• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,917 Views, 1,398 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Interlude 4: Wind Chill

Wind Chill POV:

A whirlwind of emotions churned inside Wind Chill as she anxiously paced back and forth across the makeshift backstage. She made a mental note to reward the Carpentry Guild for their speedy work, somehow.

Planning helped Wind Chill keep calm. It made her feel productive and proactive, like she was in control. However, the higher-thought processes of her mind were very quick to remind her how little she actually controlled about this situation.

A soft chime came from the wall behind her, signalling that the moon had just risen over the horizon. The magical timepiece on the wall told her that about five minutes remained before the show was due to start. Time was running short. In many more ways than one.

She was not actually worried about the outcome of the show. Considering the dearth of talented unicorns within Valley Dale, the awaited crowd would be impressed by simple fireworks and flashing lights.

Speaking of talented unicorns. Wind Chill remarked at the coincidence of such a gifted Mage appearing just as things were beginning to unravel for her. It's almost too coincidental to be by happenstance. If she was a superstitious mare, she might have thought it to be divine providence.

She didn't know what to do with Starry Night, though. The mare was powerful, this she could tell. Pegasi were not very sensitive to magic in the same way that unicorns were, but even Wind Chill could feel a strange sense of gravity around the mare. A power that lurked beneath the surface. There were also the mild headaches that she would get when trying to focus on some aspects of the Mage's appearance. They were subtle signs to those who were not looking for them, but Wind Chill was a very observant mare and once she suspected that there was more to Starry than met the eye, they were an obvious clue that a disguise spell was being used.

She had read enough of the magical lore tomes in her family library to appreciate what a feat such a spell was to cast. It more than proved her credentials as a competent sorceress even before her little impromptu magic show before the foals.

However, as much as she could glean more insight into the mare than the average pony, Starry was a brick wall emotionally. She had tried all afternoon to get her to open up, but all of her attempts had been rebuffed with ease, even her more subtle tactics. It made her more curious than ever about the unicorn's background.

One doesn't just attain that level of political awareness by spending all of their time killing monsters or repelling bandit attacks. There was more to Starry's background than she was letting on. Perhaps she was a rogue Court Mage or wayward Noble daughter. Wind Chill wasn't sure how she would discern the truth if it was even possible for her to do so at all. There simply wasn't enough time to pick apart the mystery that was Starry Night and she had far more pressing concerns on her plate regardless.

If she was sincere in her explanation that she was only in Valley Dale to purchase food and supplies, then even Wind Chill's time-delaying tactic of pressuring the mare into this magic show would only postpone her departure by a day or two.

Ironically enough, it had been Starry's impromptu magic show for Valley Dale's foals that the pegasus mayor had observed the first authentic emotions that had beached the unicorn's stoic mask. The genuine joy that the Mage had taken in entertaining the foals was enough proof for the mayor of her apparent lack of malevolence to allow her daughter to spend time with her.

Windy had inherited Wind Chill's gift of being able to read ponies like an open book, but instead of winning friends and influencing important ponies around her, she had become a loner and a firestarter. Identifying weaknesses in the upper crust ponies of Valley Dale and stirring conflict. Seldom endearing herself to those who would one day be vital in her future reign as mayor of this town.

Perhaps a repeated bashing of her head against the proverbial brick wall that was the strange unicorn's near-impenetrable emotional barrier would be the exact sort of humbling that Windy needed to be convinced to take her mother's lessons in politics more seriously. Even if it was impossible for Wind Chill to make use of Starry in any meaningful way, perhaps at least something of value could be achieved from the endeavour if her daughter could gain some worldly experience and grow her character.

Ponies of Starry's mettle were few and far between. It will be a positive experience for Windy to be exposed to a more formidable type of pony than the barely competent sycophants and self-obsessed morons that Wind Chill chose to surround herself with.

The pegasus gazed impatiently at the timepiece once more. Windy was about to be late. The ponies in the audience wouldn't mind of course, with no magical timepieces among them to keep track exactly of the time, they knew nothing more than that the show would start 'soon after sunset'. Whether that be five minutes from now or twenty, they wouldn't know any better.

It was the principle of the matter though. If, as mayor, Windy ever has the misfortune of dealing with the region's Nobility, they will not be the sort to tolerate tardiness easily.

As Wind Chill finished the thought, the rear backstage door opened to reveal the very ponies she was just thinking about. The tall unicorn looked as stoic and graceful as ever, while her daughter looked crestfallen and somewhat miserable.

'Hopefully, she learned something from the experience.' The mayor thought to herself. It wasn't often that her daughter didn't get her way, but it was an important life lesson to learn that sometimes failure and disappointment are to be expected. Not everypony can be manipulated, and if she is to become a great leader, she needs to understand how to work around that rather than just sulk when things don't go exactly according to plan.

The faint dampness in Windy's eyes did give the mayor pause though. She hoped that Starry wasn't too harsh on the filly. She knew that her daughter had a talent for getting under the skin of ponies sometimes, but if she discovered that the Mage had been overly cruel in her rebuke of Windy's manipulations, then she would be having stern words with the unicorn.

She was also somewhat proud of her daughter for being able to put on a tough face and carry out her given task, even after being greatly upset. The ability to soldier on through difficult circumstances is one that will serve her well in the future.

Perhaps she should reward her daughter somehow?

Maybe she will buy her another one of those adventure books that she seemed to enjoy.

Wind Chill shook the thought out of her mind. The show was about to begin and she had to prioritise that first. However, she would be speaking to Windy later about what exactly had happened between her and Starry.

"You are both here, that's wonderful," the mayor greeted in a cheerful tone. "And just in time too, the show is about to begin!"

"Thank you for arranging this event Mrs Wind Chill," replied the unicorn in a measured cadence.

As she was speaking to Starry, her daughter wandered off to a gap in the curtains to look over the gathered crowd.

"There is something else I wish to speak to you about," the Mage stated in a slightly more serious tone.

Out of the corner of her eye, the mayor saw the air in the space between them and Windy shimmer. The low din of the softly murmuring crowd vanished in an instant.

'Some sort of soundproofing spell, perhaps?'

The mayor cringed internally. Her daughter must have upset Starry to an incredible degree if the unicorn immediately pulled Wind Chill aside and wished to have a conversation out of earshot of Windy.

'Oh my daughter, what have you done now?' She sighed to herself.

It wouldn't be the first time that the mayor would have to excuse her daughter's behaviour, nor the first time that she had to placate a pony more powerful than herself. Perhaps it was a mistake sending her daughter to deal with the magician.

"I had a conversation with Windy this afternoon and she has said a few things that I have grown concerned about," the unicorn continued.

The pegasus braced herself and began to think of ways to make excuses for her daughter. She just hoped that Starry would not abandon the show. It would be difficult to walk back that embarrassment among the citizens of Valley Dale.

"I don't normally enjoy inserting myself into the personal businesses of others, but I feel that I must say my piece regarding this matter. I believe that you have been an emotionally neglectful mother to Wind Scale." The Mage finished.

The mayor was so caught off-guard by that last sentence that she physically recoiled and took a step back.

"What?! I am no such thing!" She exclaimed with great offence. Her diplomatic and appeasing demeanour was replaced in an instant with defensive hostility at the incendiary accusation.

Her mind quickly caught up with her emotions though and she chilled her anger as best she could.

'What sort of game was this unicorn playing?'

What was her angle? Why attack her through her daughter?

It had been a very effective tactic in knocking the pegasus off balance, but what did she stand to gain from such manipulation? Perhaps she had misjudged Starry's supposed benevolence, because as soon as she showed her a weakness in the form of a troubled daughter whom she loved dearly, the Mage had weaponised that against her.

'To what end, though?'

To blackmail or to draw concessions, maybe?

It didn't make sense. There was something that she was missing and she struggled to think with logical clarity through her tumultuous thoughts. However, her pride won out in the end and she couldn’t let such an accusation remain unanswered.

"My daughter has never gone wanting. I have given her everything she could ever need. I vehemently dispute your claims of negligence" Wind Chill forced out in a calm but curt tone.

The unicorn appeared unfazed by her defence and continued to stare impassively at the politician. If anything, appearing slightly disappointed at the rebuttal.

"Physically perhaps, but not emotionally. You were absent from her life and hired others to raise her on your behalf." Starry replied in a flat tone.

"No, I gave her the greatest upbringing and education that money can buy. Those tutors and nurse-maids are among the finest in the world and are the jealousy of even nobles!" Wind Chill insisted defiantly. Not allowing her past actions to be misconstrued in such a manner.

"You're right, she had everything she could possibly want… except for a mother. You can't raise a foal on money alone, Wind." The Mage responded in a melancholic voice.

"How I raise my daughter is none of your business Mage. Everything I do is for her betterment. She is destined to one day inherit this town and everything in it." The pegasus argued fiercely.

The unicorn didn't back down, however. "Is that the destiny she chose for herself or the one that you forced on her?"

"It is the destiny of our entire family! Of myself and every Wind before us for more than a century!"

Wind Chill knew intellectually that she should de-escalate, but Starry's line of accusation hit so close to home that she couldn't help but be drawn further into the argument. To the point where she was almost yelling.

"Is that the destiny that you chose for yourself?" The unicorn asked pointedly as she leaned slightly to the side to gaze at the mayor's flanks. "A pair of icy wings wrapped around a sword? Not a Talent Mark typical of career bureaucrats and politicians. You would ask her too to abandon her dreams for the sake of your family's dynasty?"

The barb cut deeper into Wind Chill than the unicorn would ever know, but she didn't allow Starry the satisfaction of seeing her flinch at the accusation.

"The things that I have sacrificed…" The mayor's voice cracked with emotion as she spoke before she inhaled a steadying breath and began to enunciate more forcefully. "Dreams are for foals, Night. I grew up and accepted my duties and responsibilities in this world. One day, Windy will too."

"If you force her down this path. She will hate you for it."

The words chilled the mayor down to her bones as against her will her mind replayed a memory that she fought so hard to keep buried.

The young filly lay curled in a fetal position within a corner of the bedroom. Her small body heaved with barely restrained sobs as rivulets of blood trickled down her coat.

She raised her head to glare balefully at the pegasus mare that stood above her.

"I hate you!" The filly seethed with as much venom laced in her high-pitched voice as she could manage.

The mare, Gale Wind, stood imperiously above her daughter, leather strap still clutched in her hoof.

"Perhaps, but one day you will thank me, for you will be strong enough to confront this world alone and survive all of the evils within it," She spoke with a pitying voice, but with an undertone of uncompromising steel. "Now, hold still my dear, it'll be over soon."

She raised the leather strap once again.

The long-since faded scars hidden beneath Wind Chill's coat started to burn as though they had been freshly inflicted.

"No! No, no, no, no…" The mayor began to shake her head violently in denial. "I am not her! I will NEVER be her! I swore that I would never become that!"

She retreated backwards a few steps, almost tripping over her own hooves as she reeled from the emotional whiplash.

Starry's stoic mask yielded as she stared at the quivering mare with eyes full of sorrow and sympathy.

"I won't pretend to know all that has gone on in your life Wind or understand what you are so afraid of, but your daughter needs you to be there for her. She needs it more desperately than either of you realise." The unicorn consoled in an empathic tone.

"She is better off in the care of her nannies and tutors…" Wind Chill weakly retorted. Her head still fogged with warring emotions.

"If you try to keep her at a foreleg's length, then you will lose her forever." The Mage sighed, before taking a moment to weigh her next words. "Windy has asked me to take her away. She wanted to come with me on my journey as an apprentice and leave Valley Dale forever."

Wind Chill's head shot up in disbelief as tried to search Starry's face for any hint of deception. Her shaky limbs froze stiff as though frigid ice had been injected into her veins.

"No!" The pegasus exclaimed in refusal. "She wouldn't! I mean…"

A glance to her side revealed differently, however. The morose and defeated expression with which Windy gazed out into the crowd, provided more than enough of a snapshot of her daughter's physique that it began to dawn on Wind Chill how badly she had misjudged the foundation of their relationship.

"I knew that she was upset, but I didn't think that… I didn't know…"

As the mayor trailed off quietly, a comforting hoof rested on her shoulder.

"I know very well what it is like to watch your family fall apart before your eyes. It might be too late for me, but it's not too late for you. You still have time." She assured the pegasus.

"Is there time though?" Wind Chill questioned defeatedly.

She had never considered the possibility of Windy just leaving and abandoning her destiny, though the more she ruminated over it, the more disturbingly credible the idea became.

For years, the mayor had sought to build a fiefdom that her daughter would one day rule over. Perhaps they would even force their way into the hallowed ranks of nobility. After generations of hardship and toil, her family would finally be justly rewarded.

And yet, it was Wind Chill herself that had destroyed it all. Through her callousness and ignorance, she had alienated her own daughter and forced her out. All of her plans and schemes suddenly weren't worth the paper they were written on if it came at the cost of her daughter.

She thought that she was protecting Windy, and yet she had harmed her in ways that her own mother could never manage. How could she have been so blind?

Starry's grip on her shoulder tightened, drawing the mayor's focus back from her self-deprecating thoughts.

"There is still time. Two years to be precise." The Mage told her seriously.

"What? How?" Wind Chill questioned in reply. Her logical mind struggled to deduce the unicorn's reasoning as she still grappled internally with all that she had just been told.

"I told her that she could only come with me once she has become an adult and until then, if you ever tried to make amends, she would give you a chance."

The mayor wasn't sure what to believe. Dismay, fear and hope clouded her mind, like a suffocating miasma. She searched the Mage's eyes once more. Vainly attempting to find an indication of deception, proof that all of this was some sort of psychological tactic that was wielded against her and not the truth of her reality. However, she found irises not full of malice and fraudulence, but rather of compassion and sincere sympathy. Of a dark past and a desire to help.

The mayor sniffed back tears as she tried to collect herself. Now resolute in her desire to mend a relationship that she didn't know until now was even broken.

"I wouldn't even know where to start." Wind Chill said quietly, but less defeatist than before.

Starry looked distinctly uncomfortable and uncertain at the question but did her best to answer as confidently and sage-like as she could. "I can't answer the question of what you can do to win back her trust. However, knowing what I know about Windy, she will appreciate the effort of it, no matter what you do."

The pegasus nodded at that.

"I… thank you, Starry." Wind Chill expressed gratefully. "I don't know why you chose to help us, but thank you."

"I did it for myself as well." The unicorn replied in a forlorn voice with a faraway look in her eyes. "It gladdens me to know that there is hope for others, that they can succeed where I have failed…"

There was obviously a lot of history behind that loaded comment, but Wind Chill chose not to pry.

"Starry Night… Starry Night… Starry Night…"

A low chant from the outside crowd greeted the mayor's ears. The Mage had evidently dropped the sound-dampening spell and the murmuring of a growingly impatient crowd became apparent. The chant was good-natured and originated from a place of excitement, rather than anger or frustration, but the two mares shouldn't delay any longer.

"Perhaps it's time to make your entrance?" Wind Chill broached to the azure unicorn.

"Indeed. Would you care to announce me?"

"I'd be delighted." The mayor accepted with a grateful smile.

However, as she approached the heavy curtains that her daughter was currently staring out of, a loud, deliberate cough by the Mage behind her caught the mare's attention. As she turned her head around, she saw Starry gaze very pointedly at Windy before directing her head to point at the stage beyond them.

It took a moment for Wind Chill to decipher Starry's message, but she soon realised exactly what was needed of her. Her throat dried up and her legs turned lead as she tried to figure out how to approach her daughter.

As the mayor walked up alongside Windy, she hesitantly placed one of her wings over the younger pegasus' back. However, her daughter's uncomfortable stiffening at the contact made her withdraw the wing quickly.

"Windy, my dear…" The mayor broached in an uncertain voice as she outstretched her hoof. "Would you like to perform the announcement with me?"

The surprise and mistrust etched onto her daughter's face at the request was like a dagger of ice to the mayor's heart.

She cringed further as the filly looked towards Starry as if searching for confirmation or advice. An encouraging, almost pleading expression from the unicorn seemed to help Windy decide on the matter.

It hurt to realise that her daughter trusted a near complete stranger over her own mother.

"I would." The filly answered in a small voice, taking her mother's outstretched hoof in her own. A cautious but hopeful expression filled her face.

As the two walked out together to announce Starry, Wind Chill couldn’t help but grin at the fresh chance that she had been given. She would do right by her daughter this time.

However, the sobering reality of her situation refused to grant her mind any peace. Despite Starry's promise to Windy, the mayor knew that she did not have two years to redeem herself. No, her day of judgment was arriving far more rapidly.

Very soon, she will need to commit the greatest act of deception and fraudulence that has ever manged in her life.

If she fails…

… then she will lose everything, possibly even her daughter. Though now she was even more determined to fight for what she had.

Author's Note:

Finally, a chapter that didn't take me a whole month to write. I've been promising you guys quicker turn around on my uploads and hopefully this will be a trend that I continue.

The only part of this chapter that I'm not very happy with is the first few exchanges between Luna and Wind Chill. It feels very stilted and unnatural. I cut out a whole bunch of the argument as it was mostly meaningless back-and-forth that didn't really tell us anything. So if it feels like there are gaps in the conversation, then it is because there is.

I hope you guys like my portrayal of Wind Chill. A very interesting character to write. I spent the past month thinking a lot about how to handle her characterisation and I like the ultimate result. There was so much more fertile ground in coming up with Wind Chill's background than I could have imagined and I'm a bit sad that we won't see much more of her after Luna leaves Valley Dale.

I hope that you can see why I decided to publish this chapter out of chronological order. The magic show arc was supposed to be focused on Luna. This was her moment in the sun. I felt that this chapter would have derailed that focus, which is why I kept it out until now.

The next chapter will probably be a very rushed one in terms of pace. I could spend another 10 chapters in Valley Dale if I wanted to, but there is a lot of stuff that needs to get done and things that need to move forward. So I'm going to try to include both Winy's training and Luna’s departure in the same chapter.

My main editor is on a bit of a sabbatical at the moment, so be merciful with the spelling and grammar corrections in the comments.

Big thanks to my beta-readers:

I love reading your comments and hearing your opinions. As well as interacting with you guys. Leave your thoughts down below.