enchantments on the armour appear to repel all magic. The only thing that seems to work is healing potions. Perhaps that's an oversight by the armour's creators or perhaps it's intentional but it seems to be the only way to effect any sort of healing on him.”

“If we have already figured out the solution, then why are we going south?” Rain asked, not comprehending the explanation.

“We have a very small supply of healing potions and they aren't particularly strong. If our Lord is to have any chance at survival, then we need access to far more potent elixirs.” Her mentor explained. “And what type of magic are the Zebra Tribes best known for?” He asked leadingly.

“...their alchemy.” Rain finished as realisation dawned on her.

Author's Note:

I'm not completely satisfied with the beginning and ending of this chapter but I think that it's good enough over all.

This chapter was originally about double the length. It was supposed to start with Rain Shadow waking up and we would follow her POV as she learned about the failed raid and tried to come to terms with her brother's death. But I felt that whole section was very subpar, so I cut most of it out.

It will be a long while before we catch up with Las Pegasus again but we have definitely not heard the last of Reverberating Infamy and his merry band of criminals.

Two more interludes. A quick and short one that will be out in less than a week and a long one that will combine all of the Everfree Castle POVs but will take me a while to write. Then we will go back to Luna waking up and confronting Pale Scepter's goons.

Las Pegasus has several buildings made from wood and normal building materials where they keep their Unicorn and Earth Pony slaves. I explained this in the cut section but couldn't find a way to insert this information in the finished chapter, so I'll just put it here. In case any of you were wondering about how Las Pegasus could keep non-pegasus slaves.